#include "_INetSmtpMail.Au3" #include #include "_Base64.Au3" Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;EXAMPLE CODE ;FILL THIS IN START $s_FromName = "AutoItDemo" $s_FromAddress = "test@test.com" $s_ToAddress = "test@test.com" $s_Subject = "My Test UDF" Dim $as_Body[2] $as_Body[0] = "Testing the new email udf" $as_Body[1] = "Second Line" ;FILL THIS IN END $b_trace = True ;false no trace window, true trace window displayed $s_helo = @ComputerName ;sometimes WAN IP, localhost or $s_first = "" ;@CRLF ;this is pointless with my UDF, since it will automaticly do it, if need be $s_UserName = "" ;just declearing it, no need to fill in $s_Password = "" ;just declearing it, no need to fill in $temp = StringSplit($s_FromAddress, "@") If MsgBox(4, "SMTP", "Would you like to send the email from a smtp server?" & @CRLF & "Click no to send from your computer directly to the mx server (may not work!)") = 6 Then $s_Server = InputBox("SMTP Server", "Enter SMTP Server Address", "smtp." & $temp[$temp[0]]) $s_UserName = _Base64Encode (InputBox("Login", "Enter Login Name For SMTP Server" & @CRLF & "Leave blank if you dont need one", $temp[1])) If $s_UserName Then $s_Password = _Base64Encode (InputBox("Password", "Enter Your Password For The SMTP Server", "", "*")) EndIf Else $s_Server = "" ;domain lookup $IP = _INetGetSource ("http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/ip.php") If @error Or $IP = "" Then $IP = "" EndIf $RunPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c nslookup " & $IP, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) $name = StringSplit(StdoutRead($RunPID), "Name:", 1) If $name[0] > 1 Then $name = StringSplit($name[2], "Address:", 1) $name = StringStripWS($name[1], 8) Else $name = "No Internet Connection" EndIf $domain = StringSplit($name, ".") If $domain[0] > 1 Then $domain = $domain[$domain[0] - 1] & "." & $domain[$domain[0]] Else $domain = $domain[$domain[0]] EndIf If $domain <> $temp[$temp[0]] Then If MsgBox(4, "MX Servers", "Some MX servers will not accept emails if they don't come from your domain" & @CRLF _ & "Would you like to change this " & @CRLF & $s_FromAddress & " to this " & @CRLF & $temp[1] & "@" & $domain) = 6 Then $s_FromAddress = $temp[1] & "@" & $domain EndIf EndIf EndIf ;call udf If _INetSmtpMail ($s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Server, $s_Subject, $as_Body, $s_helo, $s_UserName, $s_Password, $b_trace) <> 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error!", "Mail failed with error code " & @error) Else MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Mail sent") EndIf ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _INetGetSource() ; Description: Gets the source from an URL without writing a temp file. ; Parameter(s): $s_URL = The URL of the site. ; Requirement(s): DllCall/Struct & WinInet.dll ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the source code. ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Wouter van Kesteren. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _INetGetSource($s_URL, $s_Header = '') If StringLeft($s_URL, 7) <> 'http://' And StringLeft($s_URL, 8) <> 'https://' Then $s_URL = 'http://' & $s_URL Local $h_DLL = DllOpen("wininet.dll") Local $ai_IRF, $s_Buf = '' Local $ai_IO = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetOpen', 'str', "AutoIt v3", 'int', 0, 'int', 0, 'int', 0, 'int', 0) If @error Or $ai_IO[0] = 0 Then DllClose($h_DLL) SetError(1) Return "" EndIf Local $ai_IOU = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetOpenUrl', 'int', $ai_IO[0], 'str', $s_URL, 'str', $s_Header, 'int', StringLen($s_Header), 'int', 0x80000000, 'int', 0) If @error Or $ai_IOU[0] = 0 Then DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IO[0]) DllClose($h_DLL) SetError(1) Return "" EndIf Local $v_Struct = DllStructCreate('udword') DllStructSetData($v_Struct, 1, 1) While DllStructGetData($v_Struct, 1) <> 0 $ai_IRF = DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetReadFile', 'int', $ai_IOU[0], 'str', '', 'int', 256, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Struct)) $s_Buf &= StringLeft($ai_IRF[2], DllStructGetData($v_Struct, 1)) WEnd DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IOU[0]) DllCall($h_DLL, 'int', 'InternetCloseHandle', 'int', $ai_IO[0]) DllClose($h_DLL) Return $s_Buf EndFunc ;==>_INetGetSource