#include-once #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Active Directory Function Library ; AutoIt Version : ; UDF Version ...: ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of functions for accessing and manipulating Microsoft Active Directory ; Author(s) .....: Jonathan Clelland, water ; Modified.......: 20161108(YYYMMDD) ; Remarks .......: Please read the ReadMe.txt file for information about installing and using this UDF! ; Contributors ..: feeks, KenE, Sundance, supersonic, Talder, Joe2010, Suba, Ethan Turk, Jerold Schulman, Stephane, card0384, neutro ; Resources .....: http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/scripts ; http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/ScriptCenter/en-us ; http://www.rlmueller.net/ ; http://www.activxperts.com/activmonitor/windowsmanagement/scripts/activedirectory/ ; ; Well known SIDs: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc978401.aspx ; AD Schema: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms675085(VS.85).aspx ; Win32 error codes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681381(v=VS.85).aspx ; HRESULT values: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc704587.aspx ; ADSI: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772170(v=VS.85).aspx ; LDAP: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367008(v=VS.85).aspx ; https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/5392.active-directory-ldap-syntax-filters.aspx ; http://www.petri.co.il/ldap_search_samples_for_windows_2003_and_exchange.htm ; =============================================================================================================================== #Region #VARIABLES# ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global $__iAD_Debug = 0 ; Debug level. 0 = no debug information, 1 = Debug info to console, 2 = Debug info to MsgBox, 3 = Debug Info to File Global $__sAD_DebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\AD_Debug.txt" ; Debug file if $__iAD_Debug is set to 3 Global $__oAD_MyError ; COM Error handler Global $__oAD_Connection Global $__oAD_OpenDS Global $__oAD_RootDSE Global $__oAD_Command Global $__oAD_Bind ; Reference to hold the bind cache Global $__bAD_BindFlags ; Bind flags Global $sAD_DNSDomain Global $sAD_HostServer Global $sAD_Configuration Global $sAD_UserId = "" Global $sAD_Password = "" ; Variables for second connection to AD Global $__oAD_Connection2 Global $__oAD_OpenDS2 Global $__oAD_RootDSE2 Global $__oAD_Command2 Global $__oAD_Bind2 ; Reference to hold the bind cache Global $__bAD_BindFlags2 ; Bind flags Global $sAD_DNSDomain2 Global $sAD_HostServer2 Global $sAD_Configuration2 Global $sAD_UserId2 = "" Global $sAD_Password2 = "" Global $bUseConnection2 = False ; =============================================================================================================================== #EndRegion #VARIABLES# #Region #CONSTANTS# ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== ; ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_FULL_RIGHTS = 0xF01FF Global Const $ADS_USER_UNLOCKRESETACCOUNT = 0x100 Global Const $ADS_OBJECT_READWRITE_ALL = 0x30 ; ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772247(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_SECURE_AUTH = 0x1 Global Const $ADS_USE_SSL = 0x2 Global Const $ADS_SERVER_BIND = 0x200 ; ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772300(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = 0x2 Global Const $ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD = 0x20 Global Const $ADS_UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT = 0x1000 Global Const $ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = 0x10000 ; ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772263(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_GROUP = 0x2 Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUP = 0x4 Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_GROUP = 0x8 Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED = 0x80000000 Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_SECURITY = BitOR($ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_GROUP, $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED) Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_SECURITY = BitOR($ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_GROUP, $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED) Global Const $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_LOCAL_SECURITY = BitOR($ADS_GROUP_TYPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUP, $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED) ; ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772244(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED = 0 Global Const $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED = 0x1 Global Const $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT = 0x5 Global Const $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT = 0x6 ; ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772242(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_ACEFLAG_INHERITED_ACE = 0x10 ; Global Const $ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772259(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT = 0x1 ; ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx Global Const $ADS_RIGHT_DS_SELF = 0x8 Global Const $ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP = 0x20 Global Const $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS = 0x100 Global Const $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000 ; The ADSTYPEENUM enumeration is used to identify the data type of an ADSI property value ; See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa772240(v=vs.85).aspx Global Const $ADSTYPE_INVALID = 0 ; The data type is Not valid Global Const $ADSTYPE_DN_STRING = 1 ; The string is of Distinguished Name(path) of a directory service object Global Const $ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING = 2 ; The string is of the Case -sensitive type Global Const $ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING = 3 ; The string is of the Case -insensitive type Global Const $ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING = 4 ; The string is displayable on screen Or In print Global Const $ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING = 5 ; The string is of a numeral To be interpreted as text Global Const $ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN = 6 ; The data is of a Boolean value Global Const $ADSTYPE_INTEGER = 7 ; The data is of an integer value Global Const $ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING = 8 ; The string is of a byte array Global Const $ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME = 9 ; The data is of the universal time as expressed In Universal Time Coordinate(UTC) Global Const $ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER = 10 ; The data is of a long integer value Global Const $ADSTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC = 11 ; The string is of a provider - specific string Global Const $ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS = 12 ; Not used Global Const $ADSTYPE_CASEIGNORE_LIST = 13 ; The data is of a list of Case insensitive strings Global Const $ADSTYPE_OCTET_LIST = 14 ; The data is of a list of octet strings Global Const $ADSTYPE_PATH = 15 ; The string is of a directory path Global Const $ADSTYPE_POSTALADDRESS = 16 ; The string is of the postal address type. Global Const $ADSTYPE_TIMESTAMP = 17 ; The data is of a time stamp In seconds. Global Const $ADSTYPE_BACKLINK = 18 ; The string is of a back link. Global Const $ADSTYPE_TYPEDNAME = 19 ; The string is of a typed name. Global Const $ADSTYPE_HOLD = 20 ; The data is of the Hold data structure. Global Const $ADSTYPE_NETADDRESS = 21 ; The string is of a net address. Global Const $ADSTYPE_REPLICAPOINTER = 22 ; The data is of a replica pointer. Global Const $ADSTYPE_FAXNUMBER = 23 ; The string is of a fax number. Global Const $ADSTYPE_EMAIL = 24 ; The data is of an email message. Global Const $ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR = 25 ; The data is a Windows security descriptor as represented by a byte array. Global Const $ADSTYPE_UNKNOWN = 26 ; The data is of an undefined type. Global Const $ADSTYPE_DN_WITH_BINARY = 27 ; The data is of ADS_DN_WITH_BINARY used for mapping a distinguished name to a nonvarying GUID Global Const $ADSTYPE_DN_WITH_STRING = 28 ; The data is of ADS_DN_WITH_STRING used for mapping a distinguished name to a nonvarying string value ; GUIDs - LOWER CASE! Global Const $USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD = "{ab721a53-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223637(PROT.13).aspx Global Const $SELF_MEMBERSHIP = "{bf9679c0-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223513(PROT.10).aspx Global Const $ALLOWED_TO_AUTHENTICATE = "{68B1D179-0D15-4d4f-AB71-46152E79A7BC}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684300(VS.85).aspx Global Const $RECEIVE_AS = "{AB721A56-1E2f-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684402(VS.85).aspx Global Const $SEND_AS = "{AB721A54-1E2f-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684406(VS.85).aspx Global Const $USER_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD = "{00299570-246D-11D0-A768-00AA006E0529}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684414(VS.85).aspx Global Const $USER_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTIONS = "{4C164200-20C0-11D0-A768-00AA006E0529}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684412(VS.85).aspx Global Const $VALIDATED_DNS_HOST_NAME = "{72E39547-7B18-11D1-ADEF-00C04FD8D5CD}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684331(VS.85).aspx Global Const $VALIDATED_SPN = "{F3A64788-5306-11D1-A9C5-0000F80367C1}" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684417(VS.85).aspx ; =============================================================================================================================== #EndRegion #CONSTANTS# ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_AD_Open ;_AD_Close ;_AD_ErrorNotify ;_AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN ;_AD_FQDNToSamAccountName ;_AD_FQDNToDisplayname ;_AD_ObjectExists ;_AD_GetSchemaAttributes ;_AD_GetObjectAttribute ;_AD_IsMemberOf ;_AD_HasFullRights ;_AD_HasUnlockResetRights ;_AD_HasRequiredRights ;_AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ;_AD_GetObjectClass ;_AD_GetObjectOU ;_AD_GetUserGroups ;_AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup ;_AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup ;_AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf ;_AD_GetGroupMembers ;_AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers ;_AD_GetGroupMemberOf ;_AD_GetObjectsInOU ;_AD_GetAllOUs ;_AD_ListDomainControllers ;_AD_ListRootDSEAttributes ;_AD_ListRoleOwners ;_AD_GetLastLoginDate ;_AD_IsObjectDisabled ;_AD_IsObjectLocked ;_AD_IsPasswordExpired ;_AD_GetObjectsDisabled ;_AD_GetObjectsLocked ;_AD_GetPasswordExpired ;_AD_GetPasswordDontExpire ;_AD_GetObjectProperties ;_AD_CreateOU ;_AD_CreateUser ;_AD_SetPassword ;_AD_ChangePassword ;_AD_CreateGroup ;_AD_AddUserToGroup ;_AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ;_AD_CreateComputer ;_AD_ModifyAttribute ;_AD_RenameObject ;_AD_MoveObject ;_AD_DeleteObject ;_AD_SetAccountExpire ;_AD_DisablePasswordExpire ;_AD_EnablePasswordExpire ;_AD_EnablePasswordChange ;_AD_DisablePasswordChange ;_AD_UnlockObject ;_AD_DisableObject ;_AD_EnableObject ;_AD_GetPasswordInfo ;_AD_ListExchangeServers ;_AD_ListExchangeMailboxStores ;_AD_GetSystemInfo ;_AD_GetManagedBy ;_AD_GetManager ;_AD_GetGroupAdmins ;_AD_GroupManagerCanModify ;_AD_ListPrintQueues ;_AD_SetGroupManagerCanModify ;_AD_GroupAssignManager ;_AD_GroupRemoveManager ;_AD_AddEmailAddress ;_AD_JoinDomain ;_AD_UnjoinDomain ;_AD_SetPasswordExpire ;_AD_CreateMailbox ;_AD_DeleteMailbox ;_AD_MailEnableGroup ;_AD_IsAccountExpired ;_AD_GetAccountsExpired ;_AD_ListSchemaVersions ;_AD_ObjectExistsInSchema ;_AD_FixSpecialChars ;_AD_GetLastADSIError ;_AD_GetADOProperties ;_AD_SetADOProperties ;_AD_VersionInfo ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ;__AD_Int8ToSec ;__AD_LargeInt2Double ;__AD_ObjGet ;__AD_ErrorHandler ;__AD_ReorderACE ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_Open ; Description ...: Opens a connection to Active Directory. ; Syntax.........: _AD_Open([$sUserIdParam = "", $sPasswordParam = ""[, $sDNSDomainParam = "", $sHostServerParam = "", $sConfigurationParam = ""[, $iSecurity = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sUserIdParam - Optional: UserId credential for authentication. This has to be a valid domain user ; $sPasswordParam - Optional: Password for authentication ; $sDNSDomainParam - Optional: Active Directory domain name if you want to connect to an alternate domain e.g. DC=microsoft,DC=com ; $sHostServerParam - Optional: Name of Domain Controller if you want to connect to a different domain e.g. DC-Server1.microsoft.com ; |If you want to connect to a Global Catalog append port 3268 e.g. DC-Server1.microsoft.com:3268 ; |You can omit the servername e.g. only specify microsoft.com if you want to access the domain root ; $sConfigurationParam - Optional: Configuration naming context if you want to connect to a different domain e.g. CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com ; $iSecurity - Optional: Specifies the security settings to be used. Can be a combination of the following: ; |0: No security settings are used (default) ; |1: Sets the connection property "Encrypt Password" to True to encrypt userid and password ; |2: The channel is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). AD requires that the Certificate Server be installed to support SSL ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - (No longer used) ; |2 - Creation of the COM object to the AD failed. @extended returns error code from ObjCreate ; |3 - Open the connection to AD failed. @extended returns error code of the COM error handler. ; | Generated if the User doesn't have query / modify access ; |4 - Creation of the RootDSE object failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler. ; | Generated when connection to the domain isn't successful. @extended returns -2147023541 (0x8007054B) ; |5 - Creation of the DS object failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler ; |6 - Parameter $sHostServerParam and $sConfigurationParam are required when $sDNSDomainParam is specified ; |7 - Parameter $sPasswordParam is required when $sUserIdParam is specified ; |8 - OpenDSObject method failed. @extended set to error code received from the OpenDSObject method. ; | On Windows XP or lower this shows that $sUserIdParam and/or $sPasswordParam are invalid ; |x - For Windows Vista and later: Win32 error code (decimal). To get detailed error information call function _AD_GetLastADSIError ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: To close the connection to the Active Directory, use the _AD_Close function. ;+ ; _AD_Open will use the alternative credentials $sUserIdParam and $sPasswordParam if passed as parameters. ; $sUserIdParam has to be in one of the following forms (assume the samAccountName = DJ) ; * Windows Login Name e.g. "DJ" ; * NetBIOS Login Name e.g. "\DJ" ; * User Principal Name e.g. "DJ@domain.com" ; All other name formats have NOT been successfully tested (see section "Link"). ;+ ; Connection to an alternate domain (not the domain your computer is a member of) or if your computer is not a domain member ; requires $sDNSDomainParam, $sHostServerParam and $sConfigurationParam as FQDN as well as $sUserIdParam and $sPasswordParam. ; Example: ; $sDNSDomainParam = "DC=subdomain,DC=example,DC=com" ; $sHostServerParam = "servername.subdomain.example.com" ; $sConfigurationParam = "CN=Configuration,DC=subdomain,DC=example,DC=com" ;+ ; The COM error handler will be initialized only if there doesn't already exist another error handler. ;+ ; If you specify $sUserIdParam as NetBIOS Login Name or User Principal Name and the OS is Windows Vista or later then _AD_Open will try to ; verify the userid/password. ; @error will be set to the Win32 error code (decimal). To get detailed error information please call _AD_GetlastADSIError. ; For all other OS or if userid is specified as Windows Login Name @error=8. ; This is OS dependant because Windows XP doesn't return useful error information. ; For Windows Login Name all OS return success even when an error occures. This seems to be caused by secure authentification. ;+ ; $iSecurity = 2 activates LDAP/SSL. LDAP/SSL uses port 636 by default. ; Note that an SSL server certificate must be configured properly in order to use SSL. ;+ ; If you want to connect to a specific DC in the current domain then just provide $sHostServerParam and let $sDNSDomainParam and $sConfigurationParam be blank. ; Related .......: _AD_Close ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223499(PROT.10).aspx (Simple Authentication), http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746471(VS.85).aspx (ADO) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_Open($sUserIdParam = "", $sPasswordParam = "", $sDNSDomainParam = "", $sHostServerParam = "", $sConfigurationParam = "", $iSecurity = 0) $__oAD_Connection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") ; Creates a COM object to AD If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_Connection) Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) ; Activate the COM error handler for older and newer AutoIt versions so the script no longer crashes Local $iAutoItVersion = Number(StringReplace(@AutoItVersion, ".", "")) If $__iAD_Debug = 0 And ($iAutoItVersion < 3392 Or $iAutoItVersion > 33120) Then _AD_ErrorNotify(4) SetError(0) ; Reset @error which is returned by _AD_ErrorNotify if a COM error handler has already been set up by the user EndIf ; ConnectionString Property (ADO): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms675810.aspx $__oAD_Connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADsDSOObject" ; Sets Service providertype If $sUserIdParam <> "" Then If $sPasswordParam = "" Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) $__oAD_Connection.Properties("User ID") = $sUserIdParam ; Authenticate User $__oAD_Connection.Properties("Password") = $sPasswordParam ; Authenticate User If BitAND($iSecurity, 1) = 1 Then $__oAD_Connection.Properties("Encrypt Password") = True ; Encrypts userid and password $__bAD_BindFlags = $ADS_SERVER_BIND If BitAND($iSecurity, 2) = 2 Then $__bAD_BindFlags = BitOR($__bAD_BindFlags, $ADS_USE_SSL) ; If userid is the Windows login name then set the flag for secure authentification If StringInStr($sUserIdParam, "\") = 0 And StringInStr($sUserIdParam, "@") = 0 Then _ $__bAD_BindFlags = BitOR($__bAD_BindFlags, $ADS_SECURE_AUTH) $__oAD_Connection.Properties("ADSI Flag") = $__bAD_BindFlags $sAD_UserId = $sUserIdParam $sAD_Password = $sPasswordParam EndIf ; ADO Open Method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676505.aspx $__oAD_Connection.Open() ; Open connection to AD If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) ; Connect to another Domain if the Domain parameter is provided If $sDNSDomainParam <> "" Then If $sHostServerParam = "" Or $sConfigurationParam = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $__oAD_RootDSE = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sHostServerParam & "/RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain = $sDNSDomainParam $sAD_HostServer = $sHostServerParam $sAD_Configuration = $sConfigurationParam ElseIf $sHostServerParam <> "" Then ;=> allows to connect to a specific DC in the current domain $__oAD_RootDSE = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sHostServerParam & "/RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") $sAD_HostServer = $sHostServerParam $sAD_Configuration = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") Else $__oAD_RootDSE = ObjGet("LDAP://RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") ; Retrieve the current AD domain name $sAD_HostServer = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("dnsHostName") ; Retrieve the name of the connected DC $sAD_Configuration = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") ; Retrieve the Configuration naming context $__oAD_RootDSE = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/RootDSE") ; To guarantee a persistant binding EndIf ; Check userid/password if provided If $sUserIdParam <> "" Then $__oAD_OpenDS = ObjGet("LDAP:") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_OpenDS) Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) $__oAD_Bind = $__oAD_OpenDS.OpenDSObject("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer, $sUserIdParam, $sPasswordParam, $__bAD_BindFlags) If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_Bind) Then ; login error occurred - get extended information Local $iError = @error Local $sHive = "HKLM" If @OSArch = "IA64" Or @OSArch = "X64" Then $sHive = "HKLM64" Local $sOSVersion = RegRead($sHive & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "CurrentVersion") $sOSVersion = StringSplit($sOSVersion, ".") If Int($sOSVersion[1]) >= 6 Then ; Delivers detailed error information for Windows Vista and later if debugging is activated Local $aErrors = _AD_GetLastADSIError() If $aErrors[4] <> 0 Then If $__iAD_Debug = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("_AD_Open: " & _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1) & @CRLF) If $__iAD_Debug = 2 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions - Debug Info - _AD_Open", _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1)) If $__iAD_Debug = 3 Then FileWrite($__sAD_DebugFile, @YEAR & "." & @MON & "." & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & @CRLF & _ "-------------------" & @CRLF & "_AD_Open: " & _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1) & @CRLF & _ "========================================================" & @CRLF) Return SetError(Dec($aErrors[4]), 0, 0) EndIf Return SetError(8, $iError, 0) Else Return SetError(8, $iError, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; ADO Command object as global $__oAD_Command = ObjCreate("ADODB.Command") $__oAD_Command.ActiveConnection = $__oAD_Connection $__oAD_Command.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_Open ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_Open2 ; Description ...: Opens a secondary connection to Active Directory Global Catalog. ; Syntax.........: _AD_Open2([$sUserIdParam = "", $sPasswordParam = ""[, $sDNSDomainParam = "", $sHostServerParam = "", $sConfigurationParam = ""[, $iSecurity = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sUserIdParam - Optional: UserId credential for authentication. This has to be a valid domain user ; $sPasswordParam - Optional: Password for authentication ; $sDNSDomainParam - Optional: Active Directory domain name if you want to connect to an alternate domain e.g. DC=microsoft,DC=com ; $sHostServerParam - Optional: Name of Domain Controller if you want to connect to a different domain e.g. DC-Server1.microsoft.com ; |If you want to connect to a Global Catalog append port 3268 e.g. DC-Server1.microsoft.com:3268 ; |You can omit the servername e.g. only specify microsoft.com if you want to access the domain root ; $sConfigurationParam - Optional: Configuration naming context if you want to connect to a different domain e.g. CN=Configuration,DC=microsoft,DC=com ; $iSecurity - Optional: Specifies the security settings to be used. Can be a combination of the following: ; |0: No security settings are used (default) ; |1: Sets the connection property "Encrypt Password" to True to encrypt userid and password ; |2: The channel is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). AD requires that the Certificate Server be installed to support SSL ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - (No longer used) ; |2 - Creation of the COM object to the AD failed. @extended returns error code from ObjCreate ; |3 - Open the connection to AD failed. @extended returns error code of the COM error handler. ; | Generated if the User doesn't have query / modify access ; |4 - Creation of the RootDSE object failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler. ; | Generated when connection to the domain isn't successful. @extended returns -2147023541 (0x8007054B) ; |5 - Creation of the DS object failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler ; |6 - Parameter $sHostServerParam and $sConfigurationParam are required when $sDNSDomainParam is specified ; |7 - Parameter $sPasswordParam is required when $sUserIdParam is specified ; |8 - OpenDSObject method failed. @extended set to error code received from the OpenDSObject method. ; | On Windows XP or lower this shows that $sUserIdParam and/or $sPasswordParam are invalid ; |x - For Windows Vista and later: Win32 error code (decimal). To get detailed error information call function _AD_GetLastADSIError ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: To close the connection to the Global Catalog, use the _AD_Close function. ;+ ; For a more detailed description please see _AD_Open. ; Related .......: _AD_Close ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223499(PROT.10).aspx (Simple Authentication), http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746471(VS.85).aspx (ADO) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_Open2($sUserIdParam = "", $sPasswordParam = "", $sDNSDomainParam = "", $sHostServerParam = "", $sConfigurationParam = "", $iSecurity = 0) $__oAD_Connection2 = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection") ; Creates a COM object to AD If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_Connection2) Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) ; ConnectionString Property (ADO): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms675810.aspx $__oAD_Connection2.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADsDSOObject" ; Sets Service providertype If $sUserIdParam <> "" Then If $sPasswordParam = "" Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) $__oAD_Connection2.Properties("User ID") = $sUserIdParam ; Authenticate User $__oAD_Connection2.Properties("Password") = $sPasswordParam ; Authenticate User If BitAND($iSecurity, 1) = 1 Then $__oAD_Connection2.Properties("Encrypt Password") = True ; Encrypts userid and password $__bAD_BindFlags2 = $ADS_SERVER_BIND If BitAND($iSecurity, 2) = 2 Then $__bAD_BindFlags2 = BitOR($__bAD_BindFlags2, $ADS_USE_SSL) ; If userid is the Windows login name then set the flag for secure authentification If StringInStr($sUserIdParam, "\") = 0 And StringInStr($sUserIdParam, "@") = 0 Then _ $__bAD_BindFlags2 = BitOR($__bAD_BindFlags2, $ADS_SECURE_AUTH) $__oAD_Connection2.Properties("ADSI Flag") = $__bAD_BindFlags2 $sAD_UserId2 = $sUserIdParam $sAD_Password2 = $sPasswordParam EndIf ; ADO Open Method: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676505.aspx $__oAD_Connection2.Open() ; Open connection to AD If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) ; Connect to another Domain if the Domain parameter is provided If $sDNSDomainParam <> "" Then If $sHostServerParam = "" Or $sConfigurationParam = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $__oAD_RootDSE2 = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sHostServerParam & "/RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE2) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain2 = $sDNSDomainParam $sAD_HostServer2 = $sHostServerParam $sAD_Configuration2 = $sConfigurationParam ElseIf $sHostServerParam <> "" Then ;=> allows to connect to a specific DC in the current domain $__oAD_RootDSE2 = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sHostServerParam & "/RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE2) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain2 = $__oAD_RootDSE2.Get("defaultNamingContext") $sAD_HostServer2 = $sHostServerParam $sAD_Configuration2 = $__oAD_RootDSE2.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") Else $__oAD_RootDSE2 = ObjGet("LDAP://RootDSE") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_RootDSE2) Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $sAD_DNSDomain2 = $__oAD_RootDSE2.Get("defaultNamingContext") ; Retrieve the current AD domain name $sAD_HostServer2 = $__oAD_RootDSE2.Get("dnsHostName") ; Retrieve the name of the connected DC $sAD_Configuration2 = $__oAD_RootDSE2.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") ; Retrieve the Configuration naming context $__oAD_RootDSE2 = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer2 & "/RootDSE") ; To guarantee a persistant binding EndIf ; Check userid/password if provided If $sUserIdParam <> "" Then $__oAD_OpenDS2 = ObjGet("LDAP:") If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_OpenDS2) Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) $__oAD_Bind = $__oAD_OpenDS2.OpenDSObject("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer2, $sUserIdParam, $sPasswordParam, $__bAD_BindFlags2) If @error Or Not IsObj($__oAD_Bind) Then ; login error occurred - get extended information Local $iError = @error Local $sHive = "HKLM" If @OSArch = "IA64" Or @OSArch = "X64" Then $sHive = "HKLM64" Local $sOSVersion = RegRead($sHive & "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "CurrentVersion") $sOSVersion = StringSplit($sOSVersion, ".") If Int($sOSVersion[1]) >= 6 Then ; Delivers detailed error information for Windows Vista and later if debugging is activated Local $aErrors = _AD_GetLastADSIError() If $aErrors[4] <> 0 Then If $__iAD_Debug = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("_AD_Open2: " & _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1) & @CRLF) If $__iAD_Debug = 2 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions - Debug Info - _AD_Open2", _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1)) If $__iAD_Debug = 3 Then FileWrite($__sAD_DebugFile, @YEAR & "." & @MON & "." & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & @CRLF & _ "-------------------" & @CRLF & "_AD_Open2: " & _ArrayToString($aErrors, @CRLF, 1) & @CRLF & _ "========================================================" & @CRLF) Return SetError(Dec($aErrors[4]), 0, 0) EndIf Return SetError(8, $iError, 0) Else Return SetError(8, $iError, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; ADO Command object as global $__oAD_Command2 = ObjCreate("ADODB.Command") $__oAD_Command2.ActiveConnection = $__oAD_Connection2 $__oAD_Command2.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 $bUseConnection2 = True Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_Open2 ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_Close ; Description ...: Closes the connection established to Active Directory by _AD_Open and _AD_Open2. ; Syntax.........: _AD_Close() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - Closing the connection to the DC failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler ; |2 - Closing the connection to the 2 failed. @extended returns the error code received by the COM error handler ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Even if closing the connection wasn't successfull and @error is set all used variables have been reset. ; Related .......: _AD_Open, _AD_Open2 ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_Close() Local $iError = 0, $iError2 = 0 ; Close Connection to DC $__oAD_Connection.Close() Local $iError = @error ; Reset all Global Variables $__iAD_Debug = 0 $__sAD_DebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\AD_Debug.txt" $__oAD_MyError = 0 $__oAD_Connection = 0 $sAD_DNSDomain = "" $sAD_HostServer = "" $sAD_Configuration = "" $__oAD_OpenDS = 0 $__oAD_RootDSE = 0 $__oAD_Command = 0 $__oAD_Bind = 0 $__bAD_BindFlags = 0 $sAD_UserId = "" $sAD_Password = "" If $iError Then Return SetError(1, $iError, 0) ; Error returned by connection close ; Close Connection to second AD If IsObj($__oAD_Connection2) Then $__oAD_Connection2.Close() $iError2 = @error EndIf $__oAD_Connection2 = 0 $sAD_DNSDomain2 = "" $sAD_HostServer2 = "" $sAD_Configuration2 = "" $__oAD_OpenDS2 = 0 $__oAD_RootDSE2 = 0 $__oAD_Command2 = 0 $__oAD_Bind2 = 0 $__bAD_BindFlags2 = 0 $sAD_UserId2 = "" $sAD_Password2 = "" If $iError2 Then Return SetError(2, $iError2, 0) ; Error returned by connection close to second AD Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_Close ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ErrorNotify ; Description ...: Set or query the debug level. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ErrorNotify($iDebug[, $sDebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\AD_Debug.txt"]) ; Parameters ....: $iDebug - Debug level. Allowed values are: ; |-1 - Return the current settings ; |0 - Disable debugging ; |1 - Enable debugging. Output the debug info to the console ; |2 - Enable Debugging. Output the debug info to a MsgBox ; |3 - Enable Debugging. Output the debug info to a file defined by $sDebugFile ; |4 - Enable Debugging. The COM errors will be handled (the script no longer crashes) without any output ; $sDebugFile - Optional: File to write the debugging info to if $iDebug = 3 (Default = @ScriptDir & "\AD_Debug.txt") ; Return values .: Success (for $iDebug = -1) - one based one-dimensional array with the following elements: ; |1 - Debug level. Value from 0 to 3. Check parameter $iDebug for details ; |2 - Debug file. File to write the debugging info to as defined by parameter $sDebugFile ; |3 - True if the COM error handler has beend set for this UDF. False if debugging is set off or another COM error handler was already stt ; Success (for $iDebug = 0) - 1 ; Success (for $iDebug => 0) - 1, sets @extended to: ; |0 - The COM error handler for this UDF was already active ; |1 - A COM error handler has successfully been initialized for this UDF ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $iDebug is not an integer or < -1 or > 4 ; |2 - Installation of the custom error handler failed. @extended is set to the error code returned by ObjEvent ; |3 - COM error handler already set to another function ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ErrorNotify($iDebug, $sDebugFile = "") If Not IsInt($iDebug) Or $iDebug < -1 Or $iDebug > 4 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $sDebugFile = "" Then $sDebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\AD_Debug.txt" Switch $iDebug Case -1 Local $avDebug[4] = [3] $avDebug[1] = $__iAD_Debug $avDebug[2] = $__sAD_DebugFile $avDebug[3] = IsObj($__oAD_MyError) Return $avDebug Case 0 $__iAD_Debug = 0 $__sAD_DebugFile = "" $__oAD_MyError = 0 Case Else $__iAD_Debug = $iDebug $__sAD_DebugFile = $sDebugFile ; A COM error handler will be initialized only if one does not exist If ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") = "" Then $__oAD_MyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__AD_ErrorHandler") ; Creates a custom error handler If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return SetError(0, 1, 1) ElseIf ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") = "__AD_ErrorHandler" Then Return SetError(0, 0, 1) ; COM error handler already set by a call to this function Else Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; COM error handler already set by another function EndIf EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_ErrorNotify ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN ; Description ...: Returns a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) from a SamAccountName. ; Syntax.........: _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN([$sSamAccountName = @UserName]) ; Parameters ....: $sSamAccountName - Optional: Security Accounts Manager (SAM) account name (default = @UserName) ; Return values .: Success - Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No record returned from Active Directory. $sSamAccountName not found ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: A $ sign must be appended to the computer name to generate the FQDN for a sAMAccountName e.g. @ComputerName & "$". ; The function escapes the following special characters (# and /). Commas in CN= or OU= have to be escaped by you. ; If $sSamAccountName is already a FQDN then the function returns $sSamAccountName unchanged and without raising an error. ; Related .......: _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sSamAccountName = @UserName) If StringMid($sSamAccountName, 3, 1) = "=" Then Return $sSamAccountName ; already a FQDN. Return unchanged $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(sAMAccountName=" & $sSamAccountName & ");distinguishedName;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $sFQDN = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value Return _AD_FixSpecialChars($sFQDN, 0, "/#") EndFunc ;==>_AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName ; Description ...: Returns the SamAccountName of a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). ; Syntax.........: _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName($sFQDN) ; Parameters ....: $sFQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ; Return values .: Success - SamAccountName ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No record returned from Active Directory. $sFQDN not found ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: You have to escape commas in $sFQDN with a backslash. E.g. "CN=Lastname\, Firstname,OU=..." ; All other special characters (# and /) are escaped by the function. ; If $sFQDN is already a SamAccountName then the function returns $sFQDN unchanged and without raising an error. ; Related .......: _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN, _AD_FQDNToDisplayname ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName($sFQDN) If StringMid($sFQDN, 3, 1) <> "=" Then Return $sFQDN ; already a SamAccountName. Return unchanged $sFQDN = _AD_FixSpecialChars($sFQDN, 0, "/#") ; Escape special characters in the FQDN Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sFQDN) If @error Or Not IsObj($oObject) Or $oObject = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $sResult = $oObject.sAMAccountName Return $sResult EndFunc ;==>_AD_FQDNToSamAccountName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_FQDNToDisplayname ; Description ...: Returns the Display Name of a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_FQDNToDisplayname($sFQDN) ; Parameters ....: $sFQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ; Return values .: Success - Display Name ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |x - @error as set by function _AD_GetObjectAttribute ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: You must escape commas in $sFQDN with a backslash. E.g. "CN=Lastname\, Firstname,OU=..." ; All other special characters (# and /) are escaped by the function. ; The function removes all escape characters (\) from the returned value. ; Related .......: _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_FQDNToDisplayname($sFQDN) Local $sName = _AD_GetObjectAttribute($sFQDN, "displayname") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") Return _AD_FixSpecialChars($sName, 1) EndFunc ;==>_AD_FQDNToDisplayname ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ObjectExists ; Description ...: Returns 1 if exactly one object exists for the given property in the local Active Directory Tree. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ObjectExists([$sObject = @UserName[, $sProperty = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Optional: Object (user, computer, group, OU) to check (default = @UserName) ; $sProperty - Optional: Property to check. If omitted the function tries to determine whether to use sAMAccountname or FQDN ; Return values .: Success - 1, Exactly one object exists for the given property in the local Active Directory Tree ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - No object found for the specified property ; |x - More than one object found for the specified property. x is the number of objects found ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Checking on a computer account requires a "$" (dollar) appended to the sAMAccountName. ; To check the existence of an OU use the FQDN of the OU as first parameter because an OU has no SamAccountName. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ObjectExists($sObject = @UserName, $sProperty = "") If $sProperty = "" Then $sProperty = "samAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" EndIf $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object, if it exists If IsObj($oRecordSet) Then If $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 1 Then Return 1 ElseIf $oRecordSet.RecordCount > 1 Then Return SetError($oRecordSet.RecordCount, 0, 0) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_AD_ObjectExists ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetSchemaAttributes ; Description ...: Enumerates attributes from the AD Schema (those replicated to the Global Catalog, indexed attributes or all). ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetSchemaAttributes([$iSelect = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $iSelect - Optional: Specifies the attributes to be returned: ; |1 - Return all attributes (default) ; |2 - Return all attributes that are replicated to the Global Catalog ; |3 - Return all attributes that are indexed ; Return values .: Success - One-based two dimensional array with the following information for all selected attributes: ; |0 - ldapDisplayName of the attribute ; |1 - True if the attribute is replicated to the Global Catalog, False or "" of not ; |2 - True if the attribute is indexed. Indexed attributes give better performance ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - The LDAP query returned no records or another error occurred ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetSchemaAttributes($iSelect = 1) Local $aBool[2] = [False, True] Local Const $IS_INDEXED = 1 Local $sQuery Local $sSchemaNamingContext = $__oAD_RootDSE.Get("SchemaNamingContext") If $iSelect > 3 Or $iSelect < 1 Then $iSelect = 1 If $iSelect = 1 Then $sQuery = "(objectClass=attributeSchema)" ; all attributes If $iSelect = 2 Then $sQuery = "(&(objectClass=attributeSchema)(isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet=TRUE))" ; attributes replicated to the GC If $iSelect = 3 Then $sQuery = "(&(objectClass=attributeSchema)(searchFlags:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1))" ; indexed attributes $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";" & $sQuery & ";lDAPDisplayName,isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet,searchFlags;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $aAttributes[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1][3] = [[$oRecordSet.RecordCount, 3]] Local $iIndex = 1 $oRecordSet.MoveFirst While Not $oRecordSet.EOF $aAttributes[$iIndex][0] = $oRecordSet.Fields("lDAPDisplayName").Value $aAttributes[$iIndex][1] = $oRecordSet.Fields("isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet").Value $aAttributes[$iIndex][2] = $aBool[BitAND($oRecordSet.Fields("searchFlags").Value, $IS_INDEXED)] $iIndex = $iIndex + 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd Return $aAttributes EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetSchemaAttributes ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectAttribute ; Description ...: Returns the specified attribute for the named object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, $sAttribute) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - sAMAccountName or FQDN of the object the attribute should be retrieved from ; $sAttribute - Attribute to be retrieved ; Return values .: Success - Value for the given attribute ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |2 - $sAttribute does not exist for $sObject. @Extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: If the attribute is a single-value the function returns a string otherwise it returns an array. ; To get decrypted attributes (GUID, SID, dates etc.) please see _AD_GetObjectProperties. ; Related .......: _AD_ModifyAttribute, _AD_GetObjectProperties ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, $sAttribute) Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" ; FQDN provided If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject, $sProperty) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object Local $sResult = $oObject.Get($sAttribute) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $oObject.PurgePropertyList If IsArray($sResult) Then _ArrayInsert($sResult, 0, UBound($sResult, 1)) Return $sResult EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_IsMemberOf ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the object (user, group, computer) is a member of the specified group or any contained group. ; Syntax.........: _AD_IsMemberOf($sGroup[, $sObject = @Username[, $bIncludePrimaryGroup = False[, $bRecursive = False[, $iDepth = 10]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Group to be checked for membership. Can be specified as sAMAccountName or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ; $sObject - Optional: Object type (user, group, computer) to check for membership of $sGroup. Can be specified as sAMAccountName or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) (default = @UserName) ; $bIncludePrimaryGroup - Optional: Additionally checks the primary group for object membership (default = False) ; $bRecursive - Optional: Recursively check all groups of $sGroup up to the depth defined by $iDepth (default = False) ; $iDepth - Optional: Maximum depth of recursion (default = 10) ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified object (user, group, computer) is a member of the specified group ; Failure - 0, @error set ; |0 - $sObject is not a member of $sGroup ; |1 - $sGroup does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Determines if the object is an immediate member of the group. This function does not verify membership in any nested groups. ; Related .......: _AD_GetUserGroups, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup, _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_IsMemberOf($sGroup, $sObject = @UserName, $bIncludePrimaryGroup = False, $bRecursive = False, $iDepth = 10) If _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $oGroup = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sGroup) Local $iResult = $oGroup.IsMember("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject) If $iResult = 0 And $bRecursive = True Then For $oMember In $oGroup.Members If StringLower($oMember.Class) = 'group' Then If $iDepth > 0 Then If _AD_IsMemberOf($oMember.distinguishedName, $sObject, $bIncludePrimaryGroup, True, $iDepth - 1) Then Return 1 EndIf Else If StringLower($oMember.distinguishedName) = $sObject Then Return 1 EndIf Next EndIf ; Check Primary Group if $sObject isn't a member of the specified group and the flag is set If $iResult = 0 And $bIncludePrimaryGroup Then $iResult = (_AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup($sObject) = $sGroup) ; Abs is necessary to make it work for AutoIt versions < with bug #1068 Return Abs($iResult) EndFunc ;==>_AD_IsMemberOf ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_HasFullRights ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the given user has full rights over the given group or user. ; Syntax.........: _AD_HasFullRights($sObject[, $sUser = @UserName]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Group or User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $sUser - Optional: User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or SamAccountName (default = @UserName) ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified user has full rights over the given group or user ; Failure - 0, @error set ; |0 - $sUser does not have full rights over $sObject ; |1 - $sUser does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_HasUnlockResetRights, _AD_HasRequiredRights, _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx (ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_HasFullRights($sObject, $sUser = @UserName) Local $iResult = _AD_HasRequiredRights($sObject, $ADS_FULL_RIGHTS, $sUser) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $iResult) EndFunc ;==>_AD_HasFullRights ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_HasUnlockResetRights ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the given user has unlock and password reset rights on the object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_HasUnlockResetRights($sObject[, $sUser = @UserName]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Group or User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $sUser - Optional: User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or SamAccountName (default = @UserName) ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified user has unlock and password reset rights over the given group or user ; Failure - 0, @error set ; |0 - $sUser does not have unlock and password reset rights over $sObject ; |1 - $sUser does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_HasFullRights, _AD_HasRequiredRights, _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx (ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_HasUnlockResetRights($sObject, $sUser = @UserName) Local $iResult = _AD_HasRequiredRights($sObject, $ADS_USER_UNLOCKRESETACCOUNT, $sUser) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $iResult) EndFunc ;==>_AD_HasUnlockResetRights ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_HasRequiredRights ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the given user has the required rights on the object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_HasRequiredRights($sObject[, $iRight = $ADS_FULL_RIGHTS[, $sUser = @UserName]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Group or User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $sRight - Optional: Access mask constant to be checked (default = $ADS_FULL_RIGHTS (Full rights)). ; |Full rights is the combination of the following rights: ; |ADS_RIGHT_DELETE = 0x10000 ; |ADS_RIGHT_READ_CONTROL = 0x20000 ; |ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_DAC = 0x40000 ; |ADS_RIGHT_WRITE_OWNER = 0x80000 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_CREATE_CHILD = 0x1 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_DELETE_CHILD = 0x2 ; |ADS_RIGHT_ACTRL_DS_LIST = 0x4 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_SELF = 0x8 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_READ_PROP = 0x10 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP = 0x20 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_DELETE_TREE = 0x40 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_LIST_OBJECT = 0x80 ; |ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS = 0x100 ; $sUser - Optional: User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or SamAccountName (default = @UserName) ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified user has the required rights over the given group or user ; Failure - 0, @error set ; |0 - $sUser does not have the required rights over $sObject ; |1 - $sUser does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_HasFullRights, _AD_HasUnlockResetRights, _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx (ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_HasRequiredRights($sObject, $iRight = $ADS_FULL_RIGHTS, $sUser = @UserName) If _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $aMemberOf, $aTrusteeArray, $sTrusteeGroup $aMemberOf = _AD_GetUserGroups($sUser, 1) Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject) If IsObj($oObject) Then Local $oSecurity = $oObject.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor") Local $oDACL = $oSecurity.DiscretionaryAcl For $oACE In $oDACL $aTrusteeArray = StringSplit($oACE.Trustee, "\") $sTrusteeGroup = $aTrusteeArray[$aTrusteeArray[0]] For $iCount1 = 0 To UBound($aMemberOf) - 1 If StringInStr($aMemberOf[$iCount1], "CN=" & $sTrusteeGroup & ",") And _ BitAND($oACE.AccessMask, $iRight) = $iRight Then Return 1 Next Next EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_AD_HasRequiredRights ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the given user has rights to update the group membership of the object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights($sObject[, $sUser = @UserName]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Group to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $sUser - Optional: User to be checked. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or SamAccountName (default = @UserName) ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified user has the rights to update the group membership on the given group ; Failure - 0, @error set ; |0 - $sUser does not have the rights to update the group membership on $sObject ; |1 - $sUser does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_HasFullRights, _AD_HasUnlockResetRights, _AD_HasRequiredRights ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa772285(VS.85).aspx (ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM Enumeration) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_HasGroupUpdateRights($sObject, $sUser = @UserName) Local $iResult = _AD_HasRequiredRights($sObject, $ADS_OBJECT_READWRITE_ALL, $sUser) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $iResult) EndFunc ;==>_AD_HasGroupUpdateRights ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectClass ; Description ...: Returns the main class (also called structural class) of an object ("user", "group" etc.). ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectClass($sObject[, $bAll = False]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Object for which the main class should be returned. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $bAll - Optional: Returns the main class plus the superior classes from which the main class is deduced hierarchically (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - Main class of the specified object if $bAll = False or an zero-based array of the main plus the superior classes if $bAll = True ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified object does not exist ; |2 - The LDAP query returned no record. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectClass($sObject, $bAll = False) If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" ; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object If $bAll Then Return $oObject.ObjectClass Return $oObject.Class EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectClass ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectOU ; Description ...: Returns the OU (Organizational Unit) of an object ("user", "group" etc.). ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectOU($sObject[, $sReturn = "distinguishedName"]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Object for which the main class should be returned. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), sAMAccountName or ADsPath ; $sReturn - Optional: Property to return. Must be "distinguishedName" or "Name" (default = "distinguishedName") ; Return values .: Success - FQDN of the object's OU. ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified object does not exist ; |2 - The LDAP query returned no record. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; |3 - Parameter $sReturn is wrong. Must be "distinguishedName" or "Name" ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectOU($sObject, $sReturn = "distinguishedName") If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $sReturn <> "distinguishedName" And $sReturn <> "Name" Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If StringLeft($sObject, 7) <> "LDAP://" Then ; No ADsPath Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" ; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $sObject = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value EndIf Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sObject) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet($oObject.Parent) ; Get parent of the object (= OU) Return $oOU.Get($sReturn) ; Get distinguishedName (FQDN) for OU EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectOU ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetUserGroups ; Description ...: Returns an array of group names that the user is immediately a member of. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetUserGroups([$sUser = @UserName[, $bIncludePrimaryGroup = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $sUser - Optional: User for which the group membership is to be returned (default = @Username). Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $bIncludePrimaryGroup - Optional: include the primary group to the returned list (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of group names (FQDN) the user is a member of ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified user does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Works for computers or groups as well. ; Related .......: _AD_IsMemberOf, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup, _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetUserGroups($sUser = @UserName, $bIncludePrimaryGroup = False) If _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" ; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sUser & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the FQDN for the logged on user Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the logged on user Local $aGroups = $oObject.GetEx("memberof") If IsArray($aGroups) Then If $bIncludePrimaryGroup Then _ArrayAdd($aGroups, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup($sUser)) _ArrayInsert($aGroups, 0, UBound($aGroups)) Else Local $aGroups[1] = [0] If $bIncludePrimaryGroup Then _ArrayAdd($aGroups, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup($sUser)) $aGroups[0] = UBound($aGroups) - 1 EndIf Return $aGroups EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetUserGroups ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup ; Description ...: Returns the primary group the user is assigned to. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup([$sUser = @UserName]) ; Parameters ....: $sUser - Optional: User for which the primary group is to be returned (default = @Username). Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - Primary group (FQDN) the user is assigned to. ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified user does not exist ; |2 - A primary group couldn't be found for the specified user ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_IsMemberOf, _AD_GetUserGroups, _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf, _AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup($sUser = @UserName) If _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sProperty = "samAccountName" If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sUser & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the FQDN for the logged on user Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the logged on user $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(objectCategory=group);cn,primaryGroupToken,DistinguishedName;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute While Not $oRecordSet.EOF If $oRecordSet.Fields("primaryGroupToken").Value = $oObject.primaryGroupID Then _ Return $oRecordSet.Fields("DistinguishedName").Value $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup ; Description ...: Sets the users primary group. ; Syntax.........: _AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup($sUser, $sGroup) ; Parameters ....: $sUser - User for which the primary group is to be set. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $sGroup - Group to be set as the primary group for the specified user. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sUser does not exist ; |2 - $sGroup does not exist ; |3 - $sUser must be a member of $sGroup ; |x - Error returned by SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Talder ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_AddUserToGroup, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup($sUser, $sGroup) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not _AD_IsMemberOf($sGroup, $sUser) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMACccountName provided If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sUser = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sUser) ; sAMACccountName provided Local $oUser = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sUser) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the user Local $oGroup = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sGroup) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the group Local $aTemp[1] = ["primaryGroupToken"] $oGroup.GetInfoEx($aTemp, 0) $oUser.primaryGroupID = $oGroup.primaryGroupToken $oUser.SetInfo() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_SetUserPrimaryGroup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf ; Description ...: Takes a group, user or computer and recursively returns a list of groups the object is a member of. ; Syntax.........: _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf($sObject[, $iDepth = 10[, $bListInherited = True[, $bFQDN = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - User, group or computer for which the group membership is to be returned. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $iDepth - Optional: Maximum depth of recursion (default = 10) ; $bListInherited - Optional: Defines if the function returns the group(s) it was inherited from (default = True) ; $bFQDN - Optional: Specifies the attribute to be returned. True = distinguishedName (FQDN), False = SamAccountName (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of group names (FQDN or sAMAccountName) the user or group is a member of ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified user, group or computer does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: This function traverses the groups that the object is immediately a member of while also checking its group membership. ; For groups that are inherited, the return is the FQDN or sAMAccountname of the group, user or computer, and the FQDN(s) or sAMAccountname(s) of the group(s) it ; was inherited from, seperated by '|'(s) if flag $bListInherited is set to True. ;+ ; If flag $bListInherited is set to False then the group names are sorted and only unique groups are returned. ; Related .......: _AD_IsMemberOf, _AD_GetUserGroups, _AD_GetUserPrimaryGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf($sObject, $iDepth = 10, $bListInherited = True, $bFQDN = True) If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided $sObject = _AD_FixSpecialChars($sObject, 1, '"\/#+<>;=') ; the object needs to be unescaped (except a comma) for the LDAP query but the result might be escaped Local $iCount1, $iCount2 Local $sField = "distinguishedName" If Not $bFQDN Then $sField = "samaccountname" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(member=" & $sObject & ");" & $sField & ";subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute Local $aGroups[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1] = [0] If $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return $aGroups $oRecordSet.MoveFirst $iCount1 = 1 Local $aTempMemberOf[1] Do $aGroups[$iCount1] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value If $iDepth > 0 Then $aTempMemberOf = _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf($aGroups[$iCount1], $iDepth - 1, $bListInherited, $bFQDN) If $bListInherited Then For $iCount2 = 1 To $aTempMemberOf[0] $aTempMemberOf[$iCount2] &= "|" & $aGroups[$iCount1] Next EndIf _ArrayDelete($aTempMemberOf, 0) _ArrayConcatenate($aGroups, $aTempMemberOf) EndIf $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext Until $oRecordSet.EOF $oRecordSet.Close If $bListInherited = False Then _ArraySort($aGroups, 0, 1) $aGroups = _ArrayUnique($aGroups, 0, 1) EndIf $aGroups[0] = UBound($aGroups) - 1 Return $aGroups EndFunc ;==>_AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetGroupMembers ; Description ...: Returns an array of group members. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetGroupMembers($sGroup) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Group to retrieve members from. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of names (FQDN) that are members of the specified group ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified group does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: If the group has no members, _AD_GetGroupMembers returns an array with one element (row count) set to 0 ; Related .......: _AD_GetGroupMemberOf, _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetGroupMembers($sGroup) If _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $sRange, $iRangeModifier, $oRecordSet Local $aMembers[1] Local $iCount1 = 0 Local $aMembersadd[1] While 1 $iRangeModifier = $iCount1 * 1000 $sRange = "Range=" & $iRangeModifier & "-" & $iRangeModifier + 999 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";;member;" & $sRange & ";base" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $aMembersadd = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value If $aMembersadd = Null Then ExitLoop ReDim $aMembers[UBound($aMembers) + 1000] For $iCount2 = $iRangeModifier + 1 To $iRangeModifier + 1000 $aMembers[$iCount2] = $aMembersadd[$iCount2 - $iRangeModifier - 1] Next $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.Close $oRecordSet = 0 WEnd $iRangeModifier = $iCount1 * 1000 $sRange = "Range=" & $iRangeModifier & "-*" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";;member;" & $sRange & ";base" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $aMembersadd = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value ReDim $aMembers[UBound($aMembers) + UBound($aMembersadd)] For $iCount2 = $iRangeModifier + 1 To $iRangeModifier + UBound($aMembersadd) $aMembers[$iCount2] = $aMembersadd[$iCount2 - $iRangeModifier - 1] Next $oRecordSet.Close $aMembers[0] = UBound($aMembers) - 1 Return $aMembers EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetGroupMembers ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers ; Description ...: Takes a group and recursively returns a list of groups and members of the group. ; Syntax.........: _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers($sGroup[, $iDepth = 10[, $bListInherited = True[, $bFQDN = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Group for which the members should to be returned. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; $iDepth - Optional: Maximum depth of recursion (default = 10) ; $bListInherited - Optional: Defines if the function returns the group it is a member of (default = True) ; $bFQDN - Optional: Specifies the attribute to be returned. True = distinguishedName (FQDN), False = SamAccountName (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of group or member names (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified group does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: This function traverses the groups in the specified group until the maximum depth is reached. ; if $bListInherited = True the return is the FQDN or sAMAccountname of the group or member and the FQDN(s) or sAMAccountname(s) of the group it ; is a member of, seperated by '|'(s) if flag $bListInherited is set to True. ;+ ; If flag $bListInherited is set to False then the group/member names are sorted and only unique entries are returned. ; Related .......: _AD_GetGroupMembers ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers($sGroup, $iDepth = 10, $bListInherited = True, $bFQDN = True) If _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) Local $iCount1, $iCount2 Local $sField = "distinguishedName" If Not $bFQDN Then $sField = "samaccountname" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(memberof=" & $sGroup & ");" & $sField & ";subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute Local $aMembers[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1] = [0] If $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return $aMembers $oRecordSet.MoveFirst $iCount1 = 1 Local $aTempMembers[1] Do $aMembers[$iCount1] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value If $iDepth > 0 Then $aTempMembers = _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers($aMembers[$iCount1], $iDepth - 1, $bListInherited, $bFQDN) If $bListInherited Then For $iCount2 = 1 To $aTempMembers[0] $aTempMembers[$iCount2] &= "|" & $aMembers[$iCount1] Next EndIf _ArrayDelete($aTempMembers, 0) _ArrayConcatenate($aMembers, $aTempMembers) EndIf $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext Until $oRecordSet.EOF $oRecordSet.Close If $bListInherited = False Then _ArraySort($aMembers, 0, 1) $aMembers = _ArrayUnique($aMembers, 0, 1) EndIf $aMembers[0] = UBound($aMembers) - 1 Return $aMembers EndFunc ;==>_AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetGroupMemberOf ; Description ...: Returns an array of group membership. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetGroupMemberOf($sGroup) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Group for which membership in other groups is to be retrieved. Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of group names (FQDN) that the specified group is a member of ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified group does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_GetGroupMembers, _AD_RecursiveGetGroupMembers ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetGroupMemberOf($sGroup) If _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $iRangeModifier, $sRange, $oRecordSet, $aMembersadd Local $aMemberOf[1] Local $iCount1 = 0 While 1 $iRangeModifier = $iCount1 * 1000 $sRange = "Range=" & $iRangeModifier & "-" & $iRangeModifier + 999 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";;memberof;" & $sRange & ";base" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $aMembersadd = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value If $aMembersadd = Null Then ExitLoop ReDim $aMemberOf[UBound($aMemberOf) + 1000] For $iCount2 = $iRangeModifier + 1 To $iRangeModifier + 1000 $aMemberOf[$iCount2] = $aMembersadd[$iCount2 - $iRangeModifier - 1] Next $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.Close WEnd $iRangeModifier = $iCount1 * 1000 $sRange = "Range=" & $iRangeModifier & "-*" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";;memberof;" & $sRange & ";base" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $aMembersadd = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value ReDim $aMemberOf[UBound($aMemberOf) + UBound($aMembersadd)] For $iCount2 = $iRangeModifier + 1 To $iRangeModifier + UBound($aMembersadd) $aMemberOf[$iCount2] = $aMembersadd[$iCount2 - $iRangeModifier - 1] Next $oRecordSet.Close $aMemberOf[0] = UBound($aMemberOf) - 1 Return $aMemberOf EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetGroupMemberOf ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectsInOU ; Description ...: Returns a filtered array of objects and attributes for a given OU or just the number of records if $bCount is True. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectsInOU($sOU[, $sFilter = "(name=*)"[, $iSearchScope = 2[, $sDataToRetrieve = "sAMAccountName"[, $sSortBy = "sAMAccountName"[, $bCount = False[, $vReturnNull = True]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sOU - The OU to retrieve from (FQDN) (default = "", equals "search the whole AD tree") ; $sFilter - Optional: An additional LDAP filter if required (default = "(name=*)") ; $iSearchScope - Optional: 0 = base, 1 = one-level, 2 = sub-tree (default) ; $sDataToRetrieve - Optional: A comma-seperated list of attributes to retrieve (default = "sAMAccountName"). ; |More than one attribute will create a 2-dimensional array ; $sSortBy - Optional: name of the attribute the resulting array will be sorted upon (default = "sAMAccountName"). ; |To completely suppress sorting (even the default sort) set this parameter to "". This improves performance when doing large queries ; $bCount - Optional: If set to True only returns the number of records returned by the query (default = False) ; $vReturnNull - Optional: If set to any other value but True Null values (occur when the property has never been set) are returned as this value (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - Number of records retrieved or a one or two dimensional one-based array of objects and attributes in the given OU. First entry is for the given OU itself ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Specified OU does not exist ; |2 - No records returned from Active Directory. $sDataToRetrieve is invalid (attribute may not exist). @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; |3 - No records returned from Active Directory. $sFilter didn't return a record ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Multi-value attributes are returned as string with the pipe character (|) as separator. ;+ ; The default filter returns an array including one record for the OU itself. To exclude the OU use a different filter that doesn't include the OU ; e.g. "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(name=*))" ;+ ; To make sure that all properties you specify in $sDataToRetrieve exist in the AD you can use _AD_ObjectExistsInSchema. ;+ ; The following examples illustrate the use of the escaping mechanism in the LDAP filter: ; (o=Parens R Us \28for all your parenthetical needs\29) ; (cn=*\2A*) ; (filename=C:\5cMyFile) ; (bin=\00\00\00\04) ; (sn=Lu\c4\8di\c4\87) ; The first example shows the use of the escaping mechanism to represent parenthesis characters. ; The second shows how to represent a "*" in a value, preventing it from being interpreted as a substring indicator. ; The third illustrates the escaping of the backslash character. ; The fourth example shows a filter searching for the four-byte value 0x00000004, illustrating the use of the escaping mechanism to ; represent arbitrary data, including NUL characters. ; The final example illustrates the use of the escaping mechanism to represent various non-ASCII UTF-8 characters. ; Related .......: _AD_GetAllOUs ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectsInOU($sOU = "", $sFilter = "(name=*)", $iSearchScope = 2, $sDataToRetrieve = "sAMAccountName", $sSortBy = "sAMAccountName", $bCount = False, $vReturnNull = True) If $sOU = "" Then $sOU = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sOU, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf Local $sReturnNull = "" If Not IsBool($vReturnNull) Then $sReturnNull = $vReturnNull $vReturnNull = False EndIf Local $iCount2, $aDataToRetrieve, $aTemp If $sDataToRetrieve = "" Then $sDataToRetrieve = "sAMAccountName" $sDataToRetrieve = StringStripWS($sDataToRetrieve, 8) $__oAD_Command.Properties("Searchscope") = $iSearchScope $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";" & $sFilter & ";" & $sDataToRetrieve $__oAD_Command.Properties("Sort On") = $sSortBy Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Local $iCount1 = $oRecordSet.RecordCount If $iCount1 = 0 Then If $bCount Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf If $bCount Then Return $iCount1 If StringInStr($sDataToRetrieve, ",") Then $aDataToRetrieve = StringSplit($sDataToRetrieve, ",") Local $aObjects[$iCount1 + 1][$aDataToRetrieve[0]] $aObjects[0][0] = $iCount1 $aObjects[0][1] = $aDataToRetrieve[0] $iCount2 = 1 $oRecordSet.MoveFirst Do For $iCount1 = 1 To $aDataToRetrieve[0] If IsArray($oRecordSet.Fields($aDataToRetrieve[$iCount1]).Value) Then $aTemp = $oRecordSet.Fields($aDataToRetrieve[$iCount1]).Value $aObjects[$iCount2][$iCount1 - 1] = _ArrayToString($aTemp) Else $aObjects[$iCount2][$iCount1 - 1] = $oRecordSet.Fields($aDataToRetrieve[$iCount1]).Value If Not $vReturnNull And IsKeyword($aObjects[$iCount2][$iCount1 - 1]) = $KEYWORD_NULL Then $aObjects[$iCount2][$iCount1 - 1] = $sReturnNull EndIf Next $oRecordSet.MoveNext $iCount2 += 1 Until $oRecordSet.EOF Else Local $aObjects[$iCount1 + 1] $aObjects[0] = UBound($aObjects) - 1 $iCount2 = 1 $oRecordSet.MoveFirst Do If IsArray($oRecordSet.Fields($sDataToRetrieve).Value) Then $aTemp = $oRecordSet.Fields($sDataToRetrieve).Value $aObjects[$iCount2] = _ArrayToString($aTemp) Else $aObjects[$iCount2] = $oRecordSet.Fields($sDataToRetrieve).Value EndIf $oRecordSet.MoveNext $iCount2 += 1 Until $oRecordSet.EOF EndIf $__oAD_Command.Properties("Sort On") = "" ; Reset sort property Return $aObjects EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectsInOU ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetAllOUs ; Description ...: Retrieves an array of OUs. The paths are separated by the '\' character. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetAllOUs([$sRoot = ""[, $sSeparator = "\"[, $iSelect = 0[, $iSearchScope = 2]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sRoot - Optional: OU (FQDN) where to start in the AD tree (default = "", equals "start at the AD root") ; $sSeparator - Optional: Single character to separate the OU names (default = "\") ; $iSelect - Optional: Which objects should be returned in the result (default = 0) ; |0 - Return OUs (Organizational Units) (default) ; |1 - Return CNs (Containers) ; |2 - Return OUs + CNs ; $iSearchScope - Optional: 0 = base, 1 = one-level, 2 = sub-tree (default) ; Return values .: Success - One-based two dimensional array of OUs starting with the given OU. The paths are separated by "\" ; |0 - ... \name of grandfather OU\name of father OU\name of son OU ; |1 - Distinguished Name (FQDN) of the son OU ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No OUs found ; |2 - Specified $sRoot does not exist ; |3 - $iSelect is not an integer or < 0 or > 2 ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: If an OU contains spaces the sorting is wrong and might lead to problems in further processing. ; Please have a look at http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/106163-active-directory-udf/page__view__findpost__p__943892 ; Related .......: _AD_GetObjectsInOU ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetAllOUs($sRoot = "", $sSeparator = "\", $iSelect = 0, $iSearchScope = 2) If $sRoot = "" Then $sRoot = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sRoot, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf If Not IsInt($iSelect) Or $iSelect < 0 Or $iSelect > 2 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If $sSeparator <= " " Or StringLen($sSeparator) > 1 Then $sSeparator = "\" $__oAD_Command.Properties("Searchscope") = $iSearchScope $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";" Switch $iSelect Case 0 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = $__oAD_Command.CommandText & "(objectCategory=organizationalUnit);distinguishedName" Case 1 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = $__oAD_Command.CommandText & "(objectCategory=container);distinguishedName" Case 2 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = $__oAD_Command.CommandText & "(|(objectCategory=organizationalUnit)(objectCategory=container));distinguishedName" EndSwitch Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute Local $iCount1 = $oRecordSet.RecordCount If $iCount1 = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aOUs[$iCount1 + 1][2] Local $iCount2 = 1, $aTempOU $oRecordSet.MoveFirst Do $aOUs[$iCount2][1] = $oRecordSet.Fields("distinguishedName").Value $aOUs[$iCount2][0] = "," & StringTrimRight($aOUs[$iCount2][1], StringLen($sAD_DNSDomain) + 1) $aTempOU = StringSplit($aOUs[$iCount2][0], "," & StringLeft($aOUs[$iCount2][1], 3), 1) ; Split at ",OU=" or ",CN=" _ArrayReverse($aTempOU) $aOUs[$iCount2][0] = StringTrimRight(_ArrayToString($aTempOU, $sSeparator), 3) $iCount2 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext Until $oRecordSet.EOF _ArraySort($aOUs) $aOUs[0][0] = UBound($aOUs, 1) - 1 $aOUs[0][1] = 2 Return $aOUs EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetAllOUs ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ListDomainControllers ; Description ...: Enumerates all Domain Controllers (returns information about: Domain Controller, site, subnet and Global Catalog). ; Syntax.........: _AD_ListDomainControllers([$bListRO = False[, $bListGC = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $bListRO - Optional: If set to True only returns RODC (read only domain controllers) (default = False) ; $bListGC - Optional: If set to True queries the DC for a Global Catalog. Disabled for performance reasons (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - One-based two dimensional array with the following information: ; |0 - Domain Controller: Name ; |1 - Domain Controller: Distinguished Name (FQDN) ; |2 - Domain Controller: DNS host name ; |3 - Site: Name ; |4 - Site: Distinguished Name (FQDN) ; |5 - Site: List of subnets that can connect to the site using this DC in the format x.x.x.x/mask - multiple subnets are separated by comma ; |6 - Global Catalog: Set to True if the DC is a Global Catalog (only if flag $bListGC = True. If False then "" is returned) ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No Domain Controllers found. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; Author ........: water (based on VB functions by Richard L. Mueller) ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function only lists writeable DCs (default). To list RODC (read only DCs) use parameter $bListRO ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.rlmueller.net/Enumerate%20DCs.htm ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ListDomainControllers($bListRO = False, $bListGC = False) Local $oDC, $oSite, $oResult Local Const $NTDSDSA_OPT_IS_GC = 1 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(objectClass=nTDSDSA);ADsPath;subtree" If $bListRO Then $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(objectClass=nTDSDSARO);ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") ; The parent object of each object with objectClass=nTDSDSA is a Domain ; Controller. The parent of each Domain Controller is a "Servers" ; container, and the parent of this container is the "Site" container. $oRecordSet.MoveFirst Local $aResult[1][7], $iCount1 = 1, $aSubNet, $aTemp, $sTemp Do ReDim $aResult[$iCount1 + 1][7] $oResult = __AD_ObjGet($oRecordSet.Fields("AdsPath").Value) $oDC = __AD_ObjGet($oResult.Parent) $aResult[$iCount1][0] = $oDC.Get("Name") $aResult[$iCount1][1] = $oDC.serverReference $aResult[$iCount1][2] = $oDC.DNSHostName $oResult = __AD_ObjGet($oDC.Parent) $oSite = __AD_ObjGet($oResult.Parent) $aResult[$iCount1][3] = StringMid($oSite.Name, 4) $aResult[$iCount1][4] = $oSite.distinguishedName $aSubNet = $oSite.GetEx("siteObjectBL") For $iCount2 = 0 To UBound($aSubNet) - 1 $aTemp = StringSplit($aSubNet[$iCount2], ",") $sTemp = StringMid($aTemp[1], 4) If $iCount2 = 0 Then $aResult[$iCount1][5] = $sTemp Else $aResult[$iCount1][5] = $aResult[$iCount1][5] & "," & $sTemp EndIf Next If $bListGC Then ; Is the DC a GC? Taken from: http://www.activexperts.com/activmonitor/windowsmanagement/adminscripts/computermanagement/ad/ Local $oDCRootDSE = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $oDC.DNSHostName & "/rootDSE") Local $sDsServiceDN = $oDCRootDSE.Get("dsServiceName") Local $oDsRoot = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $oDC.DNSHostName & "/" & $sDsServiceDN) Local $iDCOptions = $oDsRoot.Get("options") If BitAND($iDCOptions, $NTDSDSA_OPT_IS_GC) = 1 Then $aResult[$iCount1][6] = True Else $aResult[$iCount1][6] = False EndIf EndIf $oRecordSet.MoveNext $iCount1 += 1 Until $oRecordSet.EOF $oRecordSet.Close $aResult[0][0] = UBound($aResult, 1) - 1 $aResult[0][1] = UBound($aResult, 2) Return $aResult EndFunc ;==>_AD_ListDomainControllers ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ListRootDSEAttributes ; Description ...: Returns a one-based array of the RootDSE Atributes. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ListRootDSEAttributes() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of the following RootDSE attributes. Multi-valued attributes are as multiple lines. ; |1 - configurationNamingContext: Specifies the distinguished name for the configuration container. ; |2 - currentTime: Specifies the current time set on this directory server in Coordinated Universal Time format. ; |3 - defaultNamingContext: Specifies the distinguished name of the domain that this directory server is a member. ; |4 - dnsHostName: Specifies the DNS address for this directory server. ; |5 - domainControllerFunctionality: Specifies the functional level of this domain controller. Values can be: ; 0 - Windows 2000 Mode ; 2 - Windows Server 2003 Mode ; 3 - Windows Server 2008 Mode ; 4 - Windows Server 2008 R2 Mode ; 5 - Windows Server 2012 Mode ; 6 - Windows Server 2012 R2 Mode ; |6 - domainFunctionality: Specifies the functional level of the domain. Values can be: ; 0 - Windows 2000 Domain Mode ; 1 - Windows Server 2003 Interim Domain Mode ; 2 - Windows Server 2003 Domain Mode ; 3 - Windows Server 2008 Domain Mode ; 4 - Windows Server 2008 R2 Domain Mode ; 5 - Windows Server 2012 Domain Mode ; 6 - Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Mode ; |7 - dsServiceName: Specifies the distinguished name of the NTDS settings object for this directory server. ; |8 - forestFunctionality: Specifies the functional level of the forest. Values can be: ; 0 - Windows 2000 Forest Mode ; 1 - Windows Server 2003 Interim Forest Mode ; 2 - Windows Server 2003 Forest Mode ; 3 - Windows Server 2008 Forest Mode ; 4 - Windows Server 2008 R2 Forest Mode ; 5 - Windows Server 2012 Forest Mode ; 6 - Windows Server 2012 R2 Forest Mode ; |9 - highestCommittedUSN: Specifies the highest update sequence number (USN) on this directory server. Used by directory replication. ; |10 - isGlobalCatalogReady: Specifies Global Catalog operational status. Values can be either True or False. ; |11 - isSynchronized: Specifies directory server synchronisation status. Values can be either True or False. ; |12 - LDAPServiceName: Specifies the Service Principal Name (SPN) for the LDAP server. Used for mutual authentication. ; |13 - namingContexts: A multi-valued attribute that specifies the distinguished names for all naming contexts stored on this directory server. ; +By default, a Windows 2000 domain controller has at least three naming contexts: Schema, Configuration, and the domain which the server is a member of. ; |14 - rootDomainNamingContext: Specifies the distinguished name for the first domain in the forest that this directory server is a member of. ; |15 - schemaNamingContext: Specifies the distinguished name for the schema container. ; |16 - serverName: Specifies the distinguished name of the server object for this directory server in the configuration container. ; |17 - subschemaSubentry: Specifies the distinguished name for the subSchema object. The subSchema object specifies properties that expose the supported attributes ; +(in the attributeTypes property) and classes (in the objectClasses property). ; |18 - supportedCapabilities: multi-valued attribute that specifies the capabilities supported by this directory server. ; |19 - supportedControl: A multi-valued attribute that specifies the extension control OIDs supported by this directory server. ; |20 - supportedLDAPPolicies: A multi-valued attribute that specifies the names of the supported LDAP management policies. ; |21 - supportedLDAPVersion: A multi-valued attribute that specifies the LDAP versions (specified by major version number) supported by this directory server. ; |22 - supportedSASLMechanisms: Specifies the security mechanisms supported for SASL negotiation (see LDAP RFCs). By default, GSSAPI is supported. ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: In LDAP 3.0, rootDSE is defined as the root of the directory data tree on a directory server. ; The rootDSE is not part of any namespace. The purpose of the rootDSE is to provide data about the directory server. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223254(v=PROT.13).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ListRootDSEAttributes() Return _AD_GetObjectProperties($__oAD_RootDSE) EndFunc ;==>_AD_ListRootDSEAttributes ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ListRoleOwners ; Description ...: Returns a one-based array of FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operation) Role Owners. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ListRoleOwners() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success - Returns an one-based one dimensional array of FSMO Role Owners. The array contains: ; |1 - Domain PDC FSMO ; |2 - Domain Rid FSMO ; |3 - Domain Infrastructure FSMO ; |4 - Forest-wide Schema FSMO ; |5 - Forest-wide Domain naming FSMO ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.tools4net.de/doc/ad2.htm ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ListRoleOwners() Local $aRoles[6] ; PDC FSMO $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectClass=domainDNS)(fSMORoleOwner=*));adsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute Local $oFSM = ObjGet($oRecordSet.fields(0).Value) Local $oCompNTDS = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $oFSM.FSMORoleOwner) Local $oComp = ObjGet($oCompNTDS.Parent) $aRoles[1] = $oComp.dnsHostname ; Rid FSMO $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectClass=rIDManager) (fSMORoleOwner=*));adsPath;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $oFSM = ObjGet($oRecordSet.fields(0).Value) $oCompNTDS = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $oFSM.FSMORoleOwner) $oComp = ObjGet($oCompNTDS.Parent) $aRoles[2] = $oComp.dnsHostname ; Infrastructure FSMO $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectClass=infrastructureUpdate) (fSMORoleOwner=*));adsPath;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $oFSM = ObjGet($oRecordSet.fields(0).Value) $oCompNTDS = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $oFSM.FSMORoleOwner) $oComp = ObjGet($oCompNTDS.Parent) $aRoles[3] = $oComp.dnsHostname ; Schema FSMO $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectClass=dMD) (fSMORoleOwner=*));adsPath;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $oFSM = ObjGet($oRecordSet.fields(0).Value) $oCompNTDS = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $oFSM.FSMORoleOwner) $oComp = ObjGet($oCompNTDS.Parent) $aRoles[4] = $oComp.dnsHostname ; Domain Naming FSMO $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectClass=crossRefContainer)(fSMORoleOwner=*));adsPath;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute $oFSM = ObjGet($oRecordSet.fields(0).Value) $oCompNTDS = ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $oFSM.FSMORoleOwner) $oComp = ObjGet($oCompNTDS.Parent) $aRoles[5] = $oComp.dnsHostname $aRoles[0] = 5 Return $aRoles EndFunc ;==>_AD_ListRoleOwners ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetLastLoginDate ; Description ...: Returns the lastlogin information for user and computer accounts from all DCs using the SamAccountName. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetLastLoginDate([$sObject = @Username[, $sSite = ""[, $aDCList = ""]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Optional: SamAccountName of a user or computer account to get the last login date (default = @Username). ; $sSite - Optional: Only query DCs that belong to this site(s) (default = all sites). ; +This can be a single site or a list of sites separated by commas ; $aDCList - Optional: one-based two dimensional array of Domain Controllers as returned by function _AD_ListDomainControllers (default = "") ; Return values .: Success - Last login date returned as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. @extended is set to the total number of Domain Controllers. ; +@error could be > 0 and contains the number of DCs that could not be reached or returns no data ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject could not be found. @extended = 0 ; |2 - $sObject has never logged in to the domain. @extended = 0 ; |3 - $aDCList has to be an array or blank ; |4 - $aDCList has to be a 2-dimensional array ; Warning - Last login date returned as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (see Success), sets @error and @extended to: ; |x - Number of DCs which could not be reached. Result is returned from all available DCs. @extended is set to the total number of Domain Controllers ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water, Stephane ; Remarks .......: If it takes (too) long to get a result either some DCs are down or you have too many DCs in your AD. ; +Case one: Please check @error and @extended as described above ; +Case two: Specify parameter $sSite to reduce the number of DCs to query and/or retrieve the list of DCs yourself and pass the array as parameter 3 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2009/04/15/the-lastlogontimestamp-attribute-what-it-was-designed-for-and-how-it-works.