;'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ; Monitor EDID Information' ;'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ;***************************************************************************************** ;17 June 2004 ;coded by Michael Baird ; ;11 November 2005 ;ported to AutoIT by Trystian Sky ; ;and released under the terms of GNU open source license agreement ;(that is of course if you CAN release code that uses WMI under GNU) ; ;Please give me credit if you use my code ;this code is based on the EEDID spec found at http://www.vesa.org ;and by my hacking around in the windows registry ;the code was tested on WINXP,WIN2K and WIN2K3 ;it should work on WINME and WIN98SE ;It should work with multiple monitors, but that hasn't been tested either. ;***************************************************************************************** ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;It should be noted that this is not 100% reliable ;I have witnessed occasions where for one reason or another windows ;can't or doesn't read the EDID info at boot (example would be someone ;booting with the monitor turned off) and so windows changes the active ;monitor to "Default_Monitor" ;Another reason for reliability problems is that there is no ;requirement in the EDID spec that a manufacture include the ;serial number in the EDID data AND only EDIDv1.2 and beyond ;have a requirement that the EDID contain a descriptive ;model name ;That being said, here goes.... ;***************************************************************************************** ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;Monitors are stored in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\ ; ;Unfortunately, not only monitors are stored here Video Chipsets and maybe some other stuff ;is also here. ; ;Monitors in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\" are organized like this: ; HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\\\ ;Since not only monitors will be found under DISPLAY sub key you need to find out which ;devices are monitors. ;This can be deterimined by looking at the value "HardwareID" located ;at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\\ ;if the device is a monitor then the "HardwareID" value will contain the data "Monitor\" ; ;The next difficulty is that all monitors are stored here not just the one curently plugged in. ;So, if you ever switched monitors the old one(s) will still be in the registry. ;You can tell which monitor(s) are active because they will have a sub-key named "Control" ;***************************************************************************************** ; $strComputer="." dim $strarrRawEDID,$arBaseKey,$arBaseKey2,$arBaseKey3,$arSubKeys,$arSubKeys2,$arSubKeys3,$sKey,$sKey2,$sKey3,$strSerFind,$arrintEDID,$sValue $intMonitorCount=0 Const $HKLM = 0x80000002 ;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ;get a handle to the WMI registry object $oRegistry = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & $strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv") $sBaseKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\" ;enumerate all the keys HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\ $iRC = $oRegistry.EnumKey($HKLM, $sBaseKey, $arSubKeys) For $sKey In $arSubKeys ;we are now in the registry at the level of: ;HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\\ ;so we can check the "HardwareID" value $oRegistry.GetMultiStringValue($HKLM, $sBaseKey2 & $sKey2 & "\", "HardwareID", $sValue) ; (*** TRYSTIANSKY: Not sure how AUTOIT can pass the variable from GetMultiStringValue METHOD to $sValue ***) for $tmpctr=0 to ubound($sValue) if StringLower(StringLeft($svalue[$tmpctr],8))="monitor\" then ;if it is a monitor we will check for the existance of a control subkey ;that way we know it is an active monitor $sBaseKey3 = $sBaseKey2 & $sKey2 & "\" $iRC3 = $oRegistry.EnumKey($HKLM, $sBaseKey3, $arSubKeys3) For $sKey3 In $arSubKeys3 if $skey3="Control" then ;if the Control sub-key exists then we should read the edid info $oRegistry.GetBinaryValue($HKLM, $sbasekey3 & "Device Parameters\", "EDID", $arrintEDID) if IsArray($arrintedid) = 0 then ;and if we don't find it... (*** TRYSTIANSKY: converted from VB: vartype(arrintedid) <> 8204. Not sure how AUTOIT can find an 