#include-once #include #include #include ; AutoIt Ver" $FT_Ver = "Ver 2.5.2 " ; 11/26/2008 ; By Valuater... 8) ;Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) _FreeText_Functions() Func _FreeText_Create($String, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 50, $Color = "Black", $Font = "Arial", $Weight = 1000) Local $TL_S = StringSplit($String, ""), $T_GUI[UBound($TL_S)][2], $rgn, $Space = 2 ; Adjust as needed If $Left = -1 Then $Left = (@DesktopWidth * .5) - (($TL_S[0] * $Size) * .6) ; Adjust as needed If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = 1 To $TL_S[0] $T_GUI[$x][0] = GUICreate("", $Size + $Space, $Size + $Space, $Left + ($x * ($Size + $Space)), $Top, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) GUISetBkColor($Color) $rgn = CreateTextRgn($T_GUI[$x][0], $TL_S[$x], $Size, $Font, $Weight) SetWindowRgn($T_GUI[$x][0], $rgn) $T_GUI[$x][1] = $TL_S[$x] GUISetState() Next Return $T_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Create Func _FreeText_CreateBackGround($Color = "Random", $trans = 200) If $Color = "Random" Then $Color = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) Local $BK_GUI = GUICreate("", @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, 0, 0, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) GUISetBkColor($Color) GUISetState() WinSetTrans($BK_GUI, "", $trans) Return $BK_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_CreateBackGround Func _FreeText_CreateBalls($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 40, $Color = "Random") Local $Arc = $Size * .5 Local $Ball_GUI = FreeText_CreateMachine($Count, $Left, $Top, $Size + 10, $Color, $Arc, 1) Return $Ball_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_CreateBalls Func _FreeText_CreateBlocks($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 20, $Color = "Random") Local $Block_GUI = FreeText_CreateMachine($Count, $Left, $Top, $Size, $Color) Return $Block_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_CreateBlocks Func _FreeText_CreateCubes($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 20, $Color = "Random") Local $Arc = $Size * .2 Local $Cube_GUI = FreeText_CreateMachine($Count, $Left, $Top, $Size, $Color, $Arc) Return $Cube_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_CreateCubes Func _FreeText_CreateGlitter($Color = "Random", $Count = 100, $time = 4000, $delete = 0, $delay = 1) Local $Stars = FreeText_CreateMachine($Count, -1, -1, 7, $Color, 2); white for snow _FreeText_Scatter($Stars, 300, 1, 1, 0) If $time > 0 Then _FreeText_Rainbow($Stars, $time, $delay) If $delete Then $Stars = _FreeText_Delete($Stars) Return $Stars EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_CreateGlitter Func _FreeText_Animate($T_GUI, $style = 1, $speed = 500) ; $style - 1=Fade, 3=Explode, 5=L-Slide, 7=R-Slide, 9=T-Slide, 11=B-Slide, ; $style - 13=TL-Diag-Slide, 15=TR-Diag-Slide, 17=BL-Diag-Slide, 19=BR-Diag-Slide If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $pick = StringSplit('80000,90000,40010,50010,40001,50002,40002,50001,40004,50008,40008,50004,40005,5000a,40006,50009,40009,50006,4000a,50005', ",") If $style > $pick[0] Then $style = 1 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Local $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $T_GUI[$x][0], "int", $speed, "long", "0x000" & $pick[$style]) Sleep(50) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Animate Func _FreeText_Blink($T_GUI, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = 1 If $reverse = "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how Sleep($delay) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $T_GUI[$x][0]) Sleep($delay) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $T_GUI[$x][0]) Next Sleep($delay) If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_Blink($T_GUI, $delay, "now") Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Blink Func _FreeText_Bump($T_GUI, $bump = 15, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 ; same as Vertical Shockwave Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = 1, $Tpos If $reverse = "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1] + $bump) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1] - $bump) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1]) Next If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_Bump($T_GUI, $bump, $delay, "now") Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Bump Func _FreeText_ColorStrobe($T_GUI, $delay = 20, $colors = "yellow,green,blue,Red", $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = 1, $rcolors = $colors, $Color_Hold, $Color If $reverse = "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 $colors = StringSplit($colors, ",") For $i = 0 To UBound($colors) - 1 $Color = $colors[$i] If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how Sleep($delay) GUISetBkColor($Color, $T_GUI[$x][0]) Next Next Sleep($delay) If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_ColorStrobe($T_GUI, $delay, $rcolors, "now") Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_ColorStrobe Func _FreeText_Delete($T_GUI) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep(1) GUIDelete($T_GUI[$x][0]) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Delete Func _FreeText_DeleteOne(ByRef $T_GUI, $Char_Number_or_Random = "Random") If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Char_Number_or_Random) = 0 Then $Char_Number_or_Random = _FreeText_Random($T_GUI) If $Char_Number_or_Random >= UBound($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $1st = UBound($T_GUI, 1) - 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI, 2) - 1 GUIDelete($T_GUI[$Char_Number_or_Random][0]) For $i = $Char_Number_or_Random To $1st - 1 For $x = 0 To $2nd $T_GUI[$i][$x] = $T_GUI[$i + 1][$x] Next Next ReDim $T_GUI[$1st][$2nd + 1] Return $T_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_DeleteOne Func _FreeText_Explode($T_GUI, $delete = 1, $delay = 3) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $cnt = 5, $Stars = FreeText_CreateMachine($cnt, 0, -10, 6, "random", 0, 0, @SW_HIDE) Local $Tpos, $RColor For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) For $s = 1 To $cnt WinMove($Stars[$s][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1]) Next For $c = 1 To $cnt GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Stars[$c][0]) Next If $delete = 1 Then GUIDelete($T_GUI[$x][0]) If $delete = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $T_GUI[$x][0]) _FreeText_Scatter($Stars, 40, 1, 1, 0) For $p = 1 To 6 For $t = 1 To $cnt Sleep($delay) $RColor = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) GUISetBkColor($RColor, $Stars[$t][0]) If $p = 6 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Stars[$t][0]) Next Next Next Return _FreeText_Delete($Stars) EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Explode Func _FreeText_ExplodeOne(ByRef $T_GUI, $Char_Number_or_Random = "Random", $delete = 1, $delay = 3) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Char_Number_or_Random) = 0 Then $Char_Number_or_Random = _FreeText_Random($T_GUI) Local $cnt = 5, $Stars = FreeText_CreateMachine($cnt, 0, -10, 6, "random", 0, 0, @SW_HIDE) Local $Tpos, $RColor ConsoleWrite($Char_Number_or_Random & @CRLF) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$Char_Number_or_Random][0]) For $s = 1 To $cnt WinMove($Stars[$s][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1]) Next For $c = 1 To $cnt GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Stars[$c][0]) Next If $delete = 1 Then _FreeText_DeleteOne($T_GUI, $Char_Number_or_Random) If $delete = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $T_GUI[$Char_Number_or_Random][0]) _FreeText_Scatter($Stars, 40, 1, 1, 0) For $p = 1 To 6 For $t = 1 To $cnt Sleep($delay) $RColor = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) GUISetBkColor($RColor, $Stars[$t][0]) If $p = 6 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Stars[$t][0]) Next Next _FreeText_Delete($Stars) Return $T_GUI EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_ExplodeOne Func _FreeText_FireWorks($T_GUI, $delete = 1, $speed = 3, $delay = 3) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 _FreeText_Implode($T_GUI, 0) Local $cnt = 5, $Stars = FreeText_CreateMachine($cnt, 0, -10, 6, "random", 0, 0, @SW_HIDE) Local $xr, $yr, $Tpos, $RColor For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $xr = Random(-100, 100, 1) $yr = Random(150, 350, 1) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0] + $xr, $Tpos[1] - $yr, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) For $s = 1 To $cnt WinMove($Stars[$s][0], "", $Tpos[0] + $xr, $Tpos[1] - $yr) Next For $c = 1 To $cnt GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Stars[$c][0]) Next If $delete = 1 Then GUIDelete($T_GUI[$x][0]) If $delete = 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $T_GUI[$x][0]) _FreeText_Scatter($Stars, 40, 1, 1, 0) For $p = 1 To 6 For $t = 1 To $cnt Sleep($delay) $RColor = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) GUISetBkColor($RColor, $Stars[$t][0]) If $p = 6 Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Stars[$t][0]) Next Next Next Return _FreeText_Delete($Stars) EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_FireWorks Func _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Tpos, $pHold[UBound($T_GUI)][2] For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) $pHold[$x][0] = $Tpos[0] $pHold[$x][1] = $Tpos[1] Next Return $pHold EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_GetPosition Func _FreeText_HorseRace($T_GUI, $Distance = -1, $time = 60000, $speed = 2, $delay = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Tpos, $iDif, $ibegin, $ret = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) Local $slpr = 700, $Run, $Trot If $Distance = -1 Then $Distance = @DesktopWidth - 250 _FreeText_StairCase($T_GUI, -25, 2, 100, 0) Sleep($slpr) _FreeText_MoveVertical($T_GUI, 100, 20) Sleep($slpr) _FreeText_ShockWave($T_GUI) Sleep($slpr) $ibegin = TimerInit() While $iDif < $time Sleep($delay) $Run = Random(1, (UBound($T_GUI) - 1), 1) $Trot = Random(20, 200, 1) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$Run][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$Run][0], "", $Tpos[0] + $Trot, $Tpos[1], $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) If $Tpos[0] >= $Distance Then Return $Run $iDif = TimerDiff($ibegin) WEnd Return _FreeText_SetPosition($T_GUI, $ret) EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_HorseRace Func _FreeText_Implode($T_GUI, $delete = 0, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $xr, $yr, $Tpos, $ret = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) Local $Width = @DesktopWidth, $Height = @DesktopHeight, $MidX = $Width / 2, $MidY = $Height / 2 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $xr = Random(5, 25, 1) $yr = Random(5, 25, 1) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $MidX + $xr, $MidY + $yr, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Next If $delete Then $ret = _FreeText_Delete($T_GUI) Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Implode Func _FreeText_MixUp($T_GUI, $speed = 2, $delay = 5) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Son = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $Mom, $Dad, $Sis = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) For $Dad = 1 To $Son Sleep($delay) $Mom = Random(1, $Son, 1) _FreeText_MoveSwitch($T_GUI, $Dad, $Mom, 2) Next Return $Sis EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_MixUp Func _FreeText_Move($T_GUI, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $tHold = "", $Tpos For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) $tHold += $Tpos[2] WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $tHold + $XX, $YY, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) ; The style will not allow a re-size of the GUI?? reset style ?? Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Move Func _FreeText_MoveAsIs($T_GUI, $XX = 0, $YY = 0, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If $XX = 0 And $YY = 0 Then Return 0 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) Local $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0] + $XX, $Tpos[1] + $YY, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_MoveAsIs Func _FreeText_MoveOne($T_GUI, $Char_Number, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2) If Not IsHWnd($T_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Then Return 0 If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$Char_Number][0], "", $XX, $YY, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Return $Tpos EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_MoveOne Func _FreeText_MoveSwitch($T_GUI, $1st_Char, $2nd_Char, $speed = 2) If Not IsHWnd($T_GUI[$1st_Char][0]) Or Not IsHWnd($T_GUI[$2nd_Char][0]) Then Return 0 If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Opos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$1st_Char][0]) Local $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$2nd_Char][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$1st_Char][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1], $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) WinMove($T_GUI[$2nd_Char][0], "", $Opos[0], $Opos[1], $Opos[2], $Opos[3], $speed) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_MoveSwitch Func _FreeText_MoveVertical($T_GUI, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $tHold = "", $Tpos, $ret = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) $tHold += $Tpos[3] WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $XX, $tHold + $YY, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Next Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_MoveVertical Func _FreeText_Rain($T_GUI, $time = 30000, $speed = 1, $delay = 10) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Tpos, $iDif, $ibegin = TimerInit(), $ret = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) Local $yMax = @DesktopHeight - 200, $Rain, $Drop While $iDif < $time Sleep($delay) $Rain = Random(1, (UBound($T_GUI) - 1), 1) $Drop = Random(50, 300, 1) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$Rain][0]) If $Tpos[1] >= $yMax Then $Tpos[1] = 0 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $T_GUI[$Rain][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$Rain][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $T_GUI[$Rain][0]) EndIf WinMove($T_GUI[$Rain][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1] + $Drop, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) $iDif = TimerDiff($ibegin) WEnd Return _FreeText_SetPosition($T_GUI, $ret) EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Rain Func _FreeText_Rainbow($T_GUI, $time = 1000, $delay = 20, $iUse = 0) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $iDif, $RColor, $ibegin = TimerInit() While $iDif < $time For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) $RColor = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) If $iUse = 0 Then GUISetBkColor($RColor, $T_GUI[$x][0]) If $iUse = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($T_GUI[$x][1], $RColor) Next $iDif = TimerDiff($ibegin) WEnd Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Rainbow Func _FreeText_Random($T_GUI) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If UBound($T_GUI) - 1 = 1 Then Return 1 Local $rand = Random(1, UBound($T_GUI) - 1, 1) Return $rand ; $T_GUI[$rand][0] EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Random Func _FreeText_Scatter($T_GUI, $Step = 100, $speed = 2, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $Tpos, $pHold[UBound($T_GUI)][2], $xs, $ys, $xm, $ym, $xpos, $ypos For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) $pHold[$x][0] = $Tpos[0] $pHold[$x][1] = $Tpos[1] $xm = Random(1, $Step, 1) $ym = Random(1, $Step, 1) $xs = Random(1, 2, 1) $ys = Random(1, 2, 1) If $xs = 1 Then $xpos = $Tpos[0] + $xm If $xs = 2 Then $xpos = $Tpos[0] - $xm If $ys = 1 Then $ypos = $Tpos[1] + $ym If $ys = 2 Then $ypos = $Tpos[1] - $ym Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $xpos, $ypos, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Next Sleep($delay) If $reverse = 1 Then Return _FreeText_SetPosition($T_GUI, $pHold) Return $pHold EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Scatter Func _FreeText_SetColor($T_GUI, $Color = "Black") If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If Not StringIsXDigit($Color) Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 GUISetBkColor($Color, $T_GUI[$x][0]) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetColor Func _FreeText_SetOneColor($T_GUI, $Char_Number, $Color = "black") If Not IsHWnd($T_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) GUISetBkColor($Color, $T_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetOneColor Func _FreeText_SetParent($T_GUI, $h_parent, $delay = 50) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $opt = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2), $ret = 1 If Not IsHWnd($h_parent) Then $h_parent = WinGetHandle($h_parent) For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $T_GUI[$x][0], "hwnd", $h_parent) Sleep($delay) Next If $ret <> 0 Then Return SetError(1, Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $opt), 1) Return SetError(0, Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $opt), 0) EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetParent Func _FreeText_SetPosition($T_GUI, $xArray, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Or Not IsArray($xArray) Then Return 0 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) Local $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $xArray[$x][0], $xArray[$x][1], $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetPosition Func _FreeText_SetOneState($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $state = @SW_SHOW) If Not IsHWnd($B_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Then Return 0 GUISetState($state, $B_GUI[$Char_Number][1]) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetOneState Func _FreeText_SetState($T_GUI, $state = @SW_SHOW, $delay = 10) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) GUISetState($state, $T_GUI[$x][0]) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetState Func _FreeText_SetTrans($T_GUI, $transparency = 255, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 If $transparency > 255 Then $transparency = 255 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) WinSetTrans($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $transparency) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SetTrans Func _FreeText_Shape_ClearText($B_GUI, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($B_GUI) Then Return 0 For $x = 1 To UBound($B_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) GUICtrlSetData($B_GUI[$x][1], "") Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_ClearText Func _FreeText_Shape_RainbowText($B_GUI, $time = 1000, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Rainbow($B_GUI, $time, $delay, 1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_RainbowText Func _FreeText_Shape_SetText($B_GUI, $Text, $Size = 20, $Color = "black", $Font = "Arial", $Weight = 1000, $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($B_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $TL_S = StringSplit($Text, ""), $tControl, $Tpos, $ret, $rgn If UBound($TL_S) > UBound($B_GUI) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) ;_FreeText_Shape_ClearText($B_GUI, $delay) For $x = 1 To $TL_S[0] Sleep($delay) GUICtrlSetData($B_GUI[$x][1], $TL_S[$x]) GUICtrlSetColor($B_GUI[$x][1], $Color) GUICtrlSetFont($B_GUI[$x][1], $Size, $Weight, "", $Font) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_SetText Func _FreeText_Shape_SetTextColor($B_GUI, $Color = "black", $delay = 20) If Not IsArray($B_GUI) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = 1 To UBound($B_GUI) - 1 Sleep($delay) GUICtrlSetColor($B_GUI[$x][1], $Color) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_SetTextColor