; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Stephen Podhajecki eltorro ; Version: 0.1 ; ; Script Function: ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>; change this to your needs #Include ;_SetDebug(True) opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;=============================================================================== Global $xmlFile Global $count = 0 Global $sNxPath, $fHwnd ;=============================================================================== $xmlFile = FileOpenDialog("Open XML", @ScriptDir, "XML (*.XML)", 1) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "File Open", "No file chosen , Exiting") Exit EndIf Main() Exit ;=============================================================================== ;Funcs ;=============================================================================== Func Main() Local $szXPath, $aNodeName, $find, $ns, $oXSD,$iNodeCount,$aAttrName[1],$aAttrVal[1],$ret_val ;Local $xmlFile = "C:\cookbook" & ".xml" $ns = "" $oXSD = _XMLFileOpen ($xmlFile, $ns) If @error Or $oXSD < 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "There was an error opening the file " & $xmlFile) $oXSD = 0 Exit EndIf $szXPath = "//DATAPACKET/ROWDATA" $iNodeCount = _XMLGetNodeCount($szXPath & "/*") MsgBox(0,"Node Count",$iNodeCount) $aNodeName = _XMLGetChildNodes ($szXPath); get a list of node names under this path If $aNodeName <> - 1 Then For $find = 1 To $aNodeName[0] ConsoleWrite($aNodeName[$find]& '[' & $find & ']'&@LF) ;It's better to use node index instead of node name as all node here have same name. _XMLGetAllAttrib($szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']',$aAttrName,$aAttrVal) _ArrayDisplay($aAttrName,$szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']') _ArrayDisplay($aAttrVal,$szXPath & "/*" & '[' & $find & ']') Next MsgBox(266288,"_XMLWrapper","Done") Else MsgBox(0, "Error:", "No nodes found for " & $szXPath) EndIf $oXSD = 0 EndFunc;==>Main