; PopG_Delim.au3 - Andy Swarbrick (c) 2005-6 #Region Doc: #Region Doc: Notes ; Provides "delimited list" support which is so, so useful to Au3 features such as GuiCtrlListView and almost every aspect of Au3 life. ; Au3 build or better. ; This library is one of a suite of extensions to Au3. #EndRegion Doc: Notes #Region Doc: Requirements ; Au3 build or better. ; #EndRegion Doc: Requirements #Region Doc: History ; 19-Feb-03 Als Updated _DelimListReplaceItem with a bugfix. ; 19-Feb-06 Als Renamed _DelimListSplit to _DelimListSplit ; 19-Feb-06 Als Updated _DelimListSplit with optional delimiter argument, defaulting to GUIDataSeparatorChar. ; 19-Feb-06 Als Added _DelimListSort ; 18-Feb-06 Als Updated _DelimListGetIndex by adding optional case-sensitivity argument (defaulting to case-insensitive). ; 05-Feb-06 Als Added _DelimListSplit #EndRegion Doc: History #Region Doc: FunctionList ; _DelimListGetIndex Returns the index position of one string in a delimited string. ; _DelimListGetText Returns the text at an index position in a delimited string. ; _DelimListPadDelims Ensures that there are at least a certain number of delimiters in a string ; _DelimListReplaceItem Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView using StringReplaceby searching for the substring ; _DelimListSetItem Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView by occurence of delimiters in the string. ; _DelimListSort Returns a delimited list in sorted order ; _DelimListSplit Splits a delimted list into left and right at the specified occurence of delimter. #EndRegion Doc: FunctionList #EndRegion Doc: #Region Init: #Region Init: Includes #include-once #include #EndRegion Init: Includes #EndRegion Init: #Region Run: #Region Run: TestHarness #Region Run: Test _DelimListSort ;~ $Str=_DelimListSort('za|ab|alpha|xyz') ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(29) : $Str = ' & $Str & @lf & '>Error code: ' & @error & @lf) ;### Debug Console #Region Run: Test _DelimListPadDelims ;~ Local $str='fred|joe' ;~ Local $Qty=09 ;~ $str=_DelimListPadDelims($str,$Qty) ;~ MsgBox(0,'padded str',$str) #EndRegion Run: Test _DelimListPadDelims #EndRegion Run: TestHarness #Region Run: Functions ; _DelimListGetIndex Returns the index position of one string in a delimited string. ; ; Parameters: ; $List The list from which to find the index of a given string ; $Item The item from the list for which you wish to know the index ; $Case Whether you wish to do a case-sensitive check (1/True) or not, default is case-insensitive (0/False) ; ; History: ; 18-Feb-06 Als Updated _DelimListGetIndex by adding optional case-sensitivity argument (defaulting to case-insensitive). Func _DelimListGetIndex($List,$Item,$Case=False) Local $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $ListArr=StringSplit($List,$Dlm) For $Idx=1 To $ListArr[0] If $Case Then If $ListArr[$Idx]==$Item Then Return $Idx Else If $ListArr[$Idx]=$Item Then Return $Idx EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;_DelimListGetIndex ; _DelimListGetText Returns the text at an index position in a delimited string. ; ; Parameters: ; $List The list from which you wish to get text. ; $Idx The posiotion (1-based) that you wish to return. ; $Dlm The list delimiter to be used, defaults to GUIDataSeparatorChar. Func _DelimListGetText($List,$Idx,$Dlm='') If $Dlm='' Then $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $ListArr=StringSplit($List,$Dlm) Return $ListArr[$Idx] EndFunc ; _DelimListGetText ; _DelimListPadDelims Ensures that there are at least a certain number of delimiters in a string ; ; Parameters: ; $List The list that may need padding with additional delimiters. ; $Qty The number of entries you want in the list. Number of delimiters will be one less than this value. Func _DelimListPadDelims($List,$Qty) Local $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') If $Qty<=0 Then Return $List While StringInStr($List,$Dlm,0,$Qty)=0 $List=$List&$Dlm WEnd Return $List EndFunc ;_DelimListPadDelims ; _DelimListReplaceItem Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView using StringReplaceby searching for the substring ; ; Notes: ; Follows same search and replace rules as StringReplace ; StringReplace by start position is not supported. ; ; Parameters: ; $List The list in which the item is to be found. ; $OldItem The new text that is to be inerted. ; $NewItem The new text that is to be inerted. ; $Case Whether the search test should be case-sensitive=(1/True), ddefault is case-insenstitive (0/false). ; $Occur Optional: Enables you to replace multiple occurences, default is first occcurence. ; ; History: ; 19-Feb-03 Als Updated _DelimListReplaceItem with a bugfix. Func _DelimListReplaceItem($List,$OldItem,$NewItem,$Case=False,$Occur=1) Local $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $r=StringMid(StringReplace($Dlm&$List&$Dlm, $Dlm&$OldItem&$Dlm, $Dlm&$NewItem&$Dlm, $Case, $Occur),2) Return StringLeft($r,StringLen($r)-1) EndFunc ;_DelimListReplaceItem ; _DelimListSetItem Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView by occurence of delimiters in the string. ; ; Notes: ; Follows same search and Set rules as StringSet. ; ; Parameters: ; $List The list in which the item is to be replaced. ; $NewItem The new text to be inserted. ; $Index The position (1-based) that need to be replaced. Func _DelimListSetItem($List,$NewItem,$Index) Local $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $Pos1=StringInStr($Dlm&$List,$Dlm,0,$Index+1)-1 Local $Pos2=StringInStr($Dlm&$List,$Dlm,0,$Index+2)-1 $List=StringLeft($List,$Pos1) &$NewItem& StringMid($List,$Pos2) Return $List EndFunc ;_DelimListSetItem ; _DelimListSplit Splits a delimted list into left and right at the specified occurence of delimter. ; ; Paremeters: ; $List The list to be split ; $Left Returned value (ByRef) of the left-hand side of the $List ; $Right Returned value (ByRef) of the right-hand side of $List ; $Occur The occurence of the delimiter at which the split should be made ; ; History: ; 19-Feb-06 Als Updated _DelimListSplit with optional delimiter argument, defaulting to GUIDataSeparatorChar. ; 19-Feb-06 Als Renamed _DelimListSplit to _DelimListSplit Func _DelimListSplit($List,ByRef $Left,ByRef $Right,$Occur=1, $Dlm='') If $Dlm='' Then $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $Pos $Pos =StringInStr ($List,$Dlm,False,$Occur) $Left =StringLeft ($List,$Pos-1) $Right =StringMid ($List,$Pos+1) EndFunc ; _DelimListSplit ; _DelimListSort Returns a delimited list in sorted order ; ; Paramters: ; $List The list to be sorted ; $i_descending Whether to sort ascending=(0/True) (default) or descending(=True/1) ; ; History: ; 19-Feb-06 Als Added _DelimListSort Func _DelimListSort($List,$i_descending=0) Local $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $ListArr=StringSplit($List,$Dlm) If $ListArr[0]<=1 Then Return $List ; Local $i,$NewList _ArraySort($ListArr,$i_descending,1) $NewList=$ListArr[1] For $i=2 To $ListArr[0] $NewList=$NewList&$Dlm&$ListArr[$i] Next Return $NewList EndFunc #EndRegion Run: Functions #EndRegion Run: