Looking up host "workserver" Connecting to 192.168.xx.xx port 22 Server version: SSH-v.v-OpenSSH_v.v Using SSH protocol version 2 We claim version: SSH-v.0-PuTTY_Release_v.vv Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash xxx-xxx Host key fingerprint is: ssh-rsa 1024 hex key in here Initialised AES-xxx xxxx client->server encryption Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm Initialised AES-xxx xxxx server->client encryption Initialised HMAC-xxx server->client MAC algorithm Using username "x". xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn Access granted Opened channel for session Started a shell/command processing date 20131006 processing date 20131007 processing date 20131008 lots of text that could get me sued then sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here, lots of text that could get me sued then fired goes in here Server sent command exit status 0 Disconnected: All channels closed