#include-once ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================ ; Title .........: ExtMsgBox ; AutoIt Version : v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Generates user defined message boxes centred on a GUI, on screen or at defined coordinates ; Remarks .......: ; Note ..........: ; Author(s) .....: Melba23, based on some original code by photonbuddy & YellowLab, and KaFu (default font code) ; ==================================================================================================================== ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_au3check_parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 ; #INCLUDES# ========================================================================================================= #include "StringSize.au3" #include #include #include ; #GLOBAL CONSTANTS# ================================================================================================= Global Const $EMB_ICONSTOP = 16 ; Stop-sign icon Global Const $EMB_ICONQUERY = 32 ; Question-mark icon Global Const $EMB_ICONEXCLAM = 48 ; Exclamation-point icon Global Const $EMB_ICONINFO = 64 ; Icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle ; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# ================================================================================================= Global $g_aEMB_Settings[15] ; [0] = Style [6] = Max Width [12] = Title bar reduction ; [1] = Justification [7] = Absolute Width [13] = Focused button character ; [2] = Back Colour [8] = Default Back Colour [14] = DPI scaling ; [3] = Text Colour [9] = Default Text Colour ; [4] = Font Size [10] = Default Font Size ; [5] = Font Name [11] = Default Font Name ; ; Default settings ; Font Global $g_aEMB_TempArray = __EMB_GetDefaultFont() $g_aEMB_Settings[10] = $g_aEMB_TempArray[0] $g_aEMB_Settings[11] = $g_aEMB_TempArray[1] ; Colours $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 15) ; $COLOR_3DFACE $g_aEMB_Settings[8] = BitAND(BitShift(String(Binary($g_aEMB_TempArray[0])), 8), 0xFFFFFF) $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT $g_aEMB_Settings[9] = BitAND(BitShift(String(Binary($g_aEMB_TempArray[0])), 8), 0xFFFFFF) ; Title bar width reduction by icon and [X] button in various themes $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", 11) ; Title bar icon width $g_aEMB_Settings[12] = $g_aEMB_TempArray[0] $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", 30) ; Title bar button width $g_aEMB_Settings[12] += ( ($g_aEMB_TempArray[0] < 30) ? ($g_aEMB_TempArray[0] * 3) : ($g_aEMB_TempArray[0]) ) ; Compensate for small buttons in some themes $g_aEMB_TempArray = 0 $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("dwmapi.dll", "uint", "DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "int*", $g_aEMB_TempArray) ; Check for Aero enabled If Not @error And $g_aEMB_TempArray[1] = True Then $g_aEMB_TempArray = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", 7) ; GUI button frame width $g_aEMB_Settings[12] += ($g_aEMB_TempArray[0] * 4) ; Add frames to compensate for incorrect Aero return EndIf $g_aEMB_TempArray = 0 ; Set current settings $g_aEMB_Settings[0] = 0 $g_aEMB_Settings[1] = 0 $g_aEMB_Settings[2] = $g_aEMB_Settings[8] $g_aEMB_Settings[3] = $g_aEMB_Settings[9] $g_aEMB_Settings[4] = $g_aEMB_Settings[10] $g_aEMB_Settings[5] = $g_aEMB_Settings[11] $g_aEMB_Settings[6] = 370 $g_aEMB_Settings[7] = 500 $g_aEMB_Settings[13] = "~" $g_aEMB_Settings[14] = 1 ; #CURRENT# ========================================================================================================== ; _ExtMsgBoxSet: Sets the GUI style, justification, colours, font and max width for subsequent _ExtMsgBox function calls ; _ExtMsgBoxDPIScale: Sets the DPI scaling ; _ExtMsgBox: Generates user defined message boxes centred on a GUI, on screen or at defined coordinates ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; __EMB_GetDefaultFont: Determines Windows default MsgBox font size and name ; __EMB_ShowPNG: Set PNG as image ; __EMB_BitmapCreateDIB: Create bitmap ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _ExtMsgBoxSet ; Description ...: Sets the GUI style, justification, colours, font and max width