There are three ways you can posts scripts, these are:
- Inline code
- Attachments
- Download system
Each has different advantages and disadvantages. In general you should use:
- Inline code - for short code snippets
- Attachments - for more complicated code larger than a page.
- Downloads system - for projects or complex libraries
Inline Code
- Best for entering short snippets of code
- Easiest for other users to see
- May be accidentally modified by forum upgrades or when re-editing your post - it's happened before...
Inline code is entered using the "Add Code" button in the toolbar and after posting appears with syntax highlighting like this:
; This is some AutoIt code MsgBox(4096, "Message", "Hello there!")
Code over around 50 lines will appear in a scrollable box. At this point it becomes more difficult for other users to work with and you should consider an attachment instead.
- Best for long pieces of code, entire programs, or multiple files
- Unlikely to be accidentally lost or modified by forum upgrades or when re-editing your post
- Counts against your global attachment allocation
- Can be seen in the "username / My Attachments" part of your profile, along with the number of downloads
Multiple attachments can be added to a post. As attachments are stored as complete files in the filesystem, they are more robust than inline code snippets.
Downloads System
- Best for very long and complicated projects or libraries that are of significant use to the community
- Uses a different part of the forum that is optimised for file downloads and features screenshots, change logs, download counts, etc.
- Does not count against your global attachment allocation
This can be accessed here: Downloads System.
- Messy_Code_Guy, argumentum, DrJPB and 5 others