This script should run when clicked. Tested & should work on Win7 & XP. That said, I banged it out in notepad on another machine for the net upload. This is the chopped down script. Please Help. #include #include #include Global $partfile, $line, $filepath, $aRecords $fopend = FileOpenDialog("Select Sections.txt", @ScriptDir, "ANSI Text files (*.txt)") If Not _FileReadToArray($fopend, $partfile Then Exit EndIf _ArrayDelete($partfile, 0) $sectioname = $partfile[1] ; Splash Screen $startreadline = $partfile[2] ; Read line what $stopreadline = $partfile[3] ; to line what $fromansi = $partfile[0] ; curntfile = FileOpen( $fromansi, $FO_UTF8_NOBOM ) ; This removes the í curntfile = FileOpen( $fromansi, $FO_ANSI ) ; This doesnt work $x = startreadline Do $line = FileReadLine($curntfile, $x) & @LF & $line ; string2array for sections-lines If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $x = $x+1 Until $x = $stopreadline FileClose($curntfile) $aRecords = _StringExplode($line, @LF, 0) For $x = 1 To $aRecords ; goes to whatever count Next $size = Ubound($aRecords) _ArrayReverse($aRecords) ; Upside Down/Rightside Up $aRecords[0] $size ; ut the total UBound size $file = $aRecords[3] $filepath = @ScriptDir & "\NOTANSI" & ".htm" ; QuestionFile FileWrite($filepath, "shat UTF8 " & $file) ShellExecute("NOTANSI.htm", "", @ScriptDir, "") ;each of these ansi files have four lines; did them in pspad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ questions.txt: --_start_-- ANSIQuestion-0001 nín hǎo | Not í == í Hello (formal) EmptyLine --_end_-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sections.txt: --_start_-- questions.txt ANSI Quiz From This ANSI FILE 0 4 EmptyLine --_end_-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the character I get is à à instead of í í this is pretty standard across Windows US keyboarding there are also others that are standardly transcoded badly I've been using AutoIt since about 2002 but this is the first thing I every made a program of & it broke recently with the AutoIt release. Click&Go ANSI UTF8 $FileOpen QuizTest