; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: ; Author: Mike Ratzlaff ; ; Script Function: ; Binary Tree UDFs ; ; Script revision version: ; 20050630A ; - 5 Oct 2005 - Will Mooar - added all blindwig's changes up to today ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once #include #include #include ;a BTree is a pseudo binary tree ;it is a 2-d array, where the second dimension is 4 ;[0][0]=size of 1st dimension ;[0][1]=link to top-most element ;[x][0]=unique key ;[x][1]=link to lesser key ;[x][2]=link to greater key ;[x][3]=stored value Func _BTreeCreate($Length = 100) Local $aNew[$Length][4] Return $aNew EndFunc ;==>_BTreeCreate ;Attempts to assign value $Value to key $Key in $BTree. A new key is created if needed. ;on success, empty string is returned, array index containing $Key is in @extended ;on failure, @error is set and return is a human-readable error message string Func _BTreeSet(ByRef $BTree, $Key, $Value, $Increase = 20) ;make sure we've got the structure of a tree If UBound($BTree, 0) <> 2 Or UBound($BTree, 2) <> 4 Then SetError(1) Return 'This is not a binary tree' EndIf ;find a leaf to plant the key/value into Local $InsertPoint = 0, $CurPtr, $Max = UBound($BTree, 1) If $BTree[0][1] = 0 Then $InsertPoint = 1 $BTree[0][1] = 1 Else $CurPtr = $BTree[0][1] While $InsertPoint = 0 Select Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$CurPtr][0]) And $Key < $BTree[$CurPtr][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$CurPtr][0]) And String($Key) < String($BTree[$CurPtr][0])) ;go to lower branch If $BTree[$CurPtr][1] = 0 Then $InsertPoint = $BTree[0][0] + 1 $BTree[$CurPtr][1] = $InsertPoint Else $CurPtr = $BTree[$CurPtr][1] EndIf Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$CurPtr][0]) And $Key > $BTree[$CurPtr][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$CurPtr][0]) And String($Key) > String($BTree[$CurPtr][0])) ;go to lower branch ;go to higher branch If $BTree[$CurPtr][2] = 0 Then $InsertPoint = $BTree[0][0] + 1 $BTree[$CurPtr][2] = $InsertPoint Else $CurPtr = $BTree[$CurPtr][2] EndIf Case Else ;use this branch $InsertPoint = $CurPtr EndSelect WEnd EndIf ;plant the key/value If $InsertPoint >= $Max Then ReDim $BTree[$Max + $Increase][4] If $InsertPoint >= $BTree[0][0] Then $BTree[0][0] = $InsertPoint $BTree[$InsertPoint][0] = $Key $BTree[$InsertPoint][3] = $Value SetExtended($InsertPoint) Return '' EndFunc ;==>_BTreeSet ;Attempts to retrieve the value associated with $Key in $BTree ;on success, value is returned and the array index is in @extended ;on failure, @error is set and return is a human-readable error message string Func _BTreeGet(ByRef $BTree, $Key) $BTCur = $BTree[0][1] While $BTCur <> 0 And $BTree[$BTCur][0] <> $Key Select Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And $Key < $BTree[$BTCur][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And String($Key) < String($BTree[$BTCur][0])) $BTCur = $BTree[$BTCur][1] Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And $Key > $BTree[$BTCur][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And String($Key) > String($BTree[$BTCur][0])) $BTCur = $BTree[$BTCur][2] EndSelect WEnd If $BTCur = 0 Then SetError(1) ;$Key was not found in this tree Return 'The key "' & $Key & '" was not found in the tree.' Else SetExtended($BTCur) Return $BTree[$BTCur][3] EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BTreeGet ;This will optimize the binary tree (make sure all the branches are balanced) Func _BTreeOptimize(ByRef $BTree, $ProgressTitle = @ScriptName) If $ProgressTitle <> '' Then ProgressOn($ProgressTitle, 'Optimizing Binary Tree...', 'Gathering Keys...') Local $aKeys[$BTree[0][0] + 1][3] $aKeys = _BTreeToTable($BTree) If $ProgressTitle <> '' Then ProgressSet(50, 'Restructuring Tree...') $BTree[0][1] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, 1, $BTree[0][0], $aKeys) If $ProgressTitle <> '' Then ProgressSet(99) If $ProgressTitle <> '' Then