#include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: _nPing ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Function to perform multi Ping. ; Author(s) .....: core engine is Manadar's "nping" retrieved at the following post ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/108060-nping-console-network-pinger-network-sweeper-network-scanner ; adapted to this UDF by PincoPanco ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _nPing multi IP pinger ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE ================================================================================================================= ; _LanParameters given IP and mask generate [and display] various lan parameters ; _CIDR_To_Mask transform a CIDR number (1 - 32) to the corresponding 4 digit mask ; _Mask_To_CIDR transform a 4 digit mask to the corresponding CIDR number (1 - 32) ; _GetSubnetMask given the local IP returns the related subnet mask (thanks to dragan) ; _Convert_To_Binary from decimal to binary ; _Bin_To_Dec from binary to decimal ; _FileReadToArray_mod read a file of IP in a 1D array, if is a csv and a separator is passed a 2D array is returned ; _GetIpAddressList Generate the IP list to Ping ; _Make_Range Given an IP and his mask, this function return the full LAN "range" for _nPing ; _GetLanParameters calculate all IP/subnet related parameters ; _isIPaddr check if passed IP is a plausible IP ; _isSNmask check if passed mask is a plausible mask ; _Progress shows a progress bar for the current scan ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _nPing ; Description ...: returns an array containing: clients responding to ping or clients not responding or both. See $ReturnFlag ; Syntax.........: _nPing([[$IP]|[$IPArray]|[$IPrange]],[[$NetMask]|[$column]], [$ReturnFlag], [$Resolve], [$MyFunction]) ; Parameters ....: [[$IP]|[$IPArray]|[$IPrange]] - An IP address or an 1D or 2D array (0 based) or an IPrange(*) ; $NetMask - An 4 digit Net Mask or a CIDR notation value (numbers of bit from 1 to 32) ; if previous parameter is an 2D array then this parameter contains the ; nr. of the column that contains the addresses to be pinged ; $ReturnFlag - 0|1|2, what to return: 0=all cliensts; 1=responding clients; 2= not responding clients(**) ; $Resolve - O or 1, if IP lookup name resolution must be performed; 1 = yes, 0 = no ; $MyFunction - an User Defined Function to be called each time a PING complete (default is progress bar) ; the called function receives 1 parameter that is an array containing the following 6 parameters: ; [0] nr. of total addresses under process ; [1] nr. of ping already finished ; [2] IP just processed ; [3] resolved Host name or -1 if IP is down ; [4] roundtrip of this ping or -1 if IP is down ; [5] Index of this IP within the caller's passed array ; by default is called the _Progress() function that will display the progress bar ; Return values .: Success - an 2D array containing: ; first row ($array[0][x]) contains: [0][0]= nr. of returned host; [0][1]= total roundtrip ; other rows: [n][0]=Address; [n][1]=lookup name; [n][2]=roundtrip; [n][3]=index in the passed array*** ; Failure - -1, sets @error ; |1 - too many IP, max 16777216 ($MAX_HOSTS) ; |2 - wrong array dimensions or wrong column number ; |3 - wrong IP ; |4 - wrong subnet mask ; |5 - bad "range" or wrong IP error ; |6 - Windows Sockets Error ; |7 - (not used) ; |8 - DLL call error (reading local subnet mask) ; ; (*) IPrange is a string as below ; "" will ping these addresses: and ; "192.168.20.