#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: DISM_Constants ; AutoIt Version : ; Description ...: Constants for DISM API. ; Author(s) .....: André Cut ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #WORKAROUNDS# ================================================================================================================= Global $sWimFileVersion ; DISM API doesn't support Windows 10 and Server 2016 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #TYPEDEFS# ==================================================================================================================== Global Const $tagSession = "UINT DismSession" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CALLBACKS# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $DISM_PROGRESS_CALLBACK = DllCallbackRegister('CallBack', 'none', 'uint;uint;ptr') ; set callback function for progressing ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# ==================================================================================================================== Global Const $DISM_ONLINE_IMAGE = "DISM_{53BFAE52-B167-4E2F-A258-0A37B57FF845}" Global Const $DISM_SESSION_DEFAULT = 0 Global Const $DISM_S_OK = 0 Global Const $DISM_S_FALSE = 1 ; Mount flags Global Const $DISM_MOUNT_READWRITE = 0x00000000 Global Const $DISM_MOUNT_READONLY = 0x00000001 Global Const $DISM_MOUNT_OPTIMIZE = 0x00000002 Global Const $DISM_MOUNT_CHECK_INTEGRITY = 0x00000004 ; Unmount flags Global Const $DISM_COMMIT_IMAGE = 0x00000000 Global Const $DISM_DISCARD_IMAGE = 0x00000001 ; Commit flags Global Const $DISM_COMMIT_GENERATE_INTEGRITY = 0x00010000 Global Const $DISM_COMMIT_APPEND = 0x00020000 ; Commit flags may also be used with unmount. Use this with unmount flags and you will ; get the commit-specific flags. Global Const $DISM_COMMIT_MASK = 0xffff0000 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #SUCCESS CODES# =============================================================================================================== ; For online scenario, computer needs to be restarted when the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED (3010L). Global Const $ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED = 3010 ;??? ; MessageId: DISMAPI_S_RELOAD_IMAGE_SESSION_REQUIRED ; MessageText: ; The DISM session needs to be reloaded. Global Const $DISMAPI_S_RELOAD_IMAGE_SESSION_REQUIRED = 0x00000001 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #ERROR CODES# ================================================================================================================= ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_DISMAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED ; MessageText: ; DISM API was not initialized for this process Global Const $DISMAPI_E_DISMAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED = 0xC0040001 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS ; MessageText: ; A DismSession was being shutdown when another operation was called on it Global Const $DISMAPI_E_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS = 0xC0040002 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_OPEN_SESSION_HANDLES ; MessageText: ; A DismShutdown was called while there were open DismSession handles Global Const $DISMAPI_E_OPEN_SESSION_HANDLES = 0xC0040003 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_INVALID_DISM_SESSION ; MessageText: ; An invalid DismSession handle was passed into a DISMAPI function Global Const $DISMAPI_E_INVALID_DISM_SESSION = 0xC0040004 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX ; MessageText: ; An invalid image index was specified Global Const $DISMAPI_E_INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX = 0xC0040005 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_INVALID_IMAGE_NAME ; MessageText: ; An invalid image name was specified Global Const $DISMAPI_E_INVALID_IMAGE_NAME = 0xC0040006 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH ; MessageText: ; An image that is not a mounted WIM or mounted VHD was attempted to be unmounted Global Const $DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH = 0xC0040007 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_LOGGING_DISABLED ; MessageText: ; Failed to gain access to the log file user specified. Logging has been disabled.. Global Const $DISMAPI_E_LOGGING_DISABLED = 0xC0040009 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH ; MessageText: ; A DismSession with open handles was attempted to be unmounted Global Const $DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH = 0xC004000A ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_MOUNT_IMAGE_PATH ; MessageText: ; A DismSession with open handles was attempted to be mounted Global Const $DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_MOUNT_IMAGE_PATH = 0xC004000B ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_REMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH ; MessageText: ; A DismSession with open handles was attempted to be remounted Global Const $DISMAPI_E_OPEN_HANDLES_UNABLE_TO_REMOUNT_IMAGE_PATH = 0xC004000C ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_PARENT_FEATURE_DISABLED ; MessageText: ; One or several parent features are disabled so current feature can not be enabled. ; Solutions: ; 1 Call function DismGetFeatureParent to get all parent features and enable all of them. Or ; 2 Set EnableAll to TRUE when calling function DismEnableFeature Global Const $DISMAPI_E_PARENT_FEATURE_DISABLED = 0xC004000D ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_MUST_SPECIFY_ONLINE_IMAGE ; MessageText: ; The offline image specified is the running system. The macro DISM_ONLINE_IMAGE must be used instead Global Const $DISMAPI_E_MUST_SPECIFY_ONLINE_IMAGE = 0xC004000E ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_NEEDS_TO_REMOUNT_THE_IMAGE ; MessageText: ; The image needs to be remounted before any servicing operation Global Const $DISMAPI_E_NEEDS_REMOUNT = 0xC1510114 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FEATURE ; MessageText: ; The feature is not present in the package Global Const $DISMAPI_E_UNKNOWN_FEATURE = 0x800F080c ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_BUSY ; MessageText: ; The current package and feature servicing infrastructure is busy. ; Wait a bit and try the operation again Global Const $DISMAPI_E_BUSY = 0x800F0902 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND ; MessageText: ; File not found Global Const $DISMAPI_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x80070002 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_INVALIDARG ; MessageText: ; One or more arguments are not valid: e.g. any of the paths are not well-formed, does not exist or are invalid. Or ; the DismSession is invalid or not associated with a mounted image Global Const $DISMAPI_E_INVALIDARG = 0x80070057 ; MessageId: CBS_E_INVALID_PACKAGE ; MessageText: ; The current package is invalid Global Const $CBS_E_INVALID_PACKAGE = 0x800F0805 ; MessageId: CBS_E_CANNOT_UNINSTALL ; MessageText: ; Permanent package cannot be uninstalled Global Const $CBS_E_CANNOT_UNINSTALL = 0x800F0825 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_INVALID_MOUNT_PATH ; MessageText: ; The assigned mount path is not a valid WIM mount path Global Const $DISMAPI_E_INVALID_MOUNT_PATH = 0x80070003 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PROPERLY ; MessageText: ; The directory could not be completely unmounted Global Const $DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_UNMOUNT_IMAGE_PROPERLY = 0xC1420117 ; MessageId: DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_IMAGE_PATH ; MessageText: ; Failed to gain access to the mount path Global Const $DISMAPI_E_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_IMAGE_PATH = 0xC1420127 ; MessageId: CBS_E_IMAGE_UNSERVICEABLE ; MessageText: ; The specified image is no longer serviceable Global Const $CBS_E_IMAGE_UNSERVICEABLE = 0x800f0830 ; MessageId: ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED ; MessageText: ; Failed processing package changes with session options Global Const $ERROR_ADVANCED_INSTALLER_FAILED = 0x80073713 ; MessageId: ERROR_ENABLE_DISABLE_FEATURE_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL ; MessageText: ; Failed to enable/disable feature Global Const $ERROR_ENABLE_DISABLE_FEATURE_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL = 0xc004000d ; MessageId: ERROR_DISM_REMOUNT_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL ; MessageText: ; Failed to remount image Global Const $ERROR_DISM_REMOUNT_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL = 0xc1420124 ; MessageId: ERROR_DISM_CREATE_IMAGE_SESSION_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL ; MessageText: ; Could not create the image session Global Const $ERROR_DISM_CREATE_IMAGE_SESSION_INTERNAL_EXECUTION_FAIL = 0xc1510114 ; MessageId: ERROR_DISM_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ; MessageText: ; The request is not supported Global Const $ERROR_DISM_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x80070032 ; MessageId: ERROR_DISM_IMAGE_ALREADY_PROVIDED ; MessageText: ; The specified image was already provided Global Const $ERROR_DISM_IMAGE_ALREADY_PROVIDED = 0xc1420126 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #ENUMS# ======================================================================================================================= ; DismLogLevel Global Enum _ $DismLogErrors, _ $DismLogErrorsWarnings, _ $DismLogErrorsWarningsInfo ; DismImageIdentifier Global Enum _ $DismImageIndex, _ $DismImageName ; DismMountMode Global Enum _ $DismReadWrite, _ $DismReadOnly ; DismImageType Global Enum _ $DismImageTypeUnsupported = -1, _ $DismImageTypeWim, _ $DismImageTypeVhd ; DismImageBootable Global Enum _ $DismImageBootableYes, _ $DismImageBootableNo, _ $DismImageBootableUnknown ; DismMountStatus Global Enum _ $DismMountStatusOk, _ $DismMountStatusNeedsRemount, _ $DismMountStatusInvalid ; DismImageHealthState Global Enum _ $DismImageHealthy, _ $DismImageRepairable, _ $DismImageNonRepairable ; DismPackageIdentifier Global Enum _ $DismPackageNone, _ $DismPackageName, _ $DismPackagePath ; DismPackageFeatureState Global Enum _ $DismStateNotPresent, _ $DismStateUninstallPending, _ $DismStateStaged, _ $DismStateResolved, _ $DismStateRemoved = $DismStateResolved, _ $DismStateInstalled, _ $DismStateInstallPending, _ $DismStateSuperseded, _ $DismStatePartiallyInstalled ; DismReleaseType Global Enum _ $DismReleaseTypeCriticalUpdate, _ $DismReleaseTypeDriver, _ $DismReleaseTypeFeaturePack, _ $DismReleaseTypeHotfix, _ $DismReleaseTypeSecurityUpdate, _ $DismReleaseTypeSoftwareUpdate, _ $DismReleaseTypeUpdate, _ $DismReleaseTypeUpdateRollup, _ $DismReleaseTypeLanguagePack, _ $DismReleaseTypeFoundation, _ $DismReleaseTypeServicePack, _ $DismReleaseTypeProduct, _ $DismReleaseTypeLocalPack, _ $DismReleaseTypeOther ; DismRestartType Global Enum _ $DismRestartNo, _ $DismRestartPossible, _ $DismRestartRequired ; DismDriverSignature Global Enum _ $DismDriverSignatureUnknown, _ $DismDriverSignatureUnsigned, _ $DismDriverSignatureSigned ; DismFullyOfflineInstallableType Global Enum _ $DismFullyOfflineInstallable, _ $DismFullyOfflineNotInstallable, _ $DismFullyOfflineInstallableUndetermined ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #STRUCTS# ===================================================================================================================== Global Const $_tagSYSTEMTIME = "WORD wYear;WORD wMonth;WORD wDayOfWeek;WORD wDay;WORD wHour;WORD wMinute;WORD wSecond;WORD wMilliseconds" ; DismPackage Global Const $tagDismPackage = "PTR PackageName;INT PackageState;INT ReleaseType;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME ; DismApp Global Const $tagDismApp = "PTR PackageName;PTR DisplayName;PTR PublisherId;UINT ResID;UINT ResID2;UINT ResID3;UINT ResID4;UINT Name;PTR Name1;PTR Name2" ; DismCustomProperty Global Const $tagDismCustomProperty = "PTR Name;PTR Value;PTR Path" ; DismFeature Global Const $tagDismFeature = "PTR FeatureName;INT State" ; DismPackageInfo Global Const $tagDismPackageInfo = "PTR PackageName;INT PackageState;INT ReleaseType;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME & ";BOOL Applicable;PTR Copyright;PTR Company;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME & _ ";PTR DisplayName;PTR Description;PTR InstallClient;PTR InstallPackageName;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME & ";PTR ProductName;PTR ProductVersion;" & _ "INT RestartRequired;INT FullyOffline;PTR SupportInformation;PTR CustomProperty;UINT CustomPropertyCount;PTR Feature;UINT FeatureCount" ; DismFeatureInfo Global Const $tagDismFeatureInfo = "PTR FeatureName;INT FeatureState;PTR DisplayName;PTR Description;INT RestartRequired;PTR CustomProperty;UINT CustomPropertyCount" ; _DismString Global Const $tagDismString = "PTR Value" ; DismLanguage Global Const $tagDismLanguage = $tagDismString ; DismWimCustomizedInfo Global Const $tagDismWimCustomizedInfo = "UINT Size;UINT DirectoryCount;UINT FileCount;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME & ";" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME ; DismImageInfo ;~ Local $tagDismImageInfo_tmp = "INT ImageType;UINT ImageIndex;PTR ImageName;PTR ImageDescription;UINT64 ImageSize" ;~ If $sWimFileVersion <> "WIN_10" Or $sWimFileVersion <> "WIN_2016" Then $tagDismImageInfo_tmp &= _ ;~ ";UINT Architecture;PTR ProductName;PTR EditionId;PTR InstallationType;" & _ ;~ "PTR Hal;PTR ProductType;PTR ProductSuite;UINT MajorVersion;UINT MinorVersion;UINT Build;UINT SpBuild;UINT SpLevel;INT Bootable;PTR SystemRoot;" & _ ;~ "PTR Language;UINT LanguageCount;UINT DefaultLanguageIndex;PTR CustomizedInfo" ;~ Global Const $tagDismImageInfo = $tagDismImageInfo_tmp ;~ Global Const $tagDismImageInfo = "INT ImageType;UINT ImageIndex;PTR ImageName;PTR ImageDescription;UINT64 ImageSize;UINT Architecture;PTR ProductName;PTR EditionId;PTR InstallationType;" & _ ;~ "PTR Hal;PTR ProductType;PTR ProductSuite;UINT MajorVersion;UINT MinorVersion;UINT Build;UINT SpBuild;UINT SpLevel;INT Bootable;PTR SystemRoot;" & _ ;~ "PTR Language;UINT LanguageCount;UINT DefaultLanguageIndex;PTR CustomizedInfo" ; DismMountedImageInfo Global Const $tagDismMountedImageInfo = "PTR MountPath;PTR ImageFilePath;UINT ImageIndex;INT MountMode;INT MountStatus" ; DismDriverPackage Global Const $tagDismDriverPackage = "PTR PublishedName;PTR OriginalFileName;BOOL InBox;PTR CatalogFile;PTR ClassName;PTR ClassGuid;PTR ClassDescription;" & _ "BOOL BootCritical;INT DriverSignature;PTR ProviderName;" & $_tagSYSTEMTIME & ";UINT MajorVersion;UINT MinorVersion;UINT Build;UINT Revision" ; DismDriver Global Const $tagDismDriver = "PTR ManufacturerName;PTR HardwareDescription;PTR HardwareId;WORD Architecture;PTR ServiceName;PTR CompatibleIds;PTR ExcludeIds" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #STRUCTURE# =================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: $tagWIM_INFO ; Description ...: The WIM_INFO structure contains information retrieved by the WIMGetAttributes function. ; Fields ........: WimPath - Specifies the full path to the .wim file. ; GUID - Specifies a GUID structure containing the unique identifier for the Windows image (.wim) file. ; ImageCount - Specifies the number of images contained in the .wim file. This value is also returned by the WIMGetImageCount function. ; CompressionType - Specifies the method of compression used to compress resources in the .wim file. ; | $WIM_COMPRESS_NONE - Wim does not use file compression. ; | $WIM_COMPRESS_XPRESS - Wim uses XPRESS file compression. (fast) ; | $WIM_COMPRESS_LZX - Wim uses LZX file compression. (max) ; PartNumber - Specifies the part number of the current .wim file in a spanned set. ; This value should be one, unless the data of the .wim file was originally split by the _WIM_SplitFile function. ; TotalParts - Specifies the total number of .wim file parts in a spanned set. ; This value must be one, unless the data of the .wim file was originally split via the _WIM_SplitFile function. ; BootIndex - Specifies the index of the bootable image in the .wim file. If this value is zero, then there are no bootable images available. ; To set a bootable image, call the _WIM_SetBootImage function. ; WimAttributes - Specifies how the file is treated and what features will be used. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL - The .wim file does not have any other attributes set. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_RESOURCE_ONLY - The .wim file only contains file resources and no images or metadata. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_METADATA_ONLY - The .wim file only contains image resources and XML information. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_VERIFY_DATA - The .wim file contains integrity data that can be used by the _WIM_CopyFile or _WIM_CreateFile function. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_RP_FIX - The .wim file contains one or more images where symbolic link or junction path fixup is enabled. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_SPANNED - The .wim file has been split into multiple pieces via _WIM_SplitFile. ; | $WIM_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY - The .wim file is locked and cannot be modified. ; WimFlagsAndAttr - Specifies the flags used during a _WIM_CreateFile function. ; | $WIM_FLAG_VERIFY - Generates data integrity information for new files. Verifies and updates existing files. ; | $WIM_FLAG_SHARE_WRITE - Opens the .wim file in a mode that enables simultaneous reading and writing. ; Author ........: Jonathan Holmgren (Homes32) ; Remarks .......: ; ===============================================================================================================================