#include #include #include #include #include #include #include Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) $title = "CyberDebug 0.03" Global $Ip = "" Global $port = 3333 $inifile = @ScriptDir & "\CyberDebug.ini" $default = IniRead($inifile,"Data","defaultFile","") $Ip = IniRead($inifile,"Data","ipaddressDebugServer",$Ip) $port = IniRead($inifile,"Data","portaddressDebugServer",$port) $remoteServer = IniRead($inifile,"Data","remoteServer",0) $file = FileOpenDialog($title,@ScriptDir,"AutoIt File (*.au3)",-1,$default) if $file = "" Then Exit IniWrite($inifile,"Data","defaultFile",$file) IniWrite($inifile,"Data","ipaddressDebugServer",$Ip) IniWrite($inifile,"Data","portaddressDebugServer",$port) IniWrite($inifile,"Data","remoteServer",0) $sourceraw = FileRead($file) $source = StringSplit($sourceraw,@CRLF,1) ;**************************************************************** $Form1 = GUICreate($title, 1008, 637, 74, 156) $List1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Source", 8, 8, 833, 578) ;~ $List2 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Name|Value", 848, 8, 153, 539) $List2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 848, 8, 153, 539) $ButtonPause = GUICtrlCreateButton("STOP (F7)", 5, 600, 60, 25) ;~ GUICtrlSetState($ButtonPause,$GUI_HIDE) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Next line (F8)", 64+10, 600, 155, 25) $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("next #BKPOINT (F9)", 168+100, 600, 155, 25) $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("go to selected line (F11)", 272+200, 600, 155, 25) $Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("go to line ...", 376+300, 600, 155, 25) $Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Use large window", 888-25, 552, 75+50, 25) $Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set variable value", 888-25, 552+30, 75+50, 25) $Button7 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get variable value", 888-25, 552+30+30, 75+50, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### $varlargegui = GUICreate("VarLarge", 939, 698, 168, 126) $varlarge = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 8, 921, 681) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$varlargegui) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Global $VARLARGEMODE=0 ;~ #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= ;~ $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 890, 676, 175, 112) ;~ $List1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Source", 8, 8, 873, 617) ;~ $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button1", 80, 632, 49, 25) ;~ GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;~ #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### ;**************************************************************** _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($List1, 0, 800) for $i = 1 to $source[0] GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(StringReplace($source[$i],@TAB," "), $List1) Next $debFile = _makefile($file,$source) Run(@AutoItExe & " """ & $debFile & """") if $remoteServer = 1 Then exit EndIf TCPStartup() $mainsocket = TCPListen($Ip,$port) $socket = -1 Do $socket = TCPAccept($mainsocket) Sleep(10) Until $socket <> -1 ;~ MsgBox(0,$socket,"SEconnesso",1) While 1 $data_FLUX = "" $ACNKO = 0 Do $data_FLUX &= TCPRecv($socket,10000) if StringRight($data_FLUX,1) = "~" Then $ACNKO = 1 EndIf Until $data_FLUX = "" OR $ACNKO = 1 if @error <> 0 Then Exit if $data_FLUX <> "" Then $data_ARRAYFLUX = StringSplit($data_FLUX,"~") for $idata = 1 to $data_ARRAYFLUX[0] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($data_ARRAYFLUX,$idata &"-"&$data_ARRAYFLUX[0]) $data = $data_ARRAYFLUX[$idata] if $data <> "" Then WinSetTitle($Form1,"",$title & " - " & $data) if StringLeft($data,1) = ">" Then $data = StringTrimLeft($data,1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($List1, Number($data)-1) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($List1, Number($data)-1) Elseif StringLeft($data,1) = "!" Then MsgBox(0,$title,StringTrimLeft($data,1)) Elseif StringLeft($data,1) = "#" Then $data = StringTrimLeft($data,1) $data_array = StringSplit($data,"|") $f=0 if $VARLARGEMODE = 0 Then $read = GUICtrlRead($List2) Else $read = GUICtrlRead($varlarge) EndIf $old = StringSplit($read,@CRLF,1) $NEW = "" if $read <> "" Then for $ix = 1 to $old[0] $singleline = StringSplit($old[$ix],"=") if $singleline[0] = 2 Then if $singleline[1] = $data_array[1] Then $NEW &= $data_array[1] &"="& $data_array[2] & @CRLF $f=1 Else $NEW &= $singleline[1] &"="& $singleline[2] & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next EndIf if $f = 0 Then $NEW &= $data_array[1] &"="& $data_array[2] & @CRLF EndIf if $NEW <> $read Then if $VARLARGEMODE = 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($List2,$NEW) Else GUICtrlSetData($varlarge,$NEW) EndIf EndIf #cs $data_array = StringSplit($data,"|") $F=0 for $ivar = 0 to _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($List2) ;~ TrayTip("c",$ivar,0) $name = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($List2,$ivar,0) $value = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($List2,$ivar,1) if $name <> "" Then if $name = $data_array[1] Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($List2, $ivar, $value,2) $F=1 EndIf ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$name &":" & $value) EndIf Next ;~ _ArrayDisplay(_GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($List2,1)) if $F=0 Then GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($data, $List2) EndIf #ce EndIf EndIf Next EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() If _IsPressed("76") Then $nMsg = $ButtonPause Sleep(100) Elseif _IsPressed("77") Then $nMsg = $Button1 Sleep(100) Elseif _IsPressed("78") Then $nMsg = $Button2 Sleep(100) Elseif _IsPressed("7A") Then $nMsg = $Button3 Sleep(100) ;~ Elseif _IsPressed("7A") Then ;~ $nMsg = $Button4 ;~ Sleep(100) EndIf Switch $nMsg Case $ButtonPause TCPSend($socket,">???") Case $Button1 TCPSend($socket,">>") Case $Button2 if StringInStr($sourceraw,"#BKPOINT") = 0 Then MsgBox(0,$title,"No #BKPOINT tag found in code") Else TCPSend($socket,">BP") EndIf Case $Button3 for $i = 0 to _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($List1) ;~ MsgBox(0,$i,_GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($List1)) ;~ Exit if _GUICtrlListView_GetItemSelected($List1,$i) = True Then ;~ MsgBox(0,$i,_GUICtrlListView_GetItemSelected($List1,$i)) ;~ MsgBox(0,$i,">BL" & $i+1) TCPSend($socket,">BL" & $i+1) ExitLoop EndIf Next Case $Button6 $newVar = InputBox($title,"$VARNAME=NEWVALUE","$variable=hello") $newVar = StringTrimLeft($newVar,1) $newVar = StringReplace($newVar,"=","|") TCPSend($socket,">VN" & $newVar) Case $Button7 $newVar = InputBox($title,"Query $var value","$variable") TCPSend($socket,">VG???" & $newVar) Case $Button5 $VARLARGEMODE = 1 GUICtrlSetData($varlarge, GUICtrlRead($List2)) GUICtrlSetData($List2, "") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$varlargegui) WinSetOnTop($varlargegui,"",1) Case $Button4 $line = InputBox($title,"Set the debug stop line") if $line <> "" Then TCPSend($socket,">BL" & $line) EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func _makefile($file, $source) ;~ TCPStartup() ;~ $socket = -1 ;~ Do ;~ $socket = TCPConnect("",3333) ;~ Until $socket <> -1 $Pre = ";*****{}{}{}{}{}AUTOGENERATE DEBUG CODE{}{}{}{}{}*****" & @CRLF $Pre &= "Opt(""TrayIconDebug"", 1)" & @CRLF $Pre &= "$BPOINT=0" & @CRLF $Pre &= "$BPOLine=0" & @CRLF $Pre &= "TCPStartup()" & @CRLF $Pre &= "global $DEBUG_socket = -1" & @CRLF $Pre &= "Do" & @CRLF $Pre &= " $DEBUG_socket = TCPConnect(""" & $Ip & """," & $port & ")" & @CRLF $Pre &= "Until $DEBUG_socket <> -1" & @CRLF ;~ Func _debug($DEBUG_lineNumber,$DEBUG_linetext) ;~ TCPSend($DEBUG_socket, ">" & $DEBUG_lineNumber) ;~ Do ;~ Sleep(10) ;~ Until TCPRecv($DEBUG_socket,10000) = ">>" ;~ EndFunc ;~ #BPOINT $post = "TCPCloseSocket($DEBUG_socket)" & @CRLF & @CRLF $post &= "Func _debug($DEBUG_lineNumber,$DEBUG_linetext)" & @CRLF & @CRLF $post &= " TCPSend($DEBUG_socket, "">"" & $DEBUG_lineNumber & ""~"")" & @CRLF $post &= "" & @CRLF $post &= "if StringInStr($DEBUG_linetext,""#BPOINT"") > 0 OR $BPOLine = $DEBUG_lineNumber OR StringInStr(TCPRecv($DEBUG_socket,10),""???"") > 0 then" & @CRLF $post &= "$BPOINT = 0" & @CRLF $post &= "$BPOLine=0" & @CRLF $post &= "endif" & @CRLF $post &= "if $BPOINT = 0 then" & @CRLF $post &= " Do" & @CRLF $post &= " Sleep(10)" & @CRLF $post &= " $DEBUG_RCV = TCPRecv($DEBUG_socket,10000)" & @CRLF $post &= " if @error <> 0 then exit" & @CRLF $post &= " Until $DEBUG_RCV <> """"" & @CRLF $post &= "" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= "msgbox(0,"""",$DEBUG_RCV)" & @CRLF $post &= "" & @CRLF $post &= " if $DEBUG_RCV ="">>"" then" & @CRLF $post &= " elseif $DEBUG_RCV ="">BP"" then" & @CRLF $post &= " $BPOINT = 1" & @CRLF $post &= " elseif stringleft($DEBUG_RCV,3) ="">VN"" then" & @CRLF $post &= " $DEBUG_RCV = stringtrimleft($DEBUG_RCV,3)" & @CRLF $post &= " $DEBUG_RCV_A = stringsplit($DEBUG_RCV,""|"")" & @CRLF $post &= " Assign($DEBUG_RCV_A[1], $DEBUG_RCV_A[2])" & @CRLF $post &= " elseif stringleft($DEBUG_RCV,3) ="">BL"" then" & @CRLF $post &= " $BPOLine = stringtrimleft($DEBUG_RCV,3)" & @CRLF $post &= " $BPOINT = 1" & @CRLF $post &= " elseif stringleft($DEBUG_RCV,6) ="">VG???"" then" & @CRLF $post &= " $DEBUG_RCV = stringtrimleft($DEBUG_RCV,6)" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= " $DEBUG_RCV = '12345678'" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= " msgbox(0,'|' & $DEBUG_RCV & '|',Eval(stringtrimleft($DEBUG_RCV,1)))" & @CRLF $post &= " TCPSend($DEBUG_socket, ""!"" & Eval(stringtrimleft($DEBUG_RCV,1)) & ""~"")" & @CRLF $post &= " endif" & @CRLF $post &= "endif" & @CRLF $post &= "" & @CRLF $post &= "EndFunc" & @CRLF & @CRLF $post &= "Func _debugVAR($DEBUG_varName,$DEBUG_varValue)" & @CRLF & @CRLF $post &= " TCPSend($DEBUG_socket, ""#"" & $DEBUG_varName & ""|"" & $DEBUG_varValue & ""~"")" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= " Do" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= " Sleep(10)" & @CRLF ;~ $post &= " Until TCPRecv($DEBUG_socket,10000) = "">>""" & @CRLF $post &= "EndFunc" & @CRLF $newFile = $Pre for $i = 1 to $source[0] if StringStripWS($source[$i],8) = "" OR StringRight(StringStripWS($source[$i],8),1) = "_" OR StringLeft(StringStripWS($source[$i],8),1) = ";" OR StringRight(StringStripWS($source[$i-1],8),1) = "_" Then $newFile &= $source[$i] & @CRLF ElseIf StringInStr($source[$i],"#BKPOINT") > 0 Then $newFile &= $source[$i] & @CRLF Else $newFile &= "_debug(" & $i & ", """ & StringReplace($source[$i],"""","""""") & """)" & @CRLF $newFile &= $source[$i] & @CRLF $newfile &= _varsearch($source[$i]) EndIf Next $newFile &= $post $debugfile = $file & ".debug.au3" if FileExists($debugfile) Then if StringInStr(FileRead($debugfile),";*****{}{}{}{}{}AUTOGENERATE DEBUG CODE{}{}{}{}{}*****") = 0 Then MsgBox(48,$title,"I can't delete " & @CRLF & """" & $debugfile & """" & @CRLF & " delete manually if you are sure.") Exit Else FileDelete($debugfile) EndIf EndIf FileWrite($debugfile,$newFile) Return $debugfile EndFunc Func _varsearch($code) $varlist = "" $codeA = StringSplit($code,"") $CHAR = "" $OLDCHAR = "" $AT=0 For $ic = 1 to $codeA[0] if $codeA[$ic] = "$" Then $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] $AT=1 EndIf ;~ MsgBox(0,$codeA[$ic] & "(" & $AT & ")",$code) if $AT=1 Then ;~ MsgBox(0,$codeA[0] & "(" & $AT & ")",$code) if Asc($codeA[$ic]) >= 48 AND Asc($codeA[$ic]) <= 57 Then $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] ElseIf Asc($codeA[$ic]) >= 65 AND Asc($codeA[$ic]) <= 90 Then $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] ElseIf Asc($codeA[$ic]) >= 97 AND Asc($codeA[$ic]) <= 122 Then $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] Elseif Asc($codeA[$ic]) = 95 Then $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] Elseif $codeA[$ic] = "$" Then ;~ $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] Else $AT = 0 EndIf ;~ $varlist &=$codeA[$ic] Else $AT =0 EndIf Next If $varlist = "" Then Return "" EndIf $varlist_array = StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($varlist,1),"$") $pexcode = "" for $iv = 1 to $varlist_array[0] if $varlist_array[$iv] <> "" Then $pexcode &= "_debugVAR(""$" & $varlist_array[$iv] & """, $" & $varlist_array[$iv] & ")" & @CRLF EndIf Next ;~ MsgBox(0,"",$pexcode) ;~ MsgBox(0,$varlist & "(" & $AT & ")",$code) Return $pexcode EndFunc