*" will ping everything in the range from to ; "192.168.0-1.1-254" will ping everything in the range from to ; ; (**) returnead 2D array has the following 4 columns: ; first row contains: [0][0]= nr. of returned host; [0][1]= total roundtrip ; following rows contains fields as below ; +-------------------------+-------------------------+ ; | nr of elements in array | total roundtrip | ; +-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+ ; | IP address | [hostname] ( -1) | roundtrip (or -1) | index *** | ; +-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------------+ ; ; (***) since the returned array has not the same nr. of rows and also has not the same order of the array in input, ; this index is a reference to "bind" both arrays. ; It is more useful if the input array is a 2D array and you have to bind the rows containing results ; with related fields (array elements) in the "source" array ; Author ........: ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _nPing($networkRange = "", $MyMask = "", $ReturnFlag = 1, $Resolve = 0, $MyFunction = "_Progress") Static $TCP = TCPStartup() ; this should be used at the beginning of the main program instead of inside the Func() Static $dig = FileExists(".\dig\dig.exe") ; this is for IP to hostname resolution. if dig.exe exists will be used. (faster than _TCPIpToName) Local $MAX_PROCESS = 20 ; A maximum number of processes (25) ; Global $MAX_HOSTS = 16777216 ; A maximum number of hosts to ping due to AutoIt's array limit size Local $_IPup[1][4] ; will contain results of PINGs [IP][roundrip or -1] ; check what has been required from caller If $networkRange = "" Then ; no parameters passed, so scan local network ; ConsoleWrite("debug: no IP/range provided, I will scan the local LAN" & @CRLF) $networkRange = _Make_Range(TCPNameToIP(@ComputerName), _GetSubnetMask(TCPNameToIP(@ComputerName))) ; retrieve local LAN and Subnet Mask values If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, -1) ; ConsoleWrite("debug: network range=" & $networkRange & @CRLF) ElseIf IsArray($networkRange) Then ; ----- is an array -----------------------------+ ; if is an 2D array then $MyMask contains the column else is ignored | If UBound($networkRange) > 16777216 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; | too many IP > $MAX_HOSTS ; If UBound($networkRange, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; | If UBound($networkRange, 0) > 2 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; | max 2D array If UBound($networkRange, 0) = 1 Then ; | $aArray = $networkRange ; $aArray = all IP to scan | Else ; ----- it is a 2D array ----- | ; the number of the column with addresses is in $MyMask parameter | If $MyMask > UBound($networkRange, 2) - 1 Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; | wrong column Local $aArray[UBound($networkRange)] ; | For $i = 0 To UBound($networkRange) - 1 ; | $aArray[$i] = $networkRange[$i][$MyMask] ; | Next ; | EndIf ; | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ElseIf _isIPaddr($networkRange) Then ; single IP ; ConsoleWrite("debug: single IP value received" & @CRLF) If $MyMask <> "" Then ; is there a subnet? If Not _isSNmask($MyMask) Then ; wrong 4 digit mask If $MyMask > 0 And $MyMask < 33 Then ; is it a CIDR notation number? (nr. of bits of mask (1 to 32)) $MyMask = _CIDR_To_Mask($MyMask) Else Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ; wrong mask provided EndIf EndIf $networkRange = _Make_Range($networkRange, $MyMask) ; generate the "range" of all IP belonging to that subnet mask EndIf EndIf If Not IsArray($networkRange) Then ; ConsoleWrite("debug: Is not an Array" & @CRLF) ; if $networkRange is NOT an array then it is a "range" ; either passed as parameter by caller or generated by above checks $aArray = _GetIpAddressList($networkRange) ; Generate the list of IP to be pinged If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) ; IP range error EndIf ; ; _ArrayDisplay($aArray,"debug") ; $aArray should contain the IP to be pinged by _nPing ; ; *********************************************************************************************************** ; here start of nping core by Manadar (slightly modified) ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/108060-nping-console-network-pinger-network-sweeper-network-scanner ; *********************************************************************************************************** If $ReturnFlag = 0 Then ; make room for all clients ReDim $_IPup[UBound($aArray) + 1][4] ; $_IPup will contain results EndIf Local $aProcess[$MAX_PROCESS] ; An array to keep a reference to spawned processes, in the next loop we fill it with value 0 for reference For $i = 0 To UBound($aProcess) - 1 $aProcess[$i] = 0 Next Local $i = 0 ; which IP are we currently trying to ping ( based on array ) Local $iFinished = 0 ; how many processes have finished pinging Local $iUp = 0 ; Total hosts that are UP Local $iDown = 0 ; Total hosts that are DOWN Local $iTotalRoundTrip = 0 ; Total roundtrip (all the +ms added together) While 1 ; We check all the currently running processes For $n = 0 To UBound($aProcess) - 1 ; Check if we need a spot, and there is an existing spot here If ($i <> UBound($aArray) And $aProcess[$n] == 0) Then $aProcess[$n] = _MSPing($i, $aArray[$i]) ; Start a new Ping process $i += 1 ; Increment $i so we can do the next process the next time around Else ; Check if this process has been spawned and the process is ready If ($aProcess[$n] <> 0 And _MSPingIsReady($aProcess[$n])) Then ; has finished to ping ; results of endings pings. (Get results from the various Pimg commands) $sHostname = _MSPingGetHostname($aProcess[$n]) $sResult = _MSPingGetResult($aProcess[$n]) $sIndex = ___MSPingGetIndex($aProcess[$n]) ; new, added by me (zero based) ; ConsoleWrite("debug: " & $sIndex & " : " & $sHostname & " : " & $sResult & @CRLF) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If ($sResult <> -1) Then ; current IP is UP ; ConsoleWrite("debug: " & $sHostname & " has a roundtrip of " & $sResult & " ms" & @CRLF) $iUp += 1 If $ReturnFlag < 2 Then ; if return all(0) or responding only(1) If $ReturnFlag = 1 Then ; 1 = return back only responding IP ReDim $_IPup[$iUp + 1][4] $_IPup[$iUp][3] = $sIndex ; the index of the passed array that contains this IP $sIndex = $iUp Else ; $ReturnFlag = 0 Then keep all clients $sIndex += 1 $_IPup[$sIndex][3] = $sIndex - 1 EndIf $_IPup[$sIndex][0] = $sHostname If $Resolve Then ; ------------ resolve IP to hostname ------------ If _isIPaddr($_IPup[$sIndex][0]) Then ; is it an IP ? (or an hostname) If $dig Then ; resolve with dig if is present (much faster especially on passive devices without a host name) Local $digID = Run(".\dig\dig.exe -x " & $_IPup[$sIndex][0] & " +short", "", @SW_HIDE, 0x2) Do $_IPup[$sIndex][1] &= StdoutRead($digID) ; resolved IP to name (if resolvable else empty) Until @error Else ; _TCPIpToName is very slow to return if the remote IP do not belongs to a windows client (example a printer or a router) $_IPup[$sIndex][1] = _TCPIpToName($_IPup[$sIndex][0]) EndIf Else $_IPup[$sIndex][1] = $_IPup[$sIndex][0] EndIf EndIf ; End of name resolution ------------------------------------- $_IPup[$sIndex][2] = $sResult ; roundtrip of the ping $iTotalRoundTrip += $sResult EndIf Else ; current IP is down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $iDown += 1 If $ReturnFlag = 0 Then ; 0 return back all IP, responding and not responding $sIndex += 1 $_IPup[$sIndex][0] = $sHostname $_IPup[$sIndex][1] = -1 ; loockup name $_IPup[$sIndex][2] = -1 ; roundtrip $_IPup[$sIndex][3] = $sIndex - 1 ; ElseIf $ReturnFlag = 1 Then ; $ReturnFlag = 1 return only responding ; nothing to store ElseIf $ReturnFlag = 2 Then ; $ReturnFlag = 2 return only not responding ReDim $_IPup[$iDown + 1][4] $_IPup[$iDown][0] = $sHostname $_IPup[$iDown][1] = -1 $_IPup[$iDown][2] = -1 $_IPup[$iDown][3] = $sIndex $sIndex = $iDown EndIf EndIf ; *************************************************** ; Free up an empty space for the next address to Ping $aProcess[$n] = 0 ; Increment the total of processes that have finished $iFinished += 1 If ($sResult <> -1 And $ReturnFlag <> 2) Or ($sResult = -1 And $ReturnFlag <> 1) Then ; call an UDF to track and manage what's going on during the scan; ; an array is passed to the called function with the following 6 parameters: ; 0) nr. of total addresses under process ; 1) nr. of ping already finished ; 2) IP just processed ; 3) resolved Host name or -1 if IP is down ; 4) roundtrip of this ping or -1 if IP is down ; 5) Index of this IP within the caller's passed array ; by default is called the _Progress() function that will display the progress bar Local $aPass_Args[6] = [UBound($aArray), $iFinished, $_IPup[$sIndex][0], $_IPup[$sIndex][1], $_IPup[$sIndex][2], $_IPup[$sIndex][3]] Local $aArgs[2] = ["CallArgArray", $aPass_Args] Call($MyFunction, $aArgs) Else Local $aPass_Args[6] = [UBound($aArray), $iFinished, $sHostname, -1, -1, $sIndex] Local $aArgs[2] = ["CallArgArray", $aPass_Args] Call($MyFunction, $aArgs) EndIf ; If the total number of finished processes If ($iFinished == UBound($aArray)) Then ExitLoop 2 ; Exit -----+ EndIf ; | EndIf ; | Next ; | Sleep(50) ; Give existing ping commands some time to process the request | WEnd ; | ; <-------------------+ ; fill record [0] If $ReturnFlag = 0 Then ; return all $_IPup[0][0] = $iUp + $iDown $_IPup[0][1] = $iUp ; $iTotalRoundTrip ; $_IPup[0][2] = $iDown ElseIf $ReturnFlag = 1 Then ; return only up $_IPup[0][0] = $iUp $_IPup[0][1] = $iTotalRoundTrip ; $_IPup[0][2] = $iDown ElseIf $ReturnFlag = 2 Then ; return only down $_IPup[0][0] = $iDown $_IPup[0][1] = -1 ; $_IPup[0][2] = $iUp EndIf Return $_IPup ; - - - The end of scan - - - EndFunc ;==>_nPing Func _GetIpAddressList($ipFormat) ; Generate the IP list to Ping If $ipFormat = "" Then Return SetError(5, 0, -1) ; no IP to ping EndIf $ipFormat = StringReplace($ipFormat, "*", "1-255") ; change * with "1-255" $ipSplit = StringSplit($ipFormat, ".") If $ipSplit[0] <> 4 Then ; if it is not an IP address then check if it is an hostname Static $TCP = TCPStartup() Local $ret[1] = [TCPNameToIP($ipFormat)] ; from hostname to IP If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, -1) ; windows API WSAGetError Windows Sockets Error in @extended Return $ret ; -----> return EndIf For $i = 1 To 4 ; controls once again If Not StringRegExp($ipSplit[$i], "[0-9\-]*") Then ; are 4 octets numbers Static $TCP = TCPStartup() Local $ret[1] = [TCPNameToIP($ipFormat)] ; if not number try to decode from host to IP If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, -1) ; windows API WSAGetError. Windows Sockets Error in @extended Return $ret ; -----> return EndIf Next ; $ipFormat is not an hostname Local $ipRange[4][2], $totalPermu = 1 For $i = 0 To 3 If StringInStr($ipSplit[$i + 1], "-") Then ; control the presence of the "-" sign $m = StringSplit($ipSplit[$i + 1], "-") $ipRange[$i][0] = $m[1] $ipRange[$i][1] = $m[2] Else $n = Number($ipSplit[$i + 1]) $ipRange[$i][0] = $n $ipRange[$i][1] = $n EndIf $totalPermu *= $ipRange[$i][1] - $ipRange[$i][0] + 1 ; total number of IP to check If ($ipRange[$i][0] < 0 Or $ipRange[$i][0] > 255) Or ($ipRange[$i][1] < 0 Or $ipRange[$i][1] > 255) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ; wrong IP Next If $totalPermu > 16777216 Then ; > $MAX_HOSTS Return SetError(1, String($totalPermu), -1) ; too many IP EndIf Local $result[$totalPermu], $i = 0 For $a = $ipRange[0][0] To $ipRange[0][1] For $b = $ipRange[1][0] To $ipRange[1][1] For $c = $ipRange[2][0] To $ipRange[2][1] For $d = $ipRange[3][0] To $ipRange[3][1] $result[$i] = $a & "." & $b & "." & $c & "." & $d ; $result contains the IP addresses to ping $i += 1 Next Next Next Next Return $result EndFunc ;==>_GetIpAddressList Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func _MSPing($Array_ndx, $sHostname, $timeout = 4000) ;$timeout = 50) ; start a new Ping Local $return_struc[5] ; [0] = Result (in ms) ; [1] = The hostname originally used ; [2] = Process handle (for internal use only) ; [3] = Buffer (for internal use only) ; [4] = Index of IP in source array **new** $return_struc[1] = $sHostname $return_struc[2] = Run("ping " & $sHostname & " -n 1 -w " & $timeout, "", @SW_HIDE, 0x2) ; 0x2 -> $STDOUT_CHILD) $return_struc[4] = $Array_ndx Return $return_struc EndFunc ;==>_MSPing Func _MSPingIsReady(ByRef $return_struc) ; check if Ping has finished Return ___MSPingReadOutput($return_struc) EndFunc ;==>_MSPingIsReady Func _MSPingGetResult($return_struc) Return $return_struc[0]; [0] = Result (in ms) EndFunc ;==>_MSPingGetResult Func _MSPingGetHostname($return_struc) ; returns the hostname Return $return_struc[1]; [1] = The hostname originally used EndFunc ;==>_MSPingGetHostname ; Internal use only Func ___MSPingReadOutput(ByRef $return_struc) ; peek result of DOS Ping command $data = StdoutRead($return_struc[2]) ; [2] = Process