#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Authors: TheSaint jchd (improved sqlite code) Script Function: Find & Fix missing or wrong size ebook covers on a Kobo device. Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FUNCTIONS ; DropboxGUI(), ImagesGUI(), SettingsGUI(), ViewerGUI() ; CheckForAlternateDrive($button), CreateFromImage($input, $output, $img), EnableOrDisableControls($which, $state), FindEbookImages() ; GetContent(), GetDrives($device), GetImageDetails($picfile), GetMappedImage($prior, $next, $entries), GetOthers(), LoadTheList() ; _UserFunc($entries, $rows) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GDIP.au3" #include "DisplayArray.au3" _Singleton("kobo-cover-fixer-thsaint") Global $Button_add, $Button_author, $Button_backup, $Button_clone, $Button_copy, $Button_covers, $Button_create, $Button_device Global $Button_down, $Button_drive, $Button_empty, $Button_exit, $Button_find, $Button_fix, $Button_fold, $Button_images, $Button_info Global $Button_list, $Button_log, $Button_make, $Button_mark, $Button_missing, $Button_nxt, $Button_open, $Button_reload, $Button_renew Global $Button_setup, $Button_source, $Button_subs, $Button_up, $Checkbox_cancel, $Checkbox_copy, $Combo_image, $Group_ebooks, $ListView_ebooks Global $absent, $ans, $altfold, $author, $blackjpg, $button, $continue, $covers, $detail, $devfile, $device, $dpi, $drive Global $drives, $Dropbox, $e, $ebooks, $emptyfle, $entries, $entry, $ents, $file, $filelist, $foldtxt, $high1, $high2, $high3 Global $icoC, $icoD, $icoF, $icoI, $icoO, $icoR, $icoS, $icoT, $icoX, $idx, $image1, $image2, $image3, $imageID, $images, $img Global $imgfold, $imghigh, $imgwidth, $inifle, $input, $logfile, $lowid, $mapfile, $missfle, $OptionsGUI, $outfile, $output Global $picfile, $pyapp, $pyfold, $recfile, $resfile, $ResultsGUI, $rows, $shell, $sort, $sqlfile, $sqlite, $state, $title Global $update, $updated, $use, $user32, $val, $version, $which, $wide1, $wide2, $wide3 ; Global $item1, $item3, $item4, $items, $lastID, $mapini, $next, $others, $pic_eight, $pic_five, $pic_four, $pic_nine, $pic_one Global $pic_seven, $pic_six, $pic_three, $pic_two, $prior, $row $absent = @ScriptDir & "\Created.txt" $blackjpg = @ScriptDir & "\Black.jpg" $covers = @ScriptDir & "\Ebook Covers" $ebooks = @ScriptDir & "\Ebooks.txt" $emptyfle = @ScriptDir & "\Empty.txt" $foldtxt = @ScriptDir & "\Folders.txt" $inifle = @ScriptDir & "\Settings.ini" $logfile = @ScriptDir & "\Log.txt" $mapfile = @ScriptDir & "\Mapped.txt" $mapini = @ScriptDir & "\Mapped.ini" $missfle = @ScriptDir & "\Missing.txt" $others = @ScriptDir & "\Others.ini" $recfile = @ScriptDir & "\Record.ini" $resfile = @ScriptDir & "\Results.ini" $sqlfile = @ScriptDir & "\KoboReader.sqlite" $sqlite = @ScriptDir & "\sqlite3.dll" $updated = "(updated May 2024)" $version = "v1.0" If Not FileExists($covers) Then DirCreate($covers) $pyfold = @ScriptDir & "\Python" $outfile = $pyfold & "\output.ini" $pyapp = $pyfold & "\IMGfolds.exe" If Not FileExists($pyfold) Then DirCreate($pyfold) If Not FileExists($pyapp) Then MsgBox(262192, "Program Error", "The required 'IMGfolds.exe' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "It should be in the 'Python' sub-folder of this program," _ & @LF & "and might be needed to determine correct sub-folders" _ & @LF & "for an ebook's three cover images, on a Kobo device." & @LF _ & @LF & "NOTE - This only applies where those image files are" _ & @LF & "missing and the numbered sub-folders aren't known." _ & @LF & "Other aspects of this program will still work though.", 0) EndIf ; OS SETTINGS $user32 = @SystemDir & "\user32.dll" $shell = @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll" $icoC = -261 $icoD = -4 $icoF = -85 $icoI = -5 $icoO = -4 $icoR = -239 $icoS = -217 $icoT = -71 $icoX = -4 $wide1 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 1", "width", "") If $wide1 = "" Then $wide1 = "1050" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 1", "width", $wide1) EndIf $high1 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 1", "height", "") If $high1 = "" Then $high1 = "1680" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 1", "height", $high1) EndIf $wide2 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 2", "width", "") If $wide2 = "" Then $wide2 = "330" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 2", "width", $wide2) EndIf $high2 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 2", "height", "") If $high2 = "" Then $high2 = "530" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 2", "height", $high2) EndIf $wide3 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 3", "width", "") If $wide3 = "" Then $wide3 = "140" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 3", "width", $wide3) EndIf $high3 = IniRead($inifle, "Image 3", "height", "") If $high3 = "" Then $high3 = "225" IniWrite($inifle, "Image 3", "height", $high3) EndIf $dpi = IniRead($inifle, "DPI Resolution", "values", "") If $dpi = "" Then $dpi = "300 x 300" IniWrite($inifle, "DPI Resolution", "values", $dpi) EndIf $use = IniRead($inifle, "Alternate Export Drive", "use", "") If $use = "" Then $use = 4 IniWrite($inifle, "Alternate Export Drive", "use", $use) EndIf $drive = "" $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Bytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 100 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Bytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 300 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 0 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 300 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 400 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 70 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 400 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 500 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 65 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 500 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 600 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 60 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 600 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 700 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 55 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 700 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 800 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 50 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 800 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 900 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 45 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 900 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 40 IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) EndIf $val = IniRead($inifle, "One Megabyte Or More", "percent", "") If $val = "" Then $val = 30 IniWrite($inifle, "One Megabyte Or More", "percent", $val) EndIf If FileExists($sqlite) Then DropboxGUI() Else MsgBox(262192, "Program Error", "The required 'sqlite3.dll' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This DLL file needs to be in the 'Kobo Cover Fixer'" _ & @LF & "folder. It is freely available online.", 0) EndIf Exit Func DropboxGUI() Local $Item_about, $Item_exit, $Item_fold, $Item_folders, $Item_list, $Item_viewer, $Label_drop, $Menu_drop ; Local $attrib, $f, $fldpth, $folder, $folders, $foldlist, $left, $path, $right, $target, $top, $winpos ; $right = @DesktopWidth - 87 $left = IniRead($inifle, "Dropbox Window", "left", $right) $top = IniRead($inifle, "Dropbox Window", "top", 27) $Dropbox = GuiCreate("Dropbox", 82, 90, $left, $top, $WS_OVERLAPPED + $WS_CAPTION + $WS_SYSMENU + $WS_VISIBLE _ + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES + $WS_EX_TOPMOST + $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) ; $Label_drop = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 80, 88, $SS_CENTER + $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetState($Label_drop, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_drop, 8, 400) GUICtrlSetTip($Label_drop, "Drop a Folder or Drive Here!") ; ; CONTEXT MENU $Menu_drop = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($Label_drop) $Item_viewer = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open the Viewer window", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) $Item_folders = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("View the Folders List", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) $Item_list = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("View the Ebooks List", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) $Item_fold = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open the program folder", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) $Item_about = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $Menu_drop) $Item_exit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit the program", $Menu_drop) ; ; SETTINGS GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_drop, $COLOR_LIME) $target = "Some" & @LF & "Right-Click" & @LF & "Options Are" & @LF & "Available" & @LF & "HERE" GUICtrlSetData($Label_drop, @LF & $target) Sleep(2000) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_drop, $CLR_DEFAULT) $target = "Drop a Device" & @LF & "Folder HERE" & @LF & "or" & @LF & "Close To See" & @LF & "the Viewer" GUICtrlSetData($Label_drop, @LF & $target) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Item_exit ; Close the Dropbox $winpos = WinGetPos($Dropbox, "") $left = $winpos[0] If $left < 0 Then $left = 2 ElseIf $left > @DesktopWidth - $winpos[2] Then $left = @DesktopWidth - $winpos[2] EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Dropbox Window", "left", $left) $top = $winpos[1] If $top < 0 Then $top = 2 ElseIf $top > @DesktopHeight - $winpos[3] Then $top = @DesktopHeight - $winpos[3] EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Dropbox Window", "top", $top) ; GUIDelete($Dropbox) If $msg = $Item_exit Then Exit Else ExitLoop EndIf Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED ; Folder added as new destination by drag and drop If @GUI_DragId = -1 Then If FileExists(@GUI_DragFile) Then $attrib = FileGetAttrib(@GUI_DragFile) If StringInStr($attrib, "D") > 0 Then $path = @GUI_DragFile $folder = StringSplit($path, "\", 1) $folder = $folder[$folder[0]] If $folder = ".kobo" Then IniWrite($inifle, "Device File Folder", "path", $path) $devfile = $path & "\KoboReader.sqlite" If FileExists($devfile) Then GUICtrlSetState($Label_drop, $GUI_DISABLE) SplashTextOn("", "Copying File!", 220, 100, -1, -1, 33) IniWrite($inifle, "Device File", "path", $devfile) FileCopy($devfile, $sqlfile, 1) If FileExists($sqlfile) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Get device content.") GetContent() _FileCreate($foldtxt) $imgfold = $path & "-images" If FileExists($imgfold) Then IniWrite($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", $imgfold) SplashTextOn("", "Checking Folders!", 220, 100, -1, -1, 33) $folders = "" $foldlist = _FileListToArrayRec($imgfold, "*", 0, 1, 1, 2) For $f = 1 To $foldlist[0] $fldpth = $foldlist[$f] $folders &= $fldpth & @CRLF Next FileWriteLine($foldtxt, $folders) FindEbookImages() Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Folder Listing failed.") SplashOff() MsgBox(262192, "Program Error", "The required '.kobo-images' folder could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This folder should exist at the root of your" _ & @LF & "Kobo device, along with the '.kobo' folder," _ & @LF & "but for some reason it doesn't.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else SplashOff() MsgBox(262192, "Program Error", "The required 'KoboReader.sqlite' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This sqlite file should have been copied to the" _ & @LF & "'Kobo Cover Fixer' folder from a folder of your" _ & @LF & "device, but for some reason it wasn't.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf GUICtrlSetState($Label_drop, $GUI_ENABLE) Else MsgBox(262192, "Program Error", "The required 'KoboReader.sqlite' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This sqlite file should be located in the '.kobo' folder of" _ & @LF & "your device. For some reason it appears to be missing.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Folder Error", "Needs to be the '.kobo' folder on your device.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Drag Error", "Needs to be a folder not file.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Drag Error", "Drag & Drop path doesn't exist.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Drag Error", "Drag & Drop failed.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Case $msg = $Item_viewer ; Open the Viewer window GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $Dropbox) ViewerGUI() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Dropbox) Case $msg = $Item_folders ; View the Folders List If FileExists($foldtxt) Then ShellExecute($foldtxt) Case $msg = $Item_fold ; Open the program folder ShellExecute(@ScriptDir) Case $msg = $Item_about ; About the program MsgBox(262208, "About The Program", _ "This is a helper program to assist with missing or" & @LF & _ "wrong size ebook cover images on a Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "Device folder is the '.kobo' folder on your device." & @LF & @LF & _ "BIG THANKS to jchd for his improved sqlite code." & @LF & @LF & _ "BIG THANKS to Jon & team at the AutoIt Forum." & @LF & @LF & _ "© May 2023 by TheSaint - Kobo Cover Fixer " & $version & @LF & _ $updated, 0, $Dropbox) Case $msg = $Label_drop Or $msg = $Item_list ; View the Ebooks List If FileExists($ebooks) Then ShellExecute($ebooks) Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd ViewerGUI() EndFunc ;=> DropboxGUI Func ImagesGUI($entries) Local $Button_inf, $Button_next, $Button_prior, $Button_quit, $Checkbox_preview, $Group_detail, $Group_images Local $Input_author, $Input_ID, $Input_on, $Input_owned, $Input_subs, $Input_title, $Label_author, $Label_ID Local $Label_on, $Label_owned, $Label_subs, $Label_title, $Pic_1, $Pic_2, $Pic_3, $Pic_4, $Pic_5, $Pic_6, $Pic_7 Local $Pic_8, $Pic_9 ; Local $dll, $MappedGUI, $mpos, $ondevice, $owned, $part, $preview, $show, $size, $style, $sub, $xpos, $ypos ; SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!", 200, 100, -1, -1, 33) $style = BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPED, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX) ;, $WS_VISIBLE $MappedGUI = GuiCreate("Mapped Images Viewer", 360, 665, -1, -1, $style, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $OptionsGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_SKYBLUE, $MappedGUI) ; ; CONTROLS $Group_images = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Ebook Images", 10, 10, 340, 458) $Pic_1 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_one, 20, 30, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_1, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_2 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_two, 130, 30, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_2, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_3 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_three, 240, 30, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_3, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_4 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_four, 20, 176, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_4, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_5 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_five, 130, 176, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_5, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_6 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_six, 240, 176, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_6, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_7 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_seven, 20, 322, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_7, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_8 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_eight, 130, 322, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_8, "Click to see selected cover full size!") $Pic_9 = GUICtrlCreatePic($pic_nine, 240, 322, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_9, "Click to see selected cover full size!") ; $Group_detail = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Clicked Image Detail", 10, 478, 340, 125) $Label_ID = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Image ID", 20, 498, 68, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_ID, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_ID, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_ID, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_ID = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 498, 252, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_ID, "Selected ebook ID!") $Label_author = GUICtrlCreateLabel("AUTHOR", 20, 523, 68, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_author, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_author, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_author, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_author = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 523, 252, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_author, "Selected ebook author!") $Label_title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("TITLE", 20, 548, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_title, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_title, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_title, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_title = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 70, 548, 270, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_title, "Selected ebook title!") $Label_on = GUICtrlCreateLabel("DEVICE", 20, 573, 60, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_on, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_on, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_on, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_on = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 573, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_on, "On the device status!") $Label_owned = GUICtrlCreateLabel("OWNED", 125, 573, 60, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_owned, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_owned, $COLOR_GREEN) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_owned, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_owned = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 185, 573, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_owned, "Owned status!") $Label_subs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("SUBS", 230, 573, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_subs, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_subs, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_subs, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_subs = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 280, 573, 60, 20, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_subs, "Sub-folder numbers!") ; $Button_prior = GuiCtrlCreateButton("RESTART", 10, 610, 90, 27) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_prior, 8, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_prior, "Restart from the first lot of images!") ; $Checkbox_preview = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Preview Image", 12, 640, 90, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_preview, "Show larger