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetLastLoginDate($sObject = @UserName, $sSite = "", $aDCList = "") If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($aDCList) And $aDCList <> "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If IsArray($aDCList) And UBound($aDCList, 0) <> 2 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $aDCList = "" Then $aDCList = _AD_ListDomainControllers() Local $aSite, $sSingleDC, $bWasIn ; Delete all DCs not belonging to the specified site $aSite = StringSplit($sSite, ",", 2) If UBound($aSite) > 0 And $aSite[0] <> "" Then For $iCount1 = $aDCList[0][0] To 1 Step -1 $bWasIn = False For $sSingleDC In $aSite If $aDCList[$iCount1][3] = $sSingleDC Then $bWasIn = True Next If Not $bWasIn Then _ArrayDelete($aDCList, $iCount1) Next $aDCList[0][0] = UBound($aDCList, 1) - 1 EndIf ; Get LastLogin from all DCs Local $aResult[$aDCList[0][0] + 1] Local $sLDAPEntry, $oObject, $oRecordSet Local $iError1 = 0, $iError2 = 0 For $iCount1 = 1 To $aDCList[0][0] If Ping($aDCList[$iCount1][2]) = 0 Then $iError1 += 1 ContinueLoop EndIf $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(sAMAccountName=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object ; -2147352567 or 0x80020009 is returned when the service is not operational If @error = -2147352567 Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then $iError1 += 1 Else $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object $aResult[$iCount1] = $oObject.LastLogin ; -2147352567 or 0x80020009 is returned when the attribute "LastLogin" isn't defined on this DC If @error = -2147352567 Then $iError2 += 1 $oObject.PurgePropertyList EndIf Next _ArraySort($aResult, 1, 1) ; If error count equals the number of DCs then the user has never logged in If $iError2 = $aDCList[0][0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Return SetError($iError1, $aDCList[0][0], $aResult[1]) EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetLastLoginDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_IsObjectDisabled ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the object (user account, computer account) is disabled. ; Syntax.........: _AD_IsObjectDisabled([$sObject = @Username]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Optional: Object to check (default = @Username). Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified object is disabled ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |0 - $sObject is not disabled ; |1 - $sObject could not be found ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: A $ sign must be appended to the computer name to create a correct sAMAccountName e.g. @ComputerName & "$" ; Related .......: _AD_DisableObject, _AD_EnableObject, _AD_GetObjectsDisabled ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_IsObjectDisabled($sObject = @UserName) If _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iUAC = _AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, "userAccountControl") If BitAND($iUAC, $ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) = $ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_AD_IsObjectDisabled ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_IsObjectLocked ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the object (user account, computer account) is locked. ; Syntax.........: _AD_IsObjectLocked([$sObject = @Username]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Optional: Object to check (default = @Username). Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - 1, Specified object is locked, sets @error to: ; |x - number of minutes till the account is unlocked. -1 means the account has to be unlocked manually by an admin ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |0 - $sObject is not locked ; |1 - $sObject could not be found ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: A $ sign must be appended to the computer name to create a correct sAMAccountName e.g. @ComputerName & "$" ; LockoutTime contains the timestamp when the object was locked. This value is not reset until the user/computer logs on again. ; LockoutTime could be > 0 even when the lockout already has expired. ; Related .......: _AD_GetObjectsLocked, _AD_UnlockObject ; Link ..........: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-1350048.php, http://www.rlmueller.net/IsUserLocked.htm, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780271%28WS.10%29.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_IsObjectLocked($sObject = @UserName) ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; HINT: To enhance performance this can also be written as: ; $oUser = ObjGet("WinNT:///") ; ConsoleWrite("Locked: " & $oUser.IsAccountLocked & @CRLF) ;------------------------------------------------------------- If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName"; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object Local $oLockoutTime = $oObject.LockoutTime ; Object is not locked out If Not IsObj($oLockoutTime) Then Return ; Calculate lockout time (UTC) Local $sLockoutTime = _DateAdd("s", Int(__AD_LargeInt2Double($oLockoutTime.LowPart, $oLockoutTime.HighPart) / (10000000)), "1601/01/01 00:00:00") ; Object is not locked out If $sLockoutTime = "1601/01/01 00:00:00" Then Return ; Get password info - Account Lockout Duration Local $aTemp = _AD_GetPasswordInfo($sObject) ; if lockout duration is 0 (= unlock manually by admin needed) then no calculation is necessary. Set @error to -1 (minutes till the account is unlocked) If $aTemp[5] = 0 Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 1) ; Calculate when the lockout will be reset Local $sResetLockoutTime = _DateAdd("n", $aTemp[5], $sLockoutTime) ; Compare to current date/time (UTC) Local $sNow = _Date_Time_GetSystemTime() $sNow = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sNow, 1) If $sResetLockoutTime >= $sNow Then Return SetError(_DateDiff("n", $sNow, $sResetLockoutTime), 0, 1) Return EndFunc ;==>_AD_IsObjectLocked ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_IsPasswordExpired ; Description ...: Returns 1 if the password of the user or computer account has expired. ; Syntax.........: _AD_IsPasswordExpired([$sAccount = @Username]) ; Parameters ....: $sAccount - Optional: User or computer account to check (default = @Username). Can be specified as Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or sAMAccountName ; Return values .: Success - 1, The password of the specified account has expired ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |0 - Password for $sAccount has not expired ; |1 - $sAccount could not be found ; |x - Error as returned by function _AD_GetPasswordInfo ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_GetPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire, _AD_SetPassword, _AD_DisablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordChange, _AD_DisablePasswordChange, _AD_GetPasswordInfo ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_IsPasswordExpired($sAccount = @UserName) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sAccount) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aTemp = _AD_GetPasswordInfo($sAccount) If @error Then SetError(@error, 0, 0) If $aTemp[11] <= _NowCalc() Then Return 1 Return EndFunc ;==>_AD_IsPasswordExpired ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectsDisabled ; Description ...: Returns an array with FQDNs of disabled objects (user accounts, computer accounts). ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectsDisabled([$sClass = "user"[, $sRoot = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sClass - Optional: Specifies if disabled user accounts or computer accounts should be returned (default = "user"). ; |"user" - Returns objects of category "user" ; |"computer" - Returns objects of category "computer" ; $sRoot - Optional: FQDN of the OU where the search should start (default = "" = search the whole tree) ; Return values .: Success - array of user or computer account FQDNs ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - $sClass is invalid. Values can be "computer" or "user" ; |2 - Specified $sRoot does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_IsObjectDisabled, _AD_DisableObject, _AD_EnableObject ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectsDisabled($sClass = "user", $sRoot = "") If $sClass <> "user" And $sClass <> "computer" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $sRoot = "" Then $sRoot = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sRoot, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectcategory=" & $sClass & ")(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=" & _ $ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE & "));distinguishedName,objectcategory;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute Local $aFQDN[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1] $aFQDN[0] = $oRecordSet.RecordCount Local $iCount1 = 1 While Not $oRecordSet.EOF $aFQDN[$iCount1] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd Return $aFQDN EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectsDisabled ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectsLocked ; Description ...: Returns an array of FQDNs of locked (user and/or, computer accounts), lockout time and minutes remaining in locked state. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectsLocked([$sClass = "user"[, $sRoot = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sClass - Optional: Specifies if locked user accounts or computer accounts should be returned (default = "user"). ; |"user" - Returns objects of category "user" ; |"computer" - Returns objects of category "computer" ; $sRoot - Optional: FQDN of the OU where the search should start (default = "" = search the whole tree) ; Return values .: Success - Returns a one-based two dimensional array with the following information: ; |0 - FQDN of the locked object ; |1 - lockout time YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS in local time of the calling user ; |2 - Minutes until the object will be unlocked ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - $sClass is invalid. Should be "computer" or "user" ; |2 - No locked objects found ; |3 - Specified $sRoot does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: LockoutTime contains the timestamp when the object was locked. This value is not reset until the user/computer logs on again. ; LockoutTime could be > 0 even when the lockout has already expired. ; Related .......: _AD_IsObjectLocked, _AD_UnlockObject ; Link ..........: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780271%28WS.10%29.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectsLocked($sClass = "user", $sRoot = "") If $sClass <> "user" And $sClass <> "computer" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $sRoot = "" Then $sRoot = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sRoot, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ; Get all objects with lockouttime>=1 $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectcategory=" & $sClass & ")(lockouttime>=1));distinguishedName;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Local $aFQDN[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1][3] = [[$oRecordSet.RecordCount, 3]] Local $iCount1 = 1 Local $aResult While Not $oRecordSet.EOF $aFQDN[$iCount1][0] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd ; check if lockouttime has expired. If yes, delete from table For $iCount1 = $aFQDN[0][0] To 1 Step -1 If Not _AD_IsObjectLocked($aFQDN[$iCount1][0]) Then _ArrayDelete($aFQDN, $iCount1) Else $aFQDN[$iCount1][2] = @error $aResult = _AD_GetObjectProperties($aFQDN[$iCount1][0], "lockouttime") $aFQDN[$iCount1][1] = $aResult[1][1] EndIf Next $aFQDN[0][0] = UBound($aFQDN) - 1 If $aFQDN[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Return $aFQDN EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectsLocked ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetPasswordExpired ; Description ...: Returns an array of FQDNs of user or computer accounts with expired passwords. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetPasswordExpired([$sRoot = ""[, $bNeverChanged = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $sRoot - Optional: FQDN of the OU where the search should start (default = "" = search the whole tree) ; $bNeverChanged - Optional: If set to True returns all accounts who have never changed their password as well (default = False) ; $iPasswordAge - Optional: Takes the max. password age from the AD or uses this value if > 0 ; $bComputer - Optional: If True queries computer accounts, if False queries user accounts (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - One-based two dimensional array of FQDNs of accounts with expired passwords ; |0 - FQDNs of accounts with expired password ; |1 - password last set YYYY/MM/DD HH:NMM:SS UTC ; |2 - password last set YYYY/MM/DD HH:NMM:SS local time of calling user ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No expired passwords found. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; |2 - Specified $sRoot does not exist ; |3 - $iPasswordAge is not numeric ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_IsPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire, _AD_SetPassword, _AD_DisablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordChange, _AD_DisablePasswordChange, _AD_GetPasswordInfo ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetPasswordExpired($sRoot = "", $bNeverChanged = False, $iPasswordAge = 0, $bComputer = False) If $sRoot = "" Then $sRoot = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sRoot, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf If $iPasswordAge <> 0 And Not IsNumber($iPasswordAge) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $aTemp = _AD_GetPasswordInfo() Local $sDTExpire = _Date_Time_GetSystemTime() ; Get current date/time $sDTExpire = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sDTExpire, 1) ; convert to system time If $iPasswordAge <> 0 Then $sDTExpire = _DateAdd("D", $iPasswordAge * -1, $sDTExpire) ; substract maximum password age Else $sDTExpire = _DateAdd("D", $aTemp[1] * -1, $sDTExpire) ; substract maximum password age EndIf Local $iDTExpire = _DateDiff("s", "1601/01/01 00:00:00", $sDTExpire) * 10000000 ; convert to Integer8 Local $sDTStruct = DllStructCreate("dword low;dword high") Local $sTemp, $iTemp, $iLowerDate = 110133216000000001 ; 110133216000000001 = 01/01/1959 00:00:00 UTC If $bNeverChanged = True Then $iLowerDate = 0 Local $sCategory = "(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)" If $bComputer = True Then $sCategory = "(objectCategory=computer)" $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&" & $sCategory & _ "(pwdLastSet<=" & Int($iDTExpire) & ")(pwdLastSet>=" & $iLowerDate & "));distinguishedName,pwdlastset,useraccountcontrol;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $aFQDN[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1][3] $aFQDN[0][0] = $oRecordSet.RecordCount Local $iCount = 1 While Not $oRecordSet.EOF $aFQDN[$iCount][0] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value $iTemp = $oRecordSet.Fields(1).Value If BitAND($oRecordSet.Fields(2).Value, $ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD) <> $ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD Then DllStructSetData($sDTStruct, "Low", $iTemp.LowPart) DllStructSetData($sDTStruct, "High", $iTemp.HighPart) $sTemp = _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime(DllStructGetPtr($sDTStruct)) $aFQDN[$iCount][1] = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sTemp, 1) $sTemp = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(DllStructGetPtr($sTemp)) $aFQDN[$iCount][2] = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sTemp, 1) EndIf $iCount += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd ; Delete records with UAC set to password not expire $aFQDN[0][0] = UBound($aFQDN) - 1 For $iCount = $aFQDN[0][0] To 1 Step -1 If $aFQDN[$iCount][1] = "" Then _ArrayDelete($aFQDN, $iCount) Next $aFQDN[0][0] = UBound($aFQDN) - 1 Return $aFQDN EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetPasswordExpired ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire ; Description ...: Returns an array of user account FQDNs where the password does not expire. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire([$sRoot = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $sRoot - Optional: FQDN of the OU where the search should start (default = "" = search the whole tree) ; Return values .: Success - Array with FQDNs of user accounts for which the password does not expire ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - No user accounts for which the password does not expire. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; |2 - Specified $sRoot does not exist ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_IsPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordExpired, _AD_SetPassword, _AD_DisablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordChange, _AD_DisablePasswordChange, _AD_GetPasswordInfo ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire($sRoot = "") If $sRoot = "" Then $sRoot = $sAD_DNSDomain Else If _AD_ObjectExists($sRoot, "distinguishedName") = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(&(objectcategory=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=" & _ $ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD & "));distinguishedName;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Or $oRecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $aFQDN[$oRecordSet.RecordCount + 1] $aFQDN[0] = $oRecordSet.RecordCount Local $iCount1 = 1 While Not $oRecordSet.EOF $aFQDN[$iCount1] = $oRecordSet.Fields(0).Value $iCount1 += 1 $oRecordSet.MoveNext WEnd Return $aFQDN EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetPasswordDontExpire ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_GetObjectProperties ; Description ...: Returns a two-dimensional array of all or selected properties and their values of an object in readable form. ; Syntax.........: _AD_GetObjectProperties([$vObject = @UserName[, $sProperties = ""[, $bSort = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vObject - Optional: SamAccountName, FQDN or ADSPath of the object to retrieve properties from (e.g. computer, user, group ...) (default = @Username) ; |Can be of type object as well. Useful to get properties for a schema or configuration object (see _AD_ListRootDSEAttributes) ; $sProperties - Optional: Comma separated list of properties to return (default = "" = return all properties) ; $bSort - Optional: True specifies that the array will be sorted on property name (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - Returns a one based two-dimensional array with all properties and their values of an object in readable form ; Failure - "" or property name, sets @error to: ; |1 - $vObject could not be found ; |2 - No values for the specified property. The property in error is returned as the function result ; |3 - Error retrieving $vObject. @Extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; Author ........: Sundance ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Dates are returned in format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS local time of the calling user (AD stores all dates in UTC - Universal Time Coordinated) ; Exception: AD internal dates like "whenCreated", "whenChanged" and "dSCorePropagationData". They are returned as UTC ; NT Security Descriptors are returned as: Control:nn, Group:Domain\Group, Owner:Domain\Group, Revision:nn ; No error is returned if there are properties in $sProperties that are not available for the selected object ;+ ; Properties are returned in alphabetical order. If $sProperties is set to "samaccountname,displayname" the returned array will contain ; displayname as the first and samaccountname as the second row. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=49627&view=findpost&p=422402, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms675090(VS.85).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_GetObjectProperties($vObject = @UserName, $sProperties = "", $bSort = True) Local $aObjectProperties[1000][2], $oObject Local $oProperty, $oPropertyEntry, $sPropertyName, $oValue, $iPropertyRecord = 0, $xAD_Dummy Local $aSAMAccountType[12][2] = [["DOMAIN_OBJECT", 0x0], ["GROUP_OBJECT", 0x10000000], ["NON_SECURITY_GROUP_OBJECT", 0x10000001], _ ["ALIAS_OBJECT", 0x20000000], ["NON_SECURITY_ALIAS_OBJECT", 0x20000001], ["USER_OBJECT", 0x30000000], ["NORMAL_USER_ACCOUNT", 0x30000000], _ ["MACHINE_ACCOUNT", 0x30000001], ["TRUST_ACCOUNT", 0x30000002], ["APP_BASIC_GROUP", 0x40000000], ["APP_QUERY_GROUP", 0x40000001], _ ["ACCOUNT_TYPE_MAX", 0x7fffffff]] Local $aUAC[21][2] = [[0x00000001, "SCRIPT"], [0x00000002, "ACCOUNTDISABLE"], [0x00000008, "HOMEDIR_REQUIRED"], [0x00000010, "LOCKOUT"], [0x00000020, "PASSWD_NOTREQD"], _ [0x00000040, "PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE"], [0x00000080, "ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED"], [0x00000100, "TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT"], [0x00000200, "NORMAL_ACCOUNT"], _ [0x00000800, "INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT"], [0x00001000, "WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT"], [0x00002000, "SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT"], [0x00010000, "DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD"], _ [0x00020000, "MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT"], [0x00040000, "SMARTCARD_REQUIRED"], [0x00080000, "TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION"], [0x00100000, "NOT_DELEGATED"], _ [0x00200000, "USE_DES_KEY_ONLY"], [0x00400000, "DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH"], [0x00800000, "PASSWORD_EXPIRED"], [0x01000000, "TRUSTED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_FOR_DELEGATION"]] If Not IsObj($vObject) Then If StringLeft($vObject, 7) <> "LDAP://" Then ; No ADsPath If _AD_ObjectExists($vObject) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($vObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName"; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $vObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecordSet) Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") $vObject = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value EndIf $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($vObject) ; Retrieve the COM Object Else $oObject = $vObject EndIf If $sProperties = "" Then $oObject.GetInfo() ; Refresh values of all properties in the property cache of the ADSI object Else Local $aProperties = StringSplit($sProperties, ",", $STR_NOCOUNT) $oObject.GetInfoEX($aProperties, 0) ; Refresh values of the selected properties in the property cache of the ADSI object EndIf Local $iPropertyCount = $oObject.PropertyCount() For $iCurrentProperty = 0 To $iPropertyCount - 1 $oProperty = $oObject.Item($iCurrentProperty) $oPropertyEntry = $oObject.GetPropertyItem($oProperty.Name, $ADSTYPE_UNKNOWN) $sPropertyName = $oProperty.Name If Not IsObj($oPropertyEntry) Then Return SetError(2, 0, $sPropertyName) For $vPropertyValue In $oPropertyEntry.Values $iPropertyRecord = $iPropertyRecord + 1 $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][0] = $sPropertyName Switch $oProperty.ADsType Case $ADSTYPE_DN_STRING $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.DNString Case $ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.CaseIgnoreString Case $ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.CaseExactString Case $ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.NumericString Case $ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.PrintableString Case $ADSTYPE_INTEGER If $sPropertyName = "sAMAccountType" Then For $iCount4 = 0 To UBound($aSAMAccountType) - 1 If $vPropertyValue.Integer = $aSAMAccountType[$iCount4][1] Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $aSAMAccountType[$iCount4][0] ExitLoop EndIf Next ElseIf $sPropertyName = "userAccountControl" Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.Integer & " = " For $iCount4 = 0 To UBound($aUAC) - 1 If BitAND($vPropertyValue.Integer, $aUAC[$iCount4][0]) = $aUAC[$iCount4][0] Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] &= $aUAC[$iCount4][1] & " - " EndIf Next If StringRight($aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1], 3) = " - " Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = StringTrimRight($aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1], 3) Else $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = $vPropertyValue.Integer EndIf Case $ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER If $sPropertyName = "pwdLastSet" Or $sPropertyName = "accountExpires" Or $sPropertyName = "lastLogonTimestamp" Or $sPropertyName = "badPasswordTime" Or $sPropertyName = "lastLogon" Or _ $sPropertyName = "lockoutTime" Or $sPropertyName = "ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime" Then If $vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.LowPart = 0 And $vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.HighPart = 0 Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = "1601/01/01 00:00:00" Else Local $sTemp = DllStructCreate("dword low;dword high") DllStructSetData($sTemp, "Low", $vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.LowPart) DllStructSetData($sTemp, "High", $vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.HighPart) Local $sTemp2 = _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime(DllStructGetPtr($sTemp)) Local $sTemp3 = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(DllStructGetPtr($sTemp2)) $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($sTemp3, 1) EndIf Else $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = __AD_LargeInt2Double($vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.LowPart, $vPropertyValue.LargeInteger.HighPart) EndIf Case $ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING $xAD_Dummy = DllStructCreate("byte[56]") DllStructSetData($xAD_Dummy, 1, $vPropertyValue.OctetString) ; objectSID etc. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa379597(VS.85).aspx ; objectGUID etc. See: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=106163&view=findpost&p=767558 If _Security__IsValidSid(DllStructGetPtr($xAD_Dummy)) Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = _Security__SidToStringSid(DllStructGetPtr($xAD_Dummy)) ; SID Else $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = _WinAPI_StringFromGUID(DllStructGetPtr($xAD_Dummy)) ; GUID EndIf Case $ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = StringRegExpReplace($vPropertyValue.UTCTime, "(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})", "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6") ; YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Case $ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN If $vPropertyValue.Boolean = 0 Then $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = "False" Else $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = "True" EndIf Case $ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR $oValue = $vPropertyValue.SecurityDescriptor $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = "Control:" & $oValue.Control & ", " & _ "Group:" & $oValue.Group & ", " & _ "Owner:" & $oValue.Owner & ", " & _ "Revision:" & $oValue.Revision Case Else $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord][1] = "Has the unknown ADsType: " & $oProperty.ADsType EndSwitch Next Next ReDim $aObjectProperties[$iPropertyRecord + 1][2] $aObjectProperties[0][0] = $iPropertyRecord $aObjectProperties[0][1] = 2 If $bSort And $iPropertyRecord > 1 Then _ArraySort($aObjectProperties, 0, 1) ; Only sort if flag is set and array contains > 1 records Return $aObjectProperties EndFunc ;==>_AD_GetObjectProperties ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_CreateOU ; Description ...: Creates a child OU in the specified parent OU. ; Syntax.........: _AD_CreateOU($sParentOU, $sOU) ; Parameters ....: $sParentOU - Parent OU where the new OU will be created (FQDN) ; $sOU - OU to create in the the parent OU (Name without leading "OU=") ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sParentOU does not exist ; |2 - $sOU in $sParentOU already exists ; |3 - $sOU is missing ; |x - Error returned by Create or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: This does not create any attributes for the OU. Use function _AD_ModifyAttribute. ; Related .......: _AD_CreateUser, _AD_CreateGroup, _AD_AddUserToGroup, _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_CreateOU($sParentOU, $sOU) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sParentOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If _AD_ObjectExists("OU=" & $sOU & "," & $sParentOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $sOU = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $oParentOU = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sParentOU) Local $oOU = $oParentOU.Create("organizationalUnit", "OU=" & $sOU) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oOU.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_CreateOU ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_CreateUser ; Description ...: Creates and activates a user in the specified OU. ; Syntax.........: _AD_CreateUser($sOU, $sUser, $sCN) ; Parameters ....: $sOU - OU to create the user in. Form is "OU=sampleou,OU=sampleparent,DC=sampledomain1,DC=sampledomain2" ; $sUser - Username, form is SamAccountName without leading 'CN=' ; $sCN - Common Name (without CN=) or RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) like "Lastname Firstname" ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sUser already exists ; |2 - $sOU does not exist ; |3 - $sCN is missing ; |4 - $sUser is missing ; |5 - $sUser could not be created. @extended is set to the error returned by LDAP ; |x - Error returned by SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: This function only sets sAMAccountName (= $sUser) and userPrincipalName (e.g. $sUser@microsoft.com). ; All other attributes have to be set using function _AD_ModifyAttribute ; Related .......: _AD_CreateOU, _AD_CreateGroup, _AD_AddUserToGroup, _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_CreateUser($sOU, $sUser, $sCN) If _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If $sCN = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $sCN = _AD_FixSpecialChars($sCN) If $sUser = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sOU) Local $oUser = $oOU.Create("User", "CN=" & $sCN) If @error Or Not IsObj($oUser) Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) $oUser.sAMAccountName = $sUser $oUser.userPrincipalName = $sUser & "@" & StringTrimLeft(StringReplace($sAD_DNSDomain, ",DC=", "."), 3) $oUser.pwdLastSet = -1 ; Set password to not expired $oUser.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oUser.AccountDisabled = False ; Activate User $oUser.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_CreateUser ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_SetPassword ; Description ...: Sets or clears the password for a user or computer. ; Syntax.........: _AD_SetPassword($sObject[, $sAD_Password=""[, $iExpired = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - User or computer for which to set the password (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sAD_Password - Optional: Password to be set for $sObject. If $sAD_Password is "" then the password will be cleared (default) ; $iExpired - Optional: 1 = the password has to be changed at next logon (Default = 0) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |x - Error returned by SetPassword or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: KenE ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Changing the password for a computer does a "reset" so the computer can be rejoined to the domain with the same SID. ; Related .......: _AD_IsPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire, _AD_DisablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordChange, _AD_DisablePasswordChange, _AD_GetPasswordInfo, _AD_ChangePassword ; Link ..........: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070105110051AAib6G7 ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_SetPassword($sObject, $sAD_Password = "", $iExpired = 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMACccountName provided Local $oUser = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject) $oUser.SetPassword($sAD_Password) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) If $iExpired Then $oUser.Put("pwdLastSet", 0) $oUser.SetInfo() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_SetPassword ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ChangePassword ; Description ...: Changes the password for the currently logged on user. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ChangePassword($sOldPW, $sNewPW) ; Parameters ....: $sOldPW - Old password of the user ; $sNewPW - New password to be set for the user ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - Error accessing the current user object ; |2 - Error returned by ChangePassword method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This allows a logged on user without elevated permissions to change his password. ; Related .......: _AD_IsPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordExpired, _AD_GetPasswordDontExpire, _AD_DisablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordExpire, _AD_EnablePasswordChange, _AD_DisablePasswordChange, _AD_GetPasswordInfo, _AD_SetPassword ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ChangePassword($sOldPW, $sNewPW) Local $oUsr = ObjGet("WinNT://" & @LogonDomain & "/" & @UserName & ",user") If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $oUsr.ChangePassword($sOldPW, $sNewPW) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_ChangePassword ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_CreateGroup ; Description ...: Creates a group in the specified OU. ; Syntax.........: _AD_CreateGroup($sOU, $sGroup[, $iType = $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_SECURITY]) ; Parameters ....: $sOU - OU to create the group in. Form is "OU=sampleou,OU=sampleparent,DC=sampledomain1,DC=sampledomain2" (FQDN) ; $sGroup - Groupname, form is SamAccountName without leading 'CN=' ; $iType - Optional: Group type (default = $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_SECURITY). NOTE: Global security must be 'BitOr'ed with a scope. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sGroup already exists ; |2 - $sOU does not exist ; |x - Error returned by Create or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: This function only sets sAMAccountName and grouptype. All other attributes have to be set using ; function _AD_ModifyAttribute ; Related .......: _AD_CreateOU, _AD_CreateUser, _AD_AddUserToGroup, _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_CreateGroup($sOU, $sGroup, $iType = $ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_SECURITY) If _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $sCN = "CN=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars($sGroup) Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sOU) Local $oGroup = $oOU.Create("Group", $sCN) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Local $sSamAccountName = StringReplace($sGroup, ",", "") $sSamAccountName = StringReplace($sSamAccountName, "#", "") $sSamAccountName = StringReplace($sSamAccountName, "/", "") $oGroup.sAMAccountName = $sSamAccountName $oGroup.grouptype = $iType $oGroup.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_CreateGroup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_AddUserToGroup ; Description ...: Adds a user or computer to the specified group. ; Syntax.........: _AD_AddUserToGroup($sGroup, $sUser) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Groupname (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sUser - Username or computername to be added to the group (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sGroup does not exist ; |2 - $sUser (user or computer) does not exist ; |3 - $sUser (user or computer) is already a member of $sGroup ; |x - Error returned by Add or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Works for both computers and groups. The sAMAccountname of a computer requires a trailing "$" before converting it to a FQDN. ; Related .......: _AD_CreateOU, _AD_CreateUser, _AD_CreateGroup, _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_AddUserToGroup($sGroup, $sUser) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If _AD_IsMemberOf($sGroup, $sUser) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMACccountName provided If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sUser = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sUser) ; sAMACccountName provided Local $oUser = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sUser) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the user Local $oGroup = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sGroup) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the group $oGroup.Add($oUser.AdsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oGroup.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_AddUserToGroup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; Description ...: Removes a user or computer from the specified group. ; Syntax.........: _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup($sGroup, $sUser) ; Parameters ....: $sGroup - Groupname (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sUser - Username (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sGroup does not exist ; |2 - $sUser does not exist ; |3 - $sUser is not a member of $sGroup ; |x - Error returned by Remove or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Works for computer objects as well. Remember that the sAMAccountname of a computer needs a trailing "$" before converting it to a FQDN. ; Related .......: _AD_CreateOU, _AD_CreateUser, _AD_CreateGroup, _AD_AddUserToGroup ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_RemoveUserFromGroup($sGroup, $sUser) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sGroup) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not _AD_IsMemberOf($sGroup, $sUser) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If StringMid($sGroup, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sGroup = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sGroup) ; sAMACccountName provided If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sUser = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sUser) ; sAMACccountName provided Local $oUser = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sUser) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the user Local $oGroup = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sGroup) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the group $oGroup.Remove($oUser.AdsPath) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oGroup.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_RemoveUserFromGroup ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_CreateComputer ; Description ...: Creates and enables a computer account. A specific, authenticated user/group can then use this account to add his or her workstation to the domain. ; Syntax.........: _AD_CreateComputer($sOU, $sComputer, $sUser) ; Parameters ....: $sOU - OU to create the computer in. Form is "OU=sampleou,OU=sampleparent,DC=sampledomain1,DC=sampledomain2" (FQDN) ; $sComputer - Computername, form is SamAccountName without trailing "$" ; $sUser - User or group that will be allowed to add the computer to the domain (SamAccountName) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sOU does not exist ; |2 - $sComputer already defined in $sOU ; |3 - $sUser does not exist ; |x - Error returned by Create or SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: By default, any authenticated user can create up to 10 computer accounts in the domain (machine account quota). ; (see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc780195(WS.10).aspx) ; To create the Access Control List you need certain permissions. If this permissions are missing you might be able to add the ; computer to the domain but the function will exit with failure and the ACL is not set. ;+ ; Creating a computer object in AD does not permit a user to join a computer to the domain. ; Certain permissions have to be granted so that the user has rights to modify the computer object. ; When you create a computer account using the ADUC snap-in you have the option to select a ; user or group to manage the computer object and join a computer to the domain using that object. ;+ ; When you use that method, the following access control entries (ACEs) are added to the ; access control list (ACL) of the computer object: ; * List Contents, Read All Properties, Delete, Delete Subtree, Read Permissions, All ; Extended Rights (i.e., Allowed to Authenticate, Change Password, Send As, Receive As, Reset Password) ; * Write Property for description ; * Write Property for sAMAccountName ; * Write Property for displayName ; * Write Property for Logon Information ; * Write Property for Account Restrictions ; * Validate write to DNS host name ; * Validated write for service principal name ; Related .......: _AD_CreateOU, _AD_JoinDomain ; Link ..........: http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/scripts/vbscript_create_a_computer_account_for_a_specific_user.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_CreateComputer($sOU, $sComputer, $sUser) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sOU) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If _AD_ObjectExists("CN=" & $sComputer & "," & $sOU) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sUser) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If StringMid($sOU, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sOU = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sOU) ; sAMACccountName provided If StringMid($sUser, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sUser = _AD_FQDNToSamAccountName($sUser) ; FQDN provided Local $oContainer = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sOU) Local $oComputer = $oContainer.Create("Computer", "cn=" & $sComputer) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oComputer.Put("sAMAccountName", $sComputer & "$") $oComputer.Put("userAccountControl", BitOR($ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD, $ADS_UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT)) $oComputer.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Local $oSD = $oComputer.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor") Local $oDACL = $oSD.DiscretionaryAcl Local $oACE1 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE1.Trustee = $sUser $oACE1.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ $oACE1.AceFlags = 0 $oACE1.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED Local $oACE2 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE2.Trustee = $sUser $oACE2.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS $oACE2.AceFlags = 0 $oACE2.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE2.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE2.ObjectType = $ALLOWED_TO_AUTHENTICATE Local $oACE3 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE3.Trustee = $sUser $oACE3.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS $oACE3.AceFlags = 0 $oACE3.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE3.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE3.ObjectType = $RECEIVE_AS Local $oACE4 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE4.Trustee = $sUser $oACE4.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS $oACE4.AceFlags = 0 $oACE4.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE4.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE4.ObjectType = $SEND_AS Local $oACE5 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE5.Trustee = $sUser $oACE5.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS $oACE5.AceFlags = 0 $oACE5.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE5.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE5.ObjectType = $USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD Local $oACE6 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE6.Trustee = $sUser $oACE6.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS $oACE6.AceFlags = 0 $oACE6.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE6.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE6.ObjectType = $USER_FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD Local $oACE7 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE7.Trustee = $sUser $oACE7.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_WRITE_PROP $oACE7.AceFlags = 0 $oACE7.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE7.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE7.ObjectType = $USER_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTIONS Local $oACE8 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE8.Trustee = $sUser $oACE8.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_SELF $oACE8.AceFlags = 0 $oACE8.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE8.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE8.ObjectType = $VALIDATED_DNS_HOST_NAME Local $oACE9 = ObjCreate("AccessControlEntry") $oACE9.Trustee = $sUser $oACE9.AccessMask = $ADS_RIGHT_DS_SELF $oACE9.AceFlags = 0 $oACE9.AceType = $ADS_ACETYPE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT $oACE9.Flags = $ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT $oACE9.ObjectType = $VALIDATED_SPN $oDACL.AddAce($oACE1) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE2) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE3) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE4) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE5) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE6) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE7) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE8) $oDACL.AddAce($oACE9) $oSD.DiscretionaryAcl = $oDACL $oComputer.Put("ntSecurityDescriptor", $oSD) $oComputer.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_CreateComputer ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_ModifyAttribute ; Description ...: Modifies an attribute of the given object to the value specified. ; Syntax.........: _AD_ModifyAttribute($sObject, $sAttribute[, $sValue = ""[, $iOption = 1]]) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Object (user, group ...) to add/delete/modify an attribute (sAMAccountName or FQDN) ; $sAttribute - Attribute to add/delete/modify ; $sValue - Optional: Value to modify the attribute to. Use a blank string ("") to delete the attribute (default). ; +$sValue can be a single value (as a string) or a multi-value (as a one-dimensional array) ; $iOption - Optional: Indicates the mode of modification: Append, Replace, Remove, and Delete ; |1 - CLEAR: remove all the property value(s) from the object (default when $svalue = "") ; |2 - UPDATE: replace the current value(s) with the specified value(s) ; |3 - APPEND: append the specified value(s) to the existing values(s) ; |4 - DELETE: delete the specified value(s) from the object ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |x - Error returned by SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: _AD_GetObjectAttribute, _AD_GetObjectProperties, _AD_AddEmailAddress ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746353(VS.85).aspx (ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM Enumeration) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_ModifyAttribute($sObject, $sAttribute, $sValue = "", $iOption = 1) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sProperty = "sAMAccountName" If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) = "=" Then $sProperty = "distinguishedName"; FQDN provided $__oAD_Command.CommandText = ";(" & $sProperty & "=" & $sObject & ");ADsPath;subtree" Local $oRecordSet = $__oAD_Command.Execute ; Retrieve the ADsPath for the object Local $sLDAPEntry = $oRecordSet.fields(0).Value Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet($sLDAPEntry) ; Retrieve the COM Object for the object $oObject.GetInfo If $sValue = "" Then $oObject.PutEx(1, $sAttribute, 0) ; CLEAR: remove all the property value(s) from the object ElseIf $iOption = 3 Then $oObject.PutEx(3, $sAttribute, $sValue) ; APPEND: append the specified value(s) to the existing values(s) ElseIf IsArray($sValue) Then $oObject.PutEx(2, $sAttribute, $sValue) ; UPDATE: replace the current value(s) with the specified value(s) Else $oObject.Put($sAttribute, $sValue) ; sets the value(s) of an attribute EndIf $oObject.SetInfo If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_ModifyAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_RenameObject ; Description ...: Renames an object within an OU. ; Syntax.........: _AD_RenameObject($sObject, $sCN) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Object (user, group, computer) to rename (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sCN - New Name (relative name) of the object in the current OU without CN= ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |x - Error returned by MoveHere function (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Renames an object within the same OU. You can not move objects to another OU with this function. ; Related .......: _AD_MoveObject, _AD_DeleteObject ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa705991(v=VS.85).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_RenameObject($sObject, $sCN) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject) Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet($oObject.Parent) ; Get the object of the OU/CN where the object resides $sCN = "CN=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars($sCN) ; escape all special characters $oOU.MoveHere("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject, $sCN) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_RenameObject ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_MoveObject ; Description ...: Moves an object to another OU. ; Syntax.........: _AD_MoveObject($sOU, $sObject[, $sDisplayName = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $sOU - Target OU for the object move (FQDN) ; $sObject - Object (user, group, computer) to move (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sCN - Optional: New Name of the object in the target OU. Common Name or RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) like "Lastname Firstname" without leading "CN=" ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sOU does not exist ; |2 - $sObject does not exist ; |3 - Object already exists in the target OU ; |x - Error returned by MoveHere function (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: You must escape commas in $sObject with a backslash. E.g. "CN=Lastname\, Firstname,OU=..." ; If you want to move an OU you have to specify $sObject as FQDN. OUs do not have a SamAccountName ; Related .......: _AD_RenameObject, _AD_DeleteObject ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa705991(v=VS.85).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_MoveObject($sOU, $sObject, $sCN = "") If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided If $sCN = "" Then $sCN = "CN=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars(_AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, "cn")) Else $sCN = "CN=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars($sCN) ; escape all special characters EndIf If _AD_ObjectExists($sCN & "," & $sOU, "distinguishedName") Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sOU) ; Pointer to the destination container $oOU.MoveHere("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject, $sCN) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_MoveObject ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_DeleteObject ; Description ...: Deletes the specified object. ; Syntax.........: _AD_DeleteObject($sObject, $sClass) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - Object (user, group, computer, OU etc.) to delete (FQDN or sAMAccountName) ; $sClass - The schema class object to delete ("user", "computer", "group", "contact" etc). Can be derived using _AD_GetObjectClass(). ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |x - Error returned by Delete function (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: Jonathan Clelland ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: The function can only delete leaf objects. If you want to delete an object containing other objects you first have to delete the contained objects. ; Related .......: _AD_RenameObject, _AD_MoveObject ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa705988(v=VS.85).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _AD_DeleteObject($sObject, $sClass) If Not _AD_ObjectExists($sObject) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sCN If StringMid($sObject, 3, 1) <> "=" Then $sObject = _AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN($sObject) ; sAMAccountName provided Local $oObject = __AD_ObjGet("LDAP://" & $sAD_HostServer & "/" & $sObject) Local $oOU = __AD_ObjGet($oObject.Parent) ; Get the object of the OU/CN where the object resides If $sClass = "organizationalUnit" Then $sCN = "OU=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars(_AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, "ou")) Else $sCN = "CN=" & _AD_FixSpecialChars(_AD_GetObjectAttribute($sObject, "cn")) EndIf $oOU.Delete($sClass, $sCN) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AD_DeleteObject ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _AD_SetAccountExpire ; Description ...: Modifies the specified user or computer account expiration date/time or sets the account to never expire. ; Syntax.........: _AD_SetAccountExpire($sObject, $sDateTime) ; Parameters ....: $sObject - User or computer account to set expiration date/time (sAMAccountName or FQDN) ; $sDateTime - Expiration date/time in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (local time) or "01/01/1970" to never expire ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $sObject does not exist ; |x - Error returned by SetInfo method (Missing permission etc.) ; Author ........: KenE ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: Use the following syntax for the date/time: ; 01/01/1970 = never expire ; yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss= "international format" - always works ; xx/xx/xx