#include-once #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Notifications ; Version .......: 1.2 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: UDF for usage of desktop notifications. ; Author(s) .....: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Dll ...........: ntdll.dll ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global $__notificationStartup = False Global $__notificationOnEvent = False Global $__desktopHeight = 0 Global Const $__notificationWidth = 300 Global Const $__notificationHeight = 115 Global Const $__notificationLeft = @DesktopWidth - $__notificationWidth - 10 Global $__notificationList[0][9] ; $__notificationList[i][0] = notification window handle ; $__notificationList[i][1] = notification window state (True: notification visible, False: invisible) ; $__notificationList[i][2] = notification window x coord ; $__notificationList[i][3] = notification window y coord ; $__notificationList[i][4] = notification button handle ; $__notificationList[i][5] = notification closing button handle ; $__notificationList[i][6] = notification call function ; $__notificationList[i][7] = notification close on click ; $__notificationList[i][8] = notification transparency Global Const $__notificationAnimationTimeDefault = 150 Global Const $__notificationBkColorDefault = Default Global Const $__notificationBorderDefault = False Global Const $__notificationColorDefault = 0xFFFFFF Global Const $__notificationDateFormatDefault = "DD.MM." Global Const $__notificationClosingButtonTextDefault = "Close" Global Const $__notificationSoundDefault = @WindowsDir & "\Media\Windows Background.wav" Global Const $__notificationTextAlignDefault = $SS_CENTER Global Const $__notificationTimeFormatDefault = "HH:MM" Global Const $__notificationTransparencyDefault = Default Global $__notificationAnimationTime = $__notificationAnimationTimeDefault Global $__notificationBkColor = $__notificationBkColorDefault Global $__notificationBorder = $__notificationBorderDefault Global $__notificationClosingButtonText = $__notificationClosingButtonTextDefault Global $__notificationDateFormat = $__notificationDateFormatDefault Global $__notificationSound = $__notificationSoundDefault Global $__notificationTextAlign = $__notificationTextAlignDefault Global $__notificationColor = $__notificationColorDefault Global $__notificationTimeFormat = $__notificationTimeFormatDefault Global $__notificationTransparency = $__notificationTransparencyDefault Global $__ntDLL Global Const $__dllTimeStruct = DllStructCreate("int64 time;") Global Const $__dllTimeStructPointer = DllStructGetPtr($__dllTimeStruct) ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; _Notifications_CheckGUIMsg ; _Notifications_CloseAll ; _Notifications_Create ; _Notifications_SetAnimationTime ; _Notifications_SetBorder ; _Notifications_SetButtonText ; _Notifications_SetBkColor ; _Notifications_SetColor ; _Notifications_SetDateFormat ; _Notifications_SetSound ; _Notifications_SetTextAlign ; _Notifications_SetTimeFormat ; _Notifications_SetTransparency ; _Notifications_Shutdown ; _Notifications_Startup ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; _Notifications_Close ; _Notifications_CloseOnEvent ; _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor ; _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency ; _Notifications_GetTopPos ; _Notifications_Move ; _Notifications_StartupIsComplete ; =============================================================================================================================== ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_CheckGUIMsg ; Description ...: Checks if one button in one of the notification windows was clicked to close the notification ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_CheckGUIMsg ( $__GUIMsg ) ; Parameters ....: $__GUIMsg - Return value of the GUIGetMsg function ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Do not use this function when GUIOnEventMode is activated. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_CheckGUIMsg($__GUIMsg) If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return Local $__notificationCount = UBound($__notificationList) Local $__deleteNotification = False Local $__callFunction = "" ;check all notifications buttons for the gui message... For $__i = 0 To $__notificationCount - 1 ;until invisible notifications are reached. Stop here so save execution time If $__notificationList[$__i][1] = False Then ExitLoop ;notification was clicked If $__GUIMsg = $__notificationList[$__i][4] Then If $__notificationList[$__i][6] <> "" Then $__callFunction = $__notificationList[$__i][6] If $__notificationList[$__i][7] = True Then $__deleteNotification = True ExitLoop ;close button on notification was clicked ElseIf $__GUIMsg = $__notificationList[$__i][5] Then $__deleteNotification = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If $__deleteNotification = True Then _Notifications_Close($__i) If $__callFunction <> "" Then Call($__callFunction) EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_CheckGUIMsg ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_CloseAll ; Description ...: Closes all open notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_CloseAll () ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_CloseAll() If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return For $__i = 0 To UBound($__notificationList) - 1 GUIDelete($__notificationList[$__i][0]) Next ReDim $__notificationList[0][UBound($__notificationList, 2)] EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_CloseAll ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_Create ; Description ...: Creates a notification with a given title and message ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_Create ( $__title, $__body ) ; Parameters ....: $__title - Title of the notification ; $__body - Message of the notification. Can be two lines seperated by @CRLF-Flag ; $__callFunction - Function to call when the title or message part of the notification was clicked ; $__closeOnClick - True: close the notification when the title or message part was clicked ; False: do not close the notification ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: $__closeOnClick only closes the notification when a callFunction was set ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_Create($__title, $__message, $__callFunction = "", $__closeOnClick = True) If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return ;Local $__bkColor = $__notificationBkColor ;If $__bkColor = Default Then $__bkColor = _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor() Local $__bkColor = $__notificationBkColor = Default ? _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor() : $__notificationBkColor ;Local $__transparency = $__notificationTransparency ;If $__transparency = Default Then $__transparency = _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency() Local $__transparency = $__notificationTransparency = Default ? _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency() : $__notificationTransparency ;date & time Local $__date, $__time $__date = StringReplace($__notificationDateFormat, "DD", @MDAY) $__date = StringReplace($__date, "MM", @MON) $__date = StringReplace($__date, "YYYY", @YEAR) $__time = StringReplace($__notificationTimeFormat, "HH", @HOUR) $__time = StringReplace($__time, "MM", @MIN) $__time = StringReplace($__time, "SS", @SEC) ;add an entry to the notification array Local $__notificationCount = UBound($__notificationList) ReDim $__notificationList[$__notificationCount + 1][UBound($__notificationList, 2)] ;new notifications top position Local $__notificationWindowTopPos = _Notifications_GetTopPos() $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][1] = False $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][2] = $__notificationLeft $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][3] = $__notificationWindowTopPos $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][6] = $__callFunction If $__callFunction = "" Then $__closeOnClick = False $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][7] = $__closeOnClick $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][8] = $__transparency Local $__closingButtonTop = 85 ;create the GUI and set transparency $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][0] = GUICreate($__title, $__notificationWidth, $__notificationHeight, _ $__notificationLeft, $__notificationWindowTopPos, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUISetBkColor($__bkColor, $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][0]) WinSetTrans($__notificationList[$__notificationCount][0], "", $__transparency) If $__notificationBorder = True Then ; border created by colored labels with 1 pixel height or width GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 1, $__notificationHeight) ;left border GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $__notificationWidth, 1) ;top border GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $__notificationWidth - 1, 0, 1, $__notificationHeight) ;right border GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, $__notificationHeight - 1, $__notificationWidth, 1) ;bottom border GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $__notificationColor) EndIf ;clickable label for the function to call when notification is clicked $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $__notificationWidth, $__closingButtonTop - 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) ;title label GUICtrlCreateLabel($__title, 10, 10, $__notificationWidth - 20, 30, $__notificationTextAlign) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 13, 500) ;message label GUICtrlCreateLabel($__message, 10, 40, $__notificationWidth - 20, 35, $__notificationTextAlign) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400) ;creating a line to seperate the message of the notification from the closing button If $__notificationBorder = True Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, $__closingButtonTop, $__notificationWidth - 20, 1) Else GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, $__closingButtonTop, $__notificationWidth, 1) EndIf GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $__notificationColor) ;bottom of the notification (closing button, date and time label) $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][5] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($__notificationClosingButtonText, 0, $__closingButtonTop, _ $__notificationWidth, $__notificationHeight - $__closingButtonTop, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 600) ;date label GUICtrlCreateLabel($__date, 10, $__closingButtonTop, $__notificationWidth - 20, _ $__notificationHeight - $__closingButtonTop, $SS_CENTERIMAGE) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400) ;time label GUICtrlCreateLabel($__time, 10, $__closingButtonTop, $__notificationWidth - 20, _ $__notificationHeight - $__closingButtonTop, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_CENTERIMAGE)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $__notificationColor) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400) ;if notification is in desktop area, show it If $__notificationWindowTopPos >= 0 Then GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNA, $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][0]) $__notificationList[$__notificationCount][1] = True EndIf If $__notificationSound <> "" Then SoundPlay($__notificationSound) ;if GUIOnEventMode is activated, set the function to be called when button is clicked If $__notificationOnEvent Then ;Yes, it is right that the closing function for OnEvent is called for the usual notification click, because all the ;function does it to get the clicked control ID and pass it to another function which checks which control was clicked If $__callFunction <> "" Then _ GUICtrlSetOnEvent($__notificationList[$__notificationCount][4], "_Notifications_CloseOnEvent") ;closing button GUICtrlSetOnEvent($__notificationList[$__notificationCount][5], "_Notifications_CloseOnEvent") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_Create ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetAnimationTime ; Description ...: Sets the time for the animation, in which notifications are moved when another one was closed, in ms ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetAnimationTime ( $__animationTime ) ; Parameters ....: $__animationTime - Time in ms for the animation to take (Value can go from 0 = instant to 2000) ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure (no valid time) - False ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Despite other Set-Functions, this one doesn't only affect new notifications, but also existing ones. ; Please also note that when setting a very low animation time it can be that the computation time for the ; process can be larger than the animation time you set. In this case the Animation time will be the computation ; time. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetAnimationTime($__animationTime) If $__animationTime = Default Then $__notificationAnimationTime = $__notificationAnimationTimeDefault Return True EndIf If StringRegExp($__animationTime, "^\d{1,4}$") = 0 Then Return False If $__animationTime > 2000 Then Return False $__notificationAnimationTime = $__animationTime Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetAnimationTime ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetBorder ; Description ...: Sets if there is a border around new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetBorder ( $__showBorder ) ; Parameters ....: $__showBorder - True: show border around notification ; False: show no border ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure (no boolean) - False ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetBorder($__showBorder) If $__showBorder = Default Then $__notificationBorder = $__notificationBorderDefault Return True EndIf If IsBool($__showBorder) = 0 Then Return False $__notificationBorder = $__showBorder Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetBorder ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetButtonText ; Description ...: Sets the text for the notifications closing button ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetButtonText ( $__buttonText ) ; Parameters ....: $__buttonText - Text for the notifications closing button ; Return values .: True ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetButtonText($__buttonText) If $__buttonText = Default Then $__notificationClosingButtonText = $__notificationClosingButtonTextDefault Return True EndIf $__notificationClosingButtonText = $__buttonText Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetButtonText ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetBkColor ; Description ...: Sets the background color of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetBkColor ( $__bkcolor ) ; Parameters ....: $__bkcolor - Color for the background ; Return values .: True ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetBkColor($__bkColor) If $__bkColor = Default Then $__notificationBkColor = $__notificationBkColorDefault Return True EndIf $__notificationBkColor = $__bkColor Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetBkColor ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetColor ; Description ...: Sets the textcolor of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetColor ( $__textColor ) ; Parameters ....: $__textColor - Color of the text ; Return values .: True ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetColor($__textColor) If $__textColor = Default Then $__notificationColor = $__notificationColorDefault Return True EndIf $__notificationColor = $__textColor Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetColor ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetDateFormat ; Description ...: Sets the date format of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetDateFormat ( $__dateFormat ) ; Parameters ....: $__dateFormat - Format of how to show the date. It is possible to show the year (YYYY), month (MM) and ; day (DD). A dateformat can look like this: DD.MM.YYYY ; Return values .: True ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Give an empty string to show no date ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetDateFormat($__dateFormat) If $__dateFormat = Default Then $__notificationDateFormat = $__notificationDateFormatDefault Return True EndIf $__notificationDateFormat = $__dateFormat Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetDateFormat ;set notification sound; "" = no sound; only mp3 or wav ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetSound ; Description ...: Sets the sound of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetSound ( $__sound ) ; Parameters ....: $__sound - Name of the sound to be played for new notifications (mp3 or wav) ; Give empty string for no sound ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure (wrong filetype, file does not exist) - False ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Give an empty string to show no date ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetSound($__sound) If $__sound = Default Then $__notificationSound = $__notificationSoundDefault Return True EndIf If $__sound = "" Then $__notificationSound = "" Return True EndIf If Not FileExists($__sound) Then Return False If StringRegExp($__sound, "\.