ProgressOff() EndFunc ;==>_BTreeOptimize ;private Func __BTreeOpt(ByRef $BTree, $min, $Max, ByRef $aKeys) If $min = $Max Then $BTree[$aKeys[$min][2]][1] = 0 $BTree[$aKeys[$min][2]][2] = 0 Return $aKeys[$min][2] EndIf $mid = Int(($min + $Max) / 2) If $min = $mid Then $BTree[$aKeys[$mid][2]][1] = 0 Else $BTree[$aKeys[$mid][2]][1] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, $min, $mid - 1, $aKeys) EndIf If $mid = $Max Then $BTree[$aKeys[$mid][2]][2] = 0 Else $BTree[$aKeys[$mid][2]][2] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, $mid + 1, $Max, $aKeys) EndIf Return $aKeys[$mid][2] EndFunc ;==>__BTreeOpt ;Returns a string that shows the layout of the keys in $BTree in an ASCII-ART format ;$Length affects how deep the tree appears to be - cosmetic only, has no effect on values or order Func _BTreePrintKeys(ByRef $BTree, $Length = 8) Local $Out = '' $Length = _Max (1, Int($Length)) __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[0][1], $Out, $Length, '', 0) Return $Out EndFunc ;==>_BTreePrintKeys ;private Func __BTreePrintKeys(ByRef $BTree, $ptr, ByRef $Out, $Length, $Prefix, $Parent) Select Case $Parent > 0 If $BTree[$ptr][1] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][1], $Out, $Length, $Prefix & _StringPadRight ('|', $Length), -1) $Out = $Out & $Prefix & _StringPadRight ("'", $Length, '-') & $BTree[$ptr][0] & @CRLF If $BTree[$ptr][2] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][2], $Out, $Length, $Prefix & _StringRepeat(' ', $Length), 1) Case $Parent < 0 If $BTree[$ptr][1] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][1], $Out, $Length, $Prefix & _StringRepeat(' ', $Length), -1) $Out = $Out & $Prefix & _StringPadRight (',', $Length, '-') & $BTree[$ptr][0] & @CRLF If $BTree[$ptr][2] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][2], $Out, $Length, $Prefix & _StringPadRight ('|', $Length), 1) Case Else If $BTree[$ptr][1] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][1], $Out, $Length, _StringRepeat(' ', $Length), -1) $Out = $Out & $Prefix & _StringRepeat('-', $Length) & $BTree[$ptr][0] & @CRLF If $BTree[$ptr][2] <> 0 Then __BTreePrintKeys($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][2], $Out, $Length, _StringRepeat(' ', $Length), 1) EndSelect EndFunc ;==>__BTreePrintKeys ;Returns a table of [x][3], where [x][0]=key, [x][1]=value, [x][2]=original index Func _BTreeToTable(ByRef $BTree) Dim $aOut[$BTree[0][0] + 1][3] If $BTree[0][1] <> 0 Then __BTreeToTable($BTree, $BTree[0][1], $aOut) Return $aOut EndFunc ;==>_BTreeToTable ;private Func __BTreeToTable(ByRef $BTree, $ptr, ByRef $aKey) If $BTree[$ptr][1] <> 0 Then __BTreeToTable($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][1], $aKey) $aKey[0][0] = $aKey[0][0] + 1 $aKey[$aKey[0][0]][0] = $BTree[$ptr][0] $aKey[$aKey[0][0]][1] = $BTree[$ptr][3] $aKey[$aKey[0][0]][2] = $ptr If $BTree[$ptr][2] <> 0 Then __BTreeToTable($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][2], $aKey) EndFunc ;==>__BTreeToTable ;Find the key $Key in Binary Tree $BTree, returns it's parent value (or 0 if $key is at root) ;Also sets @Extended to point to the array index of the parent item. Func _BTreeFindParentKey(ByRef $BTree, $Key) Local $BTCur = $BTree[0][1], $BTLast = 0 While $BTCur <> 0 And $BTree[$BTCur][0] <> $Key Select Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And $Key < $BTree[$BTCur][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And String($Key) < String($BTree[$BTCur][0])) $BTLast = $BTCur $BTCur = $BTree[$BTCur][1] Case (IsNumber($Key) = IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And $Key > $BTree[$BTCur][0]) Or (IsNumber($Key) <> IsNumber($BTree[$BTCur][0]) And String($Key) > String($BTree[$BTCur][0])) $BTLast = $BTCur $BTCur = $BTree[$BTCur][2] EndSelect WEnd If $BTCur = 0 Then SetError(1) ;$Key was not found in this tree Return 'The key "' & $Key & '" was not found in the tree.' Else SetExtended($BTLast) If $BTLast = 0 Then Return 