; s!mpL3 LAN Messenger ; Do not change: s!mpL3, s!mpL3 LAN Messenger [MsgBoxes] 1=startup update check 2=Updated 3=was successfully updated to the latest version 4=Error 5=is already running 6=You may encounter problems while trying to connect 7=Are you sure you want to decline the license agreement and exit 8=Are you sure you want to exit the setup process 9=A new connection was detected 10=You connected using 11=That IP address has changed to 12=This connection is no longer available 13=No network connections are available, you were disconnected 14=Reconnect 15=Connection changes were detected, you must reconnect to be able to communicate without problems 16=Do you want to reconnect now 17=If you disconnect while conversation windows are open, they will be closed 18=Are you sure you wish to disconnect 19=Error while writing to registry key 20=You may not have sufficient user rights 21=Try running s!mpL3 LAN Messenger as Administrator 22=You have to be connected to be able to send text 23=You have to be connected to be able to shake 24=Username error 25=is already in use by someone else 26=Connection Error 27=Unable to bind socket 28=IP Address 29=Port 30=Accept file transfer 31=is trying to send you a file with the details below 32=File name 33=File size 34=Do you accept 35=Abort file transfer 36=This will cancel the file transfer 37=An error occured while compressing the folder 38=LAN Update file checksum does not match the original 39=LAN Update Error 40=disconnected before the LAN Update was completed [License] 1=License Agreement 2=Please read the following license agreement carefully 3=Check the boxes below to create shortcuts 4=Create a shortcut on your desktop 5=Create a Start Menu shortcut 6=I accept the terms in the license agreement 7=I do not accept the terms in the license agreement 8=Donate 9=Back 10=Next 11=Cancel 12=Setup 13=Finish [Main] 1=Refresh 2=File 3=Edit 4=View 5=Help 6=Connect 7=Disconnect 8=Exit 9=Preferences 10=Always On Top 11=Connection Details 12=Sort Treeview 13=Show In Taskbar 14=About 15=Disconnected 16=Status 17=Username 18=Available 19=Busy 20=Away 21=Hide 22=Show 23=No network adapters available or IP Address error 24=No Local Area Networks are selected, please select at least one and try again 25=Connections 26=Port 27=Username cannot be empty 28=Username cannot contain 29=Username cannot contain spaces 30=Your username cannot be empty 31=Your username contains illegal characters 32=Disconnection Failed 33=Password Required 34=Password 35=OK 36=Cancel 37=You can't shake so often 38=You have sent a shake 39=USER IS OFFLINE 40=sent you a shake 41=sent a shake 42=This chat is no longer available because not enough users are connected 43=Shake 44=Send 45=Connected 46=sent you a file 47=automatically accepted the file transfer 48=automatically declined the file transfer 49=accepted the file transfer 50=declined the file transfer 51=You sent a file transfer request 52=Sending folders is currently not supported 53=not sent becaue it is a folder 54=Sending file 55=Receiving file 56=File name 57=Error while sending file 58=Error while receiving file 59=Message 60=Block 61=Unblock 62=Blocked Users List 63=Select All 64=Copy 65=Open Containing Folder 66=Update via LAN 67=is using s!mpL3 LAN Messenger version 68=Would you like to update via LAN 69=LAN Update can be disabled from Preferences 70=Receiving update via LAN 71=LAN Update successfully received 72=Error while receiving LAN Update [Preferences] 1=Preferences 2=Save 3=Saves changes and returns to s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 4=Cancel 5=Discards changes and returns to s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 6=General 7=Security 8=Sounds 9=File Transfers 10=Maintenance [Preferences1] 1=User Interface 2=Language 3=Username 4=Auto-Refresh 5=seconds 6=minutes 7=hours 8=Activate conversation windows 9=Enables/Disables window activation when receiving a message/shake 10=If this option is checked, conversation windows that are in the background will be activated when you receive something, if it's unchecked they won't 11=Conversation taskbar icons 12=Enables/Disables conversation window taskbar icons 13=Shake conversation windows 14=Enables/Disables window shakes 15=Notifications 16=Enables/Disables notifications 17=Keep in tray 18=If this option is checked, the tray icon will remain visible when you "hide" s!mpL3 LAN Messenger, clicking the icon will "Show" the windows 19=Assign Hotkey 20=Click this button and then press the key combination you'd like to use to hide/show s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 21=Currently assigned Hotkey 22=Hotkey hide/show 23=Check this box to be able to hide/show s!mpL3 LAN Messenger using a hotkey combination 24=Startup 25=Start with Windows 26=Connect on startup 27=Start in "hidden" mode 28=Check for updates on startup 29=Check this box to add s!mpL3 LAN Messenger to system startup for the current user 30=Check this box to automatically connect to all available networks on s!mpL3 LAN Messenger startup 31=Check this box so that s!mpL3 LAN Messenger starts in "hidden" mode 32=Check this box to enable automatic update checking on s!mpL3 LAN Messenger startup 33=Language Change 34=Are you sure you want to change the language to 35=Auto Update 36=Check this box to enable automatic updating without any prompts 37=LAN Update 38=Check this box to enable s!mpL3 LAN Messenger updates via LAN [Preferences2] 1=Security & Privacy 2=Password lock when "hidden" 3=Change Password 4=Change the password that is requested when exiting "hidden" mode 5=Check this box to lock s!mpL3 LAN Messenger with a password when "hidden" 6=Encryption 7=Change Pre-shared Key 8=Change the pre-shared key to make it harder for others to decrypt your conversations 9=Can also be used to isolate you on the network 10=Logging 11=Path 12=Browse 13=Browse to the folder where you want event logs to be saved 14=Event logging 15=Browse to the folder where you want conversation logs to be saved 16=Conversation logging 17=Clear History [Preferences3] 1=Disable Sounds 2=Enable Sounds 3=Conversation Sounds 4=Path 5=Browse 6=Message Sound 7=Shake Sound 8=Chat Message Sound 9=Chat Shake Sound 10=Connect Sound 11=Disconnect Sound 12=Disables event logging 13=Enables event logging 14=Disables conversation logging 15=Enables conversation logging 16=Disables playing a sound when sending/receiving a message in a conversation 17=Enables playing a sound when sending/receiving a message in a conversation 18=Disables playing a sound when sending/receiving a shake in a conversation 19=Enables playing a sound when sending/receiving a shake in a conversation 20=Disables playing a sound when sending/receiving a message in a chat 21=Enables playing a sound when sending/receiving a message in a chat 22=Disables playing a sound when sending/receiving a shake in a chat 23=Enables playing a sound when sending/receiving a shake in a chat 24=Disables playing a sound when someone connects 25=Enables playing a sound when someone connects 26=Disables playing a sound when someone disconnects 27=Enables playing a sound when someone disconnects [Preferences4] 1=Path 2=Browse 3=Browse to the folder where you want received files to be saved 4=Save location 5=Auto-Accept 6=Check this box for files sent to you to be automatically accepted 7=When not checked you will be asked each time 8=Auto-Decline 9=Check this box for files sent to you to be automatically declined 10=Close when complete 11=Check this box for file transfer windows to close automatically upon succesfull transfer completion 12=Show in taskbar 13=Check this box for file transfer windows to show in the taskbar 14=Uncheck this box to be asked where to save a received file each time 15=Check this box for received files to be saved to the chosen location [Preferences5] 1=Maintenance 2=Remove files 3=This will remove the files that s!mpL3 LAN Messenger has extracted 4=The files will return next time the application is started 5=Remove registry keys 6=This will remove all the registry keys that s!mpL3 LAN Messenger has created 7=Some registry keys may be written again next time the application is started 8=Remove 9=Remove at exit 10=This will remove all checked items when you close s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 11=Restore Default Preferences 12=Restores Preferences to their default values 13=OK 14=Clear History 15=Are you sure you want to delete the event and conversation history 16=Are you sure you want to take the selected actions 17=Choose a folder for the event logs to be saved to 18=Choose a folder for the conversation logs to be saved to 19=Choose a sound for text messages 20=Choose a sound for shakes 21=Choose a sound for chat text messages 22=Choose a sound for chat shakes 23=Choose a sound for when someone connects 24=Choose a sound for when someone disconnects 25=Choose a folder for received files to be saved to 26=Restore Default Preferences 27=Are you sure you want to restore all Preferences to their default values 28=Note: Changes will not be saved until you click Save, to discard the changes click Cancel 29=Default Preferences 30=Default Preferences have been restored, click OK to save them or Cancel to discard them 31=Default Preferences were already set, no changes have been made 32=Reset window positions/dimensions 33=This will reset conversation window positions and dimensions to default 34=Are you sure you want to reset conversation window positions and dimensions [About] 1=Update Checker 2=Checking 3=Checking for available updates online 4=Update check failed 5=Update page error 6=Update available 7=Update 8=An updated version of s!mpL3 LAN Messenger is available, would you like to update now 9=Current version 10=Latest version 11=Automatic update checking at startup can be disabled from Preferences 12=No available updates 13=Under Construction 14=Update page is under construction 15=Error while retrieving s!mpL3 LAN Messenger size, please try again later 16=s!mpL3 LAN Messenger size 17=Error while downloading s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 18=Downloading s!mpL3 LAN Messenger 19=Download process finished 20=Download successful 21=The latest version of s!mpL3 LAN Messenger was downloaded successfully 22=s!mpL3 LAN Messenger needs to be restarted for the changes to take affect 23=Do you want to restart s!mpL3 LAN Messenger now 24=Download process failed. Please try again later 25=Click to create an e-mail using your default e-mail client 26=Contact me if you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions 27=Click to open this address in your default website browser 28=Check for updates 29=Click to check for updates 30=License Agreement 31=Click to view the License Agreement 32=Donate 33=Click to visit the donate page 34=OK 35=License 36=Close 37=Update failed 38=Checksum mismatch [Logging] 1=connected 2=disconnected 3=changed name to 4=tried to send a shake too soon 5=sent a shake 6=changed status to 7=Username 8=is already in use 9=tried to use your username and was disconnected 10=sent you a shake 11=sent you a file 12=automatically accepted 13=automatically declined 14=accepted 15=declined 16=is trying to send file 17=File sent successfully 18=successfully sent 19=File received successfully 20=successfully received 21=unsuccesfully received 22=as it was corrupted 23=Integrity check of