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About This File

A small script that allows you to run AutoIt code from any web browser by creating a special 'autoit:' protocol. Before you use the protocol, run 'install.au3'!

What's New in Version 1.1.0


  • str-format() directive
  • Now the handler asks every time when you execute a script if you want to proceed.

User Feedback

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Very Nice.  Before, I had a system setup for a powershell script to download autoit, install it, then download mu autoit scripts from Github.com's Gist service, then have autoit command line compile it, THEN run it.  Sounds like this will be Verrrry useful.  cant wait to try



This can also pose many vulnerabilities to the user, I haven't checked the script yet, but I recommend using a wrapper script to warn the user before executing any code!

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