#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Kanashius Script Function: Make debugging easier by just calling _toString at any variable. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================= ; Name ..........: _toString ; Description ...: Writes the content of a variable as String to the console ; Syntax ........: _ToStringC($data, $bInformative = True, $sPrefixSep = @TAB, $sSpaceOuter = @crlf, $sSpaceInner = @crlf, $iDepth = 0) ; Parameters ....: $data - The variable to be converted. ; $bInformative - The level of detail. When True, the type of all variables is returned and not only the content ; $sPrefixSep - The prefix value used for indentation ; $sSpaceOuter - The space between levels of dimensions (Array) or at the beginning of a Map/DllStruct ; $sSpaceInner - The space between items of an Array/Map/DllStruct ; $iDepth - INTERNAL: The depth level of the call. Used in recursive calls to indent items ; Return values .: String ; Author ........: Kanashius ; ================================================================================================== Func _ToStringC(ByRef $data, $bInformative = True, $sPrefixSep = @TAB, $sSpaceOuter = @crlf, $sSpaceInner = @crlf) ConsoleWrite(_ToString($data, $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner)&@crlf) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================= ; Name ..........: _toString ; Description ...: Returns the content of a variable as String ; Syntax ........: _toString($data, $bInformative = True, $sPrefixSep = @TAB, $sSpaceOuter = @crlf, $sSpaceInner = @crlf, $iDepth = 0) ; Parameters ....: $data - The variable to be converted. ; $bInformative - The level of detail. When True, the type of all variables is returned and not only the content ; $sPrefixSep - The prefix value used for indentation ; $sSpaceOuter - The space between levels of dimensions (Array) or at the beginning of a Map/DllStruct ; $sSpaceInner - The space between items of an Array/Map/DllStruct ; $iDepth - INTERNAL: The depth level of the call. Used in recursive calls to indent items ; Return values .: String ; Author ........: Kanashius ; ================================================================================================== Func _ToString(ByRef $data, $bInformative = True, $sPrefixSep = @TAB, $sSpaceOuter = @crlf, $sSpaceInner = @crlf, $iDepth = 0) Local $sPrefix = "" For $i=0 to $iDepth-1 $sPrefix &= $sPrefixSep Next If IsArray($data) Then Local $bPrefix = False If StringInStr($sSpaceOuter, @crlf) or StringInStr($sSpaceInner, @crlf) Then $bPrefix = True Else $sPrefixSep = "" EndIf Local $iDimensions = UBound($data, 0) Local $sDim = "" For $i = 1 to $iDimensions Step 1 $sDim &= "["&UBound($data, $i)&"]" Next Local $sOut = $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? "Array"&$sDim&" [" : "[") & $sSpaceOuter For $i=0 To UBound($data, 1)-1 Step 1 If $iDimensions<2 Then $sOut &= _toString($data[$i], $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+1) & (($i<>UBound($data, 1)-1)?"," & $sSpaceInner:$sSpaceOuter) Else $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix & $sPrefixSep:"") & "[" & $sSpaceOuter For $j=0 To UBound($data, 2)-1 Step 1 If $iDimensions<3 Then $sOut &= _toString($data[$i][$j], $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+2) & (($j<>UBound($data, 2)-1)?"," & $sSpaceInner:$sSpaceOuter) Else $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix & $sPrefixSep & $sPrefixSep:"") & "[" & $sSpaceOuter For $k=0 To UBound($data, 3)-1 Step 1 $sOut &= _toString($data[$i][$j][$k], $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+3) & (($k<>UBound($data, 3)-1)?"," & $sSpaceInner:$sSpaceOuter) Next $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix & $sPrefixSep & $sPrefixSep:"") & "]" & (($j<>UBound($data, 2)-1)?"," & $sSpaceInner:"") & $sSpaceOuter EndIf Next $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix & $sPrefixSep:"") & "]" & (($i<>UBound($data, 1)-1)?"," & $sSpaceInner:$sSpaceOuter) EndIf Next $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix:"") & "]" return $sOut ElseIf IsBinary($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'binary "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsBool($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'bool "'&StringLower(String($data))&'"' : StringLower(String($data))) ElseIf IsDllStruct($data) Then Local $bPrefix = StringInStr($sSpaceInner, @crlf) Local $sOut = $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? "DllStruct[b"&DllStructGetSize($data)&"]{" : "{") & $sSpaceOuter Local $iCount = 1 While True Local $oTmp = DllStructGetData($data, $iCount) If @error Then ExitLoop $sOut &= _toString($oTmp, $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+1) $iCount += 1 $sOut &= "," & $sSpaceInner WEnd $sOut &= ($bPrefix?$sPrefix:"") & "}" return $sOut ElseIf IsFunc($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'function "'&FuncName($data)&'"' : FuncName($data)) ElseIf IsFloat($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'float "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsHWnd($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'hwnd "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsInt($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'int "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsKeyword($data) Then If $data=Default Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'keyword "Default"' : "default") ElseIf $data=Null Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'keyword "Null"' : "null") EndIf ElseIf IsMap($data) Then Local $sOut = $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? "Map["&UBound($data)&"] {" : "{") & $sSpaceOuter For $key in MapKeys($data) $sOut &= _toString($key, $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+1) & ": " & $sSpaceOuter & _toString($data[$key], $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+2) $sOut &= "," & $sSpaceInner Next $sOut &= $sPrefix & "}" return $sOut ElseIf IsNumber($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'number "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsObj($data) Then If ObjName($data, 1) = "Dictionary" Then __ToString_HasErrorOccurred(False) Local $oErrHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__ToString_ErrFunc") Local $iCount = $data.count, $arKeys = $data.keys(), $test = $data.item("") If Not __ToString_HasErrorOccurred() Then Local $sOut = $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'Object "'&ObjName($data, 1)&""" Description: """&ObjName($data, 2)&'" ' : ObjName($data, 1)) & "["&$iCount&"]" & "{" &$sSpaceOuter For $key in $arKeys Local $item = $data.item($key) $sOut &= _toString($key, $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+1) & ": " & $sSpaceOuter & _toString($item, $bInformative, $sPrefixSep, $sSpaceOuter, $sSpaceInner, $iDepth+2) $sOut &= "," & $sSpaceInner Next $sOut &= $sPrefix & "}" return $sOut EndIf EndIf return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'Object "'&ObjName($data, 1)&""" Description: """&ObjName($data, 2)&'"' : ObjName($data, 1)) ElseIf IsPtr($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'pointer "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) ElseIf IsString($data) Then return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'string "'&$data&'"' : '"'&$data&'"') Else return $sPrefix & ($bInformative ? 'unsupported ('&VarGetType($data)&') "'&String($data)&'"' : String($data)) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================= ; Name ..........: __ToString_ErrFunc ; Description ...: INTERNAL AutoIt.Error catch method to allow for checking if an object can be ; iterated, without causing an error. ; Syntax ........: __ToString_ErrFunc($oError) ; Parameters ....: $oError - The AutoIt.Error object ; Author ........: Kanashius ; ================================================================================================== Func __ToString_ErrFunc($oError) __ToString_HasErrorOccurred(True) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================= ; Name ..........: __ToString_HasErrorOccurred ; Description ...: INTERNAL allows to check, if an error occurred while checking if an object can be ; iterated, without causing an error. ; Syntax ........: __ToString_HasErrorOccurred($bError = Default) ; Parameters ....: $bError - Allows the __ToString_ErrFunc method to set the error ; Author ........: Kanashius ; ================================================================================================== Func __ToString_HasErrorOccurred($bError = Default) Local static $bCurrentError = False If $bError<>Default Then $bCurrentError = $bError EndIf return $bCurrentError EndFunc