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About This File

A simple monitoring program with a few options available. Monitors core temperature, memory usage, and harddrive space. The Defrag Memory option is unstable for now untill I have time to make an update. :P


;=======================================================================; Project Name:	 Ska (System Kore Agent); Version:		  1.0601; Author(s):		Particle/Rodent; Email:			echibahn@yahoo.com; Date Created:	 November 10,2008; Description:	  Monitors the conditions of system core elements;=======================================================================;=======================================================================;Copied Source Codes From: CPU Info;; Author(s):		Jesse Griffin; Email:			griffin.jesse@gmail.com;=======================================================================;=======================================================================; Copied Source Codes From: Memory Fusion;; Author(s):		MrBond007 (Baki) & Picasso (Fida Florian); Comments:		 Recover function belongs to W0uter;=======================================================================

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