#include "WinHttp.au3" $initialurl = "http://google.com" ; Initialize and get session handle $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen() ; Get connection handle $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, $initialurl) ; Register Callback function $hREDIRECT_CALLBACK = DllCallbackRegister("_Redirect", "none", "handle;dword_ptr;dword;ptr;dword") ; Set callback _WinHttpSetStatusCallback($hConnect, $hREDIRECT_CALLBACK, $WINHTTP_CALLBACK_FLAG_REDIRECT) ; Make a request $hRequest = _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest($hConnect, Default, "/") ;Here the request follow the redirection and land on a different webpage ; Close handles _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hConnect) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hOpen) ; Free callback DllCallbackFree($hREDIRECT_CALLBACK) ; Define callback function Func _Redirect($hConnect, $iContext, $iInternetStatus, $pStatusInformation, $iStatusInformationLength) Local $sStatus = "About to automatically redirect the request to: " & DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iStatusInformationLength & "]", $pStatusInformation), 1) & " " ConsoleWrite("!>" & $sStatus & @CRLF) MsgBox(4096, "REDIRECTION:", $sStatus) EndFunc