;-- TIME_STAMP 2023-03-23 10:16:34 v 0.5 #cs v 0.5 [fixed] Flickering, a variable assignment was incorrect [fixed] Marking has failed by using keys ("F6", "Shift+F6") to change the buffer selection v 0.4 [added] Exit via CMDLine with parameter "/Exit" [added] Optionally adjustable via INI [appearance]: - Mark active item: rect_highlight=true/false - Position of the marker for "Inactive item unsaved": idlepos=top/bottom/none v 0.3 [added] Separate marker (colored line top) for "Inactive item unsaved". v 0.2 [added] Separate marking (text color) for unsaved files. [added] Loading of colors from an INI (color schemes) possible #ce #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Opt('TrayIconHide', 1) If $CMDLINE[0] And $CMDLINE[1] = '/Exit' Then ; CMD-Line: "@ScriptName.exe /Exit" Local $aProcessList = ProcessList(@ScriptName) For $i = 1 To $aProcessList[0][0] Step 1 If $aProcessList[$i][1] <> @AutoItPID Then ProcessClose($aProcessList[$i][1]) Next EndIf _Singleton(@ScriptName) ;~ HotKeySet("!{F8}", _End) ; Beenden OnAutoItExitRegister(_End) Global $sINI = StringFormat("%s\%s.ini", @ScriptDir, StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4)) Global $gm_SciTE[] $gm_SciTE.ExistsLast = 0 $gm_SciTE.ExistsCurr = 0 #cs The colors can be defined in an INI file in the script folder. If INI is not available, default colors are loaded. INI-Name = Name_of_the_Exe.ini [appearance] ; rect_highlight=true/false "false" does NOT highlight the active item, default: "true". rect_highlight=true ; idlepos=top/bottom/none "none" does NOT mark unsaved inactive files, default: "top". idlepos=top [scheme] ; Specify which of the defined schemes should be active. current=default ; One section for each scheme. [default] rect=0xCC483F text=0x800020 bg=0xFFFFFF unsaved=0x3030FF idle=0x3030FF [blue_invers] rect=0xCC483F text=0xFFF0F0 bg=0x800020 unsaved=0xA9A5F7 idle=0xA9A5F7 [green_invers] rect=0x005F00 text=0xEDFFED bg=0x409340 unsaved=0x1DE6B5 idle=0x1DE6B5 #ce ; appearance $gm_SciTE.bHighlight = (_IniOrDefault($sINI, 'rect_highlight', 'true', 'appearance') = 'true') $gm_SciTE.IdlePos = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'idlepos', 'top', 'appearance') ; scheme: default (blue): $gm_SciTE.RectColor = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'rect' , 0xCC483F) ; BGR $gm_SciTE.TextColor = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'text' , 0x800020) ; BGR $gm_SciTE.BGColor = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'bg' , 0xFFFFFF) ; BGR $gm_SciTE.TextColorUnsaved = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'unsaved', 0x3030FF) ; BGR $gm_SciTE.IdleUnsaved = _IniOrDefault($sINI, 'idle' , 0x3030FF) ; BGR _CheckSciTE() ; the effect takes place immediately AdlibRegister(_CheckSciTE, 750) While True Sleep(5000) WEnd Func _End() AdlibUnRegister(_CheckSciTE) ;~ MsgBox(0, 'SciTE TabItem', 'Beendet!') Exit EndFunc Func _CheckSciTE() If ProcessExists("SciTE.exe") Then $gm_SciTE.ExistsCurr = 1 If $gm_SciTE.ExistsLast = 0 Then $gm_SciTE.ExistsLast = 1 If $gm_SciTE.bHighlight Then _DrawTabItem() AdlibRegister(_MouseHoversTab, 150) EndIf _MarkUnsavedIdleTab() Else $gm_SciTE.ExistsCurr = 0 If $gm_SciTE.ExistsLast = 1 Then $gm_SciTE.ExistsLast = 0 If $gm_SciTE.bHighlight Then AdlibUnRegister(_MouseHoversTab) EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _MouseHoversTab() Local Static $iHoverLast = 1 ; when starting the program, exit from the item must be simulated Local $mTab = _SciTE_GetActiveTabInfo() If @error Then Return Local $tPoint = _WinAPI_GetMousePos(True, $mTab.hTab) Local $tRect = $mTab.RectItem Local $isHover = _WinAPI_PtInRect($tRect, $tPoint) If $isHover = 1 And $iHoverLast = 0 Then $iHoverLast = 1 ElseIf $isHover = 0 And $iHoverLast = 1 Then $iHoverLast = 0 Return _DrawTabItem() EndIf EndFunc Func _MarkUnsavedIdleTab() If $gm_SciTE.IdlePos = 'none' Then Return Local $hTab = __GetHwnd_SciTeTabCtrl() If @error Then Return SetError(1) Local $iActive = _GUICtrlTab_GetCurFocus($hTab) For $i = 0 To _GUICtrlTab_GetItemCount($hTab) -1 If $i = $iActive And $gm_SciTE.bHighlight Then ContinueLoop If StringRight(_GUICtrlTab_GetItemText($hTab, $i), 1) = '*' Then _DrawMarkerUnsaved($hTab, $i) EndIf Next EndFunc Func _DrawMarkerUnsaved($_hTab, $_iItem) Local $tRect = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemRectEx($_hTab, $_iItem) Local $tRectDraw = DllStructCreate("struct; long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom; endstruct") If $gm_SciTE.IdlePos = 'top' Then $tRectDraw.Left = $tRect.Left $tRectDraw.Top = $tRect.Top -1 $tRectDraw.Right = $tRect.Right $tRectDraw.Bottom = $tRect.Top Else $tRectDraw.Left = $tRect.Left $tRectDraw.Top = $tRect.Bottom +2 $tRectDraw.Right = $tRect.Right $tRectDraw.Bottom = $tRect.Bottom +3 EndIf Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($_hTab) Local $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, 2, $gm_SciTE.IdleUnsaved) Local $hOldPen = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) _WinAPI_Rectangle($hDC, $tRectDraw) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldPen) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) EndFunc Func _DrawTabItem() Local $mTab = _SciTE_GetActiveTabInfo() If @error Then Return Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($mTab.hTab) Local $hFont = _WinAPI_CreateFont(14.5, 0, 0, 0, 400, False, False, False, $DEFAULT_CHARSET, _ $OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, $CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, $DEFAULT_QUALITY, 0, 'Lucida Sans Unicode Standard') Local $hOldFont = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hFont) Local $tRect = $mTab.RectItem ; extract to variable - otherwise no ByRef access possible Local $dY = (@OSVersion = "Win_7" ? 2 : 1) _WinAPI_InflateRect($tRect, 2, $dY) ; enlarge rectangle _WinAPI_OffsetRect($tRect, 0, 1) ; move rectangle down by 1px ; draw and fill rect Local $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, 2, $gm_SciTE.RectColor) Local $hBrush = _WinAPI_CreateSolidBrush($gm_SciTE.BGColor) Local $hOldPen = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) Local $hOldBrush = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hBrush) _WinAPI_Rectangle($hDC, $tRECT) ; draw text If StringRight($mTab.Item, 1) = '*' Then _WinAPI_SetTextColor($hDC, $gm_SciTE.TextColorUnsaved) Else _WinAPI_SetTextColor($hDC, $gm_SciTE.TextColor) EndIf _WinAPI_SetBkColor($hDC, $gm_SciTE.BGColor) ; move the text down a bit more _WinAPI_OffsetRect($tRect, 0, 3) _WinAPI_DrawText($hDC, $mTab.Item, $tRect, BitOR($DT_BOTTOM,$DT_CENTER)) ; clear ressources _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldFont) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hFont) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldPen) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldBrush) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBrush) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) EndFunc Func _SciTE_GetActiveTabInfo() Local $mResult[], $hTab = __GetHwnd_SciTeTabCtrl() If @error Then Return SetError(1) $mResult.hTab = $hTab $mResult.Index = _GUICtrlTab_GetCurFocus($hTab) $mResult.Item = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemText($hTab, $mResult.Index) $mResult.RectItem = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemRectEx($hTab, $mResult.Index) Return $mResult EndFunc Func __GetHwnd_SciTE() Local $hScite = WinGetHandle('[ACTIVE]') If _WinAPI_GetClassName($hScite) = 'SciTEWindow' Then Return $hScite Else Return SetError(1, 0, Null) EndIf EndFunc Func __GetHwnd_SciTeTabCtrl() Local $hScite = __GetHwnd_SciTE() If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, Null) Local $aChild, $hWndTab = Null $aChild = _WinAPI_EnumChildWindows($hScite) ; only visible If Not @error Then For $i = 1 To $aChild[0][0] If $aChild[$i][1] = "SciTeTabCtrl" Then $hWndTab = $aChild[$i][0] ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Return SetError(($hWndTab = Null ? 1 : 0), 0, $hWndTab) EndFunc ; read from INI if exists Func _IniOrDefault($_sINI, $_sKey, $_sDefault, $_sec=Null) Local $sVal = $_sDefault, $sSec = $_sec = Null ? 'scheme' : $_sec If FileExists($_sINI) Then If $sSec = 'scheme' Then $sSec = IniRead($_sINI, 'scheme', 'current', 'default') $sVal = IniRead($_sINI, $sSec, $_sKey, $_sDefault) EndIf Return $sVal EndFunc