;******************************************************************** ; ModernMenu UDF by Holger Kotsch ; Version-date: 06.05.2008 ;******************************************************************** ; Modified by ProgAndy ; Modify-date: 08.08.2008 ;******************************************************************** ; Modified by LarsJ ; Modify-date: 19.10.2014 ; Modify-date: 24.01.2015, updates suggested by nickston ;******************************************************************** #cs ModernMenu possible commands: ---------------------------- *** Common parameters *** bUseAdvMenu - switch on/off GUI advanced menu bUseAdvTrayMenu - switch on/off Tray advanced menu bUseRGBColors - use RGB colors instead of BGR colors (default BGR) ---------------------------- *** GUI menu color commands *** _SetMenuBkColor(Color) _SetMenuIconBkColor(Color) _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectBkColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectRectColor(Color) _SetMenuSelectTextColor(Color) _SetMenuTextColor(Color) *** GUI menu item commands *** _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) ; <--- ProgAndy _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem(Text, ParentMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID [, Radio]]]) _GUICtrlCreateODMenu(Text, ParentMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText(MenuID, Text) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon(MenuID [, IconFile], IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon(MenuID [, IconFile ], IconID]]) _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete(MenuID) _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) ; <--- ProgAndy ---------------------------- *** Tray menu color/flash commands *** _SetTrayBkColor(Color) _SetTrayIconBkColor(Color) _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor(Color) _SetTraySelectBkColor(Color) _SetTraySelectRectColor(Color) _SetTraySelectTextColor(Color) _SetTrayTextColor(Color) _SetFlashTimeOut([ToggleTimeout]) *** Tray menu item commands *** _TrayCreateContextMenu([TrayIconID]) _TrayCreateItem(Text [, TrayParentMenuID [, MenuEntryPos [, Radio]]]) _TrayCreateMenu(Text [, TrayParentMenuID [, MenuEntryPos]]) _TrayItemSetIcon(TrayMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _TrayItemSetSelIcon(TrayMenuID [, IconFile [, IconID]]) _TrayItemSetText([TrayMenuID [, Text]]) _TrayDeleteItem(TrayMenu/itemID) *** Tray icon commands *** _TrayIconCreate([ToolTip [, IconFile [, IconID [, Callback [, Msg [, hIcon]]]]]]) _TrayIconSetState([TrayIconID [, State]]) _TrayIconSetClick(TrayIconID, Clicks) _TrayIconSetIcon([TrayIconID [, IconFile [, IconID]]]) _TrayIconSetToolTip([TrayIconID [, ToolTip]]) _TrayIconDelete(TrayIconID) _TrayTip(TrayIconID, Title, Text [, TimeOut [, InfoFlags]]) _TrayGetMenuHandle(TrayIconID) ---------------------------- *** Side Menu commands *** _CreateSideMenu(MenuID) ; returns a SideMenuID/index _DeleteSideMenu(SideMenuID) ; delete a menu sidebar _SetSideMenuText(SideMenuID, Text) ; set a text for the sidebar _SetSideMenuColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text color _SetSideMenuBkColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background color _SetSideMenuBkGradColor(SideMenuID, Color) ; set text background gradient color _SetSideMenuImage(SideMenuID, Bitmapfile [, Resourcename/number [, Expand/Compress Bitmap]]) #ce ; Alphabetical list of functions ; ------------------------------ ; _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) ; _ColorGetClr($nColor, $nMode) ; _CreateBlankIcon() ; _CreateMenuFont(ByRef $hFont, $bBold = FALSE, $bSide = FALSE) ; _CreateMenuFontByName($sFontName, $nHeight = 8, $nWidth = 400) ; _CreateSideMenu($nMenuID) ; _DeleteSideMenu($nIdx) ; _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stRect, $nClr1, $nClr2, $bVert = FALSE) ; _GetBGRColor($nColor) ; _GetIconID($nID, $sFile) ; _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, ByRef $nIconIndex, ByRef $nSelIconIndex) ; _GetMenuIndex($hMenu, $nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuInfos(ByRef $nS, ByRef $nX) ; _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) ; _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, ByRef $nMaxWidth, ByRef $nMaxAccWidth) ; _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) ; _GetNewTrayIndex() ; _GetNewItemIndex() ; _GetNewSideItemIndex() ; _GetSideMenuColors($nIdx, ByRef $nColor, ByRef $nBkColor, ByRef $nBkGradColor) ; _GetSideMenuImage($nIdx) ; _GetSideMenuImageSize($nIdx, ByRef $nWidth, ByRef $nHeight, ByRef $bStretch) ; _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) ; _GetSideMenuText($nIdx) ; _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sText) ; _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) ; _GUICtrlCreateODMenu($sText, $nParentMenu = "", $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0, $bRadio = 0) ; _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) ; <--- ProgAndy ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete($nID) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) ; _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText($nMenuID, $sText) ; _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) ; <--- ProgAndy ; _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) ; _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) ; _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $nReplaceIndex) ; _SetFlashTimeOut($nTime = 750) ; _SetItemRect(ByRef $stStruct, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) ; _SetMenuBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuIconBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectBkColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectRectColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuSelectTextColor($nColor) ; _SetMenuTextColor($nColor) ; _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $MenuItemID, $sText, $bOwnerDrawn = TRUE) ; _SetSideMenuBkColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuBkGradColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) ; _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, $nColor = -1, $nBkColor = -1, $nBkGrdColor = -1) ; _SetSideMenuImage($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName = "", $bStretch = FALSE) ; _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sText, $sResName = "", $bIsBitmap = FALSE, $bStretch = FALSE) ; _SetTrayBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayIconBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectBkColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectRectColor($nColor) ; _SetTraySelectTextColor($nColor) ; _SetTrayTextColor($nColor) ; _TrayCreateContextMenu($nID = -1) ; _TrayCreateItem($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1, $bRadio = 0) ; _TrayCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1) ; _TrayDeleteItem($nID) ; _TrayGetMenuHandle($nID) ; _TrayIconCreate($sToolTip = "", $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0, $sCallback = "", $nMsg = 0, $hIcon = 0) ; _TrayIconDelete($nID) ; _TrayIconSetClick($nID, $nClicks) ; _TrayIconSetIcon($nID = -1, $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0) ; _TrayIconSetState($nID = -1, $nState = 1) ; _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID = -1, $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT) ; _TrayItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) ; _TrayItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) ; _TrayItemSetText($nMenuID = -1, $sText = "") ; _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; _TrayTip($nID, $sTitle, $sText, $nTimeOut = 10, $nInfoFlags = 0) ; _TrayWndProc($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ; Windows messages: ; $WM_DRAWITEM ; $WM_MEASUREITEM ; $WM_SETTINGCHANGE ; $WM_TIMER ; $TRAYTIPMSG = $WM_USER + 1 #include-once #include Global $sLOGFONT = "int;" & _ ; Height "int;" & _ ; Average width "int;" & _ ; Excapement "int;" & _ ; Orientation "int;" & _ ; Weight "byte;" & _ ; Italic "byte;" & _ ; Underline "byte;" & _ ; Strikeout "byte;" & _ ; Charset "byte;" & _ ; Outprecision "byte;" & _ ; Clipprecision "byte;" & _ ; Quality "byte;" & _ ; Pitch & Family "wchar[32]" ; Font name Global Const $sNONCLIENTMETRICS = "uint;" & _ ; Struct size "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Caption LogFont structure "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Small caption LogFont structure "int;" & _ ; "int;" & _ ; $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Menu LogFont structure $sLOGFONT & ";" & _ ; Statusbar LogFont structure $sLOGFONT ; Message box LogFont structure Global Const $sMENUITEMINFO = "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "hwnd;" & _ ; "long;" & _ ; "ptr;" & _ ; "uint;" & _ ; "hwnd" ; ;********************************************************************** ; NotifyIconData struct ;********************************************************************** Global $sNOTIFYICONDATAW = "dword;" & _ ; Struct size "hwnd;" & _ ; Callback window handle "uint;" & _ ; Icon ID "uint;" & _ ; Flags "uint;" & _ ; Callback message ID "hwnd;" & _ ; Icon handle "wchar[128];" & _ ; ToolTip text "dword;" & _ ; Icon state "dword;" & _ ; Icon state mask "wchar[256];" & _ ; Balloon ToolTip text "uint;" & _ ; Timeout / Version -> NIM_SETVERSION values 0, 3, 4 "wchar[64];" & _ ; Balloon ToolTip title text "dword" ; Balloon ToolTip info flags ;********************************************************************** ; Notify icon constants ;********************************************************************** If Not IsDeclared("NIN_SELECT") Then Global Const $NIN_SELECT = 0x0400 If Not IsDeclared("NINF_KEY") Then Global Const $NINF_KEY = 0x1 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_KEYSELECT") Then Global Const $NIN_KEYSELECT = BitOr($NIN_SELECT, $NINF_KEY) If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONSHOW") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONSHOW = 0x0400 + 2 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONHIDE") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONHIDE = 0x0400 + 3 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT = 0x0400 + 4 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK") Then Global Const $NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK = 0x0400 + 5 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_POPUPOPEN") Then Global Const $NIN_POPUPOPEN = 0x0400 + 6 If Not IsDeclared("NIN_POPUPCLOSE") Then Global Const $NIN_POPUPCLOSE = 0x0400 + 7 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_ADD") Then Global Const $NIM_ADD = 0x00000000 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_MODIFY") Then Global Const $NIM_MODIFY = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_DELETE") Then Global Const $NIM_DELETE = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_SETFOCUS") Then Global Const $NIM_SETFOCUS = 0x00000003 If Not IsDeclared("NIM_SETVERSION") Then Global Const $NIM_SETVERSION = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_MESSAGE") Then Global Const $NIF_MESSAGE = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_ICON") Then Global Const $NIF_ICON = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_TIP") Then Global Const $NIF_TIP = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_STATE") Then Global Const $NIF_STATE = 0x00000008 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_INFO") Then Global Const $NIF_INFO = 0x00000010 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_REALTIME") Then Global Const $NIF_REALTIME = 0x00000040 If Not IsDeclared("NIF_SHOWTIP") Then Global Const $NIF_SHOWTIP = 0x00000080 If Not IsDeclared("NIS_HIDDEN") Then Global Const $NIS_HIDDEN = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIS_SHAREDICON") Then Global Const $NIS_SHAREDICON = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_NONE") Then Global Const $NIIF_NONE = 0x00000000 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_INFO") Then Global Const $NIIF_INFO = 0x00000001 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_WARNING") Then Global Const $NIIF_WARNING = 0x00000002 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_ERROR") Then Global Const $NIIF_ERROR = 0x00000003 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_USER") Then Global Const $NIIF_USER = 0x00000004 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_ICON_MASK") Then Global Const $NIIF_ICON_MASK = 0x0000000F If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_NOSOUND") Then Global Const $NIIF_NOSOUND = 0x00000010 If Not IsDeclared("NIIF_LARGE_ICON") Then Global Const $NIIF_LARGE_ICON = 0x00000020 ;********************************************************************** ; Constants for LoadIcon() ;********************************************************************** ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_APPLICATION") Then Global Const $IDI_APPLICATION = 32512 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_HAND") Then Global Const $IDI_HAND = 32513 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_QUESTION") Then Global Const $IDI_QUESTION = 32514 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_EXCLAMATION") Then Global Const $IDI_EXCLAMATION = 32515 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_ASTERISK") Then Global Const $IDI_ASTERISK = 32516 ;If Not IsDeclared("IDI_WINLOGO") Then Global Const $IDI_WINLOGO = 32517 ;********************************************************************** ; Mouse constants ;********************************************************************** ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MOUSEMOVE") Then Global Const $WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONDOWN") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONUP") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208 ;If Not IsDeclared("WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK") Then Global Const $WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209 ;******************************************************************** ; Main Creation Part ;******************************************************************** Global $hComctl32Dll = DllOpen("comctl32.dll") Global $hGdi32Dll = DllOpen("gdi32.dll") Global $hKernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Global $hShell32Dll = DllOpen("shell32.dll") Global $hUser32Dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") Global $hMsimg32Dll = DllOpen("msimg32.dll") Global $bUseAdvMenu = TRUE Global $bUseAdvTrayMenu = TRUE Global $bUseRGBColors = FALSE ; Set default color values if not given Global $nMenuBkClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nMenuIconBkClr = 0xDBD8D8 Global $nMenuSelectBkClr = 0xD2BDB6 Global $nMenuSelectRectClr = 0x854240 Global $nMenuSelectTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nMenuTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nMenuSideBkClr = 0xD00000 Global $nMenuSideTxtClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nTrayBkClr = 0xFFFFFF Global $nTrayIconBkClr = 0xD1D8DB Global $nTraySelectBkClr = 0xD2BDB6 Global $nTraySelectRectClr = 0x854240 Global $nTraySelectTextClr = 0x000000 Global $nTrayTextClr = 0x000000 If $bUseRGBColors Then $nMenuIconBkClr = 0xD8D8DB $nMenuSelectBkClr = 0xB6BDD2 $nMenuSelectRectClr = 0x404285 $nMenuSideBkClr = 0x0000D0 $nTrayIconBkClr = 0xDBD8D1 $nTraySelectBkClr = 0xB6BDD2 $nTraySelectRectClr = 0x404285 EndIf Global $nMenuIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr Global $nMenuSideBkClr2 = $nMenuSideBkClr Global $nTrayIconBkClr2 = $nTrayIconBkClr ; Store here the menu item: ; ID/Text/IconIndex/ParentMenu/Tray/SelIconIndex/IsMenu Global $arMenuItems[1][8] $arMenuItems[0][0] = 0 Global $nMenuItemsRedim = 10 ; Store here the side item: ; MenuHandle/Text/TextColor/BkColor/GradientColor/IsBitmap/BitmapHandle/Width/Height/Stretch Global $arSideItems[1][10] $arSideItems[0][0] = 0 ; Create a usable font for using in ownerdrawn menus Global $hMenuFont = 0 _CreateMenuFont($hMenuFont) ; Create an image list for saving/drawing our menu icons Global $hMenuImageList = ImageList_Create(16, 16, BitOr(0x0001, 0x0020), 0, 1) Global $hBlankIcon = 0 ; Store here the tray icon: ; NotifyID/TrayIcon/Menu/Click/ToolTip/Callback/OnlyMsg/Flash/FlashBlank Global $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[1][9] $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] = 0 Global $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Global $TRAYNOTIFYID = -1 Global $TRAYLASTID = -1 Global $MENULASTITEM = -1 Global $TRAYLASTITEM = -1 Global $TRAYLASTMENU = -1 Global $TRAYTIPMSG = $WM_USER + 1 ; This message ID will be used in a GUIRegisterMsg() procdure Global $FLASHTIMERID = 3 Global $FLASHTIMEOUT = 750 Global $sDefaultTT = "AutoIt - " & @ScriptName GUIRegisterMsg($WM_DRAWITEM, "WM_DRAWITEM") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MEASUREITEM, "WM_MEASUREITEM") GUIRegisterMsg($TRAYTIPMSG, "_TrayWndProc") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SETTINGCHANGE, "WM_SETTINGCHANGE") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_TIMER, "WM_TIMER") ; Cleanup Func OnAutoItExit() For $i = 0 To UBound($TRAYNOTIFYIDS)-1 _TrayIconDelete($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[ $i ][0]) Next ImageList_Destroy($hMenuImageList) DeleteObject($hMenuFont) For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][6] <> 0 Then _ DeleteObject($arSideItems[$i][6]) Next DllClose($hComctl32Dll) DllClose($hGdi32Dll) DllClose($hKernel32Dll) DllClose($hShell32Dll) DllClose($hUser32Dll) DllClose($hMsimg32Dll) $arMenuItems = 0 $arSideItems = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS = 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Define the colors for the menu/selection bar ;******************************************************************** Func _SetMenuBkColor($nColor) $nMenuBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuIconBkColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr EndFunc Func _SetMenuIconBkGrdColor($nColor) $nMenuIconBkClr2 = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectBkColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectRectColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectRectClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuSelectTextColor($nColor) $nMenuSelectTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetMenuTextColor($nColor) $nMenuTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayBkColor($nColor) $nTrayBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayIconBkColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr EndFunc Func _SetTrayIconBkGrdColor($nColor) $nTrayIconBkClr2 = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectBkColor($nColor) $nTraySelectBkClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectRectColor($nColor) $nTraySelectRectClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTraySelectTextColor($nColor) $nTraySelectTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetTrayTextColor($nColor) $nTrayTextClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuBkColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, -1, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetSideMenuBkGradColor($nIdx, $nColor = -2) Return _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, -1, -1, _GetBGRColor($nColor)) EndFunc Func _SetFlashTimeOut($nTime = 750) $FLASHTIMEOUT = $nTime If $FLASHTIMEOUT < 50 Then $FLASHTIMEOUT = 50 EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return an BGR color to a given RGB color ;********************************************************************** Func _GetBGRColor($nColor) If $bUseRGBColors And $nColor <> -2 Then Return BitOr(BitShift(BitAnd($nColor, 0xFF), -16), BitAnd($nColor, 0xFF00), BitShift($nColor, 16)) Else Return $nColor EndIf EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Get the icon ID like in newer Autoit versions ;********************************************************************** Func _GetIconID($nID, $sFile) If StringRight($sFile, 4) = ".exe" Then If $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) ElseIf $nID > 0 Then $nID = - $nID EndIf ElseIf StringRight($sFile, 4) = ".icl" And $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) Else If $nID > 0 Then $nID = - $nID ElseIf $nID < 0 Then $nID = - ($nID + 1) EndIf EndIf Return $nID EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Main functions: ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayWndProc($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) If $hWnd = $TRAYMSGWND Then _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf EndFunc Func _TrayNotifyIcon($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $Msg Local $nClick = 0 Local $nID = $wParam If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][5] <> "" And _ ($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][6] = 0 Or _ $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][6] = $lParam) Then Call($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][5], $nID, $lParam) EndIf Switch $lParam Case $WM_LBUTTONDOWN $nClick = 1 case $WM_LBUTTONUP $nClick = 2 case $WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK $nClick = 4 case $WM_RBUTTONDOWN $nClick = 8 case $WM_RBUTTONUP $nClick = 16 case $WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK $nClick = 32 case $WM_MOUSEMOVE $nClick = 64 EndSwitch If BitAnd($nClick, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][3]) And $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2] > 0 Then Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2]) If $hMenu <> 0 Then Local $stPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int") GetCursorPos(DllStructGetPtr($stPoint)) SetForegroundWindow($hWnd) TrackPopupMenuEx($hMenu, 0, DllStructGetData($stPoint, 1), DllStructGetData($stPoint, 2), $hWnd, 0) PostMessage($hWnd, 0, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a new tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewTrayIndex() Local $i, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($TRAYNOTIFYIDS) ;If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] > $nSize - 10 Then _ ; nickston ; Redim $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nSize + 10][9] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] > $nSize - 1 Then _ Redim $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nSize + 10][9] $i = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Check for existing tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Then Return 0 Local $i, $nResult = 0 If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = $nID Then $nResult = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Change the menu item icon ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i, $sText = "", $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] If $sIconFile = "" And $nIconID = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) Else If $sIconFile <> "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 EndIf _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText) EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the selected menu item icon ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i, $sText = "", $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] If $sIconFile = "" And $nIconID = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) Else If $sIconFile <> "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 EndIf _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuID, $sText) EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the text of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _TrayItemSetText($nMenuID = -1, $sText = "") If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $arMenuItems[$i][1] = $sText ;_SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) ;_SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText) Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconCreate([ToolTip [, IconFile [, IconID]]]) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconCreate($sToolTip = "", $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0, $sCallback = "", $nMsg = 0, $hIcon = 0) If $sToolTip = "" Then $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $sIconFile = "" Then If $hIcon = 0 Then If $nIconID = 0 Then $sIconFile = @AutoItExe Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, $nIconID) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $sIconFile <> "" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) > 0 Then $hIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, 32516) EndIf EndIf If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Then $TRAYMSGWND = GUICreate("", 1, 1, 9999, 9999, -1, 0x00000080) GUISetState() ShowWindow($TRAYMSGWND, @SW_HIDE) EndIf Local $nNID = _GetNewTrayIndex() If $nNID = 0 Then DestroyIcon($hIcon) Return 0 EndIf $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][0] = $nNID $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][1] = $hIcon $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][2] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][3] = 9 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][4] = $sToolTip $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][5] = $sCallback $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][6] = $nMsg $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nNID][8] = FALSE $TRAYLASTID = $nNID Return $nNID EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconDelete($NotificationID) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconDelete($nID) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID ; = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) ; nickston ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) ; nickston ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) ;DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) Local $nResult = 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $nID = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] Then $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_DELETE, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) DestroyIcon($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][1]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][8] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][6] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][5] = "" $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][4] = "" $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][3] = 0 If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2] <> 0 Then GUIDelete($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][2] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][1] = 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetState($NotificationID, $NewState) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetState($nID = -1, $nState = 1) If $nState = 0 Then Return 1 ; No change If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i, $nResult = 0, $bFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[0][0] If $nID = $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$i][0] Then $bFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) If BitAnd($nState, 1) Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, BitOr($NIF_ICON, $NIF_MESSAGE)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 5, $TRAYTIPMSG) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_ADD, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) If $nResult Then _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][4]) ElseIf BitAnd($nState, 2) Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_DELETE, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndIf If BitAnd($nState, 4) Then If Not $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] Then If $hBlankIcon = 0 Then _CreateBlankIcon() If $hBlankIcon <> 0 Then ;SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) ; nickston SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $nID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] = TRUE EndIf EndIf ElseIf BitAnd($nState, 8) Then ;KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID) ; nickston KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] = FALSE $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = FALSE EndIf Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetIcon($NotificationID, IconFile [, IconID]) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetIcon($nID = -1, $sIconFile = @AutoItExe, $nIconID = 0) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $hIcon = 0 If $sIconFile = "" Then If $nIconID = 0 Then $sIconFile = @AutoItExe Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, $nIconID) EndIf EndIf If $sIconFile <> "" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) > 0 Then $hIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else $hIcon = LoadIcon(0, 32516) EndIf EndIf Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $hIcon) DestroyIcon($TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) Local $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) If $nResult Then $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1] = $hIcon Else DestroyIcon($hIcon) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1] = 0 EndIf Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayIconSetToolTip($NotificationID, $sToolTip) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetToolTip($nID = -1, $sToolTip = $sDefaultTT) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_TIP) DllStructSetData($stNID, 7, $sToolTip) Return Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; _TrayGetMenuHandle($NotificationID) ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayGetMenuHandle($nID) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Return $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][2] EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return a free index in the item array or create a new index ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewItemIndex() Local $i = 0, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $arMenuItems[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($arMenuItems) If $arMenuItems[0][0] > $nSize - $nMenuItemsRedim Then _ Redim $arMenuItems[$nSize + $nMenuItemsRedim][8] $i = $arMenuItems[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Return a free index in the item array or create a new index ;********************************************************************** Func _GetNewSideItemIndex() Local $i = 0, $bFreeFound = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][0] = 0 Then $bFreeFound = TRUE ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFreeFound Then $arSideItems[0][0] += 1 Local $nSize = UBound($arSideItems) If $arSideItems[0][0] > $nSize - $nMenuItemsRedim Then _ Redim $arSideItems[$nSize + $nMenuItemsRedim][10] $i = $arSideItems[0][0] EndIf Return $i EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a context menu for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateContextMenu($nID = -1) Local $nIdx = _GetTrayNotifyIdx($nID) If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 Local $nContext = 0 If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nIdx][2] = 0 Then Local $nDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $nContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($nDummy) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nIdx][2] = $nContext $TRAYLASTMENU = $nContext EndIf Return $nContext EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a (context) menu for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTMENU Local $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText, $nMenuID, $nMenuEntry) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYLASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Create a menuitem for a tray notify ID ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayCreateItem($sText, $nMenuID = -1, $nMenuEntry = -1, $bRadio = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $TRAYLASTMENU Local $nMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sText, $nMenuID, $nMenuEntry, $bRadio) If $nMenuItem > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYLASTITEM = $nMenuItem Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenuItem $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = $bRadio $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = FALSE EndIf Return $nMenuItem EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Delete a menu (item) ;********************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemDelete($nID) Return _TrayDeleteItem($nID) EndFunc Func _TrayDeleteItem($nID) Local $i, $k, $nResult = 0, $bFound = FALSE Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nID) Local $bIsMenu = FALSE If $hMenu <> 0 Then $bIsMenu = TRUE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 Then ContinueLoop If $bIsMenu Then For $k = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$k][3] = $hMenu And _ $arMenuItems[$i][0] <> $arMenuItems[$k][0] Then _TrayDeleteItem($arMenuItems[$k][0]) ;$k <> $i Then _TrayDeleteItem($arMenuItems[$k][0]) Next EndIf If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nID Then If GUICtrlDelete($nID) Then $arMenuItems[$i][0] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][1] = "" $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$i][3] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$i][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$i][7] = FALSE $nResult = 1 $bFound = TRUE EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound And $nID <> 0 Then GUICtrlDelete($nID) Return $nResult EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; Sets the possible clicks ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayIconSetClick($nID, $nClicks) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][3] = $nClicks EndFunc ;********************************************************************** ; TrayTip() ;********************************************************************** Func _TrayTip($nID, $sTitle, $sText, $nTimeOut = 10, $nInfoFlags = 0) If $nID = -1 Then $nID = $TRAYLASTID If $TRAYMSGWND = 0 Or $nID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_INFO) DllStructSetData($stNID, 10, $sText) DllStructSetData($stNID, 11, $nTimeOut * 1000) DllStructSetData($stNID, 12, $sTitle) DllStructSetData($stNID, 13, $nInfoFlags) Local $nResult = Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_MEASURE procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_MEASUREITEM($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $Msg, $wParam Local $nResult = FALSE Local $stMeasureItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;dword", $lParam) If DllStructGetData($stMeasureItem, 1) = 1 Then Local $nIconSize = 0 Local $nCheckX = 0 Local $nSpace = 2 _GetMenuInfos($nIconSize, $nCheckX) If $nIconSize < $nCheckX Then $nIconSize = $nCheckX Local $nMenuItemID = DllStructGetData($stMeasureItem, 3) Local $hDC = GetDC($hWnd) Local $hMenu = _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) Local $nState = GetMenuState($hMenu, $nMenuItemID, 0) ; Reassign the current menu font to the menuitem Local $hMFont = 0 Local $bBoldFont = FALSE If BitAnd($nState, 0x00001000) And Not BitAnd($nState, 0x00000010) Then _CreateMenuFont($hMFont, TRUE) $bBoldFont = TRUE Else $hMFont = $hMenuFont EndIf Local $hFont = SelectObject($hDC, $hMFont) Local $sText = _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) Local $nSideIdx = _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $sSideText = _GetSideMenuText($nSideIdx) Local $hSideImage = _GetSideMenuImage($nSideIdx) Local $nSideWidth = 0 If $sSideText <> "" Then If $hSideImage = 0 Then Local $hSideFont = 0 _CreateMenuFont($hSideFont, TRUE, TRUE) Local $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) $nSideWidth = _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sSideText) + 2 ; 1 x 1 left + right SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) DeleteObject($hSideFont) Else Local $nSideHeight = 0 Local $bStretch = FALSE _GetSideMenuImageSize($nSideIdx, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, $bStretch) EndIf EndIf Local $nMaxTextWidth = 0 Local $nMaxTextAccWidth = 0 _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, $nMaxTextWidth, $nMaxTextAccWidth) If $nMaxTextAccWidth > 0 Then $nMaxTextAccWidth += 4 Local $nHeight = 2 * $nSpace + $nIconSize Local $nWidth = 0 ; Set a default separator height If $sText = "" Then $nHeight = 4 Else $nWidth = 6 * $nSpace + 2 * $nIconSize + $nMaxTextWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth + $nSideWidth If $hMenu = "TOP" Then $nWidth = 4 * $nSpace+$nMaxTextWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth ; Maybe this differs - have no emulator here at the moment $nWidth = $nWidth - $nCheckX + 1 EndIf DllStructSetData($stMeasureItem, 4, $nWidth) ; ItemWidth DllStructSetData($stMeasureItem, 5, $nHeight) ; ItemHeight SelectObject($hDC, $hFont) If $bBoldFont Then DeleteObject($hMFont) ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) $nResult = TRUE EndIf $stMeasureItem = 0 Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_DRAWITEM procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_DRAWITEM($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $wParam Local $nResult = "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" ;Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;dword;dword;int[4];dword", $lParam) Local $stDrawItem = DllStructCreate("uint;uint;uint;uint;uint;hwnd;hwnd;int[4];dword", $lParam) ; Works on x64 If DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 1) = 1 Then ; 1 = ODT_MENU $nResult = FALSE Local $nMenuItemID = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 3) Local $nAction = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 4) Local $nState = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 5) Local $hMenu = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 6) Local $hDC = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 7) Local $bChecked = BitAnd($nState, 0x0008) Local $bGrayed = BitAnd($nState, 0x0002) Local $bSelected = BitAnd($nState, 0x0001) Local $bDefault = BitAnd($nState, 0x0020) Local $bNoAcc = BitAnd($nState, 0x0100) Local $bIsRadio = _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) Local $nSideIdx = _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $sSideText = _GetSideMenuText($nSideIdx) Local $hSideImage = _GetSideMenuImage($nSideIdx) Local $hSideFont = 0 Local $hOldObj = 0 Local $nSideWidth = 0 Local $nSideHeight = 0 Local $bHasSide = FALSE Local $bStretch = FALSE If $sSideText <> "" Then If $hSideImage = 0 Then _CreateMenuFont($hSideFont, TRUE, TRUE) $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) $nSideWidth = _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sSideText) + 2 ; 1 left + 1 right SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) Else _GetSideMenuImageSize($nSideIdx, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, $bStretch) EndIf $bHasSide = TRUE EndIf Local $arIR[4] $arIR[0] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 1) + $nSideWidth $arIR[1] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 2) $arIR[2] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 3) $arIR[3] = DllStructGetData($stDrawItem, 8, 4) Local $stItemRect = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) ; Set default menu values if info function fails Local $nIconSize = 16 Local $nCheckX = 16 Local $nSpace = 2 _GetMenuInfos($nIconSize, $nCheckX) Local $nMBkClr = $nMenuBkClr Local $nMIconBkClr = $nMenuIconBkClr Local $nMIconBkClr2 = $nMenuIconBkClr2 Local $nMSelectBkClr = $nMenuSelectBkClr Local $nMSelectRectClr = $nMenuSelectRectClr Local $nMSelectTextClr = $nMenuSelectTextClr Local $nMTextClr = $nMenuTextClr Local $bIsTrayItem = _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) Local $IsMenuBarItem = (_GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID)== "TOP") And Not $bIsTrayItem If $nState = 320 And $IsMenuBarItem Then $nMBkClr = $nMSelectBkClr $nMTextClr = $nMSelectTextClr EndIf If $bIsTrayItem Then $nMBkClr = $nTrayBkClr $nMIconBkClr = $nTrayIconBkClr $nMIconBkClr2 = $nTrayIconBkClr2 $nMSelectBkClr = $nTraySelectBkClr $nMSelectRectClr = $nTraySelectRectClr $nMSelectTextClr = $nTraySelectTextClr $nMTextClr = $nTrayTextClr EndIf ; Select our at beginning selfcreated menu font into the item device context Local $hMFont = 0 Local $bBoldFont = FALSE If $bDefault Then _CreateMenuFont($hMFont, TRUE) $bBoldFont = TRUE Else $hMFont = $hMenuFont EndIf Local $hBrush = 0 Local $hOldBrush = 0 Local $nClrSel = 0 Local $hBorderBrush = 0 Local $nLen = 0 ; Show side menu only if action = ODA_DRAWENTIRE If $nAction = 1 Then Local $nCount = GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nID = GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nCount - 1) If $nID = -1 Then Local $stMII = DllStructCreate($sMENUITEMINFO) DllStructSetData($stMII, 1, DllStructGetSize($stMII)) DllStructSetData($stMII, 2, 0x00000002) ; MIIM_ID If GetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nCount - 1, TRUE, DllStructGetPtr($stMII)) Then _ $nID = DllStructGetData($stMII, 5) EndIf If $nID = $nMenuItemID And $bHasSide Then Local $stSideRect = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int") _SetItemRect($stSideRect, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3]) Local $nSideClr = $nMenuSideTxtClr Local $nSideBkClr = $nMenuSideBkClr Local $nSideBkClr2 = $nMenuSideBkClr2 _GetSideMenuColors($nSideIdx, $nSideClr, $nSideBkClr, $nSideBkClr2) If $nSideBkClr <> -1 Then If $nSideBkClr = $nSideBkClr2 Or _ $nSideBkClr2 = -1 Then SetBkColor($hDC, $nSideBkClr) $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nSideBkClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stSideRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) $hBrush = 0 $hOldBrush = 0 Else _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stSideRect, $nSideBkClr2, $nSideBkClr, TRUE) EndIf EndIf If $hSideImage = 0 Then $nLen = StringLen($sSideText) Local $stSideText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stSideText, 1, $sSideText) $hOldObj = SelectObject($hDC, $hSideFont) Local $nOldMode = SetBkMode($hDC, 1) SetTextColor($hDC, $nSideClr) DllStructSetData($stSideRect, 2, 8) DllStructSetData($stSideRect, 4, DllStructGetData($stSideRect, 4) + 8) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stSideText), _ StringLen($sSideText), _ DllStructGetPtr($stSideRect), _ BitOr(0x00000008, 0x00000020, 0x00000100)) SetBkMode($hDC, $nOldMode) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldObj) Else Local $hCDC = CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hObjOld = SelectObject($hCDC, $hSideImage) If $bStretch Then StretchBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3], $hCDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $nSideHeight, 0x00CC0020) Else BitBlt($hDC, 0, 0, $nSideWidth, $arIR[3], $hCDC, 0, $nSideHeight - $arIR[3], 0x00CC0020) EndIf SelectObject($hCDC, $hObjOld) DeleteDC($hCDC) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $hSideFont <> 0 Then DeleteObject($hSideFont) Local $hFont = SelectObject($hDC, $hMFont) ; Only show a menu bar when the item is enabled If $bSelected Then ;And Not $bGrayed Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBorderBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectRectClr) If $bGrayed Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) $nClrSel = $nMBkClr Else $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectBkClr) ; BGR color value $nClrSel = $nMSelectBkClr EndIf Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(13) $nClrSel = GetSysColor(13) EndIf Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) $nClrSel = $nMBkClr Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(4) $nClrSel = GetSysColor(4) EndIf EndIf Local $nClrTxt = 0 If $bSelected And Not $bGrayed Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, $nMSelectTextClr) Else $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(14)) EndIf ElseIf $bGrayed Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(17)) Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, $nMTextClr) Else $nClrTxt = SetTextColor($hDC, GetSysColor(7)) EndIf EndIf Local $nClrBk = SetBkColor($hDC, $nClrSel) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) If $IsMenuBarItem Then $nIconSize = 0 $nCheckX = 0 $nSpace = 2 EndIf If Not $IsMenuBarItem And ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then ; Create a small gray edge If Not $bSelected Or $bGrayed Then ; Reassign the item rect _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[0] + 2 * $nSpace + $nIconSize + 1, $arIR[3]) If $nMIconBkClr = $nMIconBkClr2 Or _ $nMIconBkClr2 = -1 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMIconBkClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) Else _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stItemRect, $nMIconBkClr, $nMIconBkClr2) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $bChecked Then _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + 1, $arIR[1] + 1, $arIR[0] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1, $arIR[1] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1) If $bSelected Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectBkClr) Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(13) EndIf Else If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMBkClr) Else $hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(4) EndIf EndIf $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FillRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) ; Create a checkmark/bullet for the checked/radio items Local $hDCBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hbmpCheck = CreateBitmap($nIconSize, $nIconSize, 1, 1, 0) Local $hbmpOld = SelectObject($hDCBitmap, $hbmpCheck) Local $x = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + ($nIconSize + $nSpace - $nCheckX) / 2 Local $y = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + ($nIconSize + $nSpace - $nCheckX) / 2 - $nSpace _SetItemRect($stItemRect, 0, 0, $nIconSize, $nIconSize) Local $nCtrlStyle = 0x0001 If $bIsRadio Then $nCtrlStyle = 0x0002 DrawFrameControl($hDCBitmap, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), 2, $nCtrlStyle) BitBlt($hDC, $x, $y + 1, $nCheckX, $nCheckX, $hDCBitmap, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020) If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + 1, $arIR[1] + 1, $arIR[0] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1, $arIR[1] + $nIconSize + $nSpace + 1) $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nMSelectRectClr) $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) FrameRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBrush) EndIf SelectObject($hDCBitmap, $hbmpOld) DeleteObject($hbmpCheck) DeleteDC($hDCBitmap) EndIf ; Reassign the item rect _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then ;If $bSelected And Not $bGrayed Then If $bSelected Then ; Show also a rect around a disabled item $hOldBrush = SelectObject($hDC, $hBorderBrush) FrameRect($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $hBorderBrush) SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) DeleteObject($hBorderBrush) EndIf EndIf Local $sText = _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) If $bNoAcc Then $sText = StringReplace($sText, "&", "") Local $nWidth = 0 Local $sAcc = "" Local $arText = StringSplit($sText, @Tab) Local $bTab = FALSE If IsArray($arText) And $arText[0] > 1 Then $sText = $arText[1] $sAcc = $arText[2] $bTab = TRUE EndIf $nLen = StringLen($sText) Local $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sText) Local $nSaveLeft = DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) Local $nLeft = $nSaveLeft $nLeft += $nSpace ; Left border $nLeft += $nSpace ; Space after gray border $nLeft += $nIconSize ; Icon width $nLeft += $nSpace + 2 ; Right after the icon DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, $nLeft) Local $nFlags = BitOr(0x00000100, 0x00000020, 0x00000004) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $nFlags) ; Draw accelerator text If $bTab Then Local $nMaxTextWidth = 0 Local $nMaxTextAccWidth = 0 _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, $nMaxTextWidth, $nMaxTextAccWidth) If $nMaxTextAccWidth > 0 Then $nMaxTextAccWidth += 4 $nWidth = 6 * $nSpace + 2 * $nIconSize + $nMaxTextWidth ; Maybe this differs - have no emulator here at the moment $nWidth = $nWidth - $nCheckX + 1 $nLen = StringLen($sAcc) $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sAcc) ; Set rect for acc text _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0] + $nWidth, $arIR[1], $arIR[0] + $nWidth + $nMaxTextAccWidth, $arIR[3]) DrawTextW($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), $nFlags) ; Reset rect values _SetItemRect($stItemRect, $arIR[0], $arIR[1], $arIR[2], $arIR[3]) EndIf Local $nNoSelIconIndex = -1 Local $nSelIconIndex = -1 _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, $nNoSelIconIndex, $nSelIconIndex) Local $nIconIndex = $nNoSelIconIndex If $bSelected And $nSelIconIndex > -1 Then $nIconIndex = $nSelIconIndex If $nIconIndex > -1 Then If Not $bChecked Then If $bGrayed Then ; An easy way to draw something that looks deactivated ImageList_DrawEx($hMenuImageList, _ $nIconIndex, _ $hDC, _ $nSpace + $nSideWidth, _ DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 2, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0xFFFFFFFF, _ 0xFFFFFFFF, _ BitOr(0x0004, 0x0001)) Else ; Draw the icon "normal" ImageList_Draw($hMenuImageList, _ $nIconIndex, _ $hDC, _ $nSpace + $nSideWidth, _ DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 2, _ 0x0001) EndIf EndIf EndIf DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, $nSaveLeft) ; Draw a "line" for a separator item If StringLen($sText) = 0 Then If ($bUseAdvMenu And $bIsTrayItem = FALSE) Or ($bUseAdvTrayMenu And $bIsTrayItem) Then DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + 4 * $nSpace + $nIconSize) Else DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 1, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1)) EndIf DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 2, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 2) + 1) DllStructSetData($stItemRect, 4, DllStructGetData($stItemRect, 1) + 2) DrawEdge($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stItemRect), 0x0006, 0x0002) EndIf $stText = 0 $stItemRect = 0 SelectObject($hDC, $hFont) If $bBoldFont Then DeleteObject($hMFont) SetTextColor($hDC, $nClrTxt) SetBkColor($hDC, $nClrBk) $nResult = TRUE EndIf $stDrawItem = 0 Return $nResult EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get color part ;******************************************************************** Func _ColorGetClr($nColor, $nMode) Local $nClr = $nColor If $bUseRGBColors Then $nClr = _GetBGRColor($nColor) Switch $nMode Case 1 $nClr = BitShift($nClr, 16) Case 2 $nClr = BitShift(BitAnd($nClr, 0xFF00), 8) Case 3 $nClr = BitAnd($nClr, 0xFF) EndSwitch Return $nClr EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Fill background rect with gradient colors ;******************************************************************** Func _FillGradientRect($hDC, $stRect, $nClr1, $nClr2, $bVert = FALSE) Local $stVert = DllStructCreate("long;long;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort;" & _ "long;long;ushort;ushort;ushort;ushort") DllStructSetData($stVert, 1, DllStructGetData($stRect, 1)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 2, DllStructGetData($stRect, 2)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 3, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 3), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 4, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 2), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 5, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr1, 1), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 6, 0) DllStructSetData($stVert, 7, DllStructGetData($stRect, 3)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 8, DllStructGetData($stRect, 4)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 9, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 3), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 10, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 2), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 11, BitShift(_ColorGetClr($nClr2, 1), -8)) DllStructSetData($stVert, 12, 0) Local $stGradRect = DllStructCreate("ulong;ulong") DllStructSetData($stGradRect, 1, 0) DllStructSetData($stGradRect, 2, 1) If $bVert Then GradientFill($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stVert), 2, DllStructGetPtr($stGradRect), 1, 1) Else GradientFill($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stVert), 2, DllStructGetPtr($stGradRect), 1, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Sets 4 values to a itemrect struct ;******************************************************************** Func _SetItemRect(ByRef $stStruct, $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 1, $p1) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 2, $p2) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 3, $p3) DllStructSetData($stStruct, 4, $p4) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_SETTINGCHANGE procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_SETTINGCHANGE($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam If $wParam = 0x002A Then _CreateMenuFont($hMenuFont) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WM_TIMER procedure ;******************************************************************** Func WM_TIMER($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $Msg, $lParam Local $nID = Number($wParam) If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][0] > 0 Then If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][7] Then Local $stNID = DllStructCreate($sNOTIFYICONDATAW) DllStructSetData($stNID, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNID)) DllStructSetData($stNID, 2, $TRAYMSGWND) DllStructSetData($stNID, 3, $nID) DllStructSetData($stNID, 4, $NIF_ICON) If $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] Then DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $hBlankIcon) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = FALSE Else DllStructSetData($stNID, 6, $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][1]) $TRAYNOTIFYIDS[$nID][8] = TRUE EndIf Shell_NotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, DllStructGetPtr($stNID)) EndIf EndIf KillTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID) SetTimer($TRAYMSGWND, $FLASHTIMERID, $FLASHTIMEOUT, 0) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a menu item and set its style to OwnerDrawn ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlCreateODMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0, $bRadio = 0) Local $nMenuItem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($sMenuItemText, $nParentMenu, -1, $bRadio) $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $nMenuItem > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenuItem Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nParentMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenuItem $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sMenuItemText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = $bRadio $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = FALSE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenuItem, $sMenuItemText) EndIf Return $nMenuItem EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a menu and set its style to OwnerDrawn ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlCreateODMenu($sText, $nParentMenu = "", $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) Local $nMenu If $nParentMenu = "" Then $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText) Else $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText, $nParentMenu) EndIf $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nParentMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = $hMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $nMenu, $sText) EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc Func _GUICtrlCreateODTopMenu($sText, $nParentGUI) Local $nMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu($sText) If $nMenu > 0 Then Local $nIdx = _GetNewItemIndex() If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $MENULASTITEM = $nMenu Local $hMenu = DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $nParentGUI) If @error Or $hMenu[0]=0 Then Return SetError(1,0,0) ;~ GetMenuItemInfo(GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenu) $arMenuItems[$nIdx][0] = $nMenu $arMenuItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText $arMenuItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][3] = "TOP" $arMenuItems[$nIdx][4] = 0 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arMenuItems[$nIdx][6] = -1 $arMenuItems[$nIdx][7] = TRUE _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu[0], $nMenu, $sText) MenuBarBKColor($hMenu[0],$nMenuBkClr) EndIf Return $nMenu EndFunc Func _GUIMenuBarSetBkColor($nParentGUI,$nMenuBkClr) Local $hMenu = DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "GetMenu", "hwnd", $nParentGUI) If @error Then Return 0 Local $r = MenuBarBKColor($hMenu[0],$nMenuBkClr) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "DrawMenuBar", "hwnd",$nParentGUI) DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", $nParentGUI, "ptr", 0, "handle", 0, "uint", 0x0400) ;DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RedrawWindow", "hwnd", $nParentGUI, "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0x400) Return $r EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the text of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetText($nMenuID, $sText) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then $arMenuItems[$i][1] = $sText _SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText, FALSE) GUICtrlSetData($nMenuID, $sText) _SetOwnerDrawn($arMenuItems[$i][3], $nMenuID, $sText) Return 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the icon of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then If $sIconFile = "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 Else If $arMenuItems[$i][2] = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][2] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $arMenuItems[$i][2]) EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set the selected icon of an menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GUICtrlODMenuItemSetSelIcon($nMenuID, $sIconFile = "", $nIconID = 0) If $nMenuID = -1 Then $nMenuID = $MENULASTITEM If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 $nIconID = _GetIconID($nIconID, $sIconFile) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuID Then If $sIconFile = "" Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 Else If $arMenuItems[$i][6] = -1 Then $arMenuItems[$i][6] = _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) Else _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $arMenuItems[$i][6]) EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Add an icon to our menu image list ;******************************************************************** Func _AddMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID) If IsHWnd($sIconFile) Or Number($sIconFile)>0 Then Return ImageList_AddIcon($hMenuImageList, $sIconFile) Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") Local $nCount = ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) Local $nIndex = -1 If $nCount > 0 Then $nIndex = ImageList_AddIcon($hMenuImageList, DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) DestroyIcon(DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) EndIf $stIcon = 0 Return $nIndex EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Replace an icon in our menu image list ;******************************************************************** Func _ReplaceMenuIcon($sIconFile, $nIconID, $nReplaceIndex) If $nReplaceIndex < 0 Then Return -1 If IsHWnd($sIconFile) Or Number($sIconFile)>0 Then Return ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hMenuImageList, $nReplaceIndex, $sIconFile) Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") Local $nCount = ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) If $nCount > 0 Then ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hMenuImageList, $nReplaceIndex, DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) DestroyIcon(DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1)) EndIf $stIcon = 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the parent menu handle for a menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuHandle($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $hMenu = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $hMenu = $arMenuItems[$i][3] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $hMenu EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of a menu item in our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIndex($hMenu, $nMenuItemID) Local $nIndex = -1 Local $nCount = GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nPos, $nID For $nPos = 0 To $nCount[0] - 1 $nID = GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nPos) If $nID = $nMenuItemID Then $nIndex = $nPos ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $nIndex EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the menu item text ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuText($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $sText = "" For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $sText = $arMenuItems[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sText EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Creates a menu side ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateSideMenu($nMenuID) If $nMenuID <= 0 Then Return 0 Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($nMenuID) If $hMenu = 0 Then Return 0 Local $i = _GetNewSideItemIndex() If $i = 0 Then Return 0 $arSideItems[$i][0] = $hMenu $arSideItems[$i][1] = "" $arSideItems[$i][2] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][3] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][4] = -1 $arSideItems[$i][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$i][6] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][7] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][8] = 0 $arSideItems[$i][9] = FALSE Return $i EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Check menu side index ;******************************************************************** Func _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) If $nIdx <= 0 Or $nIdx > $arSideItems[0][0] Then Return FALSE If $arSideItems[$nIdx][0] = 0 Then Return FALSE Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Delete menu side ;******************************************************************** Func _DeleteSideMenu($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][0] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] = "" $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = -1 $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = -1 $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = -1 If $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] And $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] <> 0 Then _ DeleteObject($arSideItems[$nIdx][6]) $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] = 0 $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = FALSE If $nIdx = $arSideItems[0][0] Then $arSideItems[0][0] -= 1 Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side index ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuIndex($hMenu) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arSideItems[0][0] If $arSideItems[$i][0] = $hMenu Then Return $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side text ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuText($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return "" Return $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side image ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuImage($nIdx) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return 0 If Not $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] Then Return 0 Return $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get a menu side image dimensions ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuImageSize($nIdx, ByRef $nWidth, ByRef $nHeight, ByRef $bStretch) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE If Not $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] Then Return FALSE $nWidth = $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] $nHeight = $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] $bStretch = $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side bitmap ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuImage($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName = "", $bStretch = FALSE) Return _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sFile, $sResName, TRUE, $bStretch) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side text ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuText($nIdx, $sText, $sResName = "", $bIsBitmap = FALSE, $bStretch = FALSE) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE Local $hBitmap = 0 Local $nW = 0 Local $nH = 0 If $bIsBitmap Then Local $stFile = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sText) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stFile, 1, $sText) If $sResName = "" Then $hBitmap = LoadImageW(0, DllStructGetPtr($stFile), 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0010, 0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) Else Local $hLib = LoadLibraryExW(DllStructGetPtr($stFile), 0, 0x00000002) If $hLib <> 0 Then If IsNumber($sResName) Then $hBitmap = LoadImageW($hLib, $sResName, 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) Else Local $stRes = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sResName) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stRes, 1, $sResName) $hBitmap = LoadImageW($hLib, DllStructGetPtr($stRes), 0, 0, 0, _ BitOr(0x0040, 0x2000, 0x0020)) EndIf FreeLibrary($hLib) EndIf EndIf If $hBitmap = 0 Then Return FALSE Else Local $nSize = GetObjectW($hBitmap, 0, 0) Local $stBMP = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;ushort;ushort") If GetObjectW($hBitmap, $nSize, DllStructGetPtr($stBMP)) = 0 Then DeleteObject($hBitmap) Return FALSE Else $nW = DllStructGetData($stBMP, 2) $nH = DllStructGetData($stBMP, 3) EndIf EndIf EndIf $arSideItems[$nIdx][1] = $sText If $bIsBitmap Then If $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] <> 0 Then DeleteObject($arSideItems[$nIdx][5]) $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = TRUE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = $hBitmap $arSideItems[$nIdx][7] = $nW $arSideItems[$nIdx][8] = $nH If $bStretch Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = TRUE Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][9] = FALSE EndIf Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][5] = FALSE $arSideItems[$nIdx][6] = 0 EndIf Return TRUE EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Set menu side colors ;******************************************************************** Func _SetSideMenuColors($nIdx, $nColor = -1, $nBkColor = -1, $nBkGrdColor = -1) If Not _IsSideMenuIdx($nIdx) Then Return FALSE If $nColor <> -1 Then If $nColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = $nMenuSideTxtClr Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] = $nColor EndIf EndIf If $nBkColor <> -1 Then If $nBkColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = $nMenuSideBkClr Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] = $nBkColor EndIf EndIf If $nBkGrdColor <> -1 Then If $nBkGrdColor = -2 Then $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = $nMenuSideBkClr2 Else $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] = $nBkGrdColor EndIf EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get menu side colors ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuColors($nIdx, ByRef $nColor, ByRef $nBkColor, ByRef $nBkGradColor) If $nIdx = 0 Then Return 0 $nColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][2] $nBkColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][3] $nBkGradColor = $arSideItems[$nIdx][4] Return 1 EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the maximum text width in a menu ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuMaxTextWidth($hDC, $hMenu, ByRef $nMaxWidth, ByRef $nMaxAccWidth) Local $i, $stSize, $stText, $nLen Local $nWidth = 0 Local $nAccWidth = 0 Local $arString For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][3] = $hMenu Then $arString = StringSplit($arMenuItems[$i][1], @Tab) If Not IsArray($arString) Then ContinueLoop If $arString[0] > 1 Then $nLen = StringLen($arString[2]) $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $arString[2]) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) $nAccWidth = DllStructGetData($stSize, 1) $stText = 0 $stSize = 0 If $nAccWidth > $nMaxAccWidth Then $nMaxAccWidth = $nAccWidth EndIf $nLen = StringLen($arString[1]) $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $arString[1]) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) $nWidth = DllStructGetData($stSize, 1) $stText = 0 $stSize = 0 If $nWidth > $nMaxWidth Then $nMaxWidth = $nWidth EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the maximum side text width ;******************************************************************** Func _GetSideMenuTextWidth($hDC, $sText) If $sText = "" Then Return 0 Local $nLen = StringLen($sText) Local $stSize = DllStructCreate("int;int") Local $stText = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $nLen + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($stText, 1, $sText) GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, DllStructGetPtr($stText), $nLen, DllStructGetPtr($stSize)) Return DllStructGetData($stSize, 2) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of an icon from our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIsRadio($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $bRadio = 0 For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $bRadio = $arMenuItems[$i][4] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $bRadio EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the index of an icon from our store ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuIconIndex($nMenuItemID, ByRef $nIconIndex, ByRef $nSelIconIndex) Local $i For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $nIconIndex = $arMenuItems[$i][2] $nSelIconIndex = $arMenuItems[$i][6] ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Check if the item is from a tray menu ;******************************************************************** Func _IsTrayItem($nMenuItemID) Local $i, $bTray = FALSE For $i = 1 To $arMenuItems[0][0] If $arMenuItems[$i][0] = $nMenuItemID Then $bTray = $arMenuItems[$i][5] ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $bTray EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get some system menu constants ;******************************************************************** Func _GetMenuInfos(ByRef $nS, ByRef $nX) $nS = GetSystemMetrics(49) $nX = GetSystemMetrics(71) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Convert a normal menu item to an ownerdrawn menu item ;******************************************************************** Func _SetOwnerDrawn($hMenu, $MenuItemID, $sText, $bOwnerDrawn = TRUE) Local $nType = 0 ; MF_STRING If StringLen($sText) = 0 Then $nType = 0x00000800 If $bOwnerDrawn Then $nType = BitOr($nType, 0x00000100) Local $stMII = DllStructCreate($sMENUITEMINFO) DllStructSetData($stMII, 1, DllStructGetSize($stMII)) DllStructSetData($stMII, 2, 0x00000010) ; MIIM_TYPE DllStructSetData($stMII, 3, $nType) Local $stTypeData = DllStructCreate("uint") DllStructSetData($stTypeData, 1, $MenuItemID) DllStructSetData($stMII, 10, DllStructGetPtr($stTypeData)) SetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $MenuItemID, FALSE, DllStructGetPtr($stMII)) EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Get the default menu font ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateMenuFont(ByRef $hFont, $bBold = FALSE, $bSide = FALSE) Local $stNCM = DllStructCreate($sNONCLIENTMETRICS) DllStructSetData($stNCM, 1, DllStructGetSize($stNCM)) If SystemParametersInfo(0x0029, DllStructGetSize($stNCM), DllStructGetPtr($stNCM), 0) Then Local $stMenuLogFont = DllStructCreate($sLOGFONT) Local $i For $i = 1 To 14 DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, $i, DllStructGetData($stNCM, $i + 38)) Next If $bSide Then DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 3, 900) DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 4, 900) EndIf If $bBold Then DllStructSetData($stMenuLogFont, 5, 700) If $hFont > 0 Then DeleteObject($hFont) $hFont = CreateFontIndirect(DllStructGetPtr($stMenuLogFont)) If $hFont = 0 Then $hFont = _CreateMenuFontByName("MS Sans Serif") EndIf EndFunc Func _CreateMenuFontByName($sFontName, $nHeight = 8, $nWidth = 400) Local $stFontName = DllStructCreate("char[260]") DllStructSetData($stFontName, 1, $sFontName) Local $hDC = GetDC(0) ; Get the Desktops DC Local $nPixel = GetDeviceCaps($hDC, 90) $nHeight = 0 - MulDiv($nHeight, $nPixel, 72) ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) Local $hFont = CreateFont($nHeight, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ $nWidth, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ 0, _ DllStructGetPtr($stFontName)) $stFontName = 0 Return $hFont EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; Create a blank icon for flash functionality ;******************************************************************** Func _CreateBlankIcon() If $hBlankIcon = 0 Then If @OSVersion <> "WIN_XP" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_XPe" And @OSVersion <> "WIN_2003" Then Local $stIcon = DllStructCreate("hwnd") If ExtractIconExW("shell32.dll", 50, 0, DllStructGetPtr($stIcon), 1) Then _ $hBlankIcon = DllStructGetData($stIcon, 1) Else Local $stAndMask = DllStructCreate("byte[64]") memset(DllStructGetPtr($stAndMask), 0xFF, 64) Local $stXorMask = DllStructCreate("byte[64]") memset(DllStructGetPtr($stXorMask), 0x0, 64) $hBlankIcon = CreateIcon(0, 16, 16, 1, 1, DllStructGetPtr($stAndMask), DllStructGetPtr($stXorMask)) EndIf EndIf Return $hBlankIcon EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; CommCtrl.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func ImageList_Create($nImageWidth, $nImageHeight, $nFlags, $nInitial, $nGrow) Local $hImageList = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "hwnd", "ImageList_Create", _ "int", $nImageWidth, _ "int", $nImageHeight, _ "int", $nFlags, _ "int", $nInitial, _ "int", $nGrow) Return $hImageList[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_AddIcon($hIml, $hIcon) Local $nIndex = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_AddIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $nIndex[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_Destroy($hIml) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_Destroy", _ "hwnd", $hIml) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_Draw($hIml, $nIndex, $hDC, $nX, $nY, $nStyle) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_Draw", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "int", $nStyle) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_DrawEx($hIml, $nIndex, $hDC, $nX, $nY, $nDx, $nDy, $nBkClr, $nFgClr, $nStyle) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_DrawEx", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "int", $nDx, _ "int", $nDy, _ "int", $nBkClr, _ "int", $nFgClr, _ "int", $nStyle) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func ImageList_ReplaceIcon($hIml, $nIndex, $hIcon) Local $bResult = DllCall($hComctl32Dll, "int", "ImageList_ReplaceIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIml, _ "int", $nIndex, _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; ShellApi.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func ExtractIconExW($sIconFile, $nIconID, $ptrIconLarge, $ptrIconSmall, $nIcons) Local $nCount = DllCall($hShell32Dll, "int", "ExtractIconExW", _ "wstr", $sIconFile, _ "int", $nIconID, _ "ptr", $ptrIconLarge, _ "ptr", $ptrIconSmall, _ "int", $nIcons) Return $nCount[0] EndFunc Func Shell_NotifyIcon($nMessage, $pNID) Local $nResult = DllCall($hShell32Dll, "int", "Shell_NotifyIconW", _ "int", $nMessage, _ "ptr", $pNID) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinBase.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func MulDiv($nInt1, $nInt2, $nInt3) Local $nResult = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "MulDiv", _ "int", $nInt1, _ "int", $nInt2, _ "int", $nInt3) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func LoadLibraryExW($pFile, $hFile, $nFlags) Local $hResult = DllCall($hKernel32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadLibraryExW", _ "ptr", $pFile, _ "hwnd", $hFile, _ "dword", $nFlags) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func FreeLibrary($hLib) Local $nResult = DllCall($hKernel32Dll, "int", "FreeLibrary", _ "hwnd", $hLib) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinGDI.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func SelectObject($hDC, $hObj) Local $hOldObj = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SelectObject", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "hwnd", $hObj) Return $hOldObj[0] EndFunc Func DeleteObject($hObj) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "DeleteObject", _ "hwnd", $hObj) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func GetObjectW($hObj, $nSize, $pObj) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetObjectW", _ "hwnd", $hObj, _ "int", $nSize, _ "ptr", $pObj) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateFont($nHeight, $nWidth, $nEscape, $nOrientn, $fnWeight, $bItalic, $bUnderline, $bStrikeout, $nCharset, $nOutputPrec, $nClipPrec, $nQuality, $nPitch, $ptrFontName) Local $hFont = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateFont", _ "int", $nHeight, _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nEscape, _ "int", $nOrientn, _ "int", $fnWeight, _ "long", $bItalic, _ "long", $bUnderline, _ "long", $bStrikeout, _ "long", $nCharset, _ "long", $nOutputPrec, _ "long", $nClipPrec, _ "long", $nQuality, _ "long", $nPitch, _ "ptr", $ptrFontName) Return $hFont[0] EndFunc Func CreateFontIndirect($pLogFont) Local $hFont = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateFontIndirectW", _ "ptr", $pLogFont) Return $hFont[0] EndFunc Func GetTextExtentPoint32W($hDC, $ptrText, $nTextLength, $ptrSize) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetTextExtentPoint32W", _ "hwnd" ,$hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrText, _ "int", $nTextLength, _ "ptr", $ptrSize) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor) Local $nOldColor = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetBkColor", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nColor) Return $nOldColor[0] EndFunc Func SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor) Local $nOldColor = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetTextColor", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nColor) Return $nOldColor[0] EndFunc Func CreateSolidBrush($nColor) Local $hBrush = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", _ "int", $nColor) Return $hBrush[0] EndFunc Func GetDeviceCaps($hDC, $nIndex) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "GetDeviceCaps", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) Local $hCompDC = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateCompatibleDC", _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $hCompDC[0] EndFunc Func DeleteDC($hDC) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "DeleteDC", _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateBitmap($nWidth, $nHeight, $nCPlanes, $nCBitsPerPixel, $ptrCData) Local $hBitmap = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateBitmap", _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nHeight, _ "int", $nCPlanes, _ "int", $nCBitsPerPixel, _ "ptr", $ptrCData) Return $hBitmap[0] EndFunc Func BitBlt($hDCDest, $nXDest, $nYDest, $nWDest, $nHDest, $hDCSrc, $nXSrc, $nYSrc, $nOpCode) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "BitBlt", _ "hwnd", $hDCDest, _ "int", $nXDest, _ "int", $nYDest, _ "int", $nWDest, _ "int", $nHDest, _ "hwnd", $hDCSrc, _ "int", $nXSrc, _ "int", $nYSrc, _ "long", $nOpCode) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func StretchBlt($hDCDest, $nXDest, $nYDest, $nWDest, $nHDest, $hDCSrc, $nXSrc, $nYSrc, $nWSrc, $nHSrc, $nOpCode) Local $bResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "StretchBlt", _ "hwnd", $hDCDest, _ "int", $nXDest, _ "int", $nYDest, _ "int", $nWDest, _ "int", $nHDest, _ "hwnd", $hDCSrc, _ "int", $nXSrc, _ "int", $nYSrc, _ "int", $nWSrc, _ "int", $nHSrc, _ "long", $nOpCode) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SetBkMode($hDC, $nMode) Local $nResult = DllCall($hGdi32Dll, "int", "SetBkMode", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "int", $nMode) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GradientFill($hDC, $pVert, $nNumVert, $pRect, $nNumRect, $nFillMode) Local $nResult = DllCall($hMsimg32Dll, "int", "GradientFill", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $pVert, _ "ulong", $nNumVert, _ "ptr", $pRect, _ "ulong", $nNumRect, _ "ulong", $nFillMode) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc ;******************************************************************** ; WinUser.h - functions ;******************************************************************** Func GetDC($hWnd) Local $hDC = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "GetDC", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $hDC[0] EndFunc Func ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "ReleaseDC", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "hwnd", $hDC) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func GetSysColor($nIndex) Local $nColor = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetSysColor", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nColor[0] EndFunc Func GetSysColorBrush($nIndex) Local $hBrush = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "GetSysColorBrush", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $hBrush[0] EndFunc Func LoadIcon($hInstance, $nIcon) Local $hIcon = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadIcon", _ "hwnd", $hInstance, _ "int", $nIcon) Return $hIcon[0] EndFunc Func DestroyIcon($hIcon) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DestroyIcon", _ "hwnd", $hIcon) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func CreateIcon($hInstance, $nWidth, $nHeight, $nPlanes, $nBitsPixel, $pAndBits, $pXorBits) Local $hResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "CreateIcon", _ "hwnd", $hInstance, _ "int", $nWidth, _ "int", $nHeight, _ "byte", $nPlanes, _ "byte", $nBitsPixel, _ "ptr", $pAndBits, _ "ptr", $pXorBits) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func GetSystemMetrics($nIndex) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetSystemMetrics", _ "int", $nIndex) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawTextW($hDC, $ptrText, $nLenText, $ptrRect, $nFlags) Local $nHeight = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawTextW", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrText, _ "int", $nLenText, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nFlags) Return $nHeight[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemCount($hMenu) Local $nCount = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemCount", _ "hwnd", $hMenu) Return $nCount[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemID($hMenu, $nPos) Local $nID = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemID", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "int", $nPos) Return $nID[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nID, $bPos, $pMII) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuItemInfo", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nID, _ "int", $bPos, _ "ptr", $pMII) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func SetMenuItemInfo($hMenu, $nID, $bPos, $pMII) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SetMenuItemInfo", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nID, _ "int", $bPos, _ "ptr", $pMII) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetMenuState($hMenu, $nID, $nFlags) Local $nState = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetMenuState", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "int", $nID, _ "int", $nFlags) Return $nState[0] EndFunc Func FillRect($hDC, $ptrRect, $hBrush) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "FillRect", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "hwnd", $hBrush) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawEdge($hDC, $ptrRect, $nEdgeType, $nBorderFlag) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawEdge", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nEdgeType, _ "int", $nBorderFlag) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func FrameRect($hDC, $ptrRect, $hBrush) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "FrameRect", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "hwnd", $hBrush) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func DrawFrameControl($hDC, $ptrRect, $nType, $nState) Local $bResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "DrawFrameControl", _ "hwnd", $hDC, _ "ptr", $ptrRect, _ "int", $nType, _ "int", $nState) Return $bResult[0] EndFunc Func SystemParametersInfo($nAction, $nParam, $pParam, $nWinini) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SystemParametersInfoW", _ "uint", $nAction, _ "uint", $nParam, _ "ptr", $pParam, _ "uint", $nWinini) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func GetCursorPos($pPoint) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "GetCursorPos", _ "ptr", $pPoint) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func SetForegroundWindow($hWnd) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "SetForegroundWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func TrackPopupMenuEx($hMenu, $nFlags, $nX, $nY, $hWnd, $pParams) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", _ "hwnd", $hMenu, _ "uint", $nFlags, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "ptr", $pParams) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func PostMessage($hWnd, $nMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "PostMessage", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nMsg, _ "dword", $wParam, _ "dword", $lParam) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func ShowWindow($hWnd, $nState) DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "ShowWindow", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "int", $nState) EndFunc Func SetTimer($hWnd, $nID, $nTimeOut, $pFunc) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "uint", "SetTimer", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nID, _ "uint", $nTimeOut, _ "ptr", $pFunc) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func KillTimer($hWnd, $nID) Local $nResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "KillTimer", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $nID) Return $nResult[0] EndFunc Func LoadImageW($hInst, $pName, $nType, $nX, $nY, $nLoad) Local $hResult = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "hwnd", "LoadImageW", _ "hwnd", $hInst, _ "dword", $pName, _ "uint", $nType, _ "int", $nX, _ "int", $nY, _ "uint", $nLoad) Return $hResult[0] EndFunc Func memset($pDest, $nChr, $nCount) Local $pResult = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", _ "ptr", $pDest, _ "int", $nChr, _ "int", $nCount) Return $pResult[0] EndFunc Func MenuBarBKColor($hMenu, $nColor) Local $tInfo,$aResult Local $hBrush = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'hwnd', 'CreateSolidBrush', 'int', $nColor) If @error Then Return ;$tInfo = DllStructCreate("int Size;int Mask;int Style;int YMax;int hBack;int ContextHelpID;ptr MenuData") $tInfo = DllStructCreate("int Size;int Mask;int Style;int YMax;handle hBack;int ContextHelpID;ptr MenuData") DllStructSetData($tInfo, "Mask", 2) DllStructSetData($tInfo, "hBack", $hBrush[0]) DllStructSetData($tInfo, "Size", DllStructGetSize($tInfo)) $aResult = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "SetMenuInfo", "hwnd", $hMenu, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tInfo)) Return $aResult[0] <> 0 EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuBackground