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About This File

Title: Internet Explorer Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3

Filename: IE.au3

Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading from and manipulating Internet Explorer

Author: DaleHohm

Version: T3.0-0

Last Update: 9/3/12

Requirements: AutoIt3 3.3.9 or higher

This version is checked into the development stream for the next AutoIt beta release, but will work with the most recently released V3.3.9.x beta.

I am releasing it here so that it can get some testing now and help some people with some of the issues it fixes in the realm of COM error handling (and "the WEND error").

This file will be removed when it is included in a public beta release.


What's New in Version T3.0-0


  • Update History:
  • ===================================================
  • T3.0-0 9/3/12
  • Fixes
  • - Removed __IEErrorHandlerREgister() and all internal calls to it. Unneeded as COM errors are no longer fatal
  • - Removed code depricated in V2
  • - Fixed _IELoadWait check for unrecoverable COM errors
  • - Removed Vcard support from _IEPropertyGet (IE removed support in IE7)
  • - Code cleanup with #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6
  • New Features
  • - Added "scrollIntoView" to _IEAction
  • Enhancements
  • - Added check in __IEComErrorUnrecoverable for COM error -2147023179, "The interface is unknown."
  • - Added "Trap COM error, report and return" to functions that perform blind method calls (those without return values)

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Thanks for update.

Can you do any example for:

  • New Features
  • - Added "scrollIntoView" to _IEAction



Please ask these sorts of questions in the support forum.



This script doesn't run for me - I don't receive any errors - it just exits..

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