#include #include #include "WaitForControls.au3" #include "log4a.au3" #RequireAdmin #Region ;**** Logging **** ; Enable logging and don't write to stderr _log4a_SetEnable() ; Write to stderr, set min level to warn, customize message format _log4a_SetErrorStream() _log4a_SetMinLevel($LOG4A_LEVEL_TRACE) ; If @compiled Then _log4a_SetMinLevel($LOG4A_LEVEL_WARN) ; Change the min level if the script is compiled _log4a_SetFormat("${date} | ${host} | ${level} | ${message}") #EndRegion ;**** Logging **** Const $TD_BTN_NEXT = '&Next >' Const $TD_BTN_INSTALL = '&Install' Const $TD_BTN_CANCEL = 'Cancel' Const $TD_BTN_FINISH = 'Finish' Const $TD_BTN_UNINSTALL = '&Uninstall' Const $TD_BTN_CLOSE = 'Close' Const $TD_BTN_YES = '&Yes' Const $TD_CBO_LANG = 'English' Const $formclass = "[CLASS:#32770]" Const $Edit = "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]" Const $button1 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]" Const $button2 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]" Const $button3 = "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:3]" Const $cbolanguage = "[CLASS:ComboBox; INSTANCE:1]" Const $langInst = 'Installer Language' instNotepad() Func instNotepad() _log4a_Info('instNotepad:Begin') _CheckClickCtrl($formclass, $langInst, $cbolanguage, $TD_CBO_LANG, 0, 0) _log4a_Info('instNotepad():End') EndFunc ;==>instNotepad