#include #include #include #include #include #include #RequireAdmin Global $strUsername,$strPassword ;Give the path of JSQLAccessProperties.xml file Global $sFile ="C:\sam1.xml" $strFileContent=FileRead($sFile) ; Getting the DBDefaultUsername $arrResult = StringRegExp($strFileContent, '([^<]*)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($arrResult) Then $strUsername = $arrResult[0] ; Getting the DBDefaultPassword $arrResult = StringRegExp($strFileContent, '([^<]*)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($arrResult) Then $strPassword = $arrResult[0] ;Getting the DBHostaname $arrResult = StringRegExp($strFileContent, 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@[\/]{1,}([^:]+):([^<]+)\/([^<]+)<\/entry>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($arrResult) Then $DBHostName=$arrResult[0] ;Getting the DBPortNumber $arrResult = StringRegExp($strFileContent, 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@[\/]{1,}([^:]+):([^<]+)\/([^<]+)<\/entry>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($arrResult) Then $DBPortNumber=$arrResult[1] ;Getting the Datasource $arrResult = StringRegExp($strFileContent, 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@[\/]{1,}([^:]+):([^<]+)\/([^<]+)<\/entry>', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) If IsArray($arrResult) Then $DataSource=$arrResult[2] ;MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "Username: " & $strUsername) ;MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "Password: " & $strPassword) ;MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "DBHostName: " & $DBHostName) ;MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "DBPortNumber: " & $DBPortNumber ) ;MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "", "DataSource: " & $DataSource ) Run(@ScriptDir & '\setup.exe') AutoItSetOption('MouseCoordMode',0) WinWait('Reena Desktop Server') WinActivate('Reena Desktop Server') If WinActive("Reena Desktop Server") Then ;MsgBox(0, "", "Reena Desktop Server is active") Else ;MsgBox(0, "", "Reena Desktop Server is not active") EndIf MouseClick('primary', 442, 387, 1, 0) ;ControlClick ("Reena Desktop Server", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]","", 1, 0, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 442, 387, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 442, 387, 1, 0) sleep(1000) ControlClick ("Reena Desktop Server", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:5]","left", 1, 0, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 442, 387, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 442, 387, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 167, 144, 1, 0) Opt('SendKeyDelay', 40) ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1430,$strUsername) Send ("{TAB}") ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1427,$strPassword) Send ("{TAB}") ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1376,$DataSource) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 444, 385, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 167, 154, 1, 0) sleep(1000) Opt('SendKeyDelay', 20) ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1430,$DBHostName) Send ("{TAB}") Opt('SendKeyDelay', 30) ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1427,$DBPortNumber) Send ("{TAB}") Send("TDT_SUNT") Send ("{TAB}") Send("LIQ") Send ("{TAB}") ControlSend("Reena Desktop Server","",1361,"C:\Program Files\Finastra\Logs") sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 433, 455, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 169, 155, 1, 0) Opt('SendKeyDelay',20) Send("aa") Send ("{TAB}") Send("bb") Send ("{TAB}") Send("cc") Send ("{TAB}") Send("dd") Send ("{TAB}") MouseClick('primary', 437, 386, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 168, 154, 1, 0) Opt('SendKeyDelay',20) Send("aaa") Send ("{TAB}") Send("bbb") Send ("{TAB}") Send("ccc") Send ("{TAB}") Send("ddd") Send ("{TAB}") Send("eee") MouseClick('primary', 437, 386, 1, 0) sleep(1000) MouseClick('primary', 441, 389, 1, 0) sleep(1000) winwait ('Reena Desktop Server','Reena Desktop Server has been successfully installed') WinActivate ('Reena Desktop Server') MouseClick('primary', 445, 383, 1, 0) sleep(1000)