The Process =========== There is a very specific producedure that is deployed in the development of what will herein be referred to as "Session Data". Such "Session Data" consists of .wav and .edl data. This procedure consists of four parts - which are always deployed in the order as noted below. Part 1 Obtain the audio data [,.mp3. wav, .ogg and so on] Place that data in: F:\Audio\SourceWavData Update the filenames Part 2 Launch main script If an existing folder exists, select: Browse For Folder If an existing folder does not exist, select: Enter Set Name Part 3 Select: Launch TAC * The audio data is converted to 24-bit, 48000k .wav data Part 4 Select: Create Type_# Data * The file name(s) of the audio data are|is employed in the copying-and-renaming of one-of-four types of Session .edl data.