About This File
Eigen4AutoIt Features:
- free, fast matrix computing environment for Windows (runs under Wine on Linux and Mac)
- built upon the robust Eigen code base (open-source), with many enhancements
- simple, intuitive functions, with extensive online documentation
- supports integer, single, and double precision, in real and complex matrices
- Tutorials with scripts, plus Test scripts for each function section
- easily exchange data between native binary files (.mat) and ASCII, Excel, and Xbase files, or AutoIt arrays
- 32-bit (x86-mode) and 64-bit (x64-mode) support
- in x64-mode, matrices can be any size that fits into available virtual memory (>4GB), and can be shared between processes
- over one thousand alias wrappers for flexibility and ease-of-use
The Eigen4AutoIt thread is here:
This computing environment allows you to do matrix I/O (memory & files), matrix arithmetic, transformation, reduction, and decomposition, solve systems of linear equations, and perform statistics. Most functions can act on integer, real, or complex matrices (or the latter's real/imaginary parts separately). Much of the actual complexity of using Eigen in its native C++ environment has been hidden for AutoIt users, through extensive bounds and error checks, an intuitive function-naming convention, a large help file, and detailed tutorials and test examples.
What's New in Version 5.5
- Added: File I/O functions _Eigen_LoadMatrix_Binary and _Eigen_SaveMatrix_Binary, for directly retrieving/storing (uncompressed) raw binary data without matrix file header. See new test script _EigenTest_32_BitAndByteOps.au3.
- Added: Matrix Management functions _Eigen_BitFlip/BitReset/BitSet/BitTestMatrixValue, operating on a designated bit (0-31) in a single integer matrix cell value.
- Added: Matrix Management function _Eigen_LogicalMatrixValue, to perform logical operations on a single integer matrix cell value.
- Added: logical operators (all except: "not") for CwiseScalarOp functions for integer matrices.
- Added: Transformation functions: _Eigen_BytesToInts, _Eigen_IntsToBytes, _Eigen_WordsToInts, _Eigen_IntsToWords, to rowwise pack/unpack integer matrices at byte or word width. See again new test script _EigenTest_32_BitAndByteOps.au3.
- Added: Transformation functions: _Eigen_Pack_Rowwise/UnPack_Rowwise, to un/pack up to 32 bit0 cells into a single byte, acting Rowwise (see below for Colwise variants).
- Added: CwiseUnaryOp operator "reverseBits" (ID: 37), for integer matrices only.
- Added: optional flag $noHeader (default: False) to several File I/O functions; when set, raw binary data can be directly loaded from/saved to file, without expecting/reading/writing a prepended matrix file header. (Use with caution.) This feature does not apply to functions involving compressed matrix files.
- Added: Statistics functions _Eigen_Gauss_CumulProb/_InPlace, to compute cumulative probabilities per cell from raw data, assuming an underlying Gaussian distribution.
- Changed: Boost includes for dll's upgraded to release version 1.83.0.
- Changed: Windows Platform Toolset upgraded to release version 143.
- Changed: Windows SDK upgraded to release version 10.0.22621.0.
- Changed: transformation functions: _Eigen_Pack/UnPack renamed to _Eigen_Pack_Colwise/UnPack_Colwise; original names demoted to alias wrappers (but still functional).
- Fixed: _Eigen_Set_Random_Integer function and variants interpreted the parsed bounds incorrectly.
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