; PopG_String.au3 - Andy Swarbrick (c) 2005-6 - Extends String functionality #Region Doc: #Region Doc: Notes ; Extends String functionality ; You may ask, "Why write _StringBegins when there is StringLeft?" The answer is that _StringBegins makes straighforward and frequent comparison easy and accessible. ; You are allowed to freely use this code without restriction. #EndRegion Doc: Notes #Region Doc: Requirements ; Requires Au3 build or better ; Uses the array and string include libraries. #EndRegion Doc: Requirements #Region Doc: Function list ; _StringBegins Returns true if a string begins with the substring ; _StringInsert2 Extends StringInsert to be able to repeat the inserts at every n'th position. ; _StringInStrCount Returns the number of occurences of a subscrting ; _StringReplaceRepeat Extends StringReplace to repeatedly replace while more occurences are found. ; _StringShowCtrlChars Returns string with control characters replaced with a visual representation. ; _StringSplit2 Splits a string in two parts, separated by the specified delimeter. #EndRegion Doc: Function list #Region Doc: History ; 19-Feb-06 Als Added _StringBegins ; 18-Feb-06 Als Updated _StringShowCtrlChars and added optional args $Format, $Before and $After. ; 06-Feb-06 Als Added _StringInStrCount ; 16-Jan-06 Als Updated _StringSplit2: $OkLast functionality to added #EndRegion Doc: History #EndRegion Doc: #Region Init: #Region Init: Includes #include-once #include #include #EndRegion Init: Includes #Region Init: Autoit Options #NoTrayIcon Opt ('MustDeclareVars', True) #EndRegion Init: Autoit Options #EndRegion Init: #Region Run: #Region Run: Test Harness #Region Run: Test _StringSplit2 ;~ Local $l,$r,$s,$o ;~ $s='A' ;~ $d='|' ;~ $o=1 ;~ _StringSplit2($s,$d,$l,$r,$o) ;~ MsgBox(0,'_StringSplit2 test','Left='&$l&@LF&'Right='&$r) ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _StringSplit2 #EndRegion Run: Test Harness #Region Run: Functions ; _StringInsert2 Extends StringInsert to be able to repeat the inserts at every n'th position. ; ; Notes: ; Familiarise yourself with StringInsert before using this function. ; ; Parameters: ; $Str The string in which the insert is to take place ; $Ins The string to be inserted. ; $Pos The position at which the insert is to happen. ; $Occur The number of occurences to be replaced. ; ; @error=1 If $Str is blank. ; @error=2 If $Ins is blank. ; @error=3 If $Pos is negative. ; @error=4 If $Occur is negative. Func _StringInsert2($Str,$Ins,$Pos,$Occur=1) Local $res=$Str Local $idx Local $len=StringLen($res) Local $arr[1] ; If $Str='' Then SetError(1) Return $res EndIf If $Ins='' Then SetError(2) Return $res EndIf If $Pos<=0 Then ; $Pos>$len is not an error since $len is probably variable. SetError(3) Return $res EndIf If $Occur<=0 Then SetError(4) Return $res EndIf ; ;Build an array of insert positions, counting forwards For $idx=$Pos to $len Step $Pos If $idx>$len Or $idx>$Occur Then ExitLoop ReDim $arr[UBound($arr)+1] $arr[UBound($arr)]=$idx Next $arr[0]=UBound($arr)-1 ; ; and now work backwards. For $idx=$arr[0] to 1 Step -1 $res=_StringInsert($res,$Ins,$arr[$idx]) Next Return $res EndFunc ; _StringSplit2 Splits a string in two parts, separated by the specified delimiter. ; ; Notes: ; Optionally you can select an occurance of the delimiter, use negative numbers to specify the occurance working from right to left. So -1 splits at the last occurance. ; ; Parameters: ; $String The string to be split ; ; History: ; 16-Jan-06 Als Updated _StringSplit2: $OkLast functionality to added Func _StringSplit2($String,$Dlm,ByRef $Left,ByRef $Right,$Occur=1) Local $idx,$Split,$DlmL,$DlmR If $Occur=0 Then $Occur=1 ; default $Split=StringSplit($String,$dlm) If $Occur<0 Then $Occur=$Split[0]+$Occur If $Occur>$Split[0] Then $Occur=$Split[0]-1 $Left='' $Right='' $DlmL='' $DlmR='' For $idx=1 To $Split[0] If $idx<=$Occur Then $Left=$Left&$DlmL&$Split[$idx] $DlmL=$dlm Else $Right=$Right&$DlmR&$Split[$idx] $DlmR=$dlm EndIf Next EndFunc ; _StringSplit2 ; _StringInStrCount Returns the number of occurences of a subscrting ; ; Notes: ; Similar syntax to StringInStr. We recommend you familiarlise yourself with StringInStr before using this function. ; ; Parameters: ; $String The string that is to be searched. ; $Substring The string to be found. ; $CaseSense Whether a case-sensitive search is to be used. Func _StringInStrCount($String,$Substring,$CaseSense=0) $Occur=1 While True If StringInStr($String,$Substring,$CaseSense,$Occur)=0 Then Return $Occur-1 $Occur=$Occur+1 WEnd EndFunc ; _StringInStrCount ; _StringBegins Returns true if a string begins with the substring ; ; Parameters: ; $String ; $SubString ; $CaseSense ; ; History: ; 19-Feb-06 Als Added _StringBegins Func _StringBegins($String,$Substring,$CaseSense=False) Local $StrLen=StringLen($Substring) If $CaseSense Then Return StringLeft($String,$StrLen)==$Substring ; double == implies case-sensitive test Else Return StringLeft($String,$StrLen)=$Substring ; single = implies case-insensitive test EndIf EndFunc ; _StringBegins ; _StringReplaceRepeat Extends StringReplace to repeatedly replace while more occurences are found. ; ; Notes: ; We recommend you familiarise yourself with function StringReplace first. ; ; Examples: ; _StringReplaceRepeat('fred000jim','0','') returns 'fredjim', effectively stripping 0's from the string. ; ; Parameters: ; $String The string in which the replacement is to occur. ; $OldStr The old string that is to be searched for. ; $NewStr The new string that is to be inserted instead. ; $CaseSense Whether the search is to be case-sensitive. 1/True=sensitive, 0/False=insensitive (default). ; ; Results: ; Returns the replaced string. If no replacements are possible the original string is returned. ; ; History: ; 18-Feb-03 Als Added _StringReplaceRepeat Func _StringReplaceRepeat($String,$OldStr,$NewStr,$CaseSense=False) Do $String=StringReplace($String,$OldStr,$NewStr,0,$CaseSense) Until @extended=0 Return $String EndFunc ; _StringShowCtrlChars Returns string with control characters replaced with a visual representation. ; ; Notes: ; This function can be useful for discovering hidden characters such as line-feeds & tabs. ; ; Parameters: ; $String The string in which you wish to discover characters. ; $Format How the discovered strings are to be shown. 1=Ascii number (Default). ; $Before a prefix that should appear before any discovered characters. Defaults to '{asc'. ; $After a suffix that should appear after any discovered characters. Defaults to '}'. ; ; History: ; 18-Feb-06 Als Updated _StringShowCtrlChars and added optional args $Format, $Before and $After. Func _StringShowCtrlChars($String, $Format=1,$Before='{asc',$After='}') Local $sccIdx,$sccInChr,$sccOutChr,$sccOutStr,$AscChr $sccOutStr= '' For $sccIdx=1 to StringLen($String) $sccInChr=StringMid($String, $sccIdx, 1) $sccOutChr=$sccInChr $AscChr=Asc($sccInChr) If $AscChr<32 Or $AscChr>126 Then $sccOutChr=$AscChr If $sccOutChr<>$sccInChr then If $Format=1 Then $sccOutStr= $sccOutStr & $Before&$sccOutChr&$After EndIf Else $sccOutStr= $sccOutStr & $sccInChr EndIF Next Return $sccOutStr EndFunc ; _StringShowCtrlChars #EndRegion Run: Functions #EndRegion Run: