Global $b64 = StringSplit("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", "", 2); Func _getBase64Num($a) $a = Asc($a) If $a > 47 And $a < 58 Then Return $a + 4; ElseIf $a > 64 And $a < 91 Then Return $a - 65; ElseIf $a > 96 And $a < 123 Then Return $a - 71; ElseIf $a = 43 Then Return 62 ElseIf $a = 47 Then Return 63 Else Return 64 EndIf EndFunc Func _base64dec_arr($r) While StringCompare(StringLeft($r, 1), " ", 1) = 0 $r = StringMid($r, 2) WEnd Local $a, $d, $t, $c, $n, $o, $h, $i, $b = 0, $f = 0; If(StringLen($r) < 1) Then Return $r; Local $rlen = StringLen($r) Local $g = [1] Redim $g[Ceiling($rlen * 0.75)] $r = StringSplit($r, "", 2); While $b < $rlen $c = _getBase64Num($r[$b]) $b = $b + 1; $n = _getBase64Num($r[$b]) $b = $b + 1; $o = _getBase64Num($r[$b]) $b = $b + 1; $h = _getBase64Num($r[$b]) $b = $b + 1; $i = BitOR(BitShift($c, -18), BitShift($n, -12), BitShift($o, -6), $h) $a = BitAND(BitShift($i, 16), 255) $d = BitAND(BitShift($i, 8), 255) $t = BitAND(255, $i) If $o = 64 Then $g[$f] = $a $f = $f + 1; ElseIf $h = 64 Then $g[$f] = $a $f = $f + 1; $g[$f] = $d $f = $f + 1; Else $g[$f] = $a $f = $f + 1; $g[$f] = $d $f = $f + 1; $g[$f] = $t $f = $f + 1; EndIf WEnd If UBound($g) <> $f Then Redim $g[$f] EndIf Return $g; returns array EndFunc; Func _utf8_decode($str_data) ;expects array Local $tmp_arr = "", $i = 0, $c1, $c2, $c3, $strlen = UBound($str_data); While $i < $strlen $c1 = $str_data[$i]; If $c1 < 128 Then $tmp_arr = $tmp_arr & ChrW($c1); $i = $i + 1; ElseIf $c1 > 191 And $c1 < 224 Then $c2 = $str_data[$i + 1]; $tmp_arr = $tmp_arr & ChrW(BitOR(BitShift(BitAND($c1, 31), -6), BitAND($c2, 63))); $i = $i + 2; Else $c2 = $str_data[$i + 1]; $c3 = $str_data[$i + 2]; $tmp_arr = $tmp_arr & ChrW(BitOR(BitShift(BitAND($c1, 15), -12), BitShift(BitAND($c2, 63), -6), BitAND($c3, 63))); $i = $i + 3; EndIf WEnd Return $tmp_arr; EndFunc; Func _base64_utf8_dec($a) Return _utf8_decode(_base64dec_arr($a)) EndFunc Func _utf8_base64_enc($a) Return _base64_enc(_utf8_encode($a)) EndFunc Func _utf8_encode($stringOr) Local $utftext = "", $start = 0, $end = 0, $n = 0, $c1, $enc; Local $string = StringSplit($stringOr, "", 2); Local $stringl = UBound($string) While $n < $stringl $c1 = AscW($string[$n]) If $c1 > 127 Then If $c1 < 2048 Then $enc = ChrW(BitOR(BitShift($c1, 6), 192)) & ChrW(BitOR(BitAND($c1, 63), 128)) Else $enc = ChrW(BitOR(BitShift($c1, 12), 224)) & ChrW(BitOR(BitAND(BitShift($c1, 6), 63), 128)) & ChrW(BitOR(BitAND($c1, 63), 128)) EndIf If $end > $start Then $utftext = $utftext & StringMid($stringOr, $start + 1, $end - $start) EndIf $utftext = $utftext & $enc; $n = $n + 1; $start = $n; Else $n = $n + 1; EndIf $end = $n; WEnd If $end > $start Then $utftext = $utftext & StringMid($stringOr, $start + 1, $stringl - $start) EndIf Return $utftext; EndFunc; Func _base64_enc($rOr) Local $e, $t, $h, $o, $d = 0, $b = ""; Local $r = StringSplit($rOr, "", 2); Local $rL = UBound($r) While $d < $rL $e = AscW($r[$d]) $d = $d + 1; If $d < $rL Then $t = AscW($r[$d]) Else $t = 0; EndIf $d = $d + 1; If $d < $rL Then $h = AscW($r[$d]) Else $h = 0; EndIf $d = $d + 1; $o = BitOR(BitShift($e, -16), BitShift($t, -8), $h) $b = $b & $b64[BitAND(BitShift($o, 18), 63)] & $b64[BitAND(BitShift($o, 12), 63)] & $b64[BitAND(BitShift($o, 6), 63)] & $b64[BitAND(63, $o)] WEnd $rL = Mod($rL, 3); If $rL = 1 Then $b = StringLeft($b, StringLen($b) - 2) & "=="; ElseIf $rL = 2 Then $b = StringLeft($b, StringLen($b) - 1) & "="; EndIf Return $b EndFunc; MsgBox(0, _utf8_base64_enc("your string"), _base64_utf8_dec("eW91ciBzdHJpbmc="));