for subsequent _ExtMsgBox function calls ; Syntax.........: _ExtMsgBoxSet($iStyle, $iJust, [$iBkCol, [$iCol, [$sFont_Size, [$iFont_Name, [$iWidth, [$iWidth_Abs, [$sFocus_Char]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $iStyle -> 0 (Default) - Taskbar Button, TOPMOST, button in user font, no tab expansion, ; no checkbox, titlebar icon, active closure [X] and SysMenu close ; Combine following to change: ; 1 = No Taskbar Button ; 2 = TOPMOST Style not set ; 4 = Buttons use default font ; 8 = Expand Tabs to ensure adequate sizing of GUI ; 16 = "Do not display again" checkbox ; 32 = Show no icon on title bar ; 64 = Disable EMB closure [X] and SysMenu Close ; $iJust -> 0 = Left justified (Default), 1 = Centred , 2 = Right justified ; + 4 = Centred single button. Note: multiple buttons are always centred ; ($SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTER, $SS_RIGHT can also be used) ; $iBkCol -> The colour for the message box background. Default = system colour ; $iCol -> The colour for the message box text. Default = system colour ; $iFont_Size -> The font size in points to use for the message box. Default = system font size ; $sFont_Name -> The font to use for the message box. Default = system font ; $iWidth -> Normal max width for EMB. Default/min = 370 pixels - max = @DesktopWidth - 20 ; $iWidth_Abs -> Absolute max width for EMB. Default/min = 370 pixels - max = @DesktopWidth - 20 ; EMB will expand to this value to accommodate long unbroken character strings ; Forced to $iWidth value if less ; $sFocus_Char -> Character to define focused button. Default = "~" ; Requirement(s).: v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to 1 with @extended set to incorrect parameter index number ; Remarks .......; Setting any parameter to -1 leaves the current value unchanged ; Setting the $iStyle parameter to 'Default' resets ALL parameters to default values <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Setting any other parameter to "Default" only resets that parameter ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _ExtMsgBoxSet($iStyle = -1, $iJust = -1, $iBkCol = -1, $iCol = -1, $iFont_Size = -1, $sFont_Name = -1, $iWidth = -1, $iWidth_Abs = -1, $sFocus_Char = "~") ; Set global EMB variables to required values Switch $iStyle Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[0] = 0 $g_aEMB_Settings[1] = 0 $g_aEMB_Settings[2] = $g_aEMB_Settings[8] $g_aEMB_Settings[3] = $g_aEMB_Settings[9] $g_aEMB_Settings[5] = $g_aEMB_Settings[11] $g_aEMB_Settings[4] = $g_aEMB_Settings[10] $g_aEMB_Settings[6] = 370 $g_aEMB_Settings[7] = 370 $g_aEMB_Settings[13] = "~" $g_aEMB_Settings[14] = 1 Return Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 0 To 127 $g_aEMB_Settings[0] = Int($iStyle) Case Else Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iJust Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[1] = 0 Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 $g_aEMB_Settings[1] = $iJust Case Else Return SetError(1, 2, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iBkCol Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[2] = $g_aEMB_Settings[8] Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $g_aEMB_Settings[2] = Int($iBkCol) Case Else Return SetError(1, 3, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iCol Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[3] = $g_aEMB_Settings[9] Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $g_aEMB_Settings[3] = Int($iCol) Case Else Return SetError(1, 4, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iFont_Size Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[4] = $g_aEMB_Settings[10] Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 8 To 72 $g_aEMB_Settings[4] = Int($iFont_Size) Case Else Return SetError(1, 5, 0) EndSwitch Switch $sFont_Name Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[5] = $g_aEMB_Settings[11] Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else If IsString($sFont_Name) Then $g_aEMB_Settings[5] = $sFont_Name Else Return SetError(1, 6, 0) EndIf EndSwitch Switch $iWidth Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[6] = 370 Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 370 To @DesktopWidth - 20 $g_aEMB_Settings[6] = Int($iWidth) Case Else Return SetError(1, 7, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iWidth_Abs Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[7] = 370 Case -1 ; Do nothing Case 370 To @DesktopWidth - 20 $g_aEMB_Settings[7] = Int($iWidth_Abs) Case Else Return SetError(1, 8, 0) EndSwitch ; Check absolute width is at least max width If $g_aEMB_Settings[7] < $g_aEMB_Settings[6] Then $g_aEMB_Settings[7] = $g_aEMB_Settings[6] EndIf Switch $sFocus_Char Case Default $g_aEMB_Settings[13] = "~" Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else If IsString($sFocus_Char) Then $g_aEMB_Settings[13] = StringLeft($sFocus_Char, 1) Else $g_aEMB_Settings[13] = "~" EndIf EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ExtMsgBoxSet ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _ExtMsgBoxDPIScale ; Description ...: Sets the DPI scaling ; Syntax.........: _ExtMsgBoxSet([$iDPI_Scale = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iDPI_Scale -> DPI scaling to apply to EMB ; Requirement(s).: v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Return values .: Returns stored scaling ; Remarks .......; ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _ExtMsgBoxDPIScale($iDPI_Scale = 1) If $iDPI_Scale <> 1 Then $g_aEMB_Settings[14] = $iDPI_Scale EndIf Return $g_aEMB_Settings[14] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _ExtMsgBox ; Description ...: Generates user defined message boxes centred on a GUI, the desktop, or at defined coordinates ; Syntax.........: _ExtMsgBox ($vIcon, $vButton, $sTitle, $sText, [$iTimeout, [$hWin, [$iVPos, [$bMain = True]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vIcon -> Icon to use: ; 0 - No icon ; 8 - UAC ; 16 - Stop ) ; 32 - Query ) or equivalent $MB/$EMB_ICON constant ; 48 - Exclamation ) ; 64 - Information ) ; 128 - Countdown digits if $iTimeout set ; Any other numeric value returns Error 1 ; If set to the name of an ico or exe file, the main icon within will be displayed ; If another icon from the file is required, add a trailing "|" followed by the icon index ; If set to the name of an image file, that image will be displayed ; $vButton -> Button text separated with "|" character. " " = no buttons. ; Putting a user-defined character (default = "~") before the text indicates button to be focused ; Two focused buttons returns Error 2. A single button is always focused ; Use of standard Windows keyboard shortcut by adding "&" before the button text is still available ; Note UDF focused button character must be placed first, e.g. "~&Yes|&No" ; Can also use $MB_ button numeric constants to define buttons: 0 = "OK", 1 = "~OK|Cancel", ; 2 = "~Abort|Retry|Ignore", 3 = "~Yes|No|Cancel", 4 = "~Yes|No", 5 = "~Retry|Cancel", ; 6 = "~Cancel|Try Again|Continue". Other values return Error 3 ; Default max width of 370 gives 1-4 buttons @ width 80, 5 @ width 60, 6 @ width 50 ; Min button width set at 50, so unless default widths changed 7 buttons will return Error 4 ; $sTitle -> The title of the message box. ; Procrustean truncation if too long to fit ; $sText -> The text to be displayed. Long lines will wrap. The box depth is adjusted to fit. ; If unbroken character strings in $sText too long for set max width, ; EMB expands to set absolute width. Error 6 if still not able to fit ; $iTimeout -> Timeout delay before EMB closes. 0 = no timeout (Default). ; If no buttons and no timeout set, timeout automatically set to 5 ; If timeout value negative, reset to 0 ; $hWin -> Handle of the GUI in which EMB is centred ; If GUI hidden or no handle passed - EMB centred in desktop (Default) ; If not valid window handle, interpreted as horizontal coordinate for EMB location ; $iVPos -> Vertical coordinate for EMB location ; Only valid if $hWin parameter interpreted as horizontal coordinate (Default = 0) ; $bMain -> True (default) = Adjust dialog position to ensure dialog positioned on main screen ; False = Dialog positioned at user-defined coords, which can be on other screens ; Requirement(s).: v3.2.12.1 or higher ; Return values .: Success: Returns 1-based index of the button pressed, counting from the LEFT. ; Returns 0 if closed by a "CloseGUI" event (i.e. click [X] or press Escape) ; Returns 