; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: MrSpacely ; ; Script Function: ; Tcp File transfer client (To show its possible) ; Client sends file server writes to disk. (also binary) ; Filesize and name are checked, flow control against network trouble ; Tested over localhost and over a wifi connection with lots of interference. ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Main Startup Calls ;-Top calls #NoTrayIcon ;includes #include #include ; Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; ;-Variables $IP = @ipaddress1 $PORT = 31337 $defaultport = 31337 $packsize = 4096 $error = 0 dim $recvbuffer = "" $lastmessage = "" $connected = 0 $lasttimepack = timerinit() $lastdiffpack = -1 $bytessend = 0 $timer1 = timerinit() $transferspeedvar = "" $version = "1.1" $err = 0 $HeaderOk = 0 $packetssend = 0 $concheck = 0 $concheck2 = 0 dim $buttonbrowse,$buttonsend,$editip,$editport,$editfile,$progress1,$labelstatus,$labelprogress,$labellastmsg,$ffullname,$fname,$fsize,$Connect,$filehand ; ;-Functions TCPStartup() $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") $mainhandle = MakeWindow($buttonbrowse,$buttonsend,$editip,$editfile,$progress1,$labelstatus,$labelprogress,$labellastmsg,$editport) GuiCtrlSetData($editip,@ipaddress1) ;-OnEvent Definitions (Remember to check if window was created before doing this) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"Exitme",$mainhandle) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($buttonbrowse,"Browse") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($buttonsend,"Sendbutton") ; GuiCtrlSetData($editip,$Ip) GuiCtrlSetData($editport,$Port) ; ;Main Loop While 1 if $connected = 1 then if $concheck2 = 1 then GuiCtrlSetState($editfile,$Gui_disable) GuiCtrlSetState($editip,$Gui_disable) GuiCtrlSetState($editport,$Gui_disable) GuiCtrlSetState($buttonbrowse,$Gui_disable) ;GuiCtrlSetState($buttonsend,$Gui_disable) GuiCtrlSetdata($buttonsend,"Stop!") $concheck2 = 0 endif if $concheck = 0 then $concheck = 1 Sleep(1) if timerdiff($timer1) > 250 then $transferspeedvar = Transferspeed($lastdiffpack,$packsize) $timer1 = timerinit() endif GuiCtrlSetData($progress1,roundup(100 * (($packetssend * $packsize) / $fsize))) GuiCtrlSetData($labelprogress,StringFormat("% 6.1f",round(100*(($packetssend * $packsize) / $fsize),1)) & " % of " & bytestring($fsize) & " at " & $transferspeedvar) GuiCtrlSetData($labelstatus,"Connected");"Connected" If $err <> 0 Then GuiCtrlSetData($labelstatus,"Not Connected") $recvbuffer = $recvbuffer & TCPRecv($Connect,4096) $err = @error if $err <> 0 then $connected = 0 if stringinstr($recvbuffer,"!") then $lastmessage = STringregexpreplace($recvbuffer,".*?[!]?([^!]+!\>)","\1") $recvbuffer = "" endif if (NOT ($HeaderOk = 1)) then $checkvar = CheckHeader($lastmessage,$packsize,$version) ;msgbox(0,"",$packsize) if $checkvar = 1 then TCPSend($Connect,"Header:" & $fname & ";" & $fsize & ";HeaderEnd") else if $checkvar = -1 then TCPSend($Connect,"VersionConflict!") endif endif if $lastmessage == "HeaderOk!" then $HeaderOk = 1 $lastmessage = "" GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"File accepted - Transferring...") if (int($fsize/$packsize)) >= ($packetssend ) then $bytessend = TcpSend($Connect,FileRead($filehand,$packsize)) else $bytessend = TcpSend($Connect,FileRead($filehand,$fsize-int($packsize*$packetssend))) endif endif if $lastmessage == "Nextpart!" then $packetssend += 1 $lastmessage = "" $lastdiffpack = timerdiff($lasttimepack) $lasttimepack = timerinit() if (int($fsize/$packsize)) >= ($packetssend ) then $bytessend = TcpSend($Connect,FileRead($filehand,$packsize)) else $bytessend = TcpSend($Connect,FileRead($filehand,$fsize-int($packsize*$packetssend))) endif endif if $lastmessage = "TransferOk!" then GuiCtrlSetState($progress1,$Gui_hide) GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"Transfer Complete") GuiCtrlSetData($labelstatus,"Not Connected") $lastmessage = "" $connected = 0 $packetssend = 0 endif if $lastmessage = "Bye!" then GuiCtrlSetState($progress1,$Gui_hide) GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"Version Conflict") $lastmessage = "" $connected = 0 $packetssend = 0 endif if $lastmessage = "Serverclosed!" then GuiCtrlSetState($progress1,$Gui_hide) GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"Server Closed") $lastmessage = "" $connected = 0 $packetssend = 0 endif else sleep(250) if $concheck2 <> 1 then $concheck2 = 1 if $concheck <> 0 then Fileclose($filehand) $concheck = 0 $lastmessage = "" $connected = 0 $packetssend = 0 GuiCtrlSetState($progress1,$Gui_hide) GuiCtrlSetState($editfile,$Gui_enable) GuiCtrlSetState($editip,$Gui_enable) GuiCtrlSetState($editport,$Gui_enable) GuiCtrlSetState($buttonbrowse,$Gui_enable) ;GuiCtrlSetState($buttonsend,$Gui_enable) GuiCtrlSetdata($buttonsend,"Send") GuiCtrlSetData($labelstatus,"Not Connected") GuiCtrlSetData($labelprogress,"") endif endif Wend ; ;Functions Definitions Func Transferspeed($timerdiff,$packetsize) if $timerdiff <> -1 then Return bytestring( ($packetsize / ($timerdiff / 1000) )) & "/s" else Return "0Kb/s" endif endfunc Func bytestring($inputbytes) if $inputbytes < 1024 then return Round($inputbytes) & "b" if $inputbytes > 1024 AND $inputbytes < (1024*1024) then return Round($inputbytes/1024,1) & " Kb" if $inputbytes > (1024*1024) AND $inputbytes < (1024*1024*1024) then return Round($inputbytes/(1024*1024),1) & " Mb" if $inputbytes > (1024*1024*1024) then return Round($inputbytes/(1024*1024*1024),1) & " Gb" endfunc Func roundup($inputvar) if int($inputvar) < $inputvar then return number(int($inputvar) + 1) else return int($inputvar) endif endFunc Func CheckHeader($RecvString,byref $packetsize,$version1) Local $RegExp1 = "Hi\{([0-9]{1,21}\.[0-9]{1,21});([0-9]{1,255})\}!" if StringRegExp($RecvString,$RegExp1) then $Header = StringRegExp($RecvString,$RegExp1,1) if UBound($header) = 2 then $packetsize = int(number($header[1])) if $header[0] <> $version1 then Return -1 else Return 1 endif else Return 0 endif else Return 0 endif endfunc Func Browse() Global $fname,$ffullname,$editfile $ffullname = FileOpenDialog("Choose File", "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", "All Files(*.*)", 3) $fname = StringSplit($ffullname, "\") $fname = $fname[$fname[0]] GuiCtrlSetData($editfile,$ffullname) endFunc Func Sendbutton() global $connected,$fname,$ffullname,$fsize,$HeaderOk,$err,$connected,$lastmessage,$recvbuffer,$Connect,$filehand,$Ip,$Port,$labellastmsg,$packetssend,$progress1,$editip,$buttonsend,$editport if $connected = 0 then $recvbuffer = "" $lastmessage = "" $err = 0 $HeaderOk = 0 $fsize = 0 $packetssend = 0 $Ip = GuiCtrlRead($editip) $ffullname = GuiCtrlRead($editfile) $readportvar = int(number(guictrlread($editport))) if (IsNumber($readportvar) = 1 AND $readportvar < 65536) AND $readportvar > 0 then $Port = $readportvar else $Port = $defaultport guictrlsetdata($editport,$Port) endif if FileExists($ffullname) = 1 then $fsize = FileGetSize($ffullname) $Ip = TCPNameToIP($Ip) GuiCtrlSetData($editip,$Ip) $Connect = TcpConnect ($Ip, $Port) If $Connect = -1 Then GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"Unable to connect") else $connected = 1 GuiCtrlSetState($progress1,$Gui_show) $filehand = FileOpen($ffullname,0) endif else GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"File does not exist") endif else $connected = 0 GuiCtrlSetData($labellastmsg,"User aborted") TcpCloseSocket($Connect) endif EndFunc Func MakeWindow(byref $bbrowse,byref $bsend,byref $eip, byref $efile,byref $prog1,byref $lstatus,byref $lprogress,byref $llastmsg,byref $eport) local $g_height = 100 local $g_width = 354 local $progresswidth = 75 local $statusheight = 18 $winhand1 = GuiCreate("Tcp Transfer - Client",$g_width,$g_height,300,25) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Server IP Address: ",2,4, 100,18) $eip = GuiCtrlCreateInput("",100,2,100,18) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Port: ",202,4,48,18) $eport = GuiCtrlCreateInput("",250,2,50,18) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File: ",2,24, 100,18) $efile = GuiCtrlCreateInput("",100,22,150,18) $bbrowse = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Browse",252,22,50,18) $bsend = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Send",302,22,50,18) $lstatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Not Connected",0,$g_height-$statusheight,$g_width/2,$statusheight,bitor($SS_SIMPLE,$SS_SUNKEN)) $lprogress = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("",$g_width/2,$g_height-$statusheight,$g_width/2,$statusheight,bitor($SS_SIMPLE,$SS_SUNKEN)) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Last Message: ",2,45,200,18) $llastmsg = GUICtrlCreateLabel ("",2,60,$g_width-4,18,$SS_SIMPLE ) $prog1 = GuiCtrlCreateProgress($g_width/2-$progresswidth-4,$g_height - ( $statusheight-3),$progresswidth,$statusheight-4) GuiCtrlSetState($prog1,$Gui_hide) Guisetstate (@SW_SHOW,$winhand1) Return $winhand1 EndFunc Func Bitif($inputvar,$inputvar2) if $inputvar2 = BitAnd($inputvar,$inputvar2) then Return 1 else Return 0 Endif EndFunc Func ReadKey($hexkey,$dll1,$handle1) if _IsPressed($hexkey, $dll1) AND BitAnd(WinGetState($handle1),8) then Return 1 else Return 0 Endif EndFunc Func CheckLegalFilename($Name1) local $lengte = StringLen($Name1) If $lengte > 255 then Return 0 local $regexp1 = '[^;\\/:*?"<>|]{'& $lengte &'}' Return StringRegExp($Name1,$regexp1) EndFunc Func Disconnect($socket1) TCPCloseSocket ($socket1) EndFunc Func Exitme() DllClose($dll) TCPShutdown() exit EndFunc Func Message($MESSAGE) MsgBox(64 + 262144, "", $MESSAGE, 3) Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>Message ;