'Array of Variants (vartype: 8204)' ***) $strRawEDID="EDID Not Available" ;store an "unavailable message else for $bytevalue in $arrintedid ;otherwise conver the byte array from the registry into a string (for easier processing later) $strRawEDID=$strRawEDID & chr($bytevalue) next endif ;now take the string and store it in an array, that way we can support multiple monitors redim $strarrRawEDID[$intMonitorCount] $strarrRawEDID($intMonitorCount)=$strRawEDID $intMonitorCount=$intMonitorCount+1 endif next endif next Next Next ;***************************************************************************************** ;now the EDID info for each active monitor is stored in an array of strings called strarrRawEDID ;so we can process it to get the good stuff out of it which we will store in a 5 dimensional array ;called arrMonitorInfo, the dimensions are as follows: ;0=VESA Mfg ID, 1=VESA Device ID, 2=MFG Date (M/YYYY),3=Serial Num (If available),4=Model Descriptor ;5=EDID Version ;***************************************************************************************** dim $arrMonitorInfo redim $arrMonitorInfo[$intMonitorCount-1][5] dim $location[3] for $tmpctr=0 to $intMonitorCount-1 if $strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr] <> "EDID Not Available" then ;********************************************************************* ;first get the model and serial numbers from the vesa descriptor ;blocks in the edid. the model number is required to be present ;according to the spec. (v1.2 and beyond)but serial number is not ;required. There are 4 descriptor blocks in edid at offset locations ;0x36 0x48 0x5a and 0x6c each block is 18 bytes long ;********************************************************************* $location[0]=StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x36+1,18) $location[1]=StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x48+1,18) $location[2]=StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x5a+1,18) $location[3]=StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x6c+1,18) ;you can tell if the location contains a serial number if it starts with 0x00 00 00 ff $strSerFind=chr(0x00) & chr(0x00) & chr(0x00) & chr(0xff) ;or a model description if it starts with 0x00 00 00 fc $strMdlFind=chr(0x00) & chr(0x00) & chr(0x00) & chr(0xfc) $intSerFoundAt=-1 $intMdlFoundAt=-1 for $findit = 0 to 3 if StringInStr($location[$findit],$strSerFind)>0 then $intSerFoundAt=$findit endif if StringinStr($location[$findit],$strMdlFind)>0 then $intMdlFoundAt=$findit endif next ;if a location containing a serial number block was found then store it if $intSerFoundAt<>-1 then $tmp=StringRight($location[$intSerFoundAt],14) endif if StringInStr($tmp,chr(0x0a))>0 then $tmpser=StringStripWS(StringLeft($tmp,StringinStr($tmp,chr(0x0a))-1),3) else $tmpser=StringStripWS($tmp,3) endif ;although it is not part of the edid spec it seems as though the ;serial number will frequently be preceeded by 0x00, this ;compensates for that if StringLeft($tmpser,1)=chr(0) then $tmpser=StringRight($tmpser,StringLen($tmpser)-1) else $tmpser="Serial Number Not Found in EDID data" endif ;if a location containing a model number block was found then store it if $intMdlFoundAt<>-1 then $tmp=StringRight($location[$intMdlFoundAt],14) endif if StringInStr($tmp,chr(0x0a))>0 then $tmpmdl=StringStripWS(StringLeft($tmp,StringInStr($tmp,chr(0x0a))-1),3) else $tmpmdl=StringStripWS($tmp,3) endif ;although it is not part of the edid spec it seems as though the ;serial number will frequently be preceeded by 0x00, this ;compensates for that if StringLeft($tmpmdl,1)=chr(0) then $tmpmdl=StringRight($tmpmdl,StringLen($tmpmdl)-1) else $tmpmdl="Model Descriptor Not Found in EDID data" endif ;************************************************************** ;next get the mfg date ;************************************************************** ;the week of manufacture is stored at EDID offset 0x10 $tmpmfgweek=asc(StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x10+1,1)) ;the year of manufacture is stored at EDID offset 0x11 ;and is the current year -1990 $tmpmfgyear=(asc(StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x11+1,1)))+1990 ;store it in month/year format $tmpmdt="Week " & $tmpmfgweek & " / " & $tmpmfgyear ;************************************************************** ;next