0 Else Return $BTree[$BTLast][0] EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BTreeFindParentKey ;This function will remove a key from the binary tree. ;Note that it does not actually remove it, it only orpahns it by re-routing the links around it. Func _BTreeDelete(ByRef $BTree, $Key) ;Locate $key in $BTree Local $RetVal = _BTreeGet($BTree, $Key), $ptr = @extended If Not @error Then ;Gather a list of sub-branches under this key Local $aBranch[$BTree[0][0]][3] If $BTree[$ptr][1] <> 0 Then __BTreeToTable($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][1], $aBranch) If $BTree[$ptr][2] <> 0 Then __BTreeToTable($BTree, $BTree[$ptr][2], $aBranch) _BTreeFindParentKey($BTree, $Key) ;graft the new sub-branch onto the parent branch Local $ParentPtr = @extended If $ParentPtr = 0 Then $BTree[0][1] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, 1, $aBranch[0][0], $aBranch) ElseIf $BTree[$ParentPtr][1] = $ptr Then $BTree[$ParentPtr][1] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, 1, $aBranch[0][0], $aBranch) ElseIf $BTree[$ParentPtr][2] = $ptr Then $BTree[$ParentPtr][2] = __BTreeOpt($BTree, 1, $aBranch[0][0], $aBranch) EndIf ;remove branches from the original item $BTree[$ptr][1] = 0 $BTree[$ptr][2] = 0 Else SetError(1) Return $RetVal EndIf EndFunc ;==>_BTreeDelete ;Returns a Binary Tree keyed with values found in 1-d array $aIn Func _BTreeFromArray1(ByRef $aIn, $iBase = 1) Local $i, $InTop, $Next = 0 ;Create the output structure If $iBase Then $iBase = 1 $InTop = $aIn[0] Else $iBase = 0 $InTop = UBound($aIn, 1) - 1 EndIf Dim $btOut[$InTop + 2 - $iBase][4] For $i = $iBase To $InTop $btOut[0][0] = $btOut[0][0] + 1 $btOut[$btOut[0][0]][0] = $aIn[$i] Next _ArraySort($btOut, 0, 1, $btOut[0][0], 2, 0) ;Remove duplicates $i = $iBase While $i <= $btOut[0][0] - $Next While $i + $Next + 1 <= $btOut[0][0] And $btOut[$i][0] = $btOut[$i + $Next + 1][0] $Next = $Next + 1 WEnd $i = $i + 1 If $Next And $i + $Next + 1 <= $btOut[0][0] Then $btOut[$i][0] = $btOut[$i + $Next][0] EndIf WEnd $btOut[0][0] = $i - 1 ReDim $btOut[$i][4] ;Build Tree Structure $btOut[0][1] = __BTreeFromArray($btOut, 1, $btOut[0][0]) Return $btOut EndFunc ;==>_BTreeFromArray1 ;Returns a Binary Tree keyed with values found in 2-d array $aIn ;keys are taken from $aIn[x][$iKey] and data is taken from $aIn[x][$iData] Func _BTreeFromArray2(ByRef $aIn, $iBase = 1, $iKey = 0, $iData = 1) Local $i, $InTop, $Next = 0 ;Create the output structure If $iBase Then $iBase = 1 $InTop = $aIn[0][0] Else $iBase = 0 $InTop = UBound($aIn, 1) - 1 EndIf Dim $btOut[$InTop + 2 - $iBase][4] For $i = $iBase To $InTop $btOut[0][0] = $btOut[0][0] + 1 $btOut[$btOut[0][0]][0] = $aIn[$i][$iKey] $btOut[$btOut[0][0]][3] = $aIn[$i][$iData] Next _ArraySort($btOut, 0, 1, $btOut[0][0], 4, 0) ;Remove duplicates $i = 1 While $i <= $btOut[0][0] - $Next While $i + $Next + 1 <= $btOut[0][0] And $btOut[$i][0] = $btOut[$i + $Next + 1][0] $Next = $Next + 1 WEnd $i = $i + 1 If $Next And $i + $Next + 1 <= $btOut[0][0] Then $btOut[$i][0] = $btOut[$i + $Next][0] $btOut[$i][3] = $btOut[$i + $Next][3] EndIf WEnd $btOut[0][0] = $i - 1 ReDim $btOut[$i][4] ;Build Tree Structure $btOut[0][1] = __BTreeFromArray($btOut, 1, $btOut[0][0]) Return $btOut EndFunc ;==>_BTreeFromArray2 ;private Func __BTreeFromArray(ByRef $BTree, $min, $Max) If $min = $Max Then $BTree[$min][1] = 0 $BTree[$min][2] = 0 Return $min EndIf $mid = Round(($min + $Max) / 2) If $min = $mid Then $BTree[$mid][1] = 0 Else $BTree[$mid][1] = __BTreeFromArray($BTree, $min, $mid - 1) EndIf If $mid = $Max Then $BTree[$mid][2] = 0 Else $BTree[$mid][2] = __BTreeFromArray($BTree, $mid + 1, $Max) EndIf Return $mid EndFunc ;==>__BTreeFromArray ;version check Dim $temp = StringSplit(@AutoItVersion, '.') If not ($temp[0] >= 4 And $temp[1] >= 3 And $temp[2] >= 1 And $temp[3] >= 1 And $temp[4] >= 55) Then MsgBox(8192, 'MWR_BTree UDF - Error', 'Please be sure that you are running the latest beta!') Exit EndIf