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AutoIt beta releases.

3 files

  1. AutoIt v3.3.15.5 Beta (27th February, 2022) (Beta)

    - Added #3826: GUI "On event" While loop precision.
    - Added: Doc Symbolic constants for MouseGetCursor(), GUISetCursor()  $MCID_*.
    - Added #3849: @OSVersion for Windows 11 and Server 2022.
    - Fixed #3836: FileExits trailing quotation mark.
    - Fixed #3844: Right bracket does not register as a hotkey.
    - Fixed #3830: GUICtrlSetResizing $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM fullscreen.
    - Fixed #3831: GUICtrlSetPos $GUI_DOCKHCENTER.
    - Fixed #2696: StringRegExp non-participating groups.
    - Fixed #2866: Regread x64 remote from x86.
    - Fixed #3667: empty continuation line.
    - Fixed #3760: oversized Number conversion.
    - Fixed #3215: GUICtrlCreateUpdown Show-Hide.
    - Added: $ARRAYDISPLAY_NUMERICSORT for selected column for _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay().
    - Added: _GUICtrlEdit_SetPadding().
    - Added: _WinAPI_ShellExecuteEx() Doc example.
    - Fixed #3828: SetError(), SetExtended() broken doc links.
    - Fixed #3827: _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem() outside listview area.
    - Fixed #3835: Magic numbers in GDIPlus doc.
    - Fixed #3833: _WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices() $iCount.
    - Fixed #3842: -StringToArray() default parameter doc precision.
    - Fixed #3846: missing $LVKF_* constants definition.
    - Fixed #3847: _GUICtrlEdit_ShowBalloonTip() crash in _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideChar().
    - Fixed #3848: _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray() no error detection in multicolumn.
    - Fixed #3850: _WinAPI_GetDriveNumber() does return - 1 as partition number.
    - Fixed #3852: _ArrayToString() speed optimization.
    - Fixed: Constants for _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo().
    - Fixed: Debug.au3 when stripping.
    - Fixed #3861: RunAs() doc remark.



