#include HotKeySet("^1", "search") $zoek = "" ; if its going to be a string, its good practice to declare it as a string While 1 Sleep(1) WEnd Func _test() Local $sIni = @ScriptDir & "\antwoorden.ini" Local $sAnswer = "" $sAnswer = IniRead($sIni, "answers", $zoek, "Sorry No answer available") If StringInStr($sAnswer,"") Then $aAnswer = StringSplit($sAnswer,"",1) ; 1 = entire delimiter string is needed to mark the split $sAnswer = "" For $i = 1 To $aAnswer[0] $sAnswer &= $aAnswer[$i] &@CRLF Next EndIf _Sendex ($sAnswer) $zoek = "" ;Reset string EndFunc ;==>_test Func search() $zoek &= InputBox("Zoeken", "Zoekterm:") _test() EndFunc ;==>search Func _SendEx($ss) Local $iT = TimerInit() While _IsPressed("10") Or _IsPressed("11") Or _IsPressed("12") If TimerDiff($iT) > 2000 Then MsgBox(262144, "Warning", "Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys need to be released to proceed!") $iT = TimerInit() ; reset the timer EndIf WEnd Send($ss) $zoek = "" ;Reset string EndFunc ;==>_SendEx