9 if timed out ; If "Not again" checkbox is present and checked, return value is negated ; Failure: Returns -1 and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Icon parameter error ; 2 - Multiple default button error ; 3 - Button constant error ; 4 - Too many buttons to fit in max available EMB width ; 5 - Button text too long for max available button width ; 6 - StringSize error ; 7 - GUI creation error ; Remarks .......; If $bMain set EMB adjusted to appear on main screen closest to required position ; Author ........: Melba23, based on some original code by photonbuddy & YellowLab ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _ExtMsgBox($vIcon, $vButton, $sTitle, $sText, $iTimeOut = 0, $hWin = "", $iVPos = 0, $bMain = True) ; Set default sizes for message box Local $iMsg_Width_Max = $g_aEMB_Settings[6], $iMsg_Width_Min = 150, $iMsg_Width_Abs = $g_aEMB_Settings[7] Local $iMsg_Height_Min = 100 Local $iButton_Width_Def = 80, $iButton_Width_Min = 50 ; Declare local variables Local $iParent_Win = 0, $fCountdown = False, $cCheckbox, $aLabel_Size, $aRet, $iRet_Value, $iHpos Local $sButton_Text, $iButton_Width, $iButton_Xpos, $iDPI_Font_Size, $iDPI_Def_Font_Size, $iDefButton = 0 ; DPI Aware code Local $iDPI = $g_aEMB_Settings[14] If $iDPI <> 1 Then Local $iDPI_Font_Factor = Round($iDPI / 5, 1) $iDPI_Font_Size = Ceiling(($g_aEMB_Settings[4] + $iDPI_Font_Factor) / $iDPI) $iDPI_Def_Font_Size = Ceiling(($g_aEMB_Settings[10] + $iDPI_Font_Factor) / $iDPI) Else $iDPI_Font_Size = $g_aEMB_Settings[4] $iDPI_Def_Font_Size = $g_aEMB_Settings[10] EndIf ; Validate timeout value $iTimeOut = Int(Number($iTimeOut)) If $iTimeOut < 0 Then $iTimeOut = 0 EndIf ; Set automatic timeout if no buttons and no timeout set If $vButton == " " And $iTimeOut = 0 Then $iTimeOut = 5 EndIf ; Check for icon Local $iIcon_Style = 0 Local $iIcon_Reduction = 42 Local $sDLL = "user32.dll" Local $sImg = "" ; Cancel numeric countdown if no timeout If $iTimeOut = 0 And $vIcon = 128 Then $vIcon = 0 EndIf If StringIsDigit($vIcon) Then Switch $vIcon Case 0 $iIcon_Reduction = 0 Case 8 $sDLL = "imageres.dll" $iIcon_Style = 78 Case 16 ; Stop $iIcon_Style = -4 Case 32 ; Query $iIcon_Style = -3 Case 48 ; Exclam $iIcon_Style = -2 Case 64 ; Info $iIcon_Style = -5 Case 128 ; Countdown If $iTimeOut > 0 Then $fCountdown = True EndIf Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndSwitch Else If StringInStr($vIcon, "|") Then $iIcon_Style = StringRegExpReplace($vIcon, "(.*)\|", "") $sDLL = StringRegExpReplace($vIcon, "\|.*$", "") Else Switch StringLower(StringRight($vIcon, 3)) Case "exe", "ico" $sDLL = $vIcon Case "bmp", "jpg", "gif", "png" $sImg = $vIcon EndSwitch EndIf EndIf ; Check if two buttons are seeking focus Local $sFocus_Char = $g_aEMB_Settings[13] StringReplace($vButton, $sFocus_Char, "") If @extended > 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf ; Check if using constants or text If IsNumber($vButton) Then ; Remove all higher level flags $vButton = Mod($vButton, 4096) ; Determine default button $iDefButton = Floor($vButton / 256) $vButton -= 256 * $iDefButton ; Remove any icon flags $vButton = Mod($vButton, 16) ; Set required button text Switch $vButton Case 0 $vButton = "OK" Case 1 $vButton = "OK|Cancel" Case 2 $vButton = "Abort|Retry|Cancel" Case 3 $vButton = "Yes|No|Cancel" Case 4 $vButton = "Yes|No" Case 5 $vButton = "Retry|Cancel" Case 6 $vButton = "Cancel|Try Again|Cancel" Case Else Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndSwitch ; Set required default button $iIndex = StringInStr($vButton, "|", 2, $iDefButton) If $iIndex Then $vButton = StringLeft($vButton, $iIndex) & $g_aEMB_Settings[13] & StringMid($vButton, $iIndex + 1) EndIf EndIf ; Set default values Local $aButton_Text[1] = [0] Local $iButton_Width_Req = 0 ; Get required button size If $vButton <> " " Then ; Split button text into individual strings $aButton_Text = StringSplit($vButton, "|") ; Get absolute available width for each button Local $iButton_Width_Abs = Floor((($iMsg_Width_Max - 10) / $aButton_Text[0]) - 10) ; Error if below min button size If $iButton_Width_Abs < $iButton_Width_Min Then Return SetError(4, 0, -1) EndIf ; Determine required size of buttons to fit text Local $iButton_Width_Text = 0 ; Loop through button text For $i = 1 To $aButton_Text[0] ; Remove a possible leading focus character $sButton_Text = StringRegExpReplace($aButton_Text[$i], "^" & $sFocus_Char & "?(.*)$", "$1") ; Check on font to use If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 4) Then $aRet = _StringSize($sButton_Text, $iDPI_Def_Font_Size, Default, Default, $g_aEMB_Settings[11]) Else $aRet = _StringSize($sButton_Text, $iDPI_Font_Size, Default, Default, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) EndIf If IsArray($aRet) And $aRet[2] + 10 > $iButton_Width_Text Then ; Find max button width required for text $iButton_Width_Text = $aRet[2] + 10 EndIf Next ; Error if text would make required button width > absolute available If $iButton_Width_Text > $iButton_Width_Abs Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) EndIf ; Determine button size to use - assume default $iButton_Width = $iButton_Width_Def ; If text requires wider then default If $iButton_Width_Text > $iButton_Width_Def Then ; Increase - cannot be > absolute $iButton_Width = $iButton_Width_Text EndIf ; If absolute < default If $iButton_Width_Abs < $iButton_Width_Def Then ; If text > min (text must be < abs) If $iButton_Width_Text > $iButton_Width_Min Then ; Set text width $iButton_Width = $iButton_Width_Text Else ; Set min width $iButton_Width = $iButton_Width_Min EndIf EndIf ; Determine GUI width required for all buttons at this width $iButton_Width_Req = (($iButton_Width + 10) * $aButton_Text[0]) + 10 EndIf ; Set tab expansion flag if required Local $iExpTab = Default If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 8) Then $iExpTab = 1 EndIf ; Get message label size While 1 Local $aLabel_Pos = _StringSize($sText, $iDPI_Font_Size, Default, $iExpTab, $g_aEMB_Settings[5], $iMsg_Width_Max - 20 - $iIcon_Reduction) If @error Then If $iMsg_Width_Max >= $iMsg_Width_Abs Then Return SetError(6, 0, -1) Else $iMsg_Width_Max += 10 EndIf Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd ; Reset text to wrapped version $sText = $aLabel_Pos[0] ; Set label size Local $iLabel_Width = $aLabel_Pos[2] Local $iLabel_Height = $aLabel_Pos[3] ; Set GUI size Local $iMsg_Width = $iLabel_Width + 20 + $iIcon_Reduction ; Increase width to fit buttons if needed If $iButton_Width_Req > $iMsg_Width Then $iMsg_Width = $iButton_Width_Req If $iMsg_Width < $iMsg_Width_Min Then $iMsg_Width = $iMsg_Width_Min $iLabel_Width = $iMsg_Width_Min - 20 EndIf ; Check if title sets width Local $iDialog_Width = $iMsg_Width ; Size title Local $aTitleSize = _StringSize($sTitle, $iDPI_Def_Font_Size, Default, Default, $g_aEMB_Settings[11]) ; Check if title wider than text If $aTitleSize[2] > ($iMsg_Width - 70) Then ; Assume icon reduction of 50 regardless of icon setting ; Adjust dialog width up to absolute dialog width value $iDialog_Width = ( ($aTitleSize[2] < ($g_aEMB_Settings[7] - $g_aEMB_Settings[12])) ? ($aTitleSize[2] + $g_aEMB_Settings[12]) : ($g_aEMB_Settings[7]) ) EndIf Local $iMsg_Height = $iLabel_Height + 35 ; Increase height if buttons present If $vButton <> " " Then $iMsg_Height += 30 EndIf ; Increase height if checkbox required If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 16) Then $iMsg_Height += 40 EndIf If $iMsg_Height < $iMsg_Height_Min Then $iMsg_Height = $iMsg_Height_Min ; If only single line, lower label to to centre text on icon Local $iLabel_Vert = 20 If StringInStr($sText, @CRLF) = 0 Then $iLabel_Vert = 27 ; Check for taskbar button style required If Mod($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 2) = 1 Then ; Hide taskbar button so create as child If IsHWnd($hWin) Then $iParent_Win = $hWin ; Make child of that window Else $iParent_Win = WinGetHandle(AutoItWinGetTitle()) ; Make child of AutoIt window EndIf EndIf ; Determine EMB location If $hWin = "" Then ; No handle or position passed so centre on screen $iHpos = (@DesktopWidth - $iDialog_Width) / 2 $iVPos = (@DesktopHeight - $iMsg_Height) / 2 Else If IsHWnd($hWin) Then ; Get parent GUI pos if visible If BitAND(WinGetState($hWin), 2) Then ; Set EMB to centre on parent Local $aPos = WinGetPos($hWin) $iHpos = ($aPos[2] - ($iDialog_Width * $iDPI)) / 2 + $aPos[0] - 3 $iVPos = ($aPos[3] - ($iMsg_Height * $iDPI)) / 2 + $aPos[1] - 20 Else ; Set EMB to centre on screen $iHpos = (@DesktopWidth - $iDialog_Width) / 2 $iVPos = (@DesktopHeight - $iMsg_Height) / 2 EndIf Else ; Assume parameter is horizontal coord $iHpos = $hWin ; $iVpos already set EndIf EndIf ; If dialog is to appear on main display If $bMain Then ; Dialog is visible horizontally If $iHpos < 10 Then $iHpos = 10 If $iHpos + $iDialog_Width > @DesktopWidth - 20 Then $iHpos = @DesktopWidth - 20 - $iDialog_Width ; Then vertically If $iVPos < 10 Then $iVPos = 10 If $iVPos + $iMsg_Height > @DesktopHeight - 60 Then $iVPos = @DesktopHeight - 60 - $iMsg_Height EndIf ; Remove TOPMOST extended style if required Local $iExtStyle = 0x00000008 ; $WS_TOPMOST If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 2) Then $iExtStyle = -1 ; Create GUI with $WS_POPUPWINDOW, $WS_CAPTION style and required extended style Local $hMsgGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iDialog_Width * $iDPI, $iMsg_Height * $iDPI, $iHpos, $iVPos, BitOR(0x80880000, 0x00C00000), $iExtStyle, $iParent_Win) If @error Then Return SetError(7, 0, -1) EndIf ; Check if titlebar icon hidden - actually uses transparent icon from AutoIt executable If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 32) Then If @Compiled Then GUISetIcon(@ScriptName, -2, $hMsgGUI) Else GUISetIcon(@AutoItExe, -2, $hMsgGUI) EndIf EndIf If $g_aEMB_Settings[2] <> Default Then GUISetBkColor($g_aEMB_Settings[2]) ; Check if user closure permitted If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 64) Then $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "hwnd", "GetSystemMenu", "hwnd", $hMsgGUI, "int", 0) Local $hSysMenu = $aRet[0] DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "RemoveMenu", "hwnd", $hSysMenu, "int", 0xF060, "int", 0) ; $SC_CLOSE DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "DrawMenuBar", "hwnd", $hMsgGUI) EndIf ; Set centring parameter Local $iLabel_Style = 0 ; $SS_LEFT If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[1], 1) = 1 Then $iLabel_Style = 1 ; $SS_CENTER ElseIf BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[1], 2) = 2 Then $iLabel_Style = 2 ; $SS_RIGHT EndIf ; Create label GUICtrlCreateLabel($sText, (10 + $iIcon_Reduction) * $iDPI, $iLabel_Vert * $iDPI, $iLabel_Width * $iDPI, $iLabel_Height * $iDPI, $iLabel_Style) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $g_aEMB_Settings[4], Default, Default, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) If $g_aEMB_Settings[3] <> Default Then GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $g_aEMB_Settings[3]) ; Create checkbox if required If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 16) Then Local $sAgain = " Do not show again" Local $iY = $iLabel_Vert + $iLabel_Height + 10 ; Create checkbox $cCheckbox = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", (10 + $iIcon_Reduction) * $iDPI, $iY * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI) ; Write text in separate checkbox label Local $cCheckLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sAgain, 20 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI) GUICtrlSetColor($cCheckLabel, $g_aEMB_Settings[3]) GUICtrlSetBkColor($cCheckLabel, $g_aEMB_Settings[2]) ; Set font if required and size checkbox label text If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 4) Then $aLabel_Size = _StringSize($sAgain) Else $aLabel_Size = _StringSize($sAgain, $iDPI_Font_Size, 400, 0, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) GUICtrlSetFont($cCheckLabel, $g_aEMB_Settings[4], 400, 0, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) EndIf ; Move and resize checkbox label to fit $iY = (($iY + 10) - ($aLabel_Size[3] - 4) / 2) * $iDPI ControlMove($hMsgGUI, "", $cCheckLabel, (30 + $iIcon_Reduction) * $iDPI, $iY * $iDPI, ($iMsg_Width - (30 + $iIcon_Reduction)) * $iDPI, $aLabel_Size[3] * $iDPI) EndIf ; Create icon, image or countdown timer If $fCountdown = True Then Local $cCountdown_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel(StringFormat("%2s", $iTimeOut), 10 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, Default, Default, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $g_aEMB_Settings[3]) Else If $iIcon_Reduction Then