image preview!") ; $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("NEXT", 110, 610, 60, 50) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_next, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_next, "View the next lot of images!") ; $Button_fld = GuiCtrlCreateButton("D", 180, 610, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_fld, "Open the images folder!") ; $Button_inf = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Info", 240, 610, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_inf, "Viewer Information!") ; $Button_quit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("EXIT", 300, 610, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_quit, "Exit / Close / Quit the window!") ; ; SETTINGS GUICtrlSetImage($Button_fld, $shell, $icoD, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_inf, $user32, $icoI, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_quit, $user32, $icoX, 1) ; $show = IniRead($inifle, "Larger Preview Image", "show", "") If $show = "" Then $show = 1 IniWrite($inifle, "Larger Preview Image", "show", $show) EndIf GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_preview, $show) ; $sub = "" SplashOff() GuiSetState(@SW_SHOWNORMAL, $MappedGUI) While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Button_quit ; Close the Viewer window GUIDelete($MappedGUI) ExitLoop Case $msg = $Button_prior ; View the previous lot of images $sub = "" GUICtrlSetData($Input_ID, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_title, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_on, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_owned, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, "") $row = 0 ; 1st Image GetMappedImage($pic_nine, $pic_one, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_1, $pic_one) ; 2nd Image GetMappedImage($pic_one, $pic_two, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_2, $pic_two) ; 3rd Image GetMappedImage($pic_two, $pic_three, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_3, $pic_three) ; 4th Image GetMappedImage($pic_three, $pic_four, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_4, $pic_four) ; 5th Image GetMappedImage($pic_four, $pic_five, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_5, $pic_five) ; 6th Image GetMappedImage($pic_five, $pic_six, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_6, $pic_six) ; 7th Image GetMappedImage($pic_six, $pic_seven, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_7, $pic_seven) ; 8th Image GetMappedImage($pic_seven, $pic_eight, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_8, $pic_eight) ; 9th Image GetMappedImage($pic_eight, $pic_nine, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_9, $pic_nine) Case $msg = $Button_next ; View the next lot of images $sub = "" GUICtrlSetData($Input_ID, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_title, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_on, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_owned, "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, "") ; 1st Image GetMappedImage($pic_nine, $pic_one, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_1, $pic_one) ; 2nd Image GetMappedImage($pic_one, $pic_two, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_2, $pic_two) ; 3rd Image GetMappedImage($pic_two, $pic_three, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_3, $pic_three) ; 4th Image GetMappedImage($pic_three, $pic_four, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_4, $pic_four) ; 5th Image GetMappedImage($pic_four, $pic_five, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_5, $pic_five) ; 6th Image GetMappedImage($pic_five, $pic_six, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_6, $pic_six) ; 7th Image GetMappedImage($pic_six, $pic_seven, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_7, $pic_seven) ; 8th Image GetMappedImage($pic_seven, $pic_eight, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_8, $pic_eight) ; 9th Image GetMappedImage($pic_eight, $pic_nine, $entries) GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_9, $pic_nine) Case $msg = $Button_inf ; Viewer Information ; $mapini Case $msg = $Button_fld ; Open the images folder If FileExists($imgfold) Then If $sub = "" Then ShellExecute($imgfold) Else ShellExecute($imgfold & "\" & $sub) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_preview ; Show larger image preview If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_preview) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $show = 1 Else $show = 4 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Larger Preview Image", "show", $show) Case $msg = $Pic_1 Or $msg = $Pic_2 Or $msg = $Pic_3 Or $msg = $Pic_4 Or $msg = $Pic_5 _ Or $msg = $Pic_6 Or $msg = $Pic_7 Or $msg = $Pic_8 Or $msg = $Pic_9 ; Full Size Preview GUICtrlSetState($Button_prior, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_next, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_fld, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_inf, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_quit, $GUI_DISABLE) If $msg = $Pic_1 Then $preview = $pic_one ElseIf $msg = $Pic_2 Then $preview = $pic_two ElseIf $msg = $Pic_3 Then $preview = $pic_three ElseIf $msg = $Pic_4 Then $preview = $pic_four ElseIf $msg = $Pic_5 Then $preview = $pic_five ElseIf $msg = $Pic_6 Then $preview = $pic_six ElseIf $msg = $Pic_7 Then $preview = $pic_seven ElseIf $msg = $Pic_8 Then $preview = $pic_eight ElseIf $msg = $Pic_9 Then $preview = $pic_nine EndIf $imageID = StringSplit($preview, " - N3_", 1) $imageID = $imageID[1] $imageID = StringSplit($imageID, "\", 1) $part = $imageID[0] $sub = $imageID[$part - 2] & "\" & $imageID[$part - 1] GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, $sub) $imageID = $imageID[$part] GUICtrlSetData($Input_ID, $imageID) ;$author = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "author", "other") $author = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "author", "") If $author = "" Then $ondevice = "no" $author = IniRead($others, $imageID, "author", "other") $size = IniRead($others, $imageID, "size", "") If $size = 0 Then $owned = "no" Else $owned = "yes" EndIf Else $ondevice = "yes" $owned = "yes" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, $author) $title = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "title", "") If $title = "" Then $title = IniRead($others, $imageID, "title", "other") EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_title, $title) GUICtrlSetData($Input_on, $ondevice) GUICtrlSetData($Input_owned, $owned) ; If $show = 1 Then SplashImageOn("", $preview, 230, 350, Default, Default, 17) Sleep(300) $mpos = MouseGetPos() $xpos = $mpos[0] $ypos = $mpos[1] Sleep(300) $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") While 1 $mpos = MouseGetPos() If $mpos[0] > $xpos + 40 Or $mpos[0] < $xpos - 40 Then ExitLoop If $mpos[1] > $ypos + 40 Or $mpos[1] < $ypos - 40 Then ExitLoop If _IsPressed("01", $dll) Then ExitLoop Sleep(300) WEnd DllClose($dll) SplashOff() EndIf GUICtrlSetState($Button_prior, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_next, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_fld, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_inf, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_quit, $GUI_ENABLE) Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;=> ImagesGUI Func SettingsGUI() Local $Button_grab, $Button_inf, $Button_map, $Button_quit, $Button_refresh, $Button_replace, $Button_show, $Button_view, $Checkbox_sort Local $Checkbox_update, $Checkbox_use, $Combo_drive, $Group_drive, $Group_export, $Group_folders, $Group_options, $Group_quality, $Input_300 Local $Input_400, $Input_500, $Input_600, $Input_700, $Input_800, $Input_900, $Input_1024, $Input_bytes, $Input_dpi, $Input_height_1 Local $Input_height_2, $Input_height_3, $Input_mega, $Input_width_1, $Input_width_2, $Input_width_3, $Label_300, $Label_400, $Label_500 Local $Label_600, $Label_700, $Label_800, $Label_900, $Label_1024, $Label_bytes, $Label_advice, $Label_height_1, $Label_height_2 Local $Label_height_3, $Label_image_1, $Label_image_2,$Label_image_3, $Label_mega, $Label_width_1, $Label_width_2, $Label_width_3 ; Local $array, $check, $devsql, $ebook, $erred, $f, $files, $flepth, $n, $N3, $num, $parts, $pos, $res, $sqlfold, $style Local $subfile, $subs, $value ; ; Script generated by GUIBuilder Prototype 0.9 $style = BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPED, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX) $OptionsGUI = GuiCreate("Program Settings", 320, 650, -1, -1, $style, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $ResultsGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_CREAM, $OptionsGUI) ; ; CONTROLS $Group_export = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Image Export Options", 10, 10, 300, 425) $Label_image_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Image 1", 20, 30, 75, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_image_1, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_image_1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_image_1, 9, 600) $Label_width_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Width", 100, 30, 45, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_width_1, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_width_1, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_width_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 145, 30, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_height_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Height", 200, 30, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_height_1, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_height_1, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_height_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 250, 30, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_image_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Image 2", 20, 60, 75, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_image_2, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_image_2, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_image_2, 9, 600) $Label_width_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Width", 100, 60, 45, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_width_2, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_width_2, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_width_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 145, 60, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_height_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Height", 200, 60, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_height_2, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_height_2, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_height_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 250, 60, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_image_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Image 3", 20, 90, 75, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_image_3, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_image_3, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_image_3, 9, 600) $Label_width_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Width", 100, 90, 45, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_width_3, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_width_3, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_width_3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 145, 90, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_height_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Height", 200, 90, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_height_3, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_height_3, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_height_3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 250, 90, 50, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_dpi = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("DPI", 20, 120, 40, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_dpi, $COLOR_GREEN) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_dpi, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_dpi, 9, 600) $Input_dpi = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 60, 120, 70, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_advice = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Values Saved On Exit", 140, 120, 160, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_advice, $COLOR_YELLOW) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_advice, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_advice, 9, 600) ; $Group_quality = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Image Export Quality Percentage - Based On Source", 27, 150, 266, 275) $Label_bytes = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 1024 Bytes", 63, 170, 160, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_bytes, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_bytes, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_bytes, 9, 600) $Input_bytes = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 223, 170, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_300 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 300 Kilobytes", 48, 195, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_300, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_300, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_300, 9, 600) $Input_300 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 195, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_400 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 400 Kilobytes", 48, 220, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_400, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_400, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_400, 9, 600) $Input_400 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 220, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_500 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 500 Kilobytes", 48, 245, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_500, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_500, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_500, 9, 600) $Input_500 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 245, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_600 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 600 Kilobytes", 48, 270, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_600, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_600, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_600, 9, 600) $Input_600 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 270, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_700 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 700 Kilobytes", 48, 295, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_700, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_700, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_700, 9, 600) $Input_700 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 295, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_800 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 800 Kilobytes", 48, 320, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_800, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_800, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_800, 9, 600) $Input_800 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 320, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_900 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 900 Kilobytes", 48, 345, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_900, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_900, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_900, 9, 600) $Input_900 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 345, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_1024 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", 48, 370, 190, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_1024, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_1024, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_1024, 9, 600) $Input_1024 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 238, 370, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) $Label_mega = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("One Megabyte Or More", 57, 395, 170, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_mega, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_mega, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_mega, 9, 600) $Input_mega = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 227, 395, 35, 20, $ES_CENTER) ; $Group_options = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Other Options", 10, 443, 300, 75) $Checkbox_sort = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Sort Ebook Entries On Load", 20, 463, 150, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_sort, "Sort 'Ebook List' entries on load!") $Checkbox_update = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Update Copied SQLite File", 20, 488, 145, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_update, "Update the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file!") $Button_grab = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Copy Device SQLite", 178, 459, 125, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_grab, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_grab, "Grab another copy of the device SQLite file!") $Button_replace = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Replace Device SQLite", 168, 486, 135, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_replace, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_replace, "Replace device SQLite file with updated copy!") ; $Group_folders = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Device Images Folder", 10, 526, 300, 54) $Button_map = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Map Folder Content", 20, 546, 124, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_map, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_map, "Make a list of all folders and their content!") $Button_show = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Show List", 149, 546, 69, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_show, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_show, "Show the list of all mapped folder content!") $Button_view = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View Sorted", 223, 546, 77, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_view, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_view, "View a sorted list of all mapped folder content!") ; $Group_drive = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Alternate Export Drive", 10, 590, 180, 50) $Combo_drive = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 610, 50, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Combo_drive, "Alternate drive to export images to!") $Button_refresh = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Refresh", 75, 610, 60, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_refresh, "Refresh the drives list!") $Checkbox_use = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Use", 145, 610, 40, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_use, "Use the Alternate Export Drive!") ; $Button_inf = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Info", 200, 590, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_inf, "Settings