get the edid version ;************************************************************** ;the version is at EDID offset 0x12 $tmpEDIDMajorVer=asc(StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x12+1,1)) ;the revision level is at EDID offset 0x13 $tmpEDIDRev=asc(StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x13+1,1)) ;store it in month/year format $tmpver=chr(48+$tmpEDIDMajorVer) & "." & chr(48+$tmpEDIDRev) ;************************************************************** ;next get the mfg id ;************************************************************** ;the mfg id is 2 bytes starting at EDID offset 0x08 ;the id is three characters long. using 5 bits to represent ;each character. the bits are used so that 1=A 2=B etc.. ; ;get the data $tmpEDIDMfg=StringMid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x08+1,2) $Char1=0 $Char2=0 $Char3=0 $Byte1=asc(Stringleft($tmpEDIDMfg,1)) ;get the first half of the string $Byte2=asc(Stringright($tmpEDIDMfg,1)) ;get the first half of the string ;now shift the bits ;shift the 64 bit to the 16 bit if BitAND($Byte1, 64) > 0 then $Char1=$Char1+16 endif ;shift the 32 bit to the 8 bit if BitAnd($Byte1, 32) > 0 then $Char1=$Char1+8 endif ;etc.... if BitAnd($Byte1, 16) > 0 then $Char1=$Char1+4 endif if BitAnd($Byte1, 8) > 0 then $Char1=$Char1+2 endif if BitAnd($Byte1, 4) > 0 then $Char1=$Char1+1 endif ;the 2nd character uses the 2 bit and the 1 bit of the 1st byte if BitAnd($Byte1, 2) > 0 then $Char2=$Char2+16 endif if BitAnd($Byte1, 1) > 0 then $Char2=$Char2+8 endif ;and the 128,64 and 32 bits of the 2nd byte if BitAnd($Byte2, 128) > 0 then $Char2=$Char2+4 endif if BitAnd($Byte2, 64) > 0 then $Char2=$Char2+2 endif if BitAnd($Byte2, 32) > 0 then $Char2=$Char2+1 endif ;the bits for the 3rd character don't need shifting ;we can use them as they are $Char3=$Char3+BitAnd($Byte2, 16) $Char3=$Char3+BitAnd($Byte2, 8) $Char3=$Char3+BitAnd($Byte2, 4) $Char3=$Char3+BitAnd($Byte2, 2) $Char3=$Char3+BitAnd($Byte2, 1) $tmpmfg=chr($Char1+64) & chr($Char2+64) & chr($Char3+64) ;************************************************************** ;next get the device id ;************************************************************** ;the device id is 2bytes starting at EDID offset 0x0a ;the bytes are in reverse order. ;this code is not text. it is just a 2 byte code assigned ;by the manufacturer. they should be unique to a model $tmpEDIDDev1=hex(asc(Stringmid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x0a+1,1))) $tmpEDIDDev2=hex(asc(Stringmid($strarrRawEDID[$tmpctr],0x0b+1,1))) if Stringlen($tmpEDIDDev1)=1 then $tmpEDIDDev1="0" & $tmpEDIDDev1 endif if Stringlen($tmpEDIDDev2)=1 then $tmpEDIDDev2="0" & $tmpEDIDDev2 endif $tmpdev=$tmpEDIDDev2 & $tmpEDIDDev1 ;************************************************************** ;finally store all the values into the array ;************************************************************** $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,0)=$tmpmfg $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,1)=$tmpdev $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,2)=$tmpmdt $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,3)=$tmpser $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,4)=$tmpmdl $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,5)=$tmpver endif next ;For now just a simple screen print will suffice for output. ;But you could take this output and write it to a database or a file ;and in that way use it for asset management. for $tmpctr=0 to $intMonitorCount-1 ConsoleWrite("Monitor " & chr($tmpctr+65) & ")" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "VESA Manufacturer ID= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,0) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "Device ID= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,1) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "Manufacture Date= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,2) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "Serial Number= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,3) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "Model Name= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,4) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(".........." & "EDID Version= " & $arrMonitorInfo($tmpctr,5) & @CRLF) next