#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) #include "emgucv-autoit-bindings\cve_extra.au3" ;start dll opencv _OpenCV_DLLOpen("libemgucv-windesktop-\libs\x64\cvextern.dll") Local $algorithm = "KAZE" Local $imgname = "dog.jpg" ; query image (small object) Local $imgname2 = "dog-scene.jpg" ; train image (large scene) ;; Create ORB object and BF object(using HAMMING) Local $tFeature2DPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") Local $tSharedPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr") Local $destructor If StringCompare($algorithm, "KAZE") == 0 Then _cveKAZEDetectorCreate(False, False, 0.001, 4, 4, $CV_KAZE_DIFF_PM_G2, $tFeature2DPtr, $tSharedPtr) $destructor = "_cveKAZEDetectorRelease" Else _cveBriskCreate(30, 3, 1, $tFeature2DPtr, $tSharedPtr) $destructor = "_cveBriskRelease" EndIf Local $detector = $tFeature2DPtr.value Local $img1 = _cveImreadAndCheck($imgname, $CV_IMREAD_COLOR) Local $img2 = _cveImreadAndCheck($imgname2, $CV_IMREAD_COLOR) Local $gray1 = _cveMatCreate() _cveCvtColorMat($img1, $gray1, $CV_COLOR_BGR2GRAY) Local $gray2 = _cveMatCreate() _cveCvtColorMat($img2, $gray2, $CV_COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ;; Find the keypoints and descriptors with ORB Local $kpts1 = _VectorOfKeyPointCreate() Local $kpts2 = _VectorOfKeyPointCreate() Local $descs1 = _cveMatCreate() Local $descs2 = _cveMatCreate() _CvFeature2DDetectAndComputeMat($detector, $gray1, _cveNoArrayMat(), $kpts1, $descs1, False) ConsoleWrite("object keypoints: " & _VectorOfKeyPointGetSize($kpts1) & @CRLF) _CvFeature2DDetectAndComputeMat($detector, $gray2, _cveNoArrayMat(), $kpts2, $descs2, False) ConsoleWrite("scene keypoints: " & _VectorOfKeyPointGetSize($kpts2) & @CRLF) ;; match descriptors and sort them in the order of their distance Local $tMatcherPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") Local $bf_matcher = _cveBFMatcherCreate($CV_NORM_L1, False, $tMatcherPtr) ; Local $matcher = $tMatcherPtr.value Local $matches = _VectorOfDMatchCreate() _cveDescriptorMatcherMatch1Mat($matcher, $descs1, $descs2, $matches, _cveNoArrayMat()) ConsoleWrite("matches: " & _VectorOfDMatchGetSize($matches) & @CRLF) Local $dmatches[_VectorOfDMatchGetSize($matches)] Local $tDMatchPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") For $i = 0 To _VectorOfDMatchGetSize($matches) - 1 _VectorOfDMatchGetItemPtr($matches, $i, $tDMatchPtr) $dmatches[$i] = DllStructCreate($tagCvDMatch, $tDMatchPtr.value) Next __ArrayQuickSort($dmatches, "_CompareDistance", 0, UBound($dmatches) - 1) ;; extract the matched keypoints If UBound($dmatches) >= 4 Then ;;-- Localize the object Local $src_pts = _VectorOfPointFCreate() Local $dst_pts = _VectorOfPointFCreate() Local $tKpt1Ptr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") Local $tKpt2Ptr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") For $i = 0 To UBound($dmatches) - 1 Local $tDMatch = $dmatches[$i] _VectorOfKeyPointGetItemPtr($kpts1, $tDMatch.queryIdx, $tKpt1Ptr) Local $tKpt1 = DllStructCreate($tagCvKeyPoint, $tKpt1Ptr.value) _VectorOfPointFPush($src_pts, $tKpt1) _VectorOfKeyPointGetItemPtr($kpts2, $tDMatch.trainIdx, $tKpt2Ptr) Local $tKpt2 = DllStructCreate($tagCvKeyPoint, $tKpt2Ptr.value) _VectorOfPointFPush($dst_pts, $tKpt2) Next ;; find homography matrix and do perspective transform Local $M = _cveMatCreate() Local $i_arr_M = _cveInputArrayFromMat($M) Local $o_arr_M = _cveOutputArrayFromMat($M) Local $i_arr_src = _cveInputArrayFromVectorOfPointF($src_pts) Local $i_arr_dst = _cveInputArrayFromVectorOfPointF($dst_pts) Local $mask = _cveMatCreate() Local $o_arr_mask = _cveOutputArrayFromMat($mask) _cveFindHomography($i_arr_src, $i_arr_dst, $o_arr_M, $CV_RANSAC, 5.0, $o_arr_mask) _cveOutputArrayRelease($o_arr_mask) _cveMatRelease($mask) If Not _cveMatIsEmpty($M) Then Local $img1_size = _cvSize() _cveMatGetSize($img1, $img1_size) Local $w = $img1_size.width Local $h = $img1_size.height Local $pts = _VectorOfPointFCreate() Local $i_arr_pts = _cveInputArrayFromVectorOfPointF($pts) _VectorOfPointFPush($pts, _cvPoint2f(0, 0)) _VectorOfPointFPush($pts, _cvPoint2f($w, 0)) _VectorOfPointFPush($pts, _cvPoint2f($w, $h)) _VectorOfPointFPush($pts, _cvPoint2f(0, $h)) Local $dst = _VectorOfPointFCreateSize(4) Local $o_arr_dst = _cveOutputArrayFromVectorOfPointF($dst) _cvePerspectiveTransform($i_arr_pts, $o_arr_dst, $i_arr_M) ;; draw found regions Local $tPointFPtr = DllStructCreate("ptr value") _VectorOfPointFGetItemPtr($dst, 0, $tPointFPtr) Local $dst_0 = DllStructCreate($tagCvPoint2D32f, $tPointFPtr.value) _VectorOfPointFGetItemPtr($dst, 1, $tPointFPtr) Local $dst_1 = DllStructCreate($tagCvPoint2D32f, $tPointFPtr.value) _VectorOfPointFGetItemPtr($dst, 2, $tPointFPtr) Local $dst_2 = DllStructCreate($tagCvPoint2D32f, $tPointFPtr.value) _VectorOfPointFGetItemPtr($dst, 3, $tPointFPtr) Local $dst_3 = DllStructCreate($tagCvPoint2D32f, $tPointFPtr.value) Local $dst_int32 = _VectorOfPointCreate() _VectorOfPointFPush($dst_int32, _cvPoint($dst_0.x, $dst_0.y)) _VectorOfPointFPush($dst_int32, _cvPoint($dst_1.x, $dst_1.y)) _VectorOfPointFPush($dst_int32, _cvPoint($dst_2.x, $dst_2.y)) _VectorOfPointFPush($dst_int32, _cvPoint($dst_3.x, $dst_3.y)) Local $i_arr_dst_32 = _cveInputArrayFromVectorOfPoint($dst_int32) Local $io_arr_img2 = _cveInputOutputArrayFromMat($img2) _cvePolylines($io_arr_img2, $i_arr_dst_32, True, _cvScalar(0, 0, 255), 1, $CV_LINE_AA) _cveInputOutputArrayRelease($io_arr_img2) _cveInputArrayRelease($i_arr_dst_32) _VectorOfPointRelease($dst_int32) _cveOutputArrayRelease($o_arr_dst) _cveInputArrayRelease($i_arr_pts) _VectorOfPointFRelease($dst) _VectorOfPointFRelease($pts) EndIf _cveInputArrayRelease($i_arr_dst) _cveInputArrayRelease($i_arr_src) _cveOutputArrayRelease($o_arr_M) _cveInputArrayRelease($i_arr_M) _cveMatRelease($M) _VectorOfPointFRelease($dst_pts) _VectorOfPointFRelease($src_pts) EndIf ;; draw match lines Local $iEnd = _Min(20, UBound($dmatches)) Local $good_matches[$iEnd] For $i = 0 To $iEnd - 1 $good_matches[$i] = $dmatches[$i] Next Local $res = _cveMatCreate() Local $matchesMask = _VectorOfByteCreate() _drawMatchedFeatures1Mat($img1, $kpts1, $img2, $kpts2, $good_matches, $res, _cvScalarAll(-1), _cvScalarAll(-1), $matchesMask, $CV_DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS) _VectorOfByteRelease($matchesMask) ;-- Show detected matches _cveImshowMat("found", $img2) _cveImshowMat("Good Matches & Object detection", $res) ; _cveWaitKey() _cveDestroyAllWindows() _cveMatRelease($res) _VectorOfDMatchRelease($matches) _cveBFMatcherRelease($bf_matcher) _cveMatRelease($descs2) _cveMatRelease($descs1) _VectorOfKeyPointRelease($kpts2) _VectorOfKeyPointRelease($kpts1) _cveMatRelease($gray2) _cveMatRelease($gray1) _cveMatRelease($img2) _cveMatRelease($img1) Call($destructor, $tSharedPtr) _Opencv_DLLClose() Func _CompareDistance($a, $b) Return $a.distance - $b.distance EndFunc ;==>_CompareDistance Func __ArrayQuickSort(ByRef $aArray, Const ByRef $sCompare, Const ByRef $iStart, Const ByRef $iEnd) If $iEnd <= $iStart Then Return Local $vTmp ; InsertionSort (faster for smaller segments) If ($iEnd - $iStart) < 15 Then Local $vCur For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $vTmp = $aArray[$i] For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If Call($sCompare, $vTmp, $aArray[$j]) >= 0 Then ExitLoop $aArray[$j + 1] = $aArray[$j] Next $aArray[$j + 1] = $vTmp Next Return EndIf ; QuickSort Local $L = $iStart, $R = $iEnd, $vPivot = $aArray[Int(($iStart + $iEnd) / 2)] Do While Call($sCompare, $aArray[$L], $vPivot) < 0 $L += 1 WEnd While Call($sCompare, $aArray[$R], $vPivot) > 0 $R -= 1 WEnd ; Swap If $L <= $R Then If $L <> $R Then $vTmp = $aArray[$L] $aArray[$L] = $aArray[$R] $aArray[$R] = $vTmp EndIf $L += 1 $R -= 1 EndIf Until $L > $R __ArrayQuickSort($aArray, $sCompare, $iStart, $R) __ArrayQuickSort($aArray, $sCompare, $L, $iEnd) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayQuickSort