; PopG_User.au3 - Andy Swarbrick (c) 2005-6 - Provides user management functionality both on a domain and this local computer. #Region Doc: #Region Doc: Notes ; Extends au3 to provide user management on both a domain and a stand-alone computer via "NET USER" command #EndRegion Doc: Notes #Region Doc: Requirements ; Requires Au3 build or better. Also uses PopG Delim, Run and String include libraries. #EndRegion Doc: Requirements #Region Doc: History ; 19-Feb-06 Als Added _UserGetAllUsers ; 18-Feb-06 Als Renamed _UserGroups to _UserGetAllGroups ; 18-Feb-06 Als Added _UserGetDetails ; 18-Feb-06 Als Added _UserSetDetails ; 18-Feb-06 Als Added $UD_xxx family of global constants ; 18-Feb-06 Als Renamed _UserDetails to __UserDetailsRaw ; 18-Feb-06 Als Added _UdGet private function #EndRegion Doc: History #Region Doc: FunctionList ; _UserGetDetails Returns one of the User details for the current user ; _UserGetAllGroups Returns a list of all local and domain groups. ; _UserGetUsersGroups Returns a list of local and domain groups this user belongs to. ; _UserGetUsers Returns a list of users, either local or in the domain ; _UserIsMember Returns true if the user is a member of specified group. ; _UserSetDetails Sets one of the User details for the current user #EndRegion Doc: FunctionList #EndRegion Doc: #Region Init: #Region Init: Absolute Decls Global Const $UD_Username =1 Global Const $UD_Fullname =2 Global Const $UD_Comment =4 Global Const $UD_UserComment =8 Global Const $UD_CountryCode =16 Global Const $UD_AccountActive =32 Global Const $UD_AccountExpires =64 Global Const $UD_PasswordExpires =128 Global Const $UD_PasswordRequired =256 Global Const $UD_MayChangePassword =512 Global Const $UD_WorkstationsAllowed =1024 Global Const $UD_LogonScript =2048 Global Const $UD_UserProfile =4096 Global Const $UD_HomeDir =8192 Global Const $UD_LogonTimes =16384 Global Const $UD_Groups =32768 #EndRegion Init: Absolute Decls #Region Init: Includes #include-once #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_Delim.au3' #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_Run.au3' #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_String.au3' ;~ #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_Array.au3' ;Required for Test Harness only #EndRegion Init: Includes #EndRegion Init: #Region Run: #Region Run: Test Harness #Region Run: Test _UserGetDetails ;~ Local $UserArr[1],$UserErr[1] ;~ Local $Comment,$FullName,$Password,$Email ;~ Local $CommentSplit ;~ $Comment =_UserGetDetails($UD_Comment,$UserArr,$UserErr,@UserName,False) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(41) : $Comment = ' & $Comment & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console ;~ $FullName =_UserGetDetails($UD_Fullname,$UserArr,$UserErr,@UserName,False) ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(42) : $FullName = ' & $FullName & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console ;~ $CommentSplit=StringSplit($Comment,'|') ;~ $Password =$CommentSplit[1] ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(44) : $Password = ' & $Password & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console ;~ $Email =$CommentSplit[2] ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(45) : $Email = ' & $Email & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _UserGetDetails #Region Run: Test _UserIsMember ;~ Local $Groups[1] ;~ MsgBox(0,'ismemadmin',_UserIsMember(@UserName,'administrators')) ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _UserIsMember #Region Run: Test _UserGetAllUsers ;~ MsgBox(0,'users',_UserGetAllUsers(True)) ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _UserGetAllUsers #Region Run: Test _UserGetAllGroups ;~ Local $Groups=_UserGetAllGroups() ;~ MsgBox(262144,'Debug line ~76','Selection:' & @lf & '$Groups' & @lf & @lf & 'Return:' & @lf & $Groups & @lf & @lf & '@Error:' & @lf & @Error) ;### Debug MSGBOX ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _UserGetAllGroups #Region Run: Test _UserGetUsersGroups ;~ Local $Groups=_UserGetUsersGroups(@UserName) ;~ MsgBox(262144,'Debug line ~81','Selection:' & @lf & '$Groups' & @lf & @lf & 'Return:' & @lf & $Groups & @lf & @lf & '@Error:' & @lf & @Error) ;### Debug MSGBOX ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _UserGetUsersGroups #Region Run: Test for __UserDetailsRaw ;~ Local $Arr[1],$Err[1],$Result ;~ $Result=__UserDetailsRaw(@UserName,$Arr,$Err,True) ;~ MsgBox(0,'$result',$Result) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Arr,'result='&$Result&' for '&@UserName&' on the domain') ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Err,'error result='&$Result&' for '&@UserName&' on the domain') ;~ $Result=__UserDetailsRaw(@UserName,$Arr,$Err,False) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Arr,@UserName&' on a stand alone pc result='&$Result) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($Err,'error result='&$Result&' for '&@UserName&' local') ;~ MsgBox(0,'$result',$Result) ;~ Exit #Region Run: Test for __UserDetailsRaw #EndRegion Run: Test Harness #Region Run: Functions ; _UserIsMember Returns true if the user is a member of specified group. ; ; Notes: ; All domain and local groups are checked. ; ; Parameters: ; $Username The name of the user to be checked. ; $Group The name of the group that you wish to see if they are a member of. Func _UserIsMember($Username,$Group) Local $i,$Groups $Groups=_UserGetUsersGroups($Username) Return _DelimListGetIndex($Groups,$Group,False)>0 EndFunc ; _UserIsMember ; _UserGetUsersGroups Returns a list of groups this user belongs to. ; ; Parameters: ; $Username The name of the user to be checked. Func _UserGetUsersGroups($Username) Local $UserArr[1],$UserErr[1] Local $Groups _RunWaitSysOutErr('net user "'&$Username&'" /domain | find "*"',@TempDir,@SW_HIDE,$UserArr,$UserErr) Local $Ok=False For $i=1 to $UserArr[0] If _StringBegins($UserArr[$i],'Local Group') Then $Ok=True If $Ok Then $Groups=$Groups&StringReplace(StringReplace(StringStripWS(StringMid($UserArr[$i],30),7),'*','|'),' |','|') Next $Groups=StringMid($Groups,2) Return $Groups EndFunc ; _UserGetUsersGroups ; _UserGetAllGroups Returns a list of all local and domain groups. ; ; Parameters: ; none Func _UserGetAllGroups() Dim $Details[1],$Err[1],$i,$GroupsStr Local $Result=__GroupDetailsRaw($Details,$Err,'',' | find "*"') For $i=1 To $Details[0] $GroupsStr=$GroupsStr&'|'&StringMid($Details[$i],2) Next SetError(0) Return StringMid($GroupsStr,2) EndFunc ; _UserGetAllGroups ; _UserGetAllUsers Returns a list of local and domain groups this user belongs to. ; ; Parameters: ; $OkDomain Whether you wish to find a list of users on this computer (default) or on the domain (True). Func _UserGetAllUsers($OkDomain=False) Dim $UserArr[1],$UserErr[1],$i,$UsersStr,$Cmd,$OkStart=False,$TmpStr $Cmd='Net user' If $OkDomain Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /domain | more +6' Else $Cmd=$Cmd&' | more +4' EndIf _RunWaitSysOutErr($Cmd,@TempDir,@SW_HIDE,$UserArr,$UserErr) If @error Then SetError(1) Return '' EndIf For $i=1 To $UserArr[0] If $UserArr[$i]='The command completed successfully.' Then ExitLoop $TmpStr=_StringReplaceRepeat($UserArr[$i],' ','|') $TmpStr=_StringReplaceRepeat($TmpStr,'| ','|') $UsersStr=$UsersStr&'|'&$TmpStr Next $UsersStr=_StringReplaceRepeat($UsersStr, "||", "|") $UsersStr=StringReplace($UsersStr&'uniquestring','|uniquestring','') SetError(0) Return StringMid($UsersStr,2) ; trim off leading stick EndFunc ; _UserGetAllUsers ; __GroupDetailsRaw Returns an array of details for this group (private fuction) Func __GroupDetailsRaw(ByRef $Details,ByRef $Err,$Groupname='',$filter='') Local $Cmd='net group '&$Groupname&' /domain' _RunWaitSysOutErr($Cmd&$filter,@TempDir,@SW_HIDE,$Details,$Err) Return $Err[0]==0 EndFunc ; __GroupDetailsRaw ; _UserGetSelUsers Returns a list of local and domain groups this user belongs to. ;~ Func _UserGetSelUsers($OkDomain=False) ;~ Local $Details[1],$Err[1],$i,$j ;~ Const $LocalHdr ='Local Group Memberships' ;~ Const $GlobalHdr ='Global Group Memberships' ;~ Const $LocalHdrLen =StringLen($LocalHdr) ;~ Const $GlobalHdrLen =StringLen($GlobalHdr) ;~ Local $LineArr[1],$LineType,$Line ;~ ReDim $Groups[1] ;~ $Groups[0]=0 ;~ ; First try locally ;~ If __UserDetailsRaw($Details,$Err,$Username,False) Then ;~ $LineType=0 ;~ For $i = 1 To $Details[0] ;~ $Line=$Details[$i] ;~ If StringLeft($Line,$LocalHdrLen)=$LocalHdr Then ;~ $Line=StringMid($Line,$LocalHdrLen+1) ;~ $LineType=1 ;~ EndIf ;~ If StringLeft($Line,$GlobalHdrLen)=$GlobalHdr Then ;~ $Line=StringMid($Line,$GlobalHdrLen+1) ;~ $LineType=2 ;~ EndIf ;~ If $LineType<>0 Then ; we could extend this to differentiate local & global, but usually this is in the name! ;~ $Line=StringStripWS($Line,7) ;~ If StringLeft($Line,1)='*' Then ;~ $LineArr=StringSplit($Line,'*') ;~ For $j=1 To $LineArr[0] ;~ $LineArr[$j]=StringStripWS($LineArr[$j],7) ;~ If $LineArr[$j]<>'None' And $LineArr[$j]<>'' Then ;~ ReDim $Groups[UBound($Groups)+1] ;~ $Groups[0]=$Groups[0]+1 ;~ $Groups[$Groups[0]]=$LineArr[$j] ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ EndIf ;~ ; Now try on the domain ;~ If __UserDetailsRaw($Details,$Err,$Username,True) Then ;~ $LineType=0 ;~ For $i = 1 To $Details[0] ;~ $Line=$Details[$i] ;~ If StringLeft($Line,$LocalHdrLen)=$LocalHdr Then ;~ $Line=StringMid($Line,$LocalHdrLen+1) ;~ $LineType=1 ;~ EndIf ;~ If StringLeft($Line,$GlobalHdrLen)=$GlobalHdr Then ;~ $Line=StringMid($Line,$GlobalHdrLen+1) ;~ $LineType=2 ;~ EndIf ;~ If $LineType<>0 Then ; we could extend this to differentiate local & global, but usually this is in the name! ;~ $Line=StringStripWS($Line,7) ;~ If StringLeft($Line,1)='*' Then ;~ $LineArr=StringSplit($Line,'*') ;~ For $j=1 To $LineArr[0] ;~ $LineArr[$j]=StringStripWS($LineArr[$j],7) ;~ If $LineArr[$j]<>'None' And $LineArr[$j]<>'' Then ;~ ReDim $Groups[UBound($Groups)+1] ;~ $Groups[0]=$Groups[0]+1 ;~ $Groups[$Groups[0]]=$LineArr[$j] ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ EndIf ;~ Return $Groups[0] ;~ EndFunc ; _UserGetSelUsers ; _UserSetDetails Sets one of the User details for the current user ; ; Parameters: ; $Username The name of the user to be modified. ; $Field The field to be modified. See $UD constants. ; $OkDomain Whether the user exists on the domain or on this local computer. Func _UserSetDetails($Username,$Field,$Val,$OkDomain=False) Local $Cmd='net user '&$Username Dim $Details[1],$Err[1] ; If BitAND($Field,$UD_Fullname) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /FullName:"'&$Val&'"' ; may contain spaces If BitAND($Field,$UD_Comment) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /Comment:"'&$Val&'"' ; replace | with ^| If BitAND($Field,$UD_UserComment) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /UserComment:"'&$Val&'"' ; If BitAND($Field,$UD_CountryCode) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /CountryCode:"'&$Val&'"' ; nnn format If BitAND($Field,$UD_AccountActive) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /Active:"'&$Val&'"' ; yes|no If BitAND($Field,$UD_AccountExpires) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /Expires:"'&$Val&'"' ; date depends on country code If BitAND($Field,$UD_PasswordRequired) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /PasswordReq:"'&$Val&'"' ; yes|no If BitAND($Field,$UD_MayChangePassword) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /PasswordChg:"'&$Val&'"' ; yes|no If BitAND($Field,$UD_WorkstationsAllowed) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /Workstations:"'&$Val&'"' ; up to 8 comma delimited workstations If BitAND($Field,$UD_LogonTimes) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /Times:"'&$Val&'"' ; Logon times (M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su) (12 or 24h time notation) eg "M,4AM-5PM;T,1PM-3PM" If BitAND($Field,$UD_LogonScript) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /LogonScript:"'&$Val&'"' ; relative to $NetLogon If BitAND($Field,$UD_UserProfile) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /ProfilePath:"'&$Val&'"' ; where user profile is stored If BitAND($Field,$UD_HomeDir) Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /HomeDirectory:"'&$Val&'"' ; path must exist ; If $OkDomain Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /domain' _RunWaitSysOutErr($Cmd,@TempDir,@SW_HIDE,$Details,$Err) Return $Err[0]=0 EndFunc ; _UserSetDetails ; _UserGetDetails Returns one of the User details for the current user. ; ; Notes ; UserDetails is only called if it is not populated properly. ; ; Parameters: ; $Username The name of the user to be modified. ; $Field The field to be returned. See $UD constants. ; $OkDomain Whether the user exists on the domain or on this local computer. Func _UserGetDetails($Username,$Field,$OkDomain=False) Local $UserArr[1],$UserErr[1] __UserDetailsRaw($UserArr,$UserErr,@UserName,$OkDomain) ; Local $OkGetMoreGroups=False Local $Val='' For $i=1 To $UserArr[0] If BitAND($Field,$UD_Username) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'User name') If BitAND($Field,$UD_Fullname) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Full Name') If BitAND($Field,$UD_Comment) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Comment') If BitAND($Field,$UD_UserComment) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'User''s Comment') If BitAND($Field,$UD_CountryCode) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Country Code') If BitAND($Field,$UD_AccountActive) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Account active') If BitAND($Field,$UD_AccountExpires) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Account expires') If BitAND($Field,$UD_PasswordExpires) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Password expires') If BitAND($Field,$UD_PasswordRequired) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Password required') If BitAND($Field,$UD_MayChangePassword) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'User may change password') If BitAND($Field,$UD_WorkstationsAllowed) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Workstations allowed') If BitAND($Field,$UD_LogonScript) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Logon script') If BitAND($Field,$UD_UserProfile) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'User profile') If BitAND($Field,$UD_HomeDir) Then $Val=__UdGet($UserArr[$i],'Home directory') If $Val<>'' Then Return $Val Next SetError(1) Return '' EndFunc ; _UserGetDetails ; __UdGet Private function to return the exact entry, if found. Func __UdGet($Line,$Key) If StringLeft($Line,StringLen($Key))==$Key Then Return StringMid($Line,30) Return '' EndFunc ; __UdGet ; __UserDetailsRaw Returns an array of details for this user (private fuction). Func __UserDetailsRaw(ByRef $Details,ByRef $Err,$Username='',$OkDomain=False) Local $Cmd='net user '&$Username If $OkDomain Then $Cmd=$Cmd&' /domain' _RunWaitSysOutErr($Cmd,@TempDir,@SW_HIDE,$Details,$Err) Return $Err[0]=0 EndFunc ; __UserDetailsRaw #EndRegion Run: Functions #EndRegion Run: