;ExcelCom.au3 Version: 2_82; ; Version: 2_81; Jan 31st ; fixed "CreatBlank" again! ; Version: 2_71; Jan 11th change ame csvFile to csvFileView.cvs ; also chart type XLScatter now trendlines ;=============================================================================== ; Requirement(s): Windows XP SP2(?)/ Office 2003/ AutIt3 Beta latest (currently 87)[some may work with other office versions, but not all] ; Version: Please note; this is provided "as is" and was only intended as a "stop-gap" ; Version: It needs major re-writing, even from what I know, and errors are a problem; good luck! ; Revision Oct 2005; 1_9_28; _XLGetActive (Returns ByRef or Array); -XLRead, _XLCalc [added $s_i_Visible] {** first Error Handler} ; Revision Sept 29th 2005; More graph options; paste returns paste range now; blank improved? ; Instructions ;examples, update, http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14166&view=findpost&p=96727 ; Description: Various functions to communicate with Excel files via com ; Turns off calculation to manual, and returns to auto/ manual which was preset if "Save" requested ; Can display [/ or not] as it goes, save at end or not, and exit with /or without] save ; Simple; Read, Add, Write("Into"), Run (macroRun) into a cell [or range (write only?)] ; Complex; Write on a row (option column) a tab-delimited string (eg from text file) ; Complex; Append after last row as option ; Syntax: _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_MEExcelCom,$s_i_Save,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Visible,$s_i_Exit,$s_i_LastRow,$s_i_ToColumn) ; Syntax: Short - see at end ; Parameter(s): $s_FilePath - Path and filename of the excel file ; $s_i_Sheet - Worksheet number [or name] ; $s_i_Column -parameter allows column by letter(s) [or numbers], or range [then row is ignored] ; $i_Row - Row number ; $s_MEExcelCom - Type of action; Read, Add, Into, Run, Calc, Paste, Show, Ready, Close, Import ; $s_i_Save - Saves after action ["other"/"Save"] [0/1] ; ;[**NOTE - no worksheet update calculation occurs till save, unless also run "calc", whatever previous setting] ; $s_i_ExcelValue - Value to Insert; dummy required otherwise [may be tab-delimited string ; ; [set $s_i_LastRow or $s_i_ToColumn if needed] ; $s_i_Visible - Set whether to show or not [0/1 - or 0/"Visible"] ; $s_i_Exit - Set whether to Exit or not [0/1 - or 0/"Exit"] ; $s_i_LastRow - Set whether to automatically select row after last as insertion row [0/1]- or 0/"LastRow" ; $s_i_ToColumn - Set whether to insert tab-delimited string as column (1) or not (otherwise)- or 0/"ToColumn" ; Requirement(s): Windows XP SP2(?)/ Office 2003/ AutIt3 Beta after about (currently 87) ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns value from index cell ]See also some arrays, cell values for some short functions[ ; On Success - Returns "Lastrow" instead if $s_i_LastRow="LastRow"; use for row number to append for next command ; ** More to do; further swapping Error Handler}[On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error = 1] ; ** More to do; Soon to come!!!; Now swaps Error handler already running and re-invokes it after each call to excelCom ; ;note - current ERROR still frequent is to try to open a worksheet already open [Use readOnly command first] ; ;note - current ERROR still frequent is to try to open a named worksheet which does not exist (FileOpenDialog opens) ; ; (eg sheet2 , only 1 present) ; Author(s): Randall ; Related Functions: All short Syntax functions ; Short Options Use short Syntax ; _XLSearch($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLRead($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLWrite($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Visible) ;If $s_TabString contains a tab, will write across row using paste ; _XLWriteCol($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_TabString,$s_i_Visible) ;If $s_TabString contains a tab, will write down column using paste ; _XLAdd($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Visible) ;format maintained, but will lose original value if not "General" value ; _XLAddGeneral($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Visible) ; will maintain value and add, and maintain format ; _XLMacroRun($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_MacroName,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLCalc($s_FilePath,$s_i_Visible,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLSave($s_FilePath[,$s_i_Sheet],$s_i_Visible) ; _XLClose($s_FilePath[,$s_i_Save],$s_i_Visible) ; Default or "Save" [Saves changes and Closes workbook]["NOSave"); NO changes ; just Closes ; _XLExit($s_FilePath[,$s_i_Save]) ; Default or "Save" [Saves changes and exit Excel]["NOSave"); NO changes ; just exit Excel] ; $XLCopyRange=_XLCopy($s_cFilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$NamedRange,$s_i_Visible) ; $XLCopyRange sets range to copy for "_XLCopyTo" to run ; _XLCopyTo($FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$XLCopyRange,$s_i_Visible) ; -PAIRED WITH _XLCopy ; uses "$XLCopyRange" for copying from range ; _XLCsvPaste($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_Save,$csvPath,$s_i_Visible) ; gives flexible range rather than whole sheet to paste ; _XLLastRow($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLPaste($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_ExcelValue,$s_i_Save,$s_i_ToColumn,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLShow($s_FilePath[,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row]) ;will show current sheet; needs messagebox to pause the show ; _XLReady($s_FilePath,$s_i_Visible) ; return not significant; ensures Excel open , hidden ; _XLSort($FilePath,$Column1,$Direction1,$Column2,$Direction2,$SortRange,$s_i_Visible) ; blank range gives "UsedRange" ; _XLSaveAs($FilePath,$NewPath[,$FileType],$s_i_Visible) ; "csv"or "xls", or "txt" , or "csv" ; $WorkbookPropArray=_XLSheetProps($FilePath,$s_i_Visible) ; Returns all sheet Names and numbers to Array "$WorkbookPropArray" ; _XLFormat($FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row[,$CellFormat],$s_i_Visible) ; $CellFormat blank gives "General"; "A:A" for a column ; $s_XLArrayRange=_XLArrayWrite($XLArray,$FilePath,$s_i_Sheet,$s_i_Column,$i_Row,$s_i_Visible,$s_i_Transpose) ; returns the range used by the array ; $XLArray=_XLArrayRead($s_cFilePath,1,$s_XLArrayRange,$s_i_Visible) ; blank range gives "UsedRange" ; _XLCreateBlank($FilePath) ;creates blank Execl sheet named "Blank.xls" in "@ScriptDir" ; _XLRowToString($s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet, $s_CopyRange,$Line,$s_i_Visible) ; _WordCreateBlank($s_FilePath) ; _WordClose($s_FilePath,$s_i_Save,$s_i_Exit) ; _WordMacro($s_FilePath,$s_Macro,$s_WordValue) ; _WordCOM($s_FilePath,$s_MEWordCom,$s_Macro,$s_WordValue,$s_i_Save,$s_i_Visible,$s_i_Exit) ; _XLGetActive(ByRef $s_FilePath,ByRef $s_i_Sheet,ByRef $Address,ByRef $s_i_ExcelValue,ByRef $SheetsCount,ByRef $Name,ByRef $CurrentRange,ByRef $UsedRange,$s_i_Visible) ; _XLFromListView(ByRef $s_FilePath,$h_Listview,$iListSelected=0,$s_i_Visible="NotVisible") ; _SheetAdd(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") ; _GetSheetName(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") ; _NameSheet(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") ; _XLSheetProperties(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Visible = 0) ; to 2D array ; _XLSetColumnWidth(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $s_i_ColumnWidth, $s_i_Visible) ; $s_i_ColumnWidth can either be a number or "Autofit". For example: _XLSetColumnWidth($FilePath, 1, "A:J", "Autofit", 0) ; _XLShowColorCodes() ; Dont know the numbers for the color codes to set cell background color and font color? Simply call this function and it will lay them all out in an excel spreadsheet :) ; _XLSetCellFontName(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $s_FontName, $s_i_Visible) ; Set a cells font, ie _XLSetCellFontName($FilePath,1,"C",10,"Wingdings",0) ; _XLSetCellFontColor(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible) ; _XLSetCellFontColor($FilePath,1,"C",10,5,0) Note. '5' is the color code ; _XLSetCellColor(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible) ; Sets a cell's background color, use in the same way as _XLSetCellFontColor ; ; ;=============================================================================== ;**************************************************FUNC follows ********************************* ;global $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES ;#include #include-once #include #include Func _ExcelCOM(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $s_MEExcelCom = "Read", $s_i_Save = "Save", $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0, $s_i_Exit = 0, $s_i_LastRow = 0, $s_i_ToColumn = 0) ;Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3) Local $numtabs, $ColLettStart, $Range, $Col1, $ColNum1, $Col2, $ColNum2, $oExcel, $Calculate, $var Local $AddressExcel, $i_RowExcel, $Close, $oCSV, $oCopyFrom, $sFuncNameOrg, $sListview, $a $Range = $s_i_Column & $i_Row ; Msgbox (0,$s_MEExcelCom&"1","IsString($s_i_Visible)=" & IsString($s_i_Visible)&@CRLF&"Number($s_i_Visible)=" & Number($s_i_Visible)&@CRLF&"$s_i_Visible=" & $s_i_Visible&@CRLF&"IsNumber($s_i_Visible)=" & IsNumber($s_i_Visible)) ;These lines handle non-zero string number values If IsString($s_i_Sheet) And Number($s_i_Sheet) <> 0 Then $s_i_Sheet = Number($s_i_Sheet) If IsString($s_i_Column) And Number($s_i_Column) <> 0 Then $s_i_Column = Number($s_i_Column) If IsString($s_i_Save) And Number($s_i_Save) <> 0 Then $s_i_Save = Number($s_i_Save) If IsString($s_i_Visible) And Number($s_i_Visible) <> 0 Then $s_i_Visible = Number($s_i_Visible) If IsString($s_i_Exit) And Number($s_i_Exit) <> 0 Then $s_i_Exit = Number($s_i_Exit) If IsString($s_i_LastRow) And Number($s_i_LastRow) <> 0 Then $s_i_LastRow = Number($s_i_LastRow) If IsString($s_i_ToColumn) And Number($s_i_ToColumn) <> 0 Then $s_i_ToColumn = Number($s_i_ToColumn) ; Msgbox (0,$s_MEExcelCom&"2","IsString($s_i_Visible)=" & IsString($s_i_Visible)&@CRLF&"Number($s_i_Visible)=" & Number($s_i_Visible)&@CRLF&"$s_i_Visible=" & $s_i_Visible&@CRLF&"IsNumber($s_i_Visible)=" & IsNumber($s_i_Visible)) ;These lines handle string values not values If $s_i_Save = "Save" And IsString($s_i_Save) Then $s_i_Save = 1 If IsString($s_i_Save) Then $s_i_Save = 0 ;================================================= If $s_i_Visible = "Visible" And IsString($s_i_Visible) Then $s_i_Visible = 1 If IsString($s_i_Visible) Then $s_i_Visible = 0 ;================================================= If $s_i_Exit = "Exit" And IsString($s_i_Exit) Then $s_i_Exit = 1 If IsString($s_i_Exit) Then $s_i_Exit = 0 ;================================================= If $s_i_LastRow = "LastRow" And IsString($s_i_LastRow) Then $s_i_LastRow = 1 If IsString($s_i_LastRow) Then $s_i_LastRow = 0 ;================================================= If $s_i_ToColumn = "ToColumn" And IsString($s_i_ToColumn) Then $s_i_ToColumn = 1 If IsString($s_i_ToColumn) Then $s_i_ToColumn = 0 ;================================================= ;if $s_i_Save="Save" and IsString($s_i_Save) then $s_i_Save=1 ;if $s_i_Visible="Visible" and IsString($s_i_Visible) then $s_i_Visible=1 ;if $s_i_Exit="Exit" and IsString($s_i_Exit) then $s_i_Exit=1 ;if $s_i_LastRow="LastRow" and IsString($s_i_LastRow) then $s_i_LastRow=1 ;if $s_i_ToColumn="ToColumn" and IsString($s_i_ToColumn) then $s_i_ToColumn=1 ;Msgbox (0,$s_MEExcelCom&"3","IsString($s_i_Save)=" & IsString($s_i_Save)&@CRLF&"Number($s_i_Save)=" & Number($s_i_Save)&@CRLF&"$s_i_Save=" & $s_i_Visible&@CRLF&"IsNumber($s_i_Save)=" & IsNumber($s_i_Save)) ;==================================================if all numbers If StringIsDigit($s_i_Column) Then If $s_i_Column <= 26 Then $ColLettStart = Chr($s_i_Column + 64) Else $ColLettStart = Chr(Int($s_i_Column / 26) + 64) & Chr(Mod($s_i_Column, 26) + 64) EndIf $s_i_Column = $ColLettStart $Range = $s_i_Column & $i_Row ;==================================================if all numbers Else ;==================================================if some numbers If StringRegExp($s_i_Column, "[0-9]", 0) Then $Range = $s_i_Column $ColLettStart = StringRegExpReplace($s_i_Column, "[0-9]", "", 0) Else ;==================================================if no numbersand string length too long If StringLen($s_i_Column) > 2 Then $Range = $s_i_Column EndIf $Col1 = StringLeft($s_i_Column, 1) $ColNum1= (Asc($Col1) - 64) If StringLen($s_i_Column) > 1 Then $Col2 = StringMid($s_i_Column, 2, 1) $ColNum2= (Asc($Col1) - 64) $ColNum1 = 26 * $ColNum1 + $ColNum2 EndIf $ColLettStart = $ColNum1 EndIf ;================================================== ;If $s_i_Sheet < 1 Then $s_i_Sheet = 1 If $s_i_Visible <> 1 Then $s_i_Visible = 0 If Not FileExists($s_FilePath) Or (Not StringInStr($s_FilePath, ".csv") And Not StringInStr($s_FilePath, ".xl") And Not StringInStr($s_FilePath, ".txt")) Then ;msgbox (0,"$s_FilePath=",$s_FilePath) _XLCreateBlank($s_FilePath) ;$s_FilePath = FileOpenDialog("[ExcelCom] ; Go", $s_FilePath, "Worksheet" & " (" & "*.xl*;*.csv;*.txt" & ")", 1);+ $Recurse+ $Recurse EndIf If Not IsObj ($oExcel) Then $oExcel = ObjGet ($s_FilePath) ; Get an Excel Object from an existing filename EndIf If IsObj ($oExcel) Then If $s_i_Sheet > $oExcel.Worksheets.count Then $s_i_Sheet = $oExcel.Worksheets.count With $oExcel .Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible If $s_i_Sheet = "ActiveSheet" Then $s_i_Sheet = .ActiveSheet.Name ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_i_Sheet="&$s_i_Sheet) .Worksheets ($s_i_Sheet).Activate .ActiveSheet.Visible = 1 .Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible $xlCalculationManual = -4135 $xlCalculationAutomatic = -4105 $Calculation = .Application.Calculation .Application.Calculation = $xlCalculationManual $i_RowExcel = $i_Row ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_i_ToColumn="&$s_i_ToColumn) if (StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, @TAB) And StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Into") And StringInStr($Range, ":")) Or $s_i_ToColumn <> 0 And Not StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Paste") Then $ExcelValueArr = StringSplit($s_i_ExcelValue, @TAB) If $s_i_ToColumn = 0 Then $MaxNum = 256 Else $MaxNum = 63536 EndIf If $s_i_ToColumn = 0 Then If $ExcelValueArr[0]> (1 + $MaxNum - $ColLettStart) Then $ExcelValueArr[0] = 1 + $MaxNum - $ColLettStart $ColLettEndValue = $ColLettStart + $ExcelValueArr[0] If $ColLettEndValue <= 26 Then $ColLettEnd = Chr($ColLettEndValue + 64) Else $FirstIntVal = Int(($ColLettEndValue) / 26) $DivBy26 = Mod($ColLettEndValue, 26) = 0 $FirstIntVal = $FirstIntVal $SecondVal= ($ColLettEndValue - $FirstIntVal * 26) + 26 * $DivBy26 $ColLettEnd = Chr($FirstIntVal - $DivBy26 + 64) & Chr($SecondVal + 64) EndIf $Range = $Range & ":" & $ColLettEnd & $i_RowExcel Else If $ExcelValueArr[0]> (1 + $MaxNum - $i_RowExcel) Then $ExcelValueArr[0] = 1 + $MaxNum - $i_RowExcel $Range = $Range & ":" & $s_i_Column& ($i_RowExcel + $ExcelValueArr[0]) EndIf $numtabs = $ExcelValueArr[0] For $j = 0 To $numtabs - 1 $ExcelValueArr[$j] = $ExcelValueArr[$j + 1] Next EndIf Select Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "ArrayWrite") If $s_i_LastRow = 1 Then _ArrayTranspose2D($s_i_ExcelValue) .activesheet.range ($Range).Activate .Application.ActiveCell.Offset (UBound($s_i_ExcelValue, 2) - 1, UBound($s_i_ExcelValue, 1) - 1).Activate $EndRange = .Application.activecell.address $EndRange = StringReplace($EndRange, "$", "") $var = $Range & ":" & $EndRange .activesheet.range ($var).select .activesheet.range ($var).value = $s_i_ExcelValue; Write the data back in one shot Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "ArrayRead") If $s_i_ExcelValue <> "" And $s_i_ExcelValue <> "UsedRange" Then $var = .activesheet.range ($s_i_ExcelValue).value ; Retrieve the cell values from given range Else $var = .activesheet.UsedRange.value ; Retrieve the cell values from given range EndIf Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Search") Local $s_FirstAddress, $s_FoundObject ;.Worksheets($s_i_Sheet).UsedRange $s_FoundList = "Nothing" $s_FoundObject = .Worksheets ($s_i_Sheet).UsedRange.Find ($s_i_ExcelValue) If isobj ($s_FoundObject) Then $s_FoundList = $s_FoundObject.Address $s_FirstAddress = $s_FoundObject.Address While 1 $s_FoundObject = .Worksheets ($s_i_Sheet).UsedRange.FindNext ($s_FoundObject) If Not isobj ($s_FoundObject) Then ExitLoop If $s_FoundObject.Address = $s_FirstAddress Then ExitLoop $s_FoundList = $s_FoundList & "|" & $s_FoundObject.Address WEnd EndIf $var = $s_FoundList Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Into") If $s_i_ToColumn <> 0 Then For $j = 0 To $numtabs - 1 $Range = $s_i_Column& ($i_RowExcel + $j) .activesheet.range ($Range).value = $ExcelValueArr[$j]; Fill cell numbers Next Else .activesheet.range ($Range).value = $s_i_ExcelValue ; Fill cell numbers +0 EndIf $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Paste") While 1 If not (ClipGet() == "") Then ExitLoop Else $a = $a + 1 If $a > 50 Then MsgBox(0, "", "in Paste inside") EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd .activesheet.range ($Range).select .activesheet.paste ;(.range ($Range)) $var = .Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address $var = StringReplace($var, "$", "") Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Show") .activesheet.range ($Range).select ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_i_ExcelValue="&$s_i_ExcelValue) If $s_i_ExcelValue = 1 Or StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, "Chart") Then .Sheets ("Chart1").Select Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Add1") $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value .activesheet.range ($Range).value = Number($s_i_ExcelValue) + $var ; Fill cell numbers $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Add2") $selc = .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat ;.activesheet.range ($Range).Select ;.Application.Selection.NumberFormat = "General" .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat = "General" $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value .activesheet.range ($Range).value = Number($s_i_ExcelValue) + $var ; Fill cell numbers ;.activesheet.range ($Range).Select ;.Application.Selection.NumberFormat = $selc .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat = $selc $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Format") $selc = .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat ;.activesheet.range ($Range).Select ;.Application.Selection.NumberFormat = "General" .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat = "General" $FormatString = "General|yyyy/mm/dd;@|mm/dd/yyyy;@|dd/mm/yyyyy;@|0.00|$#,##0.00|[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy" $FormatString = $FormatString & "#,##0.00_ ;[Red]-#,##0.00 |$###0.00;-$###0.00|# ?/?|$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)|[$-C09]d mmmm yyyy;@" $FormatString = $FormatString & "[$-409]h:mm:ss AM/PM;@|0.00%|@" If StringInStr($FormatString, $s_i_ExcelValue, "") Then ;.activesheet.range ($Range).Select ;.Application.Selection.NumberFormat = $s_i_ExcelValue .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat = $s_i_ExcelValue EndIf $selc2 = .activesheet.range ($Range).NumberFormat ;MsgBox(0,"","$selc2="&$selc2) Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Read") $var = .activesheet.range ($Range).value Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SheetAdd") .Sheets.add $var = .ActiveSheet.Name Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "GetSheetName") $var = .ActiveSheet.Name Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "NameSheet") ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_i_ExcelValue="&$s_i_ExcelValue) _NewSheetName($s_i_ExcelValue, $oExcel) .ActiveSheet.Name = $s_i_ExcelValue $var = .ActiveSheet.Name Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Props") $BooksCount = .Application.Workbooks.count $var = "Number Workbooks=" & $BooksCount & "|" For $j = 1 To $BooksCount $SheetsCount = .Application.Workbooks ($j).Worksheets.count For $i = 1 To $SheetsCount $var = $var & " " & .Application.Workbooks ($j).Name & " " & .Application.Workbooks ($j).Sheets ($i).Name If not ($i = $SheetsCount And $j = $BooksCount) Then $var = $var & "|" Next Next $varsplit = StringSplit($var, "|") Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Properties") $BooksCount = .Application.Workbooks.count ;$var = "Number Workbooks=" & $BooksCount & "|" Dim $var[$BooksCount + 1][2], $j = 0, $i = 0 $var[0][0] = " Sheet" For $s_Workbook In .Application.Workbooks $j = $j + 1 $var[$j][0] = " " & $s_Workbook.Name $SheetsCount = $s_Workbook.Worksheets.count If UBound($var, 2) < $SheetsCount + 1 Then ReDim $var[$BooksCount + 1][$SheetsCount + 1] For $s_WorkSheet In $s_Workbook.Worksheets $i = $i + 1 $var[0][$i] = StringRight(" " & $i, 4) $var[$j][$i] = $s_WorkSheet.Name Next $i = 0 Next Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Run") .Application.Run ($s_i_ExcelValue) ;"Normal.NewMacros.Font4" Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Ready") $var = .Application.Ready Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Calc") .Application.Calculation = $xlCalculationAutomatic Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Close") $Close = 1 Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SaveAs") If $i_Row = "xls" Then $i_Row = -4143 If $i_Row = "csv" Then $i_Row = 24 If $i_Row = "txt" Then $i_Row = 20 .Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 .Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 If FileExists($s_i_ExcelValue) Then FileDelete($s_i_ExcelValue) EndIf .SaveAs ($s_i_ExcelValue, $i_Row) .Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 .Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Import") If Not FileExists($s_i_ExcelValue) Or (Not StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, ".csv") And Not StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, ".xl") And Not StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, ".txt")) Then $s_i_ExcelValue = FileOpenDialog("[Import] Go - Choose your input file as inbuilt one not exists", @ScriptDir, "Comma /XL* Files" & " (" & "*.csv;*.xl*;*.txt" & ")", 1);+ $Recurse+ $Recurse EndIf $oCSV = ObjGet ($s_i_ExcelValue) ; Get an Excel Object from an existing filename $oCSV.Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible $oCSV.Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible ;msgbox(0,"",$s_FilePath&@CRLF ClipPut("") $oCSV.activesheet.UsedRange.Copy .Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible ;msgbox(0,"",$s_FilePath&@CRLF .Worksheets ($s_i_Sheet).Activate .activesheet.range ($Range).select ;Do not proceed until the clipboard is no longer 1 While 1 If not (ClipGet() == "") Then ExitLoop Else $a = $a + 1 If $a > 50 Then MsgBox(0, "", "in Import") EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd .activesheet.paste ;ClipPut("") $var = .Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address $var = StringReplace($var, "$", "") $oCSV.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 ;$oCSV.Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 $oCSV.close (0) ;$oCSV.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 ;$oCSV.Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "CopyTo") ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_MEExcelCom"&$s_MEExcelCom) $ExcelValuePass = StringSplit($s_i_ExcelValue, "|") $CopyFile = $ExcelValuePass[1] $CopySheet = $ExcelValuePass[2] $s_CopyRange = $ExcelValuePass[3] If Not FileExists($CopyFile) Or (Not StringInStr($CopyFile, ".csv") And Not StringInStr($CopyFile, ".xl")) And Not StringInStr($s_i_ExcelValue, ".txt") Then $CopyFile = FileOpenDialog("[CopyTo] Go - Choose your input file as inbuilt one not exists", @ScriptDir, "Comma /XL* Files" & " (" & "*.csv;*.xl*;*.txt" & ")", 1);+ $Recurse+ $Recurse EndIf $oCopyFrom = ObjGet ($CopyFile) ; Get an Excel Object from an existing filename $oCopyFrom.Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible ;msgbox(0,"",$s_FilePath&@CRLF $oCopyFrom.Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible ClipPut("") If $s_CopyRange <> "" And $s_CopyRange <> "UsedRange" Then $oCopyFrom.activesheet.range ($s_CopyRange).copy Else $oCopyFrom.activesheet.UsedRange.copy EndIf .Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible ;msgbox(0,"",$s_FilePath&@CRLF .Worksheets ($s_i_Sheet).Activate .activesheet.range ($Range).select While 1 If not (ClipGet() == "") Then ExitLoop Else $a = $a + 1 If $a > 50 Then MsgBox(0, "", "in CopyTo") EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd .activesheet.paste ;ClipPut("") $var = .Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address $var = StringReplace($var, "$", "") Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "Copy") ClipPut("") If $s_i_ExcelValue <> "" And $s_i_ExcelValue <> "UsedRange" Then $var = $s_i_ExcelValue Else $var = "UsedRange" EndIf $var = $s_FilePath & "|" & $s_i_Sheet & "|" & $var Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SetColWidth") If $s_i_ExcelValue = "Autofit" Then .Application.Columns ($s_i_Column).Autofit Else .Application.Columns ($s_i_Column).ColumnWidth = $s_i_ExcelValue EndIf Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SetCellFontName") If $s_i_ExcelValue <> "" Then .Application.Cells ($i_Row, $s_i_Column).Font.Name = $s_i_ExcelValue EndIf Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SetCellFontColor") If IsInt($s_i_ExcelValue) = 1 Then .Application.Cells ($i_Row, $s_i_Column).Font.ColorIndex = $s_i_ExcelValue EndIf Case StringInStr($s_MEExcelCom, "SetCellColor") If IsInt($s_i_ExcelValue) = 1 Then .Application.Cells ($i_Row, $s_i_Column).Interior.ColorIndex = $s_i_ExcelValue EndIf EndSelect If $s_i_Save == "Save" Or $s_i_Save = 1 Then .Application.Calculation = $Calculation .Save EndIf .Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible; Set the application invisible (without this Excel will exit) If $Close = 1 And $s_i_Exit = 0 Then .saved = 1 .close EndIf If $s_i_Exit = 1 Then ;.saved=1 .Application.Quit While ProcessExists('excel.exe') Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf If IsObj ($oCopyFrom) Then $oCopyFrom.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 ;$oCopyFrom.Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 $oCopyFrom.close (0) ;$oCopyFrom.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 ;$oCopyFrom.Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 EndIf If $s_i_LastRow = 1 Then .Application.Selection.SpecialCells (11).Select;$xlCellTypeLastCell=11 .Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible $AddressExcel = .Application.activecell.address ;;= $s_i_ExcelValue $AddressExcel = StringReplace($AddressExcel, "$", "") $i_RowExcel = StringRight($AddressExcel, StringLen($AddressExcel) - 1) While StringRegExp($i_RowExcel, "[A-Z]", 0) $i_RowExcel = StringRight($i_RowExcel, StringLen($i_RowExcel) - 1) WEnd $i_RowExcel = $i_RowExcel + 1 EndIf EndWith ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $s_MEExcelCom = "FromList" Then $Fso = ObjCreate ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") $sListview = $s_i_ExcelValue $iListSelected = $s_i_LastRow $oXLDummy = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") _XLClose($s_FilePath, 0, 0) $CsvFileView = @ScriptDir & "\" & "ListView.csv" If Not WinExists("Microsoft Excel") Then $oXLDummy = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") EndIf If FileExists($CsvFileView) Then _XLClose($CsvFileView, 0, 0) FileDelete($CsvFileView) EndIf If $iListSelected = 1 Then Local $a_indices = _GUICtrlListViewGetSelectedIndices ($sListview, 1) If (IsArray($a_indices)) Then Local $i ;$sFile = $Fso.BuildPath( $Fso.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path, $Txtfile ) $f = $Fso.CreateTextFile ($CsvFileView, 1, 1) ;$f = FileOpen( $CsvFileView, 1) For $i = 1 To $a_indices[0] $ExcelLine = StringReplace(_GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($sListview, $a_indices[$i]), "|", @TAB) $f.WriteLine ($ExcelLine) ;FileWriteLine( $f,$ExcelLine) Next $f.Close (); ;FileClose( $f ); Else $f = $Fso.CreateTextFile ($CsvFileView, 1, 1) ;$f = FileOpen( $CsvFileView, 1) For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount ($sListview) - 1 $ExcelLine = StringReplace(_GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($sListview, $i), "|", @TAB) $f.WriteLine ($ExcelLine) ;FileWriteLine( $f,$ExcelLine) Next $f.Close (); ;FileClose( $f ); ;GUICtrlSetData($Status, "No Items Selected") EndIf Else $f = $Fso.CreateTextFile ($CsvFileView, 1, 1) ;$f = FileOpen( $CsvFileView, 1) For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlListViewGetItemCount ($sListview) - 1 $ExcelLine = StringReplace(_GUICtrlListViewGetItemText ($sListview, $i), "|", @TAB) $f.WriteLine ($ExcelLine) ;FileWriteLine( $f,$ExcelLine) Next $f.Close (); ;FileClose( $f ); EndIf _XLSaveAs($CsvFileView, $s_FilePath, "xls", $s_i_Visible) If $s_i_Visible = 1 And WinExists("Microsoft Excel") Then $WinGetTitle = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel") WinActivate($WinGetTitle) EndIf EndIf ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $s_MEExcelCom = "Chart" Then $ExcelValuePass = StringSplit($s_i_ExcelValue, "|") $ChartType = $ExcelValuePass[1] $PlotBy = $ExcelValuePass[2] $Title = $ExcelValuePass[3] $Xaxis = $ExcelValuePass[4] $Yaxis = $ExcelValuePass[5] $Zdata = $ExcelValuePass[6] $SortRange = $ExcelValuePass[7] If $s_i_Sheet < 1 Then $s_i_Sheet = '"' & $s_i_Sheet & '"' If IsObj ($oExcel) Then $oExcel.close (0) EndIf If $SortRange <> "" And $SortRange <> "UsedRange" Then $SortRange = "Range(" & '"' & $SortRange & '"' & ")" Else $SortRange = "UsedRange" EndIf $code = "Sub XLChart(FilePath, ChartType, PlotBy,Columns2,Direction2)" $code = $code & @CRLF & "Dim oXL" $code = $code & @CRLF & "Set oXL = GetObject(FilePath)" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.Windows (1).Visible = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.Worksheets (" & $s_i_Sheet & ").Activate" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveSheet.Visible = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.Application.Visible = 0" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.Charts.add" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.ChartType = ChartType" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.SetSourceData oXL.Worksheets (1)." & $SortRange & ", PlotBy" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.Location 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & "With oXL.ActiveChart" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".HasTitle = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".ChartTitle.Characters.Text = " & '"' & $Title & '"' $XaxisExclusions = StringSplit("2,-4099,5,-4102,70,69,68,-4111,71,9,-4132", ",") $X1axis = "Yes" For $Element In $XaxisExclusions If $ChartType = $Element Then $X1axis = "No" Next If $X1axis = "Yes" Then $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(1,1).HasTitle = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(1,1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = " & '"' & $Xaxis & '"' EndIf $YaxisInclusions = StringSplit("-4101,-4100,-4098", ",") $Y1axis = "No" For $Element In $YaxisInclusions If $ChartType = $Element Then $Y1axis = "Yes" Next If $Y1axis = "Yes" Then $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(3,1).HasTitle = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(3,1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = " & '"' & $Yaxis & '"' EndIf $code = $code & @CRLF & "if ChartType=-4101 then" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(2,1).HasTitle = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(2,1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = " & '"' & $Zdata & '"' $code = $code & @CRLF & ".HasDataTable = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".DataTable.ShowLegendKey = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & "end if" $code = $code & @CRLF & "if ChartType=74 then" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(2,1).HasTitle = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Axes(2,1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = " & '"' & $Yaxis & '"' $code = $code & @CRLF & ".SeriesCollection(1).Name = " & '"' & $Zdata & '"' $code = $code & @CRLF & "end if" $code = $code & @CRLF & "End with" If $ChartType = 74 Then $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Select" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines.Add(2).Select" $code = $code & @CRLF & "oXL.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines.Add(3,3).Select" $code = $code & @CRLF & "With oXL.Application.Selection.Border" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".ColorIndex = 3";red $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Weight = -4138" ;'XLMedium $code = $code & @CRLF & ".LineStyle = 1" ;'xlContinuous $code = $code & @CRLF & "End With" EndIf ;$code=$code & @CRLF & "oXL.save" $code = $code & @CRLF & "End Sub" $vbs = ObjCreate ("ScriptControl") $vbs.language = "vbscript" ;msgbox(0,"",$code) $vbs.addcode ($code) $retour = $vbs.run ("XLChart", $s_FilePath, $ChartType, $PlotBy, $ChartType, $PlotBy) EndIf ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If $s_MEExcelCom = "Sort" Then $ExcelValuePass = StringSplit($s_i_ExcelValue, "|") $Columns1 = $ExcelValuePass[1] $Direction1 = $ExcelValuePass[2] $Columns2 = $ExcelValuePass[3] $Direction2 = $ExcelValuePass[4] $SortRange = $ExcelValuePass[5] If $s_i_Sheet < 1 Then $s_i_Sheet = '"' & $s_i_Sheet & '"' If IsObj ($oExcel) Then $oExcel.close (0) EndIf $xlAscending = 1 $xlDescending = 2 $xlGuess = 0 $xlTopToBottom = 1 If $SortRange <> "" And $SortRange <> "UsedRange" Then $SortRange = "Range(" & '"' & $SortRange & '"' & ")" Else $SortRange = "UsedRange" EndIf $code = "Sub XLSort(FilePath, Columns1, Direction1,Columns2,Direction2)" $code = $code & @CRLF & "Dim oXL" $code = $code & @CRLF & "Set oXL = GetObject(FilePath)" $code = $code & @CRLF & "With oXL" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Windows (1).Visible = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Worksheets (" & $s_i_Sheet & ").Activate" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".ActiveSheet.Visible = 1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Application.Visible = " & $s_i_Visible $code = $code & @CRLF & "Set objRange1 =.ActiveSheet.Range(Columns1)" $code = $code & @CRLF & "Set objRange2 =.ActiveSheet.Range(Columns2)" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".ActiveSheet." & $SortRange & ".Select" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".Application.Selection.Sort objrange1, Direction1,objRange2,,Direction2,,,2,2,False,,1" $code = $code & @CRLF & ".save" $code = $code & @CRLF & "End with" $code = $code & @CRLF & "End Sub" $vbs = ObjCreate ("ScriptControl") $vbs.language = "vbscript" $vbs.addcode ($code) $retour = $vbs.run ("XLSort", $s_FilePath, $Columns1, $Direction1, $Columns2, $Direction2) EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "Excel File Test", "Error: Could not open " & $s_FilePath & " as an Excel Object.") EndIf If $s_i_LastRow = 1 Then Return $i_RowExcel Else If $s_MEExcelCom = "Props" Then Return $varsplit Else Return $var EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ExcelCOM Func _XLSearch($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible) Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "Search", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_XLSearch Func _XLGetActive(ByRef $s_FilePath, ByRef $s_i_Sheet, ByRef $Address, ByRef $s_i_ExcelValue, ByRef $SheetsCount, ByRef $Name, ByRef $CurrentRange, ByRef $UsedRange, $s_i_Visible = 0) $oExcel = ObjGet ("", "Excel.Application") If IsObj ($oExcel) Then $WorkbooksCount = $oExcel.Application.Workbooks.count ;Msgbox(0,"","$WorkbooksCount"&"$s_FilePath="&$s_FilePath&"$WorkbooksCount="&$WorkbooksCount) If IsObj ($oExcel) And $WorkbooksCount > 0 Then $s_FilePath = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.fullname ;EndIf Else ;If not WinExists("Microsoft Excel") Then $s_FilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Blank.xls" _XLCreateBlank($s_FilePath) _XLRead($s_FilePath) EndIf ;_XLExit($s_FilePath) $ssFilePath = $s_FilePath ;$oExcel="" $oExcel = ObjGet ("", "Excel.Application") If Not IsObj ($oExcel) Then MsgBox(0, "", "what - no Excel!") $oExcel (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible $BooksCount = $oExcel.Application.Workbooks.count If $BooksCount = 0 Then $oExcel.Application.Workbooks.add $BooksCount = $oExcel.Application.Workbooks.count $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets.add $MyExtraSheet = $oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.name $SheetsCount = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets.count _XLRead($s_FilePath) $oExcel = ObjGet ("", "Excel.Application") If Not IsObj ($oExcel) Then MsgBox(0, "", "what - no Excel!") $SheetsCount = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.Sheets.count $Address = $oExcel.Application.activecell.address $s_i_ExcelValue = $oExcel.Application.activecell.value $Name = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.name $s_i_Sheet = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.name $s_FilePath = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.fullname $UsedRange = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Address $CurrentRange = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address $FontBackground = $oExcel.Application.ActiveCell.Font.Background $FontColor = $oExcel.Application.ActiveCell.Font.Color $FontFontStyle = $oExcel.Application.ActiveCell.Font.FontStyle $FontName = $oExcel.Application.ActiveCell.Font.Name $FontSize = $oExcel.Application.ActiveCell.Font.Size If Not StringInStr($s_FilePath, "\") Then ;Msgbox(0,"","Trying and retrying"&"$s_FilePath="&$s_FilePath&"$SheetsCount="&$SheetsCount) $s_FilePath = @ScriptDir & "\" & $s_FilePath $oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 $oExcel.Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 If FileExists($s_FilePath) Then FileDelete($s_FilePath) EndIf $oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs ($s_FilePath) $s_FilePath = $oExcel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.fullname $oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 $oExcel.Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 EndIf $var = $Address & "|" & $s_i_ExcelValue & "|" & $s_FilePath & "|" & $SheetsCount & "|" & $Name & "|" & $s_i_Sheet & "|" & $CurrentRange & "|" & $UsedRange $var = $var & "|" & $FontBackground & "|" & $FontColor & "|" & $FontFontStyle & "|" & $FontName & "|" & $FontSize;&"|"&$s_i_Sheet&"|"&$CurrentRange&"|"&$UsedRange,"|") Return StringSplit($var, "|") EndFunc ;==>_XLGetActive Func _XLChart(ByRef $s_FilePath, $ChartType = 1, $PlotBy = 1, $Title = 1, $Xaxis = 1, $Yaxis = 1, $Zdata = 1, $SortRange = "UsedRange", $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $ExcelValuePass = $ChartType & "|" & $PlotBy & "|" & $Title & "|" & $Xaxis & "|" & $Yaxis & "|" & $Zdata & "|" & $SortRange $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "Chart", "NoSave", $ExcelValuePass, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_XLChart Func _XLFromListView(ByRef $s_FilePath, $h_Listview, $iListSelected = 0, $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, 1, 1, "FromList", "NoSave", $h_Listview, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", $iListSelected, "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_XLFromListView Func _SheetAdd(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "SheetAdd", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_SheetAdd ;Func _BookAdd(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") ; Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "BookAdd", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;EndFunc ;==>_BookAdd Func _GetSheetName(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "GetSheetName", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_GetSheetName Func _NameSheet(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "Sheet", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "NameSheet", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_NameSheet Func _XLSheetProps(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Visible = 0) Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, 1, 1, "Props", "NoSave", 4, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSheetProps Func _XLSheetProperties(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Visible = 0) Return _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, 1, 1, "Properties", "NoSave", 4, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSheetProperties Func _XLCreateBlank($s_FilePath) $NewName = $s_FilePath If Not FileExists($NewName) Then $oXLNew1 = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") $oXLNew1.workbooks.Add $oXLNew1.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ($NewName) $oXLNew1.ActiveWorkbook.Close (0) $oXLNew1.DisplayAlerts = 1 $oXLNew1.ScreenUpdating = 1 $oXLNew1.quit EndIf $oXLNew = ObjGet ($NewName) ;if isobj ($oXLNew) then $oXLNew.Application.quit If IsObj ($oXLNew) Then $oXLNew.close (0) $oXLNew = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") $oXLNew.workbooks.Add $oXLNew.DisplayAlerts = 0 $oXLNew.ScreenUpdating = 0 If FileExists($NewName) Then FileDelete($NewName) ;MsgBox(0,"","deleted"&$NewName) EndIf $oXLNew.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ($NewName) $oXLNew.ActiveWorkbook.Close (0) $oXLNew.DisplayAlerts = 1 $oXLNew.ScreenUpdating = 1 $oXLNew.quit EndFunc ;==>_XLCreateBlank Func _XLRead(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible") $varread = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Read", "NoSave", 4, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $varread EndFunc ;==>_XLRead Func _XLReadOnly(ByRef $ssFilePath, $NewPath = "c:\booktemp.xls", $s_i_Visible = 0) $oXLApp = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") $oNewPath = ObjGet ($NewPath) If IsObj ($oNewPath) Then _XLClose($NewPath, 0) If Not FileExists($ssFilePath) Or (Not StringInStr($ssFilePath, ".csv") And Not StringInStr($ssFilePath, ".xl") And Not StringInStr($ssFilePath, ".txt")) Then $ssFilePath = FileOpenDialog("[_XLReadOnly] Go - Choose your input file as inbuilt one not exists", @ScriptDir, "Comma /XL* Files" & " (" & "*.csv;*.xl*;*.txt" & ")", 1);+ $Recurse+ $Recurse $oTempPath = ObjGet ($ssFilePath) $oTempPath.close (0) EndIf $oXLApp.Workbooks.Open ($ssFilePath, 0) $oXLApp.Windows (1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible $oXLApp.Worksheets (1).Activate $oXLApp.ActiveSheet.Visible = $s_i_Visible $oXLApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 $oXLApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = 0 If FileExists($NewPath) Then FileDelete($NewPath) EndIf $oXLApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ($NewPath) $oXLApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 $oXLApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = 1 $ssFilePath = $NewPath EndFunc ;==>_XLReadOnly Func _XLWrite(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $ExcelValue1 = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $varwr = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Into", "NoSave", $ExcelValue1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $varwr EndFunc ;==>_XLWrite Func _XLPaste(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $ExcelValue1 = "", $s_i_Save = "Save", $s_i_ToColumn = "NOTToColumn", $s_i_Visible = 0) If $s_i_ToColumn <> 0 Or $s_i_ToColumn = "ToColumn" Then ;MsgBox(0,"$s_i_ToColumn<>0 or $s_i_ToColumn","$s_i_ToColumn="&$s_i_ToColumn) $ExcelValue1 = StringReplace($ExcelValue1, @CRLF, ",") $ExcelValue1 = StringReplace($ExcelValue1, @TAB, @CRLF) ;Else ;MsgBox(0,"NOT $s_i_ToColumn<>0 or $s_i_ToColumn","$s_i_ToColumn="&$s_i_ToColumn) EndIf ClipPut("") Local $a = 0 If $ExcelValue1 <> "" Then ClipPut($ExcelValue1) While 1 If not (ClipGet() == "") Then ExitLoop Else $a = $a + 1 If $a > 50 Then MsgBox(0, "", "in _XLpaste") EndIf Sleep(50) WEnd $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Paste", "Save", 1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLPaste Func _XLExit(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Save = 1) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A", 1, "calc", $s_i_Save, 1, "NOTVisible", "Exit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); Exit excel ;return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLExit Func _XLLastRow(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var2 = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, "A", 1, "Read", "NoSave", 1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "LastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel Return $var2 EndFunc ;==>_XLLastRow Func _XLSave(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Save = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A", 1, "Read", "Save", 1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLSave Func _XLClose(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Save = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A", 1, "close", $s_i_Save, 1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLClose Func _XLShow(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $ExcelValue1 = 0) ;$var= _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Show", "NoSave", $ExcelValue1, "Visible", "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLShow Func _XLMacroRun(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "persoNAL.XLS!Macro1", $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, "A", 1, "Run", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLMacroRun Func _XLSaveAs(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_ExcelValue = "c:\test.xls", $csv = "xls", $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A1", $csv, "SaveAs", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLSaveAs Func _XLReady(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A", 1, "Ready", "NoSave", 4, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLReady Func _XLAdd(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Add1", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLAdd Func _XLAddGeneral(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Add2", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLAddGeneral Func _XLCalc(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, 1, "A", 1, "Calc", "NoSave", 1, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLCalc Func _XLWriteCol(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = "A", $i_Row = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Into", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NOTLastRow", "ToColumn"); read cell "E7" Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLWriteCol Func _XLCsvPaste(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = 1, $i_Row = 1, $s_i_Save = "Save", $csvPath = "test.csv", $s_i_Visible = 0) ; rem must save else may not paste (? calc?) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Import", "Save", $csvPath, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLCsvPaste ;func _XLCopyTo(ByRef $s_FilePath,$s_i_Sheet=1,$s_i_Column=1,$i_Row=1,$XLCopyRange=$s_FilePath&"|"&$s_i_Sheet&"|"&"A1:B2",$s_i_Visible=0) Func _XLCopyTo(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = 1, $i_Row = 1, $XLCopyRange = "A1:B2", $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "CopyTo", "Save", $XLCopyRange, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLCopyTo Func _XLArrayWrite($XLArray, ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = 1, $i_Row = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0, $s_i_Transpose = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "ArrayWrite", "Save", $XLArray, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", $s_i_Transpose, "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLArrayWrite Func _XLFormat(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Column = 1, $i_Row = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = "General", $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "Format", "Save", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLFormat Func _XLCopy(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "Copy", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;$var=$s_FilePath&"|"&$s_i_Sheet&"|"&$var Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLCopy Func _XLArrayRead(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_ExcelValue = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "ArrayRead", "NoSave", $s_i_ExcelValue, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel ;$var=$s_i_ExcelValue Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLArrayRead Func _XLSort(ByRef $s_FilePath, $Columns = 1, $Direction1 = 1, $Columns2 = 1, $Direction2 = 1, $SortRange = "UsedRange", $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $ExcelValuePass = $Columns & "|" & $Direction1 & "|" & $Columns2 & "|" & $Direction2 & "|" & $SortRange $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, 1, 1, "Sort", "NoSave", $ExcelValuePass, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn"); LastRow excel EndFunc ;==>_XLSort Func _XLChartType($Type = "Line", $Special = "", $3D = 1, $Clustered = 0, $Stacked = 0, $100 = 0, $Markers = 0, $Exploded = 0) ;$Type options are"Line", "Pie","Column","Bar","XYScatter","Surface","Area" ;$Special options are "BarOf","PieOf","Lines","Smooth"; all others are 0/1 Local $ChartNumber Select Case $Type = "Line" $ChartNumber = 4; 3d/-4101;m65;ms/66;;ms100/67;s63;s100/64 If $Stacked = 1 Then $ChartNumber = 63+ ($100 = 1) + 3* ($Markers = 1) ElseIf $Markers = 1 Then $ChartNumber = 65 EndIf If $3D = 1 Then $ChartNumber = -4101 ;MsgBox(0,"","$ChartNumber="&$ChartNumber) Case $Type = "Pie" $ChartNumber = 5;$xlBarOfPie = 71;$xl3DPie = -4102;$xl3DPieExploded = 70;$xlPieExploded = 69;$xlPieOfPie = 68 Case $Type = "Column" $ChartNumber = 51; unknown number really? Select Case $Clustered = 1;$xlColumnClustered=51;$xl3DColumnClustered = 54 $ChartNumber = 51 + 3* ($3D = 1) Case $Stacked = 1 ;;$xlColumnStacked=52;;$xlColumnStacked100=53;;;;$xl3DColumnStacked = 55;$xl3DColumnStacked100 = 56; $ChartNumber = 52+ ($100 = 1) + 3* ($3D = 1) Case $3D = 1 $ChartNumber = -4100;$xl3DColumn = -4100 EndSelect MsgBox(0, "", "$ChartNumber=" & $ChartNumber) Case $Type = "Bar" $ChartNumber = 57;should be "2" but not working;$xlBar = 2 Select Case $Clustered = 1;$xl3DBarClustered = 60;$xlBarClustered=57; $ChartNumber = 57 + 3* ($3D = 1) Case $Stacked = 1 ;;$xlBarStacked = 58;$xlBarStacked100 = 59;$xl3DBarStacked = 61;$xl3DBarStacked100 = 62; $ChartNumber = 58+ ($100 = 1) + 3* ($3D = 1) Case $3D = 1 $ChartNumber = -4099;;$xl3DBar = -4099; EndSelect MsgBox(0, "", "$ChartNumber=" & $ChartNumber) Case $Type = "XYScatter" $ChartNumber = -4169;$xlXYScatter=-4169; If $Special = "Lines" Then $ChartNumber = 74 + ($Markers = 1);;$xlXYScatterLines = 74;;$xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 75; If $Special = "Smooth" Then $ChartNumber = 72+ ($Markers = 1);$xlXYScatterSmooth = 72;$xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 73; Case $Type = "Surface";$xl3DSurface = -4103 $ChartNumber = -4103 Case $Type = "Area" $ChartNumber = -4098 ;;$xl3DArea = -4098;;s78;100-79 If $Stacked = 1 Then $ChartNumber = 78 + ($100 = 1);$xl3DAreaStacked = 78;$xl3DAreaStacked100 = 79; EndSelect ;$xlPrimary=1;$$xlBubble=15 ;$xlBubble3DEffect = 87 ;$xlCombination = -4111;$xlLinear = -4132;$xlLinearTrend = 9;;$xlLineStyleNone = -4142 Return $ChartNumber EndFunc ;==>_XLChartType Func _WordCOM(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_MEWordCom = "Macro", $s_Macro = "DestinationDirectory", $s_WordValue = "Hi", $s_i_Save = "NoSave", $s_i_Visible = "NotVisible", $s_i_Exit = "NotExit") Local $o_Word If $s_i_Save = "Save" Then $s_i_Save = 1 If $s_i_Visible = "Visible" Then $s_i_Visible = 1 If $s_i_Exit = "Exit" Then $s_i_Exit = 1 ;MsgBox(0,"","$s_i_Visible="&$s_i_Visible) ;==================================================if all numbers If $s_i_Visible <> 1 Then $s_i_Visible = 0 If Not FileExists($s_FilePath) Or Not StringInStr($s_FilePath, "doc") Then _WordCreateBlank($s_FilePath) EndIf If Not IsObj ($o_Word) Then $o_Word = ObjGet ($s_FilePath) ; Get anWord Object from an existing filename If Not IsObj ($o_Word) Then Sleep(500) $o_Word = ObjGet ($s_FilePath) ; Get anWord Object from an existing filename If Not IsObj ($o_Word) Then MsgBox(0, "Word File Test", "Error: Could not open " & $s_FilePath & " as an Word Object.") EndIf EndIf EndIf If IsObj ($o_Word) Then With $o_Word Select Case StringInStr($s_MEWordCom, "Macro") .Application.Visible = $s_i_Visible $Close = 0 .Application.Run ($s_Macro) ;"Normal.NewMacros.Font4" Case StringInStr($s_MEWordCom, "Close") $Close = 1 EndSelect EndWith If $s_i_Save = 1 Then $o_Word.Save EndIf If $Close = 1 And $s_i_Exit = 0 Then ;$oWord.saved=1 $o_Word.close (0) EndIf If $s_i_Exit = 1 Then $o_Word.Application.Quit While ProcessExists('Winword.exe') Sleep(10) WEnd EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "Word File Test", "Error: Could not open " & $s_FilePath & " as an Word Object.") EndIf ;return $var EndFunc ;==>_WordCOM Func _WordMacro(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_Macro = "DestinationDirectory", $s_WordValue = "Hi", $s_i_Visible = 0) _WordCOM($s_FilePath, "Macro", $s_Macro, $s_WordValue, "NOTSave", $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit") EndFunc ;==>_WordMacro Func _WordClose(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Save = "NoSave", $s_i_Exit = "NotExit") _WordCOM($s_FilePath, "Close", "DestinationDirectory", "Hello", $s_i_Save, "NotVisible", $s_i_Exit) EndFunc ;==>_WordClose Func _WordCreateBlank($s_FilePath) $NewName = $s_FilePath $WordNew = ObjGet ($NewName) If IsObj ($WordNew) Then $WordNew.Application.quit $WordNew = ObjCreate ("Word.Application") $WordNew.documents.Add $WordNew.DisplayAlerts = 0 ;$WordNew.ScreenUpdating = 0 If FileExists($NewName) Then FileDelete($NewName) EndIf $WordNew.ActiveDocument.SaveAs ($NewName) $WordNew.DisplayAlerts = -1 ;$WordNew.ScreenUpdating = -1 $WordNew.quit EndFunc ;==>_WordCreateBlank Func _XLRowToString(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_CopyRange = "A1:B20", $Line = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $TempCSVPath = @ScriptDir & "\$TempCSVPath.csv" _XLCreateBlank($TempCSVPath) $XLCopyRange = _XLCopy($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_CopyRange, $s_i_Visible) _XLCopyTo($TempCSVPath, 1, "A", 1, $XLCopyRange, $s_i_Visible) ;copy as range into Temporary Sheet csv _XLSaveAs($TempCSVPath, $TempCSVPath, "csv", $s_i_Visible) ;save Sheet csv as Dos text csv _XLClose($TempCSVPath, 0, $s_i_Visible) ; no changes and close workbook; not Excel Return FileReadLine($TempCSVPath, $Line) EndFunc ;==>_XLRowToString Func _XLRowToArray(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_CopyRange = "A1:B20", $Line = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) $XLArray = _XLArrayRead($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_CopyRange, $s_i_Visible) $var = _Array2DTo1D($XLArray, "XL Line" & $Line, 0, $Line - 1, 0) Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLRowToArray Func _XLColumnToArray(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet = 1, $s_CopyRange = "A1:B20", $Line = 1, $s_i_Visible = 0) Local $XLArray $XLArray = _XLArrayRead($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_CopyRange, $s_i_Visible) $var = _Array2DTo1D($XLArray, "XL Line" & $Line, 0, $Line - 1, 1) Return $var EndFunc ;==>_XLColumnToArray Func _Array2DTo1D(ByRef $ar_Array, $s_Title = "Array contents", $n_Index = 1, $Line = 0, $s_i_Column = 0) ; Change Line "X" to 1 dimensional array; [Randallc - I have ***lifted it from Forum at some stage] Local $output = "" Local $r, $e, $Swap If $n_Index <> 0 Then $n_Index = 1; otherwise I can't cope! If $s_i_Column <> 0 Then $s_i_Column = 1; otherwise I can't cope! If $Line < 0 Then $Line = 0; otherwise I can't cope! ;If $Line>UBound($ar_Array,1+($s_i_Column=0))+($n_Index=0)-2 then $Line=UBound($ar_Array,)+($n_Index=0)-2 ; otherwise I can't cope! If $Line > UBound($ar_Array, 1+ ($s_i_Column = 0)) + ($n_Index = 0) - 2 Then $Line = UBound($ar_Array, 1+ ($s_i_Column = 0)) + ($n_Index = 0) - 2; otherwise I can't cope! Dim $Array[UBound($ar_Array, 1 + $s_i_Column) + ($n_Index = 0) ] $Array[0] = UBound($ar_Array, 1 + $s_i_Column) + ($n_Index = 0) If Not IsArray($ar_Array) Then Return -1 For $r = $n_Index To UBound($ar_Array, 1 + $s_i_Column) - 1 $e = $r $NewLine = $Line If $s_i_Column = 1 Then $NewLine = $r $e = $Line EndIf $Array[$r+ ($n_Index = 0) ] = $ar_Array[$e][$NewLine] Next ;_ArrayDisplay($Array,$s_Title&"Line"&$Line) Return $Array EndFunc ;==>_Array2DTo1D Func _StringSplit_0($s_String, $s_Delimiter = "|", $i_Flag = "0") ; SYNTAX _StringSplit_0($s_String[,[$s_Delimiter="|"],[$i_Flag="0"]]) $ar_Array = StringSplit($s_String, $s_Delimiter) Local $ar_Array_0[UBound($ar_Array) - 1] For $i = 0 To UBound($ar_Array) - 2 $ar_Array_0[$i] = $ar_Array[$i + 1] Next Return $ar_Array_0 EndFunc ;==>_StringSplit_0 Func _ArrayTranspose2D(ByRef $ar_Array) If IsArray($ar_Array) Then Dim $ar_ExcelValueTrans[UBound($ar_Array, 2) ][UBound($ar_Array, 1) ] ;ubound($s_i_ExcelValue,2)-1, ubound($s_i_ExcelValue,1)-1) For $j = 0 To UBound($ar_Array, 2) - 1 For $numb = 0 To UBound($ar_Array, 1) - 1 $ar_ExcelValueTrans[$j][$numb] = $ar_Array[$numb][$j] Next Next $ar_Array = $ar_ExcelValueTrans Else MsgBox(0, "", "No Array to transpose") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ArrayTranspose2D Func _NewSheetName(ByRef $s_i_ExcelValue, $o_Excel) Local $s_WorkSheet For $s_WorkSheet In $o_Excel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.Worksheets If $s_WorkSheet.Name == $s_i_ExcelValue Then $SheetsCount = $o_Excel.Application.ActiveWorkBook.Worksheets.count $s_i_ExcelValue = $s_i_ExcelValue & $SheetsCount + 1 & $o_Excel.ActiveSheet.Name _NewSheetName($s_i_ExcelValue, $o_Excel) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_NewSheetName Func _XLSetColumnWidth(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $s_i_ColumnWidth, $s_i_Visible) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, 1, "SetColWidth", "NoSave", $s_i_ColumnWidth, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSetColumnWidth Func _XLShowColorCodes() $oXLColor = ObjCreate ("Excel.Application") $oXLColor.Visible = True $oXLColor.workbooks.Add $oXLColor.worksheets (1) $oXLColor.Cells (1, 1).Value = "Excel Color Codes" For $i = 1 To 14 $oXLColor.Cells ($i, 1).Value = $i $oXLColor.Cells ($i, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = $i Next For $i = 15 To 28 $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 14, 3).Value = $i $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 14, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = $i Next For $i = 29 To 42 $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 28, 5).Value = $i $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 28, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = $i Next For $i = 43 To 56 $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 42, 7).Value = $i $oXLColor.Cells ($i - 42, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = $i Next EndFunc ;==>_XLShowColorCodes Func _XLSetCellFontName(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $s_FontName, $s_i_Visible) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "SetCellFontName", "NoSave", $s_FontName, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSetCellFontName Func _XLSetCellFontColor(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "SetCellFontColor", "NoSave", $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSetCellFontColor Func _XLSetCellColor(ByRef $s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible) $var = _ExcelCOM($s_FilePath, $s_i_Sheet, $s_i_Column, $i_Row, "SetCellColor", "NoSave", $i_FontColor, $s_i_Visible, "NOTExit", "NotLastRow", "NOTToColumn") EndFunc ;==>_XLSetCellColor