#cs Author: piccaso - autoitsript.com User Calltips: _CoProc_Create([$sFunction],[$vParameter]) Starts another Process and Calls $sFunc, Returns PID _CoProc_ParentPID() Parent Process PID _CoProc_SuperGlobalSet($sName,[$vValue],[$sRegistryBase]) Sets or Deletes a Superglobal Variable _CoProc_SuperGlobalGet($sName,[$fOption],[$sRegistryBase]) Returns the Value of a Superglobal Variable _CoProc_Suspend($vProcess) Suspends all Threads in $vProcess (PID or Name) _CoProc_Resume($vProcess) Resumes all Threads in $vProcess (PID or Name) _CoProc_ProcessGetWinList($vProcess, $sTitle = Default, $iOption = 0) Enumerates Windows of a Process _CoProc_Reciver([$sFunction = ""]) Register/Unregister Reciver Function _CoProc_Send($vProcess, $vParameter,[$iTimeout = 500],[$fAbortIfHung = True]) Send Message to Process _CoProc_ConsoleForward($iPid1, [$iPid2], [$iPid3], [$iPidn]) _CoProc_ProcessEmptyWorkingSet($vPid = @AutoItPID,[$hDll_psapi],[$hDll_kernel32]) Removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process. _CoProc_DuplicateHandle($dwSourcePid, $hSourceHandle, $dwTargetPid = @AutoItPID, $fCloseSource = False) Returns a Duplicate handle _CoProc_CloseHandle($hAny) Close a Handle $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase $gi_CoProcParent #ce Global $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AutoIt v3\CoProc" Global $gi_CoProcParent = 0 Global $gs_CoProcReciverFunction = "" Global $gv_CoProcReviverParameter = 0 ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Starts another Process ; Parameter(s): $sFunction - Optional, Name of Function to start in the new Process ; $vParameter - Optional, Parameter to pass ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Pid of the new Process ; On Failure - Set @error to 1 ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): Inside the new Process $gi_CoProcParent holds the PID of the Parent Process. ; $vParameter must not be Binary, an Array or DllStruct. ; If $sFunction is a just a function name Like _CoProc("MyFunc","MyParameter") Then ; Call() will be used to Call the function and optional pass the Parameter (only one). ; If $sFunction is a expression like _CoProc("MyFunc('MyParameter')") Then ; Execute() will be used to evaluate this expression makeing more than one Parameter Possible. ; In the 'Execute()' Case the $vParameter Parameter will be ignored. ; In both cases there are Limitations, Read doc's (for Execute() and Call()) for more detail. ; ; If $sFunction is Empty ("" or Default) $vParameter can be the name of a Reciver function. ; ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_Create($sFunction = Default, $vParameter = Default) Local $iPid If IsKeyword($sFunction) Or $sFunction = "" Then $sFunction = "__CoProcDummy" EnvSet("CoProc", "0x" & Hex(StringToBinary($sFunction, 4))) EnvSet("CoProcParent", @AutoItPID) If Not IsKeyword($vParameter) Then EnvSet("CoProcParameterPresent", "True") EnvSet("CoProcParameter", StringToBinary($vParameter, 4)) Else EnvSet("CoProcParameterPresent", "False") EndIf If @Compiled Then $iPid = Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe), @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE, 1 + 2 + 4) Else $iPid = Run(FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & ' "' & @ScriptFullPath & '"', @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE, 1 + 2 + 4) EndIf If @error Then SetError(1) Sleep(20) Return $iPid EndFunc Func _CoProc_ParentPID() $gi_CoProcParent = ProcessExists($gi_CoProcParent) Return SetError(Not $gi_CoProcParent, '', $gi_CoProcParent) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Set a Superglobal Variable ; Parameter(s): $sName - Identifyer for the Superglobal Variable ; $vValue - Value to be Stored (optional) ; $sRegistryBase - Registry Base Key (optional) ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns True ; On Failure - Returns False and Set ; @error to: 1 - Wrong Value Type ; 2 - Registry Problem ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): $vValue must not be an Array or Struct. ; if $vValue is Omitted the Superglobal Variable will be deleted. ; ; Superglobal Variables are Stored in the Registry. ; $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase is holding the Default Base Key ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_SuperGlobalSet($sName, $vValue = Default, $sRegistryBase = Default) Local $vTmp If $sRegistryBase = Default Then $sRegistryBase = $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase If $vValue = "" Or $vValue = Default Then RegDelete($sRegistryBase, $sName) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; Registry Problem Else RegWrite($sRegistryBase, $sName, "REG_BINARY", StringToBinary($vValue, 4)) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; Registry Problem EndIf Return True EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Get a Superglobal Variable ; Parameter(s): $sName - Identifyer for the Superglobal Variable ; $fOption - Optional, if True The Superglobal Variable will be deleted after sucessfully Reading it out ; $sRegistryBase - Registry Base Key (optional) ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the Value of the Superglobal Variable ; On Failure - Set ; @error to: 1 - Not Found / Registry Problem ; 2 - Error Deleting ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): $vValue must not be an Array or Struct. ; Superglobal Variables are Stored in the Registry. ; $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase is holding the Default Base Key ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_SuperGlobalGet($sName, $fOption = Default, $sRegistryBase = Default) Local $vTmp If $fOption = "" Or $fOption = Default Then $fOption = False If $sRegistryBase = Default Then $sRegistryBase = $gs_SuperGlobalRegistryBase $vTmp = RegRead($sRegistryBase, $sName) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Registry Problem If $fOption Then _CoProc_SuperGlobalSet($sName) If @error Then SetError(2) EndIf Return BinaryToString($vTmp, 4) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Suspend all Threads in a Process ; Parameter(s): $vProcess - Name or PID of Process ; Requirement(s):, Win ME/2k/XP ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Nr. of Threads Suspended and Set @extended to Nr. of Threads Processed ; On Failure - Returns False and Set ; @error to: 1 - Process not Found ; 2 - Error Calling 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot' ; 3 - Error Calling 'Thread32First' ; 4 - Error Calling 'Thread32Next' ; 5 - Not all Threads Processed ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): Ported from: http://www.codeproject.com/threads/pausep.asp ; Better read the article (and the warnings!) if you want to use it :) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_Suspend($vProcess, $iReserved = 0) Local $iPid, $vTmp, $hThreadSnap, $ThreadEntry32, $iThreadID, $hThread, $iThreadCnt, $iThreadCntSuccess, $sFunction Local $TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD = 0x00000004 Local $INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF Local $THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME = 0x0002 Local $THREADENTRY32_StructDef = "int;" _ ; 1 -> dwSize & "int;" _ ; 2 -> cntUsage & "int;" _ ; 3 -> th32ThreadID & "int;" _ ; 4 -> th32OwnerProcessID & "int;" _ ; 5 -> tpBasePri & "int;" _ ; 6 -> tpDeltaPri & "int" ; 7 -> dwFlags $iPid = ProcessExists($vProcess) If Not $iPid Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; Process not found. $vTmp = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "int", $TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, "int", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Failed If $vTmp[0] = $INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Failed $hThreadSnap = $vTmp[0] $ThreadEntry32 = DllStructCreate($THREADENTRY32_StructDef) DllStructSetData($ThreadEntry32, 1, DllStructGetSize($ThreadEntry32)) $vTmp = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Thread32First", "ptr", $hThreadSnap, "long", DllStructGetPtr($ThreadEntry32)) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; Thread32First Failed If Not $vTmp[0] Then DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hThreadSnap) Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; Thread32First Failed EndIf While 1 If DllStructGetData($ThreadEntry32, 4) = $iPid Then $iThreadID = DllStructGetData($ThreadEntry32, 3) $vTmp = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "OpenThread", "int", $THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, "int", False, "int", $iThreadID) If Not @error Then $hThread = $vTmp[0] If $hThread Then If $iReserved Then $sFunction = "ResumeThread" Else $sFunction = "SuspendThread" EndIf $vTmp = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", $sFunction, "ptr", $hThread) If $vTmp[0] <> -1 Then $iThreadCntSuccess += 1 DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hThread) EndIf EndIf $iThreadCnt += 1 EndIf $vTmp = DllCall("kernel32", "int", "Thread32Next", "ptr", $hThreadSnap, "long", DllStructGetPtr($ThreadEntry32)) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, False) ; Thread32Next Failed If Not $vTmp[0] Then ExitLoop WEnd DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseToolhelp32Snapshot", "ptr", $hThreadSnap) ; CloseHandle If Not $iThreadCntSuccess Or $iThreadCnt > $iThreadCntSuccess Then Return SetError(5, $iThreadCnt, $iThreadCntSuccess) Return SetError(0, $iThreadCnt, $iThreadCntSuccess) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Resume all Threads in a Process ; Parameter(s): $vProcess - Name or PID of Process ; Requirement(s):, Win ME/2k/XP ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns Nr. of Threads Resumed and Set @extended to Nr. of Threads Processed ; On Failure - Returns False and Set ; @error to: 1 - Process not Found ; 2 - Error Calling 'CreateToolhelp32Snapshot' ; 3 - Error Calling 'Thread32First' ; 4 - Error Calling 'Thread32Next' ; 5 - Not all Threads Processed ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): Ported from: http://www.codeproject.com/threads/pausep.asp ; Better read the article (and the warnings!) if you want to use it :) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_Resume($vProcess) Local $fRval = _CoProc_Suspend($vProcess, True) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $fRval) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Enumerates Windows of a Process ; Parameter(s): $vProcess - Name or PID of Process ; $sTitle - Optional Title of window to Find ; $iOption - Optional, Can be added together ; 0 - Matches any Window (Default) ; 2 - Matches any Window Created by GuiCreate() (ClassName: AutoIt v3 GUI) ; 4 - Matches AutoIt Main Window (ClassName: AutoIt v3) ; 6 - Matches Any AutoIt Window ; 16 - Return the first Window Handle found (No Array) ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Retuns an Array/Handle of Windows found ; On Failure - Set @ERROR to: 1 - Process not Found ; 2 - Window(s) not Found ; 3 - GetClassName Failed ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_ProcessGetWinList($vProcess, $sTitle = Default, $iOption = 0) Local $aWinList, $iCnt, $aTmp, $aResult[1], $iPid, $fMatch, $sClassname $iPid = ProcessExists($vProcess) If Not $iPid Then Return SetError(1) ; Process not Found If $sTitle = "" Or IsKeyword($sTitle) Then $aWinList = WinList() Else $aWinList = WinList($sTitle) EndIf For $iCnt = 1 To $aWinList[0][0] $hWnd = $aWinList[$iCnt][1] $iProcessId = WinGetProcess($hWnd) If $iProcessId = $iPid Then If $iOption = 0 Or IsKeyword($iOption) Or $iOption = 16 Then $fMatch = True Else $fMatch = False $sClassname = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClassName", "hwnd", $hWnd, "str", "", "int", 1024) If @error Then Return SetError(3) ; GetClassName If $sClassname[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(3) ; GetClassName $sClassname = $sClassname[2] If BitAND($iOption, 2) Then If $sClassname = "AutoIt v3 GUI" Then $fMatch = True EndIf If BitAND($iOption, 4) Then If $sClassname = "AutoIt v3" Then $fMatch = True EndIf EndIf If $fMatch Then If BitAND($iOption, 16) Then Return $hWnd ReDim $aResult[UBound($aResult) + 1] $aResult[UBound($aResult) - 1] = $hWnd EndIf EndIf Next $aResult[0] = UBound($aResult) - 1 If $aResult[0] < 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; No Window(s) Found Return $aResult EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Register Reciver Function ; Parameter(s): $sFunction - Optional, Function name to Register. ; Omit to Disable/Unregister ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns True ; On Failure - Returns False and Set ; @error to: 1 - Unable to create Reciver Window ; 2 - Unable to (Un)Register WM_COPYDATA or WM_USER+0x64 ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): If the process doesent have a Window it will be created ; The Reciver Function must accept 1 Parameter ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_Reciver($sFunction = Default) Local $sHandlerFuction = "__CoProcReciverHandler", $hWnd, $aTmp If IsKeyword($sFunction) Then $sFunction = "" $hWnd = _CoProc_ProcessGetWinList(@AutoItPID, "", 16 + 2) If Not IsHWnd($hWnd) Then $hWnd = GUICreate("CoProcEventReciver") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf If $sFunction = "" Or IsKeyword($sFunction) Then $sHandlerFuction = "" If Not GUIRegisterMsg(0x4A, $sHandlerFuction) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; WM_COPYDATA If Not GUIRegisterMsg(0x400 + 0x64, $sHandlerFuction) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; WM_USER+0x64 $gs_CoProcReciverFunction = $sFunction Return True EndFunc Func __CoProcReciverHandler($hWnd, $iMsg, $WParam, $LParam) If $iMsg = 0x4A Then ; WM_COPYDATA Local $COPYDATA, $MyData $COPYDATA = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword;ptr", $LParam) $MyData = DllStructCreate("wchar [" & DllStructGetData($COPYDATA, 2) & "]", DllStructGetData($COPYDATA, 3)) $gv_CoProcReviverParameter = DllStructGetData($MyData, 1) Return 256 ElseIf $iMsg = 0x400 + 0x64 Then ; WM_USER+0x64 If $gv_CoProcReviverParameter Then Call($gs_CoProcReciverFunction, $gv_CoProcReviverParameter) If @error And @Compiled = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "CoProc Error", "Unable to Call: " & $gs_CoProcReciverFunction) $gv_CoProcReviverParameter = 0 Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Send a Message to a CoProcess ; Parameter(s): $vProcess - Name or PID of Process ; $vParameter - Parameter to pass ; $iTimeout - Optional, Defaults to 500 (msec) ; $fAbortIfHung - Optional, Default is True ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns True ; On Failure - Returns False and Set ; @error to: 1 - Process not found ; 2 - Window not found ; 3 - Timeout/Busy/Hung ; 4 - PostMessage Falied ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): ; ;========================================================================== Func _CoProc_Send($vProcess, $vParameter, $iTimeout = 500, $fAbortIfHung = True) Local $iPid, $hWndTarget, $MyData, $aTmp, $COPYDATA, $iFuFlags $iPid = ProcessExists($vProcess) If Not $iPid Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; Process not Found $hWndTarget = _CoProc_ProcessGetWinList($vProcess, "", 16 + 2) If @error Or (Not $hWndTarget) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; Window not found $MyData = DllStructCreate("wchar [" & StringLen($vParameter) + 1 & "]") $COPYDATA = DllStructCreate("ptr;dword;ptr") DllStructSetData($MyData, 1, $vParameter) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 1, 1) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 2, DllStructGetSize($MyData)) DllStructSetData($COPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($MyData)) If $fAbortIfHung Then $iFuFlags = 0x2 ; SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG Else $iFuFlags = 0x0 ; SMTO_NORMAL EndIf $aTmp = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWndTarget, "int", 0x4A _ ; WM_COPYDATA , "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($COPYDATA), "int", $iFuFlags, "int", $iTimeout, "long*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; SendMessageTimeout Failed If Not $aTmp[0] Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ; SendMessageTimeout Failed If $aTmp[7] <> 256 Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) $aTmp = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "PostMessage", "hwnd", $hWndTarget, "int", 0x400 + 0x64, "int", 0, "int", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, False) If Not $aTmp[0] Then Return SetError(4, 0, False) Return True EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Forwards StdOut and StdErr from specified Processes to Calling process ; Parameter(s): $iPid1 - Pid of Procces ; $iPidn - Optional, Up to 16 Processes ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): None ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): Processes must provide StdErr and StdOut Streams (See Run()) ; ;========================================================================== Func _CoProc_ConsoleForward($iPid1, $iPid2 = Default, $iPid3 = Default, $iPid4 = Default, $iPid5 = Default, $iPid6 = Default, $iPid7 = Default, $iPid8 = Default, $iPid9 = Default, $iPid10 = Default, $iPid11 = Default, $iPid12 = Default, $iPid13 = Default, $iPid14 = Default, $iPid15 = Default, $iPid16 = Default) Local $iPid, $i, $iPeek For $i = 1 To 16 $iPid = Eval("iPid" & $i) If $iPid = Default Or Not $iPid Then ContinueLoop If ProcessExists($iPid) Then $iPeek = StdoutRead($iPeek, 0, True) If Not @error And $iPeek > 0 Then ConsoleWrite(StdoutRead($iPid)) EndIf $iPeek = StderrRead($iPeek, 0, True) If Not @error And $iPeek > 0 Then ConsoleWriteError(StderrRead($iPid)) EndIf EndIf Next EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process. ; Parameter(s): $vPid - Optional, Pid or Process Name ; $hDll_psapi - Optional, Handle to psapi.dll ; $hDll_kernel32 - Optional, Handle to kernel32.dll ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - nonzero ; On Failure - 0 and sets error to ; @error to: 1 - Process Doesent exist ; 2 - OpenProcess Failed ; 3 - EmptyWorkingSet Failed ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): $vPid can be the -1 Pseudo Handle ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_ProcessEmptyWorkingSet($vPid = @AutoItPID, $hDll_psapi = "psapi.dll", $hDll_kernel32 = "kernel32.dll") Local $av_EWS, $av_OP, $iRval If $vPid = -1 Then ; Pseudo Handle $av_EWS = DllCall($hDll_psapi, "int", "EmptyWorkingSet", "ptr", -1) Else $vPid = ProcessExists($vPid) If Not $vPid Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Process Doesent exist $av_OP = DllCall($hDll_kernel32, "int", "OpenProcess", "dword", 0x1F0FFF, "int", 0, "dword", $vPid) If $av_OP[0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; OpenProcess Failed $av_EWS = DllCall($hDll_psapi, "int", "EmptyWorkingSet", "ptr", $av_OP[0]) DllCall($hDll_kernel32, "int", "CloseHandle", "int", $av_OP[0]) EndIf If $av_EWS[0] Then Return $av_EWS[0] Else Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; EmptyWorkingSet Failed EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Duplicates a Handle from or for another process ; Parameter(s): $dwSourcePid - Pid from Source Process ; $hSourceHandle - The Handle to duplicate ; $dwTargetPid - Optional, Pid from Target Procces - Defaults to current process ; $fCloseSource - Optional, Close the source handle - Defaults to False ; Requirement(s): ; Return Value(s): On Success - Duplicated Handle ; On Failure - 0 and sets error to ; @error to: 1 - Api OpenProcess Failed ; 2 - Api DuplicateHandle Falied ; Author(s): Florian 'Piccaso' Fida ; Note(s): ; ;=============================================================================== Func _CoProc_DuplicateHandle($dwSourcePid, $hSourceHandle, $dwTargetPid = @AutoItPID, $fCloseSource = False) Local $hTargetHandle, $hPrSource, $hPrTarget, $dwOptions $hPrSource = __dh_OpenProcess($dwSourcePid) $hPrTarget = __dh_OpenProcess($dwTargetPid) If $hPrSource = 0 Or $hPrTarget = 0 Then _CoProc_CloseHandle($hPrSource) _CoProc_CloseHandle($hPrTarget) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf ; DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE = 0x00000001 ; DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 0x00000002 If $fCloseSource <> False Then $dwOptions = 0x01 + 0x02 Else $dwOptions = 0x02 EndIf $hTargetHandle = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "DuplicateHandle", "ptr", $hPrSource, "ptr", $hSourceHandle, "ptr", $hPrTarget, "long*", 0, "dword", 0, "int", 1, "dword", $dwOptions) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $hTargetHandle[0] = 0 Or $hTargetHandle[4] = 0 Then _CoProc_CloseHandle($hPrSource) _CoProc_CloseHandle($hPrTarget) Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf Return $hTargetHandle[4] EndFunc Func _CoProc_CloseHandle($hAny) If $hAny = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $fch = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "CloseHandle", "ptr", $hAny) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $fch[0] EndFunc #Region Internal Functions Func __dh_OpenProcess($dwProcessId) ; PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = 0x40 Local $hPr = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "OpenProcess", "dword", 0x40, "int", 0, "dword", $dwProcessId) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $hPr[0] EndFunc Func __CoProcStartup() Local $sCmd = EnvGet("CoProc") If StringLeft($sCmd, 2) = "0x" Then $sCmd = BinaryToString($sCmd, 4) $gi_CoProcParent = Number(EnvGet("CoProcParent")) If StringInStr($sCmd, "(") And StringInStr($sCmd, ")") Then Execute($sCmd) If @error And Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(16, "CoProc Error", "Unable to Execute: " & $sCmd) Exit EndIf If EnvGet("CoProcParameterPresent") = "True" Then Call($sCmd, BinaryToString(EnvGet("CoProcParameter"), 4)) If @error And Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(16, "CoProc Error", "Unable to Call: " & $sCmd & @LF & "Parameter: " & BinaryToString(EnvGet("CoProcParameter"), 4)) Else Call($sCmd) If @error And Not @Compiled Then MsgBox(16, "CoProc Error", "Unable to Call: " & $sCmd) EndIf Exit EndIf EndFunc Func __CoProcDummy($vPar = Default) If Not IsKeyword($vPar) Then _CoProc_Reciver($vPar) While ProcessExists($gi_CoProcParent) Sleep(500) WEnd EndFunc __CoProcStartup() #EndRegion