Information!") ; $Button_quit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("EXIT", 260, 590, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_quit, "Exit / Close / Quit the window!") ; ; SETTINGS GUICtrlSetImage($Button_inf, $user32, $icoI, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_quit, $user32, $icoX, 1) ; ; 1050 x 1680 ; 331 x 530 ; 139 x 223 or 145 x 223 or 146 or 144 or 124 or 148 or 149 x 198 GUICtrlSetData($Input_width_1, $wide1) GUICtrlSetData($Input_height_1, $high1) GUICtrlSetData($Input_width_2, $wide2) GUICtrlSetData($Input_height_2, $high2) GUICtrlSetData($Input_width_3, $wide3) GUICtrlSetData($Input_height_3, $high3) ; GUICtrlSetData($Input_dpi, $dpi) ; $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Bytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_bytes, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 300 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_300, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 400 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_400, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 500 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_500, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 600 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_600, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 700 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_700, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 800 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_800, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 900 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_900, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_1024, $val) $val = IniRead($inifle, "One Megabyte Or More", "percent", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_mega, $val) ; GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_sort, $sort) ;GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_update, $update) ; GetDrives(0) GUICtrlSetData($Combo_drive, $drives, $drive) ; GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_use, $use) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Button_quit ; Close the Settings window $erred = 0 For $n = 1 To 3 If $n = 1 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_width_1) $value = GUICtrlRead($Input_height_1) ElseIf $n = 2 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_width_2) $value = GUICtrlRead($Input_height_2) ElseIf $n = 3 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_width_3) $value = GUICtrlRead($Input_height_3) EndIf If StringIsDigit($val) Then If StringIsDigit($value) Then If $n = 1 Then $wide1 = $val IniWrite($inifle, "Image 1", "width", $wide1) $high1 = $value IniWrite($inifle, "Image 1", "height", $high1) ElseIf $n = 2 Then $wide2 = $val IniWrite($inifle, "Image 2", "width", $wide2) $high2 = $value IniWrite($inifle, "Image 2", "height", $high2) ElseIf $n = 3 Then $wide3 = $val IniWrite($inifle, "Image 3", "width", $wide3) $high3 = $value IniWrite($inifle, "Image 3", "height", $high3) EndIf Else $erred = $erred + 1 EndIf Else $erred = $erred + 1 EndIf Next $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_dpi) If StringInStr($val, " x ") > 0 Then $check = StringReplace($val, " x ", "") If StringIsDigit($check) Then $dpi = $val IniWrite($inifle, "DPI Resolution", "values", $dpi) Else $erred = $erred + 1 EndIf Else $erred = $erred + 1 EndIf For $p = 1 To 10 If $p = 1 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_bytes) ElseIf $p = 2 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_300) ElseIf $p = 3 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_400) ElseIf $p = 4 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_500) ElseIf $p = 5 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_600) ElseIf $p = 6 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_700) ElseIf $p = 7 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_800) ElseIf $p = 8 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_900) ElseIf $p = 9 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_1024) ElseIf $p = 10 Then $val = GUICtrlRead($Input_mega) EndIf If StringIsDigit($val) Then If $p = 1 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Bytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 2 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 300 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 3 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 400 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 4 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 500 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 5 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 600 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 6 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 700 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 7 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 800 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 8 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 900 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 9 Then IniWrite($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", "percent", $val) ElseIf $p = 10 Then IniWrite($inifle, "One Megabyte Or More", "percent", $val) EndIf Else $erred = $erred + 1 EndIf Next ; If $erred > 0 Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Errors Found", $erred & " value(s) failed checking, perhaps more." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue with prior values." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort & Retry.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf GUIDelete($OptionsGUI) ExitLoop Case $msg = $Button_view ; View a sorted list of all mapped folder content Local $hUserFunction = _UserFunc GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $OptionsGUI) GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $ResultsGUI) SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!", 200, 100, -1, -1, 33) _FileReadToArray($mapfile, $array, 1, @TAB) ; Need to code some sorting options. _ArraySort($array, 0, 1, 0, 3) ;_ArrayColDelete($sorted, 5, False) SplashOff() _DisplayArray($array, "Mapped Content", "", 0, @TAB, "Subs|Image ID|N3|Author & Title", 450, $COLOR_SKYBLUE, $hUserFunction) Case $msg = $Button_show ; Show the list of all mapped folder content GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $OptionsGUI) GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $ResultsGUI) If FileExists($mapfile) Then ShellExecute($mapfile) Case $msg = $Button_replace ; Replace device SQLite file with updated copy MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Alert", "This feature has been disabled for now.", 2, $OptionsGUI) ContinueLoop MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Replace Advice", "What device file gets replaced, depends on the" & @LF & _ "'Use' the 'Alternate Export Drive' setting, as it" & @LF & _ "will take precedence if enabled.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $use = 1 Then If $drive = "" Then MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The drive of your Kobo device has not been set." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, and then click the 'Refresh' button.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else $sqlfold = $drive & ".kobo" If FileExists($sqlfold) Then $devsql = $sqlfold & "\KoboReader.sqlite" If FileExists($devsql) Then If FileExists($sqlfile) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Replace Query", "You are copying to the specified device location." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to replace the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Replace that file." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any Replace." & @LF & @LF & _ "WARNING - You should be sure that the source" & @LF & _ "file being copied, was once in the same state as" & @LF & _ "the current destination file on your Kobo device." & @LF & _ "If the file on your Kobo device has since changed," & @LF & _ "due to new ebook additions or other changes like" & @LF & _ "reading location or ebook finished etc, then you" & @LF & _ "should probably not do a replacement - certainly" & @LF & _ "not if ebooks have been added or removed. This" & @LF & _ "could also be a change to a 'Collection'." & @LF & @LF & _ "ADVICE - A backup copy is made in any case.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $res = FileMove($devsql, $devsql & ".bak") If $res = 1 Then $res = FileCopy($sqlfile, $devsql, 0) If $res = 1 Then MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Replace Result", "The device SQLite file wase replaced successfully.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Replace Error", "The device SQLite file could not be replaced." & @LF & @LF & _ "Might be a source or destination issue.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Backup Error", "The existing SQLite file could not be renamed." & @LF & @LF & _ "Maybe a backup copy already exists?", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The SQLite file (working copy) could not be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "It should be in the main program folder.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The device SQLite file cannot be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via USB.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else $altfold = "" MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Drive Error", "The drive for your Kobo device is not correct." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, and then click the 'Refresh' button ... or" & @LF & _ "maybe just choose the correct drive.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else $devfile = IniRead($inifle, "Device File", "path", "") If FileExists($devfile) Then If FileExists($sqlfile) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Replace Query", "You are copying to the specified device location." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to replace the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Replace that file." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any Replace." & @LF & @LF & _ "WARNING - You should be sure that the source" & @LF & _ "file being copied, was once in the same state as" & @LF & _ "the current destination file on your Kobo device." & @LF & _ "If the file on your Kobo device has since changed," & @LF & _ "due to new ebook additions or other changes like" & @LF & _ "reading location or ebook finished etc, then you" & @LF & _ "should probably not do a replacement - certainly" & @LF & _ "not if ebooks have been added or removed. This" & @LF & _ "could also be a change to a 'Collection'." & @LF & @LF & _ "ADVICE - A backup copy is made in any case.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $res = FileMove($devfile, $devfile & ".bak") If $res = 1 Then $res = FileCopy($sqlfile, $devfile, 0) If $res = 1 Then MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Replace Result", "The device SQLite file wase replaced successfully.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Replace Error", "The device SQLite file could not be replaced." & @LF & @LF & _ "Might be a source or destination issue.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Backup Error", "The existing SQLite file could not be renamed." & @LF & @LF & _ "Maybe a backup copy already exists?", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The SQLite file (working copy) could not be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "It should be in the main program folder.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The device SQLite file cannot be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, or any external drive with a cloned copy" & @LF & _ "of your Kobo device folders & files." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - This would be your working location.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_refresh ; Refresh the drives list GetDrives(0) If $drive <> "" Then If StringInStr($drives, $drive) < 1 Then $drive = "" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Combo_drive, "", "") GUICtrlSetData($Combo_drive, $drives, $drive) Case $msg = $Button_map ; Make a list of all folders and their content $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Process Advice & Query", "Mapping could take quite a while." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue with mapping." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any mapping." & @LF & @LF & _ "INFO - Mapping makes a list of all" & @LF & _ "image folders and their image file" & @LF & _ "content. The 'View Sorted' button" & @LF & _ "can then be used for comparing," & @LF & _ "using a visual window.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If FileExists($imgfold) Then SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!", 200, 100, -1, -1, 33) _FileCreate($mapfile) $files = "" $filelist = _FileListToArrayRec($imgfold, "*", 1, 1, 1, 1) For $f = 1 To $filelist[0] $flepth = $filelist[$f] $parts = StringSplit($flepth, " - ", 1) If $parts[0] = 2 Then $N3 = $parts[2] Else $N3 = "other" EndIf $subfile = $parts[1] $pos = StringInStr($subfile, "\", 0, -1) $subs = StringLeft($subfile, $pos) $imageID = StringMid($subfile, $pos + 1) $num = StringRight("0000" & $f, 5) $author = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "author", $num) $title = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "title", "other") $ebook = $author & " - " & $title ;$entry = $subs & @TAB & $imageID & @TAB & $N3 & @TAB & $author & @TAB & $title & @TAB & $ebook $entry = $subs & @TAB & $imageID & @TAB & $N3 & @TAB & $author & " - " & $title $files &= $entry & @CRLF Next FileWriteLine($mapfile, $files) ; If FileExists($sqlfile) Then GetOthers() EndIf SplashOff() Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The device images folder wasn't found.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_inf ; Settings Information MsgBox(262208, "Settings Information", _ "The values displayed (which can be modified)," & @LF & _ "will be used for creating and then copying an" & @LF & _ "ebook cover image to your Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "Values displayed for each of the three default" & @LF & _ "images have been determined by averaging" & @LF & _ "existing values found on my device." & @LF & @LF & _ "The 'Alternate Export Drive' is only valid where" & @LF & _ "the working content has been imitated in a PC" & @LF & _ "folder, rather than working directly with your" & @LF & _ "Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "Updating the SQLite device file or replacing" & @LF & _ "it on your Kobo device has been disabled for" & @LF & _ "safety reasons, and is probably not needed.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Case $msg = $Button_grab ; Grab another copy of the device SQLite file MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Copy Advice", "What device file gets copied from where, depends" & @LF & _ "on the 'Use' the 'Alternate Export Drive' setting, as" & @LF & _ "it will take precedence if enabled.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $use = 1 Then If $drive = "" Then MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The drive of your Kobo device has not been set." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, and then click the 'Refresh' button.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else $sqlfold = $drive & ".kobo" If FileExists($sqlfold) Then $devsql = $sqlfold & "\KoboReader.sqlite" If FileExists($devsql) Then If FileExists($sqlfile) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 35 + 256, "Replace Query", "A copy of the device SQLite file already exists." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to replace (overwrite) that copy?" & @LF & @LF & _ "YES = Replace that copy." & @LF & _ "NO = Rename (backup) then Copy." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any Copy.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 6 Then FileCopy($devsql, $sqlfile, 1) ElseIf $ans = 7 Then $res = FileMove($sqlfile, $sqlfile & ".bak") If $res = 1 Then $res = FileCopy($devsql, $sqlfile, 0) If $res = 1 Then MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Copy Result", "The device SQLite file wase copied successfully.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Copy Error", "The device SQLite file could not be copied." & @LF & @LF & _ "Might be a source or destination issue.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Rename Error", "The existing SQLite file could not be renamed." & @LF & @LF & _ "Maybe a backup copy already exists?", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The SQLite file (working copy) could not be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "It should be in the main program folder.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The device SQLite file cannot be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via USB.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else $altfold = "" MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Drive Error", "The drive for your Kobo device is not correct." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, and then click the 'Refresh' button ... or" & @LF & _ "maybe just choose the correct drive.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else $devfile = IniRead($inifle, "Device File", "path", "") If FileExists($devfile) Then If FileExists($sqlfile) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 35 + 256, "Replace Query", "A copy of the device SQLite file already exists." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to replace (overwrite) that copy?" & @LF & @LF & _ "YES = Replace that copy." & @LF & _ "NO = Rename (backup) then Copy." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any Copy.", 0, $OptionsGUI) If $ans = 6 Then FileCopy($devfile, $sqlfile, 1) ElseIf $ans = 7 Then $res = FileMove($sqlfile, $sqlfile & ".bak") If $res = 1 Then $res = FileCopy($devfile, $sqlfile, 0) If $res = 1 Then MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Copy Result", "The device SQLite file wase copied successfully.", 0, $OptionsGUI) Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Copy Error", "The device SQLite file could not be copied." & @LF & @LF & _ "Might be a source or destination issue.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Rename Error", "The existing SQLite file could not be renamed." & @LF & @LF & _ "Maybe a backup copy already exists?", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The SQLite file (working copy) could not be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "It should be in the main program folder.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Path Error", "The device SQLite file cannot be found." & @LF & @LF & _ "Make sure your Kobo device is connected via" & @LF & _ "USB, or any external drive with a cloned copy" & @LF & _ "of your Kobo device folders & files." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - This would be your working location.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_use ; Use the Alternate Export Drive If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_use) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $use = 1 Else $use = 4 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Alternate Export Drive", "use", $use) Case $msg = $Checkbox_update ; Update the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_update) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $update = 1 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_update, $GUI_UNCHECKED) MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Alert", "This feature is not yet fully supported.", 2, $OptionsGUI) Else $update = 4 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Device SQLite File", "update", $update) Case $msg = $Checkbox_sort ; Sort 'Ebook List' entries on load If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_sort) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $sort = 1 Else $sort = 4 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Ebook Entries On Load", "sort", $sort) Case $msg = $Combo_drive ; Alternate drive to export images to $drive = GUICtrlRead($Combo_drive) Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;=> SettingsGUI Func ViewerGUI() ; ADVICE - The $Label_status control is no longer used after Placebo code was removed, but it could maybe be repurposed. ; Local $Button_close, $Button_continue, $Button_inf, $Checkbox_1, $Checkbox_2, $Checkbox_3, $Checkbox_all, $Edit_detail Local $Group_clone, $Group_cover, $Group_covers, $Group_detail, $Group_fix, $Group_folders, $Group_image, $Group_missing, $Group_source, $Group_view Local $Input_author, $Input_device, $Input_image_1, $Input_image_2, $Input_image_3, $Input_isbn, $Input_source, $Input_subs, $Input_title, $Label_author Local $Label_Image, $Label_isbn, $Label_status, $Label_subs, $Label_title, $List_covers, $Pic_cover ; Local $add, $added, $all, $authfold, $backups, $colnum, $colored, $copied, $copy, $covimg, $created, $dir1, $dir2, $disabled, $dll, $drvfold Local $exists, $f, $files, $fix, $fixed, $height, $icofle, $icoN, $icoP, $image, $imgfile, $ind, $ISBN, $left, $load, $mark, $mpos, $names Local $one, $over, $parts, $pos, $preview, $pth, $rename, $res, $restart, $SelectionGUI, $size, $skip, $srcefold, $style, $styles, $subfile, $subs Local $surname, $three, $top, $total, $two, $width, $winpos, $xpos, $ypos ; $width = 1310 $height = 570 $left = IniRead($inifle, "Results Window", "left", @DesktopWidth - $width - 25) $top = IniRead($inifle, "Results Window", "top", @DesktopHeight - $height - 60) $styles = $WS_OVERLAPPED + $WS_CAPTION + $WS_MINIMIZEBOX $ResultsGUI = GuiCreate("Image Search Results", $width - 5, $height, $left, $top, $styles + $WS_SIZEBOX + $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_MONEYGREEN, $ResultsGUI) ; CONTROLS $Group_ebooks = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Ebooks List", 10, 10, $width - 25, 372) $Label_status = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", ($width / 2) - 120, 5, 240, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_status, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_status, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetState($Label_status, $GUI_HIDE) $ListView_ebooks = GUICtrlCreateListView("No.|Title|Author|Images|Image 1|Image 2|Image 3|Image ID", 20, 30, $width - 45, 260, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS _ + $LVS_SINGLESEL + $LVS_REPORT, $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT + $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ListView_ebooks, 0xF0D0F0) ; $Label_title = GUICtrlCreateLabel("TITLE", 20, 300, 50, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_title, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_title, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_title, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_title = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 70, 300, 700, 20) $Label_author = GUICtrlCreateLabel("AUTHOR", 20, 325, 68, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_author, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_author, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_author, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_author = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 88, 325, 768, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_author, "Selected ebook author!") GUICtrlSetTip($Input_title, "Selected ebook title!") $Button_author = GuiCtrlCreateButton("FIX", 860, 324, 41, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_author, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_author, "Fix the author name of selected ebook entry!") $Label_isbn = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ISBN", 780, 300, 45, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_isbn, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_isbn, $COLOR_BLUE) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_isbn, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_isbn = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 825, 300, 225, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_isbn, "ISBN!") $Label_subs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("SUBS", 910, 325, 45, 20, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_subs, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_subs, $COLOR_GREEN) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_subs, $COLOR_WHITE) $Input_subs = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 955, 325, 55, 20, $ES_CENTER) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_subs, "Sub-folders for selected ebook entry!") $Button_subs = GuiCtrlCreateButton("ADD", 1010, 324, 41, 22) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_subs, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_subs, "Add sub-folders for selected ebook entry!") $Button_copy = GuiCtrlCreateButton("C", 1060, 299, 45, 46, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_copy, "Copy the Title and ISBN to clipboard!") $Button_up = GuiCtrlCreateButton("UP", 1115, 299, 47, 46, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_up, "Move up to previous entry!") $Button_down = GuiCtrlCreateButton("DOWN", 1168, 299, 47, 46, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_down, "Move down to next entry!") $Button_mark = GuiCtrlCreateButton("MARK", 1225, 299, 60, 21) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_mark, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_mark, "Mark the selected entry!") $Button_nxt = GuiCtrlCreateButton("NEXT", 1225, 324, 60, 21) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_nxt, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_nxt, "Go to the next marked entry!") ; $Input_image_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 350, ($width / 3) - 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_image_1, "First image for ebook!") $Label_Image = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImageID", ($width / 3) + 8, 350, 60, 21, $SS_CENTER + $SS_CENTERIMAGE + $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetFont($Label_Image, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetBkColor($Label_Image, $COLOR_FUCHSIA) GUICtrlSetColor($Label_Image, $COLOR_YELLOW) GUICtrlSetState($Label_Image, $GUI_HIDE) $Input_image_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", ($width / 3) + 8, 350, ($width / 3) - 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_image_2, "Second image for ebook!") $Input_image_3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", ($width / 3) + 432, 350, ($width / 3) - 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_image_3, "Third image for ebook!") ; $Group_source = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Cover Images - Source Path", 10, 390, 392, 50) $Input_source = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 410, 295, 20) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_source, 0xFFFFAA) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_source, "Path of images to use for creation and add (if needed)!") $Button_source = GuiCtrlCreateButton("B", 320, 410, 20, 20, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_source, "Browse to set the images source path!") $Button_covers = GuiCtrlCreateButton("O", 345, 409, 20, 22, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_covers, "Open the images source folder!") $Button_renew = GuiCtrlCreateButton("O", 370, 409, 20, 22, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_renew, "Refresh the list!") ; $Group_missing = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Missing Images", 10, 450, 105, 110) $Button_add = GuiCtrlCreateButton("ADD", 20, 470, 65, 35) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_add, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_add, "Add missing images to ebook folder!") $Checkbox_copy = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", 90, 478, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_copy, "Enable copying to device!") $Button_create = GuiCtrlCreateButton("CREATE", 20, 515, 85, 35) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_create, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_create, "Create ALL missing images for an ebook folder!") ; $Group_folders = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Missing Image Folders", 125, 450, 265, 60) $Button_find = GuiCtrlCreateButton("DETERMINE", 135, 470, 90, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_find, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_find, "Determine the image sub-folders for selected ebook!") $Button_make = GuiCtrlCreateButton("CREATE", 235, 470, 75, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_make, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_make, "Create the image sub-folders for selected ebook!") $Button_open = GuiCtrlCreateButton("OPEN", 320, 470, 60, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_open, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_open, "Open the image folder for selected ebook!") GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 325, 502, 65, 58) $Button_list = GuiCtrlCreateButton("L", 335, 520, 45, 30, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_list, "View the missing sub-folders list!") ; $Button_fix = GuiCtrlCreateButton("FIX COVERS", 125, 520, 120, 40) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_fix, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_fix, "Fix image size(s) in an ebook folder!") ; $Button_log = GuiCtrlCreateButton("LOG", 255, 520, 60, 40) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_log, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_log, "View the Log Record!") ; $Group_covers = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Cover Images - Source", 400, 390, 360, 130) $List_covers = GUICtrlCreateList("", 410, 410, 340, 100) GUICtrlSetBkColor($List_covers, 0xFFFFAA) GUICtrlSetTip($List_covers, "List of covers to use for ebook fixes!") ; $Button_device = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Find Kobo Device", 400, 530, 140, 29) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_device, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_device, "Find the Kobo device drive!") GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 541, 524, 150, 34) $Input_device = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 547, 535, 138, 18) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_device, $COLOR_SKYBLUE) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_device, "Kobo device image folder path!") $Button_images = GuiCtrlCreateButton("O", 695, 530, 30, 29, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_images, "Open the device images folder!") $Button_drive = GuiCtrlCreateButton("O", 730, 530, 30, 29, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_drive, "Open the alternate drive images folder!") ; $Group_cover = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Cover Image", 770, 390, 120, 170) $Pic_cover = GUICtrlCreatePic($blackjpg, 780, 410, 100, 136, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetTip($Pic_cover, "Click to see selected cover full size!") ; $Group_detail = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Detail", 900, 390, 180, 108) $Edit_detail = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 910, 410, 160, 78, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL + $ES_READONLY) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Edit_detail, $COLOR_SILVER) GUICtrlSetTip($Edit_detail, "Detail about the selected image when clicked!") ; $Group_view = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("View - Lists", 1090, 390, 95, 108) $Button_missing = GuiCtrlCreateButton("MISSING" & @LF & "IMAGES", 1100, 406, 75, 37, $BS_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_missing, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_missing, "View the list of missing images!") $Button_empty = GuiCtrlCreateButton("EMPTY" & @LF & "FOLDERS", 1100, 452, 75, 37, $BS_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_empty, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_empty, "View the list of empty ebook folders!") ; $Group_clone = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Kobo Device", 1195, 390, 100, 55) $Button_clone = GuiCtrlCreateButton("CLONE", 1205, 406, 80, 30) ;GUICtrlSetFont($Button_clone, 7, 600, 0, "Small Fonts") GUICtrlSetFont($Button_clone, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_clone, "Clone the Kobo device images folder & device file!") ; $Button_fold = GuiCtrlCreateButton("D", $width - 115, 455, 45, 45, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_fold, "Open the program folder!") ; $Button_info = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Info", $width - 60, 455, 45, 45, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_info, "Program Information!") ; $Group_image = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Image", 900, 506, 90, 54) $Combo_image = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 910, 526, 70, 21) ; $Checkbox_cancel = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Cancel Backup", 1003, 545, 90, 17) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_cancel, $GUI_HIDE) $Button_backup = GuiCtrlCreateButton("BACKUP" & @LF & "IMAGES", 1000, 511, 95, 50, $BS_MULTILINE) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_backup, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_backup, "Backup cover images to a PC folder!") ; $Button_reload = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Reload", 1105, 511, 55, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_reload, "Reload the List!") ; $Button_setup = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Setup", 1170, 511, 55, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_setup, "Program Settings!") ; $Button_exit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("EXIT", 1235, 511, 60, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_exit, "Exit / Close / Quit the window!") ; $lowid = $Button_exit + 1 ; ; SETTINGS GUICtrlSetImage($Button_copy, $shell, $icoC, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_source, $shell, $icoF, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_covers, $shell, $icoO, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_renew, $shell, $icoR, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_list, $shell, $icoT, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_images, $shell, $icoO, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_drive, $shell, -195, 0) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_reload, $shell, $icoR, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_setup, $shell, $icoS, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_fold, $shell, $icoD, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_info, $user32, $icoI, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_exit, $user32, $icoX, 1) If FileExists($shell) Then ; Up & Down (bluish triangles) $icofle = $shell $icoP = -247 $icoN = -248 Else Local $ipsmsnap = @SystemDir & "\ipsmsnap.dll" If FileExists($ipsmsnap) Then ; Up & Down (black) $icofle = $ipsmsnap $icoP = -2 $icoN = -3 Else $ipsmsnap = "" Local $netshell = @SystemDir & "\netshell.dll" If FileExists($netshell) Then ; Up & Down (blue) $icofle = $netshell $icoP = -150 $icoN = -151 Else $netshell = "" Local $wlanpref = @SystemDir & "\wlanpref.dll" If FileExists($wlanpref) Then ; Up & Down (blue) $icofle = $wlanpref $icoP = -4 $icoN = -5 Else $wlanpref = "" Local $wlangpui = @SystemDir & "\wlangpui.dll" If FileExists($wlangpui) Then ; Up & Down (green) $icofle = $wlangpui $icoP = -7 $icoN = -8 Else $wlangpui = "" Local $xpsrchvw = @SystemDir & "\xpsrchvw.exe" If FileExists($xpsrchvw) Then ; Up & Down (blue) $icofle = $xpsrchvw $icoP = -6 $icoN = -8 Else $xpsrchvw = "" Local $mmcndmgr = @SystemDir & "\mmcndmgr.dll" If FileExists($mmcndmgr) Then ; Up & Down (small black) $icofle = $mmcndmgr $icoP = -58 $icoN = -49 Else $mmcndmgr = "" Local $wpdshext = @SystemDir & "\wpdshext.dll" If FileExists($wpdshext) Then ; Up & Down (blue different) $icofle = $wpdshext $icoP = -26 $icoN = -27 Else $wpdshext = "" Local $netcfgx = @SystemDir & "\netcfgx.dll" If FileExists($netcfgx) Then ; Up & Down (curly green) $icofle = $netcfgx $icoP = -8 $icoN = -9 Else $netcfgx = "" Local $rasdlg = @SystemDir & "\rasdlg.dll" If FileExists($rasdlg) Then ; Up & Down (curly green) $icofle = $rasdlg $icoP = -18 $icoN = -16 Else $rasdlg = "" Local $dnscmmc = @SystemDir & "\dnscmmc.dll" If FileExists($dnscmmc) Then ; Up & Down (curly green) $icofle = $dnscmmc $icoP = 0 $icoN = -2 Else $dnscmmc = "" Local $wmploc = @SystemDir & "\wmploc.DLL" If FileExists($wmploc) Then ; Left & Right (blue) $icofle = $wmploc $icoP = -200 $icoN = -199 Else $wmploc = "" Local $msdbrptr = @SystemDir & "\MSDBRPTR.DLL" If FileExists($msdbrptr) Then ; Left & Right (black) $icofle = $msdbrptr $icoP = -3 $icoN = -4 Else $msdbrptr = "" Local $explorer = @WindowsDir & "\explorer.exe" ; Left & Right (black doubles) $icofle = $explorer $icoP = -12 $icoN = -13 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetImage($Button_up, $icofle, $icoP, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_down, $icofle, $icoN, 1) ; GUICtrlSetData($Combo_image, "Image 1|Image 2|Image 3|Source", "Image 2") ; $sort = IniRead($inifle, "Ebook Entries On Load", "sort", "") If $sort = "" Then $sort = 4 IniWrite($inifle, "Ebook Entries On Load", "sort", $sort) EndIf ; $update = IniRead($inifle, "Device SQLite File", "update", "") If $update = "" Then $update = 4 IniWrite($inifle, "Device SQLite File", "update", $update) EndIf ; $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Load Query", "Load the 'Results' file?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Load the file now." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort loading." & @LF & @LF & _ "(auto load in 5 seconds)", 5, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Or $ans = -1 Then $load = 1 LoadTheList() Else $load = "" EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf GUICtrlSetState($Input_subs, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_subs, $GUI_DISABLE) ; $srcefold = IniRead($inifle, "Images Source", "path", "") GUICtrlSetData($Input_source, $srcefold) ; $backups = IniRead($inifle, "Backup Images", "path", "") ; $filelist = _FileListToArray($srcefold, "*", 1, False) $total = $filelist[0] For $f = 1 To $total $file = $filelist[$f] GUICtrlSetData($List_covers, $file) Next If $total > 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($Group_covers, "Cover Images - Source (" & $total & ")") EndIf ; $disabled = "" $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If Not FileExists($imgfold) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 49, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please make sure your USB" & @LF & _ "Kobo device is connected." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Device is connected, search for it." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Ignore." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - If the connected device drive is found" & @LF & _ "with search, then the stored setting is updated.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then ; Search for a drive that has the '.kobo-images' folder. GetDrives(1) EndIf If Not FileExists($imgfold) Then ; If not found then several controls should be disabled. $disabled = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_device, $imgfold) ; $all = 1 $one = 4 $two = 4 $three = 4 ; $colored = "" $copy = 4 $restart = "" GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Button_exit ; Exit / Close / Quit the window $winpos = WinGetPos($ResultsGUI, "") $left = $winpos[0] If $left < 0 Then $left = 2 ElseIf $left > @DesktopWidth - $width Then $left = @DesktopWidth - $width - 25 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Results Window", "left", $left) $top = $winpos[1] If $top < 0 Then $top = 2 ElseIf $top > @DesktopHeight - ($height + 20) Then $top = @DesktopHeight - $height - 60 EndIf IniWrite($inifle, "Results Window", "top", $top) ; GUIDelete($ResultsGUI) ExitLoop Case $msg = $Button_up ; Move up to previous entry $ents = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($ListView_ebooks) If $ents > 0 Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] If $ind = 0 Then $ind = $ents - 1 ElseIf $ind > 0 Then $ind = $ind - 1 EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($ListView_ebooks, $ind, False, True) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($ListView_ebooks, $ind, "left", False, 1, 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_subs ; Enter sub-folders for selected ebook entry $subs = GUICtrlRead($Input_subs) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "subs", $subs) Case $msg = $Button_source ; Browse to set the images source path $pth = FileSelectFolder("Browse to set the images source path. It is recommended to use the existing" _ & " 'Ebook Covers' sub-folder within the program folder.", @ScriptDir, 7, $covers, $ResultsGUI) If @error <> 1 And StringMid($pth, 2, 2) = ":\" Then $srcefold = $pth IniWrite($inifle, "Images Source", "path", $srcefold) GUICtrlSetData($Input_source, $srcefold) ; $filelist = _FileListToArray($srcefold, "*", 1, False) For $f = 1 To $filelist[0] $file = $filelist[$f] GUICtrlSetData($List_covers, $file) Next EndIf Case $msg = $Button_setup ; Program Settings SettingsGUI() Case $msg = $Button_reload ; Reload the List $ents = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($ListView_ebooks) If $ents > 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($ListView_ebooks) If $load = "" Then $load = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf LoadTheList() Case $msg = $Button_renew ; Refresh the Covers list GUICtrlSetData($List_covers, "") $filelist = _FileListToArray($srcefold, "*", 1, False) $total = $filelist[0] If $total > 0 Then For $f = 1 To $total $file = $filelist[$f] GUICtrlSetData($List_covers, $file) Next GUICtrlSetData($Group_covers, "Cover Images - Source (" & $total & ")") Else GUICtrlSetData($Group_covers, "Cover Images - Source") EndIf Case $msg = $Button_open ; Open the image folder for selected ebook $subs = GUICtrlRead($Input_subs) If $subs = "" Then MsgBox(262192, "Source Error", "This entry does not have any sub-folders set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") $subfold = $imgfold & "\" & $subs If FileExists($subfold) Then ShellExecute($subfold) Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The ebook images folder does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_nxt Or $restart = 1 ; Go to the next marked entry $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] For $e = $ind To $ents - 1 $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $e + 1, 7) $mark = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "mark", "") If $mark = 1 Then $ind = $e + 1 _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($ListView_ebooks, $ind, False) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($ListView_ebooks, $ind, True, True) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($ListView_ebooks, $ind, "left", False, 1, 1) ExitLoop EndIf Next If $mark = "" And $restart = "" Then $ind = 0 _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($ListView_ebooks, $ind, False) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($ListView_ebooks, $ind, True, True) $restart = 1 Else $restart = "" EndIf Else $restart = "" MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "Select a list entry to start at!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else $restart = "" EndIf Case $msg = $Button_missing ; View the list of ebooks missing images If FileExists($missfle) Then ShellExecute($missfle) Case $msg = $Button_mark ; Mark the selected entry $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) $idx = $lowid + $ind $rename = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "rename", "") $mark = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "mark", "") If $mark = "" Then $mark = 1 IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "mark", $mark) If $rename = 1 Then ; Light Olive GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xA7BE01) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_YELLOW) EndIf Else $mark = "" IniDelete($resfile, $imageID, "mark") If $rename = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_AQUA) Else If IsInt($idx / 2) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xC0F0C0) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xF0D0F0) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_make ; Create the image sub-folders for selected ebook $subs = GUICtrlRead($Input_subs) If $subs = "" Then MsgBox(262192, "Source Error", "This entry does not have any sub-folders set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If FileExists($imgfold) Then $subfold = $imgfold & "\" & $subs If Not FileExists($subfold) Then DirCreate($subfold) FileWriteLine($absent, $subfold) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Created sub-folders - " & $subfold & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The Kobo images folder does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_log ; View the Log Record If FileExists($logfile) Then ShellExecute($logfile) Case $msg = $Button_list ; View the missing sub-folders list If FileExists($absent) Then ShellExecute($absent) Case $msg = $Button_info ; Program Information MsgBox(262208, "Program Information", _ "This is a helper program to assist with missing or" & @LF & _ "wrong size ebook cover images on a Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "To start over, you drag & drop the '.kobo' device" & @LF & _ "folder onto the startup dropbox. That copies the" & @LF & _ "device sqlite file to this program's folder, where" & @LF & _ "it is scanned for required detail. NOTE - You can" & @LF & _ "either work directly with your Kobo device, or a" & @LF & _ "backup copy of its '.kobo-images' folder setting" & @LF & _ "an alternate drive letter for your Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "The EMPTY FOLDERS LIST button shows the list of" & @LF & _ "empty folders." & @LF & @LF & _ "Click the Cover Image to see it full size & get detail." & @LF & @LF & _ "[ADDED ROW COLORS]" & @LF & _ "AQUA = Renamed Author." & @LF & _ "FUCHSIA = Created image(s) for an entry." & @LF & _ "LIME = Fixed image(s) for an entry." & @LF & _ "OLIVE = Renamed Author & Marked entry." & @LF & _ "RED = Added image(s) to an entry." & @LF & _ "YELLOW = Marked entry." & @LF & @LF & _ "BIG THANKS to jchd for his improved sqlite code." & @LF & @LF & _ "BIG THANKS to Jon & team at the AutoIt Forum." & @LF & @LF & _ "© May 2023 by TheSaint - Kobo Cover Fixer " & $version & @LF & _ $updated, 0, $ResultsGUI) Case $msg = $Button_images ; Open the device image folder $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If FileExists($imgfold) Then ShellExecute($imgfold) Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The Kobo images folder does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_fold ; Open the program folder ShellExecute(@ScriptDir) Case $msg = $Button_fix ; Fix image size in an ebook folder If FileExists($imgfold) Then $continue = 1 If $use = 1 Then CheckForAlternateDrive("FIX") If $altfold = "" Then $drvfold = "" Else $drvfold = $altfold EndIf Else $drvfold = "" EndIf If $continue = 1 Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $title = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 1) $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 2) For $colnum = 4 To 6 $image = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $colnum) If $image <> "" Then $pos = StringInStr($image, "\", 0, -1) $subs = StringLeft($image, $pos) ;MsgBox(262192, "Sub-Folders", $subs, 0, $ResultsGUI) If $drvfold <> "" Then $altfold = $drvfold & "\" & $subs $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) $covimg = GUICtrlRead($List_covers) If $covimg <> "" Then $covimg = $srcefold & "\" & $covimg If FileExists($covimg) Then $style = BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPED, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_VISIBLE, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX) $SelectionGUI = GuiCreate("Image Selection", 285, 135, Default, Default, $style, $WS_EX_TOPMOST, $ResultsGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_CREAM, $SelectionGUI) ; ; CONTROLS $Group_fix = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Images To Fix", 10, 10, 265, 55) $Checkbox_all = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("ALL", 20, 30, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_all, "Select ALL images!") $Checkbox_1 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Image 1", 70, 30, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_1, "Select Image 1!") $Checkbox_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Image 2", 140, 30, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_2, "Select Image 2!") $Checkbox_3 = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("Image 3", 210, 30, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox_3, "Select Image 3!") ; $Button_continue = GuiCtrlCreateButton("CONTINUE", 10, 75, 140, 50) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_continue, 9, 600) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_continue, "Continue with Selection!") ; $Button_inf = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Info", 160, 75, 50, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_inf, "Selection Information!") ; $Button_close = GuiCtrlCreateButton("EXIT", 220, 75, 55, 50, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetTip($Button_close, "Exit / Close / Quit the window!") ; ; SETTINGS GUICtrlSetImage($Button_inf, $user32, $icoI, 1) GUICtrlSetImage($Button_close, $user32, $icoX, 1) ; If $all = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_all, $all) Else If $one = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_1, $one) If $two = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_2, $two) If $three = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_3, $three) EndIf GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $Button_close ; Close the Selection window $fix = "" GUIDelete($SelectionGUI) ExitLoop Case $msg = $Button_inf ; Settings Information MsgBox(262208, "Selection Information", _ "Select one or more images to fix on your" & @LF & _ "Kobo device." & @LF & @LF & _ "You will be queried about each one." & @LF & @LF & _ "The FIX will remove (delete) the existing" & @LF & _ "ebook image file on your Kobo device," & @LF & _ "and replace it with your chosen one.", 0, $SelectionGUI) Case $msg = $Button_continue ; Continue with Selection If $all = 1 Or $one = 1 Or $two = 1 Or $three = 1 Then $fix = 1 GUIDelete($SelectionGUI) ExitLoop Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No image fixes selected!", 0, $SelectionGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_all ; Select ALL images If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_all) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $all = 1 If $one = 1 Then $one = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_1, $one) EndIf If $two = 1 Then $two = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_2, $two) EndIf If $three = 1 Then $three = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_3, $three) EndIf Else $all = 4 EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_3 ; Select Image 3 If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $three = 1 If $all = 1 Then $all = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_all, $all) EndIf Else $three = 4 EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_2 ; Select Image 2 If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $two = 1 If $all = 1 Then $all = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_all, $all) EndIf Else $two = 4 EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_1 ; Select Image 1 If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $one = 1 If $all = 1 Then $all = 4 GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_all, $all) EndIf Else $one = 4 EndIf Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd If $fix = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Processing - " & $author & " - " & $title) $fixed = 0 $skip = 0 If $one = 1 Or $all = 1 Then $image1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 4) If $image1 <> "" Then $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image1 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "FIX Query - 1", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Replace the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Fixing '" & $image1 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 1) $fixed = $fixed + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $two = 1 Or $all = 1 Then $image2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 5) If $image2 <> "" Then $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image2 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "FIX Query - 2", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Replace the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Fixing '" & $image2 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 2) $fixed = $fixed + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $three = 1 Or $all = 1 Then $image3 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 6) If $image3 <> "" Then $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image3 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "FIX Query - 3", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Replace the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Fixing '" & $image3 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 3) $fixed = $fixed + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $fixed > 0 Then $idx = $lowid + $ind GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_LIME) EndIf If $skip = 3 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "All images skipped.") ElseIf $skip = 2 Then If ($one = 1 And $two = 1 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 1 And $two = 4 And $three = 1) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 1 And $three = 1) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Two images skipped.") EndIf ElseIf $skip = 1 Then If ($one = 1 And $two = 4 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 1 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 4 And $three = 1) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "One image skipped.") EndIf EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Process Complete." & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No source cover image is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "Badly selected entry!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No entry is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else ; If not found then several controls should be disabled. $disabled = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_DISABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_DISABLE) ; MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please make sure your USB" & @LF & _ "Kobo device is connected.", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_find ; Determine the image sub-folders for selected ebook If FileExists($pyapp) Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $title = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 1) $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 2) $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) IniDelete($outfile, "Sub Folders") ShellExecuteWait($pyapp, $imageID, $pyfold) $dir1 = IniRead($outfile, "Sub Folders", "dir1", "") $dir2 = IniRead($outfile, "Sub Folders", "dir2", "") $subs = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "subs", "") If $subs = "" Then $subs = $dir1 & "\" & $dir2 GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, $subs) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Determine sub-folders - " & $imageID) _FileWriteLog($logfile, $author & " - " & $title) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Sub-folders = " & $subs & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf MsgBox(262192, "Selected Ebook Detail", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & $imageID & @LF & $subs, 0, $ResultsGUI) Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "Badly selected entry!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No entry is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The 'IMGfolds.exe' file does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_empty ; Show the list of empty ebook folders If FileExists($emptyfle) Then ShellExecute($emptyfle) Case $msg = $Button_drive ; Open the alternate drive images folder If $drive = "" Then $altfold = "" MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "No alternate drive has been set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else $altfold = $drive & ".kobo-images" If FileExists($altfold) Then ShellExecute($altfold) Else $altfold = "" MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "Correct alternate drive not found!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_down ; Move down to next entry $ents = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($ListView_ebooks) If $ents > 0 Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] If $ind = $ents - 1 Then $ind = 0 ElseIf $ind < $ents - 1 Then $ind = $ind + 1 EndIf _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($ListView_ebooks, $ind, False, True) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($ListView_ebooks, $ind, "left", False, 1, 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_device ; Find the Kobo device drive $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If FileExists($imgfold) Then If $disabled = 1 Then $disabled = "" GUICtrlSetData($Input_device, $imgfold) EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_ENABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Else $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 49, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please make sure your USB" & @LF & _ "Kobo device is connected." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Device is connected, search for it." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Ignore." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - If the connected device drive is found" & @LF & _ "with search, then the stored setting is updated.