;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #INDEX# =============================================================================== ; Title .........: GraphGDIPlus ; AutoIt Version: ; Language: English ; Description ...: A Graph control to draw line graphs, using GDI+, also double-buffered. ; Notes .........: ; ======================================================================================= ; #VARIABLES/INCLUDES# ================================================================== #include-once #include #include Global $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[1] ; ======================================================================================= ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; Description ...: Creates graph area, and prepares array of specified data ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Create($hWnd,$iLeft,$iTop,$iWidth,$iHeight,$hColorBorder = 0xFF000000,$hColorFill = 0xFFFFFFFF) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to GUI ; $iLeft - left most position in GUI ; $iTop - top most position in GUI ; $iWidth - width of graph in pixels ; $iHeight - height of graph in pixels ; $hColorBorder - Color of graph border (ARGB) ; $hColorFill - Color of background (ARGB) ; Return values .: Returns array containing variables for subsequent functions... ; Returned Graph array is: ; [1] graphic control handle ; [2] left ; [3] top ; [4] width ; [5] height ; [6] x low ; [7] x high ; [8] y low ; [9] y high ; [10] x ticks handles ; [11] x labels handles ; [12] y ticks handles ; [13] y labels handles ; [14] Border Color ; [15] Fill Color ; [16] Bitmap Handle ; [17] Backbuffer Handle ; [18] Last used x pos ; [19] Last used y pos ; [20] Pen (main) Handle ; [21] Brush (fill) Handle ; [22] Pen (border) Handle ; [23] Pen (grid) Handle ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Create($hWnd, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, $hColorBorder = 0xFF000000, $hColorFill = 0xFFFFFFFF, $iSmooth = 2) Local $graphics, $bitmap, $backbuffer, $brush, $bpen, $gpen, $pen Local $ahTicksLabelsX[1] Local $ahTicksLabelsY[1] Local $ahTicksX[1] Local $ahTicksY[1] Local $aGraphArray[1] ;----- Set GUI transparency to SOLID (prevents GDI+ glitches) ----- ;WinSetTrans($hWnd, "", 255) - causes problems when more than 2 graphs used ;----- GDI+ Initiate ----- _GDIPlus_Startup() $graphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hWnd) ;graphics area $bitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($iWidth + 1, $iHeight + 1, $graphics);buffer bitmap $backbuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($bitmap) ;buffer area _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($backbuffer, $iSmooth) ;----- Set background Color ----- $brush = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid($hColorFill) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($backbuffer, 0, 0, $iWidth, $iHeight, $brush) ;----- Set border Pen + color ----- $bpen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($hColorBorder) _GDIPlus_PenSetEndCap($bpen, $GDIP_LINECAPROUND) ;----- Set Grid Pen + color ----- $gpen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0xFFf0f0f0) _GDIPlus_PenSetEndCap($gpen, $GDIP_LINECAPROUND) ;----- set Drawing Pen + Color ----- $pen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate() ;drawing pen initially black, user to set _GDIPlus_PenSetEndCap($pen, $GDIP_LINECAPROUND) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($backbuffer, 0, 0, $iWidth, $iHeight, $pen) ;----- draw ----- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($graphics, $bitmap, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth + 1, $iHeight + 1) ;----- register redraw ----- GUIRegisterMsg(0x0006, "_GraphGDIPlus_ReDraw") ;0x0006 = win activate GUIRegisterMsg(0x0003, "_GraphGDIPlus_ReDraw") ;0x0003 = win move ;----- prep + load array ----- Dim $aGraphArray[24] = ["", $graphics, $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight, 0, 1, 0, 1, _ $ahTicksX, $ahTicksLabelsX, $ahTicksY, $ahTicksLabelsY, $hColorBorder, $hColorFill, _ $bitmap, $backbuffer, 0, 0, $pen, $brush, $bpen, $gpen] ;----- prep re-draw array for all graphs created ----- ReDim $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[UBound($aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL) + 1] $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[UBound($aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL) - 1] = $aGraphArray Return $aGraphArray EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Create Func _GraphGDIPlus_ReDraw($hWnd) ;----- Allows redraw of the GDI+ Image upon window min/maximize ----- Local $i _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hWnd, 0, 0, 0x0100) For $i = 1 To UBound($aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL) - 1 If $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[$i] = 0 Then ContinueLoop _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh($aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[$i]) Next EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_ReDraw ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Delete ; Description ...: Deletes previously created graph and related ticks/labels ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Delete($hWnd,ByRef $aGraphArray) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - GUI handle ; $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iKeepGDIPlus - if not zero, function will not _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Delete($hWnd, ByRef $aGraphArray, $iKeepGDIPlus = 0) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return Local $ahTicksX, $ahTicksLabelsX, $ahTicksY, $ahTicksLabelsY, $i, $aTemp ;----- delete x ticks/labels ----- $ahTicksX = $aGraphArray[10] $ahTicksLabelsX = $aGraphArray[11] For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksX) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksX[$i]) Next For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsX) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksLabelsX[$i]) Next ;----- delete y ticks/labels ----- $ahTicksY = $aGraphArray[12] $ahTicksLabelsY = $aGraphArray[13] For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksY) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksY[$i]) Next For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsY) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksLabelsY[$i]) Next ;----- delete graphic control ----- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($aGraphArray[17]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($aGraphArray[16]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($aGraphArray[1]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($aGraphArray[21]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($aGraphArray[20]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($aGraphArray[22]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($aGraphArray[23]) If $iKeepGDIPlus = 0 Then _GDIPlus_Shutdown() _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($hWnd) ;----- remove form global redraw array ----- For $i = 1 To UBound($aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL) - 1 $aTemp = $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[$i] If IsArray($aTemp) = 0 Then ContinueLoop If $aTemp[1] = $aGraphArray[1] Then $aGraphGDIPlusaGraphArrayINTERNAL[$i] = 0 Next ;----- close array ----- $aGraphArray = 0 EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Delete ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Clear ; Description ...: Clears graph content ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Clear(ByRef $aGraphArray) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Clear(ByRef $aGraphArray) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Set background Color ----- _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($aGraphArray[17], 0, 0, $aGraphArray[4], $aGraphArray[5], $aGraphArray[21]) ;----- set border + Color ----- _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Clear ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh ; Description ...: refreshes the graphic ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh(ByRef $aGraphArray) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Refresh(ByRef $aGraphArray) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- draw ----- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($aGraphArray[1], $aGraphArray[16], $aGraphArray[2], _ $aGraphArray[3], $aGraphArray[4] + 1, $aGraphArray[5] + 1) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Refresh ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX ; Description ...: Allows user to set the range of the X axis and set ticks and rounding levels ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iLow,$iHigh,$iXTicks = 1,$bLabels = 1,$iRound = 0) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iLow - the lowest value for the X axis (can be negative) ; $iHigh - the highest value for the X axis ; $iXTicks - [optional] number of ticks to show below axis, if = 0 then no ticks created ; $bLabels - [optional] 1=show labels, any other number=do not show labels ; $iRound - [optional] rounding level of label values ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iLow, $iHigh, $iXTicks = 1, $bLabels = 1, $iRound = 0) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return Local $ahTicksX, $ahTicksLabelsX, $i ;----- load user vars to array ----- $aGraphArray[6] = $iLow $aGraphArray[7] = $iHigh ;----- prepare nested array ----- $ahTicksX = $aGraphArray[10] $ahTicksLabelsX = $aGraphArray[11] ;----- delete any existing ticks ----- For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksX) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksX[$i]) Next Dim $ahTicksX[1] ;----- create new ticks ----- For $i = 1 To $iXTicks + 1 ReDim $ahTicksX[$i + 1] $ahTicksX[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", (($i - 1) * ($aGraphArray[4] / $iXTicks)) + $aGraphArray[2], _ $aGraphArray[3] + $aGraphArray[5], 1, 5) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) Next ;----- delete any existing labels ----- For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsX) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksLabelsX[$i]) Next Dim $ahTicksLabelsX[1] ;----- create new labels ----- For $i = 1 To $iXTicks + 1 ReDim $ahTicksLabelsX[$i + 1] $ahTicksLabelsX[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", _ ($aGraphArray[2] + (($aGraphArray[4] / $iXTicks) * ($i - 1))) - (($aGraphArray[4] / $iXTicks) / 2), _ $aGraphArray[3] + $aGraphArray[5] + 10, $aGraphArray[4] / $iXTicks, 13, 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2) Next ;----- if labels are required, then fill ----- If $bLabels = 1 Then For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsX) - 1) GUICtrlSetData($ahTicksLabelsX[$i], _ StringFormat("%." & $iRound & "f", _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("p", (($i - 1) * ($aGraphArray[4] / $iXTicks)), _ $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]))) Next EndIf ;----- load created arrays back into array ----- $aGraphArray[10] = $ahTicksX $aGraphArray[11] = $ahTicksLabelsX EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================ ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY ; Description ...: Allows user to set the range of the Y axis and set ticks and rounding levels ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_SetRange_Y(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iLow,$iHigh,$iYTicks = 1,$bLabels = 1,$iRound = 0) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iLow - the lowest value for the Y axis (can be negative) ; $iHigh - the highest value for the Y axis ; $iYTicks - [optional] number of ticks to show next to axis, if = 0 then no ticks created ; $bLabels - [optional] 1=show labels, any other number=do not show labels ; $iRound - [optional] rounding level of label values ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iLow, $iHigh, $iYTicks = 1, $bLabels = 1, $iRound = 0) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return Local $ahTicksY, $ahTicksLabelsY, $i ;----- load user vars to array ----- $aGraphArray[8] = $iLow $aGraphArray[9] = $iHigh ;----- prepare nested array ----- $ahTicksY = $aGraphArray[12] $ahTicksLabelsY = $aGraphArray[13] ;----- delete any existing ticks ----- For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksY) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksY[$i]) Next Dim $ahTicksY[1] ;----- create new ticks ----- For $i = 1 To $iYTicks + 1 ReDim $ahTicksY[$i + 1] $ahTicksY[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aGraphArray[2] - 5, _ ($aGraphArray[3] + $aGraphArray[5]) - (($aGraphArray[5] / $iYTicks) * ($i - 1)), 5, 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) Next ;----- delete any existing labels ----- For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsY) - 1) GUICtrlDelete($ahTicksLabelsY[$i]) Next Dim $ahTicksLabelsY[1] ;----- create new labels ----- For $i = 1 To $iYTicks + 1 ReDim $ahTicksLabelsY[$i + 1] $ahTicksLabelsY[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aGraphArray[2] - 40, _ ($aGraphArray[3] + $aGraphArray[5]) - (($aGraphArray[5] / $iYTicks) * ($i - 1)) - 6, 30, 13, 2) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2) Next ;----- if labels are required, then fill ----- If $bLabels = 1 Then For $i = 1 To (UBound($ahTicksLabelsY) - 1) GUICtrlSetData($ahTicksLabelsY[$i], StringFormat("%." & $iRound & "f", _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("p", _ (($i - 1) * ($aGraphArray[5] / $iYTicks)), $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]))) Next EndIf ;----- load created arrays back into array ----- $aGraphArray[12] = $ahTicksY $aGraphArray[13] = $ahTicksLabelsY EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start ; Description ...: Move starting point of plot ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iX,$iY) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iX - x value to start at ; $iY - y value to start at ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iX, $iY) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- MOVE pen to start point ----- $aGraphArray[18] = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $iX, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]) $aGraphArray[19] = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $iY, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Start ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line ; Description ...: draws straight line to x,y from previous point / starting point ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iX,$iY) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iX - x value to draw to ; $iY - y value to draw to ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iX, $iY) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Draw line from previous point to new point ----- $iX = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $iX, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]) $iY = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $iY, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], $aGraphArray[18], $aGraphArray[19], $iX, $iY, $aGraphArray[20]) _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) ;----- save current as last coords ----- $aGraphArray[18] = $iX $aGraphArray[19] = $iY EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Line ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Point ; Description ...: draws point at coords ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Point(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iX,$iY) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iX - x value to draw at ; $iY - y value to draw at ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Point(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iX, $iY) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Draw point from previous point to new point ----- $iX = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $iX, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]) $iY = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $iY, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($aGraphArray[17], $iX-1, $iY-1, 2, 2, $aGraphArray[20]) _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) ;----- save current as last coords ----- $aGraphArray[18] = $iX $aGraphArray[19] = $iY EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Point ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Dot ; Description ...: draws single pixel dot at coords ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Dot(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iX,$iY) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iX - x value to draw at ; $iY - y value to draw at ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Dot(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iX, $iY) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Draw point from previous point to new point ----- $iX = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $iX, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]) $iY = _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $iY, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($aGraphArray[17], $iX, $iY, 1, 1, $aGraphArray[20]) ;draws 2x2 dot ?HOW to get 1x1 pixel????? _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) ;----- save current as last coords ----- $aGraphArray[18] = $iX $aGraphArray[19] = $iY EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Dot ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor ; Description ...: sets the Color for the next drawing ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor(ByRef $aGraphArray,$hColor,$hBkGrdColor = $GUI_GR_NOBKColor) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $hColor - the Color of the next item (ARGB) ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor(ByRef $aGraphArray, $hColor) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- apply pen Color ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[20], $hColor) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize ; Description ...: sets the pen for the next drawing ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iSize = 1) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iSize - size of pen line ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iSize = 1) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- apply pen size ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetWidth($aGraphArray[20], $iSize) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenSize ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenDash ; Description ...: sets the pen dash style for the next drawing ; Syntax.........: GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenDash(ByRef $aGraphArray,$iDash = 0) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $iDash - style of dash, where: ; 0 = solid line ; 1 = simple dashed line ; 2 = simple dotted line ; 3 = dash dot line ; 4 = dash dot dot line ; ======================================================================================== Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenDash(ByRef $aGraphArray, $iDash = 0) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return Local $Style Switch $iDash Case 0 ;solid line _____ $Style = $GDIP_DASHSTYLESOLID Case 1 ;simple dash ----- $Style = $GDIP_DASHSTYLEDASH Case 2 ;simple dotted ..... $Style = $GDIP_DASHSTYLEDOT Case 3 ;dash dot -.-.- $Style = $GDIP_DASHSTYLEDASHDOT Case 4 ;dash dot dot -..-..-.. $Style = $GDIP_DASHSTYLEDASHDOTDOT EndSwitch ;----- apply pen dash ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetDashStyle($aGraphArray[20], $Style) EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenDash ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX ; Description ...: Adds X gridlines. ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX(ByRef $aGraphArray, $Ticks=1, $hColor=0xf0f0f0) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $Ticks - sets line at every nth unit assigned to axis ; $hColor - [optional] RGB value, defining Color of grid. Default is a light gray ; $hColorY0 - [optional] RGB value, defining Color of Y=0 line, Default black ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX(ByRef $aGraphArray, $Ticks = 1, $hColor = 0xFFf0f0f0, $hColorY0 = 0xFF000000) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Set gpen to user color ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColor) ;----- draw grid lines ----- Select Case $Ticks > 0 For $i = $aGraphArray[6] To $aGraphArray[7] Step $Ticks If $i = Number($aGraphArray[6]) Or $i = Number($aGraphArray[7]) Then ContinueLoop _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $i, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", $i, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ $aGraphArray[5] - 1, _ $aGraphArray[23]) Next EndSelect ;----- draw y=0 ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColorY0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", 0, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", 0, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ $aGraphArray[5] - 1, _ $aGraphArray[23]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", 0, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[4] - 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", 0, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[23]) _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) ;----- re-set to user specs ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColor) ;set Color back to user def EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY ; Description ...: Adds Y gridlines. ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY(ByRef $aGraphArray, $Ticks=1, $hColor=0xf0f0f0) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; $Ticks - sets line at every nth unit assigned to axis ; $hColor - [optional] RGB value, defining Color of grid. Default is a light gray ; $hColorX0 - [optional] RGB value, defining Color of X=0 line, Default black ; ======================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY(ByRef $aGraphArray, $Ticks = 1, $hColor = 0xFFf0f0f0, $hColorX0 = 0xFF000000) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- Set gpen to user color ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColor) ;----- draw grid lines ----- Select Case $Ticks > 0 For $i = $aGraphArray[8] To $aGraphArray[9] Step $Ticks If $i = Number($aGraphArray[8]) Or $i = Number($aGraphArray[9]) Then ContinueLoop _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $i, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[4] - 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", $i, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[23]) Next EndSelect ;----- draw abcissa/ordinate ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColorX0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", 0, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("x", 0, $aGraphArray[6], $aGraphArray[7], $aGraphArray[4]), _ $aGraphArray[5] - 1, _ $aGraphArray[23]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphArray[17], _ 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", 0, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[4] - 1, _ _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel("y", 0, $aGraphArray[8], $aGraphArray[9], $aGraphArray[5]), _ $aGraphArray[23]) _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect($aGraphArray) ;----- re-set to user specs ----- _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($aGraphArray[23], $hColor) ;set Color back to user def EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect ; Description ...: INTERNAL FUNCTION - Re-draws the border ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect(ByRef $aGraphArray) ; Parameters ....: $aGraphArray - the array returned from _GraphGDIPlus_Create ; Notes..........: This prevents drawing over the border of the graph area ; ========================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect(ByRef $aGraphArray) If IsArray($aGraphArray) = 0 Then Return ;----- draw border ----- _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect($aGraphArray[17], 0, 0, $aGraphArray[4], $aGraphArray[5], $aGraphArray[22]) ;draw border EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_RedrawRect ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel ; Description ...: INTERNAL FUNCTION - performs pixel reference calculations ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel($iType,$iValue,$iLow,$iHigh,$iTotalPixels) ; Parameters ....: $iType - "x"=x axis pix, "y" = y axis pix, "p"=value from pixels ; $iValue - pixels reference or value ; $iLow - lower limit of axis ; $iHigh - upper limit of axis ; $iTotalPixels - total number of pixels in range (either width or height) ; ========================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel($iType, $iValue, $iLow, $iHigh, $iTotalPixels) ;----- perform pixel reference calculations ----- Switch $iType Case "x" Return (($iTotalPixels / ($iHigh - $iLow)) * (($iHigh - $iLow) * (($iValue - $iLow) / ($iHigh - $iLow)))) Case "y" Return ($iTotalPixels - (($iTotalPixels / ($iHigh - $iLow)) * (($iHigh - $iLow) * (($iValue - $iLow) / ($iHigh - $iLow))))) Case "p" Return ($iValue / ($iTotalPixels / ($iHigh - $iLow))) + $iLow EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel ; #FUNCTION# ============================================================================= ; Name...........: _GraphGDIPlus_SaveImage ; Description ...: INTERNAL FUNCTION - save drawn image to file ; Syntax.........: _GraphGDIPlus_Reference_Pixel($file, $hWnd) ; Parameters ....: $file - filename ; $hWnd - handle to GUI ; Autor .........: ptrex, ProgAndy, UEZ ; ========================================================================================= Func _GraphGDIPlus_SaveImage($file, $hWnd) Local $hDC, $memBmp, $memDC, $hImage, $w, $h, $size Const $SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020 If $file <> "" And $hWnd <> "" Then $size = WinGetClientSize($hWnd) $w = $size[0] $h = $size[1] $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) $memDC = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) $memBmp = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, $w, $h) _WinAPI_SelectObject($memDC, $memBmp) _WinAPI_BitBlt($memDC, 0, 0, $w, $h, $hDC, 0, 0, $SRCCOPY) $hImage = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($memBmp) _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, $file) If @error Then SetError(1, 0, 0) Else SetError(0, 0, 0) EndIf _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($memDC) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($memBmp) Else SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_GraphGDIPlus_SaveImage