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About This File

GUICtrlOnHover library allows to set event function for the window control hover process.


_GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister(ControlID [, OnHoverFunc [, OnLeaveHoverFunc [, PrimaryDownFunc [, PrimaryUpFunc [, KeepCall_PrDn_Func [, KeepCall_Hover_Func]]]]]])

ControlID can be -1 as in Build-In functions!


#include "GUICtrlOnHover.au3"Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)$Btn_Color = 0x7A9DD8$Hover_Color = 0xFF0000 ;0x7AC5D8$GUIMain = GUICreate("Letters Hovering Example", 570, 200)GUISetOnEvent(-3, "Quit")_CreateLetters_Proc(10, 60, 18, 20)GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 30, 120, 100, 30)GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Quit")GUICtrlSetFont(GUICtrlCreateLabel("Letter: ", 35, 170, 200, 20), 9, 800)$Status_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 80, 171, 200, 20)GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000)GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 800)GUISetState()While 1    Sleep(100)WEndFunc _CreateLetters_Proc($iLeft, $Top, $Width=15, $Height=15)	Local $iLeft_Begin = $iLeft	Local $iAsc_Char = 64		For $i = 0 To 25		$iLeft_Begin += 20		$iAsc_Char += 1		GUICtrlCreateButton(Chr($iAsc_Char), $iLeft_Begin, $Top, $Width, $Height)				_GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister(-1, "_Hover_Func", "_Leave_Hover_Func")		GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_Letter_Events")		GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $Btn_Color)		GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 6)	NextEndFuncFunc _Letter_Events()	MsgBox(64, "Pressed", "Letter = " & GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId))EndFuncFunc _Hover_Func($iCtrlID)	GUICtrlSetBkColor($iCtrlID, $Hover_Color)	GUICtrlSetData($Status_Label, GUICtrlRead($iCtrlID))	Beep(1000, 20)EndFuncFunc _Leave_Hover_Func($iCtrlID)	GUICtrlSetBkColor($iCtrlID, $Btn_Color)	GUICtrlSetData($Status_Label, "")EndFuncFunc Quit()    ExitEndFunc

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