;=============================================================================== ; ; File: Coroutine.au3 ; Description: UDF Library used for coroutine multithreading ; Version: 1.0.4 ; Date: 7/19/06 ; Author: Ben Brightwell ; Credit: ChrisL for the base idea of deploying files as child scripts. Topic ; can be found here: ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22048 ; ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== #cs Changelog: 7/19/06 (1.0.4) - Fixed bug where using the substring "func" anywhere in a line of code caused it to be truncated. Now the only limitation is that the substrings "func" and "endfunc" cannot be found at the beginning of a line of code. 4/25/06 (1.0.3) - Fixed bug with using variables that contained the word "return" - Fixed bug with StringLower()-ing every line of code in coroutine script, now case is untouched - Fixed the way _CoInclude() works so that included code is placed at the top of the file instead of the bottom - Fixed a bug with passing a simple string to the script an extra dimension indicator was present 4/15/06 (1.0.2) - Truncated version number (Builds are irrelevant) - Added support for expressions in the return statement of a coroutine 3/23/06 ( - Modified _CoCreate() to handle a function with no parameters - Added "Core Function List" and "Miscellaneous Function List" - Added this Changelog - Changed _CoAddHelper() to _CoInclude() - Fixed a bug in _CoInclude() where the last line of code was not being read into the script file #ce ;=============================================================================== ;=============================================================================== #cs Core Function List: _CoCreate() Create a coroutine script which can be instanced by _CoStart() _CoInclude() Include helper/wrapper functions to compliment the main body created by _CoCreate() _CoStart() Create an instance of a threaded function as created by _CoCreate() _CoYield() NOTE: Only to be used in coroutine scripts Pauses the coroutine and yields a value to the main script, returns any value passed by the corresponding call to _CoResume() _CoStatus() Returns the status of a coroutine _CoSend() Sends a variable into a child script _CoResume() Unpauses a coroutine, optionally sends a value back to the yielded coroutine _CoGetReturn() Retrieves a variable returned by a coroutine _CoKill() Closes a coroutine _CoCleanup() Closes all running coroutines, and deletes their respective temporary script files _CoChangeWorkingDir Changes the working directory for storing the temporary script files. NOTE: Default is @TempDir Miscellaneous Function List: NOTE: These functions are meant to be called internally by Coroutine.au3 _PackVarToStr() Packs a variable into a string for transmission between scripts. _UnpackStrToVar() Unpacks a packed variable-string into its original structure, whether it be a string or array. _RandomFileName() Generates a random unused filename for use with _CoCreate() #ce ;=============================================================================== Local $avCoThreads[1][2] ;[n] == iCoThreadID [n][0] == sFilePath [n][1] == iNumParams $avCoThreads[0][0] = 0 ;Number of Multi-threaded Functions Local $avPIDs[1][2] ;[n][0] == iPID [n][1] == iCoThreadID $avPIDs[0][0] = 0 ;Number of iPID's created Local $sWorkingDir = @TempDir ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoCreate() ; Description: Create a child script for use with _CoStart() ; Parameter(s): $sFuncRawText - A delimited string containing the lines of ; the threaded function. Default delimiter is "|". Example: ; "Func MyFunc($test1)|Return $test1|EndFunc" ; $sDelimiter - A string containing the delimiter used in ; $sFuncRawText (Default = "|") ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the CoThreadID associated with the ; created thread. ; On Failure - 0 and @error set to: ; 1 - Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found ; 2 - File could not be created, check working ; directory access permissions ; 3 - Function parameters not formatted ; correctly. Try eliminating white space: ; Ex: Func MyFunc($test1,$test2,$test3) ; 4 - Return line not formatted correctly. ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoCreate($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter = "|") Local $asFuncLines = StringSplit($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter) Local $bUnpackStrToVarUsed = 1 ; Determines if source for _UnpackStrToVar() is required in child script Local $bPackVarToStrUsed = 0 ; Determines if source for _PackVarToStr() is required in child script Local $bCoYieldUsed = 0 ; Determines if source for _CoYield() is required in child script Local $hFile = "" ; For writing to the child script file Local $asParams = "" ; Array of parameters pulled from the line: "Func MyFunction($test1, $test2, $test3)" in $sFuncRawText Local $asReturnLine = "" ; Line parsed from $sFuncRawText to contain the value that is passed as "Return $value" If IsArray($asFuncLines) Then ReDim $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0] + 2][2] $avCoThreads[0][0] += 1 $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][0] = _RandomFileName() $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][0], 2) If $hFile == -1 Then SetError(2) ; File could not be created, check working directory access permissions Return 0 ; failure EndIf $asParams = StringRegExp($asFuncLines[1] & " ", "(\$.*?)(?:[ ,\\)])", 3) If IsArray($asParams) Then $avCoThreads[$avCoThreads[0][0]][1] = UBound($asParams) If IsArray($asParams) Then FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $sParamsInStr = "" ; Used to pass in parameters') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Used for parameter strings longer than 64Kb') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Local $sReturnStr = ""') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Sleep(10)') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'WEnd') FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sParamsInStr = ConsoleRead()') FileWriteLine($hFile, '$iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sParamsInStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1)') FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sParamsInStr = StringTrimLeft($sParamsInStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1])') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'While StringLen($sParamsInStr) < $iNumChrsToRead[0]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sParamsInStr &= ConsoleRead()') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'WEnd') For $i = 0 To UBound($asParams) - 1 FileWriteLine($hFile, $asParams[$i] & " = _UnpackStrToVar($sParamsInStr)") Next EndIf ElseIf Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[1], "$") Then FileWriteLine($hFile, ';No function parameters') Else SetError(3) ; Function parameters not formatted correctly Return 0 ; failure EndIf For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0] - 1 If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "return ") And Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], ";") And Not StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "=") Then $asReturnLine = StringRegExp($asFuncLines[$i], "(?i:return[:space:]*)(.*)", 1) If IsArray($asReturnLine) Then FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sExpStr = ' &$asReturnLine[0]) FileWriteLine($hFile, '$sExpStr = _PackVarToStr($sExpStr)') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'ConsoleWrite("return" & StringLen($sExpStr) & $sExpStr)') $bPackVarToStrUsed = 1 Else SetError(4) ; Return line not formatted correctly Return 0 ; failure EndIf ElseIf StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "func") == 1 Or StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "endfunc") == 1 Then FileWriteLine($hFile, $asFuncLines[$i]) If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "_coyield") Then $bCoYieldUsed = 1 EndIf EndIf Next If $bCoYieldUsed == 1 Then FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _CoYield($bPeek, $sVarName = "")') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $bPeek == 1 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If ConsoleRead(0,true) <> 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' SetExtended(1)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $vResumeVar') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' SetExtended(0)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $vVarNameEval = "" ; If $sVarName equates to a declared variable, a copy of it is stored here') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $vResumeVar = "" ; When _CoResume() is called to unpause script, a variable can be passed') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If StringLeft($sVarName, 1) == "$" Then StringReplace($sVarName, "$", "")') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If IsDeclared($sVarName) Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarNameEval = Eval($sVarName)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarNameEval = _PackVarToStr($vVarNameEval)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarNameEval) & $vVarNameEval)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vVarName = _PackVarToStr($vVarName)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarName) & $vVarName') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Sleep(10)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' WEnd') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead()') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $vResumeVar') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc') EndIf If $bUnpackStrToVarUsed == 1 Then FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _UnpackStrToVar(ByRef $sVarStr)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiNumDims = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)'', 1)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiDimSizes[1] ; To contain the size of each dimension as passed through $sVarStr') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $aiDimSize = "" ; To contain the size of current dimension and string position for stripping') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $avRetArr[1] ; To be redimensioned and have $sVarStr parsed and stored into as an array') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $avElementStr = "" ; To contain each element as a string as it is parsed from $sVarStr') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If IsArray($aiNumDims) Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiNumDims[1])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $aiNumDims[0] > 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $aiDimSizes[$aiNumDims[0]]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiNumDims[0] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $aiDimSize = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)'', 1)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $aiDimSizes[$iCounter1] = $aiDimSize[0]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiDimSize[1])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Select') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 0') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If StringInStr($sVarStr, "$[") Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avElementStr = StringRegExp($sVarStr, ''(.*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)'', 1)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $avElementStr[1])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $avElementStr[0] <> "" Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $avElementStr[0]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $sVarStr == "" Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return ""') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $sVarStr') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 2') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 3') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $aiNumDims[0] == 4') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]][$aiDimSizes[3]]') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter4 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[3] - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndSelect') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $avRetArr') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc ;==>_UnpackStrToVar') EndIf If $bPackVarToStrUsed == 1 Then FileWriteLine($hFile, 'Func _PackVarToStr(ByRef $vPackVar)') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iNumDims = UBound($vPackVar, 0) ; Number of dimensions of $vPackVar') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $sVarStr = "$[" & $iNumDims & "]$" ; Return string of packed variable') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter1 = "" ; Nested Counter') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter2 = "" ; Nested Counter') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter3 = "" ; Nested Counter') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Local $iCounter4 = "" ; Nested Counter') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $i = 1 To $iNumDims') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[" & UBound($vPackVar, $i) & "]$"') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Select') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 0') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar == "" Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= ""') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= $vPackVar') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1], 0) == 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$"') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 2') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2], 0) == 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$"') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 3') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3], 0) == 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$"') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Case $iNumDims == 4') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' For $iCounter4 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 4) - 1') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4], 0) == 0 Then') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= "$[0]$"') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Else') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4])') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndIf') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Next') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' EndSelect') FileWriteLine($hFile, ' Return $sVarStr') FileWriteLine($hFile, 'EndFunc ;==>_PackVarToStr') EndIf FileClose($hFile) Return $avCoThreads[0][0] Else SetError(1) ; Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found Return 0 ; failure EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoYield() ; Description: Yield a value to the main script and pause the ; coroutine, only usable by the coroutine ; Parameter(s): $sVarName - String containing the name of the variable ; to pass to the main script. If string does not contain ; the name of a declared variable, it is passed as a ; literal string. ; Return Value(s): The variable passed by the corresponding call to _CoResume() ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== ;~ Func _CoYield($bPeek, $sVarName = "") ;~ If $bPeek == 1 Then ;~ If ConsoleRead(0,true) <> 0 Then ;~ $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead() ;~ $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar) ;~ SetExtended(1) ;~ Return $vResumeVar ;~ Else ;~ SetExtended(0) ;~ Return "" ;~ EndIf ;~ Else ;~ Local $vVarNameEval = "" ; If $sVarName equates to a declared variable, a copy of it is stored here ;~ Local $vResumeVar = "" ; When _CoResume() is called to unpause script, a variable can be passed ;~ If StringLeft($sVarName, 1) == "$" Then StringReplace($sVarName, "$", "") ;~ If IsDeclared($sVarName) Then ;~ $vVarNameEval = Eval($sVarName) ;~ $vVarNameEval = _PackVarToStr($vVarNameEval) ;~ ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarNameEval) & $vVarNameEval) ;~ Else ;~ $vVarName = _PackVarToStr($vVarName) ;~ ConsoleWrite("yield" & StrLen($vVarName) & $vVarName ;~ EndIf ;~ While ConsoleRead(0,true) == 0 ;~ Sleep(50) ;~ WEnd ;~ $vResumeVar = ConsoleRead() ;~ $vResumeVar = _UnpackStrToVar($vResumeVar) ;~ Return $vResumeVar ;~ EndIf ;~ EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoInclude() ; Description: Include a UDF(s) in the coroutine script. ; NOTE: #include will work in _CoCreate() ; but keep in mind that the "something.au3" file must ; exist on the computer that is running the script. ; Parameter(s): $iCoThreadID - The thread to add the include to ; $sFuncRawText - The function text, delimited by $sDelimiter ; $sDelimiter - Used to delimit $sFuncRawText (Default "|") ; Return Value(s): Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and @error set to: ; 1 - Invalid iCoThreadID ; 2 - Invalid delimiter or delimiter not found ; 3 - Code formatted incorrectly. Namely mis- ; matched number of "Func ..." and "EndFunc" ; lines. ; 4 - Script file could not be opened. ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoInclude($iCoThreadID, $sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter = "|") Local $asFuncLines = "" ; Array holding the lines of code stripped from $sFuncRawText Local $sFormattedCode = "" ; String to write to the script file Local $iNumFuncs = 0 ; Number of lines that contain "Func ...". Used for minimal codechecking Local $iNumEndFuncs = 0 ; Number of lines that contain "EndFunc". Used for minimal codechecking Local $iFileCheck = 0 ; Used to check if file was written to correctly. Local $sPrevContents = "" ; Used to store contents of original coroutine script. Local $hFile = "" ; Handle for source file If $iCoThreadID <= $avCoThreads[0][0] Then $asFuncLines = StringSplit($sFuncRawText, $sDelimiter) If IsArray($asFuncLines) Then $sFormattedCode &= ';============' & @CRLF $sFormattedCode &= ';Include Code' & @CRLF $sFormattedCode &= ';============' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0] If StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "endfunc") Then $iNumEndFuncs += 1 ElseIf StringInStr($asFuncLines[$i], "func") Then $iNumFuncs += 1 EndIf Next If $iNumFuncs == $iNumEndFuncs Then For $i = 1 To $asFuncLines[0] $sFormattedCode &= $asFuncLines[$i] & @CRLF Next Else SetError(3) ; Code formatted incorrectly Return 0 ; failure EndIf Else SetError(2) ; Delimiter not found in $sFuncRawText Return 0 ; failure EndIf $sPrevContents = FileRead($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0]) $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0], 2) If FileWrite($hFile, $sFormattedCode) == 0 Then SetError(4) ; File could not be written to Return 0 ; failure Else FileClose($hFile) $hFile = FileOpen($avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0], 1) FileWrite($hFile, $sPrevContents) EndIf Else SetError(1) ; Invalid iCoThreadID Return 0 ; EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoStart() ; Description: Create a coroutine from a thread created by _CoCreate() ; Parameter(s): $iCoThreadID - as returned by _CoCreate() ; $sParamStr - the string you would call a normal function ; with. Example: MyFunc($test1, $test2) ; $sParamStr = "$test1, $test2" ; Return Value(s): On Success - the PID of the created coroutine ; On Failure - -1 and sets @error to: ; 1 - Invalid iCoThreadID ; 2 - Parameter string formatted incorrectly ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoStart($iCoThreadID, $sParamStr = "") Local $sPackedParamStr = "" ; If arrays exist in $sParamStr, then they need to be packed into a string Local $asParams = "" ; Holds individual parameters parsed from $sParamStr Local $sStrippedParam = "" ; Holds a parameter stripped of "$" and "," Local $vParamEval = "" ; If $sStrippedParam is a valid variable, a temporary one is evaluated to this container Local $sParamLiteral = "" ; If a non-variable is passed, it is interpreted as a literal If $iCoThreadID <= $avCoThreads[0][0] And $iCoThreadID <> 0 Then ReDim $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0] + 2][2] $avPIDs[0][0] += 1 If $sParamStr <> "" Then If StringRight($sParamStr, 1) <> "," Then $sParamStr &= "," ; Makes $sParamStr easier to parse with StringRegExp EndIf $asParams = StringRegExp($sParamStr, '(".*?".*?,|[^ ]*?[ ]?,)*', 3) If Not IsArray($asParams) Then SetError(2) ; Parameter string not formatted correctly Return -1 ; failure EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($asParams) - 1 If StringInStr($asParams[$i], "$") Then $sStrippedParam = StringReplace(StringReplace($asParams[$i], "$", ""), ",", "") If IsDeclared($sStrippedParam) Then $vParamEval = Eval($sStrippedParam) $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($vParamEval) Else $sParamLiteral = StringTrimRight($asParams[$i], 1) $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($sParamLiteral) EndIf Else $sParamLiteral = StringTrimRight($asParams[$i], 1) $sPackedParamStr &= _PackVarToStr($sParamLiteral) EndIf Next EndIf $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0] = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $avCoThreads[$iCoThreadID][0] & '"', "", "", 7) If StringLen($sPackedParamStr) > 0 Then StdinWrite($avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0], StringLen($sPackedParamStr) & $sPackedParamStr) EndIf $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][1] = $iCoThreadID Return $avPIDs[$avPIDs[0][0]][0] Else SetError(1) ;Invalid iCoThreadID Return -1 ; failure EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoStart ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoStatus() ; Description: Determines the status of a PID returned by _CoStart() ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart() ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the status of the coroutine ; Possible values: "yielded" - yielded a value, script paused ; "running" - running ; "returned" - coroutine dead, with a return value ; "dead" - coroutine dead with no return value ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1 ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoStatus($iPID) Local $bPIDFound = 0 ; Used to search for a PID created by _CoStart() For $i = 1 To $avPIDs[0][0] If $avPIDs[$i][0] == $iPID Then $bPIDFound = 1 EndIf Next If $bPIDFound == 1 Then Select Case ProcessExists($iPID) <> 0 If StdoutRead($iPID, 5, True) == "yield" Then Return "yielded" ElseIf StdoutRead($iPID, 6, True) == "return" Then Return "returned" ; Coroutine returned, but return string is longer than console buffer Else Return "running" EndIf Case ProcessExists($iPID) == 0 If StdoutRead($iPID, 0, True) <> 0 Then Return "returned" Else Return "dead" EndIf EndSelect Else SetError(1) ;$PID not created with _CoStart() Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoStatus ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoSend() ; Description: Sends a variable to the child script. ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart() ; Return Value(s): On Success - none ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1 ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoSend($iPID, $vInVar) If _CoStatus($iPID) <> "dead" And _CoStatus($iPID) <> "returned" And _CoStatus($iPID) <> "yielded" Then StdinWrite($iPID, _PackVarToStr($vInVar)) Else SetError(1) Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoResume() ; Description: Resumes a paused coroutine and returns the yielded variable ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart() ; Return Value(s): On Success - Resumes paused coroutine and returns variable ; yielded by _CoYield() ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1 ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoResume($iPID, $vInVar = "") Local $sReturnStr = "" ; Contains return string Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Number of chars to read Local $iTotalChrsRead = 0 ; Total chars currently read If _CoStatus($iPID) == "yielded" Then If StdoutRead($iPID, 0, True) > 5 Then $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft(StdoutRead($iPID), 5) $iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sReturnStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1) $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft($sReturnStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1]) While StringLen($sReturnStr) <= $iNumChrsToRead[0] $sReturnStr &= StdoutRead($iPID) WEnd StdinWrite($iPID, _PackVarToStr($vInVar)) Return _UnpackStrToVar($sReturnStr) EndIf Else SetError(1) ;$PID is not yielded Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoResume ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoGetReturn() ; Description: Returns the variable returned by a coroutine ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart() ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns variable returned by coroutine ; On Failure - Returns empty string ("") and sets error to 1 ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoGetReturn($iPID) Local $sReturnStr = "" ; Contains return string Local $iNumChrsToRead = 0 ; Number of chars to read Local $iTotalChrsRead = 0 ; Total chars currently read If _CoStatus($iPID) == "returned" Then $sReturnStr = StdoutRead($iPID) $iNumChrsToRead = StringRegExp($sReturnStr, "(\d*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)", 1) $sReturnStr = StringTrimLeft($sReturnStr, $iNumChrsToRead[1]) While StringLen($sReturnStr) < $iNumChrsToRead[0] $sReturnStr &= StdoutRead($iPID) WEnd Return _UnpackStrToVar($sReturnStr) Else SetError(1) ; $PID not returned Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoGetReturn ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoKill() ; Description: Kills a running coroutine ; Parameter(s): $iPID - PID as returned by _CoStart() ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoKill($iPID) If ProcessExists($iPID) <> 0 Then ProcessClose($iPID) Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CoKill ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoCleanup() ; Description: Kills all coroutines and deletes their respective temp files ; Parameter(s): none ; Return Value(s): none ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoCleanup() For $i = 1 To $avPIDs[0][0] _CoKill($avPIDs[$i][0]) Next For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0] FileDelete($avCoThreads[$i][0]) Next EndFunc ;==>_CoCleanup ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _CoChangeWorkingDir() ; Description: Changes the directory to store coroutine temp files in ; NOTE: does not currently check for proper directory ; structure ; Parameter(s): $sDir = String representing the new working directory ; Return Value(s): none ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoChangeWorkingDir($sDir) $workingDir = $sDir EndFunc ;==>_CoChangeWorkingDir ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _UnpackStrToVar() ; Description: Turns a packed variable string back into a variable. ; Parameter(s): $sVarStr = A packed variable string as returned by _PackVarToStr() ; Return Value(s): Variable of type that was passed to _PackVarToStr() ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _UnpackStrToVar(ByRef $sVarStr) Local $aiNumDims = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)', 1) Local $aiDimSizes[1] ; To contain the size of each dimension as passed through $sVarStr Local $aiDimSize = "" ; To contain the size of current dimension and string position for stripping Local $avRetArr[1] ; To be redimensioned and have $sVarStr parsed and stored into as an array Local $avElementStr = "" ; To contain each element as a string as it is parsed from $sVarStr If IsArray($aiNumDims) Then $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiNumDims[1]) If $aiNumDims[0] > 0 Then ReDim $aiDimSizes[$aiNumDims[0]] For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiNumDims[0] - 1 $aiDimSize = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(?:\$\[)(\d*)(?:\]\$)(\#)', 1) $aiDimSizes[$iCounter1] = $aiDimSize[0] $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $aiDimSize[1]) Next EndIf Select Case $aiNumDims[0] == 0 If StringInStr($sVarStr, "$[") Then $avElementStr = StringRegExp($sVarStr, '(.*?)(\#)(?:\$\[)', 1) $sVarStr = StringTrimLeft($sVarStr, $avElementStr[1]) If $avElementStr[0] <> "" Then Return $avElementStr[0] Else Return "" EndIf Else If $sVarStr == "" Then Return "" Else Return $sVarStr EndIf EndIf Case $aiNumDims[0] == 1 ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]] For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1 $avRetArr[$iCounter1] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive) Next Case $aiNumDims[0] == 2 ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]] For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1 $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive) Next Next Case $aiNumDims[0] == 3 ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]] For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1 For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1 $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive) Next Next Next Case $aiNumDims[0] == 4 ReDim $avRetArr[$aiDimSizes[0]][$aiDimSizes[1]][$aiDimSizes[2]][$aiDimSizes[3]] For $iCounter1 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[0] - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[1] - 1 For $iCounter3 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[2] - 1 For $iCounter4 = 0 To $aiDimSizes[3] - 1 $avRetArr[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] = _UnpackStrToVar($sVarStr) ; In case element holds another array (Recursive) Next Next Next Next EndSelect Return $avRetArr EndIf EndFunc ;==>_UnpackStrToVar ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _PackVarToStr() ; Description: Packs a variable into a string form for sending to another ; script. Maintains array integrity up to 4 dimensions. ; Also supports nested arrays inside array elements. ; Parameter(s): $vPackVar = Variable to be packed into a string. ; NOTE: Variables of type Object or DllStructs are not yet ; supported. ; Return Value(s): Returns packed string to be unpacked by _UnpackStrToVar() ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PackVarToStr(ByRef $vPackVar) Local $iNumDims = UBound($vPackVar, 0) ; Number of dimensions of $vPackVar Local $sVarStr = "$[" & $iNumDims & "]$" ; Return string of packed variable Local $iCounter1 = "" ; Nested Counter Local $iCounter2 = "" ; Nested Counter Local $iCounter3 = "" ; Nested Counter Local $iCounter4 = "" ; Nested Counter For $i = 1 To $iNumDims $sVarStr &= "$[" & UBound($vPackVar, $i) & "]$" Next Select Case $iNumDims == 0 If $vPackVar == "" Then $sVarStr &= "" Else $sVarStr &= $vPackVar EndIf Case $iNumDims == 1 For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1 If $vPackVar[$iCounter1] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1], 0) == 0 Then $sVarStr &= "$[0]$" Else $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1]) EndIf Next Case $iNumDims == 2 For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1 If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2], 0) == 0 Then $sVarStr &= "$[0]$" Else $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2]) EndIf Next Next Case $iNumDims == 3 For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1 For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1 If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3], 0) == 0 Then $sVarStr &= "$[0]$" Else $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3]) EndIf Next Next Next Case $iNumDims == 4 For $iCounter1 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 1) - 1 For $iCounter2 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 2) - 1 For $iCounter3 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 3) - 1 For $iCounter4 = 0 To UBound($vPackVar, 4) - 1 If $vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4] == "" And UBound($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4], 0) == 0 Then $sVarStr &= "$[0]$" Else $sVarStr &= _PackVarToStr($vPackVar[$iCounter1][$iCounter2][$iCounter3][$iCounter4]) EndIf Next Next Next Next EndSelect Return $sVarStr EndFunc ;==>_PackVarToStr ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _RandomFileName() ; Description: Generates a random file name in the working directory so that ; the a filename is not repeated for up to 10000 coroutine ; scripts per main script. ; Parameter(s): none ; Return Value(s): FileGetShortName-converted string representing the full path ; to the temporary file, including the .au3 extension ; Author(s): Ben Brightwell ; ;=============================================================================== Func _RandomFileName() $name = FileGetShortName($sWorkingDir) & "\" & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & Random(0, 10000, 1) & ".au3" $found = 0 For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0] If $name == $avCoThreads[$i][0] Then $found = 1 EndIf Next While $found == 1 $found = 0 $name = FileGetShortName(@TempDir) & "\" & StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & Random(0, 10000, 1) & ".au3" For $i = 1 To $avCoThreads[0][0] If $name == $avCoThreads[$i][0] Then $found = 1 EndIf Next WEnd Return $name EndFunc ;==>_RandomFileName