  2. AutoIt v3.3.15.4 Beta

    - Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 8.44.
    - Added: doc pages about ControlID/Handle and String/Encoding.
    - Added #2375: SetError(), SetExtended() doc precision.
    - Added #3780: WinSetTitle() on notepad.exe is reverted when the windows get focus starting Windows 19H1 !!!
    - Added #3222: Doc precision for statement with 2  FileInstall().
    - Added: ConsoleWrite() preserves the @error and @extended.
    - Added: ConsoleWriteError() preserves the @error and @extended.
    - Added #2938: Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand()
    - Added #3539: FileGetTime() UTC.
    - Added #3808: ProgressOn()/ProgressSet() - size of the progress window
    - Fixed: Missing Opt("SetExitCode", 1) and AutoIt3 Exit codes in doc.
    - Fixed #3211: Doc precision for hwnd parameter in Pixel*() functions.
    - Fixed #3774: Doc precision about Null keyword comparison.
    - Fixed #3579: DllStructGetData() doc precision.
    - Fixed #3823: Language Reference - Variables typo.
    - Fixed #3021: bad obj calling.
    - Fixed #3106: StringIsFloat() doesn't accept a valid FP exponent.
    - Fixed #3135: StdioClose memory leak.
    - Fixed #3165: Call UBound Array[0] AutoIt Crash.
    - Fixed #3167: Com error handler not called.
    - Fixed #3179: Number() failure with lower case hex.
    - Fixed #3182: MouseMove() on multiple screens.
    - Fixed #3232: Issue when parsing scientific notation literals.
    - Fixed #3659: InetClose() always false.
    - Fixed #3682: GuiCtrlCreatePic() with h=0 and w=0.
    - Fixed #3701: Crash with array 2^24.
    - Fixed #3710: @OSVersion for Server 2019.
    - Fixed #3743: [LAST] and WinWaitClose(), WinExists(), WinGetHandle(), etc.
    - Fixed #3772: int64 = -9223372036854775808 not handled properly.
    - Fixed #3778: ToolTip() position.
    - Fixed #3789: FileRead() on big ANSI file (1Gb).
    - Fixed #3790: UCS2 compare empty string.
    - Fixed #3807: GUISetIcon() in taskbar.
    - Fixed #3809: WinGetTitle() on windows created with _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx().
    - Fixed #3817: Double to Int64 conversion.
    - Fixed: run*() showflag default SW_SHOWNORMAL.
    - Fixed #2383: Aut2exe GUI dropped files.
    - Added #3684: Aut2exe title with version.
    - Fixed #3785: Crash if too many includes.
    - Added #3938: DPI scaling Support.
    - Changed: Updated used Excel constant enumerations in ExcelConstants.au3 to Excel 2016.
    - Added #3514: _GUICtrlTreeView_GetLastItem()  (Thanks Crazzy).
    - Added #3611: _GUICtrlListView_SetBkHBITMAP() (Thanks Alofa).
    - Added #3695: _SQLite_Display2DResult() 2 additional parameters $sDelim_Col and $sDelim_Row.
    - Added #3675: WinNET.au3 $tagNETRESOURCE: Add constants.
    - Added #3740: _ChooseColor() support Custom colors (Thanks argumentum).
    - Added #3547: _FormatAutoItExitCode() and _FormatAutoItExitMethod().
    - Added #3696: _ArrayFromString().
    - Added #3771: ColorConstants.au3 now include all W3C extended colors. THIS IS A small SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE
    - Added #3739: _Array2DCreate().
    - Added #3550: _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr() support 2 new formats to return GMT or ISO8601 format.
    - Added: _WinAPI_CreateProcess() example.
    - Added #3804: _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() example to demonstrate menuclick non blocking.
    - Added #3806: _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString() with AlphaColor font.
    - Added #3811: _SQLite_Startup() new parameter to allow return AutoIt Type variables by _SQLite_FetchData().
    - Added: _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices() optimisation (Thanks pixelsearch).
    - Added: _WinAPI_GetProcessName() and _WinAPI_GetParentProcessName() doc example (Thanks argumentum).
    - Added #3813: _MemGlobalRealloc().
    - Added #3816: _WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges() example with magic number.
    - Fixed #3819: _FileCountLines() can use file handle.
    - Added: SpeedUp display and sorting of ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() (Thanks LarsJ).
    - Fixed #3647: _GDIPlus_ImageResize() ghost border. 
    - Fixed #3650: _GDIPlus_ImageResize() off by one. 
    - Fixed #3633: _GUICtrlRichEdit_GotoCharPos() does not detect end of text.
    - Fixed #3765: _FileWriteLog() using Handle Cannot insert atvthe beginning, just set @extended.
    - Fixed #3776: __EventLog_DecodeDesc().
    - Fixed: _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked() regression and more GUIListview.au3 functions.
    - Fixed: _WinAPI_CreateEvent() return error on already define $sName.
    - Fixed: use "wstr" for "ptr" with Null value.
    - Fixed #3791: _ArrayDisplay() sort arrow.
    - Fixed #3805: $tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD definition.
    - Fixed #3810: _ArrayUnique not handling "Default" for Parameter $iIntType.
    - Fixed: _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx() $iflag behavior when mix drag (Thanks pixelsearch).
    - Fixed #3812: _DateTimeSplit() returning @error.
    - Fixed #3814: $PAGE_ connstants for _WinAPI_CreateFileMapping().
    - Fixed #3821: _WinAPI_OemToChar() with string greater than 65536 crash.
    - Fixed: _Now(), _NowCalc(), ... date time coherency when call just on hour change. (Thanks argumentum).
    - Fixed #3824: _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile(), _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile() default encoding doc.
    - Fixed #3825: beta regression for $tagEDITSTREAM in x64.



  3. AutoIt v3.3.15.3 Beta (16th May, 2020) (Beta)
    - Added #3681: Lang Variable prefix "o".
    - Fixed #2915: Map memory leak.
    - Fixed: Map errors with index < 0.
    - Changed #3620: Removed "stable" from _ArraySort function header.
    - Added #3670: DriveGetDrive() @error doc clarification.
    - Added #3574: GuiCtrlCreateInput() Doc $ES_AUTOHSCROLL precision.
    - Fixed: Problem with _WinAPI_GetFontResourceInfo & _WinAPI_GetFontMemoryResourceInfo
    - Fixed #3728: Added optional parameter to force single column 2D array to 1D.
    - Fixed #3678: Amended Help file to show that function with no text blanks a line, not removes it.
    - Fixed #3757: Added note to GUICtrlListView_SetColor* pages about need to use BGR format.
    - Fixed #3697: _WinAPI_GetOverlappedResult() failure.



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