handle (for internal use only) If (@error) Then ; if ping has finished ___MSPingParseResult($return_struc) ; extract time taken by ping Return 1 ; 1 = finished Else $return_struc[3] &= $data ; [3] = Buffer (for internal use only) ; contains DOS output Return 0 ; 0 = not yet finished EndIf EndFunc ;==>___MSPingReadOutput ; Internal use only Func ___MSPingParseResult(ByRef $return_struc) ; extract from Ping command the millisecond value $result = StringRegExp($return_struc[3], "([0-9]*)ms", 3); [3] = DOS command output is here If @error Then $return_struc[0] = -1 ; [0] = Result (in ms) -1 if error Else $return_struc[0] = $result[0] ; returns the first millisecond value retrieved from Ping EndIf EndFunc ;==>___MSPingParseResult ; Internal use only - new (added by me) Func ___MSPingGetIndex(ByRef $return_struc) ; Index of the current IP in passed array Return $return_struc[4] EndFunc ;==>___MSPingGetIndex ; = = = = = net related functions = = = = = Func _Make_Range($ipLan, $sMask) ; Given an IP and his mask, this function return the full LAN "range" for _nPing Local $aLan = _GetLanParameters($ipLan, $sMask) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, -1) Return $aLan[7][0] EndFunc ;==>_Make_Range Func _GetLanParameters($theIP1, $sSubNet) ; ------------------------------------------ ; calculate all IP/subnet related parameters ; ------------------------------------------ If Not _isIPaddr($theIP1) Then Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ; wrong IP address ;check on subnet If Not _isSNmask($sSubNet) Then ; it is not a valid 4 digit subnet If $sSubNet > 0 And $sSubNet < 33 Then ; is it a CIDR notation number? nr. of bits 1 to 32 $sSubNet = _CIDR_To_Mask($sSubNet) Else Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ; wrong Mask provided EndIf EndIf Local $aLan[8][5] ; net parameters container Local $sDot[2] = ['', '.'] ; used as IP octets separator Local $aIP = StringSplit($theIP1, '.'), $aSubNet = StringSplit($sSubNet, '.') ; split IP address in single octets and calculate related parameters For $i = 1 To 4 $aLan[0][$i] = $aIP[$i] ; IP $aLan[1][$i] = $aSubNet[$i] ; NetMask $aLan[2][$i] = BitNOT($aLan[1][$i] - 256) ; Wildcard, is the inverse of subnet: BitNot($NetMask - 256) $aLan[3][$i] = BitAND($aLan[0][$i], $aLan[1][$i]) ; LanAddress BitAnd(IP, netmask) $aLan[4][$i] = BitOR($aLan[0][$i], $aLan[2][$i]) ; Broadcast address $aLan[5][$i] = $aLan[3][$i] ; preset First host ; will be $NetAddress + 1 $aLan[6][$i] = $aLan[4][$i] ; preset Last host ; will be $Broadcast -1 Next If $sSubNet <> "" Then $aLan[5][4] = BitOR($aLan[5][4], 1) ; First host $NetAddress + 1 (Turn last bit ON) $aLan[6][4] = BitAND($aLan[6][4], 254) ; Last host $Broadcast -1 (Turn last bit OFF) EndIf For $i = 1 To 4 $aLan[0][0] &= $aLan[0][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [0] IP $aLan[1][0] &= $aLan[1][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [1] NetMask $aLan[2][0] &= $aLan[2][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [2] Wildcard $aLan[3][0] &= $aLan[3][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [3] Network $aLan[4][0] &= $aLan[4][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [4] Broadcast $aLan[5][0] &= $aLan[5][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [5] First host $aLan[6][0] &= $aLan[6][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] ; [6] Last host ; [7][0] Range for _nPing If $aLan[5][$i] = $aLan[6][$i] Then $aLan[7][0] &= $aLan[5][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] Else $aLan[7][0] &= $aLan[5][$i] & "-" & $aLan[6][$i] & $sDot[$i < 4] EndIf Next ; MsgBox(0, "net", "IP address: " & @TAB & $aLan[0][0] & @CRLF & "Subnet: " & @TAB & $aLan[1][0] & @CRLF & "Wildcard: " & @TAB & $aLan[2][0] & @CRLF & "Network: " & @TAB & $aLan[3][0] & @CRLF & "Broadcast: " & @TAB & $aLan[4][0] & @CRLF & "First host: " & @TAB & $aLan[5][0] & @CRLF & "Last host: " & @TAB & $aLan[6][0]) ; _ArrayDisplay($aLan, "IP/subnet related parameters") Return $aLan EndFunc ;==>_GetLanParameters ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _LanParameters ; Description ...: given an IP and his subnet returns [and displays] the following values in dec and binary format: ; |IP Address ; |Netmask ; |Wildcard ; |Network Address ; |Broadcast Address ; |First host ; |Last host ; Syntax.........: _LanParameters([$IP, $Subnet]) ; Parameters ....: ; ; Return values .: ; Author ........: ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _LanParameters($theIP1 = "", $sSubNet = "", $Msg = 0) Static $TCP = TCPStartup() If $theIP1 = "" Then $theIP1 = TCPNameToIP(@ComputerName) $sSubNet = _GetSubnetMask($theIP1) ElseIf $sSubNet = "" Then $sSubNet = "" EndIf If Not _isSNmask($sSubNet) Then ; it is not a 4 digit subnet If $sSubNet > 0 And $sSubNet < 33 Then ; is it a CIDR notation number? nr. of bits 1 to 32 $sSubNet = _CIDR_To_Mask($sSubNet) Else Return SetError(4, 0, False) ; wrong mask EndIf EndIf Local $aLan = _GetLanParameters($theIP1, $sSubNet) Local $LanID[7][3] $LanID[0][0] = "IP Address " $LanID[1][0] = "Netmask " $LanID[2][0] = "Wildcard " $LanID[3][0] = "Network Address " $LanID[4][0] = "Broadcast Address" $LanID[5][0] = "First host " $LanID[6][0] = "Last host " For $i = 0 To 6 $LanID[$i][1] = $aLan[$i][0] $LanID[$i][2] = _Convert_To_Binary($aLan[$i][1]) & "." & _Convert_To_Binary($aLan[$i][2]) & "." & _Convert_To_Binary($aLan[$i][3]) & "." & _Convert_To_Binary($aLan[$i][4]) Next If $Msg Then MsgBox(0, "Lan IDs", $LanID[0][0] & @TAB & $LanID[0][2] & @TAB & $LanID[0][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[1][0] & "( " & _Mask_To_CIDR($LanID[1][1]) & " ) " & @TAB & $LanID[1][2] & @TAB & $LanID[1][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[2][0] & @TAB & $LanID[2][2] & @TAB & $LanID[2][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[3][0] & @TAB & $LanID[3][2] & @TAB & $LanID[3][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[4][0] & @TAB & $LanID[4][2] & @TAB & $LanID[4][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[5][0] & @TAB & $LanID[5][2] & @TAB & $LanID[5][1] & @CRLF & _ $LanID[6][0] & @TAB & $LanID[6][2] & @TAB & $LanID[6][1] & @CRLF) Return $LanID EndFunc ;==>_LanParameters ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _CIDR_To_Mask ; Description ...: transform a CIDR number (1 - 32) to the corresponding 4 digit mask ; Syntax.........: _CIDR_To_Mask($CIDR) ; Parameters ....: $CIDR a number from 1 to 32 ; Return values .: a 4 bite corresponding subnet mask ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _CIDR_To_Mask($sSubNet) ; From nr. of bit to 4 digit mask $sSubNet = StringLeft(StringLeft("11111111111111111111111111111111", $sSubNet) & "0000000000000000000000000000000", 32) $sSubNet = _Bin_To_Dec(StringLeft($sSubNet, 8)) & "." & _Bin_To_Dec(StringMid($sSubNet, 9, 8)) & "." & _Bin_To_Dec(StringMid($sSubNet, 17, 8)) & "." & _Bin_To_Dec(StringRight($sSubNet, 8)) Return $sSubNet EndFunc ;==>_CIDR_To_Mask ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Mask_To_CIDR ; Description ...: transform a 4 digit mask to the corresponding CIDR number (1 - 32) ; Syntax.........: _Mask_To_CIDR($SubnetMask) ; Parameters ....: $SubnetMask a 4 bite subnet mask ; Return values .: the corresponding CIDR ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Mask_To_CIDR($sSubNet) ; from 4 digit mask to nr. of bits If _isSNmask($sSubNet) Then Local $Digit = StringSplit($sSubNet, ".", 2) Return StringInStr(_Convert_To_Binary($Digit[0]) & _Convert_To_Binary($Digit[1]) & _Convert_To_Binary($Digit[2]) & _Convert_To_Binary($Digit[3]), "1", 0, -1) Else Return SetError(4, 0, False) ; wrong mask EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Mask_To_CIDR ; _GetSubnetMask ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _GetSubnetMask ; Description ...: given the local IP returns the related subnet mask (thanks to dragan) ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/155078-how-to-easily-get-the-subnet-mask/?p=1120929 ; Syntax.........: _GetSubnetMask($LocalIP) ; Parameters ....: $LocalIP IP of the local computer ; Return values .: the corresponding subnet mask ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _GetSubnetMask($theIP) ; given the local IP returns the related subnet mask Local Const $tagIP_ADDRESS_STRING = "char IPAddress[16];" Local Const $tagIP_MASK_STRING = "char IPMask[16];" Local Const $tagIP_ADDR_STRING = "ptr Next;" & $tagIP_ADDRESS_STRING & $tagIP_MASK_STRING & "DWORD Context;" Local Const $tagIP_ADAPTER_INFO = "ptr Next; DWORD ComboIndex; char AdapterName[260];char Description[132]; UINT AddressLength; BYTE Address[8]; dword Index; UINT Type;" & _ " UINT DhcpEnabled; ptr CurrentIpAddress; ptr IpAddressListNext; char IpAddressListADDRESS[16]; char IpAddressListMASK[16]; DWORD IpAddressListContext; " & _ "ptr GatewayListNext; char GatewayListADDRESS[16]; char GatewayListMASK[16]; DWORD GatewayListContext; " & _ "ptr DhcpServerNext; char DhcpServerADDRESS[16]; char DhcpServerMASK[16]; DWORD DhcpServerContext; " & _ "int HaveWins; " & _ "ptr PrimaryWinsServerNext; char PrimaryWinsServerADDRESS[16]; char PrimaryWinsServerMASK[16]; DWORD PrimaryWinsServerContext; " & _ "ptr SecondaryWinsServerNext; char SecondaryWinsServerADDRESS[16]; char SecondaryWinsServerMASK[16]; DWORD SecondaryWinsServerContext; " & _ "DWORD LeaseObtained; DWORD LeaseExpires;" Local $dll = DllOpen("Iphlpapi.dll") If @error Then Return SetError(8, @error, 0); <----------- error 'dll open: Iphlpapi.dll' Local $ret = DllCall($dll, "dword", "GetAdaptersInfo", "ptr", 0, "dword*", 0) If @error Then DllClose($dll) Return SetError(8, @error, 0); <----------- error 'dll call function: GetAdaptersInfo' EndIf Local $adapterBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $ret[2] & "]") Local $adapterBuffer_pointer = DllStructGetPtr($adapterBuffer) DllCall($dll, "dword", "GetAdaptersInfo", "ptr", $adapterBuffer_pointer, "dword*", $ret[2]) If @error Then $adapterBuffer = "" $adapterBuffer_pointer = "" DllClose($dll) Return SetError(8, @error, 0); <----------- error 'dll call function: GetAdaptersInfo with adapter buffer pointer' EndIf Local $adapter = DllStructCreate($tagIP_ADAPTER_INFO, $adapterBuffer_pointer) Local $IPType = -1 Local $FoundIt = False Local $retVal = "" Do ; -------------------- IP search -------------------- $Ptr = DllStructGetPtr($adapter, "IpAddressListNext") Local $IPStruct, $Index = 0 Local $allArray[1][3] Do ReDim $allArray[$Index + 1][3] $IPStruct = DllStructCreate($tagIP_ADDR_STRING, $Ptr) $allArray[$Index][0] = DllStructGetData($IPStruct, "IPAddress") $allArray[$Index][1] = DllStructGetData($IPStruct, "IPMask") $allArray[$Index][2] = DllStructGetData($IPStruct, "Context") $Ptr = DllStructGetData($IPStruct, "Next") $Index += 1 Until $Ptr = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($allArray) - 1 If $allArray[$i][0] <> $theIP Then ContinueLoop ; >-+ $retVal = $allArray[$i][1] ; | $IPType = 0 ; | $FoundIt = True ; | ExitLoop ; if found do not search over | Next ; <-------+ If $FoundIt Then ExitLoop ; >---------------------------+ $Ptr = DllStructGetData($adapter, "Next") ; | $adapter = DllStructCreate($tagIP_ADAPTER_INFO, $Ptr); | Until @error ; | ; <---------------------------+ $adapterBuffer = "" $adapterBuffer_pointer = "" DllClose($dll) If Not $FoundIt Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; IP not found <----------- error Return SetError(0, $IPType, $retVal) ; OK Return mask EndFunc ;==>_GetSubnetMask Func _isIPaddr($sIPAddr) ; returns true if argument is a plausible IP address If Not StringRegExp($sIPAddr, "^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d)$") Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) Return True EndFunc ;==>_isIPaddr Func _isSNmask($sSNmask) ; returns true if argument is a correct 4 digit network mask If Not StringRegExp($sSNmask, "^(((255\.){3}(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0+))|((255\.){2}(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0+)\.0)|((255\.)(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0+)(\.0+){2})|((255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0+)(\.0+){3}))$") Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) Return True EndFunc ;==>_isSNmask Func _Progress($aArgs) ; Func _Progress($ToDo, $Done, $Dummy1, $Dummy2, $Dummy3, $Dummy4) ; this will show the progress bar while scanning ; $_Percent = Int($Done / $ToDo * 100) $_Percent = Int($aArgs[1] / $aArgs[0] * 100) Static $_Progress = 0 If Not $_Progress Then ProgressOn("Progress Meter", "Pinged address ", $aArgs[1] & "/" & $aArgs[0] & " ( 0 %)", -1, -1, 16) $_Progress = 1 EndIf ProgressSet($_Percent, $aArgs[1] & "/" & $aArgs[0] & " ( " & $_Percent & " %)", "Pinged address " & $aArgs[2]) If $_Percent = 100 Then ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") Sleep(500) ProgressOff() $_Progress = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Progress Func _Convert_To_Binary($iNumber) ; from decimal to binary ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/90056-decimal-to-binary-number-converter/?p=647505 Local $sBinString = "" While $iNumber $sBinString = BitAND($iNumber, 1) & $sBinString $iNumber = BitShift($iNumber, 1) WEnd ; limit returned value to 8 bit 0 - 255 Return StringRight("00000000" & $sBinString, 8) EndFunc ;==>_Convert_To_Binary Func _Bin_To_Dec($BinNum) ; from binary to decimal Local $dec = 0 For $i = 0 To StringLen($BinNum) - 1 $dec += 2 ^ $i * StringMid($BinNum, StringLen($BinNum) - $i, 1) Next Return $dec EndFunc ;==>_Bin_To_Dec ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _FileReadToArray_mod ; Description ...: read a file to an array and if is passed a separator and a column number extract only that column (from a csv) ; Syntax.........: _FileReadToArray_mod($sFilePath, $delim = ";") ; Parameters ....: |$sFilePath - path and filename of the file to read ; |$delim - the character separator of the values in the csv ; Remarks .......: if the file is not a csv and contains only one IP per line then $delim is ignored ; Return values .: an 1D array containing the "IP" extracted from the $col column. First column is nr.0 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Func _FileReadColumnToArray($sFilePath, $delim = ";", $col = 0) Func _FileReadToArray_mod($sFilePath, $delim = ";") ; this function is extracted, adapted and slightly modified from the _FileReadToArray() function in file.au3 Local $aArray Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 0); $FO_READ) If $hFile = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0);; unable to open the file ;; Read the file and remove any trailing white spaces Local $aFile = FileRead($hFile, FileGetSize($sFilePath)) FileClose($hFile) ;~ $aFile = StringStripWS($aFile, 2) ; remove last line separator if any at the end of the file If StringRight($aFile, 1) = @LF Then $aFile = StringTrimRight($aFile, 1) If StringRight($aFile, 1) = @CR Then $aFile = StringTrimRight($aFile, 1) If StringInStr($aFile, @LF) Then $aArray = StringSplit(StringStripCR($aFile), @LF) ElseIf StringInStr($aFile, @CR) Then ;; @LF does not exist so split on the @CR $aArray = StringSplit($aFile, @CR) Else ;; unable to split the file If StringLen($aFile) Then Dim $aArray[2] = [1, $aFile] ; returns the whole file in one element Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; File is empty EndIf EndIf ; now split 1D $aArray to 2D $aColumns according to delimiter Local $aColumns[$aArray[0]][1] ; create a new [2D] array with same nr. of lines of $aArray For $i = 1 To $aArray[0] ; scan all lines of the array $TempRow = StringSplit($aArray[$i], $delim, 2) ; split the line If UBound($TempRow) > UBound($aColumns, 2) Then ReDim $aColumns[$aArray[0]][UBound($TempRow)] For $ii = 0 To UBound($TempRow) - 1 $aColumns[$i - 1][$ii] = $TempRow[$ii] Next Next Return $aColumns EndFunc ;==>_FileReadToArray_mod Func _ExtractColumnFromArray($aArray, $col = 0) If 1 = UBound($aArray, 0) Then If $col = 0 Then Return $aArray ; already a single column array, send it back as is Else Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; wrong column number EndIf EndIf If $col >= UBound($aArray, 2) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; wrong column number Local $aColumn[UBound($aArray)] ; create a new [1D] array For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 ; scan all lines of the array $aColumn[$i] = $aArray[$i][$col] Next Return $aColumn EndFunc ;==>_ExtractColumnFromArray