; ======================================================================= ; AutoUpdateIt ; Original by Rob Saunders ; Modifications by JPM ; ; Command Line Options: ; - AutoUpdateIt.au3 [/release | /beta | /alpha] [/silent] ; - /release Download latest release ; - /beta Download latest beta ; - /alpha Download latest alpha ; - /silent Silently auto-install (resets all settings) ; ; History: ; - 1.35 - Fixed some display bugs ; - 1.34 - Display Alpha release if available ; - Command line parameters added /alpha to check for latest alpha ; - 1.33 - Added Retry/Cancel msgbox when cannot connect to receive update file ; - Added Progress bar for non-WinXP users ; - 1.32 - Changed _CompareVersions again (integer comparison now) ; - 1.31 - Rewrote _ClipPath again ; - 1.30 - Rewrote a few UDFs (_CompareVersions, _ClipPath) ; - Underscored all UDF names ; - Removed a misplaced 'Then' screwing up command line options ; - 1.21 - Stupid bug fixed (ignored version check for /beta command) ; - CompareVersions function works properly now (was seeing as newer than ; - 1.20 - Command line parameters added ; - /release to check for latest public release ; - /beta to check for latest beta ; - /silent to install silently (you will lose your compiler and file settings) ; - 1.11 - Starts the download when you press one of the download ; buttons, resulting in pre-downloading while you choose ; where to save the file ; - Default name for Beta download includes full version string ; - Deletes "au3_update.dat" from temp files after loading data ; - 1.10 - Displays release date ; - Changed layout of buttons / groups ; - Slightly modified error message when server inaccessible ; - 1.00 - "Release" / given a version number ; ; Forum Threads: ; - http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7547&view=getnewpost ; - http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12099&view=getnewpost ; ; ======================================================================= #NoTrayIcon #Include ; ======================================== ; Predefine variables ; ======================================== Global Const $s_Title = 'AutoUpdateIt' Global Const $s_Version = '1.35' Global Const $s_DatFile = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/update.dat' Global Const $s_DatFile_Local = @TempDir & '\au3_update.dat' Global Const $s_Au3UpReg = 'HKCU\Software\AutoIt v3\AutoUpdateIt' Global $i_DownSize, $s_DownPath, $s_DownTemp, $s_DownFolder Global $i_DatFileLoaded, $i_ValidAu3Path, $i_DnInitiated Global $s_AutoUpdate, $i_SilentInstall Dim $s_ReleaseVer, $s_ReleaseFile, $i_ReleaseSize, $i_ReleaseDate, $s_ReleasePage Dim $s_BetaVer, $s_BetaFile, $i_BetaSize, $i_BetaDate, $s_BetaPage, $s_CurrBetaVer, $s_CurrBetaDate Dim $s_AlphaVer, $s_AlphaFile, $i_AlphaSize, $i_AlphaDate, $s_AlphaPage ; ======================================== ; Read registry settings ; ======================================== Global $s_DefDownDir = RegRead($s_Au3UpReg, 'DownloadDir') If @error Then $s_DefDownDir = @DesktopDir EndIf Global $s_Au3Path = RegRead('HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'InstallDir') If Not @error And FileExists($s_Au3Path & '\AutoIt3.exe') Then $s_CurrVer = FileGetVersion($s_Au3Path & "\AutoIt3.exe") $s_CurrDate = _FriendlyDate(FileGetTime($s_Au3Path & "\AutoIt3.exe", 0, 1)) Else $s_Au3Path = 'Installation not found' $s_CurrVer = 'Unavailable' EndIf Global $s_BetaPath = RegRead('HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3\AutoIt', 'betaInstallDir') If Not @error And FileExists($s_BetaPath & '\AutoIt3.exe') Then $s_CurrBetaVer = FileGetVersion($s_BetaPath & "\AutoIt3.exe") $s_CurrBetaDate = _FriendlyDate(FileGetTime($s_BetaPath & "\AutoIt3.exe", 0, 1)) Else $s_BetaPath = 'Installation not found' $s_CurrBetaVer = 'Unavailable' EndIf ; ======================================== ; Check for command line parameters ; ======================================== If _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/release') Or _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/beta') Or _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/alpha') Then Opt('TrayIconHide', 0) _Status('Checking for updates') InetGet($s_DatFile, $s_DatFile_Local, 1) If @InetGetBytesRead = -1 Then _Status('Could not connect to site', 'Please check your connection and try again') Sleep(4000) Exit EndIf _LoadUpdateData() If _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/release') And _CompareVersions($s_ReleaseVer, $s_CurrVer) Then $s_AutoUpdate = $s_ReleaseFile $s_DownTemp = @TempDir & '\autoit-v3-setup.exe' $i_DownSize = $i_ReleaseSize ElseIf _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/beta') And _CompareVersions($s_BetaVer, $s_CurrVer) Then $s_AutoUpdate = $s_BetaFile $s_DownTemp = @TempDir & '\autoit-v' & $s_BetaVer & '.exe' $i_DownSize = $i_BetaSize ElseIf _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/alpha') And _CompareVersions($s_AlphaVer, $s_CurrVer) Then $s_AutoUpdate = $s_AlphaFile $s_DownTemp = @TempDir & '\autoit-v' & $s_AlphaVer & '.exe' $i_DownSize = $i_AlphaSize EndIf If $s_AutoUpdate Then InetGet($s_AutoUpdate, $s_DownTemp, 1, 1) $s_DownSize = Round($i_ReleaseSize / 1024) & ' KB' While @InetGetActive _Status('Downloading update', '', @InetGetBytesRead, $i_DownSize) WEnd _Status('Download Complete', 'Launching install') Sleep(1000) If _StringInArray($CmdLine, '/silent') Then _Start('"' & $s_DownTemp & '" /S') Else _Start('"' & $s_DownTemp & '"') EndIf Else _Status('No new versions available') Sleep(1000) EndIf Exit EndIf ; ======================================== ; GUI - Main Application ; ======================================== Opt("GuiResizeMode", $GUI_DOCKALL) $gui_Main = GUICreate($s_Title, 350, 310 + 20) $me_Mn_Help = GUICtrlCreateMenu('&Help') $me_Mn_VisitSite = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('&Visit the AutoIt3 Website', $me_Mn_Help) $me_Mn_About = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('&About', $me_Mn_Help) GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 0, 0, 350, 2, $SS_SUNKEN) $gr_Instal_Details = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Current Installation Details', 5, 5, 340, 75) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Production Version: ' & $s_CurrVer, 15, 25, 145, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Date: ' & $s_CurrDate, 15, 40, 145, 15) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel('Path: ' & $s_Au3Path, 15, 55, 145, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Beta Version: ' & $s_CurrBetaVer, 190, 25, 145, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Date: ' & $s_CurrBetaDate, 190, 40, 145, 15) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel('Path: ' & $s_BetaPath, 190, 55, 300, 15) $gr_Mn_Release = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Latest Public Release', 5, 85, 165, 60) $lb_Mn_ReleaseVer = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Version: Loading...', 15, 105, 145, 15) $lb_Mn_ReleaseDate = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Date: Loading...', 15, 120, 145, 15) $gr_Mn_Beta = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Latest Beta', 180, 85, 165, 60) $lb_Mn_BetaVer = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Version: Loading...', 190, 105, 145, 15) $lb_Mn_BetaDate = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Date: Loading...', 190, 120, 145, 15) $gr_Mn_Alpha = GUICtrlCreateGroup('Latest Alpha', 180 + 175, 85, 165, 60) $lb_Mn_AlphaVer = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Version: Loading...', 190 + 175, 105, 145, 15) $lb_Mn_AlphaDate = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Date: Loading...', 190 + 175, 120, 145, 15) GUIStartGroup() $ra_Mn_DoneNotify = GUICtrlCreateRadio('&Notify when download complete', 5, 155, 340, 15) $ra_Mn_DoneRun = GUICtrlCreateRadio('&Autorun install when download complete', 5, 175, 340, 15) ; Check default done option If RegRead($s_Au3UpReg, 'DoneOption') = 'Run' Then GUICtrlSetState($ra_Mn_DoneRun, $GUI_CHECKED) Else GUICtrlSetState($ra_Mn_DoneNotify, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $bt_Mn_Close = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Close', 10, 275, 330, 25) ; ======================================== ; Control Set - Download Buttons ; ======================================== $bt_Mn_ReleaseDl = GUICtrlCreateButton('Download Public &Release', 5, 195, 165, 30) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $lb_Mn_ReleaseSize = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Size: Loading...', 5, 230, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) $lb_Mn_ReleasePage = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Visit Download Page', 5, 245, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $bt_Mn_BetaDl = GUICtrlCreateButton('Download &Beta', 180, 195, 165, 30) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $lb_Mn_BetaSize = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Size: Loading...', 180, 230, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) $lb_Mn_BetaPage = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Visit Download Page', 180, 245, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $bt_Mn_AlphaDl = GUICtrlCreateButton('Download &Alpha', 180 + 175, 195, 165, 30) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $lb_Mn_AlphaSize = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Size: Loading...', 180 + 175, 230, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) $lb_Mn_AlphaPage = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Visit Download Page', 180 + 175, 245, 165, 15, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $a_DownButtons = StringSplit($bt_Mn_ReleaseDl & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_ReleaseSize & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_ReleasePage & '.' & _ $bt_Mn_BetaDl & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_BetaSize & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_BetaPage & '.' & _ $bt_Mn_AlphaDl & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_AlphaSize & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_AlphaPage, '.') ; ======================================== ; Control Set - Download Display ; ======================================== $lb_Mn_DwnToTtl = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Downloading to:', 5, 195, 290, 15, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $lb_Mn_DwnToTxt = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 5, 210, 290, 15, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $pg_Mn_Progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress(5, 225, 340, 20) $lb_Mn_Progress = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 5, 250, 290, 15) $bt_Mn_OpenFile = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Open', 105, 275, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $bt_Mn_OpenFolder = GUICtrlCreateButton('Open &Folder', 185, 275, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $a_DownDisplay = StringSplit($lb_Mn_DwnToTtl & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_DwnToTxt & '.' & _ $pg_Mn_Progress & '.' & _ $lb_Mn_Progress & '.' & _ $bt_Mn_OpenFile & '.' & _ $bt_Mn_OpenFolder, '.') _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownDisplay, $GUI_HIDE) ; ======================================== ; GUI - About ; ======================================== $gui_About = GUICreate('About', 300, 120, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU), -1, $gui_Main) GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Title & ' v' & $s_Version & ' - The AutoIt3 Update Utility' & @LF & _ @LF & _ 'This application is a utility for easily receiving the most ' & _ 'recent public release or beta version of AutoIt3 available. ' & _ 'It was written in AutoIt3 script by Rob Saunders.', 5, 5, 290, 75) $lb_Ab_VisitSite = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Visit the AutoIt Website', 5, 80, 145, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'http://www.autoitscript.com') $lb_Ab_ContactAuthor = GUICtrlCreateLabel('Contact Rob Saunders', 5, 100, 145, 15) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 4) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, 'rksaunders@gmail.com') $bt_Ab_Close = GUICtrlCreateButton('&Close', 220, 90, 75, 25) ; ======================================== ; Application start ; ======================================== ; Show Main Window GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui_Main) ; Download update data file InetGet($s_DatFile, $s_DatFile_Local, 1, 1) ; Harness GUI Events While 1 $a_GMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) If Not @InetGetActive And Not $i_DatFileLoaded Then If @InetGetBytesRead = -1 Then $i_Res = MsgBox(5 + 16 + 8192, 'Error', 'Error connecting to server.' & @LF & _ 'Please verify the following:' & @LF & _ ' - You can connect to the internet' & @LF & _ ' - You can access the site http://www.AutoItScript.com' & @LF & _ ' - Your firewall is not blocking internet access to this program') If $i_Res = 4 Then InetGet($s_DatFile, $s_DatFile_Local, 1, 1) Else Exit EndIf Else _LoadUpdateData() If $s_AlphaVer <> '' Then If _CompareVersions(StringTrimRight($s_AlphaVer, 1), $s_BetaVer) > 0 Then $pos = WinGetPos($s_Title) WinMove($s_Title, "", $pos[0], $pos[1], $pos[2] + 175, $pos[3]) GUICtrlSetPos($gr_Instal_Details, 5, 5, 340 + 175, 75) GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_Close, 10, 275, 330 + 175, 25) GUICtrlSetPos($lb_Mn_DwnToTtl, 5, 195, 290 + 175, 15) GUICtrlSetPos($lb_Mn_DwnToTxt, 5, 210, 290 + 175, 15) GUICtrlSetPos($pg_Mn_Progress, 5, 225, 340 + 175, 20) GUICtrlSetPos($lb_Mn_Progress, 5, 250, 290 + 175, 15) GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_OpenFile, 105 + 175, 275, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_OpenFolder, 185 + 175, 275, 75, 25) Else $s_AlphaVer = '' EndIf EndIf $i_ReleaseSizeKB = Round($i_ReleaseSize / 1024) $i_BetaSizeKB = Round($i_BetaSize / 1024) $i_AlphaSizeKB = Round($i_AlphaSize / 1024) If _CompareVersions($s_ReleaseVer, $s_CurrVer) Then GUICtrlSetData($gr_Mn_Release, 'Latest Public Release *New*') GUICtrlSetColor($gr_Mn_Release, 0x0000ff) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_ReleaseVer, 'Version: ' & $s_ReleaseVer) If _CompareVersions($s_BetaVer, $s_CurrVer) Then GUICtrlSetData($gr_Mn_Beta, 'Latest Beta *New*') GUICtrlSetColor($gr_Mn_Beta, 0x0000ff) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_BetaVer, 'Version: ' & $s_BetaVer) If _CompareVersions($s_AlphaVer, $s_CurrVer) Then GUICtrlSetData($gr_Mn_Alpha, 'Latest Alpha *New*') GUICtrlSetColor($gr_Mn_Alpha, 0x0000ff) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_AlphaVer, 'Version: ' & $s_AlphaVer) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_ReleaseDate, 'Date: ' & _FriendlyDate($i_ReleaseDate)) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_BetaDate, 'Date: ' & _FriendlyDate($i_BetaDate)) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_AlphaDate, 'Date: ' & _FriendlyDate($i_AlphaDate)) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_ReleaseSize, 'Size: ' & $i_ReleaseSizeKB & ' KB') GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_BetaSize, 'Size: ' & $i_BetaSizeKB & ' KB') GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_AlphaSize, 'Size: ' & $i_AlphaSizeKB & ' KB') GUICtrlSetTip($lb_Mn_ReleasePage, $s_ReleasePage) GUICtrlSetTip($lb_Mn_BetaPage, $s_BetaPage) GUICtrlSetTip($lb_Mn_AlphaPage, $s_AlphaPage) GUICtrlSetState($bt_Mn_ReleaseDl, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($bt_Mn_BetaDl, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($bt_Mn_AlphaDl, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lb_Mn_ReleasePage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lb_Mn_BetaPage, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($lb_Mn_AlphaPage, $GUI_ENABLE) $i_DatFileLoaded = 1 EndIf EndIf If $i_DnInitiated Then If @InetGetActive Then $i_DnPercent = Int(@InetGetBytesRead / $i_DownSize * 100) $s_DnBytes = Round(@InetGetBytesRead / 1024) & ' KB' $s_DnSize = Round($i_DownSize / 1024) & ' KB' GUICtrlSetData($pg_Mn_Progress, $i_DnPercent) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_Progress, 'Download Progress: ' & $i_DnPercent & '% (' & $s_DnBytes & ' of ' & $s_DnSize & ')') Else GUICtrlSetData($pg_Mn_Progress, 100) If Not FileMove($s_DownTemp, $s_DownPath, 1) Then MsgBox(16 + 8192, 'Error', 'Error moving file.') GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_Progress, 'Error') Else If GUICtrlRead($ra_Mn_DoneRun) = $GUI_CHECKED Then _Start('"' & $s_DownPath & '"') Exit Else GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_Progress, 'Download Complete!') GUICtrlSetData($bt_Mn_Close, '&Close') GUICtrlSetState($bt_Mn_OpenFile, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($bt_Mn_OpenFolder, $GUI_ENABLE) $i_Response = MsgBox(4 + 64 + 256 + 8192, $s_Title, 'Download complete!' & @LF & _ 'Would you like to run the installer now?') If $i_Response = 6 Then _Start('"' & $s_DownPath & '"') Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf $i_DnInitiated = 0 EndIf EndIf If $a_GMsg[1] = $gui_Main Then Select ; Radio buttons Case $a_GMsg[0] = $ra_Mn_DoneRun RegWrite($s_Au3UpReg, 'DoneOption', 'REG_SZ', 'Run') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $ra_Mn_DoneNotify RegWrite($s_Au3UpReg, 'DoneOption', 'REG_SZ', 'Notify') ; Download buttons Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_ReleaseDl $tmp = StringInStr($s_ReleaseFile, '/', 0, -1) $s_DefFileName = StringTrimLeft($s_ReleaseFile, $tmp) $i_DownSize = $i_ReleaseSize _DownloadFile($s_ReleaseFile, 'autoit-v3-setup.exe') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_BetaDl $tmp = StringInStr($s_BetaFile, '/', 0, -1) $s_DefFileName = StringTrimLeft($s_BetaFile, $tmp) $i_DownSize = $i_BetaSize _DownloadFile($s_BetaFile, 'autoit-v' & $s_BetaVer & '.exe') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_AlphaDl $tmp = StringInStr($s_AlphaFile, '/', 0, -1) $s_DefFileName = StringTrimLeft($s_AlphaFile, $tmp) $i_DownSize = $i_AlphaSize _DownloadFile($s_AlphaFile, 'autoit-v' & $s_AlphaVer & '.exe') ; Download page "hyperlinks" Case $a_GMsg[0] = $lb_Mn_ReleasePage _Start($s_ReleasePage) Case $a_GMsg[0] = $lb_Mn_BetaPage _Start($s_BetaPage) Case $a_GMsg[0] = $lb_Mn_AlphaPage _Start($s_AlphaPage) ; Open buttons Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_OpenFile _Start('"' & $s_DownPath & '"') Exit Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_OpenFolder _Start('"' & EnvGet('windir') & '\explorer.exe" /select,"' & $s_DownPath & '"') Exit ; Menu items Case $a_GMsg[0] = $me_Mn_VisitSite _Start('http://www.autoitscript.com') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $me_Mn_About GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui_About) ; Close buttons Case $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Mn_Close _CancelDownload() Case $a_GMsg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _CancelDownload(1) EndSelect ElseIf $a_GMsg[1] = $gui_About Then Select Case $a_GMsg[0] = $lb_Ab_VisitSite _Start('http://www.autoitscript.com') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $lb_Ab_ContactAuthor _Start('"mailto:rksaunders@gmail.com?Subject=AutoIt3 Update Utility"') Case $a_GMsg[0] = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $a_GMsg[0] = $bt_Ab_Close GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $gui_About) EndSelect EndIf WEnd ; ======================================== ; Function Declarations ; ======================================== ; App. specific functions Func _DownloadFile($s_DownUrl, $s_DownName) $s_DownTemp = @TempDir & '\' & $s_DownName InetGet($s_DownUrl, $s_DownTemp, 1, 1) $s_DownPath = FileSaveDialog('Save As', $s_DefDownDir, 'Executables (*.exe)', 16, $s_DownName) If Not @error Then If Not (StringRight($s_DownPath, 4) = '.exe') Then $s_DownPath = $s_DownPath & '.exe' EndIf $tmp = StringInStr($s_DownPath, '\', 0, -1) $s_DownFolder = StringLeft($s_DownPath, $tmp) RegWrite($s_Au3UpReg, 'DownloadDir', 'REG_SZ', $s_DownFolder) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_DwnToTxt, _ClipPath($s_DownPath, 55)) GUICtrlSetData($lb_Mn_Progress, 'Download Progress: Calculating...') _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownButtons, $GUI_HIDE) _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownButtons, $GUI_DISABLE) _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownDisplay, $GUI_SHOW) If $s_AlphaVer <> '' Then GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_Close, 265 + 175, 275, 75, 25) Else GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_Close, 265, 275, 75, 25) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($bt_Mn_Close, 'Cancel') $i_DnInitiated = 1 Else InetGet('abort') FileDelete($s_DownTemp) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DownloadFile Func _CancelDownload($i_Flag = 0) If $i_DnInitiated Then $i_Response = MsgBox(4 + 64 + 256 + 8192, $s_Title, 'Resuming is not possible.' & @LF & _ 'Your download will be lost.' & @LF & _ 'Continue?') If $i_Response = 6 Then $i_DnInitiated = 0 InetGet('abort') FileDelete($s_DownTemp) If $i_Flag = 1 Then Exit EndIf _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownDisplay, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetData($bt_Mn_Close, '&Close') If $s_AlphaVer <> '' Then GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_Close, 10, 275, 330 + 175, 25) Else GUICtrlSetPos($bt_Mn_Close, 10, 275, 330, 25) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($pg_Mn_Progress, 0) _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownButtons, $GUI_SHOW) _GuiCtrlGroupSetState($a_DownButtons, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Else Exit EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CancelDownload Func _LoadUpdateData() Global $s_ReleaseVer, $s_ReleaseFile, $s_ReleasePage, $i_ReleaseSize, $i_ReleaseDate Global $s_BetaVer, $s_BetaFile, $s_BetaPage, $i_BetaSize, $i_BetaDate Global $s_AlphaVer, $s_AlphaFile, $s_AlphaPage, $i_AlphaSize, $i_AlphaDate $s_ReleaseVer = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoIt', 'version', 'Error reading file') $s_ReleaseFile = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoIt', 'setup', '') $s_ReleasePage = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoIt', 'index', 'http://www.autoitscript.com') $i_ReleaseSize = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoIt', 'filesize', 0) $i_ReleaseDate = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoIt', 'filetime', 0) $s_BetaVer = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItBeta', 'version', 'Error reading file') $s_BetaFile = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItBeta', 'setup', '') $s_BetaPage = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItBeta', 'index', 'http://www.autoitscript.com') $i_BetaSize = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItBeta', 'filesize', 0) $i_BetaDate = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItBeta', 'filetime', 0) $s_AlphaVer = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItAlpha', 'version', '') $s_AlphaFile = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItAlpha', 'setup', '') $s_AlphaPage = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItAlpha', 'index', 'http://www.autoitscript.com') $i_AlphaSize = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItAlpha', 'filesize', 0) $i_AlphaDate = IniRead($s_DatFile_Local, 'AutoItAlpha', 'filetime', 0) FileDelete($s_DatFile_Local) EndFunc ;==>_LoadUpdateData ; Utility functions Func _Start($s_StartPath) If @OSTYPE = 'WIN32_NT' Then $s_StartStr = @ComSpec & ' /c start "" ' Else $s_StartStr = @ComSpec & ' /c start ' EndIf Run($s_StartStr & $s_StartPath, '', @SW_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>_Start Func _GuiCtrlGroupSetState(ByRef $a_GroupArray, $i_State) For $i = 1 To $a_GroupArray[0] GUICtrlSetState($a_GroupArray[$i], $i_State) Next EndFunc ;==>_GuiCtrlGroupSetState Func _ClipPath($s_Path, $i_ClipLen) Local $i_Half, $s_Left, $s_Right If StringLen($s_Path) > $i_ClipLen Then $i_Half = Int($i_ClipLen / 2) $s_Left = StringLeft($s_Path, $i_Half) $s_Right = StringRight($s_Path, $i_Half) $s_Path = $s_Left & '...' & $s_Right EndIf Return $s_Path EndFunc ;==>_ClipPath Func _NumSuffix($i_Num) Local $s_Num If StringRight($i_Num, 1) = 1 Then $s_Num = Int($i_Num) & 'st' ElseIf StringRight($i_Num, 1) = 2 Then $s_Num = Int($i_Num) & 'nd' ElseIf StringRight($i_Num, 1) = 3 Then $s_Num = Int($i_Num) & 'rd' Else $s_Num = Int($i_Num) & 'th' EndIf Return $s_Num EndFunc ;==>_NumSuffix Func _FriendlyDate($s_Date) Local $a_Months = StringSplit('January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December', ',') Local $s_Year, $s_Month, $s_Day $s_Year = StringLeft($s_Date, 4) $s_Month = StringMid($s_Date, 5, 2) $s_Month = $a_Months[Int(StringMid($s_Date, 5, 2)) ] $s_Day = StringMid($s_Date, 7, 2) $s_Day = _NumSuffix(StringMid($s_Date, 7, 2)) Return $s_Month & ' ' & $s_Day & ', ' & $s_Year EndFunc ;==>_FriendlyDate Func _StringInArray($a_Array, $s_String) Local $i_ArrayLen = UBound($a_Array) - 1 For $i = 0 To $i_ArrayLen If $a_Array[$i] = $s_String Then Return $i EndIf Next SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_StringInArray Func _CompareVersions($s_Vers1, $s_Vers2, $i_ReturnFlag = 0) If $s_Vers1 = '' Then Return 0 Local $i, $i_Vers1, $i_Vers2, $i_Top Local $a_Vers1 = StringSplit($s_Vers1, '.') Local $a_Vers2 = StringSplit($s_Vers2, '.') $i_Top = $a_Vers1[0] If $a_Vers1[0] < $a_Vers2[0] Then $i_Top = $a_Vers2[0] EndIf For $i = 1 To $i_Top $i_Vers1 = 0 $i_Vers2 = 0 If $i <= $a_Vers1[0] Then $i_Vers1 = Number($a_Vers1[$i]) EndIf If $i <= $a_Vers2[0] Then $i_Vers2 = Number($a_Vers2[$i]) EndIf If $i_Vers1 > $i_Vers2 Then $v_Return = 1 ExitLoop ElseIf $i_Vers1 < $i_Vers2 Then $v_Return = 0 ExitLoop Else $v_Return = -1 EndIf Next If $i_ReturnFlag Then Select Case $v_Return = -1 SetError(1) Return 0 Case $v_Return = 1 Return $s_Vers1 Case $v_Return = 0 Return $s_Vers2 EndSelect ElseIf $v_Return = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 Else Return $v_Return EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CompareVersions Func _Status($s_MainText, $s_SubText = '', $i_BytesRead = -1, $i_DownSize = -1) Global $i_ProgOn Global $i_StatusPercent If @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Or @OSVersion = "WIN_2003" Then If $s_SubText <> '' Then $s_SubText = @LF & $s_SubText EndIf If $i_BytesRead = -1 Then TrayTip($s_Title, $s_MainText & $s_SubText, 10, 16) Else $s_DownStatus = Round($i_BytesRead / 1024) & ' of ' & Round($i_DownSize / 1024) & ' KB' TrayTip($s_Title, $s_MainText & $s_SubText & @LF & $s_DownStatus, 10, 16) EndIf Else If Not $i_ProgOn Then ProgressOn($s_Title, $s_MainText, $s_SubText, -1, -1, 2 + 16) $i_ProgOn = 1 Else If $i_BytesRead = -1 Then ProgressSet($i_StatusPercent, $s_SubText, $s_MainText) Else $s_DownStatus = 'Downloading ' & Round($i_BytesRead / 1024) & ' of ' & Round($i_DownSize / 1024) & ' KB' $i_StatusPercent = Round($i_BytesRead / $i_DownSize * 100) ProgressSet($i_StatusPercent, $s_DownStatus, $s_MainText) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Status