#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=brsh.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Brsh Client #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Brsh Client #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=bahadirkaanuysal@gmail.com #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global $strusername = "**" global $strPassword = "**" global $agentip ;$wbemFlags=48 #include #include ;#include #include #include Global $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Com Error Handler Func MyErrFunc() $HexNumber = Hex($oMyError.Number, 8) $strMSG = "Error Number: " & $HexNumber & @CRLF $strMsg &= "WinDescription: " & $oMyError.WinDescription & @CRLF $strMsg &= "Script Line: " & $oMyError.ScriptLine & @CRLF ConsoleWrite( "ERROR"& $strMSG) SetError(1) Endfunc ;;$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") ; Initialize a COM error handler ;;; This is my custom defined error handler ;;Func MyErrFunc() ;; ConsoleWrite("We intercepted a COM Error !" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.description & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.number is: " & @TAB & hex($oMyError.number,8) & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.source & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ ;; "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oMyError.helpcontext _ ;; ) ;;Endfunc if Not FileExists(@ScriptDir&"\authentication.ini") then consolewrite("Authentication.ini file not found please control the file or create new one using info: first line= [AUTH] second line= KEY=YOURKEY"&@crlf) endif Global $PacketEND = "*[" & iniread(@ScriptDir&"\authentication.ini","AUTH","KEY","DEFAULT") & "]*"; "[PACKET_END]" ; Defines the end of a packet Global $PacketMSG = "[PACKET_TYPE_0001]" ; THE COMMAND SENT FOR EXECUTION Global $PacketPNG = "[PACKET_TYPE_0002]" ; Base64 of FILE TRANSFER binary. Global $PacketPCI = "[PACKET_TYPE_0003]" ; UserName@PC name Global $PacketKEY = "[PACKET_TYPE_0004]" ; Change Agent's Authentication Key Global $PacketKEYNotMatch = "[PACKET_TYPE_0005]" ; Access Denied Global $PacketEXT = "[PACKET_TYPE_0006]" ;Name of the file to be send Global $PacketDEST = "[PACKET_TYPE_0007]" ;Destination of the file to be saved Global $MaxConnections = 1000 ; Maximum number of allowed connections. Global $PacketSize = 10000 ; Maximum size to receive when packets are checked. Global $Connection[$MaxConnections + 1][11] global $i=1 Opt("TCPTimeout", 0) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $WS2_32 = DllOpen("Ws2_32.dll") ; Opens Ws2_32.dll to be used later. Global $NTDLL = DllOpen("ntdll.dll") ; Opens NTDll.dll to be used later. Global $TotalConnections = 0 ; Holds total connection number. Global $SocketListen = -1 ; Variable for TCPListen() global $port = 33892 global $isanyvaliddata=0 If $CmdLine[0] = 0 or $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then ConsoleWrite(@crlf&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("Remote Machines In Workgroup, User Pass Authentication:"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH "command"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH administrator 123456 "notepad.exe"'&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("For Authorized Users and Domain Admins:"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH "command"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH "notepad.exe"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(" Note : Use command in double quates if command contains spaces"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH "D:\SOME FOLDER\notepad.exe" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite('AGENT Usage , Assuming Remote PC/Server has "BRSHAGENT" service running. '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENT "Command" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH AGENT "Net Start" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("AGENT Authentication Key Change;"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTKEYCHANGE "NEWKEY" '&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH agentkeychange "QWEASD123456789" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("AGENT File Transfer;"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTSENDFILE "file