There is a new version of All in One SEO Pack Pro available. Go to the plugins page for details.

This theme recommends the following plugins: Regenerate Thumbnails and WP Instagram Widget. The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: Nextend Facebook Connect. There are updates available for the following plugins: Ninja Forms, WooCommerce and YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search. Begin installing plugins | Begin updating plugins | Begin activating plugin | Dismiss this notice

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Catalog visibility: Catalog/search Edit

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Product Categories

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Product Tags

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Product Image

Product Gallery

Page Builder

TIP: Add normal Image instead of Banner if you want the image / slider to crop normal on smaller screens.

Custom Fields

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Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can use in your theme.

Product Data

Enter the external URL to the product.

This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product.

Enter content for custom product tab here. Shortcodes are allowed

Enter a Youtube or Vimeo Url of the product video here. We recommend uploading your video to Youtube.

Enter content that will show after the header and before the product. Shortcodes are allowed

Enter content that will show after the product info. Shortcodes are allowed


Product Short Description