#NoTrayIcon ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Downloads a local copy of video messages sent through Skype. Videos are saved as "-.mp4". ; Tested on AutoIt version; Skype for Windows v.7.0 & v.7.2 (on a couple Windows 7 installations in different languages) ; Requirements: Skype for Desktop installed; Local SQLite3 dll or network access ; Author: VinCor ; Credits : ; - "Skype Community" for how to download those videos (http://community.skype.com/t5/Windows-desktop-client/HOW-TO-SAVE-VIDEO-MESSAGE/td-p/1763009) ; - Help files for "inspiration" of most of the code (SQLite, progress bar, InetGetInfo, etc); ; - trancexx for the original _EPOCH_decrypt function (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/83667-epoch-time/) ; ; ATTENTION.1: The URLs found in the database are dynamic. You have to open Skype and play the video message to get a new (and valid) URL before running this script. ; ATTENTION.2: This works on Skype "for Desktop" on windows 7. For "Modern" Skype on Windows 8.x, the location of the main.db is different. Change the script accordingly to make it work for you. ; ;=============================================================================== ; *** Functionality in pseudo code *** ; ; Find Skype SQLite DBs/users ; For each DB/user ; Open SQLite DB ; Find Videos Table ; For each video entry ; Check if already downloaded ; If not, download it ; Keep only successfully downloaded videos ; Exit ; ;=============================================================================== #include #include #include #include _SQLite_Startup() If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "SQLite Error", "SQLite3.dll Can't be Loaded!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Not FOUND in @SystemDir, @WindowsDir, @ScriptDir, @WorkingDir or from www.autoitscript.com") Exit -1 EndIf If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\videos") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\videos") ; Find SQLite DBs $aSkypeUserDBs = _FileListToArrayRec(@UserProfileDir & "\AppData\Roaming\Skype", "main.db||shared*", $FLTAR_FILES, $FLTAR_RECUR, $FLTAR_NOSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) If Not IsArray($aSkypeUserDBs) Then MsgBox(0, "No Skype users found!", "Cannot find Skype data under user profile folder... Bye!") Exit EndIf ; For each skype user found For $db = 1 To $aSkypeUserDBs[0] ProgressOn("Download Skype video messages", "Skype user: " & StringRegExpReplace($aSkypeUserDBs[$db], ".*\\(\w+)\\main.db", "\1"), "Checking video URLs", -1, -1, BitOR($DLG_NOTONTOP, $DLG_MOVEABLE)) Local $hQuery, $aRow ; Open SQLite DB _SQLite_Open($aSkypeUserDBs[$db]) ; Find VideoTable:VOD_path,author,timestamp column _SQLite_Query(-1, "SELECT VOD_path,author,creation_timestamp FROM VideoMessages;", $hQuery) While _SQLite_FetchData($hQuery, $aRow, False, False) = $SQLITE_OK ; For each row in the DB If StringLen($aRow[0]) > 0 Then ; not a null URL entry $filename = $aRow[1] & "-" & _EPOCH_decrypt($aRow[2]) ; base filename If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\videos\" & $filename & ".mp4") Then ContinueLoop ; to avoid downloading a previously downloaded video $hVideoMessage = InetGet($aRow[0], @ScriptDir & "\videos\" & $filename & ".tmp", $INET_FORCERELOAD, $INET_DOWNLOADBACKGROUND) ; start download in the background ProgressSet(100 * InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADREAD) / InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADSIZE), "Video message: " & $filename) Do ; update progress bar while downloading video... Sleep(250) ProgressSet(100 * InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADREAD) / InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADSIZE)) Until InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE) ; until it is done downloading ; Rename file in case of successful download If InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADERROR) = 0 And InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADREAD) = InetGetInfo($hVideoMessage, $INET_DOWNLOADSIZE) Then FileMove(@ScriptDir & "\videos\" & $filename & ".tmp", @ScriptDir & "\videos\" & $filename & ".mp4") Else ; or delete it in case of failure FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\videos\" & $filename & ".tmp") EndIf EndIf WEnd _SQLite_QueryFinalize($hQuery) _SQLite_Close() Next _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit Func _EPOCH_decrypt($iEpochTime) Local $iDayToAdd = Int($iEpochTime / 86400) Local $iTimeVal = Mod($iEpochTime, 86400) If $iTimeVal < 0 Then $iDayToAdd -= 1 $iTimeVal += 86400 EndIf Local $i_wFactor = Int((573371.75 + $iDayToAdd) / 36524.25) Local $i_xFactor = Int($i_wFactor / 4) Local $i_bFactor = 2442113 + $iDayToAdd + $i_wFactor - $i_xFactor Local $i_cFactor = Int(($i_bFactor - 122.1) / 365.25) Local $i_dFactor = Int(365.25 * $i_cFactor) Local $i_eFactor = Int(($i_bFactor - $i_dFactor) / 30.6001) Local $aDatePart[3] $aDatePart[2] = $i_bFactor - $i_dFactor - Int(30.6001 * $i_eFactor) $aDatePart[1] = $i_eFactor - 1 - 12 * ($i_eFactor - 2 > 11) $aDatePart[0] = $i_cFactor - 4716 + ($aDatePart[1] < 3) Local $aTimePart[3] $aTimePart[0] = Int($iTimeVal / 3600) $iTimeVal = Mod($iTimeVal, 3600) $aTimePart[1] = Int($iTimeVal / 60) $aTimePart[2] = Mod($iTimeVal, 60) Return StringFormat("%.2d%.2d%.2d_%.2d%.2d%.2d", $aDatePart[0], $aDatePart[1], $aDatePart[2], $aTimePart[0], $aTimePart[1], $aTimePart[2]) EndFunc ;==>_EPOCH_decrypt