#Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel ;~ #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #Region Include #Tidy_Parameters=/reel #include-once #include "QuickPDF.au3" #include #include #EndRegion Include #Region Main Loop _main() Func _main() ; using own COM Error Handling _QPDF_UseErrorHandler() ; Example for Lite version _Examples_For_Lelikkeo() ;~ _QPDF_Example_Lite_HelloWorld() ;~ _QPDF_Example_Lite_OneBigExample() _QPDF_MergeFiles_Lite() _QPDF_Shutdown() ; if in the following part of the script you want to open a commercial library then you need to close the lite version EndFunc ;==>_main #EndRegion Main Loop #Region Examples Func _Examples_For_Lelikkeo() #cs AuotIt member Lelikkeo ask for help: Help me please make a simple example using free library (Lite) and features: - create pdf file formats A4, A3, A2, A1, A0. - the change in the orientation of the sheet. - text entry indicating the size and the coordinate of the location of the text on the sheet. - drawing lines indicating the start and end of the line. - merge multiple pdf files into one. Request Link http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/160875-debenu-quick-pdf-library-udf/page-2#entry1240977 #ce _QPDF_UseErrorHandler() Local $oQP If _QPDF_CreateObjectAndUnlock($oQP) = 2 Then ; Set the origin for the drawing co-ordinates. In this case we'll draw the co-ordinates from the top left corner of the page. ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetOrigin.php $oQP.SetOrigin($__eQPDF_SORIGIN_TopLeft); ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetMeasurementUnits.php $oQP.SetMeasurementUnits($__eQPDF_MUNITS_Milimeters) ; Set Page Size to A3 with Landscape ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetPageSize.php $oQP.SetPageSizes('A3 Landscape') ; Set Page Size to A3 Default Page orientation ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetPageSize.php $oQP.SetPageSizes('A4') ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetTextSize.php $oQP.SetTextSize(10); ; Draw normal text ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/DrawText.php $oQP.DrawText(25, 25, "This is example for Lelikkeo Request"); #cs Unfortunately SetLineWidth and DrawLine are not available in Lite version ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SetLineWidth.php $oQP.SetLineWidth(1) ; drawing lines indicating the start and end of the line. ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/DrawLine.php $oQP.DrawLine(20,50,200,80); #ce ; http://www.debenu.com/docs/pdf_library_reference/SaveToFile.php $oQP.SaveToFile(@ScriptDir & '\QP_Lelikkeo_Exmaple.pdf'); ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & '\QP_Lelikkeo_Exmaple.pdf') ; this following is not example but a Function in UDF - but it can be used as an example _QPDF_MergeFiles_Lite() EndIf #EndRegion Examples