(wav|mp3)$") = 0 Then Return False $__notificationSound = $__sound Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetSound ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetTextAlign ; Description ...: Sets the alignment of the text of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetTextAlign ( $__textAlign ) ; Parameters ....: $__textAlign - 'center' to display text in center ; 'left' to display text in center ; 'right' to display text in center ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure (wrong $__textAlign) - False ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetTextAlign($__textAlign) If IsBool($__textAlign) Then Return False If $__textAlign = Default Then $__notificationTextAlign = $__notificationTextAlignDefault Return True EndIf Switch $__textAlign Case "left" $__notificationTextAlign = $SS_LEFT Case "center" $__notificationTextAlign = $SS_CENTER Case "right" $__notificationTextAlign = $SS_RIGHT Case Else Return False EndSwitch Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetTextAlign ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetTimeFormat ; Description ...: Sets the time format of new notifications ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetTimeFormat ( $__timeFormat ) ; Parameters ....: $__timeFormat - Format of how to show the time. It is possible to display the hours (HH), minutes (MM) ; and seconds (SS). A timeformat can look like this: HH:MM:SS ; Return values .: True ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Give an empty string to show no time ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetTimeFormat($__timeFormat) If $__timeFormat = Default Then $__notificationTimeFormat = $__notificationTimeFormatDefault Return True EndIf $__notificationTimeFormat = $__timeFormat Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetTimeFormat ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_SetTransparency ; Description ...: Sets the transparency of new notification windows ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_SetTransparency ( $__transparency ) ; Parameters ....: $__transparency - Level of the transparency where 0 is transparent and 255 is solid ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure (invalid transparency) - False ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_SetTransparency($__transparency) If $__transparency = Default Then $__notificationTransparency = $__notificationTransparencyDefault Return True EndIf If StringRegExp($__transparency, "^\d{1,3}$") = 0 Then Return False If $__transparency > 255 Then Return False $__notificationTransparency = $__transparency Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_SetTransparency ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_Shutdown ; Description ...: Closes all open notifications and cleans up resources. To use notifications again, Startup has to be called ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_Shutdown () ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Remarks .......: Does not have to be called manually, because the Startup function registers the shutdown function on on ; AutoIt Exit. But can be called manually when notifications are not needed anymore. ; Closes all notifications if there are still some open. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_Shutdown() If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return For $__i = 0 To UBound($__notificationList) - 1 GUIDelete($__notificationList[$__i][0]) Next ReDim $__notificationList[0][UBound($__notificationList, 2)] DllClose($__ntDLL) $__notificationStartup = False EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_Shutdown ; FUNCTION ====================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_Startup ; Description ...: Startup function for the UDF ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_Startup () ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False: ; @error = 1: startup was already called ; @error = 2: could not get taskbar Position ; @error = 3: calculated desktop height is invalid ; @error = 4: 'ntdll.dll' could not be opened ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Has to be called after including the UDF and before using its functions. ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_Startup() ;check if startup was already called If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = True Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) ;get taskbar height Local $__taskbarPos = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "", "[CLASS:MSTaskListWClass; INSTANCE:1]") If Not IsArray($__taskbarPos) Then Return SetError(2, 0, False) $__desktopHeight = @DesktopHeight - $__taskbarPos[3] If $__desktopHeight <= 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, False) ;Open the dll that is used for _Notifications_Sleep $__ntDLL = DllOpen("ntdll.dll") If $__ntDLL = -1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, False) ;register the shutdown function to be called when autoit exits so that resources are released (dll...) OnAutoItExitRegister("_Notifications_Shutdown") ;check if GUIOnEventMode is activated Local $__isEventModeActivated = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) If $__isEventModeActivated <> 1 Then Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $__isEventModeActivated) If $__isEventModeActivated Then $__notificationOnEvent = True ;startup complete $__notificationStartup = True Return True EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_Startup ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_Close ; Description ...: Closes a notification ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_Close () ; Parameters ....: $__index - Index of the notification to close ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91), (Andreas Karlsson (monoceres): Microsleep) ; Modified ......: ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/77905-sleep-down-to-100-nano-seconds/ ; Remarks........: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_Close($__index) Local $__notificationCount = UBound($__notificationList) Local $__processPriority = _ProcessGetPriority(@AutoItPID) If $__processPriority = -1 Then $__processPriority = 2 ;normal priority ;Set high process priority for smooth window movement If $__processPriority < 4 Then ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItPID, 4) ;fade out time for the closing notitifaction Local $__fadeOutTime = $__notificationAnimationTime < $__notificationAnimationTimeDefault ? _ $__notificationAnimationTime : $__notificationAnimationTimeDefault ;Fade out time per step (fade out in 10 transparency steps) Local $__fadeOutTimePerStep = $__fadeOutTime / ($__notificationList[$__index][8] / 10) Local $__timer, $__timeFadeStep ;ony use fade out when there is an animation time set, if 0 then it is instant If $__notificationAnimationTime > 0 Then ;slowly increase transparency For $__transparency = $__notificationList[$__index][8] - 10 To 0 Step -10 ;as mentioned, there is a time for moving all notifications for 1 pixel, e.g. 2.5 ms. Moving one window may take ;significantly shorter, while several notifications still need less time, but more more than just one. To compensate, ;the time for moving the window will be recorded... $__timer = TimerInit() WinSetTrans($__notificationList[$__index][0], "", $__transparency) $__timeFadeStep = TimerDiff($__timer) ;.. pause the script in case setting new transparency took less time than set If $__timeFadeStep < $__fadeOutTimePerStep Then DllStructSetData($__dllTimeStruct, "time", -10000 * ($__fadeOutTimePerStep - $__timeFadeStep)) DllCall($__ntDLL, "dword", "ZwDelayExecution", "int", 0, "ptr", $__dllTimeStructPointer) EndIf Next EndIf GUIDelete($__notificationList[$__index][0]) ;restructure notification array: move all entries one index below and ReDim the array to its new size For $__rows = $__index To $__notificationCount - 2 For $__columns = 0 To UBound($__notificationList, 2) - 1 $__notificationList[$__rows][$__columns] = $__notificationList[$__rows + 1][$__columns] Next Next ReDim $__notificationList[$__notificationCount - 1][UBound($__notificationList, 2)] ;lets do some cool windows moving now _Notifications_Move($__index) ;restore original process priority ProcessSetPriority(@AutoItPID, $__processPriority) EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_Close ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_CloseOnEvent ; Description ...: Closes a notification when its button was clicked in GUIOnEventMode ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_CloseOnEvent () ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_CloseOnEvent() If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return Local $__isEventModeActivated = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) If $__isEventModeActivated <> 1 Then Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $__isEventModeActivated) If $__isEventModeActivated = 1 And $__notificationOnEvent = True Then _ _Notifications_CheckGUIMsg(@GUI_CtrlId) EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_CloseOnEvent ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor ; Description ...: Returns the color of the taskbar. ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor () ; Return values .: Windows 7 and earlier - black (0x000000) ; Windows 8 and 8.1 - color of the active's window border ; Windows 10 - color of the taskbar ; Author ........: nend ; Modified ......: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/182192-get-windows-810-taskbar-color/ ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_GetTaskbarColor() If @OSVersion = "Win_8" Or @OSVersion = "Win_81" Then If RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM", "EnableWindowColorization") Then _ Return "0x" & Hex(RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM", "ColorizationColor"), 6) ElseIf @OSVersion = "WIN_10" Then Local $__userOwnColorSettings = _ RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize", "ColorPrevalence") Local $__taskbarIsTransparent = _ RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize", "EnableTransparency") Local $__colorAccentPalette = _ RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Accent", "AccentPalette") If $__userOwnColorSettings Then If $__taskbarIsTransparent Then Return "0x" & StringLeft(StringRight($__colorAccentPalette, 16), 6) Return "0x" & StringLeft(StringRight($__colorAccentPalette, 24), 6) Else If $__taskbarIsTransparent Then Return 0x000000 Return "0x101010" EndIf EndIf Return 0x000000 EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_GetTaskbarColor ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency ; Description ...: Returns the transparency of the taskbar. ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency () ; Return values .: Windows 7 and earlier - 217 (slight transparency) ; Windows 8, 8.1 - 255 (solid) if Window colorization is enabled, 217 else ; Windows 10 - 217 if taskbar is transparent, 255 it not ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91), thanks to nend for the RegRead ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/182192-get-windows-810-taskbar-color/ ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency() If @OSVersion = "Win_10" Then Local $__taskbarIsTransparent = _ RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize", "EnableTransparency") If Not $__taskbarIsTransparent Then Return 255 ElseIf @OSVersion = "Win_8" Or @OSVersion = "Win_81" Then If RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM", "EnableWindowColorization") Then Return 255 EndIf Return 217 EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_GetTaskbarTransparency ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_GetTopPos ; Description ...: Returns the top position of a notification window by its id. The notification with this id can be non existent ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_GetTopPos ( [$__notificationID = -1] ) ; Parameters ....: $__notificationID - ID of a notification to get its top pos ; Return values .: Top pos of a notification with specified id ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_GetTopPos($__notificationID = -1) If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return If $__notificationID = -1 Then $__notificationID = UBound($__notificationList) Local $__topPos = 0 For $__i = 1 To $__notificationID $__topPos += 10 + $__notificationHeight Next Return $__desktopHeight - $__topPos EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_GetTopPos ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_Move ; Description ...: Moves all existent notifications to their position based on their notification ID. Usually this function is ; called after a notification was deleted and others have to "move up" ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_Move ( $__index ) ; Parameters ....: $__index - Index number of the first notification to move ; Return values .: none ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91), (Andreas Karlsson (monoceres): Microsleep) ; Modified ......: ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/77905-sleep-down-to-100-nano-seconds/ ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is should not be called by user ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_Move($__index) If _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() = False Then Return ;Number of notifications to move Local $__notificationsToMove = UBound($__notificationList) - $__index If $__notificationsToMove < 1 Then Return Local $__movingDistance = _Notifications_GetTopPos($__index + 1) - $__notificationList[$__index][3] ;in pixels Local $__lastNotificationToMove = 0 ;set the last notification to move ;find the last notification to move: it is the first hidden in the list or if there are only visible notifications, ;it is the last one in the list For $__i = $__index To UBound($__notificationList) - 1 ;first invisible notification If $__notificationList[$__i][1] = False Then $__lastNotificationToMove = $__i GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNA, $__notificationList[$__lastNotificationToMove][0]) ;show notification $__notificationList[$__lastNotificationToMove][1] = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If $__lastNotificationToMove = 0 Then $__lastNotificationToMove = UBound($__notificationList) - 1 ;Move notifications simultiniously, therefore a timer is used to set a time to move the notifications 1 pixel further. ;This guarantees the same moving speed no matter how many notifications are moved (in case animation time > computing time) Local $__timePerPixelMove = $__notificationAnimationTime / $__movingDistance Local $__timer, $__timeWinMoveStep ;ony use animation when there is a time set, if 0 then it is instant If $__notificationAnimationTime > 0 Then ;cover the moving distance For $__y = 1 To $__movingDistance ;as mentioned, there is a time for moving all notifications for 1 pixel, e.g. 2.5 ms. Moving one window may take ;significantly shorter, while several notifications still need less time, but more more than just one. To compensate, ;the time for moving the window will be recorded... $__timer = TimerInit() ;for each pixel move every notification by 1 pixel down For $__i = $__index To $__lastNotificationToMove $__notificationList[$__i][3] = $__notificationList[$__i][3] + 1 WinMove($__notificationList[$__i][0], "", $__notificationList[$__i][2], $__notificationList[$__i][3]) Next $__timeWinMoveStep = TimerDiff($__timer) ;.. and for the time difference between the timePerPixel and the time of moving the windows the script will pause If $__timeWinMoveStep < $__timePerPixelMove Then DllStructSetData($__dllTimeStruct, "time", -10000 * ($__timePerPixelMove - $__timeWinMoveStep)) DllCall($__ntDLL, "dword", "ZwDelayExecution", "int", 0, "ptr", $__dllTimeStructPointer) EndIf Next EndIf Local $__firstNotificationToMoveImmidiately = $__lastNotificationToMove + 1 If $__notificationAnimationTime = 0 Then $__firstNotificationToMoveImmidiately = $__index ;Move invisible notifications immidiately (and if time = 0, also visible notifications) For $__i = $__firstNotificationToMoveImmidiately To UBound($__notificationList) - 1 $__notificationList[$__i][3] = $__notificationList[$__i][3] + $__movingDistance WinMove($__notificationList[$__i][0], "", $__notificationList[$__i][2], $__notificationList[$__i][3]) Next EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_Move ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifications_StartupIsComplete ; Description ...: Checks if the startup function was called ; Syntax ........: _Notifications_StartupIsComplete () ; Return values .: True - startup function was called ; False - startup function was not called ; Author ........: S3cret (S3cret91) ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by other functions in this UDF and is not supposed to be called by user ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Notifications_StartupIsComplete() Return $__notificationStartup EndFunc ;==>_Notifications_StartupIsComplete