location and file name to be send" "File destination to be saved on remote pc" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example1: BRSH agentsendfile "C:\Run.bat" "C:\" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example2: BRSH agentsendfile "C:\Test.txt" "D:\" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("Author: BAHADIR KAAN UYSAL"&@crlf) Exit endif if ubound($cmdline)=2 or ubound($cmdline)=1 Then ConsoleWrite(@crlf&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("Remote Machines In Workgroup, User Pass Authentication:"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH "command"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH administrator 123456 "notepad.exe"'&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("For Authorized Users and Domain Admins:"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH "command"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH "notepad.exe"'&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(" Note : Use command in double quates if command contains spaces"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH "D:\SOME FOLDER\notepad.exe" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite('AGENT Usage , Assuming Remote PC/Server has "BRSHAGENT" service running. '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENT "Command" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH AGENT "Net Start" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("AGENT Authentication Key Change;"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTKEYCHANGE "NEWKEY" '&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example : BRSH agentkeychange "QWEASD123456789" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("AGENT File Transfer;"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTSENDFILE "file location and file name to be send" "File destination to be saved on remote pc" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example1: BRSH agentsendfile "C:\Run.bat" "C:\" '&@crlf) ConsoleWrite(' Example2: BRSH agentsendfile "C:\Test.txt" "D:\" '&@crlf&@crlf&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("Author: BAHADIR KAAN UYSAL"&@crlf) Exit endif if $cmdline[1]="agent" Then if ubound($cmdline)=4 Then TCPStartup() if stringinstr(string($cmdline[2]),".") Then $agentip=$cmdline[2] Else $agentip=TCPNameToIP($cmdline[2]) endif $agentcommand=$cmdline[3] consolewrite("Remote PC Agent IP:"&$agentip&@crlf) consolewrite("Command:"&$CmdLine[3]&@crlf) $socket = TCPConnect($agentip, $port) If @error Then consolewrite("Connection Error , Could not connect to the port."&@crlf& "Please be sure that agent is running on the remote side. Exiting."&@crlf) Exit EndIf AGENTCONNECTION() Else ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENT "Command" '&@crlf) endif endif if $cmdline[1]="agentkeychange" Then if ubound($cmdline)=4 Then TCPStartup() if stringinstr(string($cmdline[2]),".") Then $agentip=$cmdline[2] Else $agentip=TCPNameToIP($cmdline[2]) endif $agentcommand=$cmdline[3] consolewrite("Remote PC Agent IP:"&$agentip&@crlf) consolewrite("New Authentication Key:"&$CmdLine[3]&@crlf) $socket = TCPConnect($agentip, $port) If @error Then consolewrite("Connection Error , Could not connect to the port."&@crlf& "Please be sure that agent is running on the remote side. Exiting."&@crlf) Exit EndIf AGENTCONNECTION() Else ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTKEYCHANGE "NEWKEY" '&@crlf) endif Else endif if $cmdline[1]="agentsendfile" Then if ubound($cmdline)=5 Then Local $size = FileGetSize($CmdLine[3]) $size=$size/1048576 if $size < 5 then TCPStartup() if stringinstr(string($cmdline[2]),".") Then $agentip=$cmdline[2] Else $agentip=TCPNameToIP($cmdline[2]) endif $agentcommand=$cmdline[3] ;ConsoleWrite(ubound($cmdline)) consolewrite("Remote PC Agent IP:"&$agentip&@crlf) consolewrite("File Location:"&$CmdLine[3]&@crlf) consolewrite("Destination:"&$CmdLine[4]&@crlf) global $filelocation=$CmdLine[3] global $destination =$CmdLine[4] $socket = TCPConnect($agentip, $port) If @error Then consolewrite("Connection Error , Could not connect to the port."&@crlf& "Please be sure that agent is running on the remote side. Exiting."&@crlf) Exit EndIf AGENTCONNECTION() Else consolewrite("Can not send file.File size has to be smaller than 5MB") endif Else ConsoleWrite(' Usage : BRSH AGENTSENDFILE "file location and file name to be send" "File destination to be saved on the remote pc" '&@crlf) endif endif if ubound($cmdline)=3 Then if $cmdline[1]="agentsendfile" or $cmdline[1]="agentkeychange" or $cmdline[1]="agent" then else $1=$cmdline[1] $2=$cmdline[2] consolewrite("Remote PC:"&$CmdLine[1]&@crlf) consolewrite("Command:"&$CmdLine[2]&@crlf) RemoteExecute($1,$2) endif EndIf if ubound($cmdline)=5 then if $cmdline[1]="agentsendfile" or $cmdline[1]="agentkeychange" or $cmdline[1]="agent" then else $1=$cmdline[1] $2=$cmdline[2] $3=$cmdline[3] $4=$cmdline[4] consolewrite("Remote PC:"&$CmdLine[1]&@crlf) consolewrite("Username:"&$CmdLine[2]&@crlf) consolewrite("Password:"&$CmdLine[3]&@crlf) consolewrite("Command:"&$CmdLine[4]&@crlf) $strUsername=$2 $strPassword=$3 RemoteExecute($1,$4) endif endif func RemoteExecute($strComputer,$CommandLine) Local $objWMIService, $objProcess, $objProgram if $strUsername<>"**" and $strPassword<>"**" then $objSWbemLocator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error: failed to create $objSWbemLocator"&@crlf) Exit EndIf $objWMI = $objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer, "root\cimv2", $strUsername, $strPassword) ; This works for remote pc if pass actual credentials and works for local if pass null credentials If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error: failed to create $objWMI"&@crlf) Exit EndIf Else $objWMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") endif If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Could not make a remote connection,Please Check Username&Password also remote machine's WMI service functionality."&@crlf) exit endif $objWMI.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3 $objProcess = $objWMI.Get("Win32_Process") $objProgram = $objProcess.Methods_("Create").InParameters.SpawnInstance_ $objProgram.CommandLine = $CommandLine $objOutParams = $objWMI.ExecMethod("Win32_Process", "Create", $objProgram) $PID = $objOutParams.ProcessId $ReturnValue = $objOutParams.ReturnValue Switch $ReturnValue Case 0 ConsoleWrite("The remote command completed successfully"&@crlf) ConsoleWrite("Started Process PID="&$PID) Case 2 ConsoleWrite("Answer from Remote Computer: Access denied") Case 3 ConsoleWrite("Insufficient privilege to launch remote command") Case 8 ConsoleWrite("Unknown failure") Case 9 ConsoleWrite("Path not found") Case 21 ConsoleWrite ("Invalid parameter passed to script: " & @CRLF & _ "$strComputer: " & $strComputer & @CRLF & _ "$CommandLine: " & $CommandLine) Case Else ConsoleWrite ("Unknown error" & @CRLF & _ "ResultCode: " & $ReturnValue) EndSwitch endfunc #cs Func RemoteExecute($strProgToRun) Local $objWMIService, $objProcess, $objProgram $objSWbemLocator = ObjCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") If Not IsObj($objSWbemLocator) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error: failed to create $objSWbemLocator") Exit EndIf $objWMI = $objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer($strComputer, "root\cimv2", $strUsername, $strPassword) ; This works for remote pc if pass actual credentials and works for local if pass null credentials If Not IsObj($objWMI) Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Error: failed to create $objWMI") Exit EndIf $objWMI.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3 $objProcess = $objWMI.Get("Win32_Process") $objProgram = $objProcess.Methods_("Create").InParameters.SpawnInstance_ $objProgram.CommandLine = $strProgToRun $objWMI.ExecMethod("Win32_Process", "Create", $objProgram) ; Execute the program now at the command line. EndFunc ; End of Func RemoteExecute() ;***************************** #ce Func AGENTCONNECTION() ; Sends the current user's name and the computers name. ;MsgBox(0, "Test 2", "Sending Username and Computername, the packet being sent is: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $PacketPCI & @UserName & "@" & @ComputerName & $PacketEND) TCPSend($socket, $PacketPCI & @UserName & "@" & @ComputerName & $PacketEND) ; Sends a plain message. ;MsgBox(0, "Test 1", "Sending a plain text message, the packet being send is: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $PacketMSG & "net start" & $PacketEND);"This is a test message." if $cmdline[1]="agent" then TCPSend($socket, $PacketMSG & $agentcommand & $PacketEND);"This is a test message." endif if $cmdline[1]="agentkeychange" Then TCPSend($socket, $PacketKEY & $agentcommand & $PacketEND);"This is a test message." endif if $cmdline[1]="agentsendfile" Then ; Sends Base64 converted Globe.png ;MsgBox(0, "Test 3", "Sending Globe.png, the packet being sent is too large to show, but would be: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $PacketPNG & "Base64_converted_binary" & $PacketEND) $File = $filelocation;@ScriptDir & "\" & "BKmigros.pdf" $extension=Stringinstr($File ,"\",0,-1) $extension=$extension+1 $max=StringLen($file) $extensionstring=stringmid($File,$extension,$max) $extensionstring=$PacketEXT & $extensionstring & $PacketEND $destination=$PacketDEST & $destination & $PacketEND TCPSend($socket,$extensionstring) TCPSend($socket,$destination) Local $sBuff, $iFileOp,$sRecv $iFileOp = FileOpen($File, 16) If @error Then Return 0 $sBuff = FileRead($iFileOp) FileClose($iFileOp) $DataCOMP=_LZNTCompress($sBuff) consolewrite("Sending File Please Wait.."&@crlf) ;TCPSend($socket,$PacketPNG) $DataCOMP=$PacketPNG&$DataCOMP&$PacketEND $Length = StringLen($DataCOMP) For $i = 1 To $Length Step 150000 Sleep(5) ;consolewrite($i&@crlf) TCPSend($socket, StringMid($DataComp, $i, 150000)) Next ;TCPSend($socket,$PacketEND) ; TCPSend($socket,$PacketPNG) ;While BinaryLen($sBuff) ; $iSendReturn = TCPSend($socket,$sBuff) ; If @error Then Return 0 ; $sBuff = BinaryMid ($sBuff, $iSendReturn + 1, BinaryLen ($sBuff) - $iSendReturn) ;WEnd ; TCPSend($socket,$PacketEND) endif ;Local $starttime = _Timer_Init() While 1 ;ToolTip(_Timer_Diff($starttime)) _ReceivePackets() _Sleep(1000, $NTDLL) ;$currenttime=Int(_Timer_Diff($starttime))/1000 ;msgbox(0,"",$currenttime) ;if $currenttime>60 Then ;msgbox(0,"","selam 60saniyeyi geçti") ; exitloop ;endif if $isanyvaliddata=1 Then ExitLoop endif WEnd ; Sends the current user's name and the computers name. ;MsgBox(0, "Test 2", "Sending Username and Computername, the packet being sent is: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & $PacketPCI & @UserName & "@" & @ComputerName & $PacketEND) ;TCPSend($socket, $PacketPCI & @UserName & "@" & @ComputerName & $PacketEND) EndFunc Func _SocketToIP($SHOCKET) ; IP of the connecting client. $isanyvaliddata=0 Local $sockaddr = DllStructCreate("short;ushort;uint;char[8]") Local $aRet = DllCall($WS2_32, "int", "getpeername", "int", $SHOCKET, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sockaddr), "int*", DllStructGetSize($sockaddr)) If Not @error And $aRet[0] = 0 Then $aRet = DllCall($WS2_32, "str", "inet_ntoa", "int", DllStructGetData($sockaddr, 3)) If Not @error Then $aRet = $aRet[0] Else $aRet = 0 EndIf $sockaddr = 0 Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_SocketToIP func _ReceivePackets() $RecvPacket = TCPRecv($socket, $PacketSize) ; Attempt to receive data If @error Then ; If there was an error, the connection is probably down. _CheckBadConnection() ; So, we call the function to check. EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("Alinan Paket = "&$RecvPacket&@crlf) ;$Connection[$i][2]="" If $RecvPacket <> "" Then ; If we got data... $Connection[$i][2] &= $RecvPacket ; Add it to the packet buffer. ;ConsoleWrite(">> New Packet from " & _SocketToIP($socket) & @CRLF & "+> " & $RecvPacket & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; Let us know we got a packet in scite. EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("$Connection[$i][2]=="&$Connection[$i][2]&@crlf) ;ConsoleWrite("$PacketKEYNotMatch=="&$PacketKEYNotMatch&@crlf) if StringInStr($Connection[$i][2],$PacketKEYNotMatch) Then consolewrite("Authentication key is invalid.Please check your key." & @CRLF) Exit endif If StringInStr($Connection[$i][2], $PacketEND) Then ; If we received the end of a packet, then we will process it. Local $RawPackets = $Connection[$i][2] ; Transfer all the data we have to a new variable. Local $LengthOfPAcketEnd = StringLen($PacketEND) Local $PrefixSuffixLength = 18 + $LengthOfPAcketEnd Local $FirstPacketLength = StringInStr($RawPackets, $PacketEND) - $PrefixSuffixLength ; Get the length of the packet, and subtract the length of the prefix/suffix. Local $PacketType = StringLeft($RawPackets, 18) ; Copy the first 18 characters, since that is where the packet type is put. $LengthOfPAcketEnd = $LengthOfPAcketEnd - 1 Local $CompletePacket = StringMid($RawPackets, 19, $FirstPacketLength + $LengthOfPAcketEnd) ; Extract the packet. Local $PacketsLeftover = StringTrimLeft($RawPackets, $FirstPacketLength + $PrefixSuffixLength + $LengthOfPAcketEnd) ; Trim what we are using, so we only have what is left over. (any incomplete packets) $Connection[$i][2] = $PacketsLeftover ; Transfer any leftover packets back to the buffer. ; Writes some stuff to the console for debugging. ;ConsoleWrite(">> Full packet found!" & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite("+> Type: " & $PacketType & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite("+> Packet: " &@crlf& $CompletePacket & @CRLF) if $PacketType=$PacketMSG Then ConsoleWrite(@crlf& $CompletePacket & @CRLF) exit;ConsoleWrite("Do not forget to change BRSH Client Authentication Key to manage this agent." & @CRLF) endif if $PacketType=$PacketKEY Then ConsoleWrite(@crlf& $CompletePacket & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Do not forget to change BRSH Client Authentication Key to manage this agent." & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite(@crlf& $CompletePacket & @CRLF) endif ;ConsoleWrite("!> Left in buffer: " & $Connection[$i][2] & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; Since we extracted a packet, we will send it to the processor. ;_ProcessFullPacket($CompletePacket, $PacketType, $i) $isanyvaliddata=1 Else EndIf endfunc Func _Sleep($MicroSeconds, $NTDLL = "ntdll.dll") ; Faster sleep than Sleep(). Local $DllStruct $DllStruct = DllStructCreate("int64 time;") DllStructSetData($DllStruct, "time", -1 * ($MicroSeconds * 10)) DllCall($NTDLL, "dword", "ZwDelayExecution", "int", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($DllStruct)) EndFunc ;==>_Sleep Func _CheckBadConnection() TCPSend($Connection[$i][0], "CONNECTION_TEST") ; Send a test packet If @error Then ; If the send fails.. TCPCloseSocket($Connection[$i][0]) ; Close the socket, $Connection[$i][0] = -"" ; Set socket to nothing, ;$Connection[$i][1] = "" ; Empty gui control, ;ContinueLoop ; and continue checking for more bad connections. EndIf endfunc Func _ProcessFullPacket($CompletePacket, $PacketType, $ArraySlotNumber) Switch $PacketType Case $PacketMSG ;TrayTip("New message from " & _SocketToIP($Connection[$ArraySlotNumber][0]), $CompletePacket, 5, 1) ;MsgBox(0, "", $CompletePacket) Dim $DOS = "", $Message = '' ;; added "= ''" for show only. ConsoleWrite($CompletePacket & @CRLF) ;MsgBox(0, "New Message", "Message From " & _SocketToIP($Connection[$ArraySlotNumber][0]) & @CRLF & @CRLF & $CompletePacket) Case $PacketPNG If StringLen($CompletePacket) > 1 Then ; This check must be added because _Base64Decode() will crash the script if it gets empty input. ;Local $Base64DecodedToPNGBinary = _Base64Decode($CompletePacket) Local $DateTime = "[" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR & "] [" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "-" & @SEC & "]" Local $File = @ScriptDir & "\" & $DateTime & ".png" Local $FileOpen = FileOpen($File, 2) ;FileWrite($FileOpen, $Base64DecodedToPNGBinary) FileClose($FileOpen) ShellExecute($File) Else MsgBox(16, "Error", "Received empty PNG packet.") EndIf Case $PacketPCI Local $PacketPCISplit = StringSplit($CompletePacket, "@", 1) Local $UserName = $PacketPCISplit[1] Local $CompName = $PacketPCISplit[2] GUICtrlSetData($Connection[$ArraySlotNumber][1], "|||" & $UserName & "|" & $CompName) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_ProcessFullPacket ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _LZNTDecompress ; Description ...: Decompresses input data. ; Syntax.........: _LZNTDecompress ($bBinary) ; Parameters ....: $vInput - Binary data to decompress. ; Return values .: Success - Returns decompressed binary data. ; - Sets @error to 0 ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - Error decompressing. ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _LZNTCompress ; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb981784.aspx ; ;========================================================================================== Func _LZNTDecompress($bBinary) If Not IsBinary($bBinary) Then $bBinary = Binary($bBinary) Local $tInput = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bBinary) & "]") DllStructSetData($tInput, 1, $bBinary) Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & 16 * DllStructGetSize($tInput) & "]") ; initially oversizing buffer Local $a_Call = DllCall("ntdll.dll", "int", "RtlDecompressBuffer", _ "ushort", 2, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($tBuffer), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tInput), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($tInput), _ "dword*", 0) If @error Or $a_Call[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; error decompressing EndIf Local $tOutput = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $a_Call[6] & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer)) Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutput, 1)) EndFunc ;==>_LZNTDecompress ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _LZNTCompress ; Description ...: Compresses input data. ; Syntax.........: _LZNTCompress ($vInput [, $iCompressionFormatAndEngine]) ; Parameters ....: $vInput - Data to compress. ; $iCompressionFormatAndEngine - Compression format and engine type. Default is 2 (standard compression). Can be: ; |2 - COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_STANDARD ; |258 - COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 | COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM ; Return values .: Success - Returns compressed binary data. ; - Sets @error to 0 ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - Error determining workspace buffer size. ; |2 - Error compressing. ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _LZNTDecompress ; Link ..........; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb981783.aspx ; ;========================================================================================== Func _LZNTCompress($vInput, $iCompressionFormatAndEngine = 2) If Not ($iCompressionFormatAndEngine = 258) Then $iCompressionFormatAndEngine = 2 EndIf Local $bBinary = Binary($vInput) Local $tInput = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bBinary) & "]") DllStructSetData($tInput, 1, $bBinary) Local $a_Call = DllCall("ntdll.dll", "int", "RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize", _ "ushort", $iCompressionFormatAndEngine, _ "dword*", 0, _ "dword*", 0) If @error Or $a_Call[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; error determining workspace buffer size EndIf Local $tWorkSpace = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $a_Call[2] & "]") ; workspace is needed for compression Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & 16 * DllStructGetSize($tInput) & "]") ; initially oversizing buffer Local $a_Call = DllCall("ntdll.dll", "int", "RtlCompressBuffer", _ "ushort", $iCompressionFormatAndEngine, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tInput), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($tInput), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer), _ "dword", DllStructGetSize($tBuffer), _ "dword", 4096, _ "dword*", 0, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tWorkSpace)) If @error Or $a_Call[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; error compressing EndIf Local $tOutput = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $a_Call[7] & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer)) Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutput, 1)) EndFunc ;==>_LZNTCompress Func _DecToBin($dec) if (not IsInt($dec)) or ($dec < 0) Then return -1 $bin = "" If $dec=0 Then Return "0" While $dec<>0 $bin= BitAND ($dec, 1)&$bin $dec = BitShift ( $dec,1 ) WEnd Return $bin EndFunc Func _BinToDec($bin) if (not IsString($bin)) Then return -1 $end=StringLen($bin) $dec=0 for $cpt=1 to $end $char=stringmid($bin,$end+1-$cpt,1) Select case $char="1" $dec=BitXOR($dec,bitshift(1,-($cpt-1))) Case $char="0" ; nothing Case Else ;error return -1 EndSelect Next return $dec EndFunc Func _CharToBin($char) If (Not IsString($char)) Or (StringLen($char)<>1) Then Return -1 $val=asc($char) Return _DecToBin($val) EndFunc Func _BinToChar($bin) If (Not IsString($bin)) Or (StringLen($bin)<1) Or (StringLen($bin)>8) Then Return -1 $dec=_BinToDec($bin) if $dec<>-1 Then Return chr($dec) return -1 EndFunc