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Search and Get mp3 from Internet : Topic

If UAC enabled, Run it as Administrator for the first execution.

What's New in Version   See changelog


Most previous websites used are dead or have changed the way to get links, 
so instead of try to repair the previous version, i have created a complete new version.

The main tendency is the simplification :

Only one website : audiodump (Up to 500 results by request)
Script use now the little pearl created by Ward : curl.au3
It permit to create tasks (get source and get multi mp3) in asynchronous mode.
So now, no need to use several executables and no more gui who do not respond in case of connection problems. 
Script use Bass.dll X86 loaded in memory for play songs.

Result is light and fast, but don't abuse of audiodump servers who are not beasts of race.

Warning : For avoid errors with curl.au3, you'll need to comment the line 63 : ;~ #Include <BinaryCall.au3>

@AutoItX64 not supported and only tested on Win7X64 and Win8.1X64.

As your browser, use Ctrl+w for remove the current Tab.
And also Ctrl+q for set/remove Gridlines.
Events are displayed to the bottom of the Gui.

Thanks to Kanashius and JohnOne for their help.

Bug Corrected.


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