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then ; Search for a drive that has the '.kobo-images' folder. GetDrives(1) EndIf If FileExists($imgfold) Then GUICtrlSetData($Input_device, $imgfold) If $disabled = 1 Then $disabled = "" EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_ENABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Else ; If not found then several controls should be disabled. $disabled = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_DISABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_create ; Create ALL missing images for an ebook folder If FileExists($imgfold) Then $continue = 1 If $use = 1 Then CheckForAlternateDrive("CREATE") If $altfold = "" Then $drvfold = "" Else $drvfold = $altfold EndIf Else $drvfold = "" EndIf If $continue = 1 Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $title = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 1) $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 2) $images = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 3) If $images = 0 Then $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) $subs = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "subs", "") If $subs = "" Then MsgBox(262192, "Source Error", "This entry does not have any sub-folders set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else $subs = $subs & "\" If $drvfold <> "" Then $altfold = $drvfold & "\" & $subs $covimg = GUICtrlRead($List_covers) If $covimg <> "" Then $covimg = $srcefold & "\" & $covimg If FileExists($covimg) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Processing - " & $author & " - " & $title) $created = 0 $skip = 0 $image1 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_FULL.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image1 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "CREATE Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Creating '" & $image1 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image1, 4) $created = $created + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf $image2 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image2 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "CREATE Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Creating '" & $image2 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 2) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image2, 5) $created = $created + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf $image3 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image3 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "CREATE Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Creating '" & $image3 & "' on device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 3) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image3, 6) $created = $created + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf If $created > 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $created, 3) $idx = $lowid + $ind GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_FUCHSIA) $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "UPDATE Query", "Do you want the record updated?", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "images", $created) $image1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 4) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "1", $image1) $image2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 5) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "2", $image2) $image3 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 6) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "3", $image3) EndIf EndIf If $skip = 3 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "All images skipped.") ElseIf $skip = 2 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Two images skipped.") ElseIf $skip = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "One image skipped.") EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Process Complete." & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No source cover image is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "This entry already has some images!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "Badly selected entry!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No entry is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else ; If not found then several controls should be disabled. $disabled = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_DISABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_DISABLE) ; MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please make sure your USB" & @LF & _ "Kobo device is connected.", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_covers ; Open the images source folder If FileExists($srcefold) Then ShellExecute($srcefold) Case $msg = $Button_copy ; Copy the Title and ISBN to clipboard $title = GUICtrlRead($Input_title) If $title <> "" Then $title = StringReplace($title, ":", "") $title = StringReplace($title, "\", "&") $title = StringReplace($title, "/", "&") $title = StringStripWS($title, 7) $ISBN = GUICtrlRead($Input_isbn) If $ISBN <> "" Then ClipPut($title & " - " & $ISBN) EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_clone ; Clone the Kobo device images folder & device file $imgfold = IniRead($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", "") If $imgfold <> "" Then If FileExists($imgfold) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder path" & @LF & _ "has been recorded in program settings," & @LF & _ "and currently exists." & @LF & @LF & _ $imgfold & @LF & @LF & _ "If that is where a clone copy is located" & @LF & _ "or where you want to locate it, then its" & @LF & _ "content will need to be removed first." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue to next query." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort the process." & @LF & @LF & _ "IMPORTANT ADVICE - If it is a clone" & @LF & _ "location, then it is recommended to" & @LF & _ "use the provided 'BACKUP IMAGES'" & @LF & _ "process first, to perhaps save on the" & @LF & _ "need to recreate images where you" & @LF & _ "once had a copy.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "Query", "Open that location to then manually" & @LF & _ "remove (delete or relocate) content?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Open & Continue to next query." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort the whole process." & @LF & @LF & _ "INFO - Removal would include the" & @LF & _ "'.kobo' and '.kobo-images' folders," & @LF & _ "and anything else relevant.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $parfold = StringReplace($imgfold, "\.kobo-images", "") ShellExecute($parfold) ElseIf $ans = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf ElseIf $ans = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf Else $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder path" & @LF & _ "has been recorded in program settings." & @LF & @LF & _ $imgfold & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - That path cannot currently be" & @LF & _ "found (on a removable drive perhaps)." & @LF & @LF & _ "If that is where a clone copy is located" & @LF & _ "or where you want to locate it, then its" & @LF & _ "content will need to be removed first." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue to next query." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort the process." & @LF & @LF & _ "IMPORTANT ADVICE - If it is a clone" & @LF & _ "location, then it is recommended to" & @LF & _ "use the provided 'BACKUP IMAGES'" & @LF & _ "process first, to perhaps save on the" & @LF & _ "need to recreate images where you" & @LF & _ "once had a copy.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf EndIf $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "CLONE Query", "Use this process if you want to work with a copy on" & @LF & _ "your PC first, rather than directly with your device." & @LF & @LF & _ "It clones the '.kobo-images' folder as well as the" & @LF & _ "'KoboReader.sqlite' file from the '.kobo' folder." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Clone Now (select destination & source)." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any Cloning." & @LF & @LF & _ "IMPORTANT - To use the clone, you then need to" & @LF & _ "close and restart this program, using drag & drop" & @LF & _ "to the dropbox with the part cloned '.kobo' folder." & @LF & @LF & _ "ALERT - Some current program files will be reset" & @LF & _ "(wiped or deleted) during this process. This would" & @LF & _ "include lists such as 'Missing Images' and 'Empty" & @LF & _ "Folders' and 'Missing Sub-Folders' and 'Mapped'." & @LF & _ "Any 'Backup Images' will remain in that folder." & @LF & @LF & _ "ADVICE - You can then use the ADD button (in its" & @LF & _ "COPY mode) along with MARK and NEXT buttons" & @LF & _ "to transfer created images to your device, via the" & @LF & _ "'Alternate Drive' setting, and includes the transfer" & @LF & _ "of any created ebook image sub-folders.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Cloning process started.") $pth = FileSelectFolder("Browse to set the clone destination path.", @ScriptDir, 7, "", $ResultsGUI) If @error <> 1 And StringMid($pth, 2, 2) = ":\" Then $destfold = $pth _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Destination Path = " & $destfold) $pth = FileSelectFolder("Browse to select the '.kobo' folder on your Kobo device.", @ScriptDir, 6, "", $ResultsGUI) If @error <> 1 And StringMid($pth, 2, 2) = ":\" Then $srcefold = $pth _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Source Path = " & $srcefold) ;IniWrite($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", $imgfold) EndIf EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Cloning process finished." & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_backup ; Backup cover images to a PC folder $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 35, "Location Query", "The best folder to backup your ebook images to," & @LF & _ "is probably a 'Backups' named sub-folder of the" & @LF & _ "'Images Source' folder. Do you want to use that?" & @LF & @LF & _ "YES = Use the 'Images Source' folder." & @LF & _ "NO = Browse to select another folder." & @LF & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort any backup." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - This is optional for existing image files on" & @LF & _ "your Kobo device, as a potential recovery source.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 6 Then If FileExists($srcefold) Then $backups = $srcefold & "\Backups" IniWrite($inifle, "Backup Images", "path", $backups) If Not FileExists($backups) Then DirCreate($backups) Else MsgBox(262192, "Alert", "The 'Images Source' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please set that first.", 0, $ResultsGUI) ContinueLoop EndIf ElseIf $ans = 7 Then $pth = FileSelectFolder("Browse to set the 'Backup Images' path.", @ScriptDir, 7, $backups, $ResultsGUI) If @error <> 1 And StringMid($pth, 2, 2) = ":\" Then $backups = $pth IniWrite($inifle, "Backup Images", "path", $backups) Else ContinueLoop EndIf ElseIf $ans = 2 Then ContinueLoop EndIf If $backups <> "" Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Overwrite Query", "If image files for an ebook already exist in" & @LF & _ "the 'Backups' folder, do you want them to" & @LF & _ "be replaced? This is not usually needed." & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Replace existing image files." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Don't replace.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then $over = 1 Else $over = 0 EndIf GUICtrlSetPos($Button_backup, 1000, 511, 95, 32) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_backup, 8, 600) EnableOrDisableControls("all", $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_subs, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_cancel, $GUI_SHOW) Sleep(5000) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Backup Images' process has started.") $copied = 0 For $e = 0 To $ents - 1 _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($ListView_ebooks, $e, False) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($ListView_ebooks, $e, True, True) ;_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($ListView_ebooks, $e, "left", False, 1, 1) $images = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $e, 3) If $images > 0 Then $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $e, 2) $authfold = StringSplit($author, ",", 1) $authfold = $authfold[1] $authfold = $backups & "\" & $authfold DirCreate($authfold) For $colnum = 4 To 6 $image = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $e, $colnum) If $image <> "" Then $pos = StringInStr($image, "\", 0, -1) $subs = StringLeft($image, $pos) $subfile = $imgfold & "\" & $subs & "*.parsed" If FileExists($subfile) Then $res = FileCopy($subfile, $authfold & "\", $over) If $res = 1 Then $copied = $copied + 1 ExitLoop Else $exists = $authfold & "\*.parsed" If FileExists($exists) And FileExists($subfile) Then ExitLoop Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Backup Images' process was aborted.") MsgBox(262192, "WARNING", "One or more images failed to copy, which" & @LF & _ "could be due to a USB connection issue." & @LF & @LF & _ "Backup process has aborted.", 0, $ResultsGUI) ExitLoop 2 EndIf EndIf Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Backup Images' process was aborted.") MsgBox(262192, "WARNING", "Images device folder does not exist, which" & @LF & _ "is likely due to a USB connection issue." & @LF & @LF & _ "Backup process has aborted.", 0, $ResultsGUI) ExitLoop 2 EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_cancel) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_cancel, $GUI_UNCHECKED) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Backup Images' process was cancelled by user.") ExitLoop EndIf Next _FileWriteLog($logfile, $copied & " ebooks had their image files backed up.") If $copied > 0 Then $size = DirGetSize($backups, 1) $files = $size[1] $size = $size[0] $size = Round($size / 1024 / 1024, 1) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Folder is " & $size & " Mb. " & $files & " files.") EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Backup Images' process has finished." & @CRLF & @CRLF) MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Backup Results", $copied & " ebooks had their image files backed up.", 0, $ResultsGUI) GUICtrlSetPos($Button_backup, 1000, 511, 95, 50) GUICtrlSetFont($Button_backup, 9, 600) EnableOrDisableControls("all", $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_subs, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox_cancel, $GUI_HIDE) EndIf Case $msg = $Button_author ; Fix the author name of selected ebook entry $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) $mark = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "mark", "") $rename = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "rename", "") $idx = $lowid + $ind $author = GUICtrlRead($Input_author) If StringInStr($author, ", ") > 0 And $rename = "" Then $parts = StringSplit($author, ", ", 1) If $parts[0] = 2 Then $surname = $parts[1] $names = $parts[2] If StringInStr($surname, " ") < 1 Then $author = $names & " " & $surname GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, $author) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $author, 2) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "author", $author) $rename = 1 IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "rename", $rename) If $mark = 1 Then ; Light Olive GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xA7BE01) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_AQUA) EndIf If $update = 1 Then ; Update the SQLite file. EndIf EndIf EndIf ElseIf $rename = 1 Then If StringInStr($author, ", ") < 1 Then $pos = StringInStr($author, " ", 0, -1) If $pos > 0 Then $surname = StringMid($author, $pos + 1) $names = StringLeft($author, $pos - 1) $author = $surname & ", " & $names GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, $author) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $author, 2) IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "author", $author) $rename = "" IniDelete($resfile, $imageID, "rename") If $mark = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_YELLOW) Else If IsInt($idx / 2) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xC0F0C0) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xF0D0F0) EndIf EndIf If $update = 1 Then ; Update the SQLite file. EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Button_add ; Add missing images to ebook folder If FileExists($imgfold) Then $continue = 1 If $use = 1 Then $add = GUICtrlRead($Button_add) CheckForAlternateDrive($add) If $altfold = "" Then $drvfold = "" Else $drvfold = $altfold EndIf Else $drvfold = "" EndIf If $continue = 1 Then $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $title = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 1) $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 2) $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) If $copy = 1 Then If $drvfold <> "" Then $subs = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "subs", "") If $subs = "" Then MsgBox(262192, "Source Error", "Selected entry does not have any sub-folders set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else If FileExists($imgfold) Then $subfold = $imgfold & "\" & $subs If FileExists($subfold) Then $image1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 4) $image2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 5) $image3 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 6) $altfold = $drvfold & "\" & $subs If FileExists($altfold) Then ; Copy files individually to device. _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Copying ebook image files to device.") _FileWriteLog($logfile, $author & " - " & $title) $copied = 0 $skip = 0 If $image1 <> "" Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Image 1 = " & $image1) $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image1 If FileExists($imgfile) Then ; Only copies if it doesn't already exist at destination. $res = FileCopy($imgfile, $altfold & "\") If $res = 1 Then $copied = $copied + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $image2 <> "" Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Image 2 = " & $image2) $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image2 If FileExists($imgfile) Then ; Only copies if it doesn't already exist at destination. $res = FileCopy($imgfile, $altfold & "\") If $res = 1 Then $copied = $copied + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $image3 <> "" Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Image 3 = " & $image3) $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image3 If FileExists($imgfile) Then ; Only copies if it doesn't already exist at destination. $res = FileCopy($imgfile, $altfold & "\") If $res = 1 Then $copied = $copied + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If $copied > 0 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, $copied & " images copied.") If $skip > 0 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, $skip & " images skipped.") _FileWriteLog($logfile, "ImageID = " & $imageID & @CRLF & @CRLF) MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Copy Result", $copied & " images copied." & @LF & $skip & " images skipped.", 0, $ResultsGUI) Else ; Copy the folder to device. If $image1 <> "" And $image2 <> "" And $image3 <> "" Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Copying ebook image folder to device.") _FileWriteLog($logfile, $author & " - " & $title) $res = DirCopy($subfold, $altfold) If $res = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "COPIED - Image folder to device.") Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "FAILED To Copy - Image folder to device.") EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "ImageID = " & $imageID & @CRLF & @CRLF) Else MsgBox(262192, "Copy Error", "Source ebook folder contains less than 3 image files!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The ebook images folder does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Path Error", "The Kobo images folder does not exist!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Destination Error", "The Kobo device drive has not been set!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf ElseIf $copy = 4 Then For $colnum = 4 To 6 $image = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $colnum) If $image <> "" Then $pos = StringInStr($image, "\", 0, -1) $subs = StringLeft($image, $pos) If $drvfold <> "" Then $altfold = $drvfold & "\" & $subs $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) $covimg = GUICtrlRead($List_covers) If $covimg <> "" Then $covimg = $srcefold & "\" & $covimg If FileExists($covimg) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Processing - " & $author & " - " & $title) $added = 0 $skip = 0 $image1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 4) If $image1 = "" Then $image1 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_FULL.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image1 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "ADD Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Adding '" & $image1 & "' to device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image1, 4) $added = $added + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf $image2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 5) If $image2 = "" Then $image2 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image2 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "ADD Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Adding '" & $image2 & "' to device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 2) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image2, 4) $added = $added + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf $image3 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 6) If $image3 = "" Then $image3 = $subs & $imageID & " - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed" $imgfile = $imgfold & "\" & $image3 $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33, "ADD Query", $title & @LF & $author & @LF & @LF & _ "Create the following image file -" & @LF & _ $imgfile & @LF & @LF & _ "Using the following source file -" & @LF & _ $covimg & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Create the specified image." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort Creation.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 1 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Adding '" & $image3 & "' to device.") CreateFromImage($covimg, $imgfile, 3) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, $image3, 4) $added = $added + 1 Else $skip = $skip + 1 EndIf EndIf If $added > 0 Then $idx = $lowid + $ind GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_RED) EndIf If $skip = 3 Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "All images skipped.") ElseIf $skip = 2 Then If ($one = 1 And $two = 1 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 1 And $two = 4 And $three = 1) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 1 And $three = 1) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Two images skipped.") EndIf ElseIf $skip = 1 Then If ($one = 1 And $two = 4 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 1 And $three = 4) Or ($one = 4 And $two = 4 And $three = 1) Then _FileWriteLog($logfile, "One image skipped.") EndIf EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Process Complete." & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No source cover image is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "Badly selected entry!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Else MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "No entry is selected!", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf Else ; If not found then several controls should be disabled. $disabled = 1 EnableOrDisableControls("primary", $GUI_DISABLE) ;EnableOrDisableControls("secondary", $GUI_DISABLE) ; MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Alert", "The device '.kobo-images' folder does not exist" & @LF & _ "or cannot be found. Please make sure your USB" & @LF & _ "Kobo device is connected.", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf Case $msg = $Checkbox_copy ; Enable copying to device If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox_copy) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $copy = 1 GUICtrlSetData($Button_add, "COPY") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_add, "Copy missing images and or folders to device!") Else $copy = 4 GUICtrlSetData($Button_add, "ADD") GUICtrlSetTip($Button_add, "Add missing images to ebook folder!") EndIf Case $msg = $List_covers ; List of covers to use for ebook fixes $preview = GUICtrlRead($Combo_image) If $preview = "Source" Then $image = GUICtrlRead($List_covers) If $image = "" Then $image = $blackjpg Else $image = $srcefold & "\" & $image EndIf GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_cover, $image) $detail = "" GUICtrlSetData($Edit_detail, $detail) EndIf Case $msg = $ListView_ebooks Or $msg > $Button_exit ; Ebooks Checked If $msg = $ListView_ebooks Then $colnum = GUICtrlGetState($ListView_ebooks) If StringInStr("012345", $colnum) > 0 Then _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($ListView_ebooks) _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($ListView_ebooks, False, $colnum) _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($ListView_ebooks) EndIf Else $ind = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($ListView_ebooks, True) If IsArray($ind) Then If $ind[0] > 0 Then $ind = $ind[1] $title = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 1) GUICtrlSetData($Input_title, $title) $author = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 2) GUICtrlSetData($Input_author, $author) $images = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 3) If $images = 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($Input_subs, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_subs, $GUI_ENABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($Input_subs, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_subs, $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf $subs = "" $image1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 4) GUICtrlSetData($Input_image_1, $image1) If $image1 <> "" Then $subs = $image1 EndIf $image2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 5) GUICtrlSetData($Input_image_2, $image2) If $subs = "" And $image2 <> "" Then $subs = $image2 EndIf $image3 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 6) GUICtrlSetData($Input_image_3, $image3) If $subs = "" And $image3 <> "" Then $subs = $image3 EndIf $imageID = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($ListView_ebooks, $ind, 7) If $image1 = "" And $image2 = "" And $image3 = "" Then If $colored = "" Then GUICtrlSetColor($Input_image_2, $COLOR_RED) $colored = 1 GUICtrlSetState($Label_Image, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetPos($Input_image_2, (($width / 3) + 8) + 60, 350, (($width / 3) - 20) - 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_image_2, "ImageID value for ebook!") EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_image_2, $imageID) Else If $colored = 1 Then GUICtrlSetColor($Input_image_2, $COLOR_BLACK) $colored = "" GUICtrlSetState($Label_Image, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetPos($Input_image_2, ($width / 3) + 8, 350, ($width / 3) - 20, 20) GUICtrlSetTip($Input_image_2, "Second image for ebook!") EndIf EndIf $ISBN = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "isbn", "") If StringInStr($ISBN, ":") > 0 Then $ISBN = StringSplit($ISBN, ":", 1) $ISBN = $ISBN[$ISBN[0]] EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_isbn, $ISBN) If $subs = "" Then $subs = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "subs", "") Else $pos = StringInStr($subs, "\", 0, -1) $subs = StringLeft($subs, $pos - 1) GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, $subs) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($Input_subs, $subs) ; $image = $title & " - " & $ISBN & ".jpg" $image = StringReplace($image, ":", "") $image = StringReplace($image, "\", "&") $image = StringReplace($image, "/", "&") $image = StringStripWS($image, 7) $idx = _GUICtrlListBox_FindString($List_covers, $image, False) _GUICtrlListBox_SetCurSel($List_covers, $idx) ; $detail = "" GUICtrlSetData($Edit_detail, $detail) $image = GUICtrlRead($Combo_image) If $image <> "Source" Then If $image3 = "" Then If $image2 = "" Then If $image1 = "" Then $image = $blackjpg Else $image = $imgfold & "\" & $image1 EndIf Else $image = $imgfold & "\" & $image2 EndIf Else $image = $imgfold & "\" & $image3 EndIf GUICtrlSetImage($Pic_cover, $image) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $Pic_cover ; Click to see selected cover full size If $ind > -1 And $image <> $blackjpg Then $preview = GUICtrlRead($Combo_image) If $preview = "Source" Then $image = GUICtrlRead($List_covers) If $image = "" Then $preview = "" Else $preview = $srcefold & "\" & $image EndIf Else If $preview = "Image 1" Then $image = GUICtrlRead($Input_image_1) If $image = "" Then $preview = "" ElseIf $preview = "Image 2" Then $image = GUICtrlRead($Input_image_2) If $image = "" Then $preview = "" ElseIf $preview = "Image 3" Then $image = GUICtrlRead($Input_image_3) If $image = "" Then $preview = "" EndIf If $preview <> "" Then $preview = $imgfold & "\" & $image EndIf If $preview <> "" Then GUICtrlSetState($Pic_cover, $GUI_DISABLE) _GDIPlus_Startup() GetImageDetails($preview) GUICtrlSetData($Edit_detail, $detail) SplashImageOn("", $preview, $imgwidth, $imghigh, Default, Default, 17) Sleep(300) $mpos = MouseGetPos() $xpos = $mpos[0] $ypos = $mpos[1] Sleep(300) $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") While 1 $mpos = MouseGetPos() If $mpos[0] > $xpos + 40 Or $mpos[0] < $xpos - 40 Then ExitLoop If $mpos[1] > $ypos + 40 Or $mpos[1] < $ypos - 40 Then ExitLoop If _IsPressed("01", $dll) Then ExitLoop Sleep(300) WEnd DllClose($dll) SplashOff() GUICtrlSetState($Pic_cover, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndIf Case Else ;;; EndSelect WEnd EndFunc ;=> ViewerGUI Func CheckForAlternateDrive($button) $altfold = $drive & ".kobo-images" If $drive = "" Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Alternate Drive Query", "Use of an 'Alternate Export Drive' has been specified in" & @LF & _ "program settings, but a drive has not been selected." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to continue anyway?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue without the second export location." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort " & $button & "." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - To set the drive, go to the 'Program Settings'" & @LF & _ "window and select it.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 2 Then $continue = "" EndIf $altfold = "" ElseIf Not FileExists($altfold) Then $ans = MsgBox(262144 + 33 + 256, "Alternate Drive Query", "Use of an 'Alternate Export Drive' has been specified in" & @LF & _ "program settings, but the correct drive is not selected." & @LF & @LF & _ "Do you want to continue anyway?" & @LF & @LF & _ "OK = Continue without the second export location." & @LF & _ "CANCEL = Abort " & $button & "." & @LF & @LF & _ "NOTE - To set the drive, go to the 'Program Settings'" & @LF & _ "window and select it. Or maybe connect your Kobo" & @LF & _ "device first via USB, then select it.", 0, $ResultsGUI) If $ans = 2 Then $continue = "" EndIf $altfold = "" EndIf EndFunc ;=> CheckForAlternateDrive Func CreateFromImage($input, $output, $img) ; BIG THANKS for bits of the following code to UEZ, funkey & Synapsee ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/120163-set-pixels-per-inch-using-gdi/?do=findComment&comment=834906 ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/164388-changing-the-dpi-of-a-bmp/?do=findComment&comment=1198966 ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/183492-problem-when-manipulating-images-with-different-dpi-using-gdiplus/?do=findComment&comment=1317885 Local $dpival, $drvfold, $filesize, $imghorizon, $imgvertical, $percent, $resize, $result, $savfle Local $CLSID, $hBitmap, $hBMP, $hCompat, $hDC, $hFile, $hGraphic, $hWnd, $iHeight, $iWidth, $pData, $tData, $tGUID, $tParams ; If FileExists($output) Then FileDelete($output) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Existing ebook image file deleted.") EndIf ; ;$savfle = @ScriptDir & "\Test.parsed" $filesize = FileGetSize($input) If $filesize < 1024 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Bytes", "percent", "") Else $filesize = $filesize / 1024 If $filesize < 1024 Then If $filesize < 300 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 300 Kilobytes", "percent", "") Else If $filesize < 400 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 400 Kilobytes", "percent", "") ElseIf $filesize < 500 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 500 Kilobytes", "percent", "") ElseIf $filesize < 600 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 600 Kilobytes", "percent", "") ElseIf $filesize < 700 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 700 Kilobytes", "percent", "") ElseIf $filesize < 800 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 800 Kilobytes", "percent", "") ElseIf $filesize < 900 Then $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 900 Kilobytes", "percent", "") Else $percent = IniRead($inifle, "Less Than 1024 Kilobytes", "percent", "") EndIf EndIf Else $percent = IniRead($inifle, "One Megabyte Or More", "percent", "") EndIf EndIf _GDIPlus_Startup() $hFile = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($input) $imgwidth = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hFile) $imghigh = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hFile) ; 1031 x 1600 $resize = "" If $img = 1 Then If $imgwidth > $wide1 Then $resize = 1 $iWidth = $wide1 Else $iWidth = $imgwidth EndIf If $imghigh > $high1 Then $resize = 1 $iHeight = $high1 Else $iHeight = $imghigh EndIf ElseIf $img = 2 Then If $imgwidth > $wide2 Then $resize = 1 $iWidth = $wide2 Else $iWidth = $imgwidth EndIf If $imghigh > $high2 Then $resize = 1 $iHeight = $high2 Else $iHeight = $imghigh EndIf ElseIf $img = 3 Then If $imgwidth > $wide3 Then $resize = 1 $iWidth = $wide3 Else $iWidth = $imgwidth EndIf If $imghigh > $high3 Then $resize = 1 $iHeight = $high3 Else $iHeight = $imghigh EndIf EndIf ; $imghorizon = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHorizontalResolution($hFile) $imgvertical = _GDIPlus_ImageGetVerticalResolution($hFile) $dpival = $imghorizon & " x " & $imgvertical ;MsgBox(262192, "DPI Resolution", $dpival, 0, $ResultsGUI) ; If $percent > 0 Or $dpival <> "300 x 300" Or $resize = 1 Then If $resize = 1 Then $hWnd = _WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow() $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) $hCompat = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $iWidth, $iHeight) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hCompat) $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hFile, 0, 0, $iWidth, $iHeight) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hFile) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Ebook image dimensions reduced.") Else $hBMP = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hFile) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hFile) $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hBMP) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBMP) EndIf ; DPI always seems to default to 96 x 96, so setting DPI anyway. $result = _GDIPlus_BitmapSetResolution($hBitmap, 300, 300) $CLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID("JPG") If $percent = 0 Then ;_GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hBitmap, $savfle, $CLSID, 0) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hBitmap, $output, $CLSID, 0) Else $tGUID = _WinAPI_GUIDFromString($CLSID) $tParams = _GDIPlus_ParamInit(1) $tData = DllStructCreate("int Quality") DllStructSetData($tData, "Quality", $percent) $pData = DllStructGetPtr($tData) _GDIPlus_ParamAdd($tParams, $GDIP_EPGQUALITY, 1, $GDIP_EPTLONG, $pData) ;_GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hBitmap, $savfle, $CLSID, $tParams) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hBitmap, $output, $CLSID, $tParams) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Ebook image file size reduced.") EndIf _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBitmap) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Ebook source image created on device.") Else FileCopy($input, $output) ;FileCopy($input, $savfle) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Ebook source image copied to device.") EndIf If $use = 1 Then If $altfold <> "" Then ; Remove trailing slash for checking. $drvfold = StringTrimRight($altfold, 1) If FileExists($drvfold) Then FileCopy($output, $altfold, 1) _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Ebook source image copied to alternate drive.") Else MsgBox(262192, "Alternate Drive Result", "Drive does not exist. Check your USB connection maybe.", 0, $ResultsGUI) EndIf EndIf EndIf GetImageDetails($output) ;GetImageDetails($savfle) If $resize = 1 Then $detail = $detail & @LF & @LF & "Image was Resized." EndIf MsgBox(262144 + 64, "Create Image Results", $detail, 0, $ResultsGUI) ; _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() EndFunc ;=> CreateFromImage Func EnableOrDisableControls($which, $state) If $which = "primary" Or $which = "all" Then GUICtrlSetState($Button_add, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_backup, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_create, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_fix, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_make, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_open, $state) EndIf If $which = "secondary" Or $which = "all" Then GUICtrlSetState($Button_author, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_copy, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_down, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_find, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_mark, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_nxt, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_up, $state) EndIf If $which = "all" Then GUICtrlSetState($Button_covers, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_device, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_drive, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_empty, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_exit, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_fold, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_images, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_info, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_list, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_log, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_missing, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_reload, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_renew, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_setup, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Button_source, $state) GUICtrlSetState($Combo_image, $state) EndIf EndFunc ;=> EnableOrDisableControls Func FindEbookImages() Local $a, $ahead, $array, $array2, $cnt, $empty, $exist, $f, $failed, $found, $ind, $ISBN, $last, $line, $missing Local $num, $section, $split, $type ; ; Find Ebook Images that match If FileExists($ebooks) Then If FileExists($foldtxt) Then SplashTextOn("", "Searching for Images!", 220, 100, -1, -1, 33) $cnt = 0 $empty = "" $exist = "" $failed = 0 $found = 0 $last = "" $missing = "" $ahead = "" $section = "" If FileExists($resfile) Then FileDelete($resfile) _FileCreate($missfle) _FileReadToArray($ebooks, $array, 1) $entries = $array[0] - 1 _FileWriteLog($logfile, $entries & " ebook entries found.") _FileReadToArray($foldtxt, $array2, 1) For $e = 1 To $array[0] $line = $array[$e] If $line = "" Or StringLeft($line, 14) = "Total Ebooks =" Then ExitLoop Else $entries = StringSplit($line, " | ", 1) $title = $entries[1] $author = $entries[2] $ISBN = $entries[3] $imageID = $entries[4] For $a = 1 To $array2[0] $entry = $array2[$a] If StringInStr($entry, $imageID) > 0 Then $found = $found + 1 ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "images", $found) $file = StringSplit($entry, ".kobo-images\", 1) $file = $file[2] $type = StringSplit($file, " - N3_", 1) $type = $type[2] If $type = "FULL.parsed" Then $num = 1 ElseIf $type = "LIBRARY_FULL.parsed" Then $num = 2 ElseIf $type = "LIBRARY_GRID.parsed" Then $num = 3 EndIf ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, $num, $file) If $section = "" Then $section = $num & "=" & $file Else $section = $section & @LF & $num & "=" & $file EndIf IniWrite($recfile, $imageID, "images", $found) IniWrite($recfile, $imageID, $num, $file) EndIf If $found = 3 Then ExitLoop Next ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "images", $found) If $found = 0 Then $failed = $failed + 1 ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "images", $found) $entry = $title & "|" & $author & "|" & $imageID $missing &= $entry & @CRLF Else IniWrite($recfile, $imageID, "title", $title) IniWrite($recfile, $imageID, "author", $author) IniWrite($recfile, $imageID, "isbn", $ISBN) EndIf ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "title", $title) ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "author", $author) ;IniWrite($resfile, $imageID, "isbn", $ISBN) $entry = "images=" & $found & @LF & "title=" & $title & @LF & "author=" & $author & @LF & "isbn=" & $ISBN If $section = "" Then $section = $entry Else $section = $entry & @LF & $section EndIf IniWriteSection($resfile, $imageID, $section) $found = 0 $section = "" EndIf Next If $missing <> "" Then $missing = $missing & @CRLF & $failed & " ebooks without images." FileWrite($missfle, $missing) _FileWriteLog($logfile, $failed & " ebooks without images.") EndIf SplashTextOn("", "Find Empty Folders!", 220, 100, -1, -1, 33) _FileCreate($emptyfle) $empty = "" $exist = "" $last = "" $ahead = "" For $f = 1 To $array2[0] $entry = $array2[$f] $file = StringSplit($entry, ".kobo-images\", 1) $file = $file[2] $split = StringSplit($file, "\", 1) $split = $split[0] If $split = 2 Then If $last = "" Then $last = $entry $exist = "" ElseIf $ahead = 1 Then $last = $entry $ahead = "" $exist = "" ElseIf $exist = "" Then $empty &= $last & @CRLF $cnt = $cnt + 1 $last = $entry EndIf ElseIf $split = 3 Then If StringInStr($entry, $last) > 0 Then $exist = 1 $ahead = 1 Else $exist = "" $last = "" EndIf EndIf Next If $empty <> "" Then FileWrite($emptyfle, $empty) FileWriteLine($emptyfle, @CRLF & $cnt & " empty folders.") _FileWriteLog($logfile, $cnt & " empty folders.") IniWrite($inifle, "Empty Folders", "count", $cnt) Else IniWrite($inifle, "Empty Folders", "count", $cnt) EndIf _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Process Complete." & @CRLF & @CRLF) SplashOff() If $failed > 0 Then MsgBox(262192, "Results", $failed & " ebooks did not have images.", 0, $Dropbox) Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Folders.txt' file not found.") MsgBox(262192, "File Error", "The created 'Folders.txt' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This text file would have been created using" _ & @LF & "the Dropbox with the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf Else _FileWriteLog($logfile, "'Ebooks.txt' file not found.") MsgBox(262192, "File Error", "The created 'Ebooks.txt' file could not be found." & @LF _ & @LF & "This text file would have been created using" _ & @LF & "the Dropbox with the 'KoboReader.sqlite' file.", 0, $Dropbox) EndIf EndFunc ;=> FindEbookImages Func GetContent() Local $dbfle ; _SQLite_Startup() If @error Then SplashOff() _FileWriteLog($logfile, "SQLite3.dll cannot be Loaded.") MsgBox(262192, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll cannot be Loaded!", 0, $Dropbox) Exit EndIf ; $dbfle = _SQLite_Open($sqlfile) If @error Then SplashOff() _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Cannot open existing Database file.") MsgBox(262192, "SQLite Error", "Cannot open the existing Database file!", 0, $Dropbox) Else SplashTextOn("", "Retrieving Entries", 220, 100, Default, Default, 33) _FileCreate($ebooks) Sleep(1000) ; ; The following improved code provided by jchd an MVP from the AutoIt Forum, slightly modified by TheSaint. _SQLite_QuerySingleRow( _ $dbfle, _ "select group_concat(txt, char(13, 10)) || char(13, 10) || 'Total Ebooks = ' || count(*)" & _ " from (select Title || ' | ' || Attribution || ' | ' || ISBN || ' | ' || ImageID || ' | ' || ContentID as txt" & _ " from content where Attribution <> '' and ___FileSize > '0' and IsDownloaded = 'true' order by Attribution)" & _ " group by 'abc'", _ $entries) ; $file = FileOpen($ebooks, 1) FileWriteLine($file, $entries[0]) FileClose($file) EndIf ; _SQLite_Close($dbfle) _SQLite_Shutdown() EndFunc ;==> GetContent Func GetDrives($device) Local $d, $drv, $drvpth, $hdd, $type ; $hdd = DriveGetDrive($DT_ALL) If @error = 1 Or $hdd[0] = 0 Then $drives = "||" Else $drives = "||" For $d = 1 To $hdd[0] $drv = $hdd[$d] & "\" If $device = 1 Then ; If found, then the path should be updated in settings. $drvpth = $drv & ".kobo-images" If FileExists($drvpth) Then $imgfold = $drvpth IniWrite($inifle, "Device Images Folder", "path", $imgfold) ExitLoop ElseIf FileExists($imgfold) Then ExitLoop EndIf Else $type = DriveGetType($drv) If $type = "Fixed" Or $type = "Removable" Then $drives = $drives & $drv & "|" EndIf EndIf Next If $device = "" Then $drives = StringUpper($drives) EndIf EndFunc ;==> GetDrives Func GetImageDetails($picfile) Local $dpival, $filesize, $hImage, $imgform, $imghorizon, $imgpixel, $imgtype, $imgvertical ; $hImage = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile($picfile) $imgwidth = _GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hImage) $imghigh = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hImage) $imgtype = _GDIPlus_ImageGetType($hImage) If $imgtype = $GDIP_IMAGETYPE_BITMAP Then $imgtype = "Bitmap" $imgform = _GDIPlus_ImageGetRawFormat($hImage) $imgform = $imgform[1] $imgpixel = _GDIPlus_ImageGetPixelFormat($hImage) $imgpixel = $imgpixel[1] $imghorizon = _GDIPlus_ImageGetHorizontalResolution($hImage) $imgvertical = _GDIPlus_ImageGetVerticalResolution($hImage) $dpival = $imghorizon & " x " & $imgvertical _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() $filesize = FileGetSize($picfile) If $filesize < 1024 Then $filesize = $filesize & " bytes" Else $filesize = $filesize / 1024 If $filesize < 1024 Then $filesize = Ceiling($filesize) & " Kb" Else $filesize = $filesize / 1024 $filesize = Round($filesize, 2) & " Mb" EndIf EndIf $detail = "Width = " & $imgwidth & ". Height = " & $imghigh & "." & @CRLF & "Type = " & $imgtype & ". Format = " & $imgform _ & @CRLF & "DPI = " & $dpival & @CRLF & "Pixel Format = " & $imgpixel & @CRLF & "File Size = " & $filesize EndFunc ;==> GetImageDetails Func GetMappedImage($prior, $next, $entries) Local $pic ; Next Image If $prior = $blackjpg Then ; Next Image (not found) $pic = $blackjpg Else $row = $row + 1 If $row < $items Then ; First Row $imageID = $entries[$row][1] If $imageID = $lastID Then ; Next Row (First + 1) $row = $row + 1 If $row < $items Then ; Second Row $imageID = $entries[$row][1] If $imageID = $lastID Then ; Next Row (Second + 1) $row = $row + 1 If $row < $items Then ; Third Row $imageID = $entries[$row][1] If $imageID = $lastID Then ; Next Row (Third + 1) $row = $row + 1 If $row < $items Then ; 4th Row (final) ; Next Image (4th Row) $item1 = $entries[$row][0] ; Subs $item3 = $entries[$row][2] ; N3 $pic = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $imageID & " - " & $item3 $lastID = $imageID Else ; Next Image (not found) $pic = $blackjpg EndIf Else ; Next Image (Third Row) $item1 = $entries[$row][0] ; Subs $item3 = $entries[$row][2] ; N3 $pic = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $imageID & " - " & $item3 $lastID = $imageID EndIf Else ; Next Image (not found) $pic = $blackjpg EndIf Else ; Next Image (Second Row) $item1 = $entries[$row][0] ; Subs $item3 = $entries[$row][2] ; N3 $pic = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $imageID & " - " & $item3 $lastID = $imageID EndIf Else ; Next Image (not found) $pic = $blackjpg EndIf Else ; Next Image (First Row) $item1 = $entries[$row][0] ; Subs $item3 = $entries[$row][2] ; N3 $pic = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $imageID & " - " & $item3 $lastID = $imageID EndIf Else ; Next Image (not found) $pic = $blackjpg EndIf EndIf If $next = $pic_one Then $pic_one = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_two Then $pic_two = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_three Then $pic_three = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_four Then $pic_four = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_five Then $pic_five = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_six Then $pic_six = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_seven Then $pic_seven = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_eight Then $pic_eight = $pic ElseIf $next = $pic_nine Then $pic_nine = $pic EndIf EndFunc ;==> GetMappedImage Func GetOthers() Local $array, $dbfle, $found, $ISBN, $line, $sections, $size ; _SQLite_Startup() If @error Then SplashOff() _FileWriteLog($logfile, "SQLite3.dll cannot be Loaded.") MsgBox(262192, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll cannot be Loaded!", 0, $Dropbox) Exit EndIf ; $dbfle = _SQLite_Open($sqlfile) If @error Then SplashOff() _FileWriteLog($logfile, "Cannot open existing Database file.") MsgBox(262192, "SQLite Error", "Cannot open the existing Database file!", 0, $Dropbox) Else SplashTextOn("", "Retrieving Others", 220, 100, Default, Default, 33) _FileCreate($others) Sleep(1000) ; ; The following improved code provided by jchd an MVP from the AutoIt Forum, slightly modified by TheSaint. _SQLite_QuerySingleRow( _ $dbfle, _ "select group_concat(txt, char(13, 10)) || char(13, 10) || 'Total Ebooks = ' || count(*)" & _ " from (select Title || ' | ' || Attribution || ' | ' || ISBN || ' | ' || ImageID || ' | ' || ___FileSize as txt" & _ " from content where Attribution <> '' and IsDownloaded = 'false' order by Attribution)" & _ " group by 'abc'", _ $entries) ; and ___FileSize <> '0' ; SplashTextOn("", "Writing To File", 220, 100, Default, Default, 33) $entries = $entries[0] $found = 0 $sections = "" $array = StringSplit($entries, @CRLF, 1) For $e = 1 To $array[0] $line = $array[$e] If $line = "" Or StringLeft($line, 14) = "Total Ebooks =" Then ExitLoop Else $found = $found + 1 $entries = StringSplit($line, " | ", 1) $title = $entries[1] $author = $entries[2] $ISBN = $entries[3] $imageID = $entries[4] $size = $entries[5] $entry = "[" & $imageID & "]" & @CRLF & "title=" & $title & @CRLF & "author=" & $author & @CRLF & "isbn=" & $ISBN & @CRLF & "size=" & $size If $sections = "" Then $sections = $entry Else $sections = $sections & @CRLF & $entry EndIf EndIf Next If $sections <> "" And $found > 0 Then $file = FileOpen($others, 1) FileWriteLine($file, $sections) FileClose($file) $found = 0 $section = "" EndIf EndIf ; _SQLite_Close($dbfle) _SQLite_Shutdown() EndFunc ;==> GetOthers Func LoadTheList() Local $ind, $num, $numb, $s, $total ; If $sort = 1 Then SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!" & @LF & @LF & "(Reading List)", 180, 130, Default, Default, 33) Else SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!" & @LF & @LF & "(Loading List)", 180, 130, Default, Default, 33) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($ListView_ebooks) $num = 0 $entries = IniReadSectionNames($resfile) $total = $entries[0] ; Add an additional column to have entries sorted correctly. Local $sorted[1][8] = [[$total, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]] For $e = 1 To $total $imageID = $entries[$e] If $imageID <> "" Then $title = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "title", "") $author = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "author", "") $images = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "images", "") $image1 = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "1", "") $image2 = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "2", "") $image3 = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "3", "") If $sort = 1 Then ; Also temporarily adding author and title to additional column for sorting. $entry = $title & "|" & $author & "|" & $images & "|" & $image1 & "|" & $image2 & "|" & $image3 & "|" & $imageID& "|" & $author & " " & $title _ArrayAdd($sorted, $entry) Else $num = $num + 1 $numb = StringRight("000" & $num, 4) $entry = $numb & "|" & $title & "|" & $author & "|" & $images & "|" & $image1 & "|" & $image2 & "|" & $image3 & "|" & $imageID $idx = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($entry, $ListView_ebooks) $mark = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "mark", "") $rename = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "rename", "") If $mark = 1 And $rename = 1 Then ; Light Olive GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xA7BE01) ElseIf $mark = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_YELLOW) ElseIf $rename = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_AQUA) Else If IsInt($idx / 2) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xC0F0C0) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ; If $sort = 1 Then SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!" & @LF & @LF & "(Sorting List)", 180, 130, Default, Default, 33) ;MsgBox(262192, "Total", $sorted[0][0], 0, $ResultsGUI) ;_ArrayDisplay($sorted, "Unsorted", "", 0, "|", "Title|Author|Images|Image 1|Image 2|Image 3|Image ID|Sort") ; Sort by additional column. _ArraySort($sorted, 0, 1, 0, 7) ; Remove additional column. _ArrayColDelete($sorted, 7, False) ;_ArrayDisplay($sorted, "Sorted Authors", "", 0, "|", "Title|Author|Images|Image 1|Image 2|Image 3|Image ID") SplashTextOn("", "Please Wait!" & @LF & @LF & "(Loading List)", 180, 130, Default, Default, 33) $num = 0 For $s = 1 To $sorted[0][0] $title = $sorted[$s][0] $author = $sorted[$s][1] $images = $sorted[$s][2] $image1 = $sorted[$s][3] $image2 = $sorted[$s][4] $image3 = $sorted[$s][5] $imageID = $sorted[$s][6] $num = $num + 1 $numb = StringRight("000" & $num, 4) $entry = $numb & "|" & $title & "|" & $author & "|" & $images & "|" & $image1 & "|" & $image2 & "|" & $image3 & "|" & $imageID $idx = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($entry, $ListView_ebooks) $mark = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "mark", "") $rename = IniRead($resfile, $imageID, "rename", "") If $mark = 1 And $rename = 1 Then ; Light Olive GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xA7BE01) ElseIf $mark = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_YELLOW) ElseIf $rename = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, $COLOR_AQUA) Else If IsInt($idx / 2) = 1 Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($idx, 0xC0F0C0) EndIf Next EndIf _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 0, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 1, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 2, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 3, 2) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 4, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 5, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 6, 0) _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn($ListView_ebooks, 7, 0) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 0, 40) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 1, 345) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 2, 230) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 3, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 4, 190) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 5, 190) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 6, 190) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($ListView_ebooks, 7, 5) If $num > 0 Then $ents = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($ListView_ebooks) GUICtrlSetData($Group_ebooks, "Ebooks List (" & $ents & ")") EndIf _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($ListView_ebooks) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==> LoadTheList Func _UserFunc($entries, $rows) ; NOTE - This needs to be a GUI so it can display the cover image of selected entry. ; Consider making it a multi image viewer, with maybe fields to save an Author and Title to an INI file.. ; Perhap show 20 image thumbnails at a time, with next and previous buttons. ; It should only show the first image found for an ebook, based on ImageID. ;Local $imagefile, $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $items, $row, $selected If FileExists($imgfold) Then Local $selected $selected = $rows[0] If $selected > 0 Then $row = $rows[1] ; Row If IsArray($entries) Then $items = $entries[0][0] ; First Image $item1 = $entries[$row][0] ; Subs $imageID = $entries[$row][1] $item3 = $entries[$row][2] ; N3 $pic_one = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $imageID & " - " & $item3 $lastID = $imageID ; 2nd Image GetMappedImage($pic_one, $pic_two, $entries) ; 3rd Image GetMappedImage($pic_two, $pic_three, $entries) ; 4th Image GetMappedImage($pic_three, $pic_four, $entries) ; 5th Image GetMappedImage($pic_four, $pic_five, $entries) ; 6th Image GetMappedImage($pic_five, $pic_six, $entries) ; 7th Image GetMappedImage($pic_six, $pic_seven, $entries) ; 8th Image GetMappedImage($pic_seven, $pic_eight, $entries) ; 9th Image GetMappedImage($pic_eight, $pic_nine, $entries) ; ImagesGUI($entries) ;$item4 = $entries[$row][3] ; Author & Title ;$imagefile = $imgfold & "\" & $item1 & $item2 & " - " & $item3 ;If FileExists($imagefile) Then ShellExecute($imagefile) EndIf Else ;$row = "" ;$item1 = "" ;$item2 = "" ;$item3 = "" ;$item4 = "" MsgBox(262192, "Selection Error", "You need to select an entry!", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf ;If IsArray($entries) Then ; $items = $entries[0][0] ;Else ; $items = "not an array" ;EndIf ;MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Detail", "Array Display Function." & @LF & $row & @LF & $item1 & @LF & $item2 & @LF & $item3 & @LF & $item4 & @LF & $items, 0, $ResultsGUI) ; & @LF & $item5 Else MsgBox(262144 + 48, "Source Error", "The required device images folder wasn't found.", 0, $OptionsGUI) EndIf EndFunc ;==> _UserFunc