#include-once #include #comments-start Locking Modes Never - Never locks Selection - The Selection process includes all SelVidSts downloads/parses Selecting Before - Locked until the selection process is done Selecting During - Locked During the selection process Selecting After - Locked once the selection process is complete Download - The download process includes the download of the video and the post processing to find transisitions Downloading Before - Locked until the download process is done Downloading During - Locked During the download process Downloading After - Locked once the download process is complete Confirmation - The confirmation process includes the query of trace.moe of the selected segments Confirming Before - Locked until the confirmation process is done Confirming During - Locked During the confirmation process Confirming After - Locked once the confirmation process is complete #comments-end ;Name Creation/Handle Lock State Conditions Default Text(s) Which default text to load during a lock state(-1 is leave unchanged, default is ignore) Functions used to set data if nonstandard Global $gaIndex[5] Global $gaExternal[3][6] = [ _ ["MainWindow", GUICreate("Video Finder", 1500, 900), "Never", "Video Finder", Default, Default], _ ["URL", GUICtrlCreateInput("URL/YouTubeID", 5, 5, 350, 21), "Selecting During|Selecting After", "URL/YouTubeID", "-1,-1", Default], _ ["Select", GUICtrlCreateButton("Select", 359, 4, 97, 23), "Selecting During|Selecting After", "Select", Default, Default] _ ] $gaIndex[0] = $gaExternal Global $gaSelVidSts[11][6] = [ _ ["SelectedStats", GUICtrlCreateGroup("Selected Video Stats", 5, 30, 450, 350), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Selected Video Stats", Default, Default], _ ["URLLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video URL: ", 15, 45, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video URL: |Video URL: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["TitleLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Title: ", 15, 60, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Title: |Video Title: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["DurLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Duration: ", 15, 75, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Duration: |Video Duration: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["DimLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Native Dimensions: ", 15, 90, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Native Dimensions: |Video Native Dimensions: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["Dim2Label", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Selected Dimensions: ", 15, 105, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Selected Dimensions: |Video Selected Dimensions: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["SizeLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Selected File Size: ", 15, 120, 430), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Selected File Size: |Video Selected File Size: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["ThmbLabel", GUICtrlCreateLabel("Video Thumbnail URL: ", 15, 135, 430, Default, 12), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "Video Thumbnail URL: |Video Thumbnail URL: Loading...", "1,2", Default], _ ["Thumbnail", GUICtrlCreatePic("", 16, 157, 180, 180), "Selecting Before|Selecting During", "", "1,1", "GUICtrlSetImage($HANDLE$, '$INPUT$')"], _ ["Download", GUICtrlCreateButton("Download And Process Video", 15, 346, 372, 23), "Selecting Before|Selecting During|Downloading During|Downloading After", "Download And Process Video", Default, Default], _ ["Cancel", GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 395, 346, 50, 23), "Selecting Before|Selecting During|Downloading During", "Cancel", Default, Default] _ ] GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $gaIndex[1] = $gaSelVidSts Global $gaTransPrevs[3][6] = [ _ ["TransPrev", GUICtrlCreateGroup("Transition Previews", 5, 385, 450, 510), "Downloading Before|Downloading During", "Transition Previews", Default, Default], _ ["PrevPrev", GUICtrlCreatePic("", 16, 405, 234, 234), "Downloading Before|Downloading During", "", "1,1", "GUICtrlSetImage($HANDLE$, '$INPUT$')"], _ ["PrevNext", GUICtrlCreatePic("", 16, 649, 234, 234), "Downloading Before|Downloading During", "", "1,1", "GUICtrlSetImage($HANDLE$, '$INPUT$')"] _ ] GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $gaIndex[2] = $gaTransPrevs Global $gaTransitions[7][6] = [ _ ["TransSelect", GUICtrlCreateGroup("Transitions", 465, 5, 510, 890), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "Transitions", Default, Default], _ ["ActiveTrans", GUICtrlCreateList("", 470, 20, 500, 420, 10487809), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "NA", "1,1,-1,-1", "_GUICtrlListBox_ResetContent($HANDLE$)&GUICtrlSetData($HANDLE$,'$INPUT$')"], _;WS_VSCROLL + LBS_NOTIFY + WS_BORDER + LBS_EXTENDEDSEL ["InActvTrans", GUICtrlCreateList("", 470, 480, 500, 420, 10487809), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "NA", "1,1,-1,-1", "_GUICtrlListBox_ResetContent($HANDLE$)&GUICtrlSetData($HANDLE$,'$INPUT$')"], _;WS_VSCROLL + LBS_NOTIFY + WS_BORDER + LBS_EXTENDEDSEL ["FindJumpCuts_", GUICtrlCreateButton("Auto Detect Cuts", 504, 438, 102, 33), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "Auto Detect Cuts", Default, Default], _ ["ActivateTrans", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐱ Activate ᐱ", 614, 438, 102, 33), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "ᐱ Activate ᐱ", Default, Default], _ ["DeActivtTrans", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐯ Deactivate ᐯ", 724, 438, 102, 33), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After", "ᐯ Deactivate ᐯ", Default, Default], _ ["GenVideoLists", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐳ Generate Lists ᐳ", 834, 438, 102, 33), "Downloading Before|Downloading During|Confirming During|Confirming After","ᐳ Generate Lists ᐳ", Default, Default] _ ] GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $gaIndex[3] = $gaTransitions Global $gaSegments[7][6] = [ _ ["SegmentLists", GUICtrlCreateGroup("Segments", 985, 5, 510, 890), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "Segments", Default, Default], _ ["ActiveSegs", GUICtrlCreateList("", 990, 20, 500, 420, 10487809), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "NA", "1,1", Default], _;WS_VSCROLL + LBS_NOTIFY + WS_BORDER + LBS_EXTENDEDSEL ["InActvSegs", GUICtrlCreateList("", 990, 480, 500, 420, 10487809), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "NA", "1,1", Default], _;WS_VSCROLL + LBS_NOTIFY + WS_BORDER + LBS_EXTENDEDSEL ["ResetTransitions", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐸ Reset Transitions ᐸ", 1024, 438, 102, 33), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "ᐸ Reset Transitions ᐸ", Default, Default], _ ["ActivateSegs", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐱ Activate ᐱ", 1134, 438, 102, 33), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "ᐱ Activate ᐱ", Default, Default], _ ["DeActivtSegs", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐯ Deactivate ᐯ", 1244, 438, 102, 33), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "ᐯ Deactivate ᐯ", Default, Default], _ ["ExportLists", GUICtrlCreateButton("ᐳ Export Lists ᐳ", 1354, 438, 102, 33), "Confirming Before|Confirming During", "ᐳ Export Lists ᐳ", Default, Default] _ ] GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $gaIndex[4] = $gaSegments