#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Oxygen-Icons.org-Oxygen-Status-user-invisible.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_Both=y #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;http://www.iconarchive.com/show/oxygen-icons-by-oxygen-icons.org/Status-user-invisible-icon.html #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Global Const $uT_GUILimit = 10 Global $uT_oHTTP = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"), $uT_oERROR = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__uT_Error") Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global Const $uT_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER = 0, $uT_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY = 1, _ $uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_DEFAULT = 0, $uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PRECONFIG = 0, _ $uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_DIRECT = 1, $uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY = 2 Global $uT_Password = Default, $uT_Settings, $bValidSettings = False, $uT_Started = False, $uT_RM = Default Global $uT_LastBar = Default, $uT_CM = Default, $uT_Paused = False, $uT_PM = Default, $uT_DM = Default Global $uT_SID = "~", $uT_SIDc = StringLen($uT_SID), $uT_StatusColors = True, $uT_TrayState[10][3] Global $sINI = @ScriptDir & "\µAuToBar.ini" ; Tray Icon/Menu Configuration Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 15) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 0) TraySetToolTip("µAuToBar") ; Tray Icon Menu Creation TrayItemSetOnEvent(TrayCreateItem("Config"), "__uT_Configure") $uT_DM = TrayCreateMenu("Display") $uT_PM = TrayCreateItem("Pause") TrayItemSetOnEvent($uT_PM, "__uT_Suspend") $uT_EX = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent($uT_EX, "__uT_Exit") __uT_Startup() ; Read settings from an INI file or prompt the user for server login information. Settings will be validated to an extent. Do Sleep(100) ; I've noticed on windows 7 that if there isn't some sort of sleep then the CPU usage will report extremely high during an empty loop's execution Until $bValidSettings ; Either $bValidSettings will become true VIA onevent functions or those functions will cause the program to exit If UBound($uT_Settings) = 16 Then ; Settings integrity check If $uT_Settings[5] Then ; If the utorrent password index of the settings array isn't blank then give the global variable $uT_Password its value $uT_Password = $uT_Settings[5] ElseIf $uT_Password = Default Or $uT_Password = "" Or $uT_Settings[4] = "" Then ; Ensure we have a password MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "Invalid username/password configuration! µAuToBar will now close.", 10) FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\µAuToBar.ini") ; Delete the configuration file to allow for reconfiguration Exit Else $uT_Settings[5] = $uT_Password ; Index #5 of the settings array may be blank if the user didn't choose to have their password stored. If $uT_Password isn't default then we'll use its value instead EndIf Else MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "Invalid configuration! µAuToBar cannot continue.", 10) ; The integrity check failed. FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\µAuToBar.ini") ; Delete the configuration file to allow for reconfiguration Exit EndIf $uT_Started = True ; Settings have been validated __uT_Auth($uT_Settings[4], $uT_Settings[5], $uT_Settings[2], $uT_Settings[3]) ; Set IP, Port, User, and Pass If Int($uT_Settings[13]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; If the Proxy setting is enabled then check for credentials If $uT_Settings[11] <> "" And $uT_Settings[12] <> "" Then ; If both proxy user and pass are not blank then set proxy with credentials __uT_SetProxy($uT_Settings[9], $uT_Settings[10], $uT_Settings[11], $uT_Settings[12]) Else ; Set proxy IP and Port without authentication __uT_SetProxy($uT_Settings[9], $uT_Settings[10]) EndIf EndIf Global $aTorrent = __uT_GetList(), $aLast = $aTorrent, $aTemp[1][1], $iDefaultSleep = 1000, $iDelay = 10000, $iUbound, $uT_BarUpdate = 0, $iBarCount = 0 Global $uT_Limit = 11 While 1 $iUbound = UBound($aTorrent, 2) If (UBound($aTorrent, 1) < 11) Or ($iUbound < 1) Then $aTorrent = $aTemp $iUbound = 1 $iSleep = $iDelay Else $iSleep = $iDefaultSleep EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($aLast, 2) - 1 Step 1 For $n = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 If $aTorrent[0][$n] = $aLast[0][$i] Then ExitLoop If $n = $iUbound - 1 Then __uT_Bar($aLast[0][$i], False) EndIf Next Next $aLast = $aTorrent $bSleep = True __uT_StateList() For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 If $i = 0 And UBound($aTorrent, 1) < 2 Then ExitLoop If $aTorrent[1][$i] And __uT_TrayStateMatch($i) Then $iBarCount = __uT_Bar($aTorrent[0][$i], $aTorrent[2][$i], Int($aTorrent[4][$i] / 10), __uT_GetSpeed($aTorrent[9][$i]), _ __uT_GetSpeed($aTorrent[8][$i]), __uT_GetETA($aTorrent[10][$i]), $aTorrent[21][$i]) If $iBarCount = 1 Then $uT_BarUpdate += 1 $bSleep = False EndIf If $uT_BarUpdate >= $uT_Limit - 1 Then ExitLoop Next $uT_BarUpdate = 0 If $bSleep Then $iSleep = $iDelay Sleep($iSleep) While $uT_Paused Sleep(100) WEnd $aTorrent = __uT_GetList() WEnd Func __uT_TrayStateMatch($iT) If Not UBound($aTorrent, 2) Or UBound($aTorrent, 1) < 22 Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) For $i = 0 To UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $uT_TrayState[$i][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop If $uT_TrayState[$i][2] And $aTorrent[21][$iT] == $uT_TrayState[$i][0] Then Return True Next EndFunc Func __uT_StateList() Local $iUbound = UBound($aTorrent, 2) If Not $iUbound Or UBound($aTorrent, 1) < 22 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 If Not __uT_TrayHasState($aTorrent[21][$i]) Then __uT_TrayCreateState($aTorrent[21][$i]) Next __uT_CheckStateList() EndFunc Func __uT_ToggleTrayState(ByRef $iState, $iTrayID) If Not IsDeclared("aLast") Or Not UBound($aLast) Then Return If $uT_TrayState[$iState][2] = True Then $uT_TrayState[$iState][2] = False TrayItemSetState($iTrayID, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) IniWrite($sINI, "µTrayState", $uT_TrayState[$iState][0], $TRAY_UNCHECKED) Else $uT_TrayState[$iState][2] = True TrayItemSetState($iTrayID, $TRAY_CHECKED) IniWrite($sINI, "µTrayState", $uT_TrayState[$iState][0], $TRAY_CHECKED) EndIf For $i = 0 To UBound($aLast, 2) - 1 Step 1 __uT_Bar($aLast[0][$i], False) Next EndFunc Func __uT_CheckStateList() Local $iUbound = UBound($aTorrent, 2), $bStateExist = False If Not $iUbound Or UBound($aTorrent, 1) < 22 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $i = 0 To UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $uT_TrayState[$i][0] = "" Then ExitLoop $bStateExist = False For $n = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 If $uT_TrayState[$i][0] == $aTorrent[21][$n] Then $bStateExist = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bStateExist Then __uT_TrayDeleteState($i) Next EndFunc Func __uT_TrayDeleteState($iState) TrayItemDelete($uT_TrayState[$iState][1]) $uT_TrayState[$iState][0] = "" Local $nIndex = 0, $aTemp[UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1][3] For $n = 0 To UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $uT_TrayState[$n][0] <> "" Then For $i = 0 To 2 Step 1 $aTemp[$nIndex][$i] = $uT_TrayState[$n][$i] Next $nIndex += 1 EndIf Next EndFunc Func __uT_TrayItemState() Local $iTrayID = @TRAY_ID For $i = 0 To UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $uT_TrayState[$i][1] = $iTrayID Then __uT_ToggleTrayState($i, $iTrayID) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndFunc Func __uT_TrayCreateState($sState) If Not $sState Then Return Static Local $iState = 0, $iStateuBound = UBound($uT_TrayState, 1), $bRedim = False If $iState > $iStateuBound - 1 Then $bRedim = True Local $aTemp[$iStateuBound+10][3] EndIf $uT_TrayState[$iState][0] = $sState $uT_TrayState[$iState][1] = TrayCreateItem($sState, $uT_DM) TrayItemSetOnEvent($uT_TrayState[$iState][1], "__uT_TrayItemState") Local $nTrayState = Int(IniRead($sINI, "µTrayState", $sState, $TRAY_CHECKED)) TrayItemSetState($uT_TrayState[$iState][1], $nTrayState) $uT_TrayState[$iState][2] = ($nTrayState = $TRAY_CHECKED) If $bRedim Then For $i = 0 To $iState Step 1 For $p = 0 To 2 Step 1 $aTemp[$i][$p] = $uT_TrayState[$i][$p] Next Next $uT_TrayState = $aTemp EndIf $iState += 1 EndFunc Func __uT_TrayHasState($sState) For $n = 0 To UBound($uT_TrayState, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $sState == $uT_TrayState[$n][0] Then Return True Next Return False EndFunc Func __uT_GetETA($iSeconds) Static Local $iMin = 60, $iHour = $iMin * 60, $iDay = $iHour * 24 If $iSeconds >= $iDay Then Return Int($iSeconds / $iDay) & "d" If $iSeconds >= $iHour Then Return Int($iSeconds / $iHour) & "h" If $iSeconds >= $iMin Then Return Int($iSeconds / $iMin) & "m" Return $iSeconds & "s" EndFunc ;==>__uT_GetETA Func __uT_GetSpeed($iBytes) Static Local $iKB = 1024, $iMB = 1024 * 1024 If $iBytes >= $iMB Then Return Round($iBytes / $iMB, 1) & " MB/s" $iBytes = Round($iBytes / $iKB, 1) If Not $iBytes Then Return "0.0 KB/s" Return $iBytes & " KB/s" EndFunc ;==>__uT_GetSpeed Func __uT_GetStateColor($sState) Select Case StringInStr($sState, "Error", 2) Return "0xE63549" Case $sState == "Finished" Return "0x54A85F" Case $sState == "Seeding" Return "0xE9F76D" Case $sState == "[F] Seeding" Return "0xFCB25D" Case $sState == "Downloading metadata" Return "0x5D98FC" Case $sState == "[F] Downloading" Return "0x19D19A" Case $sState == "Downloading" Return "0x2BD119" EndSelect Return "0xE3E3E3" EndFunc Func __uT_Bar($sHash, $sName, $iPercent = 0, $iDownload = 0, $iUpload = 0, $iETA = "~", $sState = "", $iGuiX = Default, $iGuiY = Default) Local $iGuiWidth = 600, $iGuiHeight = 17, $aPos, $bDelete = False If IsBool($sName) Then $bDelete = True Local Enum $iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight Static Local $iBarOrder = 0 Local Enum $iHash, $hBar, $hLabel, $hProg, $hDown, $hUp, $hETA, $iLastY, $iOrder, $iColor Static Local $iGuiX_Default = Int(((@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($iGuiWidth / 2)) + 200) Static Local $iGuiY_Default = Int(((@DesktopHeight / 2) - ($iGuiHeight / 2)) + 200) If $iGuiX = Default Then $iGuiX = $iGuiX_Default If $iGuiY = Default Then $iGuiY = $iGuiY_Default Local $uT_GUI[15] = [$sHash, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $iGuiY, $iBarOrder, "", $sName, $iPercent, $iDownload, $iUpload, $iETA], $aBar, $vColor = "0xE3E3E3" Static Local $uT_Bar[$uT_Limit], $uT_Count = 0 If $uT_Count Then For $i = 0 To $uT_Count Step 1 $aBar = $uT_Bar[$i] If Not UBound($aBar) Then ContinueLoop If $aBar[$iHash] = $sHash Then If $bDelete Then GUIDelete($aBar[$hBar]) $uT_Bar[$i] = "" Local $aTemp[$uT_Limit], $iTemp = 0 For $i = 0 To $uT_Count Step 1 $aBar = $uT_Bar[$i] If UBound($aBar) Then $aTemp[$iTemp] = $aBar $iTemp += 1 EndIf Next $uT_Count = Int($uT_Count - 1) $uT_Bar = $aTemp Return True EndIf If Not WinExists($aBar[$hBar]) Then Return __uT_Bar($aBar[$iHash], False) If $sName And $sName <> $aBar[10] Then GUICtrlSetData($aBar[$hLabel], $sName) If $uT_StatusColors And $sState Then Local $vColor = __uT_GetStateColor($sState) If $aBar[$iColor] <> $vColor Then GUISetBkColor($vColor, $aBar[$hBar]) EndIf If $aBar[11] <> $iPercent Then GUICtrlSetData($aBar[$hProg], $iPercent) If $aBar[12] <> $iDownload Then GUICtrlSetData($aBar[$hDown], $iDownload) If $aBar[13] <> $iUpload Then GUICtrlSetData($aBar[$hUp], $iUpload) If $aBar[14] <> $iETA Then GUICtrlSetData($aBar[$hETA], $iETA) Return 1 EndIf Next EndIf If IsBool($sName) Then Return If $uT_Count + 1 > $uT_Limit - 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $uT_Count += 1 If $uT_Count Then Local $iMinY = $iGuiY_Default - $iGuiHeight, $bClear Do $bClear = True For $i = 0 To $uT_Count Step 1 $aBar = $uT_Bar[$i] If UBound($aBar) Then If $aBar[$iLastY] = $iMinY Then $iMinY = $aBar[$iLastY] - $iGuiHeight $bClear = False EndIf EndIf Next Until $bClear $iGuiY = $iMinY $uT_GUI[$iLastY] = $iMinY EndIf $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($iGuiX, $iGuiY, $iGuiWidth - 2, $iGuiHeight - 2) $uT_GUI[$hBar] = GUICreate("", $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER), BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) If $uT_StatusColors And $sState Then $vColor = __uT_GetStateColor($sState) GUISetBkColor($vColor, $uT_GUI[$hBar]) $uT_GUI[$iColor] = $vColor If $vColor <> "0xE3E3E3" Then $vColor = "0x000000" Else $vColor = "0x696566" EndIf $aPos = __uT_ControlPos(0, 0, $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos(1, 1, 3, $aPos[$iHeight] - 2) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], -1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $vColor) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + 4, $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], -1) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $vColor) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 5, 0, ($iGuiWidth / 3) + 8, $aPos[$iHeight]) $uT_GUI[$hLabel] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sName, $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iTop] + 1, 100, $aPos[$iHeight]) $uT_GUI[$hProg] = GUICtrlCreateProgress($aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], $PBS_SMOOTH) GUICtrlSetData($uT_GUI[$hProg], $iPercent) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 9, $aPos[$iTop] - 1, 10, $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("D:", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], -1) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 6, $aPos[$iTop], 60, $aPos[$iHeight]) $uT_GUI[$hDown] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($iDownload, $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 6, $aPos[$iTop], 10, $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("U:", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 6, $aPos[$iTop], 60, $aPos[$iHeight]) $uT_GUI[$hUp] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($iUpload, $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 6, $aPos[$iTop], 22, $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlCreateLabel("ETA:", $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $aPos = __uT_ControlPos($aPos[$iLeft] + $aPos[$iWidth] + 6, $aPos[$iTop], 60, $aPos[$iHeight]) $uT_GUI[$hETA] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($iETA, $aPos[$iLeft], $aPos[$iTop], $aPos[$iWidth], $aPos[$iHeight], $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 0, "Tahoma") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, "__uT_ContextMenu", $uT_GUI[$hBar]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $uT_GUI[$hBar]) $uT_Bar[$uT_Count] = $uT_GUI $iBarOrder += 1 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__uT_Bar Func __uT_ContextMenu($bPersist = True) If Not IsDeclared("bPersist") Then Assign("bPersist", True, 1) $uT_LastBar = @GUI_WinHandle If Not $bPersist Then If $uT_CM <> Default Then GUIDelete($uT_CM) $uT_CM = Default EndIf Return AdlibUnRegister("__uT_CMHandler") EndIf If $uT_CM <> Default Then Return Local $aPos = WinGetPos($uT_LastBar), $iWidth = 70, $iHeight = 15, $vMsg If Not UBound($aPos) Then Return Local $iX = (MouseGetPos(0) - ($iWidth / 2)) If $iX < $aPos[0] Then $iX = ($aPos[0] + 1) If ($iX + $iWidth) > ($aPos[0] + $aPos[2]) Then $iX = (($aPos[0] + $aPos[2]) - ($iWidth + 1)) $uT_CM = GUICreate("", $iWidth, $iHeight, $iX, $aPos[1] + 1, $WS_POPUP, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("&Close", 0, 0, $iWidth, 12, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "__uT_CloseBar") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $uT_CM) AdlibRegister("__uT_CMHandler", 250) EndFunc ;==>__uT_ContextMenu Func __uT_CMHandler() If Not WinActive($uT_CM) Then __uT_ContextMenu(False) EndFunc ;==>__uT_CMHandler Func __uT_CloseBar() GUIDelete($uT_LastBar) $uT_LastBar = Default __uT_ContextMenu(False) EndFunc ;==>__uT_CloseBar Func __uT_ControlPos($iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iWidth = 0, $iHeight = 0) Local $aPos[4] = [$iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth, $iHeight] Return $aPos EndFunc ;==>__uT_ControlPos Func __uT_Auth($uT_User = Default, $uT_Pass = Default, $uT_IP = @IPAddress1, $uT_Port = 8080) Static Local $aInfo[4] If $uT_User <> Default And $uT_User And $uT_Pass <> Default And $uT_Pass Then $aInfo[0] = $uT_User $aInfo[1] = $uT_Pass $aInfo[2] = $uT_IP $aInfo[3] = $uT_Port ElseIf Not $aInfo[0] Or Not $aInfo[1] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf Return $aInfo EndFunc ;==>__uT_Auth Func __uT_ActionRequest($sAction, $bGetToken = True) Local $sURL = $sAction If $bGetToken Then $sURL = __uT_Token() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -1) $sURL &= $sAction EndIf __uT_Open("GET", $sURL, False) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -3) __uT_SetProxy(True) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -2) __uT_SetCredentials() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -4) __uT_SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -5) __uT_Send() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -6) Local $sResp = __uT_ResponseText() ConsoleWrite($sResp & @CRLF) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, __uT_ServerState(@extended), -7) Else Return SetError(0, 0, $sResp) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_ActionRequest Func __uT_SetRequestHeader($sHeader, $sValue = "") If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") $uT_oHTTP.SetRequestHeader($sHeader, $sValue) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else Return SetError(0, 0, True) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_SetRequestHeader Func __uT_Open($sMethod, $sURL, $bAsync = False) If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") $uT_oHTTP.Open($sMethod, $sURL, $bAsync) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else Return SetError(0, 0, True) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Open Func __uT_Send($vBody = "") If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") $uT_oHTTP.Send($vBody) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else Return SetError(0, 0, True) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Send Func __uT_SetCredentials($nFlags = $uT_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_SERVER) If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $uT_Auth = __uT_Auth() If @error Or UBound($uT_Auth, 1) <> 4 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") $uT_oHTTP.SetCredentials($uT_Auth[0], $uT_Auth[1], $nFlags) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") Else Return SetError(0, 0, True) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_SetCredentials Func __uT_CacheString(Const ByRef $sResp) Local $uT_CacheString = StringRegExp($sResp, '"torrentc":(?:.*?)(\d+)"\v', 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Return $uT_CacheString[0] EndFunc ;==>__uT_CacheString Func __uT_ResponseText() If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $vReturn = $uT_oHTTP.ResponseText() If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else Return SetError(0, 0, $vReturn) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_ResponseText Func __uT_Error($oError) ConsoleWrite("!>ScriptLine: " & $oError.scriptline & @CRLF & "!>Description: " & $oError.description & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>__uT_Error Func __uT_Token() Local $uT_Auth = __uT_Auth() If @error Or UBound($uT_Auth, 1) <> 4 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not $uT_Settings[1] Then $uT_Settings[1] = "http://" Local $sToken = __uT_ActionRequest($uT_Settings[1] & $uT_Auth[2] & ":" & $uT_Auth[3] & "/gui/token.html", False) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") Else $sToken = StringMid($sToken, 45, 64) If Not $sToken Then Return SetError(255, 0, "") Return $uT_Settings[1] & $uT_Auth[2] & ":" & $uT_Auth[3] & "/gui/?token=" & $sToken EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Token Func __uT_ParseList($sResp, $sPrefixRE) $sResp = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sResp, "\\", "\", 0, 2), '(\\"|\\,)', "") $sResp = StringReplace($sResp, " ", $uT_SID, 0, 2) ConsoleWrite($sResp & @CRLF) Local $aResp = StringRegExp(StringStripWS($sResp, 8), $sPrefixRE & "\[\[(.*?)\]\]", 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aTemp = $aResp $aResp = StringSplit($aResp[0], "],[", 3) If @error Then $aResp = $aTemp Local $aTorrent[1] For $i = 0 To UBound($aResp, 1) Step 1 $aTemp = StringRegExp($aResp[$i], '(?:\A[^,][a-zA-Z0-9]{40}[^,])[^"]\d+[^"](".*?")?', 3) If @error Then ContinueLoop $aResp[$i] = StringReplace(StringReplace($aResp[$i], $aTemp[0], StringReplace($aTemp[0], ",", "", 0, 2), 1, 2), '"', "", 0, 2) $aTemp = StringSplit($aResp[$i], ",", 3) If @error Or UBound($aTemp) < 1 Then ContinueLoop If $i = 0 Then ReDim $aTorrent[UBound($aTemp, 1)][UBound($aResp, 1)] For $n = 0 To UBound($aTemp, 1) - 1 Step 1 $aTorrent[$n][$i] = StringReplace($aTemp[$n], $uT_SID, " ", 0, 1) If UBound($aTorrent, 1) - 1 <= $n Then ExitLoop Next If UBound($aTorrent, 2) - 1 <= $i Then ExitLoop Next Return $aTorrent EndFunc ;==>__uT_ParseList Func __uT_SetProxy($sProxy = Default, $vPort = Default, $sUser = Default, $sPass = Default) If Not IsDeclared("uT_oHTTP") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($uT_oHTTP) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Static Local $uT_Proxy, $uT_User, $uT_Pass If $sProxy <> Default And $vPort <> Default Then $uT_Proxy = $sProxy & ":" & String($vPort) ElseIf $uT_Proxy <> "" Then $uT_oHTTP.SetProxy($uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_PROXY, $uT_Proxy) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else $uT_oHTTP.SetProxy($uT_HTTPREQUEST_PROXYSETTING_DEFAULT) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") EndIf If $sUser <> Default And $sPass <> Default Then $uT_User = $sUser $uT_User = $sPass If IsBool($sProxy) And $sProxy Then $uT_oHTTP.SetCredentials($uT_User, $uT_User, $uT_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") EndIf ElseIf $uT_User <> "" Then $uT_oHTTP.SetCredentials($uT_User, $uT_User, $uT_HTTPREQUEST_SETCREDENTIALS_FOR_PROXY) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") EndIf Return SetError(0, 0, True) EndFunc ;==>__uT_SetProxy Func __uT_ServerState($nError = Default) Static Local $uT_ServerState = 0 If $nError <> Default Then $uT_ServerState = $nError Return $uT_ServerState EndFunc ;==>__uT_ServerState ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __uT_GetList ; Description ...: Returns a list of torrent jobs and their properties. ; Syntax ........: __uT_GetList([$bReset = False]) ; Optional param is for internal use only! ; Parameters ....: $bReset - [optional] A boolean value. Default is False. ; Return values .: Success - 2 Dimensional array, where the colums represent the torrent jobs and rows are the properties. ; ; [0][0] = HASH (string), ; [1][0] = STATUS* (integer), ; [2][0] = NAME (string), ; [3][0] = SIZE (integer in bytes), ; [4][0] = PERCENT PROGRESS (integer in per mils 1000 = 100.0 complete), ; [5][0] = DOWNLOADED (integer in bytes), ; [6][0] = UPLOADED (integer in bytes), ; [7][0] = RATIO (integer in per mils), ; [8][0] = UPLOAD SPEED (integer in bytes per second), ; [9][0] = DOWNLOAD SPEED (integer in bytes per second), ; [10][0] = ETA (integer in seconds), ; [11][0] = LABEL (string), ; [12][0] = PEERS CONNECTED (integer), ; [13][0] = PEERS IN SWARM (integer), ; [14][0] = SEEDS CONNECTED (integer), ; [15][0] = SEEDS IN SWARM (integer), ; [16][0] = AVAILABILITY (integer in 1/65536ths), ; [17][0] = TORRENT QUEUE ORDER (integer), ; [18][0] = REMAINING (integer in bytes) ; ; [.....] ; ; Failure........: @error is nonzero ; Author ........: Decipher ; Remarks .......: Original UDF Credit - JohnOne/Supagusti, This function now should return 28 properties ; Related .......: __uT_ParseList, __uT_CacheString, __uT_GetProps, __uT_GetFiles, __uT_GetStats ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __uT_GetList($bReset = False) Static Local $aTorrent, $uT_CacheString If $bReset Then $uT_CacheString = "" $aTorrent = "" EndIf Local $sResp = __uT_ActionRequest("&list=1&cid=" & $uT_CacheString) If @error Or Not $sResp Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If $uT_CacheString Then Local $aTemp If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") $aTemp = __uT_ParseList($sResp, 'torrentp[^\[]{' & (2 + $uT_SIDc) & '}') If Not @error Then Local $iUbound = UBound($aTemp, 1), $iLimit = 20, $aNew[$iUbound][$iLimit], $iNew = 0, $aNewTemp For $i = 0 To UBound($aTemp, 2) - 1 Step 1 For $n = 0 To UBound($aTorrent, 2) - 1 Step 1 If $aTorrent[0][$n] = $aTemp[0][$i] Then For $p = 1 To UBound($aTorrent, 1) - 1 Step 1 $aTorrent[$p][$n] = $aTemp[$p][$i] If UBound($aTemp, 1) - 1 <= $p Then ExitLoop Next ExitLoop ElseIf $n = (UBound($aTorrent, 2) - 1) Then ; Create an array contain torrent entries that haven't been cached. $iNew += 1 If $iNew > $iLimit Then $aNewTemp = $aNew $iLimit += 20 ReDim $aNew[$iUbound][$iLimit] For $new = 0 To UBound($aNewTemp, 2) - 1 Step 1 For $p = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 $aNew[$p][$new] = $aNewTemp[$p][$new] Next Next $aNewTemp = "" Else For $p = 0 To $iUbound - 1 $aNew[$p][$iNew - 1] = $aTemp[$p][$i] Next EndIf EndIf Next Next If $iNew <> 0 Then Local $iProps = UBound($aTorrent, 1), $iUbound = UBound($aTorrent, 2), $aNewArray[$iProps][$iUbound + $iNew] For $i = 0 To $iUbound - 1 Step 1 For $p = 0 To $iProps - 1 Step 1 $aNewArray[$p][$i] = $aTorrent[$p][$i] Next Next Local $n = 0 For $i = $i To ($iUbound + $iNew) - 1 Step 1 For $p = 0 To $iProps - 1 Step 1 $aNewArray[$p][$i] = $aNew[$p][$n] Next $n += 1 Next $aNew = "" $aTorrent = $aNewArray EndIf $aTemp = "" EndIf $aTemp = StringRegExp(StringStripWS($sResp, 8), '"torrentm":.{' & $uT_SIDc & '}\[(.*?)\]', 3) If Not @error And UBound($aTemp) And $aTemp[0] Then $aTemp = StringSplit(StringReplace($aTemp[0], '"', "", 0, 2), ",", 3) If UBound($aTemp) Then Local $avArray[UBound($aTorrent, 1)][UBound($aTorrent, 2) - UBound($aTemp, 1)], $bSkip, $d = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTorrent, 2) - 1 Step 1 $bSkip = False For $n = 0 To UBound($aTemp, 1) - 1 Step 1 If $aTorrent[0][$i] = $aTemp[$n] Then $bSkip = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bSkip Then For $p = 0 To UBound($aTorrent, 1) - 1 Step 1 $avArray[$p][$d] = $aTorrent[$p][$i] Next If $d >= UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 Then ExitLoop $d += 1 EndIf Next $aTorrent = $avArray EndIf EndIf Else $aTorrent = __uT_ParseList($sResp, 'torrents[^\[]{' & (2 + $uT_SIDc) & '}') If @error Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") EndIf $uT_CacheString = __uT_CacheString($sResp) If @error Then Return SetError(6, 0, "") Return $aTorrent EndFunc ;==>__uT_GetList ; GUI function for getting user's configuration information Func __uT_LoginGUI($uT_Value) ; Define Intial Coords Local $iWidth = 380, $iHeight = 170, $iLeft = 10, $iTop = 10, $iSpace = 8, $iEnd = 0 ; Control & Value Variable Index Enumeration Local $uT_Control[16] Local Enum $hGUI, $hScheme, $hIP, $hPort, $hUser, $hPass, $hStart, $hRem, $hProScheme, $hProIP, $hProPort, $hProUser, $hProPass, $hProState, _ $hValidate, $hCancel ; Intial GUI Creation $uT_Control[$hGUI] = GUICreate(" µAuToBar v1.0", $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) ; Logo GUICtrlCreateLabel("Decipher Systems", $iWidth - 195, 8, 150, 15, $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 6, "Verdana") GUICtrlCreateTab($iLeft, $iTop, $iWidth - 23, $iHeight - 40, -1, -1) ; Tab -1 GUICtrlCreateTabItem("WebUI") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server Address:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, 45), _Coord($iWidth, 75), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hScheme] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($uT_Value[$hScheme], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 3), _Coord($iWidth, 65), _Coord($iHeight)) Local $sData = "https://" If $uT_Value[$hScheme] = $sData Then $sData = "http://" GUICtrlSetData(-1, $sData) $uT_Control[$hIP] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hIP], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + 1), _Coord($iWidth, 93), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 3)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Port:", _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + 2), _Coord($iWidth, 21), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight - 3), $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hPort] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hPort], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 2), _Coord($iWidth, 50), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 3), $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1, BitOR($UDS_ARROWKEYS, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)) _Coord($iEnd, $iLeft + $iWidth) ; New Row GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, 43 + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 51), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hUser] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hUser], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 1), _Coord($iWidth, $iEnd - $iLeft), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 2)) ; New Row GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 51), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hPass] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hPass], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 1), _Coord($iWidth, $iEnd - $iLeft), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 2), $ES_PASSWORD) ; New Row $uT_Control[$hStart] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Start after validation", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 115), _Coord($iHeight, 17), $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $uT_Value[$hStart]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, -1, "Tahoma") $uT_Control[$hRem] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Remember Password(s) - UNSAFE", _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop), _Coord($iWidth, 180), _Coord($iHeight)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $uT_Value[$hRem]) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, -1, "Tahoma") ; Tab -2 GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Proxy") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server Address:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, 45), _Coord($iWidth, 75), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hProScheme] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($uT_Value[$hProScheme], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 3), _Coord($iWidth, 65), _Coord($iHeight)) $sData = "https://" If $uT_Value[$hProScheme] = $sData Then $sData = "http://" GUICtrlSetData(-1, $sData) $uT_Control[$hProIP] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hProIP], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + 1), _Coord($iWidth, 93), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 3)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Port:", _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + 2), +_Coord($iWidth, 21), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight - 3), $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hProPort] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hProPort], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 2), _Coord($iWidth, 50), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 3), $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1, BitOR($UDS_ARROWKEYS, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)) _Coord($iEnd, $iLeft + $iWidth) ; New Row GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, 43 + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 51), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hProUser] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hProUser], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 1), _Coord($iWidth, $iEnd - $iLeft), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 2)) ; New Row GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 51), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) $uT_Control[$hProPass] = GUICtrlCreateInput($uT_Value[$hProPass], _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop, $iTop - 1), _Coord($iWidth, $iEnd - $iLeft), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 2), $ES_PASSWORD) ; New Row GUICtrlCreateLabel("*Use blank credentials to connect without auth.", _Coord($iLeft, $iSpace + 12), _Coord($iTop, $iTop + $iHeight + $iSpace), _Coord($iWidth, 245), _Coord($iHeight, 15), $SS_LEFT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8.5, 400, 2, "Tahoma") $uT_Control[$hProState] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use Proxy", _Coord($iLeft, $iLeft + $iWidth + $iSpace), _Coord($iTop), _Coord($iWidth, 65), _Coord($iHeight, $iHeight + 2)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $uT_Value[$hProState]) ; Tab Termination GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; Outside of tab controls $uT_Control[$hValidate] = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Validate", 215 - $iSpace, 151 - $iSpace, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "__uT_Validate") $uT_Control[$hCancel] = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", 290, 151 - $iSpace, 75, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "__uT_Abort") ; Register GUI close special event handler GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "__uT_Abort") ; Return a one dimensional array of controls Return $uT_Control EndFunc ;==>__uT_LoginGUI ; Helper Function - Helps the programmer and makes the GUI creation sorta dynamic if updating positions. Without wasted space! Func _Coord(ByRef $iCoord, $iNewCoord = Default) If $iNewCoord <> Default Then $iCoord = $iNewCoord Return $iCoord EndFunc ;==>_Coord Func __uT_Manage($sAction) ; Define settings file and array variables Static Local $uT_Control Switch ($sAction) Case "Configure" TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_CHECKED) TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_DISABLE) $uT_Paused = True Local $aTemp ; Check for settings, Create default values array if neccessary, array bounds check, read stored settings to array if available If FileExists($sINI) Then $aTemp = IniReadSection($sINI, "µSettings") If @error Or UBound($aTemp, 1) <> 17 Then Local $uT_Value[16] = [15, "http://", @IPAddress1, 8080, "", "", $GUI_CHECKED, $GUI_UNCHECKED, "http://", "", 8118, "", "", $GUI_UNCHECKED] Else Local $uT_Value[16] $uT_Value[0] = 15 For $i = 1 To $aTemp[0][0] Step 1 If IsInt($aTemp[$i][1]) Then $aTemp[$i][1] = Int($aTemp[$i][1]) $uT_Value[$i - 1] = $aTemp[$i][1] Next EndIf ; Pass stored or default settings array to the gui creation function, returns gui controls array $uT_Control = __uT_LoginGUI($uT_Value) ; Show the Login Interface GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $uT_Control[0]) Case "Save" $uT_Paused = False TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_ENABLE) If $uT_RM <> Default Then TrayItemDelete($uT_RM) $uT_RM = Default ; create the array for compliance with Autoit's IniWriteSection function Local $uT_Value[16][2], $vData = "Undefined" ; Read all the settings from the control array For $i = 0 To 15 Step 1 ; Weed out unneccessary function calls If $i > 0 And $i < 14 Then $vData = GUICtrlRead($uT_Control[$i]) If $i = 7 And $vData = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then If $uT_Value[5][1] Then $uT_Password = $uT_Value[5][1] $uT_Value[5][1] = "" EndIf $uT_Value[$i][0] = "µOpt-" & $i $uT_Value[$i][1] = $vData $vData = "Undefined" Next ; Destroy the GUI GUIDelete($uT_Control[0]) ; Save configuration IniWriteSection($sINI, "µSettings", $uT_Value, 0) If $uT_Started Then TrayTip("µAuToBar", "Restarting...", 5, 1) Run(@ScriptFullPath) Sleep(5000) Exit (0) EndIf Case "Startup" If Not FileExists($sINI) Then Return False Local $aTemp = IniReadSection($sINI, "µSettings") If @error Or UBound($aTemp, 1) <> 17 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $i = 2 To 6 Step 1 If Not $aTemp[$i][1] Then If $i = 6 And $uT_Password <> Default Then ExitLoop Return False EndIf Next If Int($aTemp[8][1]) <> $GUI_CHECKED Then Return False If Int($aTemp[14][1]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then For $i = 9 To 11 Step 1 If Not $aTemp[$i][1] Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Next EndIf Local $aSettings[16] For $i = 1 To 16 Step 1 $aSettings[$i - 1] = $aTemp[$i][1] Next Return $aSettings Case "Validate" $uT_Paused = False TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_ENABLE) If $uT_RM <> Default Then TrayItemDelete($uT_RM) $uT_RM = Default ; create the array for compliance with Autoit's IniWriteSection function Local $uT_Value[16][2], $vData = "Undefined" ; Read all the settings from the control array For $i = 0 To 15 Step 1 ; Weed out unneccessary function calls If $i > 0 And $i < 14 Then $vData = GUICtrlRead($uT_Control[$i]) $uT_Value[$i][0] = "µOpt-" & $i $uT_Value[$i][1] = $vData $vData = "Undefined" Next For $i = 1 To 5 Step 1 If Not $uT_Value[$i][1] And $i <> 6 Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") Next If $uT_Value[7][1] = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then $uT_Password = $uT_Value[5][1] $uT_Value[5][1] = "" Else $uT_Password = Default EndIf If Int($uT_Value[13][1]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then For $i = 8 To 10 Step 1 If Not $uT_Value[$i][1] Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Next EndIf Local $aSettings[16] For $i = 0 To 15 Step 1 $aSettings[$i] = $uT_Value[$i][1] Next Return $aSettings Case "Quit" GUIDelete($uT_Control[0]) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>__uT_Manage Func __uT_Configure() __uT_Manage("Configure") EndFunc ;==>__uT_Configure Func __uT_Startup() $uT_Settings = __uT_Manage("Startup") If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "There appears to be an error with the current proxy configuration!") If Not UBound($uT_Settings) Then __uT_Manage("Configure") Else $bValidSettings = True EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Startup Func __uT_Validate() $uT_Settings = __uT_Manage("Validate") If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "There appears to be an error with the current proxy configuration!") ElseIf @error = 4 Then MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "The current µTorrent server information failed validation! Please the check WebUI tab.") ElseIf UBound($uT_Settings) Then __uT_Manage("Save") ; Connection Failure Check should be done here! $bValidSettings = True If $uT_Settings[6] <> $GUI_CHECKED Then Exit Else MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "The current µTorrent server information failed validation! An Unknown error occurred!") EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Validate Func __uT_Abort() MsgBox(262144, "µAuToBar", "User canceled configuration changes. µAuToBar will now close.", 15) __uT_Manage("Quit") EndFunc ;==>__uT_Abort Func __uT_Exit() Exit (0) EndFunc ;==>__uT_Exit Func __uT_Suspend() If $uT_Paused Then $uT_Paused = False TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_ENABLE) TrayItemDelete($uT_RM) $uT_RM = Default Else $uT_Paused = True TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_CHECKED) TrayItemSetState($uT_PM, $TRAY_DISABLE) If $uT_RM = Default Then TrayItemDelete($uT_EX) $uT_RM = TrayCreateItem("Resume") TrayItemSetOnEvent($uT_RM, "__uT_Suspend") $uT_EX = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent($uT_EX, "__uT_Exit") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>__uT_Suspend