Switch StringLower(StringRight($sImg, 3)) Case "bmp", "jpg", "gif" GUICtrlCreatePic($sImg, 10 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) Case "png" __EMB_ShowPNG($sImg, $iDPI) Case Else GUICtrlCreateIcon($sDLL, $iIcon_Style, 10 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) EndSwitch EndIf EndIf ; Create buttons Local $aButtonCID[$aButton_Text[0] + 1] = [9999] ; Placeholder prevent problems if no buttons If $vButton <> " " Then ; Calculate button horizontal start If $aButton_Text[0] = 1 Then If BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[1], 4) = 4 Then ; Single centred button $iButton_Xpos = ($iMsg_Width - $iButton_Width) / 2 Else ; Single offset button $iButton_Xpos = $iMsg_Width - $iButton_Width - 10 EndIf Else ; Multiple centred buttons $iButton_Xpos = ($iMsg_Width - ($iButton_Width_Req - 20)) / 2 EndIf ; Set default button style Local $iDef_Button_Style = 0 ; Work through button list For $i = 0 To $aButton_Text[0] - 1 Local $iButton_Text = $aButton_Text[$i + 1] ; Set default button If $aButton_Text[0] = 1 Then ; Only 1 button $iDef_Button_Style = 0x0001 ElseIf StringLeft($iButton_Text, 1) = $sFocus_Char Then ; Look for focus character $iDef_Button_Style = 0x0001 $aButton_Text[$i + 1] = StringTrimLeft($iButton_Text, 1) EndIf ; Draw button $aButtonCID[$i + 1] = GUICtrlCreateButton($aButton_Text[$i + 1], ($iButton_Xpos + ($i * ($iButton_Width + 10))) * $iDPI, ($iMsg_Height - 35) * $iDPI, $iButton_Width * $iDPI, 25 * $iDPI, $iDef_Button_Style) ; Set focus if default If $iDef_Button_Style Then GUICtrlSetState($aButtonCID[$i + 1], 256) ; $GUI_FOCUS EndIf ; Set font if required If Not BitAND($g_aEMB_Settings[0], 4) Then GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $g_aEMB_Settings[4], 400, 0, $g_aEMB_Settings[5]) ; Reset default style parameter $iDef_Button_Style = 0 Next EndIf ; Show GUI GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hMsgGUI) ; Begin timeout counter Local $iTimeout_Begin = TimerInit() Local $iCounter = 0 ; Declare GUIGetMsg return array here and not in loop Local $aMsg ; Set MessageLoop mode Local $iOrgMode = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) While 1 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg(1) If $aMsg[1] = $hMsgGUI Then Select Case $aMsg[0] = -3 ; $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $iRet_Value = 0 ExitLoop Case Else ; Check for other buttons For $i = 1 To UBound($aButtonCID) - 1 If $aMsg[0] = $aButtonCID[$i] Then $iRet_Value = $i ; No point in looking further ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next EndSelect EndIf ; Timeout if required If TimerDiff($iTimeout_Begin) / 1000 >= $iTimeOut And $iTimeOut > 0 Then $iRet_Value = 9 ExitLoop EndIf ; Show countdown if required If $fCountdown = True Then Local $iTimeRun = Int(TimerDiff($iTimeout_Begin) / 1000) If $iTimeRun <> $iCounter Then $iCounter = $iTimeRun GUICtrlSetData($cCountdown_Label, StringFormat("%2s", $iTimeOut - $iCounter)) EndIf EndIf WEnd ; Reset original mode Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $iOrgMode) If GUICtrlRead($cCheckbox) = 1 Then ; Negate the return value $iRet_Value *= -1 EndIf GUIDelete($hMsgGUI) Return $iRet_Value EndFunc ;==>_ExtMsgBox ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _EMB_GetDefaultFont ; Description ...: Determines Windows default MsgBox font size and name ; Syntax.........: _EMB_GetDefaultFont() ; Return values .: Success - Array holding determined font data ; : Failure - Array holding default values ; Array elements - [0] = Size, [1] = Weight, [2] = Style, [3] = Name, [4] = Quality ; Author ........: KaFu ; Remarks .......: Used internally by ExtMsgBox UDF ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __EMB_GetDefaultFont() ; Fill array with standard default data Local $aDefFontData[2] = [9, "Tahoma"] ; Get AutoIt GUI handle Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle(AutoItWinGetTitle()) ; Open Theme DLL Local $hThemeDLL = DllOpen("uxtheme.dll") ; Get default theme handle Local $hTheme = DllCall($hThemeDLL, 'ptr', 'OpenThemeData', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'wstr', "Static") If @error Then Return $aDefFontData $hTheme = $hTheme[0] ; Create LOGFONT structure Local $tFont = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;long;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;wchar[32]") Local $pFont = DllStructGetPtr($tFont) ; Get MsgBox font from theme DllCall($hThemeDLL, 'long', 'GetThemeSysFont', 'HANDLE', $hTheme, 'int', 805, 'ptr', $pFont) ; TMT_MSGBOXFONT If @error Then Return $aDefFontData ; Get default DC Local $hDC = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "GetDC", "hwnd", $hWnd) If @error Then Return $aDefFontData $hDC = $hDC[0] ; Get font vertical size Local $iPixel_Y = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "GetDeviceCaps", "handle", $hDC, "int", 90) ; LOGPIXELSY If Not @error Then $iPixel_Y = $iPixel_Y[0] $aDefFontData[0] = Int(2 * (.25 - DllStructGetData($tFont, 1) * 72 / $iPixel_Y)) / 2 EndIf ; Close DC DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ReleaseDC", "hwnd", $hWnd, "handle", $hDC) ; Extract font data from LOGFONT structure $aDefFontData[1] = DllStructGetData($tFont, 14) Return $aDefFontData EndFunc ;==>__EMB_GetDefaultFont ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; Name...........: __EMB_ShowPNG ; Description ...: Set PNG as image ; Author ........: UEZ ; Modified.......: Melba23, guinness ; Remarks .......: ; ==================================================================================================================== Func __EMB_ShowPNG($sImg, $iDPI) _GDIPlus_Startup() Local $hPic = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 10 * $iDPI, 20 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) Local $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($sImg) Local $hBitmap_Resized = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromScan0(32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) Local $hBMP_Ctxt = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap_Resized) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetInterpolationMode($hBMP_Ctxt, 7) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hBMP_Ctxt, $hBitmap, 0, 0, 32 * $iDPI, 32 * $iDPI) Local $hHBitmap = __EMB_BitmapCreateDIB($hBitmap_Resized) _WinAPI_DeleteObject(GUICtrlSendMsg($hPic, 0x0172, 0, $hHBitmap)) ; $STM_SETIMAGE _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap_Resized) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hBMP_Ctxt) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBitmap) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() EndFunc ;==>__EMB_ShowPNG ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; Name...........: __EMB_BitmapCreateDIB ; Description ...: Create bitmap ; Author ........: UEZ ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; ==================================================================================================================== Func __EMB_BitmapCreateDIB($hBitmap) Local $hRet = 0 Local $aRet1 = DllCall($__g_hGDIPDll, "uint", "GdipGetImageDimension", "ptr", $hBitmap, "float*", 0, "float*", 0) If (@error) Or ($aRet1[0]) Then Return 0 Local $tData = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($hBitmap, 0, 0, $aRet1[2], $aRet1[3], $GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_PXF32ARGB) Local $pBits = DllStructGetData($tData, "Scan0") If Not $pBits Then Return 0 Local $tBIHDR = DllStructCreate("dword;long;long;ushort;ushort;dword;dword;long;long;dword;dword") DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 1, DllStructGetSize($tBIHDR)) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 2, $aRet1[2]) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 3, $aRet1[3]) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 4, 1) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 5, 32) DllStructSetData($tBIHDR, 6, 0) Local $aRet2 = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "ptr", "CreateDIBSection", "hwnd", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBIHDR), "uint", 0, "ptr*", 0, "ptr", 0, "dword", 0) If (Not @error) And ($aRet2[0]) Then DllCall("gdi32.dll", "dword", "SetBitmapBits", "ptr", $aRet2[0], "dword", $aRet1[2] * $aRet1[3] * 4, "ptr", DllStructGetData($tData, "Scan0")) $hRet = $aRet2[0] EndIf _GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($hBitmap, $tData) Return $hRet EndFunc ;==>__EMB_BitmapCreateDIB