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About This File

This is a demonstration script on how to make your own screensaver - screensaver is basicaly an exe-program, but renamed to *.scr extension.

  • When we run the screensaver, or if we sellect Test (Check) Item from the context menu of the file, it executed with /S command line.
  • When we sellect Options item from the context menu of the file, the screensaver executed with no command line passed.
  • When we sellect Install item from the context menu of the file, the screensaver executed with /p first command line ($CmdLine[1]), and a handle to DC (to show our preview in desktop properties dialog) is the second command line ($CmdLine[2]).
  • When we press the "Options" button from the screensaver properties dialog (right mouse button on the screensaver -> "Install" item), the /c: command passed to our script (screensaver).

And then we can run screensaver when it required, or we can show Options dialog, wich can be a simple GUI.

When we compile our script, and rename it from Script.exe to Script.scr, it will work as real ScreenSaver!!!

In the archive there is ready examples, one is Matrix (the best one ;) ), and the others are simple runing text screensaver and obstraction example on how to built your own ScreenSaver.

With the Matrix screensaver script, you can compile it from the Options dialog, after that the screensaver will be ready as stand-alone application (for the compiling process requierd AutoIt + the script itself must stay uncompiled).

The credits for this one goes to the Jex and to jokke - for the initial concept and the main engine of the Matrix screensaver.


It plays a background sound ;)

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