Func _FreeText_Shape_SetOneText($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $Text) If Not IsHWnd($B_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Then Return 0 GUICtrlSetData($B_GUI[$Char_Number][1], $Text) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_SetOneText Func _FreeText_Shape_SetOneTextColor($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $Color = "black") If Not IsHWnd($B_GUI[$Char_Number][0]) Then Return 0 If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) GUICtrlSetColor($B_GUI[$Char_Number][1], $Color) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_SetOneTextColor Func _FreeText_Shape_StrobeText($B_GUI, $delay = 20, $colors = "yellow,green,blue,Red", $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($B_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($B_GUI) - 1, $how = 1, $rcolors = $colors, $Color_Hold, $Color If $reverse = "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($B_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 $colors = StringSplit($colors, ",") For $i = 0 To UBound($colors) - 1 $Color = $colors[$i] If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how Sleep($delay) GUICtrlSetColor($B_GUI[$x][1], $Color) Next Next Sleep($delay) If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_Shape_StrobeText($B_GUI, $delay, $rcolors, "now") Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Shape_StrobeText Func _FreeText_ShockWave($T_GUI, $wave = 15, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 ; same as Vertical Bump Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = 1, $Tpos If $reverse = "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0] + $wave, $Tpos[1]) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0] - $wave, $Tpos[1]) Sleep($delay) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1]) Next If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_ShockWave($T_GUI, $wave, $delay, "now") Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_ShockWave Func _FreeText_SpinIn($T_GUI, $Points = 8, $delete = 1, $delay = 1, $Out = 0) Local Const $PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ; thanks green Local $Width = @DesktopWidth, $Height = @DesktopHeight, $MidX = $Width / 2, $MidY = $Height / 2 Local $Radius = $MidY - 5, $Step = $PI / $Points If $Out Then $Radius = 5 For $x = 1 To UBound($T_GUI) - 1 While 1 For $angle = 0 To 2 * $PI Step $Step Sleep($delay) If $Out = 0 Then $Radius -= 5 If $Out = 1 Then $Radius += 5 WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $MidX - (Cos($angle) * $Radius), $MidY - (Sin($angle) * $Radius)) Next If $Out = 0 And $Radius <= 50 Then ExitLoop If $Out = 1 And $Radius >= $MidY Then ExitLoop WEnd If $delete Then GUIDelete($T_GUI[$x][0]) If $Out = 0 Then $Radius = $MidY - 5 If $Out = 1 Then $Radius = 5 Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SpinIn Func _FreeText_SpinOut($T_GUI, $Points = 8, $delete = 1, $delay = 1) _FreeText_SpinIn($T_GUI, $Points, $delete, $delay, 1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_SpinOut Func _FreeText_StairCase($T_GUI, $Step = 15, $speed = 1, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Not IsArray($T_GUI) Then Return 0 Local $1st = 1, $2nd = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = 1, $Tpos, $Steps = $Step, $ret = 1 If $reverse == "now" Then Local $2nd = 1, $1st = UBound($T_GUI) - 1, $how = -1 If $reverse == 0 Then $ret = _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) For $x = $1st To $2nd Step $how Sleep($delay) $Tpos = WinGetPos($T_GUI[$x][0]) WinMove($T_GUI[$x][0], "", $Tpos[0], $Tpos[1] + $Steps, $Tpos[2], $Tpos[3], $speed) $Steps += $Step Next Sleep($delay) If $reverse = 1 Then _FreeText_StairCase($T_GUI, $Step, $speed, $delay, "now") Return $ret EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_StairCase Func _FreeText_Functions() Local $fList = "", $aArray, $iPath $iPath = StringLeft(@AutoItExe, StringInStr(@AutoItExe, "\", 0, -1)) & "Include\FreeText.au3" If FileExists($iPath) Then $fList = $iPath If $fList = "" Then $iPath = StringLeft(@ScriptFullPath, StringInStr(@ScriptFullPath, "\", 0, -1)) & "FreeText.au3" If FileExists($iPath) Then $fList = $iPath If $fList = "" Then Return SetError(1, -1, 0) $aArray = StringSplit(FileRead($fList, FileGetSize($fList)), @LF) For $x = 1 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If StringLeft($aArray[$x], 15) = "Func _FreeText_" Then ConsoleWrite(StringTrimLeft($aArray[$x], 4) & @LF) Next EndFunc ;==>_FreeText_Functions ; **************************************** Internal Functions ************************************* ; ************************************************************************************************* ; By Valuater... Func FreeText_CreateMachine($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 20, $Color = "Black", $Arc = 0, $balls = 0, $show = @SW_SHOW) Local $B_GUI[($Count + 1)][2], $Space = 2 ; Adjust as needed If $Left = -1 Then $Left = (@DesktopWidth * .5) - (($Count * $Size) * .6) ; Adjust as needed If StringIsXDigit($Color) = 0 Then $Color = _GetColorByName($Color) For $x = 1 To $Count $B_GUI[$x][0] = GUICreate("", $Size + $Space, $Size + $Space, $Left + ($x * ($Size + $Space)), $Top, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) If $Color = "Random" Then $Color = Random(0xFFFFFF, 0x2B1B1B1, 0) GUISetBkColor($Color) If $balls == 0 Then $B_GUI[$x][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 2, 2, $Size + ($Space / 2), $Size + $Space, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE) Else $B_GUI[$x][1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 8, $Size + $Space, $Size + $Space, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE) EndIf If $Arc <> 0 Then _GuiRoundCorners($B_GUI[$x][0], $Arc, $Arc, $Arc, $Arc) GUISetState($show) Next Return $B_GUI EndFunc ;==>FreeText_CreateMachine ; Thanks Gary Frost... you learned me alot! 8) Func _GuiRoundCorners($h_win, $i_x1, $i_y1, $i_x3, $i_y3) Local $XS_pos, $XS_ret, $XS_ret2 $XS_pos = WinGetPos($h_win) $XS_ret = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "long", "CreateRoundRectRgn", "long", $i_x1, "long", $i_y1, "long", $XS_pos[2], "long", $XS_pos[3], "long", $i_x3, "long", $i_y3) If $XS_ret[0] Then $XS_ret2 = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowRgn", "hwnd", $h_win, "long", $XS_ret[0], "int", 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GuiRoundCorners Func _SetParent($h_child, $h_parent) Return DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $h_child, "hwnd", $h_parent) EndFunc ;==>_SetParent ; Thanks Larry! Func SetWindowRgn($h_win, $rgn) DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SetWindowRgn", "hwnd", $h_win, "long", $rgn, "int", 1) EndFunc ;==>SetWindowRgn Func CreateTextRgn(ByRef $CTR_hwnd, $CTR_Text, $CTR_height, $CTR_font = "Microsoft Sans Serif", $CTR_weight = 1000) Local Const $ANSI_CHARSET = 0 Local Const $OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS = 2 Local Const $CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS = 0 Local Const $PROOF_QUALITY = 2 Local Const $FIXED_PITCH = 1 Local Const $RGN_XOR = 3 If $CTR_font = "" Then $CTR_font = "Microsoft Sans Serif" If $CTR_weight = -1 Then $CTR_weight = 1000 Local $gdi_dll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") Local $CTR_hDC = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetDC", "hwnd", $CTR_hwnd) Local $CTR_hMyFont = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreateFont", "int", $CTR_height, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, _ "int", $CTR_weight, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", $ANSI_CHARSET, "int", $OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, _ "int", $CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, "int", $PROOF_QUALITY, "int", $FIXED_PITCH, "str", $CTR_font) Local $CTR_hOldFont = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "SelectObject", "int", $CTR_hDC[0], "hwnd", $CTR_hMyFont[0]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "BeginPath", "int", $CTR_hDC[0]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "TextOut", "int", $CTR_hDC[0], "int", 0, "int", 0, "str", $CTR_Text, "int", StringLen($CTR_Text)) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "EndPath", "int", $CTR_hDC[0]) Local $CTR_hRgn1 = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "PathToRegion", "int", $CTR_hDC[0]) Local $CTR_rc = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "GetRgnBox", "hwnd", $CTR_hRgn1[0], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($CTR_rc)) Local $CTR_hRgn2 = DllCall($gdi_dll, "hwnd", "CreateRectRgnIndirect", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($CTR_rc)) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "CombineRgn", "hwnd", $CTR_hRgn2[0], "hwnd", $CTR_hRgn2[0], "hwnd", $CTR_hRgn1[0], "int", $RGN_XOR) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "DeleteObject", "hwnd", $CTR_hRgn1[0]) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseDC", "hwnd", $CTR_hwnd, "int", $CTR_hDC[0]) DllCall($gdi_dll, "int", "SelectObject", "int", $CTR_hDC[0], "hwnd", $CTR_hOldFont[0]) DllClose($gdi_dll) Return $CTR_hRgn2[0] EndFunc ;==>CreateTextRgn ; Created by Valuater, peethebee and XDrop 0.17 Func _GetColorByName($name) Select Case $name = "black" Return "0x000000" Case $name = "white" Return "0xffffff" Case $name = "red" Return "0xff0000" Case $name = "blue" Return "0x0000ff" Case $name = "green" Return "0x00ff00" Case $name = "yellow" Return "0xffff00" Case $name = "violet" Return "0xAE7BE1" Case $name = "win_xp_bg" Return "0xECE9D8" Case $name = "Random" Return "Random" Case Else Return "0x000000" ; just return black EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_GetColorByName ; ENJOY! Valuater... 8) ; ************************************* Testing Area ************************************************* ; **************************************************************************************************** ; ; Arc the letters , Slideout, , clock,