About This File
ADCU displays two Active Directory users and their group membership in two listviews. You can filter and export the data to Excel, Outlook mail and the clipboard.
Before running the script you need to change file AD-Tools.ini and function _Check_Access inĀ AD-Tools_User.au3.
BTW: If you like this UDF please click the "I like this" button. This tells me where to next put my development effort
Needs to be run with the latest AutoIt production version (>=
Needs to be run with the latest version of the AD UDF (>=
What's New in Version
- GUI: Enhanced resizing.
What's New in Version
- User Functions: Define functions for the Main GUI, the Listviews and the Detail GUI. Buttons/Context menu entry is created using the information from the Ini-File.
- User Functions: Define a function that is called for every record before it is being displayed to modify the record to your liking.
- Column Headers: Change the text of the column headers by setting a key in the Ini-File.
- Select Properties: Now you can select the properties to be displayed by setting a key in the Ini-File.
- Detail GUI: Copy the whole table to the clipboard
- Enhanced performance: Filtering the displayed data is much faster.
- Documentation: The word/PDF documentation explains the new features
- Search feature: ADCU uses ANR (Ambiguos Name Resolution) to search in all naming related AD fields.
- GUI: You can now resize the GUI and get better results (controls stay in place).
- GUI: Resize the GUI to your liking. Size and position of the GUI will be restored on next open